HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1950-03-30, Page 21% FARM FROM
9)olu't plant weed seeds in 1950,°
is the timely advice handed out by
an agricultural expert, who goes on
to say that the use of good seed is
all-important in the matter of weed
control. And really modern farm-
ers don't need to be told that few
farm operations will pay bigger
dividends than a thorough job of
cleaning and treating small grain
If a small fanning mill and home-
made seed grain treater are avail-
able, cleaning and treating can be
done at home, A couple of short
trial runs with the fanning mill will
give you an idea of the proper seed,
and a uniform rate of speed helps
you to get best results. Don't over-
look using proper sieves and speed.
There are certain advantages to
home cleaning and treating - also
certain &. advantages.
sk :k ek
For one thing, home cleaning can
be done at your convenience, and
requires little or no rash outlay;
and there is Ifo danger of mixing
varieties if you clean the itlill
thoroughly following each run.
Also, if the acreage to be planters
isn't too large, the job can often
be done more quickly at home.
On the other hand, proper clean-
ing and treating demands good
equ:ptuent and is more or less a
technical job. 'Many seed houses
and elevators have the skill and the
machinery to do it better than most
folks can at home. However, there
is usually a last-minute rush, and
it's best to be a bit early than have
to wait when the ground is ready
for seeding.
Main reason for cleaning seed
grains, of course, is to get rid of
weed seeds. Most grain, as it
comes from the thresher or com-
bine, would probably be illegal for
commercial sale, as it contains too
big a percentage of weed seeds.
A number of tests showed that
oats which contained over •10 per
cent. of impurities to begin with had
jt:st over one per cent. after a single
trip through a fanning mill. The
biggest portion of what was re-
moved consisted of seeds of lamb's
uartor, foxt it wild rose, smart-
mar -weed, barnyard grass, marsh cress
and the like,
Tests on flax indicate that one
cleatning can cut= ,the weed seed
content from 10 to 14 per cent,
down to one or two per cent.
is k
Another reason for cleaning seed
is to remove sticks, chaff, diseased
and underweight kernels. This
mea is that you get more uniform
seeding, stronger stands and, nat-
urally, fewer weeds and bigger
Just a word of warning about
the screenings plight not be amiss.
Burn them! Don't feed them un-
less very finelyr ground; and, as feed,
they aren't worth that bother, ff
you feed the seeds without grind-
ing, many weed seeds are bound to
pass through the animals intact,
then get hauled out to the fields
with the manure to bother you
Out in the middle west - Iowa
particularly - they're looking for
a big jump in goose raising. Vp to
now, geese haven't been a very
popular fowl in that area. Most
hoose egg's have been hatched
either under the goose hi rself, or
under Hens - an expensive proposi-
tion, since a hen or goose ib out of
production for the five weeks of
incubation and for several weeks
afterward. And broody birds often
aren't much for laying either,
In the past, artificial in•.ubation
of goose eggs didn't seem to work
so well. But now, it seems, an
incubator will work as well for
;geese as chickens. One man has
been operating goose incubators
successfully for several years, get
t+ng hatches of 68 per %e.nt,, or
Geese are good eating and, even
more important, they're easy to
raise. Even the usual custom of
fairly late hatching will produce
viell-matured geese by fall, so that
they fit well into the holiday season,
Goslings are hardy, and can be
1lf'Q9der-'3reaned in tyvo or three
'weeks. 'hey are easily confitned by
a one -foot board fence and are
fine users of forage crop". They
can live entirely on pasturz, if nec-
essary, and are quickly fattened on
grain plus pasture or hay,
:k rk Nc
In places where modern hatching
metliod-s have been followed by up
too -date feeding ideas, there have.
sheen startling results. Some rail*
itts of medium -type Toulouse geese
t°eport birds weighing as high as
20 pounds at five months.
.x ik * •
A maul flamed George Rollins
lslises some each of three different
breeds --African, Chinese add Tou-
louse; and lie's • been able to get
early maturity and even. some fall
egg production from spring-
hatchc.i goslings. In the past, yoll
seldom lueard of eggs being laid
There's a String Attached -P
Spring training camp is this "b
driving players "bats." Outfit
asperated as the ball conies ba(
it, but it Helps the young hopefl
until geese were eight months or
so of age. Rollials has got eggs
from spring -hatched birds as young
as five months old.
