HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1950-02-16, Page 5F" 1,Gth, 1950 ZURICH • ONTARIO L:UK1l. -1 R �Ic•r��►.�r _ POWWOW - ZURICH TOWNSHII 1 Immunization Clinics Authorized as second class mail, LOO AL NEW 7.,ie Patna Red Cross h lel its uu- -BREAD 4 " post Office Department, ottawa, when nual meeting in the twp. hall Miss Pearl Wurtz spent several Mr': Goo• Beatty was re-elected pros- An Immunization Clinic will again be held by — days at the home of her sister, Dr, (dent and Miss Rachael Johnston as the Huron County Health Unit on FRIDAY, FEB- .and Mrs. H. H Cowen at Exeter Secy.-Treas. it was decided to 21o1d � �► i e 1950 In the following schools: has returned the annual canvas of the Twp. some Ia RUARY 17th, BUSINES CARDS Mrs. Josephine Brisson .................. .. , . .. , s name fieri London, after spending time in Murch. At 9:3Q R•m, :.« Hensall :public School •� - some time there with relatives. Miss ,Mary McClym�ont of Toronto '*, �,.. �r'""" f, . • S 5, No. 11 Ha I"vT MmL R Drysdale is at Clinton wa; a week -,end visitor at her home ; At 11:15 a.zxi, .. ..... • Y Peter's 1s - a *� ,S.S+ No. 1 Sit eter s Jahn W. Orchard Hospital fox' observation, We wish here, �+rc � � At 1:15 l -M. ......... Y � s School) her the best of health. the Varna Associate Library held x nal meeting and elected the t Zurich Public'School OPTOMETRIST Air. 'and Mrs. -Charles Scotehmer its inn ;' ,Yy�d At 2:15 p;Tn. ,..,... .••.•. following board: Rev. Reba 'Hern, and children of near Bayfield were g ' "' 6 i For the most part, these will be second doses but any � L Main Street Exeter Sunday vistiors at the home of their Mrs. S. Keys, Mrs. J. T. McAsh, Mrs Open Every Week Day exerts, NIr and Mrs, John Albrecht,Harold Elliott, Mrs. Fred Watson, �' " r , :l enfants and pre-school children who may have c missed the first p' Geo. Reid, Fred McClymont, Elmer � `� w Minie in this district (January 26th) xna}^ receive the first . Except Wednesday Rev. E• W• Helmrich has returned �w`,�"" diose on Feruary 11.7•th. phone 356J home after spending a few days in Webster and John Smith. ' 'third •doses in these schools will by given on Friday, The monthly meeting of the W..d the State of Pennsylvania where he S wa : held in the Varna church oilMarch 10th. CENSED AUCTIONEERS was on the Mission of Evangelism. Feb 2nd, .Mrs. Ro.bt. Taylor .,pendi s, the meal s ready! The combined immunization for Diphtheria, Whooping • Arrives Home with the cal). to worship after which Cau h and Tetanus (Lackjaw)) may be given the babjes and No meal is complete without plenty pre -se children of 3 months to 3li years -of age. Children r The many friends of Mrs John all joined in worship singing. Misq of delicious wholesome bread. Anc, • p - WAI.PER Albrechtare pleased to hear that she Hern led in prayer. The first ani. • over this age may receive tbs combined inoculations for Diph- ALVINTASTY -NU tasts good and is good • tberia and Tetanus or Tetanus toxoide alone. Reinforcing �,_ has returned home from the Clinton second reader was taken by iYlx's• hearty food for you. Every slice E 'a does of Diphtheria will alsl be given where needed. Small - Hospital, after an operation and is 1tiIexryn Hayter and Mrs. E. Meyer • p Licensed Auctioneer progressing very nicely respectively, after