HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1950-02-16, Page 1..... ,."'.• J�'tW.�.+T ":"T�+F .¢r+ca'. In__�..,?w .^yf, -'w�yy i --1-1. sd R Y S l� �; V 4 } �4 /sI ; ......... • ... -+an+--Wines-+•-..�..-,....,.•..,e�,r�r..„.�...,,,,,�„e,,,,,;,,,m,odw�, _ _ ' rbUtehed :I. ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, FE13RU ,R'Y .16 19 15150 0.75 a'l�l� L,. SMITH, PUBLISHER, �x.�'6 a Ye�x in A.+iv�t�. $2.00 in U. S. A., in Advwift, ST. P'ETE.Ir5 Aldon Theat-mr--% --COMING RVENTS vanrgelcal I,nfibera Church GRAND BEND. 71 ZURICH - O3�TAl` O _ _-- _-___ REV. E, W. HEIMR.ICfj. PASTOI) 10 aaa.-Divine Services. 11.15 a.m. -Sunday Scl aoi.:, 2'.30 p.m. --.Divine Wors.Up. Everybody Welcome to all Servicer.. ....� EI�.IMhNUE11 EVANGELICAL UI1 B_ Clili�1�CII See It. Zurich ant;exr at _ __ ;Monday, Tuesday .: eb. 20- lE2EV. H. E., )Ol'>rTr1 "SCENE OF THE CRIME" NlinistCr Batt Johnston, Arlene Drake, Gloria DeHaven, Town Drake. Here's a re Mrs. ;Milton Qesclr �g a let Life Story -of a .. ew Era of Violence ,Sunday Services = told with Bullet Sizzling Speed. 1,0:00 a.m.-Divine: 'Waraixip. Paxamount Newsreel and Cartoon "'Bowling Alley Cat." .11.00 am. -Bible Sebtc a 7:30 p.m.-Divine,iror skci�. `CARDS OF THANKS Welcome at all Sersviceer, *Tome 'thou with us and we wiR do three :I -w dt. to express my sincere :Zood." Num. i�c2�: thanks and appreciation to the nran fiieat;ds.who so thoughtfully remer bered me with cards, flowers an .treats while a patient at St. Joseph' Ho4pitdl, .London, -Florence Steinbach. 1 .Mrs. Hairy McAdains wishes t Are You S -�e� From greatly thank her many friends fo the cards off cheer, while a patient,a the Hospital. Also fort the many e. I��d�t bbl iTressions of sympathy in Aheir sa 1 so, Have yaz71 l I nd wil t bereavement. 1lany thanks to Re X3, 'E. Koppel. ace Latest Psietlnocls Iaait srt • .�. T wish to express my sincere ap m predi.ation to the many friends from OPTOMETRIST Zurich and surrounding district 'wli called -on �n e while a ati x w e Lt in - th p GODMU R--- tClintus� ffospitGa�. Alco,,r any khan. - for the flowers, treats and cards. ' wd Glasses at Raww &k 1PAces -Albert J. Xalbfieis ....... „� a�,�„I R i>•M•F,i,f�•t a,•t•.. The Current Accounts in many a day, at least theworst f :� I• Private Cay Ambulance Service for the Conveyance of Sick sand Injured : Licensed `Embalmer and ,� �n><,reaal Director. 11° MEMBUR• OF ONTARIO FUNERA2r.a ASSOCIATION (SAY OR NIGHT TELEPHONE No. 70 +• IIe3od--3r�ta>rio 4 ............... .t*.i��&v� II"r@t $ia;........ 4 s b S z. e. & ,� F },� . fi •q .ga x Presents for Your. Enjoyment. Following Attractions Friday, Saturday Feb. 17- Eclnnund Gwenn, Tom Drake, Janet Leigh, Donald Crisp and Lassie "HILLS OF HOME" Colour by Technicolour .�. Magnificent PiCtwre that w Thrill your Heart in a Film. load with Wonderful Entertainment. Cartoon "Lucky Ducky" and a Pe Smith Specialty in Colour "Nov Y „ NOTYCE SPECIAL, PROGRAM SONG - SERVICE tht, THURSDAY; FEB. 16#h, . 