Which will have to be all for
now, except that maybe voti ll get
a laugh out of the one I rail across
about the Sunday school teacher
who was telling her class Al about
the heavenly rewards and the gold-
en crowns that good people will
get. "Tell me," she said at the
end of the lesson, "just who will
get the biggest golden crown?"
There was silence for a While until
young Johnny piped up with, "I
guess it will be the guy with the
biggest head."
q/�i Lx8 TC 1lC
F•1 J 1
This is the time of year when
millions of boys troop out to the
corner -lot baseball diamonds and
start sharpening the batting eye
and limbering the throwing arm, re-
turning home in the even ng con-
siderably subdued, with a fine
assortment of Charley -horses, slide
burns• and mud sufficient to make
millions of mothers wonder, once
again, just how one small tad can
pick up such a vast portion of the
earth's surface in so short a space
of ,time.
ek X ik
Or, to put it a bit mor,: tersely,
spring has camel
Praticaliy all those kids have
visions of some clay becoming big
league stars (99 and 44-100ths per
cent. pitching aces) so a little ad-
vice from a gentleman who won
National League pennants with St.
Louis, Pittsburg and Cincinnati
alight not only be timely, but help
no little in filling up a column,
The aforesaid gent is none other
than Bill McKechnie, The "Dea-
con" is at present more interested
in grapefruit, oranges and vege-
tables that, runs, hits and errors,
being part owner of a marketing
concern down -Florida way; but
when the baseball bug bites you, it
really takes hold, and the chances
are that Mr. McK. will be back in
what is sometimes alluded to -al-
though not in the presence of Conn
Smythe -as the "World's Greatest
Game" before too long.
Asked about his past successes
with young pitchers, McKechnie
said, "If a boy has a good arm, he
can be taught to pitch; and I have
always stressed the importance of
control, 'Practice control of your
fast ball and curve,' I tell them.
Forget about such things as the
Itnuckler and screwball. Those trick
pitches take something away from
your fast ball, There's plenty of
time to get tricky later on, when
you begin to lose the fast one and
when you have somebody to teach
You the tricky stuff."
k ek ik
The Deacon went on to say that
he'd always looked for certain
things in a young ball player. He
liked them to run fast and throw
hard,• -•anti didn't care how hard he
bit the ball so long as he had it nat-
ural swing, With that, and co-
ordination, he can be taught to hit,
+k ek #
"Practice what you can't do as .
well as what you can. (don't ni-
2 Special Remedies
the irttakees of Mooch Ointment
eco" is Remedy No. I ig�for protruding
i4leoding Pilos, and fa sold in Tt be, with pi e,
for internal ll iplication, Priop M. Aiecoa Fil
1?,dmedy No, as for External Itohing Pile& 0613
in .Tar, and le for external use only. Priea me,
htdor by number from your DruRglat.
ictured at Chicago White Sox
atting tee" -:he new gado'et for
,der Gus Zernial is getting ex -
,k like a yo -Y8 each time lie hits
11 (levelop a sharp eye at the bat.
to ays be showing your strength and
hiding your weakness. If a boy has
enough determination, he can make
himself a great ball player. Look
a, Joe Cronin. He diad it."
McKechnie doesn't think that
night baseball is ruining the game.
"But I will say this," lie stated,
''u.ight ball is elinainating thi: 15 -
year player, especially if they con-
tinue to play these night double-
headers and also afternoon games
following night ones: The hustling
ball player simply cannot take it -
and boys who hustle can't' save
themselves by letting up. Once a
hustler, always a hustler; ies some-
thing that's born in yon."
+k :k
But even if night ball shortens
the playing career of the average
player, the outlook isn't too gloomy..
He'll make bagger noney in eight
or 10 years than fellows used to
earn in 15 or more." (He didn't say
guys lilt
that geJackie Robinson and
Campanella could probably earn as
much in. one year with a club :like
the Yankees as they're getting in
five from Brooklyn, but that is
neither Isere nor there in upper
baseball circles).
McKechnie is of the opinion that
morale is a much over -rated factor
in winning baseball. "Tanagers are
too often blained for the failure of
certain players. If a player doesn't
produce, he mist be lacking some-
where. Either he.lacks the ability,
or he lacks 'the determination to. '.
acquire that ability. Players play
for themselves. They don't go all .
out for the manager or club owners.
They go all out for themselves and
their families."
