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Zurich Herald, 1950-02-23, Page 8
ZtJIIC" - ONTARIO ZURICH L' l�AI.lU I•-1 -- -:- Tlvir-id<t,v, hcbinniy 23zd, 1950 'f . . �'�.�l+Nwiw°°°-m"'q n+w�.o..w.....w,+MYw•w..u,c4nra.rs. 9no.own.=.+r.Mu,wuwxuva - �..-`�—�_...-.,. .. _— �..�....,..�--""---""------�:--..._ .....-.-_.-�.. ,","..�,..'t mow*!• O.��� )i JAW ;: • , , '. � lulrie CIAL nd Mrs, diward' lek of I 1 E Mz. .z E Ste Dashwood were Saturday visitors ing�toll'sostlake r• Kazis Hartman and son Law'•' •+✓a U ture r0lice and dau hter a ¢. l� � g Jean spFzz6 a Q G Y amzlton Inst week. lvlr�. �Sazn Oestrelcher ,of near Dash C ANADA TRUST COMPANY + Q - --- Q woad spent a few d,,Iys at the hon+e + �� DG of Mrs. J. X. Ehlers. !CERTIFICATES n �' 3 only Wool Filled Comforters 66x72, each „$7,95 'i• 20 r Mx galcl 112rs• Wald Fritz and Mr. + 0 L'%educco and Mrs, .Louis Thiel Ire spending <t SOLD AND RENS ED , few d _..._ + Grey Wool Army Blankets, each .......,.... 6i,75 Q� ays at Toronto this week. ?'/z+ ion t % per Ainum, payable half- + {{�, q Q A Correction ,a .' Yearly upon $100 and ,over for 3, d + ON ALL LAMP SALES DURING THE Extra quality Eiderdown at per yard ., . 75c La it week we made mention •of Q Mr and Mrs Paul Jeffrey of Detroit or 5 Years. + f Q p ...., •... Q A of being visitors � �, Plain Maroon Mackinaw Flannel, 36 -in. yd'. ,. 65c �s with the formers J. NV. H..BERER . REP. MONTH OF FEBRUARY Q mother, Mrs. C. Ayotte of town,This + should have -been Mr, and Mrs. Rich, Phone 165 — Zur,ich, Ont. + SOD All Wool heavy Coating, 56 -in. Reg. 3.75 yd 2.50 4G aid Jeffrey. + We Carry A Fiore Display of all Lines of 4�0Mr and Mrs Kuno Hartman sent + All Wool goods Extra 36 -in. wide, Reg. 2.3,5, � G the week -end with their son IYIr and ARTHUR FRASER Q 0 Mrs. Victor 1lartinan o, ' 'i' Furniture i Windsor, al- + Q D per yarct ..,.988 n o so attended the big dinner and tool: Income Tax ReportA �� loppart in suiprizing Mr. and .sirs Lziw-• Bookkeeping Service, Etc. rence Ducharine of Detroit on their ��• Good Supply of Springs and JV�l 25th weddin a. I %' E T E R Mattresses g naive finer),,ZCE:�,�rner Ann, Willistm Sts. +i12isyes Marlene Wagner anti Kat}r '` Alwa serine Kalbflisch were the Phone: Exeter s55W. y On 'Mand, guests of r tli sir teacher, Mr. Victor Dinnin, at a supper ineetin of ]-juron �L1��Ir�R D. �ELi •� B•A. ► i T t County + Furniture Phone 122, x' is Q� teachers held at hotel Clinton, a Zurich v ,fie nn Clinton. The rl, OV� £"i entertained with . Ka bfleischccontributed ,aShcumhElillo ' Q ® BARRISTER - ,SOLICITOR orette drill, EXETER, ONT, We are Overstocked in Men's and Boys' ' y Q f� Retsrns from Hos rt Wednesday, 2p.m.,------ -- — __ - - Q� $ I Aea j�' 2.I ) r '�O rJ ut Zurich Mr. Rosi Johnston, Mr and Mrs. At (New T'wmp. Office) �. • n Ov I`� oats. Many of these were bought at mg;c;h Q ' NVnl, S"'- Johnston motored to Clinton � • last et'k and ,were a.cco>npanied Hardware O�,ber prices than presennt day values, and are offer- Q h01' b� �?I'�. Peter Koehler who h:.ri �, �' • QQ It -(,(?n a patient at the Tired, ����"���S • ing same at still further reductions to clear. Clinton fiospit- y i We Q� nl• We are pleased to i^eport,;,tlia.t ft Deep WE ARE q Mrs. Koehler is progressing quite HEALERIN:— Quote• only a few. t'tz�.