HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1950-02-16, Page 6Cancer Information Becomes Morse Available --Controller Leslie Saunders officially opening the Little Red Door, Canada's first cancer information centre. Mrs. Egmont L. Frankel, chairman Toronto Women's committee looks on. The centre was opened' with the approval of the Canadian Medical Association, and a graduate nurse will be in attendance at all times. As part of her duties at the new centre, the nurse will make available to the public all information, booklets and other ma- terial pertaining to cancer control, will interview patients and direct them to clinics for the proper care. TUITIN IL It Aft JEJAMM I'VONT F Every paper I pick up nowadays t, seems to be full of tales regarding s farmers and Government subsidies. Practically all these stories tell of E meetings of poultrymen, milk pro- ducers, grain growers and so forth, all unanimously agreed on one thing—no matter how much the proposed subsidy is, it isn't nearly j enough. And I don't blame them a bit. "Ask for twice as much as you ► expect to get" may not be a strictly moral sentiment, but it seems to be fairly practical, the way this cock- eyed world of ours functions these days. ► Still, it never does much harm to look at a picture from several ►_ angles; and the fact that the fol -lowing editorial is from The Finan- ,' oial Post shouldn't blind us to the fact that there might be just a teeny ►`"' " mite of sense in it, The editorial was titled BEHIND THE ' SUBSIDY. -- - "if- a 'farmer in Ontario wants to ' grow more wheat he goes ahead and sows it without asking anyone's permission. It is his own business how much or how little wheat he grows and most people will agree It should be his own business. After all it is his own farm, machinery and labor that are involved. But across the border from ' Ontario, in New York State; in a country which 'prides itself on r being the freest in the world, these ' matters are handled differently. There -in the name of a local com- mittee a Washington appointed bureaucrat decides how much wheat and a great many other things the ,• former can grow; Various allot- 1 menta are issued and if exceeded r one finds himself without a market. 1 One owner of a 200 -acre farm / lillought his allotment of 13 acres for wheat was on the small side. When he applied for a larger allot- ment last fall he was told he would have five minutes on a cer- tain Tuesday afternoon to present his case. He was also told that if he failed to appear, the authorities ' aright consider such failure as a ' waiver of his right to appeal. Naturally this sort of thing a used some resentment in New '.York farm circles but when the law was questioned came the real shock. Because the wheat growing was subsidized with taxpayers' ]money the Government had a per. ' feet right to regulate the industry, the farmers were told. And when one thinks that over, why not? Otherwise the Government would have no control whatsoever over Oise spending of the money it sollected from the public, That is something we should "Member in this country, 7a1 recent weeks there has been A lot of loose talk in Canadian " agricultural clrsles about tubaddles if AW various farm lined. Farmers have been told about the many advantages, of how the pplrices 1 would stay nice and Arm even wbm the market was jutit the op - * 0010. But they haven't •bees sold auk about the Otho r aide alt We N eirWdy booltectle, of *g tlMte t dletation Haat Is certain tai follow, L' »o much for kir. FinangW Post, Now let's talk shout rotiletatne not so theoretical, I know that a lot of my readers are interested in the possibilities of commercial sun- flower growing; and although this Government advice was addressed specifically to farmers in Manitoba and Saskatchewan, there's no reason why it shouldn't apply just as well to large sections of Ontario. * 4< >K Sunflowers—the bulletin says— have become an important vege- table oil crop in southern Manitoba during the past few years. There has been a remarkable increase not only in the acreage involved but also in the number of growers and the extent of the 'territory. Many useful