(The Deacon didn't say so, but
he's probably hoping that -should
he come back in a managerial
capacity some time -the fans will
remember those pregnant words,
the players, not the manager, are
to blame when a team loses.)
But -following a sound Biblical
precept -we've kept the best for
the last. "I'm forgetting one of the
most important factors," stated Mr.
i.CcKechnie solemnly "Backgroundl
Today, more than ever before, the
background of a player is mighty
important. What are his habits?
How does he spend his idle hours
We have taken the liberty of
Putting those two final sentences in
capital letters. Far be it from the
likes of us to even mildly criticize
the dicta of a manhaving lfc-
Kechnie's lengthy service a;ld vast
experience. Still, if he was up there
for 40 years, he must have run
across .characters such as Dizzy
Dean, Lefty Gomez, Grover Cleve-
land Alexander, Pepper Martin --to
name just a few.
"You never had to worry about
what those eggs were doing after a
game?" Sounds from here as if
The Deacon had been putting in
90 G001) 6ircics 11a
ALL Breeders blood tested., banded .and In-
spected, backed by pedigree foutidation
tock. Nnw Hattips; Susaox; Suesox Now
amps: Barred ROclrs, and Largo rL'om Bar-
ron Lekhoras Alixed lie, pullets 28e. Assorted
Mixed Chloks 8nr 'pullets 10c, Any heavy Cox
aTAitTE1' i;'ULLETS & 0111OKS
2 WHEICS OLD,- add 6c; 3 weeks old, add:
90; 4 weeks old, add 160. Bond for price
list of older pullets, Capone and cockerels,
heavy ilreeds Order from and enclose this
add, deposit, balance C,O.D,
4x0 DAY 01.11 t STARTED C11Y
DAY old 4Ie, 2 weeks, add 4c; 3 weeks add.
Breeding quality, one of the best. Don't
guess. be certain. Write for prices and data.
logue. Monkton Poultry Farnis, Mouktott, Ont.
3�OVERNMIONT approved, Top quality. Free
Catalogue and price list explain details;
irhunune•'s Quality Hatchery, Linwood, Ont,
LAI(Nli 1E1p 0.11CKS
LAKEVIEW chicks are the choice of the
better class poultry men, 20,000 breeders
gouble blood sealed, handed and in ,,ectep from
real poultry breeding farms. Lal(-vbaty consists
of 3 farms, 30.00c floor brooding capacity.
For '10 4uv the best -buy Lakeview, 8
2, 4. 6, 8. 12 weeks old pullets, 4, 6 and.
8 weeks_ old Capons. Prompt delivery or
booking for later. Take delivery now. Most of
our uocltere)s and thousands of chicles are
gettlio, booked to go to• some of the largest
atw most particular buyers in the U.S.A.
hoer 'n Send for price list and full par-
ticulars LANHI-111R rk11,918.& HATCHERV.
BABY' CHi( IL`9 Fran blood tested high egg-
s roduchag shoe][. Livability guaranteed.
Alixsd $16.(10 par 1.00. .I•'a11etR $:'.8 to $80.
'ren pre centofffor orders 600 and over.
Coddtu•d Chick Hawhery, Britannia Heights,
E(i1.15 are adi,anefnK, rhleks hatched - are
about 66 iv below last year. This van only
mean one thing, higher prices, with a prob-
able short uge of eggs this summer slid fall.
Buy yuur uunul llunjbrw of chicks and get
them now. :Day old, : arted• older pullets,
also turkey Poults, th, •:d Broasted Bronze,
'White holland, Rcdtsvil'•• Whites, non -sexed
rir sexed. Prompt delivery. free catalogue,
Tap *,otch Chick Salea, Guelph, Ontarlo.
QIT.ILITY in chldra is never expensive -_Pro-
geny Testing is expensive -but so is a flock
ppf low producers. Look. beyond the price tag.
S'Iguro on the number of eggs you will receive,
only one extra egg will more than pay the
difference between a well bred high Producing
chick than one that bets not had the bonefit of
good breeding. You ca,n prom by our R.O.P.
Sires] ohicks, which is the soundest method
of breeding for the improvement of all de-
sirable economic characteristics In poultry.
Prompt delivery, day old, started 2 weeks to
6 weeks, older pullets, turkey Poults. Free
catalogue. TweOdle Chick Hatcheries Limited,
Forges, Ontario.