8 p.m. By Ontario Mennonite Bible School - GIRS' O�CTETTE ;,s To Observe Day Of Prayer net Speaker -John Hess, I�itcherter. '1':tle World Dray of Prayer will be At Zurich Mennonite Church observed in St. Peter's Lutheran Everybody Welcome CI>'lixell om Friday, Februazty 24th, at three o'clock. Ladies from the Blake IN MEMORIAMS United Church, Goshen United , Chtaz•ch and Evangelical U B. Church will In loving memory o£ .a dear brottiller ;+firll. take part. Miss Reba Hein will eci Emil Hendrick, who passed away one lie :i;11e speaker. All ladies in the year agog February 24, 194,9'. cox�,rnunity are invited to attend. Pete Tlzose vihomz we ]ore go out o£ sight, 35th Wedding Anniversary You But never out of mind; fir• and Mrs, R F Stade ox' town They are cherished in the hearts were pleasantly surprised last Friday 21 0£ those they leave behind. evening by some of their zieighb�ours and:fztiends, it being their 35th wed- ---Ever remembered by Brother, Sis- ding annfver:aaxy. They were pres- ter, nephews and nieces. entied with three (beautiful .bouquets of :cut flowers. Also received many Teal Of Daniel Snrith, who passed away cards of congratulations. We wish one year age, Febrixary 8th, 194.9 in this ; fZne couple many More m•o're anniv- his 97th year. ersaries along with the best 'of health 1, I Gotne, dear father, gone to rest, and., happiness. ff Away from sorrow, care and pain. purchases Dwelling Property May you rest in peace, dear lather, Mrs. Jacob Meidinger has purch- Untf1 we meet again. ased_her (parents' former home £roan -His Sons and Families Mrd. A. Mousseau at the west end of xown, opposite the iialbfIeiseh Mills -'and has mored her effects into y �CIEIOOL •REPORT falia:swine on Monday. Mrs. 112eiding- n- er has been in residence in part of d Exeter District High School Board tlae'{.house of Iter 'brother, Mr and NIrt; For the fMarro baffmn f neral 3 Ill e irst time, the monthly Coniad Siernon for some time and is Joseph's meeting of the Board was held in the na�v .getting comfortably settled. We Board Room of the new building on ehtend to her the best wishes. Tuesday evening, Feb'. 2, at 8.30 Absent, C. S. MacNaughtotn and Had Pleasant Surprise o A. J. I�albflefsch• • Ern Monday noon ii7ra. William r Mr. W. L. Hodge of Crediton nn„ t terviewed the Board regarding Oaf Da idson, of the Goshen line sout;t; v_ 'eteria supplies. r��Stired a great surprise when t'lne The minutes were read and appzo z"aclzo .station. CT{N�i., Win,gna:a, called d ved for the regular meeting o£ Janu 'hc7� from the Dinner Winner Pro- °' axry� 10, and the special meeting of gr , as 1•irs. Davidson was enlight- January 1ti. • en�d,•wh'at not to say over the pllo�r.e The Go�rrespondence was read anil an � what to say. Also mentioning -tabled for discussion. 'w, t• she ltad for dinner that day and n• Per. Jas. McAllister and' E. Chain-, V4_the lucky 'winner to receive a o abexs that the letter from the. Qntaxuo' dill, aer for four. Their friends are e Trustees .and Ratepayers' Associat- 'co�n;;+ratulating tltem,fwor their wisdom ion...b ed e � 'li?ei A. W. Morgan a•ild'I�. H. Johns �> �:ls.hyilg Zvhat;ta say to make thein. •that the request of a delegation from eligible for the prize. ' �• Trivia Merrr�o'riarl Church for the use of the auditorium will be given s3Tm_ Worst Storm pathetic consideration. What is considered the worst storm T -H I L'S fill K k # :BARGAINS GALORE DURING OUR SALE! We are Listing a few r f 'Our Lines that idIUST RE -CLEARED 'Wool Blankest.,, Each from .. - ..., ..... $4.95 to 8.50 Chenille S�pkrr+eacls, Reg. 15.95 for . x ......: .......11.95 Unbleached Sheeting, 82 -in. Reg. 4.25 for 95c yd Men's Swockt,, Reg.. 3.