practices to aid in the production on of the crop have been developed by research workers and by the growers themselves, says W. A. Russell, Dominion Experi- mental Station, TvIordeil, Man, � +k Due to a shortage of first genera- tion Advance hybrid seed, a con- siderable onsiderable acreage will be sown with second generation seed. The grower should know the germination of the seed he intends to use. It is an approved practice to treat the seed with either New Improved Ceresan or Arasan at a rate of iT/z ounces per bushel. An application of fertilizer at seeding time has usually given at least a small increase in yield. The fertilizer hastens maturity. Thus re- sulting in a lower moisture content of the seed at harvest. Ammoniun) Phosphate 11-48-0 should be ap- plied at a minimum of 30 pounds Per acre or, if seeding on stubble land containing much straw, 16-20x•0 should be applied at a minimum of 70 pounds per acre. The fertilizer requirement varies with the soil type, available soil moisture and soil temperature. Every farmer should do some experimenting of bis own to determine what is generally the best rate of applica. tion for his land. The increase in sunflower acre- age has been accompanied by an increase an d )sea s se .i Sc elotinia root rot has not caused great losses thus far. Nevertheless, traces or more of it were found in 75 per giant of the fields examined in 1949. A rotation wherein sunflowers are not grown on the same land more than once in four years and where rhry do not follow other susceptible crops, such as potatoes, sweet Clover, beets, peas and alfalfa will help control the disease, Rust has been more prevalent to pay. Order now *no d wets air cooled engdno. Light plow• tee, QW61VIstia1s, $Quitting, htllinlf bid ®ssekt 9msirol. bower -take -off for ether off & W*311116, strong and easily handled OAlRDEN, POWUR TOOLS LIMITHD *tot "Ift c lei%Aoro), Ont. lin tlhe past two seasoner parWcularly _. _ ...... blocks. She fele los ;parent t srossjng CLAS X m 1 S I N G blacks. The losses from this disease #,a J, i n be reduced by seeding curly, nG1urN1e W AIV IrD bolt SALE OPPORTUNITIES IOR HEN AND WOhIIEIul by not planting sunflowers on the Airzi*Na's, sell popular $e fila - artingul�hq)s• n-_.. tame land in two successive, ears wholesalo a• divert, Liberal profits, exelu- $*A" Rosort, good lonatlon, wonderful lash- BE A HAIRDRESSER y rke territory, fits, 40 acres of land. Write Mrs. Leena SOIN CANADA'S LEADING SO GOL 4M by Ploughing under old sun- FIR>;-KIIGLER Chaletlnk Box 679, Butterfly take, SIOUX Great Opportunity Learn flower stubble to bury spores which 6'042 Road^ Avenue, Montreal JAOkout, ont., Canada, Hairdressing _- .-1 ONTO CC, GhADRATOR S000 Watt with )Pleasant dignified profession, .good wager live over. the winter on this trash. OECUAITY 1t11.I9 JSASY WAY --By selllug llauldr000led 4 cylinder motor. Used about thousands successful Marvel graduates Volunteer sunflowers should be FAMILNX products, `'fro head agents in your 60 hours, Apply H. Cooney, Box 061, Peter- America's greatest system. illustrated cats• d�ek,royed early in the gMOW3n locality Or in your surrounding rural area, hero, loguo tree. Writs or Call g III needed for a. rural route. ExperlonceAUT '=.w hoavens In song, Illustrative card MARVEL HAIRDRESSING season by Cultivation Or spraying not neoeasary-we will tell you how--'V'ery lit- free on request before you buy, Vries 600. SCHOOLS tle capital reanired. Best advantages offored Addreaa "Ditty." 8400 80, 110 St„ Seattle, 860 Bloor St, W., rurotlto )with 2,4-D because the rust may for Your sUCCE$$-WrItO today for free da- 80, Wash. Branches, 44 King St. flamiltao start to reproduce on these lants. taus--FAIIFLILI"fi, 1600 Delorinifer.-- MONT- P REAh. "lllilNG„ & 72 Milano Street, Ottawa ,$ince' this disease is most destruc---------„..