AN OFFER to every inventor -List of, Inven•
tions and full information sent free. The
ttamsay Co.. Registered Patent Attorneys. 279
Bank Street. Ottawa
HAVE YOU anything needs dyeing or clean.
Ing? Write to us for information. We are
glad to answer Your questions. Department
R. Parker's Dye Works Limited, 791 Tongs
Street, Toronto, Untarlo
EXERIENCED, reliable Holland Immigrants
available; arriving soon. Write to L• Van-
denburg, Box 92, Brockville, Ont.; phone
2554 (after 6 o'clock)..
4d -ACRE FARM in village of Lynden, 15
miles Hamilton, 40 Hailes Toronto. Excellent
soil. for vegetable Browing, small acreage
raspberries and strawberries, bank barn 42 x
62, chicken house, implement tithed, 3 garages,
beautiful 7- room - frame house, 8 piece bath-
rAptn,r Hydro, plenty of water, 2 minutes to
churclT, public and high school, railway,
bus, Price $10,500 with $6,000 down pay-
ment. Aptly Flarry Wald, Lyndon, Ont,
Tel. 17W.
MOTORCYCLES Harley Davidson. New and
used bough, sold, exchanged. Large stock
of guaranteed used motorcycles. Repairs by
factory -trained mechanics. Bicycles, and core
plate line of wheel goods. Open evenings until
iitie except W,dnesday Strand Cycle & Sports,
sins at Sanfarl, Hamilton.
.TINS -Large assortment new and used.
Bought, sold, exchanged. Guaranteed repairs.
scopes, slubts installed Fishing Tackle. Hunt -
ns Equipment. Sporting Goods, Spe•ial Team
?rices. Open until .turfs except WerInesdaY,
3trand Cycle. Hamilton _
Panel or Combination, all sizes. Attractive
prices, N\
D. McKEA, 2779 Yonge St.. Tor-
mto, Ont.
dEw JOHNSON Outboard Motors. Canadian
Canoe Co., Peterboro 'Boats, Canues. Trail -
r,. bought. sold, exchanged. Large stock used
notors. Repairs by faetorY-trained mechanics.
)penuntil nine gxeep+ Wednesrto9 Strand
;ycle, Hamilton
?ARTS for all Fordson and lord Tractors
917-1950, Fast Service, Prices are right.
ht, g
Re can supply parts and accessories for all
+ord Products. Roy Davis Limited, 23 Cork
3t.. Guelpb, Out.
:OTTON sugar bags, 23c each; cotton Sour
bags, 21c. Bleached sugar and flour bags,
170 each. Empty wood molasses barrels, $2,75
ach. 46 gallons, clean drum, $6.60 each.
r,O,B• Montreal, C.O.D. and money orders
tccepted. Jds. LeBel Reg'd, Dept. A, 540
Villera.y, Montreal 10.
too many of his evenings address-
ing these father -and -son banquets -
and was getting to believe the stuff
he dished out there!
rott SALE OPPDIt'rUN1'CIIOS 1'Uit ;tPlr\ �1'r) livOl11 1
a•(irt til l('1t 1 A1,3cw BE A HAIRDRN-
It •- Nl,w Holland Baler, slightly soiled, JOIN IIANADA'S bNADIr"n soliout.
$1„8"0,00: 1-:1zew Holland 13nier, Baled 1000 Great Opportunity Learn
Bales $1,500,00; 1 -John Deere A, It, Tl'aeta' Hairdrersins
like now --$1000,00 R Len Black, Mar.seY Pleasant dignified profession, good wages
Karl -In Dealor, l:ssox Out, thousands successful Marvel gruduatoa
CATALOG of farmtieoutitrY Pruperty,�llfon- America's greatest systetn. Illuatrated Cato,
treat area, ready for delivery, Town & togue free, write or Call
Country Realties, westmount, Moutreal, MARVEL HAIRDRESSING
AL1,IS oronto
(1lALA IEms JID 7 angledoier, new 060 Steel- 4 C w., 'rHarnil
Afay 19411, Used 470 hours, Nlachlnery trail-
er for above dozer or § yd, shovel,. licensed & 72 Rideau_ Street _Uttawa
for 17 ton gross,. Located In Toronto. NoNUI6i3Lr11•iSTOCK
reasonably atter refused. 11'. L. ('4111111, 170 NURSERY_STOCK
,East St. Sarnia
HORNET SAWS -SALE Six fruit tt•eaa arae 2 apples, 2 pears, -
MODN'L D.J., 1.111011, $21.9, f.o,b, (inolph, plums, $6; any variety listed. Free, our cain-
equipped with 16", 20" or 24" . attaeltments, mete illustrated stock c Send
on Fruit and at.
