Zurich Herald, 1950-03-09, Page 5ZU41" I ONTARIO/ ZURICH 'HERALD Authorized as second class mail, Foot Office Department, Ott4wa- BUSINES, CARDS John W. Orchard OPTOMETRIST Main Street --- Exeter Open Every Week Day Except Wednesday Phone 35SJ LICENSED AUCTIONEERS ALVIN WALPER Licensed Auctioneer .Specializing In - lltwein and Purebred Livestock Sales "Service That Satisfies" 'Picone 57r2. R. 1, DASHWOOD E. F. CORBETT LICENSED AUCTIONEER ' Verna Reasonable, Satisfaction Guaranteed EXETER, R. R. 1 Phone :....Mich 92r7. VFTE,RINARI A,.N W. B. COXON, B.V. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON t).gice with Residence, MaintStree�t. 1. Opposite Drug ZURICH �gIIe---9fi PIT Tr1-1ERS popill ar het Us supply you with the Very Choice of Fresh and Cur - ,,td Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, .Etc., always on hand. Kept Brei h in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for I Wool, Hides and Skins Yii -n oblu t & SOn PROnUCE Silverwood DAIRIES. 1PaYYsh Market for Cream, Eggs and Poultry Have Your Eggs Graded on our AUTOMATIC EGG GRADER' LeRoy O'Brien, Manager Phone 101 Zurich Zurich Creamery Your Home Market for Cream Eggs and Poultry 'Highest Cash Prices paid plus a premium for delivered er. eam -We are equipped 'to give effi- tient accurate service. Egg and Poultry department in charge of Mr. T. Meyers. Chas. Minshall, Proprietoa INSURANCE Western Farmers' Mutua' Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK THE LARGEST RESERVE BAL A:NCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT UAL COMPANY DOING 13USINESI OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO -Amount of Insurance at Risk o: December 31st, 1946 $13,699,236.00 Total Cash in 13ank and Bonds. $444,115.39 Rater, on Application F. ' KLOPP---ZURICH A G E N T -'Also Dealer in Lightning Rod d all kinds of Fire Ingliranc ">ut 'dour giant. .,For U*RA ,Phone Y r LOCAL N"f vv Lost, Found, Etc. Ada. in this Pure Bred Yorkshire Gilts forsale. for their work which is the kind that1 .. , l Coumn• Ma.. l ZtFteler ]lash+woes on the to bye _ a'ed of gays us a friendly call on Monday. �h. �' NEUHAUSER CHICKS Mr, and Mrs. Alan Fraser of Exe- and f Government Approved chieks in 20 ter were in town on Saturday.*,; Mr and Mrs, Joseph Masse of Win - �ti "� I breads. Also HiylLines, the newest dsor were week -end visitors with fri- .4 .4 1111 thing in chickens produced ,bin eros- ends here, r sing inbred lines, A chicken bred Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Oesch of St. buildings, co>isi let ed , t e� it}girt, are to lay more eggs -on less feed. H'at•:, r aces were Tuesday visitors in a thing twice weekly. Some started town. town. 0 and Tinsmithing. Our Aim ,To Serve and Satisf,•' cks n chichicles in our brooders now, A goodly number fr:m this �rmrnerl v Hatcheries, 81 Ding St, iate community attended the big Co - ® Main St. Hardware Store Phone 213 London, Ont, Operative Banquet at Hensall: Town NOTICE Hall, oil Monday evening. Mr and Mrs Gonion Howaid ano the meds® I have taken over the business of family and Mr. Henry Hbwald we..,. /s ready! General Trucking and would apprec_ •at London, visiting relatives over Sunday. No meal is complete without plenty fate your business. Please apply to Clare Masse, Phone t126, Dashwood. c 411. and' Mrs. Menno Ebiy a»d of delicious wholesome bread. And Miss Sarah Bowman of St. Jacobs were week -rand vi.itors with Mr an(] TASTY -NU tarts good and is good hearty food for you. Every slice a FOR QUICK SALE Mrs. Alvin Gingerich. . Miss Bow- ,lice of energy - 100 sap Buckets, 100 Spiles, oaae roan will remain a few weeks. 'Buy an extra Laaf today—start Pan for boiling syrup 61x2'; 1 sans- Mrs. Thos. Meyers who has ha.1 now to serve more uread at ever) age grinder; 1'vausage •Stuffer and an .operation performed in a '7:arontu meal. Get your TASTY -NU Breac Lard Press. 