`ourab}Y. n p, • S i v ! � t vitality � Regular J4 5,0® fon Q� A Lovett sight i eaygou�7byFC ot1l en9LlI, al9ruysthe�6$yl(nsa, Moffat fi St $3JC.0t0 / A most beautiful "sigh dei>resslnn ami nervousness due to lceale th n and Sunshine s M ff Electric t 1v21S Yi('.iY1- blond. Get u teui;ue irssh, be >e, .v all day, havo R ! ou._:tiatEd oil iTietoria Street on Safi- C'on[ulns !eo"t'vi an°,iei°,y cat t'um;�°i` 5�u0r119 a and 'Dues Regular 35.00 for ........................ d G Dominion « �^7 urda ,�, for blood bufldtng, bodv strongthoning. stJmulntlon, Maxwell Washing .7Ie�,�,a I-, D 2 (.�o �' aftal'110'Un \illi@li t11E f1VE well lnvigurutes 9yetem, ItnProvos aDVetfta, -t W.t, lv0 g '•"a�+sines) Duro anti �rF.. N br0011l(yd trucks o£ the `Thiel Tiiand_ Polvecs, Casts ]Ittle, Yew "get aoquor new size � Q © A fine lighter weight to coat re 2 oily IiQe. Try nstrex 1'onlc 2 Ilete for new, nor- Beat$ p , g• 8.50 fon' 1 S: 9 y Q Port lined up far tcllc}I'- pictures: The I �Al yeti, vire, vigur, this very day. At all dr � y Pum lS. Q Reg ......, I9.95 Q tire all fight crisp sun made the Pict•, p nice bi The well known + ?pys Overcoats, Ise 28:50 fon owrn Gllidden and C. V. 0 Q file more complete. Zurich tarn _ Paints, �V�arxn- a 4 well be, I)roud of this fine fleet of! t r tranDpoz= always DISPERSALspa 1Smllara l , }s nice and clean ar.c1 isd3eS lataflii� ..._ ...., 4.J. All Men's Parkas at 20' � Off regular Prices Q � in the 'best of repair. .AUCTION SALE � �•� � d� QD I (W Full Line of Shelf and " Etitertained CKNX SW', i Of High Heavy I i� � II , 1 (lualiiy Holstein Cattle and We ,cj •� ' -aI'd�''Jar(' r Bro— QD'_1Ir. and. Mrs. Wan. Thiel of town Yorkshire Hogs. � PeCialize firsplumbing, .}seating, fQ entertain Ed the ineinbers of the Cli~T; The Undersigned Auctioneer has been tinslrii.t11in1g TELEPHONE s9 V X P110gram on •Saturday evening, ag• �irlsti'ueted to sell ,by Public Auction m and oil burners • ZURICH �te • th' on the • 1 e show at their Home. Delicious 1;, premises, ,1 Y miles East and � Phone 63 ? j i efresl nients were served and all n11_ 2 n111E h0Ut17 Of %liriCli, @n till ' - Zurich ioyed themselves immensely, + 13abplon Line, Hay Townsr�i,, on I � � ti it x,. also ft���r 4 Mrs. Ray Fisher and faintly, giro liiFS11AY, 12AIZCI.1 7th. rr ���� • s J joined the group. Mr anu dis. Ea.l•1 0 IHea•wood and daughter Patricia rc_IA tall itemized list will be in prat! m Phone 63 sy • Inained for the week -end, while the 1 week's I._sue. Zurich • he ale Store rest of the staff left for their home Neil Gingerich, Proprietor. - Alvin. Walgler, Auctioneer. ! j e Phanl�zng 117r and" Mrs. Thiel for ----___. •their ]tzno ipitality. I�iIi�I�Id>�ill@�®➢@�i�I�f�f� = The Store with the Best Variety of all Kinds •Clearing Auction Sale b '1 of Groceries R: • aEstate and I3ousehold Effects' A very enjoyable evening wag, on the Premises in the Village of a F O R Also Rubber Boats and Shoes for Men and Bos • spent at the holne of Mr and Vr,. Dashwood. Y • Remie Denoipme one evening The Best In Mastic Tile A fine assortment of Hardware and Electrical f fri e ds The toed to se Auctioneer has bion Floor � ly when a large number of friends instructed to sell by public auction � _ G E T wand relatives gathered to congratu- on n.