Salva tax extra. NEW AND GUARANTI9ED, 'namnnlal "nick. Send today for the best.
D, J. Smolt Sales Co. Ltd., 047 W001Wl01 St., Niagara Nurseries, St. Catharines, Ontario.
Guelph, Ont, vlflrAT.' GLADIOLI 1iVT1hS
18-28 07,.1VI0R Bart- Power tractor on robber,. IN MIXTURE $2.76 pet• 100, In separate
hforblIllicnlly good lie new, Gordon Ai, colora $8.25 per 100. Alalled C -0,D. Money
Thornton, Brampton, tint., R.R. I. back '" not satisfied. Villy BacbOr, c /O Mr.
CASt'AT)T 1{'lililA'P-New high 1'lyldins soft T Mayct Byamsv1l10, Ont.
spring whout, Certilled No, 1,'$8 bushel, S AIT.IfTUI, >nA 1LTAfi-OnIY $2.00 post -
Harry Strang, Nensali, Ont, paid cash with order. A grand assortment
of Rolland grown dahlias. Extra large tubers.
TOR tiAL10 6 different varieties. 6 different colors. 'Won -
FOUR Tennessee walkinir Horses Reg. Pain- dpl•ful selection. Well worth twice the lrri°Q. ,
naltio mare 4 yeitra. :rrotting horse 6 Years, Holland Bulb and Nur0ery Company, Queen
harneds, .insuring bike, Two finles 2 years, Elizabeth Way, P.O. Port Credit, Out,
sired by Sagalle 'rYer. J'ns. F, willcfit, R,R, 1, "'-
Huron I'.hle, Windsor, Ont. RESERVE now for Spring Delivery -Chinese
Elm h1edge-w1lt grow 2 feet first year -26
4IEDTCAL plants sufficient for H feet (12 to 20 Inches
FAUIT JUICES-. The 'princil in- bushy)
$2,98 -seedlings 12 inches high $4.60
per 100 (plant 6 niches apart} -Giant IExbibi-
gredients in Dixon's Remedy for tion Peonies In colors red, white or pink, 8
Rheumatic Pains, Neuritis. for $1.80 -Apply trees 8 feet high In varieties
AfoIntosh, Spy, Delicious, 8 for $1.08 -Plum
Munro's Drug Store, trees 8 fret high in varieties Burbank and
x335 Elgin Ottawa Lombard, 4 for $2.98. Pree Colour Carden,
$1.25 Express Prepaid. Guide with Every Order. Brookdale-Kinirs-
19ay Nurseries, Bmvntanvtlle, Ontario
Banish the torment of dry eczema rasher PATENTS
and weeping skin troubles Post'o tOczems IrETHF.RSTONHAUGI-I & Company Patent
Salve will not disappoint you Solicitors Established 1890 850 Rat• Street.
tables, scaling. burning eczema, ache, ring 11ornnro Ronkint nt Information no request.
worm, pimples and athlete's foot, will respond A. M LATDLAw. 1'i.Sc., Patent Attorney,
readily to this stainless, riderless olutment. Patents of invention, 66 Sparks St.. Ottniva,
regardless of how stubborn or hopeless they
PRICE $1.00 PER JAR S1-rlP us furs. Minks up to $46,00 -weasel,
Sent Post Gree on Receplt of, Price $4.60 -Muskrats, $4,50 500 Muskrats with,
POST'S REMEDIES 'Winks weekly on ice with (Gangset)-Secrets
980 Queen tit E., Corner of Logav free. ' Trappers Association Bnlevfile Ya.m.
raranta QU° - -
pHorserices, Chiu your se & & CaL•de Hair ro B.
Use Elliott's Ointment. An old tried family Eisenberg, Inc., 4361 St. Dominique ,St..
remedy. It drays and heals. Wonderful for Montreal, One.
cuts, bruises, sores, cracked lips, chafed WANTED
hands, eczema. piles, bed sores, sore muscles,
feet, ingrown toe -nails. Should be on hand CHINCHILLA
In every home. Jar 500 sent postpaid, HIGHEST CAS'I1 PRICES IIP TO 4 REARS
Original maker, Murray D. Elliott. Walton. P.O. BOX 144, HAMILTON, ONT,
Ontario. SMALL hospital in attractive northern On.
