HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1950-02-23, Page 2r- kc ( End Of The Road—This home rests precariously on the edge of a huge crater after' a freakish landslide wiped Out 500 feet of highway at Brecksville, ruining a highway department building and warping railroad tracks. For years the softball people have been trying to get fans and aports writers to speak of the game as "fastfall" but they don't seem to be making very much progress. But even if the new name isn't doing so, the game it- self appears to be progressing by —to coin a phrase—leaps and boxnds.�There are even those who believe that, before too long, it will be more universally played than soccer football or even trap- shooting. For softball is floss being popu- larized on three different contin- ents, largely through the example and efforts of merchant seamen who operate freighters and pas- 3enge'r ships manned by the Sea- farers International Union. These shipboard teams, accord- ing to John Bunker, are regularly playing with local aggrebations in such widely separated points as Mombassa, East Africa, and Baie Comeau, on the Gulf of St. Law- rence. The whole thing started, they say, about four years ago when the S. S. SEA TARPON made a call at the Port of Beira, in East Africa. To pass the time away, teams re- presenting the ship's officers and crew played a hot game of soft- ball under an even hotter tropical sun; and although the onlooking natives probably hadn't the slight- est idea of what it was all about, they were greatly interested, never- thele5s, +k :k Later in 1946 other ships started playing softball games at different spots on the African Coast and the following year a team from the S: S. Robin Licksley thought that it might be interesting to organize some local talent, so as to have some real opposition on their regu- lar calls there. And this one local team soli developed into the Mom- bassa Softball League. * � a The innovation caught on to such an extent that now the Steam- ship Line furnishes uniform,s balls, $$ loves, bats and other equipment for the crews of its ships, and softball has become so popular that the sailors have no trouble book- ing local competition at Durban, Capetown, Mombassa and other African ports. Good sized crowds attend the games, and the South African papers carry full accounts of what goes on. >w * e A somewhat similar league, if you can call it that, operates on shipes of the Delta Line, plying 'between New Orleans and South American points. When there's no •focal competition available, officers and crews play at the -nearest open leld adjacent to the docks. Theme neftball missionaries report that their battles invariably arouse keen "Okay, Boys, Bring on The Horse" A. lucky boy is Nisel Chajkel, European DP, who arrived in New York along with 1350 other displaced persons, T h e Hebrew Immi- grant Aid So- ciety, wrhose emblem Nisel wears, made ar- rangements for the boy and his liarents to settle with relatice4. lc interest among the local citizenry; but these ships stay such a short time in port that there has been little chance, so far, to organize this interest into home-brew teams. Another active Torrid Zone soft- baIl outfit represents the liner Porto Rico, In San Juan they play teams of locals at the city park near the Normandie Hotel, and also book games with softballers from the Frances and Suzanne, freighters belonging to the same line, * * o Getting nearer to home there's the huge freighter Colabee, which packs newsprint from the Baie Comeau, on the .Gulf of St. Law- rence, to New York City. At the end of the navigation season on the St. Lawrence the Colabee soft- baliers donate their equipment to the Baie Comeau kids in order to spread interest in the; sport among the French-Canadian children at that isolated. -port,.,..., The Colalyee. makes -its southern runs loaded, -but as there is little or no return freight, the northerly runs are made in ballast. And the Colabee team, at least so it claims, when heading north does its prac- tising in the bigopen spaces of the Number Two Hold. That, we