HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1950-03-09, Page 4,. ONTAR10 a recent x;isator with Mr and Wvs, J Maoliethk Mr and Mrs .George fholnpson, wlrc have ,pent the past montk 4t Vic 07,19 B. C., and .California, .returnees home last week. Rev. R. A, Brook, of Hensall Unit- ed Church, underwent all operation in -St, Jo, eph's Ho,slaatal, London oil W,ednesda-y last. Mr. Don Ross its in St. Joseph's Hospital, London in the interests of 'his health. A meeting;' under the auspices of the Chamber o -f Commerce will be held in the Ceu'neil Chamber, Mon day, March i %isle at 8 p.m. 'Mr. D'zlton of the Hydro Electric Power Conv- ersion Publicity will address the zne- ' eting on t1c Conversion of Hydro front 125 to 60 cycle. The meeting•is Glenn" AutoWreckers open to g.,neral public of Hensall and g di trict :and all are invited. For good used Parts and Better Used Cars! 0Che Chamber of Cummeme anno- unt s 1haet .the net ,.proceeds from the 4l Plymouth Coupe, optional 5 passenger. Kit c.he:reel•-Waterloo skating club in Ilort--.Pl Corniminity Arena were 35 Chev. Sedan, new paint, winterized, snow tines $ 61):310. NT?t proceeds from the Car 0 33 Plymouth Sedan. utast 5't.1:i.00. o A dance and floor show will be 33 Chev..half ton Pick-up. ; hold in the torn hall, Friday ]•larch. loth. I'au.l Uro4., Entertainers; Station St. phone 418, Exeter, Orit. � � Vlvertiaek's Orchestra. sponsored by Amber Rebekah and I:O.O.F. Lodge,i This )?s=ill be the last dance of the sea- wwummo son sponsored by these lodges. Members of Hensall W. 1. have 0 0 � ® s 6 held quilting bees in the Legion hall 4 and up to, date have made 1-- rr :1; m® quilts to .be donated to the War 74e- 12 morial Children's Hospital. o •o Kippen East W. I. are planningto re An iltzn•1u rization Clinic will again be held rs give enjoyment an•d pleasure to the .by the Huron. Count- Health Unit on inmates of the Huron County a Hoge, Clinton, Wednesday March 1.5 FRIDAY, MARCH 10th.. 1950 0 r '-=e gibers are also- taking up 103 lei o rents for the inmatesand tl -4 A. h a membership of 35,each 0 I ` `` co �., 4 e* will fill 3 boxes each. 9:30 a.m. __.... ,....... r -en�� P � Mn Oliver, of Byron occu,pi- .ts 1.15 ami. ........ �. _N l ]-lav' ® ? o nit of the United Church anvi will continue to take the 1.15 p. m. ... -S. N - e r' 3 ar m "" " " "' ' ' 'jy�S he absence of the Ministet - -` , r P 3. Brock, who is reeuperat- ar 2.7.1 55 p.111 ................ Zuric PU,61;_c 'k c,r ; =ion- s serious operation in St. 0 Joseph's: Hospital, London. Services 11ir�ants and ire -school ctiilciren �,al10 started � 33 0 : 'te held morning and evening as these imm;=nizaf;ons at previous clinics may attend. a .r_u;ii. Smallpox vac dna.ions will also be -,iven on, this a Receive Four Medals { date. fa 1 1 lir and -firs John Passmore. recei- This .will bt: the last clinic at the above schools 0, ved f ,u} medals from. the Minister y for -the present. Further immunizations willue of \ational Defence, for services ' announced tit a later date. a i rendered during the war by their 8 '+ son F-0. Gerald Passmore veno- gave BE WISE — IMMUNIZE! 0 his life in F_bruary 1045 during l dying• operations over Germany while flying a Typhoon. LOCAL NEWS new home. 1 Legion Meets Given Contract Mr. Frank Jeffrely who has spent some time in Zurich and London, i The regular meeting of the Hen 31r. Earl Thiel made a business has now returned to his home 1sail Branch of the Canadian Legioeglo3 i trip to London on Thursdaty, and Mrs. Hector Laporte of this B.W. was held in the Legion Hall, ilL Earl advises us that he has made H. left .Sunday last, where she will eveninflitch 6th, with evening presider- size same trip many a time when the 1 spend a few weeks visiting in Detroit Dave Sangster in the chair. Therf ,weatherman was more kind, in fact. and Windsor. was a fair attendance. It was decid s it was about the worst he' has ever Mr and Mrs 'Dominique Jeffrey ed .to have the dedication of Leg• peen..and family of St. Joseph were Sun- ion Hall the middle of .May. A mo• tion Predict Egg Shortage day visitors in Seaforth with Mr and was passed to invite the noxi One of the big Agriculturar Oflic- Mrs. Roy Rau of that town. Zone Drumhead service to be held it ials announced over the radio of a business. The 3nintltes ;were read and approved. min Geiger gave sire Hensall. The secretary Jim CIark very possAWe egg shortage by this STANLEY TOWNSHIP was directed to send or write_ a iettex fall. A awing .to the drop in priceMrs. of eggs these past few months, there Bert Dunn of the' Bronson of thanks to Mrs. Stewart Bell fox donation of dish pan. The meeting 'will be a big letup in production, and north, was at the Seaforth Clinic on Monday. adjourned with the singing o£ the Ire urged all soultr •men not to cut i y Messrs. Elzar Mousseau and W. L, Bing. -their flocks down too drastic, as an 3-1eilis of Kippen attended the Gener- 50th Anniversary Begg shortage will of course mean a al klotors banquet and lecture in Loir ing about a floor price on eggs, and at option of publisher. Tlie date oil' wise in price. cion recently. This month marks the 50th anniv- D A S HW 00 U Mr. Edgar McBride of near Kip- ersary of the Hensall Branch of the Bank of Montreal. The having Word was received here last week pen is in London taking treatments in the hospital there, :and it is hoped office first been opened by the Molson's ori the death of Rev. P. Graupner that his health will soon be improved Bank on March i1st, 1900. Subse- -who died at his home in Detroit on Twin Schools Farm Forum review quently the private .bank of McAith- P'eb. Sth. Rev Graupner was a form- night took the form of a social even- ur & Co., was purchased. Mr. Henry ger Irastor of Zion Lutheran church ing which was held at the home of Arnold, a member of the latter firm hare. We extend our sympathy to Mr nd Mrs. Bert Dunn Jr., the even- assuming management of the comb- -the family. %ng was spent in games of crokinole ined -business and contiinuing In this Quite a number of children areland euchre. The prize winners wera capacity, after the merger of the cmfin­d to their homes with chicken x ' Ladies, 1st Mrs:. Bert Greer; consol- Mrs. k1olson's Bank with the Bank of Mon - treal in 1924. Mr. Arnold, length. Contract advertising made lcn©*jn- ation, Harvey Hehner; men, 1st upon re - Mr. Ken McCrae spent last week : Bert Dunn; consolation, Harvey Hch- nt, was followed A. in Fort Wayne, Ind. i ner. A delicious lunch brought the Hotirist Houston and L. N. Coles in that or- in that i4Tr. Elgin Weigand ,has purchased; evening to a close. der, the latter being succeeded in tlre• property of the late Chris Fisher! The World Day of Prayer was ob- Quilting Bees I 1954 .by W. P,. Cross who retired 'in 1948 are the order of the served in the Varna Unr e,3 Church after 14 years incumbency. The �dav ust now. 'Friday last, leaders were Mrs. Geo. Branch is presently managed by John Grant Wildfong who was on the Reid and Hiss E. Mosso Is. Irvin. Sick list last week has recovered and ver; offered lira S. Keys gave th. 7s able to -be out again. ! address on the Day of Prayer. During 9Ir. Edwin Miller ii� conftnetr to the services offering was taken and his hunts with the flu. was dedicated by Mrs. Geo. Reid. •t Late henry Neuschwanger Much regret is reported in the pas. Mr. Henry Neuschwang•er passeri sing of Mrs. Jas. Perny (nee Annie away on Friday March 3rd at the .. Van=ten ). at her home In Toronto, home of his daughter firs. Ed, a Nadi. She wa_ raised in the Vai'ita comm li ger followinv a short illness lrn