-. Cream Separator IRARN MUNE' A,'r OOdIN-spare or full-tiril • five in the main sunflower area, aAlty ONICR4 - Now is the time to check over your cream money -making. Learn to make candy aP BABY CIiICILS from blond testes high eW separator, IY you own o, VIKING and need home; earn while learning. Free eaulpmerA Most profitable returns from Cross- producing stock, Livability guaranteed. either spare ])arta or an electric attachment, supplied; correspondence course. National la - Ing blocks can be expected where Mixed $15.00 per 100, Pullets $28 to $80. Ten see your IOeal VIKING dealer, If you intend atltute of, Confectionery Reg'd.. Drlorimler- percant off for orders 500 and over. Goddard to purchase a new separator this spring get- P.O., Box 1.62, Montreal, Quebec, the crop is less concentrated: Chick Hatchery, Britannia heights, Ontario. full Partoculare on the VIKING LOW J7L' EC- - �k TRIO WITH FRICTION CLUTCH PULLEY LEARN he c playing at hams the new ea :k + LAYING' Pullets lulu be profltnbla property in ” way -the chard system. As a, special intro VIKING users env there is no better electric the Summer and Iran of 1960. Send for early duotory offer you may naw have a, copy of our, Further information On sunflower separator D the market, delivery Atlee list. Also Turkeys, Started rw•tp lesson Sinapllfled P1anO Course far only, Clllckte, Older Puuets: Free Catalogue, S�VPlDI61f SNPAILAm01I CO. )LTD„ One 0allar; .Write: Simplified Undern Piano: growing may be obtained by writ- Twaddle Chick Hateherles Limited, Fergus, 72p West Notro-Dame, 117ontreal, Rue. Course, Bax 61. Hanover, Ontario.. Ing to the Dominion Experimental Ontario. LIGHT choice tasting Golden No. 1 MONEY, _ --- Station, Morden, Man, OUR REG011hfENDA'1`3'ON for poultry prollts twelve 4's-so.00. !4lnrllamage. LurirnnwWANTED In 1950. A rL Cull your hens 15% Buy 2o5. less Ontario. REGISTERED NURSES Chicks, but buy the best you can secure CAhFELCiOIVLItbD TUIlEItWUlt' HE ,far aired sired Sired are more nrofita4le tient clriclrs GONIAS -Gorgeous double flowers. ICasy to GpINEItAL STAFF WORK 1 by ordinary males. Start your chleks grow. For early bloom get them started In. 8-11our Duty, 0 -Day {Week early. Send for early booking prlcelist. Free doors; Planting instructions Included. Choice Salary 817611.011 Per 61onth' Pities 5laintenanoo- W by Mine Gold? Chicks, Older•APullets. lso uTopNotchlChick Sales white, Salmoof c0iours. n rGiar tl flowers ank, rose, ll summer lland SIl1'T. GENEMAL HOSPITAL Guelph, Ontario. fall. Extra large bulbs, Guaranteed to bloom. SIOUX LOOKOUT, ONTARIO BLTY YOtT 0960 ChJelcs�from a Canada Ac- Order now, 5 for $1-10 for $1.76, postpaid. credited Hatchery. R.O.P. Breeding Farm Cash with order. Holland Bulb and Nursery SALIOF\IIOI In recent times, with the intro- 10osb Pullorum cleo.n n.O,P, Sired, Barred Company, P.O. Port Credit, Ont. Serving Can. SALE.3MEN'wanted to Introduce new product. duction of managed currencies and Rocira turd approved Red x Rock crossbreds, adian Cardens from coast to coast. Ideal for house to house selling; full time. Write for folder, prices. Westside Poultry or sideline. Wanted in every home Unusual; the Control of prices Of many Furnt. Neu.,tadt, Ont, A "SHOE STORE BUSINESS" In --your profit oppurlunity. write Irnmed;.alels Sla,lory things, +r -._._ Docket! we will tral'n you to make Big hardware Products, Blenheim, Ont. g , people have asked Why ADAMS Fast feathering Barrer) Ragks and Money Free Sample Outfit. with measuring de - mine gold?" It is often accepted as Crossbreds (HAmp x Rock) are bred for vice enables you to fit our fine quality shoes WANTED in April around 60 acres with gooe' high production and meat. Clean blood test perfectly. Write todayl Capital Shoe Com- house• barn, etc., hydro, water, some bush. s foot that gold is mined from the for three years. Started capond a specialty pany; 808 Bathurst St- Toronto, Ontario, State all imrticulars as to location and price, ground with great labor and at the Adams Barred Rocks, earls, Ontario __ ANY. QUANTITY of hay $13 in letter. Bax 60, 123 -18th St., New Toronto• per tan, loaded expense of much money and mat- Too many hens aro being sold now 'Phis on ceu•a. IIarold Ganong, Bloomfield St., means high prices for eggs later Order King's Co., N B Phone Hampron 69-24. trial, only to have the gold buried early chicks and get In on this market. - - in the ground at Fort Knox in the Durance Laying strains and Broiler cockerelsHELP WANTE United States. It has been said that aDurvailable note. Write for catalogue and prices - FARMERS ance Forma Hatchery, Sarnia, Ontario. DO' You Need Skilled b'arm Help'1 Experienced Protect your BOOKS and CASH from the only good purpose to . which hfONKTON CH}fJ1IS-Government Approved. Practical Farm Labor, families or single, FIRE and THIEV10S. We have a size gold has been put is.to fill teeth. Breeding duality, one of the best. Don't available this spring. Write us now. Latvian and type of Safe, or Cabinet, for any guess, be certain. Write for prices and cats- Relief Association. 