„ Appliances � late Mrs Denolnme on her birthday, N �' ATLAS SATURDAY 1IARCI-I 41th , E �`� AND SEIBERLING TI The Evening was spent in card play- � # • RES $ ing• and dancing to, t}le music playedCommencing at 1.30 1ie ALSO CLEANERS AND WAXES • CU --OI'• FEEDS • p.m. sharp. by 11�Ir. Nelson Churret of Detroit, I'�: Household kai'fect.� — Good Cheer • Cured and Fresh Meats beitlg accoidian piano music, i Kitchen :RiE $- burner soil oil q Manufactured by The. Flintkote • stove with o� en, in CO)lrlpIly, ® Your Patronage Appreciated at all Times! ! • and n tt� us lunch was brow tri Rood conditioti; = Toronto, Ont. • g small heater for coal oz' Arood Idtc]i•• S® 3 the guests, every one C11 range, kitchen table, 8 ]citcheu See Your Local Agent GIVE US A `'CALL) � repotted ,,very wonderful evening. chairs, 5 dining mons chair,, side- RJOHN M. TURKHEi11RI cupboarddro VIe',szs. Cecil, ,Kenneth, Leto; board, "lass , p leaf � Phone L'uric, JOHN DENOMY - DRYSDALE Phone I � Dencmme and Chas. Laporte of Lon- table, ,2 couches bateau, 2 € LAID AND MAINTAINED, Free Estimate. GIeeri Gni 74 beds with s woo:lon _ 98 r don visited with friends and ielati,,- pring's and mattress ey over the wool, -end. sewing machine (Rayinwid) ; numer-, TOMM HARDWARE – SEEDS and FURNITURE Your Fuel Needs Will receive attention with us if left in plenty of time. We always try to supply our Customers with the most Suitable Fuel for their heating equipment.. But to unsure deliveries in time always leave your orders early with us so we can arrange for your supply YOUR HEATING EQUIPMENT Have You Looked Over Your Heating Equipment? Does Your Furnace or Stove Need Attention; or Prob- ably You Need a New One. Let Us Look These Over for you and offer Our Suggestion to Your Best Advantages. We carry a full line of the Well Known and Triecn and Proved Sherwin-Williams .Faints, Oils, Varnishes, Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmit'-, in-, our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hard- ware alway8 in stock. E + n- MDO ,• ZURICH ON'T, QUALITYPRICE SER'�VIC. .. 13 the many friends of Mi.. Joseph ?us dressers, chest of .drawers, wash -1 Duchaime Zvi1I 'regret to learn Haat ing• inachine, aiin chair, 2 xockin (:» f t• t••t f t...g..I..}...g.+r,I, i++*�++•i +++•B •k•1 •s ! +� his condition is riot improving vei'v chair'' daybed, ? beautiful mirror i +t�R'.Y.