should like to see, especially if the waves were running a bit high, down in the Gulf. I&FAImFRor, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING �N'X`trD FOA SALE A11)ICAI. - " - t1GENTbI 1� AGI9NTS, pall Papular $3 'A ellthtgulsi�ew Nsiw tp, (1- J'Oi1NSON Outbpard Motais. Canadian C.00 Co„ Peterboro Boats, ollnues, Trail- POST'S ECZEMA SALVE Banish the torment of dry eazema 1•aob g " x- ' 'siva wholesale or direct. Libera pro exq ars, bought, sold. exghanged. Largo stock used and wesphls skin troubles. Post's Eozatne -- -- territory FIRE -KILL IR motora. Repairs by taetgrY-trained meohenies, Strand Salve will not disappoint you, r`Idics, thiplr, julay beef-st$aICP,-- open "42 ktoslyn AVenue,,AFrantre_al Cycle, until nine except Wednesday. Hamilton._ taking. scalings burning _eczema, oohs, rt,>jf- worm, pimples and,athlete'p foot, will respor(i9. , HA.LE511i1E1V SALESMEN wanted to Introduce new PradUclL TRANSMISSION ttl)rown ' away." Doesn't seltilTi �' o ' X$EI7.'I'NG AND CONVEYORS readily ' in Rubber, Leather, to this stainless, odorless, ointme�4, regardless of how stubborn or hopeless tb make sense, does it? Yet that a Ideal for house to house selling, full time el8elting and Canvas. All wlilttns now Rubber Con- seem. wthat's actually happening, ervery or sideline, Wanted in ovary home- )Inixsual proift opportunity, VS'rlto lmmed:,stoly htalinry veYor Belting. Now tmcl used pulleys !n ('est Iron: lfoarings, Gof- PR1L'E $1.00 PER JAI Sent Past lrroa on Racaptt of Pr.Icr clay in the year••-�a'lid YOU, if Ycw ardw>yre Prudtigta,fenhefm, Ont. Steel, •.--•. lora; Wood, and Shafting ole. Roller Bearing Conveyors, POST'S .1�,1itlViEDIES raise cattle . for.- % lr•et, m • »- -- -- --- — -- "° nAik\ CtiiUlt6 slightly used front 8" to 48" width for 1ru- saN liusap 9t Corner ar GaFAq. One of t11a5'C Who are doing .ii , �BIIY'YOUt Yfl60 Chlctcs frgrtl a Gonad& Ac-. mediate delivery, Troughs, Idlers, and Ile- o order. Rolls made LBayview and aCO, Toronto o(,editulHatehotle 11.O,P. Breading Farm R.O.P. Scrod, Barred L1A11)FU,ad M'a21g,(t'E1f:11AN ltive IAT ,GHNFS I dant need t0 cell aU thBt y locks pullorum approved Rocks and approved Iced x )took eroasbrade, Road, i>ttawa, Ontario. , �1 FE7IiIDRSJUNIlAU & T7gmpany t'atalit steaks Colne from the very, b$$t -wrlta for Yoldet°, Prlees. westslde Poultry Farm, Neustadt, Ont, SA'IES:I7EN: NICK 9e1SAwrinsingAUWasl es bending or stooilhr3) Solicitors Established 188U 850 Ray $1 rest. 010 request. Flooklel Into" part of a steers carcass, But per- , have for- t know, and wares 'floors, (loans walls, ceilings and ruga. Low price makes It a fast seller. Mance A1ONiCTON CHICi{S-Goverumant Approved, `the Don't A°rt7 m'o LAIDLA W`tt H Sc,maPatent Attarcrey, Ottawa. haps you did4i or Breeding quality. bne of best, Patents of Invention, GO Sparks St., gotten, that it's the best meat on guano, be certain. Write for prices and cat,- Logue. Monkton Poultry Farms, Monkton, Ont. sold directtoconsumer DON'TanDELAYt� Home Essentials Reud.; �- SELLI13t"x7 a steer that i8 bruised oftenest by 1F YOU W'AN'E. to make extra money on the WRITE TODAY. 686 Bathurst St., Toronto, Ont, yOUR. Country general store? Now is the careless handling. * g,k k farm follow title pinn, VPhen everyone is turnips, hogs or time to )1st it with the flim that salla stores than any other BUY. direct from mnnufactu,•et, Hair nate. Here are some figures that m!ght raising. extra potatoes, chicks, don't raise so many. But after low rayon or ellli.: 490 per dozen, nylon 75e. All colors. VVa pay postage. iVr110 Milia Ltd.. more general cpuntty ht the Prnvfxi'ce, VV ,PAI F will payy "PAILICETT, T13F3 be studying. Over 15 thou- pr previous years when your nfill you are growing teas or novo at nil you 808 ADelakde St. W., Toronto. vis . you a Person vlslC, Realtor, 1116 Yonge St., FARMERS' This Year clean your sees properly. We carry all sizes of screen In bath worth sand cattle were examined—and raise yarn' usual number or more and you make extra money. This year when buy- Toronto, c6� J`G1$icET9� SEVENTY-ONE PER CENT OF will Ing chicks. insist on R.O,P. Sired, they cost zinc and wire State size of perforation and Prmn THE BRUISES WERE FOUND you no more and bly more egge. Send for Poults, non- front and aide dimensions of screen. Chatham 51111 So•een, 63 William St. N„ ORDER Your Broad Breasted Bronze poulte 21 careful selecting ON THE BEST MOST EX-: 1950 catalogue. Also Turkey sexed, liens or Toma Karted. Chicks, Older Chatham, Ont. now. Backed by yearn and blood testing. pullorum free. One of the PENSIVE CUTS. Pullets. 