HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1950-02-09, Page 84.' , 0. 3MRICH . 011TARIO ZURICH HERALD Thursdays,, FW5vmxr-y Pth, ID6() E fie, fill III III III III III I n. 14Irs• Clarence Datars who Ila,-, V�­ - + ,all Clinton Public Ho6pital •0 1V been �111 i-3 improving nicely. Westlake Furniture Mrs, Peter Koehler was taken to f1 ness.�� wing + Miss Norma Sturgeon Of Bayfield, I ,I Jim 0 has taken a poeition with the Willert: CANADA TRUST COMPAN V + 11 Snack Shoppe. I i + Mrs. Alvin Gingericib o loneline was taken to % the CERTIFICATES V / C= 3 only Wool Filled Comforters 66x72, each _$7,95 1w Rleduction Public Hospital on Tuesday, for treat- + I OLD AND P.MqEVMD Grey Wool Army Blankets, each ............ 6.75 12'1/2 % per Annuln, payable half- + Mr. Dennis Denomme of 1sl1ll9tGn,'. �ea,4.y upon $100 and ,over fax 8, 4 ON ALL L.Amp (Torbnrbo) was a we+ek-end "visitor or 6 Years., SALES DURING THE Extra quality Eiderdown at per yard ............ 75c with relatives int - anc, On• Thr ., the R. J. W. HADERER,. REP. Plain Maroon Mackinaw Flannel, 36 -in. yd. _ 65c, The many Tri I + MONTH OF 'FEBRUARY ends of 'Mr. Edmund Becker of the Branson line; who, has Phone 161 Zurich, . Ont. All Wool heavy Coating, 56 -in. Reg. 3,75 yd, 2.950r been ill, are pleased that he is Im- — + We Carry-: A Fine 'Display of all Lines of proving very niceliv ARTHUR FRASER + All Wool goods Extra 36 -in. wide, Reg. 2.35, Q Q Mr. and Mrs.. Roy .Swartz 'of. (7re -d- 41 + Furniture $tGn and Miss Lois Swartz of London + per yard ...98C visited at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Income Tax Reports + Theo. Steinbach Sunday evening. Bookkeeping Service, Etc. + Mrs* John Albrecht of town-, and Good Supply of Springs and, Mattresses Who underwealt 'In. O�eradojr in E X E T 9-11 + ClintonP the + Public Hospital 1�s im..prOvfTlg -bM(' X —Corner Ana, William 9t& as well as torrid be expected. I•. Phone: Exeter 855W. Always On HancL Miss Joan Krueger, Reg-, N. of Hospital., ljondan, was al -end at the h Oqne Fuf mku' re, V week visitor of her Winf @F oyerCo S ELMER D. BELL, B.A. + Phone. 122, Zurich mlother, Mrs. Herb Krueger. + at The many friends of Mr.. Simon + Hoffman of the Goshen 1 Line south,: BARRISTER who underwent an operation in St. SOLICITOR -Iosephls Hospital, London, are preas- EXETER, ONT. We are OverstockedWednesday, 2 to 5 p.m., a in Men's and Boys' Heavy t Zurich ed to see him lip -and -around, being able to come to town. At (New Tw-np. Office) QvD Overcoats. Many of these were bought ai much Off to Flooridi 0 Mr. Arthur Heist Of the Brenner AT TUDOR'S 6 lower prices than present day values, and are offer• House, Grand Bend-, was in town one FOR THE WOMEN Who ;have 0 Your mudware ���. day last week. Mr. Haist d ave, tale 0 frig same at still further reductions to clear. We that the Proprietors of the v1ses us urge to, start their Spring Sewing, 41 e Brenner Tudor's in Hemsall offer new Wabasso, 00 House) 31r. arid Mrs. Harold Klopp, p 41, rints, Plain and Striped -Chambra 0 WE ARE DEALERS IN: yp� 0 Quote only a few. are spending a pleasant vacation Ill Plaid and Check Ginghams; and Prin- Florida, at Present. Regular $45.00 for ........... Misses Laurene Zurb'rl ted Silks. Take ad -vantage of Voge, Moffat and Sunshine .......... $35.00 igg and Jean McCall and Simplicity Pattern serv- Electric Stoves. Dominion o Hodgins, both R,N,,,,,,f London, for- ice. Regular 35.00 for ........................ 