HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1950-03-30, Page 4ZURICIJ . ' ONTARIO HERALD Thurso w, March 301h, 1:150
_......,_ rinenctnJ back band double dharnes third horse
...._ .._ tori 1'Iotrday, April 3rd, cat!. s ,
at 1:30 4harp. !harness, chime ,bells, Chatham fano- I
" Int lements—Ford tractor with ov- ing ,mill oolnplete with sieves; bag!
Malting Barley erdrive nearly new with the follow- truck, various hay knives, 3 sets lof [ Minneapolis - Moline1
ing attachable .equipment: 2 furrow sling ropes, 2 extra strong ,extension]
W e are again GO contracting adjustable plow, stiff tooth eultivat- ladders 26 and 84,fh. long; various
r nt acting acreage for The Canada ". zr, mower, buck rake; Sedore rear other laddero stone .boat, 2 wheel- Waterloo Farm Machinery: molunted manure loader; -krause one barrows, logging chains; 1-ton chain
Malting Company, %I. way tiller and a cab with side cur• fall; gravel box, road scraper, quan A Machine for Every- iYeeci--Lar a or Small
tains; M-H. Clipper combinatlon witlh tity of lumber, 7 804b. milk cans; l
+ m'otor complete for beans, gaadn and carious milk pails, 2 tons cub corn; l • Equipment Seed Stapplied — Contact Us � clover, M-H. nvagon with new tires, corn crib 25x6x4 feet; new cattle DeLaval Dalry L lilplYlellt
+ GEO T MICKLE & SONS Adams rubber Cued wagon with, flat ash tongues, 2 cro_s cu various white
hat rack and rain 'box, 1!I-H. No. S ekenr shelters, drain ant cut saws; 3 chi-
; , grain boa, and �slidln rack,
y g hooks, double- Milkers —Cream Separators
+ Phone 103, Hensall, Ont. Nights 133 hay balder, Oliver tractor d.ise, X-H. trees, clevises, pails, forks and many I Cow and Pig Pressure Bowls
tractor spaeader nearly new; 3-sect- articles too numerous to mention.
ion Cockshuitt lever -harrows; Shalley All articles practically new. � ;•
rain and forage .blower and pipe; Hay and Grain—Quantity Beatty Bros of ergus a
g g P P alfalfa and clover hay, 300 bushels
GO Meet of G-in^ rubber belt new; '
Gem oat roller and % horse electric choice mixed grain; Ajax :oats and
D A S H W O O U I terests o£ his health. Cow and Pig 'Pressure Bowls
Papec cutting box with inside Galore barley.
Mr and Mrs. Frank Brooks and oittide pipes, corn binder, equipment — Anvil, Litter Carriers — Feed Cars
Harry, and sister-in-law; Mrs. Cecil P 1 * gtrain Blacksmith
binder, 20004-Ib. set scales, hay fork, forge with full set 'af equipment; Pressure Pumps — Water Troughs
Mr. land Mrs. Mervyn Tieman %peri Kaiser, Toronto; Mr and Mrs. Edi- Lantz grapple fork, beet forks, fan- new calking gun, full set .of large
last Sunday in Detroit and Windsor•. sun• McAllister and Dorothy of Galt •
fe-d mill, u range shelters, chicken and small wrenches, sledges, ham- Otaco Co. of Orilla
141res. A. Tientarh and 11�Irs. 7,iilford were :guests with Mr and stilts. Earl fe,•dexs, fountains sand troughs, mens, portable vice on legs, etc. etc.
Mernex and Donnie spent a few days Sproat of Henson while here attend- Wartier electric, and 1 Holland elect- Other Article?—Servel dlectrolux
in Detroit last week, ing the funecral of the late Mrs. xic brooders,, and manly miscellaneous 9 cu. ft. refrigerator, used 2 year.,; Farm Tillage Tools
Mrs. Tillie Kraft is spending a Charles McAllister. articles. Grain-500 bush. Ajax. Grinnell Played piano like new, Carl-
few weeks with her won Ward in Lon- Mr and Mrs T. C. Joynt, illi• feed oats, 150 bush. Cartier oats fit son Stromberg combination radio Mt. Forest Threshers with Straw Cutters
don. Thos. Welsh and Mr. Gardiner have for seed. 300 'bush. Clipper seed and record player; antique solid oak
-Mr. Sam Witzel of Torontont , spent returned from a six weeks' vacati0m1 beans. Thes.s are a, new high yielding dining roorn suite, various beds and
the week-end-with his mother here. in Florida. variety. dressers, tables and chairs, Conner'+- �illiams
Mr and Mrs Harriy: Hoffman at- ( Messrs Ed. Fink, Len Noakes and Terms•—.Cash Positively rno reserve electric wa;dting machine, laundry R. B.