'All the above articles Hospital, and has been convalescent at the Tasty -Nu Bakery or at your . are in good condition. For further with her daughter Mrs. Hop,, at local Grocers• particulars apply to WIm. Macaregor Streetsville, was brought iiome' here in town last, and is progrr:s- d �, i ass y -Nu Bakery Kippen, Ont., Phone 9.3r41. ' ;Sunday .,ung nicely. Mrs. Mervy Stelck of Bradford, PHONE 700 — ZIIRIC N _ FOR SALE Mrs. Floyd Hope of Streetsville and Two choice HoLtteln Cows, 5 mi. Mrs. E. D. Brown of Port Colbourne old, due to freshen shortly. Would were here at tiie home of their par - Meyers, My Trip to Europe consider to have them T.B. tested. ents, Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Also pure bred T%olstein Bull Calf. leaving for their respective homes on (BY Rev. Father ] , Marchand) E. L. Bender, Phone Hensall 97 r Thur --day last. 12. Always after the storm comes the calm and we have had this experience again this week, �s Sunday, Monday Rome, Italy, Jan. 4, 1950 FOR QUICK SALE and Tuesday looked like real spring Dear Father 'Paul and P•arishonera: Two 8x25x20 truck tires, like like weather, with the occasional I have been -in Rome Mince {site 10th new $30.00 each; truck axle and crow doing its cawing, and the bright of December, and inti a . to stay here wheels, manifold dnd hot waterheat.. sun has taken away most of the snow a little while lwiger. My l:,tu•onean Last ers. =Glenn Auto Wrecker's, Phone Mrs. Joseph Rau or the Blue Nater tour terminates here in It.-ly. 'I 418M, Exeter. c HighwaiA north (has returned from June planne'. to vi ,it still othee co - Mitchell where she spent the past 5 untries. However, on(- of these coun- PIGS FOR SALE weeks nursing an old lady friend. . tries barred my entry on the grounds i Mrs. Rau is now visiting at the fhame that I was a Catholic Priest. Another A sow, due March 110th, also a of her brother, Mr. and Mrs. John country I was advised not to enter, hog and sornd chunks,—Stuart Thiel, Et ue of flee B. W. H. because of the turmoil of war and 812, r 2, Zurich, c : Given Contract 1, cio7nestic disorders prevatlent tnere- Mr. William Jennison of Grand in. In the near future I shall visit FOR SALE Bend ntadle 'a friendly call in town on Naples, Blount Vesuvius, and the Isle Oil,bath Pump Jack complete. Monday, Hay Council have Just of Capri. Then I shall return home. I am greatly disappointed at. not be - Pmiced reasonable. Also 1 sow due in two weeks. --Kenneth Etue, Phone granted Mr. Jennison the •graveling contract for the township for the ing able to visci Jerusalem, but I am 98 r 13, Zurich. year. Mr. Jennison has been favour- also thankful. I feel that God has - ed with this same contract for some been very good to me, to have per - I FOR SALE yearn, and has proven very satisfact- mitted ane to see the things, that 1946 Pontiac Sedan, very good orily. have alread seen. I shall return to Canada "A la Lindberg," that is, I condition. Priced at $1,250. Coal Strike Over shall cross the Atlantic in an air- Earl Gingerich, Phone 90 r 7, ` Those of us who have lately been plane. However, do not expect me - scraping the last few fragments of .before the end of February. F O R S A L E coal together in our bin, and wond- 01iL STOVE—A BARGAIN Bring just iy;hat will be next, can now rest •assured that there -•oon be Regarding• my vi.,sit in Ito±n,'., a Lloyds Hibernator, used one ser.- .will 'p'lenty of coal to go round to one volume would not ; .tffiee to ( serine son will. •sell for $60.00 which v, ' ' and all. As cn Monday the long strike „ t in detail the: many inter t i, thing.; half of actual cost. of the miners was callzd off anH they that I saw liege. I am can i iced tivit � Jack Coupland, Bank of Monitreal. went back to the pits to work with a • in order to appreciate 1:1, nue Zurich, Ont. new contract signed, which has 'been must be. familiar with t to earl% Ro- h a,il f tl Thursday, March 9th, 195.0 � CoChick FOR STRONGER CHICKS We Also Have a Large Stock of Peat Moss AVAILABLE AT � + fe Hensall Dist. Co -Operative HENSALL and ZURICH 'WE'RE READY T HELP YOUR YOUR CAR represents a major investment. It deserves the best of o; rv---•acid that's vent we're ready to give it. Whether it's a complete lu:.�:ication job or just a battery checl we really try to give good, thorough Imperial service -••-the kind that will keep you coming back. We'd appreciate a chance to shot you what we cern do. Rector Forder turFrit .i. ST. JOSEPH SERVICE STATIC)': ti COR. No. 84 8c 27 HiC;HdV 4 Y y" +� r . r: r; � SAVE—St. Joseph Service is prepared to save ,you - some Money on your Tractor and Implement Tire Needs. Compare our prices and allowances on your old Tires! fA-;1iet"' V a inigS Spr .t :. .A pA 1 J OUR, SPRING SHIPMENT OF LADIES' SCROGGIN DRESS SHOES HAVE AR- RIVED.