320 Bay, Street. Ron 1;104 purpose. Visit its or write for prices. These, Of course, are very SUpei- Logue. Monkton Poultry Farms, Monkto_n, O_nt. Toronto, Ontario, ete., to Dent. W. ficial and short-sighted views of the ppSiNEsb OPPORTUNiTI16 - -• --•- significance and value of old. In 61E1}ILIAL__ - p� g - AN OFFER to every Inventor -List of Inven- HAVE YOU HEARD about Dixon's .-1.6Ci lrAYLO R LIMITED spite of the fact that many govern- stone and full information sent free. The Neuritis and Rheumatic Pain Remedy? ments and politicians decry gold as Ramsay Co, Registered Pstent Attnrneye, 279 good results. y? TORONTO SAFE WORKS useless and even dangerous the vast Bank' Street. Ottawa It gives DYEING AND CLEANING MUNRO'S DRUG STORE, 146 Front St. K., Torontomajority of the people of the world H.wrl roil anything needs ayeins or clean- 335 Elgin, Ottawa Estrnei bed 1955Acontinue to regard it as precious ing7 Write to us for informatima, we are $1.25 Express Prepaid. and to seek it and hoard it. As so glad to answer Your questions. Department ])CST's ECZEMA SALVE often happens when rulers deal H, Parker's Dye Warks Limited. 791 rangy PP Street, Toronto, Ontariu Banish the torment of dry eczema rashelk with people they flail to allow for and weeping akin troubles Pasta Mrzema d►' deep-rooted instincts which are of- FARMS FOR SALE salve will not dlaaDDoint you tabling. scaling. burning eczema, ache, rms• ten sound. There is no person 1n 126 ACRES Raleigh a'otvnaworm, pimples dna athlete's foot, will respond hip, Kent County; t P 100 acres Euphemla (General Farming); 100 readily 'to this stainless, ndorless ointment. the world today Who will not ac- acres Zone (tobacco); 15 acres Wonderful get regardless of hew stubborn nr honelesa theif • • ` )• cept gold Ili any form err shape in rich onion Yarm. Erieau, Beach Frontage- seem • , ':` �. Store or cabins. Invest wisely in land and p1t1UE 21.00 YJ H JAR return for goods and labor, In fact, be sure of income. Write: Chatham Real Es- sent Poet Free on RNLI of Price • A these are people, many of them, tate, Exchange Realtors, 6211 King St,, Chat - POST'S REMEDIES ham, Ont. Telephone 190, who have goods. or services to sell ' {, > 100 ACRES, north of Brampton, good land, 889 Queen Et E., Corner of Lor:nn ' � � 1�7 who will not take anything else. locality, buildings; immediate posse6efon, _ _ Poranto 7 There are excellent reasons for this 912,600. Owner, aS0 Runnymede, Toronto. ATTENTIONI WONDER SALVEI R U B I T W i T H attitude. FOR BALL Heals when everything else failal Order nowt NEW JOHNSON Outboard Motors. Canadian Agents accepted. 50c a box. Merry Monickers These reasons are outlined In Canoe Co„ Peterboro Boats, Can ea. Trail- Mfg " Box 906, Einnvogd. Ontario. detail in a bdlletin prepared by 'the era, bought' sold. exchanged. Large stock used PATIENTS -' Canadian Institute of Mining & motors. Repairs by factory -trained mechanics. 8Open until nine except FETHERSTONHAUGH & Company Paten+ "KING OF PAIN" . Wednesday Strand Soliettore Established 1890 850 Hay street Metallurgy, a non-profit ,organiza- cycle, Hamilton. l'ornnio Booklet of ntrormation on request tion composed , of engineers and GUNS -Large assortment new and used, A. M. LAIDLAW. B,So.. Patent Attorney. a Boughtsold, exchanged. Guaranteed repairs. Patents of Invention, 56 Sparks St„ Ottawa, 'technicians. Copies of this bulletin Scopes; sights installed. Fishing Tackle. Hunt - are available without charge by Ing Equipment. Sporting Goods. Spe+dal Team TURHEYS pY_ Juat neat and rub 'in Prices. Open unto' dine except Wednesday. INARD'S, and note the wilting