'cop Notch Chick Sales, Guelph, Ont. oldest rind largest exclusive all turkey farms breeders range raised giving "VI1iI\G" WHEN- anything i_ >rhart_ in supply, what happens? The pricesgo up. Sales of Baby Cream Separator Now in the time to check over Your cream in Canada All you stronger penile and better livability: $00 Visit modern hatchery. There were 136 t ruised chucks: Chicks across Canada are down 40% or more. This will create it rerions shortage of separator. if you own a VIKING and need, either spare parts or an electtdc attachment, acres range land. our Vespra Turkey Farms, A. D. Patterson A 38 bruised shanks: 15 bruised eggs and poultry this Summer all(] Fail. The see your local VIKING dealer, If you intend sons, Ilox 101, Barrie, Out. WHITE HOLLAND Poulin and eggs from flanks: 93 brui'd rounds- 105 results prices are bound to be high. With to purchase a new separator this spring get ribs. BUT THERE WERE 990- m•ospe,ts of lower feed Prices in the Fall this should make it very profitable for those full partoculars on the VIl'cING LOW ELI,, -C- TRIO 1VITH FRICTION CLUTCH PULLEY. blood tested Government Approved brooders• Broad breast and high tivablllty poulte can bo COUNT THEM! - BRUISED that purchase the usual number 09 alttcl(a VIKING users say there to nn batter electric expected from Sunny Acres Turkey corm, LOINS. early. If you wf:al to mnke it extra profitable 'separator Insist on Tweddle R.O.P. Sired Chicks. Send an the market. SWBoISR SEPARATOR CU. LTD., Amheastburg, 0 tarlo. ^ ^ - _ •--- - ,g Por 1960 catalogue. Started Chicks. Older Poulin, Nonsexed, Hens and 720 west Notve-Drtme, Montreal, • Que. BROAD -BREASTED Bronze .turkey Poults. Breeds are Government approved and Pallor - And the Cause Of most Of those Pullets, Turkey Tom.,, Tweddle Chlck Hatcheries Limited, CAMELLIA FLO7VLREU TUBEROUS BI$ pm clean. Aldershot Turkey Raneb. Aldershot. bip and loin bruises was rushing Fergus. Ontatk_o. UONIAS-Gorgeous double flowers. Sony to For early bloom gat them elected In- Ontarlg. _� arid crowding the cattle when they —BISHER ORCHARD CHICKS ORCHARD grow doors, Planting instructions Included Choice TURKEY POIILTS AND EGGS. Government were being loaded. OLD CHICKS, Pullta and Cockerels available weekly year round in 8 leading -available of COIOnl•S. Scarlet, pink, 1'Oae. orange, Y0110N• white, Salmon. Giant flowers all summer and O - apprOYed pnllOrnm Olean flocks.' Wh1t0 Rol- land crossed with Beltsville White. Tome sell # k breeds and crosses. T: a chicks are first Pail. Extra large bulbs. Guaranteed to bloom. like bens. Oak Grove poultry'Farm. Amherst - When a steer is crowded against lass, the pike moderate, the stock approved. and Order now, 5 for $1-10 for $1.76, Postpaid. burg, Ontario - the corner of an alley -way or load- rifts for 12 raga , R.O.P. Brooders' ed calendar Price list. Fisher Orchardsaras, Cash with order. Holland Bulb and Nursery Company, P.O. Port Credit, Ont. Servinx can- OPPORTUNITiES FON MEN AND WO14111 1 ing chute, or beaten over the back FreemfYn, Ontario. MER CHICKS adian Gardens from coast to coast. BE A HAIRDRESSER T,D. 13 TRACTOR, Hydraulle Angledozer, good working condition, T,D, 14 Tractor with a club, it's those choice cuts that take the beating. SC GOVERA'MENT approved, Top quality. Free details. JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn k ,k Catalogue and price list explain Schummer's Quality Hatchery_,_ Linwood, Ont. Cable operated straight blade, excellent con- ditton. T.D. 36 Tractor Cable operated Hairdressing Of course, your check takes a straight blade completely