HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1950-03-30, Page 1w RICHl E R A y......�.w......«.�.........•..�..,.w.�....w.,...�..........dw�,e...�...�....�....w�-.-..4.-.,..........�•..�.-.. ..�rz_-..�,n..r� _ _ _ ._..... ww......-.nw+ie.n.-=��.ro-...,+...,,..•.~. �. CHESTER I,.. SMITH, PUBL 3HXK,, 1.stablished 1900. ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MARC 30 ( 950 $1.75 at. Year in Advauce.. J, $2.00 in U. S. A., in Advance. S ". METER'SAldon " , OBI T UAR'Y 4 %'!d' RAG ALTOS and CARPETS .-�. BEAUTY SIOI��E Ries Suddenly at Grand. Bend `_Evanuelical Lutheran ChurchGRAND BEND Ronald Avery, aged 25 of 'Ottery ville, a telephone -employee died Sud- , FOR APPOINTMENTS On a New Modern Loom,., Made 7URYCI3 — ONTARIO Presents for Your. Enjoyment. thedenly at -Grand Bend, lie was slaying» at the Brenner Ido+use and his body - Tel. X223. Zur•Ieh Order — Seth O. Amt�kn�, Zurid4 Following Attractions REV. E, W: HEIMRICH, PASTOR _ was found Slumped on the Doom in � � _ Ont. Phone 128. Friday, Saturda March 31, April 1 the bathroom. A po-t tnorse;.xT�� NORMA STEINBACII Trop. �0 aan.—Divine Services. �y lidid biyl'a Stratford coroner, but be; — —_ -- 11.15 a.m. —Sunday School. Rin Crosby Ann Blyth pronounced that death was caused To Mark Golden Wedding Ring p Mr, and Mrs. William Dougzas of Barry Fitzgerald Hume Cro:nyrx by natural causes. The remains were Brucefield are celebrating their gol-Oilih 7.30 p.m.—Divine Worship. g TOP O' THE MORNING I taken to Otterville. Is survived by den wedding anniversary on TuesdayR ,Everybody Welcome, do all Services. his parents, his wire and three yoRin;, March 28th. They were at 1towe to I The, most delightful. of Romantic daughters. He has been employed by their friends in the afternoon and the telephone Co. JOT Some years. "evening., Former residents of the fly' Shenanigans—The Gayest of Trish Brake district before moving to EMMANUEL +Goings�,on The Music is Magic. The Late Mrs M.McAllister : Bruce -field many years ago. THE WORLD'S FINES 1' LIGH T E`R s.. M =' Comedy is Riotous Mr:,,. Charles' McAllister died 'a c her. Moving to New Home EVANGELICAL U. B. CHURCH home in Toronto Tuesday March 21., Mas. Riose Brown who has, during AN IDEAL GIFT FOR ALL Cartoon "Campus' Capers" and "Sky The former Hannah Sproat, site had, the PHON YO a 0 , Rider." been in paotr health fon' the pastil past summer slid part or fall f Zurich — Ontario _ and winter had a fine new home er OCCASIONS,:, three ars. Born in Tuckersmttlt ' � just west of the Zurich Mill • Ye ' � e�c�ted � a REV. H. E. ROPPEL _l+i,ond'a * resided om the Parr Line for many BUY ONE FOR DAD OR BOTHER lm y, Tuesday April 3-�I• and is moving therein at present.The tears following her marriage before new hoarse is very attractive and! sure - Minister "LUST FOR GOLD" taking up .residence in Toronto 3=1 OR SISTER FOR EASTER Your Blue 'Coal Dealer Iy Books very comfortable; ana we ,years ago. •Sua:viving are one son hope Mrs. Ba;own will enjoy many Wants you to know Adult, Entertainment Edison Galt; and one daughter, Mrs years to coiile therein. The al,cany FLINTS REEKS RONSONOL FUEL Mrs. Milton Oescti - �rgaacs't , , g Frank Brooks, Toromuto, one sister,' A Heat Re p Ida •Lupino Glenn Ford uctura)I design is very unique and Regulator will ay yoaq ,Sunday Services*, Mrs. Robt. Ball, Seafoi bh. Mr. Mc- WE HAVE ITT :Giig Youtag Willram Prince nio time or effort was spared to make back the cost in fuel saved in one a0:00 a.m.—Divine Worship. Allister predeceased her some years this an ideal residence. Furious, Passionate Adventure Ina ago. A public funeral was held from season;• besides the comfort of Auto. Bonthaon's Funereal Home Hensall Roads Are Breaking Up RONSON SERVICE PARTS IN ( inatic controll. :.ttl,lb0+ a.m.—Bible Selaooi, , , g Land of. a Thousand Temptations. Thursday„, March 23rd at 2 p.m. sand 7:30 p.m.