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Zurich Herald, 1950-02-09, Page 1
FF.BIii.7ARY 9 (9 Se Q CHESTER I- SMITH, PUBLISHER,. $1.75 as Year is Advance. $2.00 in U. S. A., in .k4dv ST. �E' ' ' S .-COMING EVENT$.7 NORMA. ' S � � fr �.� ; � RAG RUGS and C.�.I"ET' Aldon Thea _ ---' BEAUTY SHOPPE Evangelical Lutheran ChurchGRAND BEND w 1' . ' FOR APPOINTMENTS 0n a New ModernLoom, Made tag ZURICH - ONTARIO .., ! Presents for Your. Enjoyment. iI►e " - _ Tel. 1223. Order - Sethi 0. Amann, Z REV. E, W. HEINRICH, PASTOR Following Attractions ' TO '�� r�� ''� Zurich u��e _ - NORMA STEINBACH _ Prop. Ont. Phone 128. Zurich Community Centre 1.0 aan,-Divine Services. Frdda,' Saturday Feb. 10-11 --- � • - -- �, ..■ �+ a'y' � Is At Toronto - - 1.15 a.m.-Strnd'ayT S'cJtaa€.Gene ' Autry and Champion ON Mr; Campbell C. McEaehern, man- ' 7.30 m.--Divin:e,' Worshi ager of the ;local Bank of Xontreal, Skates p• ly „ „ 5`I . VA I.EI�'I II°1IE S i?i.Y. "RIM OF THE CANYON is spending a few weeks in Toronto, Everybody Welsa.me. to, scll Serviuea. where he is taking special courses in becam. Also a Featurette Tuesday, February 14 .- his line of work. �_- Menday, Tuesday Feb. '13-1.4' BURN CONWAY'-1Infant Passes j Much sympathy is "extended to Mr. THE WORLD'S SKATERS CHOICE E.M : .I DIEL, Jennifer Jones, John Garfield - And his Gontinentals from London, and ,Mrs. Charles Hay iof Zurich who - with their Variety Program •,of ,lobes; in the Clinton Public Hospital, on FOR PLEASURE OR HOCKEY EVANGELICAL, U. B. CHURCH' "WE WERE STRANGERS'' Instrumental Numbers; Old..'and Nei,= Friday, January 27th, 1950, lost their Paramount Newsreel Time Music for Dancing to-Er%tertain, infant daughter, aged on day. WE 'CAN SUPPLY WITH MAT.' ,��ry both young and old, Resuming Operations PHONE U Zurich - (rnEe ciw --- Special Prizes for the best Stet', lir. Burchell and his staff of CHED • SETS CARDS OF THANKS Dancing; Jitter Bugging an! Old `Wreckers are resuming operations � ® 1 REV- Pii. 1. ix�Iri'E' Time Waltzing. on the old concrete water tank here FOR JUNIORS OR PROFESSION - 1 IS Mrs. Isiah Witmer of the Goshen Dancing to Start at 9:30 ppr on.Victoria Street, after an absence ALS, FROM $7.95 TO $45.00 •�p Min'Baste' Line south moat heartAyn thanks all of 'last week, owing to repairs to their j Your Blue Coil' 1 ealeE 1 her friends that rememberered her REFRESHMENT BOOTH equipment. h ALSO HOCKEY EQUIPMENT SUCH I Wants you to, kno,y$,, Mrs. Milton Oesi:L M Offaanist': with card's while she was in the Hos- Admission -Gents 75c; Ladies 500. Has Returned Home Advanced Tickets 1 per Couple. . Mr. Ross Johnston motored to Clin- AS GLOVES, STICKS, GUARDS, A Heat Regulator will pay rm petal $ p p ton on Tuesday and was accompanied back the cost in fuel' saved in oars Sunday Services::- t:. y p ETC., ETC. I wish to take this opportunity � W,O.A.A. INTERMEDIATE .home by his uncle, Mr. Albert .l. , 10•:00 a.rn.- Die€ne Warshig greatky thank .all those who rememb- , homeRallofeisch •who underwent an op- ,season, besides the comfort of Auto-• ered me by their prayers, cards, let- SKATES SHARPENED WHILE matic controll. H11;.00 ama:�21blie SM I- eratiron in the Clinton Public Hospit- i tees and treats and ,those who visited Ii ?:S4 p.m. -Divine oxr iiln me .while -at the Hospital. al last week and is progressing very YOU WAIT -Simon Hoffman. x favourably. I Ask your Blue Coal Dealar 4' Welcome at a1M� �s�*�c��-= `Caxtr� Have Moved tot Zurich thou with- as and we aril@ d�w t&ee t ANNUAL MEETING EXETER vs ZURICH air. and Mrs. Jacob Kipfer, who W. R. DAVIDSON have been residents of. Dashwood for ° In Babe • Siebert Memorial Asa ei;* sdnie years• have on Tuesday moved I��IYe I die The 75th Annual Meeting of the Jeweler and Registered Members of the Hay Township Far- to town, occupying the place recently ,. p ZURICH, on ROE'S VITiMIZED FE i5- mens' Mutual Fire Insurance Co., was vacated by IVIr and Mrs. Allan Sch- Optician. 1 wartzentruber. We welcome Mr. Eii held in the Town Hall Zurich, on FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10th •--- Hall, Zurich, and Mrs. Kipfer as citizens of Zurich Mionday the 30th of January 1950. Farm Forum � The president, Fred J. Habexer was At 8:30 P.M. Admission --Adults 35c. Children '15c The lappointed Chairman and H. K. Eil•• Unique Farm Forum met at bei, secretary. Exeter in an Intermediate A. Tear9a. , '" '$` � , Are You S� roM the home of lir and Mrs Clifford+ E The President in his address stated Pepper. with 33 members c :.J a 11 COBE and see if Zurich can d-0wn, pp present. that the Company now has '2+389 poi- this powerful squad. Miss Nola Krueger led the discussion---- icies in force insuring property to Support your local Hockey Team .by' on Are Canadians Well Fed.?" The the amount of $16,188,020. During attendin all :these games members of iou Forum. follow Can- Licensed Embalmer diad Funeral director �. 