HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1950-02-23, Page 5ZURICH ONTARIO CONTE141S ZURICH HERAL.i ZURICH HERALD /yM�� � • NEWS ,,: .. - .. o 1tev.,. Salomon Baecltler', of the An'thprixed as ■econd class mail,L0 8 Salad Forks -SERVICE FOR Iir41rS011 iln( 1S spell (ling a few days Post Office Department, Ottawa..-.—_• r IC+111�'�' at a ministerial -convention at Well-. • e Knives • i 'ilyiter 16,010.�. and es1Rev.hE, eHeimrich _ Dorothy are spending the winter isistern W was at Ketch- FlMiaan(1 ier on Monday :and at Waterloo on BUSH- CARDS Mrs Edmund Er'b motored Fa. Friday where he attended ministerial to Kitchener on Thursdayto t visit meetings of the Lutheran church. with relatives. Mr. ,Frank JeiTre 5 y who. has been John W. Orchard Messrs TL H'arny, and Henry Hoff- inan and Memyn Tieman of Dash- staying at' the home of his sister,Mrs C. Ayotte, has left for London, to " . OPTOMETRIST wood were Wednesday visitors in towel. visit with his daughter there. Real winter weather set in over Main Street — Exeter The Ontario Highways Departnt- ent announces that March 31st is the the week-en'd with Monday night the mercury dropping downy to nine bp - Open Every Week Day deadline for 11949 auto licenses and low, and that is pleniy3cold for this Except Wednesday drivers, permits. part of the globe. " Phone 3553 Thursday evening last about 35 A real winter storm swept up. Zurich Luther Leaguers were guests from the east Monday and Tuesday, LICENSED AUCTIONEERS of the Brodhagen League for a Val- entine social in the basement of the and considerable snow fell which was blown around' quite a :bit. Tuesday church. Games were played and lunch afterno•,n was quite rough ana stormy served. out in the .country, and show plows ALVIN WALPER Had Big Gathering were going. l People from far and near attended ZURICH HOCKEY BANQUET Licensed Auctioneer the first bairn dance held in the new Community 'Centre. Nearly a thous- One of the finest banquets held for quite some time was when members b .Specializing In -' Purebred Livestock Sales and people attended and the big hall -was filled to capacity. of the Zurich 'Hockey Club, their wives and friends gathered at the Irs m and i ".Service That Satisfies". Mr and Mrs David Ducharme at- Brenner Hoarse, Grand Bend, oil Sun - 1rhone 57r2. R. 1, DASHWOOD tended the mq'eting at the Catholic Culture -in London last Friday even- day evening, February 19th., whrn Mr. Oscar Klopp sponsored a most in Y. Bishop Cody of the city, and delicious chicken supper in honor -of E, F. C ORBETT other apeakeirs from St. Louis, were present and a ver y good attendance the Zurich Hockey Team. Mr. Klopp who was master of ceremonies, called was present. on the officials of the Club for re - LICENSED AUCTIONEERmark, _ which included Ferdinand Hall. PIGS FOR SALE erer, president; Ivan] L. Kalbfteisch, terms Reasonable, Satisfaction Guaranteed Six 511 weeks old "pigs. Apply to vice-pres., Lennis O'Brien, coach and Gordon Block, manager, all giving EXETER, R. R. 1 Russel Manson Goshen line north. _ very fine short addresses. A very fine Phone :�_,ich 92r7. FOR SALE spirited sing song led by Alvin Wal- ---- •• --' 11,943 Special Delux Dodge Sedan, per and a quartette composed ofwith only 6200 miles, in new car Howard Klopp, Norman Walper, Mel V iE T E R 1101 A R I A.N condition if interested. See Milne Hamilton and Alvin Walper provided Rader, Phone 179, Zurich. some real entertainment. The happy NOTICE gathering came to a close by wishing D,. W. B. COXON, B.V. Sc-. THE further succes.i to tho Zurich H.;ckev Club which are a gieat crcu;t co the •ANNUAL