tended the funeral of the late Jame, Lee Siemon were in Kitchener at the as OwneT has other interests. tubs, ,new 82-gal. pressure tank,cast
Broadfoot on the Parr Line on Thurs-,National Warm Air Heating School. Russell Broderick, Proprietor.. iron bath tub, and toilet set, 8 cases PHONE 368-J EXETER
day. hiss Cas fie Harris, 0.' Val" ouver Peter McNaughton, Clerk. of milk bottles, 50 :bags poitatoes, 2
Rev. F. Faist of Milverton was a B.C., is visiting her cousin, Mrs^ C. Frank Taylor, Auctioneer. new DeLux model boys' bicycles, 1�`4
fi•ucst speaker at the Lenten service Cook. . baloon tires, girls' bicycle like new;
last Wednesday evening. George Kropf of Kitchener, who complete maple syrup equipment,
Mr and Mrs Toni Smythe oIr Lon- has :been visiting with Ytas uncle, EXTENSIVE CLEARING pans, ,pails, and spiles, single .barrel
don spent the week-end with lila•. and I Harry Hoy, left .for Toronto Iso at- 12 gauge shotgun, double ,barrel 112 rusty; Holstein cow, fieshenea -trice chicken shelters, sno,-v fences„ varlou8 .
Mrs. Chas. Steinhagen. , t-inti the provincial police school there last week in December; Holstein hei- lengths; brass mounted britchen har•- .
P P AUCTION SALE: gauge shotgun, single 'barrel 12.2. rifle fez•, fresh since middle of December;! ness; set of back ,band harness set of
M•r and Mrs. A. White of Detroit IAttended Carnival No. 38 Police Special Cold nickel part Jersey and Durham cow, fresh 1 horblankets, wheel-barrow, B :
visited with her ,mother, Mrs. Witzel A car• load hof Girl Guides attend- Of Real Estate, Livestock, Impdem plated rerfodver, 3 45-gal barrels, yF s pig . g , quantity of twine
Nvho is on the sick list, on Saturday. ed the carnival of the first night of crit-, Hay, Grain, Auto and Household 118-gal. barrels, various apple crates, since last week in BeFabrnar Partl reel i thou hs
Ayrshire and Durham heifer, fresh -stirs, ;20 good grain bags, set o
Mrs. Pedersen spent last week the official opening :of Seafonth Ar- Effects, ion the premise's,' Lot 24, 4 ton chestnut and stove coal, 30 :ince( first week in December; black-'sling ropes, new hay fork, ,bag truck,,
'with her daughter in London. ena Thursday night and captured a Con. 12, Hay Township, Half mile single cord hardwood, -etc. e1te. Jersey -cow, with calf at foot, fresh•, quantity e-f lumber, pig crate, 'waters -
Mr. and Mrs. A. Allemand were few prizes: Pauline Bell, 17 montbs north of Zurich. Everything in first class condition, ened March 19th; Part Durham and trough, complete well digging outfit„
Sunday visitors in Detroit. daughter of Mr and Mrs. Stewart The undersigned Auctioneer has been and will be sold without reservation. Holstein cow wish calf at foot, fresh- brand new 32-foot extension ladder,
Bill, won the prize for the. !youngest instructeld to `sell by public auction on This being .an extra large sale, sell- ened March 14th; Part Hereford and cross cut saw new, brooder stove
skater on the .ice, (she :was unassist- ing will start -at 112!.30 sharp. ' a -
ed.) and also captured a prize for WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12th. Terms—Cash. Jersey heifer -with calf at foot, fresh- i lawn mower, one-man cross-cut saw,,, _
character costume. Other winners ened Feb. 2dst; Durham .cow due at scythe, chop box, Iogeng chains..