another hymn the slice of energy- • pox vaccinations will be given on the last day of these clinics, r meeting was turned over to the Pres- Buy an extra Loaf today—star March 10th. .Specializing 1n - Has Returned Home ident, Mrs. Geo. Reid, Minutes of the now to serve more bread at ever- • Early protection of children against Diphtheria, Whoc•p- V&M and Purebred Livestock Sales x ass Florence Steinbach has re- meal. Get your TASTY -NU Brea, in Cau h '.tetanus and Smallpox is even parent's obligation. �'(• -last meeting was read and adopted. g• g � p y p g ',Service That Satisfies" turned home from St. Jroselrh's Hos- (-1ENSALi. at the Tasty -Nu Bakery or at your B E W I S E! ] M M U N I .� E! R. 1, DASHWOOD pital, London, where she had an local. Grocers. i %me 67r2• ependix operation. She is at the Mr: Coklery visited recently with Mrs. Sarah home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs Sarah Blackwell and David and TaSy-Nilia�Yy Ted Steinbach for a few weeks be. Stewart Blackwell. 6 Chick E. F• CORBETT foie she returns to her banking dut_ Mr and Mrs E L 1VLiekie and Mr. PHONE loo -- ZURICN�®_� les at Exeter.and Mrs. R. H. Middleton attended LICENSED AUCTIONEER the Ice Follies in Toronto. TENDERS WANTED • Announcement (Mr and Mrs A L Case left last week F Com■ Reasomable, Satisfaction Mr. and Airs. Russell Broderick o.t for Florida where they intend spend- GRAVEL TENDER —The Town- $ FOR STRONGER CHICKS Guaranteed Hensall, announce the engagement ins the remainder of the winter. ship of Hay is calling for tenders for EXETER, R. R. 1 of their only daughter, Joyce Paul- Mr and Mrs Louis Clark Sr. obser- hauling and crushing 5,000 cubic Phone ..-inch 92r7. ine, to William Jack Weber, Exeter, ved their 40th wedding anniversary yards Of gravel for 1950. This gravel We Also Have a Large Stock of Peat Moss, --- son of the late Mr and Mrs. Arthur at their home on Thursday evening;. to be taken from the McLaren pit Weber, Dashwood. 'l)he wedding to Feb, 9th. A family -dinner at whieh East of Hensall, Tenders call fox AVAILABLE A�l ' Ir T E R 1 N A R 1 A.N take place quietly in Hensall the turkey with all the trimmings was ser price .of -crushing and also separate t middle of February. ved. Mr and Mrs Clark were the reel- price for hauling on ?''ai rate any- t R • Hensafl ist Co -Operative e � - Alerts .of a lovely ]smp from the fam- where in the tawnshigi• Half of the I • W. B° COXON, B•V• Sc. NOTICE ily. cards were enjo ed and a social amount to be hauled in ea_r,! sp�'tng We have been approached .by some time spent. and the remai•lder in August. Ten- o ]]ENSALL and ZURICH • of the citizens -of the Village to start Hensall Wins Two days to be in the hands of the Clerk ! VETERINARY SURGEON a weekly collection for the Dump.__. Last Wiedne.-,day night Hensall de= ,by Marc':1 vth, 1950, accompanied by USIM with Residence, Main Streeh, Would interested people contact us feated .Dublin here in the new Arent marked cheque for X6200.00. `L'own- WE'RE READY THELP YOU Apposite Drug Store at the Office.