or telephoning to Brewi ORDER your Broad Breasted Bronze poults nick relief you get. Strand cycle, Hamilton. now. Backed by 21 years careful aelecting Greaseless, fast -drying, no White Limited, 40 Adelaide St. MOTORCYCLES Harley Davidson. New orid amd blood testing. Pullorum free. One of the strong or unpleasant odor. W., Toronto, Ont. Teachers, stud- used. bough} sold, exchanged. Large stock oldest and largest exclusive all turkey farms Get a bottle today;keep LARGE of guaranteed used motorcycles. Repairs by in Canada All breeders range raised giving it handy. f00NOMI c ents, libraries, lectureers and others factory -trained mechanics. Bicycles, and com. You stronger poults and better livability; 500 15.tg stYE6SC Who may wish to broaden. their Plete-line of wheel goods. Open evenings until acres range land. visit our ntoaern hatchery. knowledge Of financial affairs Would nine except Wednesday Strand (]Yale & Sports. Vespre, Turkey Farms, A. D. Patterson & find this bulletin useful King at Sanford, Hamilton. Sone, Box 101, Barrie, Ont. NEW OLIVER 99 -used Oliver 99, Tractors WHITE IiOLLAND poults and egga from In new condition. Best after. Garnet Me blood tested Government Approved breeders. �+ Falls, Centralia, Ontario. Broad breast and high livability poults can be Was Nearly Crazy LOCOMOTION less, arms, braces. OPredision expected from Sunny Acres-, Turkey Farm, Before the - Romans finally :coil- built. No shoulder straps necessary. Guar-- Amheratburs`, Ontario. �Nith Fiery Guar- anteed, Acme Artificial Limb Co., 69 Robinson BROAD -BREASTED Bronze turkey poults, y itch quered England and .Wales in A.D..' .Street, Toronto. Breeds are Government approved and Pulior- f, s5, Britain Wa.S subjected to numeY- GOLDEN. clover honey: twelve 4's, $g.0p, um clean, Aldershot Turkey Ranch, Aldershot, Until I discovered Dr. D. D. Dennis' amazing Ontario, ly fast relief -D, D. D. Prescription, World oils invasions by various tribes. Ro- Amber, 70-1b, can $7.00 Wilbert Link, __•_,.__•.. popular, this pure, cooling, liquidd medication Delaware, Ontario. TURI{EY POULTS AND EGGS, Government speeds peace and comfort from cruel itching Eau rule lasted for 400 years, and -- caused by eczema, Alm les, rashes, athlete's REAL Photo Postcards for Hotels, resorts, approved Pullorum clean flocks. White Hol- foot and other itch troubles. Trial bottle, 35¢ then continuous invasions began camps. sena negatives or good snapshots. land crossed with Beltsville White. Toms sell First application checks even the most intense again by -Teutonic tribes. Things Free. List -old Ships and harbor. Photos oY like hens, Oak Grove Poultry Farm, Amherst. Itchor .. moneyback. Ask druggist for D. D. D. Prescription (ordinar the Great Lakes. J. W. Bald, 274 Fourth burg, Ontario. y or extra strength)., eventually settled down with seven Street, Midland, Ontario BELTSVILLE white breeding tons. Pullorum kingdoms in. in . England. The CeltsDONT EAT LESS—— -7:-7 tested from stock rigidly selected. Noel —" of Wales, the Picts' and Northrnen "Eatmor Cereal, Five grain, three Minute. Wood, Bethany, Ontario. U p YOUR hot cereall with a new thrill taste. All the of Scotland, and the -Scots. of Ire- nourishment of natural grains. Mildly laxative WAKE land were in control of their Owli Thousands . daily users. Four -pound aackage 0 e LIVER RILE -- territories. postpaid $1. McFa.rlrien Cereal Stere. Rmiths � b Falls, Ont, S6 m 100 ACRES, tillable loa, balance good pasture. well -fenced, Bank barn, cement WithoukCalomel - Acrd' You'll Jump Out of stabling, cement silo. Log house, excellent I fE so, send Loc for out Bed in the Morning Rarin' to Go ,%,;, water supply.'Two miles west of Bnlaover 50 Page illustrated The liver should pour out about 2 pinta of Sschool one mile, open road• rural mail hydro bile juice into your digestive tract every day. �filii/(•L/t ,,J available. E3,0p0. ,Tames Carson. 