+95 for ,......... .............3.19 Men's Smocks, lined, Reg. 4.75 for .............3.75 Boys' Pullovers,. each ........ from 75c to 2.00 Boys' Breeches,. as low az.. ..,......... •....... •...... 2.95 200 Yards Floor Covering, to Clear at I38c a Yard, to "$4.50 a Yard for lnlaids Phone 140 - C. H. THIEL -• Zurich a••6r e urretr ccotln s ,, s or o by the Secretary were approved for She winter, was experienced when .payment by motion off E. L. 12ickl? oil Monday forenoon the gales start - and L. C. Brisson. ed t'o: rise with drifting snow, which Per K. II. Johns and Jas 1VIcAitnr dttzmg the night turned into freezing 'ter that this Board authorize the .rain,•. and kept up all day Tuesday Chairman and Secretary to 'borrow, from the Bank o•f Montreal fire £ands. and the snow banTcs turned into' a necessary for the current expenses af' big mass of. slop and mush and traf• the Board up to $29,000. tic •became very heavy and by Tues - The Capital accounts submitted by day night it seemed at its' worst with the Secretary were approved forpay- ice and snow, when the power lines »•tent from Capital funds on mo+tlon and telephone lines in many places of H. Wolper and E. L.:14ickle gene torn down which cut off the The (Boiler Insurance 2s to be con- power here in Zurich at at about 8:3U timed for 30 clays under the same and• did not come until about two• the conditions. Per H. Wolper incl K. H. Johns next morning. Linemen were busy that the charge be $35.00 per night for days in making repairs, and it dor when the use- o£ the auditorium. is was a 3 > which will not beso easily granted to a. charitable 'or€anization £orgcotten for a while, But it is gett- for concert where an admission is Ing more seasonably •colder and will changed; freeze up again by Wednesday nig',-c. Adjournment at 1:20 per E. L. 3'licklc. HOCKEY NEWS - F, D. Howey, Secretary. COMMUNITY CEN'T'RE Still anotherrecord crowd was present -when over six 'hundred peo- FUND plc jammed into the new Arena here. in Zurich last Friday night, when Following is a list of contributio-ns the Exeter boys came otvcr with a made on recent canvas, for further determination to break the winning funds to complete Community Centre tresak of the Zurich team, but wi`h If the Canvassers have fatted to seg' tate brilliant playing and the superb � you, contributions are accepted at net minding of Bill Verner, the t•i�- the Bank of t1Vlontreal, Zurich.' itor, again had to go home not be W. J. Hay, Zurich . • • • • .:�:if,.00 Schacle " 10. U000 Ing able to accomplish this ,paint of Mrs. E. !Krueger ... , , ... , . .t 0. ambition, as they were defeated h}• ,•er Miss Nola Krueger . , .. • • . • 5.Ot1 the score of 7-3. The locals really Wm, Haugh ... • • . • ..... 5.00 have :been playing good hockey, and Joe Ducharme ........... 10.00 undoubtedly have had a tot -of good Roy Merner • .... • .... • 10.00 luck in keeping the opposing teams Blake 'Horner & Sons .... , • 25•00 from scoring. As in all sports, one Sane of used Rope .... • ... • 2,1,) 20 never knows what can happen. H. K• Eilber • ............. 25.00 Lewis Thiel .......... t ... • :i0.0U • Another Win - Wm Lawrence ....... r . • . .:5.Oc) .. On :Monday evening the locals George Bess ... • , .... , 10.00 met with harder opposition when they Urban Pfile; I)ashwouil .. • .. 