—Thiel Transport. on Friday for their third straight victor*. T and material to meet with the ap- ship to supply one truck. ILII woxic d fie. -•96 ZURICH __ _..._._ score ;being •5-3. ,Then v night they blanked Crediton by the pxoval of the Road Superintendent. NOTICE ---- score of 9-0'. Only the superb goal H. W. Brokensbire,, Clerk, 0 'T' r 1-1 F, R S Why wait for sunshine to take R U mending of Watson, the Crediton Zurich, Ont. ► -. pictures. Come to Wagner's Goalie, leapt the score from going any time and get negative and 4x0 much higher. NEUI_]AUSER CHICKS ` • l lar photo suitable for framing for 25c. � �� � Popular Hensall Defeats Exeter Hatching now. Twenty breeds aril �r ' Bring the Family. Phone 91, Zurich . Hensall defeated Exeter }xS the cro s -breeds, also Hy -Lines, the new YOUR CAR represents a major investment. .r few Amend Monday night by. a score kind of chicken bred like Hybrid It deserves the best .of care—and that's what we're MEA 1 V1 RK I FOR QUICK SALE ,•,,f 3-2. The local team trali' by 2-1 corn Get them.early it will pay Yol: ready to give it. Whether it's a complete lubrication +(,et Us supply you With the Abouf eight toils of feed ,grain. at the end -of the first period, tied it well. Phone Metcalf 7482. job or just a battery check, we really try to g ive good, Robert Robinson, R.R. 1, `Zurich, at 2-2 in the second period, and scor- Neuhauser Hatcheries, 81 King St. thorough Imperial service --the kind that will keep you ,Very Choice of Fresh and Cur- Phone 97 r 'l4 Hensall. * ed the Winning goal midway through London, Ont. conning back. $o]Ognas, Sausages' the last period. This was a typical NEUHAUSER RHODE ISLAND Meats, rivalry -game between these two clubs REDS We'd appreciate a chance to shotp you etc., always on hand. Kept 26 acres FOR dA1 �Emiles east with plenty of hard hitting and chec- Fast feathering Reds. University of what we can do. }� �lresh in Electric Refrigeration of Zurich, concession 8, West s% of king which finally developed into a British Columbia pedigreed males. Pec—,cr �+ order Im ERIAL Lot X21, Hay nce Apply to Henry. free-for-all near the end of the last 300 egg lines. Bred for prouuction }iighest Cash Prices for Eickmeier, Zurich. Phone 85. period. only. Wonderful egg size. Chicles �'1. 34S�T'il SE^.q'iC[: STr:TIOIV Esso Munn—Taylor available now. COR. No. 94 & 21 HIGHWAYS '�ipo], Hides and Skins FOR SALE The United. Church manse, Hensall Neuhauser Hatcheries, 81 King St. DEALER 'Vun9hlnt & Sn'n 2• Holstein Bull Calves for quick was the setting for a lovely wedding London, Ont. on Saturday Feb. 111th at 2 p.m. when ..�.�.---Q c Rev. R. A. Brook unuited in marrx- BORN gs P R O n U C E sale.—Alfred ageThelma Jean Tay lom, and Jaxnea' ' ' Misr and'" 3VIrs Gerald �Gingerich are FOR d RUICK o SALE Gordon Munn. The bride is the dau ha, to. announce the birth of their Priced •for ,quick sale Gurney Range ,ghter of Mr and Mrs. Richard Taylor ppy - Sr. of Kipp and the groom the son I son Ian February 14th, at theClintml ��ipment silverwo.d like new, also Queen Oil Burner:— Public Hos ital Andrew Rau, Pllone 98 r 0, Zurich * .of Mrs. Munn and the late R_bert Mr and Mrs Alvin Regiex,of Zur- �_. Munn. Miss Mary Taylor., niece of xch are Happy to announce the birth _ F O R SALE bhe bride attended the briae and of a dahapp r, Carol Ann, at the DA-IBILS A quantity bf timothy and alfalfa Donald lltunn of Hensall; was hi.�Farwell Nursing Home.hay for sale. Apply to Alvin Gin;- brother's groomsman. The reception. OUR SPRINC SHIPMENT OF LADIES' Sash Market for Cream, Eggs erich, Phone 90 r 0. 