FOR SINUS, HAYFEVER AND HNADOOLDS tarlo ton requires Registered Nurses for
NAMELESS Cold Remedy, is NEW, to General Duty. Salary $140 per month plus
those wbo have never used it. Convincing full maintenance. Excellent living conditions.
trial, $1.00. Address Purity Products, Exeter, Apvly: Superintendent of Nurses, Lady Minto•
Ont, Hospital, Cophrane, Ont.
CRESS CORN SALVE -Icor sure relief. Your ~�
Druggist sells Cress Callous, Salve. Relieves SP�tTi�
quickly too.
'1.'UR1iF.YS X�
DELIVERY to March 'Vtb-63c: to April lOtb '
65c; to April 181:11-6$t:; To April 24th -780, 3 T
Book your order now and take delivery early, ,,,` i•
Late March or early April !s a good time to
start Doult's1. They cost less. 2, Easier raised , r>� ;:,,,;,;;;; •+;
in cooler weather. 3, You have three good^^•%2
chances to sell: Canadian Thanksgiving, +,.n:• '
American Thanksgiving, or the Christmas
Market, This year early turkeys might eaetIy '• 1^ "•u;; E'
be hisher in price. In 1946 the price was Ito
Per ,round higher early than for the Christ- ''4 `r, '•; • a
mas market,. . 4. You can use your equipment
twice in one season, 1960 could be a repetition
of 1948, for profits in the turkey business. •'
Send for our price list and five page catalogue,
"As We See It For 1950", with full informs.-
tion in detail about markets, feed prices and
torke.manasement. A1ao ra nthly bitIletins
on turkey management, up to the minute
turkey nays. Lakeview poulta .are the choice
Canada aria- the U.S.A.
of large growers in. C d .,<: •� .. ..'yt:.
Mr. Harold McDonald, Oil City, bought
viev noults for several years In 1a48 he
marl eted 1,700 turkey tams weighing 291
pounds, hen 171. pounds. He has an order
with its for 1950 for 2,000. He Is a great
booster or Lakeview Poults. Send a card today
for LAIiEV'EW TUURREY RANCH & ALL f:.::.•;;.r.:..` "
:;;'i?i� yf' y,.;•• `Jr'
PHONY) 92. �N p
TURKEY SADDLES ISEAVY white duck, strongly sewn aerosis ��
bars. Can be laundered. 80o each, Delivered.
John.Wild. 19 Lansdowne Avenue, Lon-
don, Otario. _
HAVE CAPITAL to assist In marketing your
Idea or Invention. All Information kept In RELIEF IS. LASTING'
strictest confidence. Send particulars. C.
Fortier, 1096 Pterro Ave., Apt. 3, Windsor, For remarkably fast relief from head.
ache get INSTANTINE, For real relief
get INSTANTINE. For prolonged relief
`eYes, INSTANTINE more people every day are
TRACTOR finding that INSTANTINE is one thing
to ease pain fast. For headache, for
s>.<.}... 50 rheumatic pain, aches and pains of
colds, for 'neuritic or neuralgic pain
Delivrrwl to You
you can depend on INSTANTINE to
bring you quick comfort.
INSTANTINE is made like a doctor's
prescription of three proven medical
ingredients. A single
tablet usually brings
fust relief.
Get Instantine today
and always
`�tls keep It handy, r, ��'A'rt ioios
Twelve months to any. Order nuiv gnu yw
get yours when you need it, Two Years •
guarantee. Very narrow for close
11'. Over powered with most modern
4 cyste, air cooled engine. Light plow- thstantine
Ing, cultivating, scuffling, billing and
weed control. Power -take -o8' for other i2-TobletTin 25¢
uses. Simple, stren}r and easily handled Economical 48-Tablef Bottle 69�
West Hill (Scarho•o), Ont,
ISSUE 13 •- 1950
strong or unpleasant odor•LARGE
Get a bottle today; kecp xooNokncAl
it handy, SIZE 65C
�B_UT !y LOT OF 0195 AND
la') f
.......STI P.
I�........ ........ _... ._. '
_. _..... - .... _
... _- � ._...