overhauled. Priced Pleasant dignified • folproMarveion.l good wages thousands successful Marvel graduates - BOOKS beating, t00. AS a producer, you LARGEST variety of —Books in the World on to salt. D. A. Wendover & Sons, Palermo. ont. Phone: Bronte 46831. America's greatest system. illustrated tato pay freight rates and insurance pre- Pat;., Birds, Dogs. Animals, Horticulture,togue Catalogue free. Morgan's, GOLDEN IIA:\IS'rERS-Prom $1.00. -Profit- free. write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING nliums from which shipping claims Farming." etc. Londmt. able, adorable pets. Box 394, Huntsville, SCHOOLS are aid. Livestock buyers know p Y Ontario. - - rwo rox Hound pupa five months old, from 860 Bloor St. w., Toronto Branches, 44 Icing St. Hamilton li(1D1)\Et3t4 /►YPIIRTUN1TiSd they have to allow a certain per AN OF ICER to every Inventor -List oY inven• good working female. Ten Dollars apiece. & 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa. cent for losses from bruising. tions and Cull information sent tree. The Frank Marshall, Hutton^vflle, Ontario, CASCADE WHEAT -The answer to the feed :k a rt Ramsay ('a Registered Patent Attorneys. 278 WANTED Bank Street. Ottawa wheat problem for Eastern Canada. A WANTED: Graduate nurses, for senor So, it's a wise move to plan ahead DYEINU AND CLEANING new, . high yielding, soft spring wheat de- duty, six-day week, eight hour day, $41.1 81.20 per for shipping cattle. If you're truck- HAVE YOU anything needs dysing or clean• veloped by The Central Experimental Farm. Ottawa. Seed at 1 bushels Per acre. Corti- per week, $6.85 overtime minus day board, $48.75 salary after three monthr. hire a Careful .ill cattle to market, , Ing ing write to us, for Information. We are v tied seed F.O.B. shlriping point, $8.00 'per Apply: Superintendent of Nurses, Anson dependable trucker who under- glad to answer Your questions Department 797 Yonne bushel in two bushel bags. T. A. Wilson, General Hospital, Iroquois Falls, Ontario. WANTED to buy Blacksmith. Shop wlt1l stand's just how to handle our big i Y g St Parker's Dye Works Limited. Street, Toronto, Ontario Pakenham, Ontario. investment in fat cattle. - gtRi1IS FUn--sA.LE ALL MY young boars are Jold, several ohotce boars nine months old, also choice sows house or Service Station. Write A. Vezeau, 125 Raleigh Township, Kent County; ,tour to nine months old, all sired by the Galt, Ont. SHIP us furs. Minks up to 846,00 Weasel, 84.60-IvTuakrate, 84,60. 600 Muskrats With Here aresome points to watch ACRES 100 acres Eupliemia (General Farming); 100 acres Zone (tobacco); 16 acres wonderful get- aighest priced boar sold at the Royal Fair tale, 1948. All registered Yorkshires. Herbert W11ell IOadif7g; itch onion farm. Erleau, Beach Frontage- T. Miller & Sons, Keene,_ Ontario. minks weekly on ice with (Gangaet)-Secretie Yam, 1. Easy does it. Hurrying, crowd- Store or cabins. Invest wisely In land and _ �pMPLETE Sawmill with two saws 160 tree. Trappers Association Bafevflle •used ing the an1111a1S i5 hard 0t7 them. g be sure of income. write: Chatham Real Ea- tate, Exchange Realtors, 921 King St., Chat- horse power Cummings Diesel engine. Will Bell engine separate. 1264 Wellington, Sault Wr TED -Two Diesel power units, 150-200 h.p., working condition. Please It's hard on you. ham, Ont. Telephone 190, ate, Marla, Ontarlo. _ write, giving lull. particulars and price, Out. •- 100 ACRES, north. of Brampton, good,. land, ORDER the horse you require for spring Paul Yolkowskie, Box' 738, Renfrew, 2. Good bedding. makes the g locality. ' buildings. Immediate Possession, $12,500, Owner, 330 Runnymede, Toronto, work now. We offer wide. selection pure- bred mares-Percherons, BeWans, Clyde$- Phone 1164W. Que. best bedding, prevents slippingFIIN sales, three years of age up, that we r$n breed to top Arnoldwold sires --Jason, En- SALE -brt11Si11 Sand Should be .Covered g GUNS=Large assortment new and used. chanter, Sir Don, Waterloo's Dan, Arnold - with straw .in cold weather. ,Bought, sold, exchanged. Guaranteed repairs. Scopes, sights installed Fishing Tackle, Hunt- wold Dock, Kemptvnie A.S., Jay Farceur, Landmark Renown. 