2c was held at the home of the bride's Has Painful Fall parents to the immediate rerative, Mr. Samuel Elsie 65, resia-1r n' and Poultry FOR SALE A three tier wedding cake centred Dashwoiod had the misfortune to fall SCRCGGIN DR7-S'S SHOES HAVE AR - Have Your Eggs Graded OIl One crossed Tam -York hog; 1 4� the bridal table, following a wedding from a scaffold while working at trip to Toronto, London, Mr and Mrs g , front RIVED.—BE SURE AND SEE THEM. our burner electric bean cooker; 2 -horse Munn will reside in Hay TownsI , George Gassman s new house, AUTOMATIC power Woods electric grinder. Apply Complimenting Miss Taylor on Wed- uring his leg just below the knee. He I to Stanley Sauder, Phone 94 r 22, nesday afternoon, Feb. 8th wine 80 was taken to.. St. Joseph's Hospital, EGG GRADER I Zurich: -Ste neighbours and friends presented h.,r London, in Hoffman's ambulance, Also a Variety of Sport Shoes in Swedes and with many beautriend nd costly gifts where his leg was put in •a cast. LeRoy O'Brien, Manager N O T I C E 35th W�eddin:; Leather Grey, Red Maack and Burgundy Zurich including of which was an -occasional , j', , �' done 10 l It Plows, Harrows and Cultivates !A chair, table mirror, clothes hamper, Hearty Congratulations were one operation. Come in and see the hall tree, bridge table and two chairs, extended to, Mr and Mrs. Wesley A Frill Line of Men's Work Shoes for Spring; ■ new Robey 3 -in -1 Cultivator, at two 'dresser lamps and bed lamp and Wolfe who on Friday celebrated their Zurich 35th wedding anniversary. Atso to Zurich reamery Earl Zinuner's Weld�iil•g Shop, — many other gifts. ' D A S H W O O D Mr and .Mrs LI.Wd Eagleson wr.o cel- Hydro City, Valantine, Martin and Sterling Shoes. FOR SALE is to his ebrated their 11th anniversary, on Mr. Jim Hayters co Your Home Market for Cream 1948 Fleetline Delux Chevrolet Saturday On Sunday Mr and Mrs GIVE US A CALL! Eggs and Poultry car for sale. Priced right. Apply home with pneumonia. Stuart Wolfe gave a dinner rn their to Theo Haberer, Phone 99 Zurich �° Mr. Darnel Weber is confined tc honor the occasion also being Mrs. _ his home suffering from a heart can- Stuart Wolfe's birthday. Guests Highest Cash Prices paid plus FOR SAIF dition. included were Mr. George Wolfe and has windmill Mz. Sheldon Wolfe, Mrs. L. C. Miss C. Moore of Toronto and Mr. Ch Shoo 'Stole ~is premium for delivered cream 100 acre grass 'farm, Wolfe, .Mrs Gerald Wolfe and Caro- and Mis. Hy. Eagleson •of D•asllwond and plenty of water. Being Lot .i, lynne Ann of Clifford spent Wednes We are equipped to give effi Concession. 8, Hay Township• --Joseph day with Mr and Mrs Carl Oes- Late Mrs. John Schlundt ■ ®'" - ' °--°°"""�`" " " " Wild'fong, Dashwood, Ont. 2"c treicher• Mrs. Annie B. Schlundt, G4 wife of �_� s- a tient accurate service. Egg - _ err"` •a. ��M-NO=x�. a,�: Misses Gloria Kraft and 1lary John 'Schlundt. who died very sudden- 0� and Poultry department in FOR SALF-. ,Snell are •confined to their homes sufr- ly at her home on Thursday night q • Five hundred feet of 7 -8th inch ering with the flu. where she has lived for 42 years.Slt� O Choose Your Hardware • rope, suitable for use in barn, for Mm and Mrs Roy Ogden ante Mr. was a former resident of Hay charge of