MEETING new Community •Centre, and Arena » VETERINARY" SURGEON and BANQUET of the Hemsall Dist- in Zurich. D®ce with Residence. Main Street, riot Co -Operative will .be held in the Town Hall, Hensall, on Monday, 10 A S H W^' `) _ Apposite Drug Store March 6th, 1950 at 7 p.m. t Glen Haugh of Waterloo spent Guest Speaker: R. Love, of Alberta the week -end with his parents, Mr. R tj T r r ' R. 9 Banquet Tickets are available at our offices iai Hensall or Zurich or any of and Mrs. A. Haugh. Mr and Mrs. Hubert Restemeyer the Di rectors. acid Mr and Mrs' M. McGrenere of uri eb l 'Papular Samuel Hendrick, President. Bei'tra'nt, Klopp, Secretary. London, " were Sunday . visitors with their parents, Mr and Mrs. Otto Rest•- --^�-M--• --- emeyer. 1 rj1 'MEAT NOTICE A hum+ber from here attonded the (` q �=i „ i We have, b(?an approached 'by soliV, Carnival in Hen-sall on Friday night. ,. i t You With the t4t Ub supply of the cltlyens of the Village to start Rev. J. H. Getz was the guest spea- leer at Stratford on Sunday. Mr. B. Vtry Choihe of Fresh and Cur- a weekly -collection for the Dump.--• Would intere:;ted people contact us Carr occupied the pulpit here during ',td Meab, Bolognas, Sausages, kept at the Office.—Thiel Transport. his absence. Connie and Joanie Spellman, of t,,.. always on hand. NOTICE Kitchener are spending this woelt I reah in Electric Refrigeration `Why wait for sunshine to take with their aunt, Mr and Mrs. T. Harry Hoffman. highest Cash Prices for pictrtres. < . Come. • to 'Wagner's any tin% and get negative and 4x6 Harry Cook of Windsor called on � Wool, Hides and Skins photo suitable for framing for 25c. relative., here on Sunday. Miss Amelia WiilPrt spent last p& �1 A � �X� "� Tiring the Family. Phone 91, Zurich week in Toronto. FOR QUICK JAI.,Lr' Q Mr. 'S -am Elsie �vho had his le; fractured last week was brought PR r) r) T 1 r E About eight tons of feed grain. home from the Hospital in. Hoffman's —^ Robert Robinson, R.R. 1, Zurich, ambulance on Sunday. _ _--- Phone 97 r 24 Hensall. St. Joseph and Beaver Town silverwood I FOR SALE On 'Friday last Mr and Mrs Fred 25 acres of land lila nines east Ducharmel in company with Mr and of Zurich, concession 8, West �& of Mrs. Kuno Hartman of the Goshen DARIESLot,21, Hay Twp. Apply to Henry line, motored to Detroit to attend Eickmeier, Zurich. Phone 55. the 25th anniversary of Mr. and Mia Cash Market for !Cream, Eggs Lawrence Ducharme's married life. and 'Poultry FOR SALE The .bride and groom of those years gone by were taken by surprise, but 'Have Your Eggs Graded on 2 Holstein Bull Calves for quick sale.—Alfred Rapp, Phone 96x4. c in a few moments, they had fully re- alined that was a reality, already our AUTOMATIC _— _— FOR OUICK SALE they had been married twenty-five years. Those who attended the din- ' I EGG. GRADER EGG Priced for quick sale Gurney Range ner were the inrrnediate relatives, a- hike new, also Queen Oil Burner.— like 'bout forty in all. The dinner was LeRoy O'Brien, Manager RauPhone 98 r GZurich :u , , delicious, .and all partook to their '!Phone 1'01 ZurichFOR w SALE heart's content. The evening was spent in ainuz:ements such as little:. A quantity of timothy and alfalfa speeches, talks and commenting an Zur■i'c �� � hay for sale. Apply to Alvin Ging- erieb, Phone 90 r 6. 