9 Dieppe (1ATAOGUEOFJOICES.Cfthis bile ianot flowing freelylyour food may r \ Rd.. Toronto. TRICKS & MAGIC. not di t. It may just decay m the diBeetive SHOTGUNS. Finley flhlshed Doubles $76 up, tract.' hen gas bloats up your stomach You A few available for immediate ahinment. COLLINS JOKE & get constipated. You feel sour. sunk and the Photos, details on requent; Shierlaw Burry hTAC.iO SHOP world looks punk, 1 Importing Armourer, 11017 971h Street Ed. 1175 ,Somerset St. W., It takes those mild, gentle Carter's Little g pints of bile flow \ /mouton, Alta Ottawa Liver Pills to et these 2 Wholesale and Retail ing ' you feel "up and up ALUMINUM ROOFING Get a package today. Effective in m--Vvfreely to make4. CORRI:GATED and ribbed for, fooling and bile flow freely. Ask for Carte,e s Little Liver siding sheets Ito 16 feet lengths, 36" voveredJ Pills. 356 at any drugstore. 02" wide, 24 gauge, Send roof measurements es free „i for :i•T�'` ::: timate dna illustrated folder giving --- _ Timm—full informaCion. Samples on request, slate dollvery from stock, A. L. Gonneviile Mfg., Dept. 18, Charntte, P.Q. ^NURSiORY STOOK u - RESERVE now for Spring Delivery -Chinese Ehn Hedge -will grow 2 feet first year-26 aIonia sufficient for 26 feet (1n to 20 inchesr7D YOU AtT E bushy) $2.9 - aeedlln gs 12 inches high $4,60 4: t g Per ';•.;;;i;i>;: 100 sant (7 0 Inches a1 Art) -Giant Exhibi- „ ;'•• " "" tion Peonies in colors red, white or ink 3 1 .... > ` ;i i;{ for $1..89 -Apple trees 0 'feet high In varieties clntosh S Delirious, � illi s, 9 for $1,98 -Plum MON W i ,M;g's::}' :;•i,.;:�{`•Yl�f• trees 3 feet high in varieties Burbank and • .,:: Lombard, 9 for $2,95, Free Colour Carden 45:i• Guide with Every Order. Broakdale-Kings- 1N p Nay Nurseries, Bowntanville, Ontario. r ^- TRLTCK, Tractor and Farm Equiiment 'agency ,;,�'�•, for sale in thriving community in Eastern f' FY �a Ontario, Owner must sell ort account Ill J N health, Sell or rent prnperty. Box 66, 123- 18th St., New Toronto. And the SAW11111T 1 fIACF7dNEltx AVY) SUpl,T IN9 So many women between theages PlticK Saw Carriages and Edgers. 103-ickVegetable Compound t0 relieve Lo„ rntner:.. Trimmers, New Band and of 38 and 52 have good reason to such s ratoms. Women b y the RELIEF pr to LASTING f Una tAlateber, tNtSt.etim, Gas or Diesel EnFPlaner s. when fertility ebbse Of away—when he time thousands have reported gratify - For fast, prolonged relief from Rubber; Leather.or Canvas Belting. Steel, Y—when Ing benefits. No other medicine Bear -embarrassing symptoms of this o£ this type for women has such headache get INSTANTINE. This Wsod ('�unCnba .[r`ollat�sQYEtdshhl�Jn7AGER� nature may betray your agel y1? prescription -like tablet contains not MAN R . CO,, L1ITPCT ). Bayviaw Road. I£ this functional period )makes a long record of success. just one, but three proven medical Ottawa, (int, You stiffer from hot flushes or Regular use ofLydiaPinkhamo - — — - makes you feel so weak nervous, Compound helps build up re4tir- ingredients that ease the pain fast. PAR11 Rl 1- Tbia year clean your seed , pronerly. We carry all sizes of screen In both restless, -hard to live and work tance against such middle -age And the relief is, in most cases, lasting, zinc and wire. State size of Perforation and with—try Lydia E. Pinkham's distress. The woman's friendl Try INSTANTINE just once for pail] front and side dimensions of screen. From v relief and you'll Say as thousands do Chathnm, hatham 6On1t Semen, 6,9 WIl11nm St. N.' LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S Vegetable Compound that there's dale thing for headache e :. it's INBTANTINEI And try INSTANTINE for other aches, too ... for neuritic or neuralgic pain . , or for the pains and aches that accompany a cold. A single tablet usually brings prompt relief, Get Instantine today and Always w'�°y ""'+,,,•,'�"•+.,. keep It handy Ins -1 111ine,­ 12-tablet Tin 25A Economictil 48.7ablet Dome 690 ISSUIS 7 —= logo 1, HARNESS & COLLARS .Fanners Attention -• Consult your nearest harness Shop about Staco Harness Supplies. We tell our goods only through your local Staco Leather Goods dealer, The goods are right, and go are our prices. We manufacture in our factories - Harness. Horde Collars, Sweat pads, Horse Blan. leets, and Leather Travelling Goods. Insist on Staco grand Trade Marked Goods, and you get satisfaction. Made only by SAMUEL TREES CO., LTD. 42 Wellington St. E., Toronto WHITE FOR CATALOGUE