his' unity at the home of the late I. rs. year. i Jna Beatty, was well, known and !,Jr. Neusc'hrvnag;er was an actil•e Iliad been in very poor healtin Rev- _; r • ° x � .:or vuentber oil lion Lutheran church! sial years. Surviving are her husb- rand: ii survived by one dughter, Mrs and, a son and daughter. -- 'l;d. Nadi ger and one granddaugiZter, , lirltis., Helen Nadiger. HENSALL { The funeral took place from I'loffman Funeral Home* on Sunday,' AT TUDORS .afternoon when ® � t B40- public. services wr t+. Tudor•.,• in Hensall have a rand conducted in Zion Lutheran c g 1': t� Skdt tMADAS _ - M chug t -tock of Spring and Summer fabric..- IbY Rev. L. Higenell and inin' ,„ the Bronson line Lutheran cemeter, •. ! £°r the home sewer. Gingham,, 'Pall % Chambrays, Printed Silks, English Bearer:, were: Peter Ivnuschwarl- J Crysis, Sunnivals, Poplins fine + " and ger, J and Ed. Ttsichert, Garnet 'Wil- '1'r•ints. 'Cake advantage o#' Vogue,! lett, Lirner ;l ' Z7atars and Wm. Haugh. McCall and Simplicityl Pattern, 4 sere•-) Vit, J osePh and Beaver a`r win ice. t 5 111ra. Watson of Blyth sp •rtt the! ItHo's Sherry Jeffrey of iretroit. k, ww k end with her soil -in-law , an:d spending .mane time at her 'rt,• , • rr tlallgllteY, Mr and llrs Wm, Riley 141aver Town. i and Mrs. 111 -Ir and Mrs. �, Avila I7ttch:u•tne and 1Tr incl rs. Geo. Walker rrturr�rrl, 1 family who htvc• been r�s:itli�t• 1' t rn i Home last week after upending :r t Vindsor the 1)"18t tell your -4, hat-•; month With their datighters 1Tiss Ol;vc) ►novc,d theirhuuwc'.rc'ri e , yt , r•, �'nIk• r, R.N., and 241r and Mr,. •avnerr, / ! tttr y havr� p-w-ehn ('d1 farm {xould in ,alt. ;Petersburg, Florida, o „ *ontlr. [' VJ. IIs, by tv 111. 'c ;lir Lorne} Scott rntur°n.ert home ' I at't• visiting with her daughter and tsar +,, r i ztrd VT :tit; •,t e 7n .t rartr�rl on-tn-law :VIr and 1VIrs White, its ' veli,hbourhood, ,welt a. ter;, .tr'f• r,t- C;ttelph. 1 ferrilt;, 'I'lley will enjoy ]ii'o Sir their] i4tiss Jean T3aa11,4011 of London wa #iI ' AALD OFFICE, ]Local t Ss leamnn i ZURICH HERALD Thursday, March oth, 195¢ • Vilo>i>rieilt S Institute tending the Elnnual Meeting .at Nia- rassional classeb, and since :farming i&, Igara the basic indust Falls this week. Y'y, of bels land of.; The January, meeting .ol the, Wom- ']'own . Oyer 50 Iuniotr Farmers from Hur- -freedom'we feel within our rights to, en's Institute was held in the oil attended the Short Course at express ourselves thus: 'illtouglti we Hall, Zurich, with •a good attendance Guelph early in January. might expect to meet with critizism. Mrs Newell Geiger was in charge o Huron led all couaitiw. in the Prov- But let us reason with iourselves. if " the proga anrnne, assisted by .Mrs, Wm ince in amount of+Co-operative life we can ,partake of a hearty ,breakfast. Forrester and Mrs. ]Manson. Mr. V. iztsuianee during 1.949, $1113,000.00 +of bacon and .eggs at a out rate, suro- Damal, -gave an excellent talk on ly we, can -cut some of our r. + of ijisur•ance was placed in the Co- p oPlts incl, "Relation of Parents to the ,Scho,ol." linty. In auto insurance Huron was fees, that we are motwell enjoying at Miss Eleanor Hay rendered two ex- I second highest in number of vehicles. 'the present time', and much at the cellent solo., accompanied by Elaine insured with 660 up to the end of expense of the farmer. Geiger and Kathleen Hess who tools Dart in the song as she played. Alice 1949 The annual meeting of the Forrester gave an excellent reading. Ont. Federation of Agriculture 'held 1'Irs. Forrester a reading "The Now in the Ding Edward Hotel, Toronto,. was well attended by mennbers of ZURICH HER LD Year's."; Mrs. N. Geiger, a reading, "No Time.." Kathleen Hess an instr- Hurr,.n County. '.!.'he most interesting Establpshed 1900 vunental. 