At 1121.30 p.m. sharp. Leonard o, Clerk. , Proprietor. time of sale; Holstein heifer carrying block -and tackle, quantity of salt-,
were Judy S'haddick (comic)•; Marg- Earl Weido Clerk.
Real Estate—Consisting of- 100 first calf, due the middle of June; set of car chains, ,two new pipe•.
Stuart McBride, son of Mr and aret Reid, Character; Ruth Soldan Alvin Walper, Auctioneer.
ppen, has won was the winner in this' girls race 1fi, acres of clay loam on which is situ- Pant Hereford and Durham heifer, wrenches No. 18 and 8,4; milk pails,.
Mrs. Alvin McBride Ki aced a modern ,full! e ui ed drivel- with calf at foot; 3 Durham Baby doubletrees shovels forks and num
ma $12,50 scholarship at Western Uni- and womens open race, any age. Mrs. Y q P ' ,
ling, !tip roof bank barn 75x55, new- Clearing Auction bale Beefs. This herd has been effredahy erous other articles.
wUniv rnityes him s crier 'Bell is captain of the Guides. ly installed litter carrier •and water. — T. B. tested with no- reactors. All' Hay y •and Grain — 200 bales od '
fried University, Wisconsin. ons The Kippen Youth ,Passes pressure system in barn. Also hen Of Live Stock, Implements, Hay, cows hand milked and of good qual- choice Timothy and Alfalfa hay; 2'501
friends are extending congratulations sympathy M , an the community is ,house, pig pen gaga a and tool shop. Grain and Household Effects, ,on Lot ity. 1
Leslie Artmstrong, sin of rl'Ir. and extended to Mr, and Mas. Thomas '� p• ., y , bushels of mixed grainy oats and,'.
Munroe of Ki Hydro throughout. acres of 4, S.B., Con. 2, Hay Twp., Highway Poultry — 2 Toulouse geese, 3 1 barley.
Mrs. John Armstrong has purchased Kippen in the loss of their hardwood bush 55 acres lowed 35 83. 6 miles east of Dashwood 1t/t gander; Bantams: 3 Tien ana tine, Other Effects —Good Cheer coop;
Mr. David McNaughton's faun near only child Linda Gail, who died at P '
acres seeded down, 9 acres ,of fall miles west of Exeter. rooster. shove, 2 •complete bedroomm suites,,.
Batvlfield, her home Sunday 1216th in her incl wheat, remainder in pasture, except- The undersigned Auctioneer has been Implements — Deering binder 6-ft child's crib and la
y pen, The friends 'of Mr. Edgar McBride y'�r. She was a patient at Vict- i,onahy well -drained .and fenced. This instrudted to sell by Public Auction cut; M-H. fertilizer hoe drill 11-run � han na lam fancy coal oil hand nn '
are pleased to learn that he has re- oria Hospital, London, for two mon- > I b'd A ' P, gi R;-
tits. The baby's mother was the.. for farm will be sold subject to a reas- on . used only two years; manure spreaa-! lamp, complete toilet sett, gas iron..
turned to his home! near .Kippen, fol- y' onable reserved bid. If not previously WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5th, er; Deering• rake, 10-ft. M.-H. bean as lam and lantern coal ort 1'antern
'lowing two weeks .in Victoria H+osp trier Dorothy Dietz of Kippen. Pri- g F a
ital,, London. vate funeral services were :-held at solid. At ,One p.m. Sharp scuffler and puller, Cockshutt rldinglPhinola battery radio in good condit
Mr and Mrs. Stuart Beattie, of Kippen, Monday 27th conducted by Automobile — 1938 Dodge De-Lux Horses — Matched Percherou plow; FIeury -walking pIlow, 'X-H. ton, wash stands, kitchen cabine4p , '
4=door Sedan new motor, 4 new mares rising 10 and 11 ,years old, mower, 6-ft. cut; M H. outthrow'small tables, 2 screen doors, beauti4
Wdngh•am were visitors with `her . ar='-Rev^ Hiih'toat, +with ,bul.�ial in Baird s � ,
F cemetery- tires plus 2 snowtires and car chains guaranteed sound and reliable in disc; 4-section diamond harrows, set i ful new carpet strips and mats.
crit-, Mr and Mays Robert McBride, of 9• every! •way of .bob sleighs, Kippen. Aged Lady Dies new springs and paint jcib, equiped g s, roller drum, rubber Everything will be sold withoul&.,
Mrs. Annie Eliza Maulkinson with IPhilco Radio and -heater. All Matched black Exprew team, mare 'tired wagon, in good condition; `1F-ft reserve.