►rt.. rapidly, trunk, fern stand, toilet set, h}g.l + Mr and lIzs. Ernest Page of 1)e- ileautifuiTl tlantiquek'kitchen tables clock,I cenc We Can Supply You troll visited. Dd at the home of Mr and dishes, chinaware, silverware, grass- ili,s. Eenomme for a few days ware, all kinds of kitchen utensil,,, is t week. various sealers, copper boiler, Sorry to report that Mrs. Geol�g•c ing` frames, Duntalo robe, wheelgwir- LUMBER MILLWORK Geoffrey is not very well. We hope ) row, barrels; boxes, lawn- ,power; slle will .soon be improving, garden scuffler, numerous garden SASH TEN -TEST A large num:her of friends ah' d im toots and ma a1y other artreres tug relatives attelld,cl the Regier - Bed- nuerous to mention. DOORS and wedding and reception on Satur•• TERMS --CASH MASONITE da:v last. Rh, ESTATE PAINTS BUILDERS' HARDNk'A NOW! ROY ROGERS, King of I — �, R.E. Ilopea•t�• consist - the Cowboys", in COLOR! just'' of aframe house with. asphalt ASP14ALT ROOFING Ride with Roy Rogers to Old We 't shingles, has Woodshed and a g•o0(1 �W� adventure! const AT;o a no a frame bone ltitd AND ALL TYPES OF BUILDING SUPPLIES fallow this great nt w consist~ of half acre and one Lot. U1PL 1Ve,;tern comic, in COLOR, in 1'I;e Best of 1)etr0]t Sunday Tines, and also size 'trees. WI-aill e s a nubjoctbor F. C. KALB LETSCH e� SON Of fruit trees, Will. be sold subjrr.l t,j I.ioy Rogers in The Daily Detroit to, a reserved bid, Terms will be '!limes. Get The Detl•oit 'Dimes, daily made known at time of sale. Phone s9 { and Sunday and thrill to this n. w Will. fisher, Executor o.f the Estate I ZUR ,CH Western comic, "Rod Rogers, Ting of of. the Ia.te Chris. Fisher, the Cowbo•} ;,' AlvillWcal.per, Auctioneer. i•q"� �.}+�•`i+'p� p'p�M!•�++i! #+q•+++4•t ++•Fi.�-t•t••p'.A,++i•+�,!!R#I YTi1:f01d Merner, Clerk L YOU HEAR STRANGE THINGS • A130UT PROTESTANTS! s A el 1'ou often hear that Pl•otestants are heretics and have broken a4ray from the true Church o£ Christ. i r i • You hear that protestant •chuach,•,, ie recently t'ounrlecl htvnan organizations and con egnenll,v have not the it7rlll;v of the tlri!(^ Christian to Church: ONE, .APOSTOLIC, HOLY lind L•V I VERS IL. j However Ivangelicai 'Protestantism has an answer to tllc'se charges. It b°lir e5 i;hat local and epatatr churches, evert recently )reani;,ed are truly biblical incl as Clpi:zil"g11 as the local, visible raid c hur c hes oil Sat (lis, of Corr»th, s:karate r 1 etc. 1 vanQeilcai I'iotesantitiin believes that the true church, wl,o,c F•ieltcl t� Christ, is ui,ivl rsal and spiritual, 'Phis r s i;: the only Church to which Christ has 1womi,,•ed tl_ 1t "the g (error) o£ hell (error) shall pat against it."- yl�att. • ].6: U8.) prr_vall MembElship in that in frllible aP and .spiritual Church is o grace through faith in Christ, (> ph. 2:8.) Visible and localachurdcby cin Oi°r, but the true ha s s spi"itual and universal (catholic) Church re- mains ONE APOSTOLIC, HOLY and UNIVERSAL, come s No one can b,, - a melnbe•r• of that Church except througli ,spiritual regeneraatio' (John 3 : 3 ) a s ""Or 1{oi more information on this subject, send a stamped and self -ad- d!c secs rnvElope for free bookla No 371 ,F m ati to: The Protestant Tnfor- on 13111-eari, Box GYi1, Winnipeg, Canada. fMassey_ Rarris I .HAVE RECEIVED A LARGE SHIPMENT OF MASS;EY. HARRIS REPAIRS. ORDER YOURS EARLY! .AM TAKING ORDERS NOW FOR ANY MASSEY HARRIS IMPLEMENTS YOU MAY REQUIRE, INCLUDING TRACT. OILS, THRESHING MACHINES, COMBINES, ETC. f� "The Service Arm for Canadian Fa' rnli" Irel. Shop 149 Oscar ]KIOPP tiles. 67. EVER AT YOUR SERVICE- FOR I+ARM NEEDSi "