—BE SURE AND SEE THEM. Also a Variety of Sport Sloes in Swedes and Leather, Grey, Red, Black and Burgundy A Full Ung of h4en's ���rk Shoes for Spring; Hydro City, Valant.ine, Marvin and Sterling Shoes. FOR S il. hanging, fire for months. The miners now vtd11 receive about $13:75 a ,day iman histo=) and t e :.na .. o to l Catholig Church. GIVE US A CALL! Pure Bred Yorkshire Gilts forsale. for their work which is the kind that1 NEW HARDWARE STOCK i Apply to Lee Erb, Phone 96 r 22, Zurich., ',few of u;i would care to do at any I However, :lir. John Public, Rome is a very ol;l cit;, full of crooked streets. Some of it aulld- �h. �' = Scarf's Endurable Paints, Enamels and Varnishes price. and �" ' i " �s a -- will as usual bear the brunt o a'+nut' F:.rr ings are two thousand > e,z, , o1r1, FOR SALE 70 cents to a dollar a ton more for many other; nearly a c lel Thesc 1948 Styline DeLux Chevrolet these precious nuggots, buildings, co>isi let ed , t e� it}girt, are car for sale. Priced $15,000. Apply 111UL ver. imposlnl;, bus i,.i, to ea i to Theo Haberer, Phone 99 Zurich '` The voice of Temperance Ic'ombs ors are fitt::d out witii, t'ie net+ t c x- ! — — .lir. D. P. O'Hearn writing in Sat • pensive marble. I foa al th Cata- FOR SALE urday Night claim3 that "conditions yen). iattpressivn. to ,.tee i ni n"! have improved" since the Ontario (their extensiveness, liksN�r •e �- 1948 Special Delux Dodge Sedan, Gcfernment opened a variety of liq- I man Coliseum on account ai: its or - with only 6200 miles, in new car uor outlets five years ago. Every-- iginal grandeur, eraceabl- even now' condition if interested. ,See _Alilne one will wish that 'Mr. O'Hern •lead in many a remaining arch, eclumn, ,Rader, Phone 179, Zurich. told us about these improved Condit -laird cornice. Ronne is notea for its ions. "Because of an enormous in- numerous .shrines, - the final resting NOTICE creased consumption of alcoholic bev- places of many a saint. I have been eragers our conclusion liad been that kept busy, visiting them. We have :been approached by sonic conditiom were worsening n:t im- of the citizens of the Village to start. proving in Ontario. Our c•onclusio,i I I visited St. Peter's l;asiliva -very a weekly collection for the Dump --•still is that with moi,( -.drinking there th day for a week. Then I had e rare Would interested people contact -is I is ibouncl' to be mor, trouble, Food fortune of a sisting at the op - at the Office.—Thiel Transport. '' l ening of the Holy Door by the Pope. - ANNUAL MEETING j That was on the eve (3Christmas. NOTICE The ceremony marked the be:nning + AND BANQUET I es:, was Why wait for sunshine to take 1 l of the kIoby Year. His i-lolli pictures. Come to Wagner's'The annual meeting and lmnquet surrounded by some :300 cardinals, any time and get negative and 4x6 of Hen•,all District Co -Operative was I archbishops, bishop; acid ntcrnbers photo suitable for framing for 2:>c. of the •Catholic nobility, of which p g held in the town hall on ':bion+lay Bring the Family. Phone 91, Zurich , nialit and Nva.; attended by ov, r 200 Queen Marie of Belgium was wie. — with, guests from Exeter and Sea- What a grand and inagitifeceatt sight! FOR QUICK SALE forth Cc -operatives. President Stun What wonderful pageantry. Never About eight tons of feed grain, Hendrick was chairman for the even- before have I seen an; tieing cont))ar- Robert Robinson, R.R. 1, Zurich. i ing. The financial report disclosed able 'to. its grandeur, Never again Phone 97 r 24 Hensall. that the turnover was $288,963.00 an shall I see anything so beautifully significant. - - increase of ;178,000 over last year, si g FOR SALE total savings of. 87,467. Thn gue-t One encased Tam -York hog; 1 4- sfdaker, Russell 'Love, pte•'icent In- I also had an audience with the ter Provincial Co-operatives, and pry Holy Father. He gave me hi.: rand Dower burner'electric bean .cooker; 2 -horse sident Albert Co-ops, Wholesale, in a waren cla::tp. He asked nm my to St Woods, uderic Brine 9 Apply