Mr. T. Meyers. Twp. quick sale, Rope was used in erect- Theo. Ogden visited with Mr and Surviving are 'besides her husband, � _ Chas. M nshall, Proprietor irlg Community Centre. Apply to Mrs Winn Nadigex the past week left she leaves two, sons- Herbert and Mel- e From Our the local Oommittee. c on 'Saturday night for London where vin at home. A sister, Mrs Eltza�beth they intend returning to their home Miles of Calgary and two brothers, s NEW HARDWARE STOCK INSURANCE in Fillmore, Sask., on Wednesday John and Henry Bender of Dashwood A Good Supply of Shelf and Heavy Hardware ----�---- - -- NOTICE 'Mr and Mrs Clarence Beck, Theo The body rested:at the Hoffman 1+un- • WHITEWASHING 8c CLEANING dore and Gloria of Detroit and Mrs. eral Home where services were held always on hand, also Elizabeth Beek of ,Mt. on Clemens spent gSaturday at 2 pm: by Rev. L. • Western Fanners' Mutual ArranScarf's Endurable Paints, Enamels and VarnxSl�eS gements can be made 1 the week -end with Mr Mrs. Wm*- Hi ere ll With interment in the Bron Bill Watson Nadiger also attending the funeral son line Cemetery. o and the New Almatex Plastic Paints Dashwood - Phone 35r1.9 ,of the ]ate Mrs. Jelin Schlundt on Celebrate 25th Anniversary Weather Insurance Co. Saturday-. A large number of relatives and For your heating system we recommend—the Good 0 OF WOODS�OCJ friends from the vicinity anrt poin'•s • in the U.S.A arrived by chartered � Cheer Furnace, or the well known Coleman Oil + nus at the home of. NIr and Mrs El p, Heater. T, HE LARGEST RESERVE BAI,- + + mer Datars, 14th Concession, Ha;: A.NCV OF ANY CANADIAN` MUT- Malting Barley � Twp., on "Saturday afternoon to still. N sehold needs we carry Beaty Wash For your Hou 'UAL COMPANY I)t)ING BUSINESS 4 prise them on the occasion of tlleir a Machines;ers National Electric Stoves, Marcolxx Rata - OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO .. �--- .l. 25th wedding anniversariy. I)inne. 10 ios, , Electric Irons, and Toasters, Enalxlel- .A mount of Insurance at Risk on •3• '` was served from a table decorat d ® - We are rain contracting acreage for The Canada De�ember 31.y*, ] 946 ,i, with pink and white streamer, avid ware Pyres and earl®us kitchen arses. $73,699,236.00 + Malting Company. � tapers and centered with a beautiful e� w Reliable PlumUin > PliY11c1Ce work, evetroughln ' 0 'dotal Cash in Bank anti Bonds: 4. + three-storey wedding cake. Tllc' To Serve and Satisfy' • $444,115,39 ;4 guests were entertained with lnutiic and Trnsxnxthin Our Ai1xx 1 and games. Beautiful gifts wdro 0'brieV Rates on Application Seed Supplied -- Contact Us 4- presented to the couple •fall owing a a II IIRICI-I E &SONS ;:, p '• I i 7 P'��i (" }j; (�'� �•Q� j�/�( ,/�` rdsenttii.!on address d5s by Alvin Weil• a a ca . ,w• N r wi14LO P•r•,•-� � A3>X•.O. A. MIC✓KL al.l ti• A G E N T 10 per. 14Ir and l�ht, T)aia1� very 0 � S i � «•a r Nights l3 ihanl r d, i.1w a::,cni'.ly fair 111, 0 l 4) 1'viain t. Hardwa>Le. O • • Pllt"ne 103, l ld'ElW"+all, Qx�lt. ,., ;l:r tl 1 Ole t , �. �, .t a 1 , rc� 1,••r; ." � Also Dealer in Lightning Rod. me €� .. p whirls f"oll.l r l ' t 1 ca ' ax, �++ri r•„.;.ro`-?L"r^'`y'"r,".l".L:`i�°fi�i�:-;.'t,r;M!.'.."�'SC...•'!'Ain'a'"k!7.7.%Mi �'a I 11.1 w 'tl.n�?..rl lbflrcl of l=ire: Insurance >�:�.,:. ,. .. .......,.y _.�.;__.z .