Dr. Anna McIntosh of Tb¢+anio, ,pro- and gelding, risin 9 ana zH
in , good oondition. g years hay, rake, Viking cream separator, TDRMS--CASH
-vis a via`iltor with lyes• mother,.' Mrs. mnenit and highly esteemed resident g old, driven single or double. with electric motor, Groot •
C Haugh, BTucefield. died Monday (27th in her 90th (year Horses—Baf mare rising 110 years pulper, Mas. William Taylor, Proprietress;,
following old; Grey Percheron mare risin ,10 Cattle — Holstein cow with calf electric motor, 4-804b milk cans, Earl Birr, Clerk."
Former Native Passes g an illness of seven -weeks. : at foot fresh. since last week in Feb- colon house 12x14' n wil 'built- 5 Alvin Wolper, Auctioneer.
Mss. Rachel (Carri;e) Douglas, 81, Born in England :she -came to, Can- years old.
� Y ' ngwily built;
widow of the late Joseph A.. Douglas oda in .1920 and Itis made her home Cattle— Registered -white Durham _
died at the hiome sof her daughter,Mrs with tier daughter and son-in-law, Bull 3 yrs. old, convince yourself by
Walls, London Twp. She was a nat.. Mr and Mrs W. 0. Goodwin. A mein- seeing his stock; ,Roan Durham Cow
ive of Stanley Ilya)., and spent her b'eir of St Paul's Anglican Church, rising 4 years old, due middle of June
early married life in Fairgrove, Mich cohere she took an active pant in all red Durham c 1w•rising5 yrs old due
About 40 years ago they returned womeats' organizations. Surviving are middle of June!; part Her ford and
to Canada and resided on a farm her daughter, Mrs. Goodwin, one Durham cow rising 4 years old, due
-tear Hyde Park. Later moving to I granddaughter, Miss Mary Ga'd'win, second week in May; part Rereford
that place. Was •a member cif, Hyde a son Harry was; kiillled in ,the first and • Durham cow rising 5 years old
'.'ark United Church. Great 'War. • The body rested at the fresh, with calf at faolt; .part Ayr-
Bonthron Funeral *Home until Wed- shire and Durham :cow rising 7, milk- ONTARIO
nesday, when funeral services were ing, bred Dec. 13; roan Durham and
H E N S A L L held in St. Paul's Alnigcan church at Hereford cow, rising 7, due April 15;
2 p.m. Rev. C. L. Lads:gfo2d,-olRclated part Hereford and Durham heifer; ONTARIO MOTOR VEHICLE ACCIDENT TOLL �
The Chamber of Commerce are milking, carrying (second calf, bred 1
:sponsoring an old time fiddlers' con- AUCTION SALE Jan. 1121; roan Durham heifer, milk-
test in the town hall, Wednesday, Of ifarm Implements, ,grain and Ing, bred Jean. 26. white Durham RECORDED ALL-TIME HIGH IN 1949 s
April 12th, watch for further an- seen beans, on Lot 7, Con. 1, Tuck- cow rising 8 yrs. old, milking, bred
Inoun:cements• ersmith. Half mile north of Hensall. March 15; roan Durham heifer with
Mr. Henry Pfile is a patient in St. The undersigned Auctionees has been calf at foot; black Hereford heifer,
Joseph's Hospital, London, in the in-1 instructed to sell by b public auction carrying first calf, bayed Oct. 28th; URGENT APPEAL IS MADE FOR WHOLE-HEARTED PUBLIC AND
read Durham heifer carrying first calf
bred Nov. 2.8; 7 Durham open heif- PERSONAL CO-OPERATION TO CUT TRAFFIC LOSSES IN 1950 <
ers, rising 2 yrs. old; 4 Durham bull
calves; 5 Durham heifer calves; 1 In deaths and injuries on Ontario streets and highways, 1949 proved to be the worst
White bull 8 months old; All young year in the history of the Province. Despite the fact that the intensive and maintained
• 9 cattle hated, No rd w s cffte campaign for safety - IS �%Id3 �11� Tlb�a•e !�S t® It.y by the Department received generous support and co-operation
.. : ,h `` ,` ;, :•. s Y This of the press, the radio, the schools, the police, many service clubs, safety organizations,
is an out.tanding herd of grade cat- the operators and drivers of commercial vehicles and many thousands of citizens, the
ti e. All in the best of condition.. toll of tragedy reached an all-time high.