—Divine Woksliip. interment was in Hensall Union With thd"-spring breakup here, the, STOCK FOR ALL MODELS Paramount Newsreel, Cartoon and Cent,etery, country gravel roads air,getting pret=� Ask, your Blue Coal Dealerl Welcome at all Services—"Comte „Hollywood Holiday" ty bad and roads are breaking p Q,ou with us and we 4vi:li$ da thee .through, and it is a common thing to G. HI W. R. DAVIDSON good." Num. 10:29.. BEAN BOARD RETURNED ]hear .that cars have to be hauled out- ��� mith the tractor. Years ago it was Jeweler and Registered �o1se 1® The entire board of the Ontario the- horses, anti sone fared well on. ROE'S' `b�'ITIMIZED FEEDS r=" Bean Growers' Marketing -Borardwas •charging the traditional two dollars Optician.0 „ �A�`bis OF THANKS returned on Saturday at a meeting •a, ,pull, but now the tractor taken o,m in Hotel London. D. M. Campbell; care orf this, but we do not know the N1fMrtlN!!�<gaYlla3�®011�6�t?�B r►+t+®®�flt�eBo®��s��®®®®�i��Oti \ Mrs. Ross Johnston wishes to. ex- chairman resided. A resolution , , p general fes, as we try and keep our 1 press her: sincere appreciation to from the gathering recommended to •nose out sof those places. Are YOU SI a the an any frierids who kindly remem, the •board that only top grades of tiered: her with cards and flowers, white :beans be made aviailable to the ; Celebrate 55tH Anniversary H �, While she was a patient in St. Jos- public. The board consists of D. M Mr. and Mrs. Christian G'aseho of a eph's Hospital, London. Campbell, Blenheim; W. R. Clenden town were. congratulated •ori Sunday, gLiemed ErillJalriler aY1d Fturteral I3�xector lIi so, Have your lac ? deiex& Willi ring, Blenheim; D. Henry, Turner - _ g rt being their 515th,wedding anniver- iMrs. Roland Geiger and Family ville; Geouge Armstrong, Exeter; .Bary;. ancI° the dalyt was• 'appropriately Private Car Ambulance Service the Latest Metho&. and Euro t a Will atr} Hau h Daehwotd • AIoxis �--�--- wish. to ex >aess _ .Sixawere . •�>}a•?�'; , t0 .,--� . ,. g t `. `�•, ,adrrt ryvi!th their, �fapniI3= being . ;a11 at • their"neiglil�oums end •many friends 1VILCann, 1�IISo Craig, Angus llcL .,, Bed and Whe'e�lbhaa for Rent A. L CO &0. Pawl -hill; • C. Militom Dutton ,Charles honne; ;hour cIt idren, Mr•:..Aanos €bsti�tat for kindness shown and sympathy , , Gascho of the Bronson line, Mr. ~ (OPTOMETRIST�i �i1C41i Ii expressed through cards, gifts of Bannister, Ailsa Craig; W. P. Corn- Clarence Gaseho.on the old farm, Mrs = FLOWERS FOR ALL OC'OASIO;� °' flowers, loam of'cars, and personal en anMcKellar, il, Appid S. McKellAlvinston Vieth 'Amtans got town•, and Miss Laux"<t � Day and Night SeA'4g� GODEMCH --a ORi`lri, services duringtheir recent bereave- R. E. McPherson is secretary. Min - at home. Also their grand children ment. imum prices for the 1949 crop prev- and, great' grandson. They were Tek-oio se: Res. 89 - or 122, Zurich Uood Glasses At W4 Prices iously had :been set by the board. presented with a beautiful bouquet � Until March 31, growe_ls are tore of Carnations,, a purse containg a ceive at Beast $3.35 a .bushel. From sten of money by the children. A C" �,•., April 1 to July 31, the price is $8.60 most sun`iptuous wedding dinner was a .bushel for all beans containrn not g also enjoyed in, where fowl was serv- Ire than one pound damage per ed a fine wedding cake centred the bushel and not more than 18 per cent table, and many other goodie swere r000GtG CCG7 A1I7.l11.(ri?(llbl'•P moisture. partaken of.- Mr. and Mrs. Gascho • .are both 7G years of age,�and enj° Member o Ontario Funeral Associatrort The Voice of Temperance life very much although not ass young Holder Of ST. JOHN'S AMBULANGE FIRST AID CERTIFICATE as ,years ago. Th•�ir many f'rien,l, Wham will the public realize that a extend dongratulations. portable OXYGEN Equipment drunk man'J law breaking is not to CELEBRATE 90th. BIRTHDAY be excu,�ed on the ground that he 1IOSPIT.AIL. BEDS 'r CT RENT—INVALID CHAIR TO LOAN was under the influence of liquor'.' Zurich's olde t resident, Mr. th FRESH FLOWERS SUPPLIED FROM .MITCHELL NURSERIES hHis dulnkenessof li s lawbreaking oes not Whetn Andrew. Tot Apr,l `Lll oy celebratehis iat90he A Wham WIRE ANYWHERE will the pictures stop displaying the home of +his son, Mr and Mrs. George plight of a drunk man for the amuse- J. Thiel of town, with whom he has �� Iloc�r ,r�"e,rvic, Dashwood Tel. 70W. ment of the audience? it's -not funny resided since the death of his wife —It's pathetic and shameful. When (aathekhie Price) seven and a. half will the public learn that drunlcell- fears 'ago. He .was ;born in Kitchen- .; is a disease just a, deadly as er and has resided in Hay Township tuberculosis end to be treated with for 87 years. He had dour brothers i just as much seriousness!