27.5 merly of Exeter, are holidaying with and Maxwell Washing Machines, Duro and relatives at Long Beach Call, after NEW "COLOR COMIC STARRING 41 a very pleasant and most KING Beatty Pumps., A fine lighter weight top coat, reg. 28.50 for 1 8 905 st interesting ROY ROGERS,, COWBOY trip by way of the For hard ridin' action, see Roy 0 Gl�and,Canyon, Boys' Overcoats, Reg 28:50 for .......... 19:95 Colorado. Rogers and his horse, Trigger, in a The, Well known GIlidden and C. V. Paints, Varn- Name Was Omittedgreat new Western adventure color We regret very much that some- comic, starting in this Sunday's (Feb- ishes, Stains and Shellacs All Men's Parkas at 20% off regular Prices how the name of Mrs..A. C. (Bernie) ruaa­y 12) issue of The, Detroit Sun- Full Line W (lay Tinies. It's NEW !It's different! Siebert's name was omitted in race!Of Shelf and Heavy Hardware ving flowers on the evening of the See "Roy Rogers, King of the Cow- We Specialize 41 plumbing" ening 0 boys", new Collor comic, every -week heating, tinsmithing f the A. �C. "Babe" Siebert in Tile Detroit Sunday Times. and oil QQQ Arena in uascaho Bro&- VP Zurich, an the evening of buimexs LEPHONE 59 Z TEJanuary 0'0th.' URICH T I for two of Zurich oalsWeida Phone 63, g, get - Gets Penitentiary Term �ting the -other one. As long,as the Zurich Exeter — A two-iyear term in the 1 btoy5 keep dishing up this type of Kingston penitentiary was imp-sed1hockey , the people, are sure to a' # Rider a, OR Hardware on E♦arl J. -Niero, 37, Exeter by Mag -'them their 'wholehearted support" -We • e Wright.At an earlier h 4p fstrat� . ear1i;gj On Monday night tile locals Phone 63 Zurich Mero pleaded 'Won ob guilty to the theft of i theif sixth consecutive game b,3,, de- �,?00, a washing machine, 6ri dozen fea-ting Crediton in the Hensall Ar-,, 0 -%,-ysda1"e U Ij 9 cRps and other articles fron, Stanley eliaty th� Ocoee iof. it was 0 Thu D 1, ♦ Chappelle's West minister Twp. home MerneX s second shut -out in as many Saw His Shadow genies, al)d now in six games Zurich The Store with the Best Variety of all Kinds Thursday Thursday was groundhogI day and has had a total of only nine goals 3 of Groceries 0 if that traditional old fellow came scored against them. Creditoli sup. F 0 R rjut under the lovely sun wnfch was Plied very little opp3etion for the c Also Rubber Boots axed -Shoes for Men and Bovs a shining brightly for most of the day, local" as they seemed to score when- The Best In Mastic Tile Floor 10 0 with the exception, of -the early part, ever they. liked to. Goal getters in M well, he has plently) to think about G E T A fine assortment of Hardware and Electrical this game for Zurich, were Quensel M hibernating for another six weeks. 3, Deslauries 3, Gignac il, Doug 0' - Appliances 6 Our St. Joseph Correspondent in his Brien 1, Charleton 11., Decker 1, Rob. Is - TILE humble wan. also tries to explain inson I and Black 1. ALSO CLEANERS AND WAXES ATLAS AND SEIBERLING TYRES 0 this annual occurance. Zurich ni-nv leads the League ia Manufactured by The =;m Most Wonderful Weather all departments, having wvrl sic Flintkote Company, CO --OP. FEEDS Cured and Fresh Meats Ilo-st wonderful weather is visitingiganxes and losing none. Anyone ffla Your Patronage Appreciated at all Times! las at present, Tuesday and Wedne,�- I wanting . to see a real good ga Toronto, Ont. See Your Local Agent day the sun was shining nice and hockey should be at the Arena a(),fi 0� 0 clear practically all day, with just Fri night wh JOHN M. TURKHEIM ph Glvt" US A CALL! a en the b,oys Play 09 one Zurich 174 0 el3laugh coolness to prevent thawing h-oit-to the fast Exeter squad. Be N LAID AND MAINTAINED. Free Estimates Gladly Given : of any extent. The nights are very sure'to attendtbis game. JOHN DENOMY DRYSDALE Phone 98 r I I : c.ld and frosty which is usually tne On Monday night all Interesting,,. q91111affULM . .1case at this time of year, but these game was played on. the Zurich Arena - two days seem. just like the middle when Dashwood was host to, the Hen- ........... 