Hogs Registered Tamworth
boar, 1 year old 3 Yorkshire sows
mitlh litters at foot; 4 Yorkshire HERE IS THE 1949 RECORD
p 4 ;dt 90-wa recentil y bred, carrying third Motor vehicles registered in Ontario 969,368
y litter. Tourist vehicles recorded 4,500,000
` r Poultry and Collie Do • — 1.0 large
white and colored ducks 4 drakes; Persons killed 8 30
s ' es • Persons injured 17,469
,* s ick :and whit oldie Dog. a real
ltl' e C Property damage $9,531,659
cattle and watch dog,
` { ImPlem"ts — John Deere 13. R.
model tractor on rubber, starter and THE PICTURE IN 19310
light',, practically new; In 1950 there will be in operation on Ontario highways one million
Deering 6-ft. double tractor disc; motor vehicles owned by Ontario residents. There will be more
gi< ^^:u .• leD^ 8-ft. tractor cultivator; MeD. tourist vehicles in the Province than ever before. Traffic will be
2 furrow tractor plow; 11IcD (),-ft• cut much heavier, and more chances of accidents will exist.
*�. binder; ills]) 5-ft. cut mower, Mcl�. Estimated motor vehicles in 1950, 1,050,000
<y' R$y h 10-ft. dump rake, M-H. 2-drum steel
Estimated drivers licenses in 1950, 1,350,000 11
w: xfm roller, McD 1:1-run disc fertilizer
drill, Winnipeg e��' all -feel rubber tdre'd Estimated tourist vehicles in 1950, s,000,000
'r wagon, hand made rubber tired wag-
Ion, steel tired wagon, 2 cram plete 16 Unless the Ontario public takes this problem of highway safety seriously to heart an
g 1 y d
°` i ;• t foot flat hay rack,, M-H. grain grin- everyone sets out to cut down this mounting scale of accidents, it isossible that in
ler like new; Fleury root pulper with 1950 the death toll may reach a new shocking figure, with the number of persons
$ pulley for motor; 2 2000 lib. capacity injured keeping Dace.
scale truck and platform tyre 3
1 ,.. 1 1 r With these facts in view, it behooves every man and woman, young and old, to .mato
,•s cvalknta plow',, 2 seas bolt s7e.1ghs, it a personal objective to establish and maintain safety, and to preach it at all tunes to
r.; '•Tel) double bean sr..uf-Fler; "JcM schools, families, drivers and acquaintances.
,angle scufPler; Fleury riding plow, The Department of Hi hways is devoting all its trier *res t0 a continuous tanned
<a �w: I;i ,ei4 s ctFon diamond harrows
This Sikh lac! in lits taco wool cap Was one of hundreds of boys wheel 8-ft^ trailer with solid oak attack on accidents, The earnest teamwork of all citizens and organizations is re-f
at a school !it Patiala, India., who reported for BCG inocula- quested.
tion against tuberculosis. Norwegian nurse Rachel Johnson is •`tock rack like new; Fl.curiy steel
',wheel manure stpreader, circular saw, It is a common cause that all of us can aid for the general good, •
administering the inoculation, one of some 200,000 given during ,.vago,n box, t25 cedar and posts, new
a BCG demonstration campaign iii India; sponsored jointly by ;0-ft 6-in, endless rubber. belt 50-
the United Nations tntemational Children's Emergency Fund ft, r4' -inch robber belt; 1500, 4-in. GEO. H. DOUCE`PT
(VNIC'lEP), the U.N. World I-ImIth Organization (WHO), the vile roll of. snow fence, 20 bags cem-
luiintater of Highways
Scandinavian Relief Soe.le l and the Government of lildia. ' g.
�• not brand new water heater, water �
4 I i ink, 1215 ,gal, tnolases, 2 chola boxes, f