—Adv. Dan, Henry, Conrad and George who are all deceased, and two sisters c T E LSHOLLAND MARSH GARDENS liv- ing, Mrs. Lena McAlpine, Woodstock ck and Mrs. Man, Siernon, Kitchener. lYir. Thiel was enrplo'yed by the J. a - We are very grateful to Mr. Met- Williams Flour Mills for 4.5 year.,• e p vyn Stelck, of Bradford, for iatatnng First driving team and wagon for 25 0""e us a rec mt Copp of the magatur- years and then the truck for 20 "`.L'r<ide aitd Transpot'tation" festal'• years delivering flour to the C.N.R. B ° td- it • AAI ng Holland Marsh Garden,, r 'old Ontario ad Published by A. H•z�""�""°�" , < station and warehouse at I-Ien,a .. r and the late Mrs. Thiel were married 1� Wilford, of 'Toronto. 'Thousands of rct:e's of .what was considered as use- lowlying peace marsh lands G1 year:, of Lutheran faith and had three sons, William, George and El- mer, all of Zurich, and two daughter.; eD ess, for three Mrs were drained, cultivated Mrs. 13ety°,y CLausius, Zurich and ,'ears before producing, have now He- Dorsen Saunders, Kitchener. There come "Big Business" in growing �'ei'- stables, which find their way into the are 31 grandchildren and 3(i great - grand children, (32 great grand ebil- markets of Canada, as well Rs the U• dren live in or near Zurich. So S.A. Known as "Ontario'. Vegetable Gardens", grow the fittest celery in Grandpa is never lonesome and en - joys the company of the yotntaer Fountains, Heaters, Brooder Wafers, $rOClcle th,r world, potatoes, lettuces and prey generation. Mr. 'thiel is very* active ctically every other kinds of veget- and love -1 to talk about the olden Pipes and Elbows. abless surpass anything most Of ns times and every day spends part of have ever seen. The sea$011 s e titre- his tide in the Oce of the 'Thiel v— ated crop is calculated to run up "0 Transport, operated by his grandson five million dollar,. In 1949, the present 7,000 a:er;es of reclaimed soil and other' Mr. Earl Thiel, and lie is willing to take charge when necessary, anMwer- telephone call., etc., and in the N W produced prime vegetables ing products that rcquired '1,200 railw'ty ,umnier he is a familiar c-ompani •n cars and !10,000 trucks tt tt`aii,'pOrt them to market "There ire a•lo It with his soli Gaorpp, who i�, a lural trail carrier. Mit Thiel is looking PIONEER CHICK lil�IT�I�LEs AND STAR - acres in all that could be PC -forward to the Thiel Reunion which claimed. Irl 1948 it parade of i A•x claimed. City will lie hold in Zurich on CIVIC NOli- There TE RS. Give These a Try! load 1d trucks journeyed to the day, August 7th, 1'1;10. were Ball at Toronto, where the m:tyol' ab at ',00 at last year's reunion which he Troon IIA welcomed this gig; attic demons¢ ttion ,4 is hell at Mitchell, and :nas FRESH I C� OCI✓I�II S ALWAYS �AY°`a ON >•iho+vine their products- Vast refr•ig;•- tete oldc..t member present for malty eraqon plants, grading, proev in'.; and shippin.4 plants are to be se'" ticks. x neone ha, asked if in those efaly days when Nfr. Thiel was tealn• 011 y.. � �,� � , BLA Y S everywhere The Govetnrn, nis hiLve develop- i f <tt dliis time of year the peolrle in the roads so ft•0e1y 1111HE - ,one their part in this great anent. The late Prof. W, N. nay 01 became mired as at present, and with no tractoi;s SchwartZentrubeY Prop.Phone the O.A,C. Guelph, played a bigto pn'li theist out, how ,they really di(k _ ....... hart, m -well 'as other prominent oft• "'et int of the faire, _.... Cials,