14++++++;!-++++ of March weather. There is hardly, call squad, and Helisall winning a enough snow around town to Make the :score of 4--j, 0 , snowball. W HARDWARE SEEDS and FURNITURE, a good sn + The Voice of Temperance We Can Su ply Y HOCKEY NEWS P ou With "IL Ir SY1 Apps starred far the Maple .N The largest attendance of the sea- Leafs for 10,years. He says "Drink LUMBER S * son, and probably the largest to ever has no place inthe life of an athlete MILLWORK. Your e d 0 see a hockey game in Zurich, crowd- either physically or morally" Hap SASH TEN -TEST ed into the local Arena last Friday Ti Day is coach Oy the Maple Leafs. e night to witness one of the finest says, "I have no Use for liquor or DOORS Will receive attention with Us if left in plenty of trine. games of the season between Zurich athletes who, use it. I have seen too MASONITE and Dash, wood. -.The locals came out Inany good player-, fall by the way. wittile most on the tog end of the scoring, by side," Ted Kennedy is Captain of 41 We always try to Supply our Customers will defeating Dashwood by 3-0. Only the Maple Leafs. He says, "I've PAINTS BUILDERS' HARDWARE t Suitable Fuel for their heating equipment. But to the brilliant netininding -Of Merner in Iseen the drinkers come and go, They + ASPHALT ROOFING WAX the Zurich net kept the score from1don't last long, in this league." The insure deliveries in time always leave your orders early being much closer, as there was ver of hockey and the 170 Th AND ALL TYPES OF BUILDING SUPPLIES -v voice ice of little difference in the playing of. !temperance say the same thing. with us so we can arrange for your supply both teams. Des1lauriel's accoUnted 1 Don't drink! -Adv. F* C. IKALBFLEISCII &, SON •YOUR HEATING EQUIPMENT d -9 Phone 6 Have ZURICH Ha You Looked Over Your Heating Equipment? .......... ........ Does Your Furnace or Stove Need Attention; or Prob. Glenn's Auto W, reckers ably You Need a New One. Let Us Look These Over 01 e Wellington St. (Station St.) Exeter - Phone 418M 9 4 for you and offer Our Suggestion to Your Best Q 4 Advantages. -We buy, Pell or t,-Kade used cars. 4 Massey.. - 1T We carry a full Parts for must makes Of cars. a line of the Well Known and Tried k a and Proved ShetWin�WilliamS Paints, Oils, Varnishes' Truck wheels and 16 inch wheels. a Enamels and Varnishes, Fl + Also Quick Drying F arnses; oor wax + + I HAVE RECEIVED A L ARGE SHIPMENT OF MASSEY. + 41 + HARRIS REPAIRS. OT14ER SEASONABLE NEEDS Malting Barley ORDER YOURS EARLY! Plumbing, Furnace Work, f . + EVetroughing and Tinaml-0. AM TAKING ORDERS NOW F0 I , + f R ANY MASSEY HARRIS ing our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hard- + We are again contracting acreage for The Canada + IMPLEMENTS YOU M I. a + AY REQUIRE, INCLUDING TRACT,, Ware always In stock. + + 1, ORS, TNRESHiNG MACHINES, Co + Malting Compan + COMBINES, Y. ETC. Seed Supplied Contact Us CEO. T. MICKLE & SONS + .4 Phone 103, Hen8all, Ont, Nights 133 "The Service Arm for Canadian Farm" Tel, Shop 149 Oscarl0Res. 67 PP EVER AT YoJUR SERVICE FOR FARM NEEE)s!