'Sprite us for anything Healin g soothing CUTS ing Equipment Sporting Good, Spe- sal Team you require in horses. Arnold Farms Limited, and antiseptic, Dr. 3. Partition mixed. loads.. Other-..: 'Prices. Open until wine except w-rinesday. Grenville, Quebec.. I Chase's Ointment wise, you may have a 'dead or trip- strand Cycle, Hamilton. New p BURNS & brings quick relief. A safe home treat- 145 ACRES, cultivated, 20 acres of wheat, 7 led animal at the market. rYCLES Harley Davidson. and MOTORP used bough sold. exchanged Large stock miles north of Uxbridge; 2 seta of build- Ings, 9 -roomed brick house. barn 62' x 751, I� BRUISES U I S E S merit for over 50 or guaranteed used motorcycles. Repairs by both excellent condition; , hydro• complete years. 69c..Econ- 4. Don't overcrowd. factory -trained mechanics. Bicycles, and com-, Open evenings until water pressure; 2nd house, frame: smaller Contact Howard Omy size, 6 times as much, $2.23. ri a :k plate line of wheel goods. nine' except w:dnasdaY •Strand rlvele & Sports, barn; spring posses il6 n. Blanchard, Uxbridge, R.R. 2, Ontario. ■` � Re CHASE' S > Here's today's $64 question. The King at Sanford, Hamilton, —' FARM MACHINERY 34 DON'T EAT LESS "Oats"—singular or plural? KALL Chain Saws -famous for their power- C Antiseptic OINTMENT word ACCOrdlil t0 the Donllrilori Ari- s g "Eatmore" Cereal. Five grain, three minute, hot cereal with a new thrill taste. All the ful reliable engines with stall -proof auto- matte clutch. One man and two -mai models. cultural Bureau, singular appears to nourishment of natural grains. Mildly laxative dafli!ll users. Four -pound package Gasoline and electric , from $145 up. Inter - ested agents please write Diesel Equipment be the answer as one of the latest :Thousands of postpaid $1 McFadden Coreat Store. Smiths Limited, 139 Laird Drive, Leaside, Toronto, fir/ bulletitis to and starts off like this: Fans, Ont,_ Hyland 39211. __ - Oats is used more often.than any 169 ACRES, 36 tnl•.iliie loam, balonce good BOLENS GARDEN TRACTOR other grain for feeding livestock in pasture, well -fenced. Bank barn, cement • Log house. excellent PRE -INVENTORY SALE -Ill H.P. complete with 6" plow and cultivator $175.00; 3 , Canada. It is the most popular feed stabling, cement silo water supply: Two miles west of Snlsover. H.P. 5" tires with 8h" plov and cultivator, c B for horses, a41d is present in almost school one mile. open road; rural mail hydrn avaliable. $3.000 Tames Carson. n Dieppe $348.00, Other attachments if preferred, Terms $26 no cash with order, balance C.O.D. every dolt feed. Oats is also used y y Rd., •Toronto. Send your order now. There is only a limited time On this bargain to reduce our inventory. m RUBBING IN to a great extent in rations for SHOTGUNS. Finley finished Doubles $76 up, CANADIAN POTATO Y COMPANY-. t3 II F� �.v sheep, Cattle Arid poultry. P y' A few available for immediate shipment. Photos, derails on request Shierlaw Burry LTD., 75 Jarvis St., Galt, Ontario. -- alt, O P' Brings 19-46 e * ,kP Importing Armnnrer. 11?t7 97th fi+root. Ed. 6 ACRES, corner cat. Near SVoodstock, house, hydro, telephone, garden soil, nick relief. Greaseless, The bulletin, which is titled mouton, Ana orchard, Immediate possession $4000. J. fast -drying, OATS IN THE HOG RATION, ALUMINUM ROOFING CORRIGATED and ribbed fm• roofing and Sheardown, R. 3, Woodstock, Ontario, no strong , odor. KING OF PAiIY" MEDICAL continues as follows: siding sheets to 15 feet lengths. 