1lrs. RDcbe presided fur the. resolution from the standpoint of LSSUED EVERY WEDNESDAYt Huz on -Count-), Delegates dealt with business. The 3nintltes ;were read and approved. min Geiger gave sire Trice support for farm produce, AFTERNOON FROM THE treasurer's report. Mrs, Hey report- i The Egg~Price Situation Herald Printing Office ed that a quilt, a Christmas cape andSome diapers had been taken to the Der time ago in article appeared I (Member of Canadian Weekly Newer. Weer family. A shower of cards was in the columns of the Zurich Herald asked for Mrs. Meyers who is at pre- in the way of helping the rartner paper Association.) sent n Toronto. General H SUBSCRIPTION RATES—$1,75 arr,ove.niile, s o!e6, b1 For the next meeting; each nienrber mor` consutxzptiron, it was meant a year, strictly in advance. $2.00 may hundred per cent good in aid of the is -to make a bait of kitchen groceries or utensils to taalcs to the meeting and or be charged. No paper discontinued• and we' believe the same model s l "till is sold. Everyone :article had plenty to do with bring- until all arrears are pain, up unless was asked 'l give generously of don - ing about a floor price on eggs, and at option of publisher. Tlie date oil' ation^s and time to make tate Comm -is we must say with -tainty that t paid. not very encouraging for the far- unl4y Banquet a success, The meet -much closed with the National Anthem but much ,better than the g�lo- donated* on the Label. Iing Refreshmentsre served by the ( only beginning of the down trend.' ADVERTT.SING'RATDS charge But it was not enough, more can be In Memoriam, one verse 50c. tar done towards the situation, so that Federation News the farn;er's dollars will .be ml- re ar for each additional verse. Card, o� j The executive and Director, o a par with oth.-r business, and with the commodies they have to +bu it 'thanks 50c. �Huron 'County Federation held a Inc.. --I 'Sat. y; , rs unfair fol the farmer to be the 'first Miscellaneous articles, of not mott+�, eting on afternoon, Jan. 38th in to lose; we have luany commit- than four lines. For Sale•,. To Rent,;., the A,gric. tBoard room, Clinton. It was decides to hold the next one on ties today, thr•ough.out the Dominion; Wanted, Lost, Found, Etc,, one ir►. Feb. 12,1st, and to have two voting Why not one established to cut pro- fits, •sertion 35 Cents 2 insertions 5 X14 delegates g present* from each town- startle from the mini_ rho 1- g g 1 � ucts and going all the Nvay down the Auction Sales—$2.00 for .one lzk.. ship is it is planned to discuss finan-sertion line until it is a manufactured prod - if net over four inches- is, em The Federation will again hold Sl Field Day anis publish a Year Boole, net that the . farmer has to buy. And this ,to come in effect at the length. Contract advertising made lcn©*jn- One invitation 'has been reser Jed to •in first drop of the farmer's product, so . that all would be good losers alike. on appl3cati6n, hold the picn.ile tGoderich argain. This little plan includes all good cit-' Address all Communications to.:- ;A delegation from Huron Is. at- izens, from shoe shiner to the prof•• f HERALD OFFICE' —•. ZURICH, From Tractors to Printer's Ink in Refugee Camps Refugees, now awaiting resettlement in European camps operated by the International Refugee Organization (IRO), a U. N. Specialized Agency, are learning new trades to earn livings in new homes and at the same time are keeping their skills at their former professions. A group of newspaper writers and editors (left) practice- their new knowledge of tractor repairing., After - finishing their work at mechanics, they turn out; newspaper copy for one of 35 journals published in refugee camps. At right, displaced editors. otl a Latvian -language refugee paper at snorts,. J!ittr , Y