50.00 journeyed to Granton and were Elgin Weigand • • • • • a•UO 'Wm. "„ i via - able to come home with another vie - Fdighofier • • • • • • �,OD forty under their (belts, this i now Burmeister 13ro.,• .... • • , (Jon Hendrick. , .... • .... • 2.x.00 the ninth vin without a defeat. This . Allen hiller ........ • .. • x.00 time the score was 4-3. Crranton Lloyd Hendrick ... , ....... I0.00 has a small rink and the buys wet^C. Garnet Patterson , ... • • .... 10.00 very much handicapped in getting Norman 'Charrett .... • .. • .. 3.04 their combination passes work-in„ iVlarcil Corriveau • • • . • • . • • • • 20,00 which is always a big factor to the Ed. Ii;albfleisch ... , . • . .. 10x00 Jacob palterer, Zurich ... 100,00 play, if the Zurich 'boys can get the next few wins, tltep surely will Milne Rader " • , • t .... �5.00 " 3.00 have the Group Championship under. Lisetta Datars Mrs, .. • . Audrey Hefrnxich ;Miss r .. 5.00 their belts, According to schedule W. Schroeder, Dashwood • • .. 2::t.IiO they ltlrty Hemall here this Wednes- ,Keith W�'sklake, Zurich. • . ;?:;.+t" JVtri ht, and next iVlo.itda�• c,veutnr. R Mack 1{.ln�pp „ ........ ib.1)U ;>ct to l,' can. res I�eb. `?Uth a.r tile, Wxn. McAdams " ........ "• 0.0U lntst. gam And unless lien 13reakey.... 10.00 there are scrttte hangovers, the 'regular Chas. Mfnsltall .. ........ 10.00 lnlaytng will the about through, But C. L. Sm%tli & Mae • . • .. • • �'.')t) � the gairtg will be tougher�dhen going' F. L. 'lZipliex� , .. , • , . , . a ... ,0.46 10,0 into the finitl:i, wllett the appositit',jy Milton ton (?448CTt , .. , , ... • • t (Ti be Continued) :will be NO %', M A. ' S RAG RUGS and CARPETS - BEAUTY sHOPPE FOR APPOINTMENTS On a New Modern' I.voni, 3I;;doto e Tel. 1223• , Zurleh Order -- Seth O. Aan.ann, Z'nxjieFU NORMA STEIIV$ACH -Prop. Ont. Phone 128. THE WORLD'S SKATERS CHOICE FOR PLEASURE OR HOCKEY WE CAN SUPPLY WITH MAT•• CHER SETS FOR JUNIORS OR PROFESSION- ALS, FROM $7.95 TO $45.00 ALSO HOCKEY EQUIPMENT SUCH AS GLOVES, STICKS, GUARDS, ETC., ETC. SKATES SHARPENED WHILE YOU WAIT jeweIer and Registered C3pticiana a. M Your Blue Coal' DrIer ' Wants y0aa to, kno-w A Heat Regulator will pay rft back the cost in fuel• saved in one season, besides the comfort of auto- uratic controll. Ask your Blue Coal Dealer: W. R. DAVIDSON Pone 10 M He-noall ROE'S VITIMIZEI7 FEEDS " Licensed Embalmer and .Funeral Director � Private Car Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent s FLOWERS .FOR ALL OCCASIONS_: Day and 'Night Service F'7616ghdne: `Res. 89 -• or 12.2,. Z dr?iA �iiir�®P���C���®®CE®®�B®�B►@®11® �ii9•�IB®�®�®4������R��� =;001 p 341 Wilt We are ever at your service with the--. best limes obtainable of FRESH GROCERIES • All Fresh Vegetables, Fruits in Season, as: well' as Canned Fruits and Vegetables am hxrrd'. Candies - Nuts - and Confectiones -y• iie•a;. supply GIVE US A CAL(::., PRODUCE WANTED: Phone 165 :.,t ek�_r I.. *':,. fl"'. F.� '_....�.^•c v..� M1r •'h; t�.t ,.. :k •r •.,yc. i inbw'h�v t� � P.:. r u 1Si'F�tl",�yty CI ad7`eathr Need E Mens' and Roy's Urderwe�ar',, Checked Skr;ilts, Men's Pants, Over:Alis, Smocks and Jackets, ;Etc. 1E ULAAF S1 E Mens', ,Bays, Rubber JEie;,aatg, 4 -buckle all rubber Yukon Mens'. High Laced Flexions; Boots, r Overshoes and Barbers. " FRESH OPOC Ii..IES •ALWAYS ON HAND E. Schwa►rtzentruber, Prop. Phone 11-97