2c the events of thea day, and by other; as usual, old time and modern danc- ing and that to the music by the or - ;,ouHome Market for Cream FOR SALE chestra of Jeffrey Brothers and Pap - ineau. Eggs and Poultry One crossed Tam -York hog; 1 4, burner electric bean cooper; 2 -horse The bride and groom of. '25 ,years power Woods electric ,grinder. Apply ago, were recipient., of many valuable 'Highest Cash Prices paid plus to Stanlc4j, Sauder, Phone 94 r 22, gifts, also congratulations ana many good wishes for many more of for Zurich. -2tc ,years happiness, for which they thanked a premium ,del.iveredcream N O T I C E all. Mr and Mrs. Ducharme are We are equipped to give effi- It Plows; Harrows and Cultivates .in natives e this B. n highway. The former being the soar of iVlr and Mrs E, Ecg one operation. Come- in and see the i Joseph Ducharme of Drysdale; and meat accurate service. new Robey 3 -in -1 Cultivator, at Mrs. Ducharme being the daughter of and Poultry department in Earl Lininier's Welding Shop, Zurich Mr and Mrs. Fred Ducharme, also charge of Mr. T. Meyers. SALE FIeeeetliinne of this Highway. The bride an(1 o.m of tse years pma 1948 Deellux iimmediately1eafter their riagevto Chas. Minshallt Proprietor car for sale. Priced right. Apply * t Detroit where Mr. Ducharme was _ to Theo Haberer, Phone 94 Zurich employed in one of the prospering INSURANCE l factories and where they 'built for themseivw, and their three children, NOTICE la modern home. After all had en - WHITEWASHING & CLEANING joyed themselves, all joined together Western Farmers' 14101131 Arrangements can 'be made i ' to sing "Long May You be in our 'Midst." Then -the broke up, Watson party Insurance Co.ill Weather i mshwoad — Phone 35r19 land' all returning to their homes in 'various parts of the city and .adjoiu- 1 in.g. And others to other Burns: OF WOODSTOCK. -•—��an -..rte-...�.•.,� � i ._ 4.78E LARGEST RESERVE, BAL- A•N'CE OF ANY CANADIAN TvIUT- UA"L COMPANY DOING BUSTNl!,SS ,,, OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO . . Amount of Insurance at Risk on December 310, 1946 $73,699,236.00 Total Cash in Bank ane, Bonds. $444,115.39 Rate:, on Application C. F, KLOPP--- ZURICH A C E N T Malting Barley We, are tioain contracting acreage for The Canada Malting Company. Seed Supplied — Contact Us "+CPEO. 'I'. MICKLE & SODS -BREAD on the table N. :..:�. .c. rkYY• the meal is ready! No meal is complete without plenty of delicious wholesome bread. 4nd 1ASTY-NU tasts good and is.gooc hearty food for you. Every slice s slice of energy - Buy an extra Loaf today—stare now to serve more bread at every meal. Get: your 'VASTY -NU Brea• at the Tasty -Nu Bakery or at your local Grocers. Tarty- uBake-yy PHONE 100 — Z11RIrP TENDERS WANTED GRAVEL TENDER — The Town- ship of Hay is calling for tenders for hauling and crushing 5,000 cubic yards of gravel fom 1950. This gravel to be taken from the McLaren pit East of Hensall. Tenders call for price of crushing and also separate price for hauling on flat rate any- where in the township. Half of the amount to be hauled in earry spring and the remainder in August. Ten- ders to be in the hands of the -CI rtc by March 9k'th, 1950, accompanied by marked cheque for $200.00. Town- ship to, supply one truck. All wort: and material to meet with the , ap- proval of the Road Superintendent. H. W. Brokenshire, Clerk, Zurich, Ont. �I ICE. TO CREDITOR R In the Estate of ELLZA WORM. All persons having claims against the Estate of Eliza Wurm, lat- of the Village of Zurich, in the County of Huron, Widow, deceased, who died on the 114th day of November, 1949, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their -claims to the un signed on or before the 17th day of March, 1950, after which 'date the assets will be distributed, having re- gard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 17th day of February, 1950. McGONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the