s i lye on "Co-operative mnvi•rnents name, what I was doing, ancr %v.rtere Z rich. eiy� Souder, Phone 94 r 22 and ,benefits derived from it,"' He I lived. You cannot imagine what em. Zurich. =ate compared gon6ral price level botween otions I felt during this te'te a tete ifarm and labor prices, and pointed with the Vicar of Christ. He ended out that if farm income to reduced b�yl saying that he wished to scud his NOTICElabour income, will inevetably snriuk blessing to all of you, my attar par - WHITEWASHING & CLEANING slso, Art Mazgrave of 9hornbl"T, ishoners. Arrangements can be made ( Co operative Insurance Field Man, Bill Matson discussed members group rate "sur_ Beautiful is evntinen,b r,Ro . Dashwood — Phone 35r19 ante co-operative. Members of II,•n- suffered one tmsapoay, but iu tome. It was Christmas Da but nu cold .�� sill Co-operative voted to Continue Y> 1 group insui anee.. with Co -nu life in- breezes or even a flake or It NOTICE TO CREDITOR-01i',as rurance. Mr. Musgrave tolyl the nip_ was summery. Homes were not hent - sting that Hensall District Co-op. ed. The windows were open wide. In the Estate pf EL1,ZA WUR•M. the best financed Co-op. ;n ITuron Christmas in Rome was so u,tlike the All persons having claims against the • Coturty. Manley Jinks, rtiann! ea of Canadian Christmases that I have Estate of Eliza Wurm, late of the!Hensail butt Mr. Oestreiclt r, of I:x- grown to love. In the place of the. Village •of'Zui,ich, in the County of stet Co-op. spoke briefly. It v: ns de familiar crib, cite Italian clei;t;v l+lac- Huron, Widow, deceased, who tlierl 1 � E•d an image of the Infant Je, a (ir•• ori. clic 1+4th day of Noven>ber, 1949,tei:ded to holcD a picnic this: yrvai•, the g are hereby notified to send }in full banquet was; catered to by the Kip- ectly above the tabernacle of the jai:ticultn�t of their claims 'to tete un nen EaA W. 1. Desiardine Orcnc,tra, main altars. At 5.30 on Christriaas signed on -or before the 17th day of favoured with selections. Ills,; 1Te1- I`;ve'•, I walked into a Basilica, and 8 there I found a. bishop celebrating March, 1.950, after which crate the en Love presided at the piano+ trot p as:;ets will be dastrfbuted, having re-� the National Anthem. Of c er:.,:rrn as the Mass, thatt is usually said at held -1 gird only to claims then received. Cftillow�• pro -Admit. Sant IDendriek; night. DATED? at Seaforth, this 111th day! Vice iia Adent, Cordon Love: So(•re- of February, 1950.itnry D3erfi. DC'lo•pp: 'nirectorti, Rov Me -i This is iny' last. IAter to yon. It r?i-� McCONNETI R HAYS, y'irides William Caldwell. Krnnett' in;; t i see you enoll, Seaforth, Ontario I"Aue, Edison Forre; t, Duncan Far thCoop- ynlieitor{ 1 r or, Rev. L. Nla,shan! .. F� 1'i,1 •cu4 1 . �' r 1' W Needs �a\".+V°F.'u..i�c�.ii,;\.n...�-..���Suiv...:g'µ..�^,...•:�\"yam":..•ate-'.W%--M1.:.w?�. From Our NEW HARDWARE STOCK 0 A Good Supply of Shelf and Heavy Hardware always on. hand, also = Scarf's Endurable Paints, Enamels and Varnishes and the New Almatex Plastic Paints 0 For your heating system we recommend—the Goo,] 0 Cheer Furnace, or the well known Coleman Ui Heater. For your Household needs we carry Beaty Wash Machines; National Electric. Stoves; Marconi Rad - 10s; Heaters, Electric Irons, and Toasters, Enamel- ware Pyrex and various Kitchen Ranges. a 0 Reliable Plumbing, Furnace work, evetroughinq a 0 and Tinsmithing. Our Aim ,To Serve and Satisf,•' 0 " ` r r Datars(D i pVAN` . ® Main St. Hardware Store Phone 213 a .ia\tlYr%.-::e:�J. i oX/ For in Such an Hour as ye think not, the Sun of Man Cometh.—Matt. 24: 44. "Tho Lord Jesus shall be revealed from Ileaven with leis mighty Angela in flaming fire talcing vengeance on them that know not God and that obey of the gospel of our Lord J.esta.K Christ. 2 Thes. i : 7, S. SEEK YE THE LORD WHILE HE MAY BE FOUND. Isa 55:8 "I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ for it is this power of God unto salvation to them that believe, Romans 1: 16. "I{`o-r whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved, Romans 10: 1;1. TUNE IN—Hear CHAS. E. FULLER, Box 123, Los Angeles, l STATION("slit lt._ -lObO, 'Toronto, Sundays 9. to 10, A.M. WCAR, 11110, 1'o11tiuc, Mich„ Sundays at 12 to 1.00 p.m.