36". covered �orge,economfcc The exact place Of oats in the .6 32" wide, 24 gauge. Send roof measurements size, 65c _ _ _ IT'S EXCELLENT. Real results ho ration is of special Concern in g P for free estimate and Illustrated Polder giving inti Information, samples on request. Immo- after taking Dixon's Remedy for where it is the most common diate 'dclivarY from stock. A. L. GnnnevSlle rheumatic pains and neuritis. ,areas home. grown: grain, In some Prov Mfg" Dept. 1S, Charntte, P.Q. " -NURS six STOCK MUNRO'S DRUG STORE inces successful swine raising de- RESERVE now for Siring Dell very -Chinese 335 Elgin Ottawa pends' largely on the proper use of Elm Redge—will grow 2 feet first Year -25 Prepaid. $1.25 Express Pre aid. ISSUE 8 — 1950 home grown feeds. plants suf3lglent for 25 feet (12 to 20 inches bushy) $2.93-seedlhrge 12 Inches high $4.50 per 100 (plant 6 inches apart) -Giant Exhibi- Oats is equal to wheat, slightly tion in colors red, white o• pink, 3 for $1.89—Apple trees 3 feet high In varieties 3 for $1.98 �I higher than barley, but lower than McIntosh.ah, spy, Delicious, -Plum S COCn 111 total digestible nutrients. It is higher than wheat and trees 3 feet- high In varieties Burbank and Lombard, 4, For $2.93. Free Colour Garden Guide with Every Order. Brookdale-lunge- �� t� ce p��[�� •.r slightly Corn, but slightly lower than bar- way Nurseries, Bowmanville. Ontario. Farm Equipment agency ,.i, ° 1 ley in TRUCK. Tractor and in Eastern ^`••' ` crude protein, :k :k for sale in thriving community Ontario. Owner must sen on account 111 Usie i r' :,Ha; Oats is higher in fibre content health. Sell or rent property. Box 55, 123-//�� 18th St., New Toronto. ��++ as, f O'TACO ®ISG than any of the other grains. Poor LIGHT choice tastins Golden No. 1 HONEY, 4•s- Pit VnrTlmm�ge. NwRnow. i, WHEELS quality oats may have 35 per cent twelve _•� . of the total weight as hulls, with Ontario AXLE SET ,: has always t readily the e hosy a fibre content of about 11 per cent. The lies is relatively incapable of Every farmer has the tools and enough used digesting fibre, because there is no Procured home grown grain, and it lumber around to make a serviceable trailer. suitable bacterial action in its was in the interest of the farmer The wheel Problem is solved b a set of Waco y single glandular stomach. The di- tc find out whether higher quan- Disc Wheels and axle assembly. A set of us6d firer, completes the gestion of fibre depends on batter• tildes of oats could .be successfully job- These sturdy, efficient Otoco wheel and axle sets are in three ial action to break down the cellu- fed to growing pigs, The Agassiz axle sizes to accommodate various loads. Ask your Otacc dealer for lose into simple organic acids which Experimental, laarin conducted ex- specifications and prices or writst us direct. are absorbed into the blood stream, perinients with Yorkshire pigs be- Dept. IATLXI In the case of ruminants this pro- tween weaning and inarketing, to determine the effect of different OTACO LIMITED Orillid, Ont. cess occurs in the rumen, where proportions of oats in the ration • It there is much bacterial action. In the horse this bacterial action Was found that quantities of oats occurs in the caecum, which is the as, high as 50 per cent of the ration enlarged portion of the large during the period of growth up to Id intestine adjacent to the small 125 pounds live weight, subse- intestine. quently reduced to 30 per cent be- d k t' rK rk ,k On account of the high Abri content, and the relative inability of the hag to digest fibre, the quan- tity of oats in the hog ration must be decided judiciously. Irrespec- tive of the quantity being fed, it j must be properly ground, Oat chop with hulls removed it i regarded as one of the best feeds for suckling or weaning pigs. t Ordinary oats with hulls present i rill retard growth in young pigs, it is generally accepted that glowing and fattening pigs may r« ceive oats in the ration, in propor- tions as high as one-third of this ration, without causing any reduced growth. IIA 8ritith Columbl* oaho tween 125 pounds an mar e Ing, gave satisfactory results. The pigs made an average daily gain of 1.24 pounds and consumed 365 pounds of feed per 100 pounds gain in live weight. :k ,a It is generally accepted that oats may be fed to brood sows before farrowing and to boars, in propor- done 4 high as 50 per cent of the 'ation. Properly ground oats of good ,7Igallty has a useful place in the .,,:on for all classes -of 6wine. Longest river in Britain is the Iiannon (250 miles). Longest in Scotittild is the Clyde. (l06)mile,;, 'Ind in England thr' Severn 070 fnilIiatl},