Executor. NEUHAUSER CHICKS NEWHAUSE,R NEW HAM.PSHIRES The greatest lavers of them all. Largo eggs right from the start. Pure For- est ,Hill strain. Chicks available weekly. Neuhauser Hatcheries, 81 King St. London, Ont. NEUHAUSER RED X ROCKS Tops for laying, Combination New Hampshires and Barred Rocks. De- veiloped specially for eggs. Cocker. el +• make great broilers and roaster Thousands hatching now! Neuhauser Hatcheries, 81 Ding Sl. London, O.nt. YOU'LL LIEGE THESE T vD 0 Ali BY O.NEIDA COMMUNITY 'SILURStilllliS a, �NEE� gRlp•R� / ,rJ p pc1✓'. ta�Sp��TM i ff MARK � r idr n,,.lu I mo"' X-MFW7 CONTE141S 42 • 8 Dessort croons PIECE' 1 • 8 Forks 8 Salad Forks -SERVICE FOR .'a,Teaspoons r IC+111�'�' l • e Knives • i 'ilyiter 16,010.�. Ir • 1 Sugar spoon x I I•l�om 103 Hensall Ont. Nights 133 ISH, '1�IIr�t;s SETS Ar1n oY,'T.. Also Dealer in Liglltnin, Rods ;;'>~c3�1ti flECES AT HESS, rJ.HI wind rill kil)clg of Fire hwlranre ! t a i , JEWELLER 8�ienis�cisas�er, aa�uanmc�,•�a� M Thursday, February 23rd, 1950 e.A C0100P.Chick..Starter FOR STRONGER CHICKS We Also Have a Large Stock of Peat Moss AVAILABLE AT Hensall Dist, CO -Operative r HENSALL and ZURICH .urs■ WE'RE READY TO HELP YOU S , t d i YOUR CAR represents a major investment. It deserves the best of care—and that's what we're ready to give it. Whether it's a complete lubrication Job or just a battery check, we really try to give good, thorough Imperial service -..-the kind that will keep you coming back.. We'd apprediate a chance to show you what we can do. Hector F®r+cier `RPEt21AL ST. JOSEPH SERVICE STATIONLr}3�1ry7 ` COR. No. 84 & 21 FIICHWAYS °•` SAVE—St. Joseph Service is prepared to save ,you some Money on your Tractor and Implement Tire Needs. Compare our prices and allowances on your old Tires I grin i OUR - SPRING SHIPMENT OF LADIES' SCROGG,IN DRESS SHOES HAVE AR- RIVED.—BE SURE AND SEE. THEM. Also a Variety of Sport Shoes in Swedes and Leather, Grey, Red, Black and Burgundy 1 A Full Lire of Men's Woxk Shoes for Spring i Hydro City, Valantine, Martin and Sterling Shoes. GIVE US A CALL! 'Ch 'Rhae 8110r 1. • tr9 �� rlC frN �'i �^I rs 4 ?N Hardware yi err Needs e From Our m a NEW HARDWARE STOCK a A Good Supply of Shelf and Heavy Hardware always on hand, also O = Scarf's Endurable Paints, Enamels and Varnishes sand the New Almatex Plastic Paints i For your heating system we recommend—the Good s Cheer Furnace, or the well known Coleman 0- 0 . 0 Heater. e For your Household needs we carry Beaty 'Wash Machines; National Electric Stoves; Marconi Rad-ios; Heaters, Electric Irons, and Toasters, Enamel- a ware Pyrex and various Kitchen Ranges. Reliable Plumbing, Furnace work, evetroughin g ® and Tinsmithing. Our Aim ,To Serve and Satisf3- A 1 110tars O'Rtien a Main St. Hardware Store Phone 213 � •'���,�••'.a\_iN!': �. %i•.2.E ��oA:f.r..��\�/m .� �viy�le..r �l:. tiiw\^+i4 w.l� is \ :':"Wm F YF ALSO 111A.D Y For in Such an Hour as ye think not, the Sun of Man Cometh.—Matt. 24 44. rhe Lord Jesus shall be revealed from Heaven with his ori;;•hty Angels in flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God and that obey of the gozpel of our Lord Jesus Christ, 2 Tires. 1: 7, S. SEEK YE THE LORD WHILE HE MAY BE FOUND. Isa 55:6 ,,l am not ashamed of the gn.,:PO of Christ for it is the power of (sod unto salvation to th<ml that helieve." Romans 1: 16. -Fol- wlioso•ver shall mill upon t1w name of the Lord shall be saved. Romans 10: 13. TUNE IN -Hear CHAS, E. FULLCR, Box 123, 'Los Angeles, STATION 'CI11781----1050. '1'nrorit,, Sundays Ir, to 10. A.M. wc, lt, 1121,), Portiae, llirh.. 411n;lays at 121 to 1.00 p.-O.A. 1