7F2 ago, Have Your E' Fes ii��+�ie� �� the past year 1081 policies were is- g j' ada's Food rules: Better 'balanced t tom Latest Me�tbad sued amounting to $7,080,710D and There were S5 claims amounUT19. meals, storage of fruits and vegeta- Private Car Ambulance Service 1057 polibies expired and we're can- to $2,4;509:95 which included $718 - byes for 'winter use, how to. build aI osp to I $� and A. for Rent r LCOLE, c celie�d to the extent of $5,592,950. 30 paid for ,losses xeillsured 'vs�itl' ... cold-st.oxage locker :w vere'-ixmong,%he Reinsurana � ith:'tli& UZ1Xo=�- Hib- Losses oii'Tive-stock were quite heavy subjects discussed. Mrs: Myrtle. FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Bert, %est Wawanoish and McKillop to :the extent of $.5,418.12• compared Krueger will be the hostess at No. Mutuals is increlasin+g every year. with $1,768.67 for 1948. There were 12 Hay School on February 13th. Day and Nib t e>r•arice Dux+ing the ,year 7102 applications a number of •claims fordamage to Mr. Sam Oestreicher will lead the :{ Gl�eses4 ai sic�s txrere received from them. _- discussion on "Is -there enol "" Telephone: Res. S9 or 122, Ziirici Tractors and Electrical Appliances. S land . These were new problems and all The hostess served a delicious lunch. policyholders were urged zo take C)AITt I A R V .t t •i � r:t� 9^ 4'� I F.... ". ...... '......4-p evenyl precaution to prevent fires. The Assets o•f the Company a- �yq�rr y© e%Q�mom •4, mount to $88,5614.47. The surplus de- r creased by $1,927.57. Reference L was also made to a rebate of X570.29 r from the Government on the 1947 B Private Car mbul nce Service for the Conveyance A � Income Tak. The total resources of a the Company at the end of the year B .� orf Sick asap Injured Licensed Embalmer and of � were $515,221.62. h- This being the 75th Anniversary of tl Funeral -Director. the Company, the Board of Directors a. =`'r has invited the members of Group MEMBER IVB" T� ONTARIO FUNERAL ASSOCIATION , + + No. 4 o+f the X1.F.U.A. to tic their e7 guests at the annual meeting whiter.. F DAY OR NIGHT TELEPHONE Ne. 70 +will be held some time next October. r( Dashwood +,. It is expected several spead.ers re-. t( presenting th;>. Association, the Dep- el + •t, artment of Insurance and the Fire ie d t i ,r D .I 6 •k.I, l hdl °= ? t °8°� h• t 9•a•�r Q �'q• g g �" ` ,'`„r �.3.,g; Marshall's Office will attend and de- a Iiper• important addresses. ii. Reference was made to the passing .of the late, Stephen Webb wro died w 9recently T 11 1 pp in his 93rd year anrr wllo d: fon a number of years was Director, .6 Vice -President and President or the Sf Company. Albert Hendrick, a former Direct- r 3), `t or and Officer of the Company was pre4ent at the meeting. He has rec- h' ently han an operation and his many dt -welcome ' 1 e lad to him. it 1 lent s til er g ening was lir. George J etterson, A letter was read from Joon An)!- g e strong who tendered hes resignation principal of Clinton public school, a as Director on account •of ill health, and �vlro emphasized a great deal The Board of Directors had acceptt d deal of humor in quoting of what. -4n N P d a ance6ALE LdWunathel: the resignation with regret as he had some writers have said about the or - served on the Board for a number dinars "Boy." His talk was mainly of years and his judgment had,C 0, centred on our youth, the responsih- been highly respected. ilius of parents in getting their chil- 1dren started right, even before they H. K. Eil-bee, Secy -Tress. tow the g BARGAINS CARE ]DURING OUR SALE! Board read the Financial Statement are sent to school for learning. He GLLA. and J. W, Haberer one of the Aivi- was emphatic in his praises for the Mens' $ Boy's U1k¢lcitwcar, Checked ShittsD itors stated the books had been and- local Lions Club and the good people We are Liski�w a, Few of Our Lines that MUST ited and found correct. in the district for what has been ne- �,q i4Tr..R. C. 1lcRon:old, Chief of il,,. complishecl in the erection of the Men's Pant Overalls, Smocks direr Jackets, Eta. E 'CLEARED: Londan Fire Department and Pr-si- Arena and Comnmurrity Centre. The ,. eaker Nkas introduced by icon Jic• i dent of the Fire Chief AssoOi itioil 'p "gaol Blankest„ ".ar�•ch from .......... •95 to 8.50 of Canada delivered a ,holt addre s for Dinnin, and after his address Lion Ion Fire Ha.za�•ds and File Prerve"tiorl Ivan Yungblut expressed thanks for rks, In the bustnes �� b r Footwear Chenille Spw-,+a s,, Reg. 15°95 for ..• .............11`95 This proved very intereAbV,• and his fine remah gp many expressed the wish �tttut lie part of the meeting it was stated 11bleacl-ge �, n'6. e'.l¢11,. , -YI1. IZ,e 1..a xroT 9bc y't$ would ,return at some future. date ia. that the two shanties in front of thcl Mens', Eoyt Rubber Boots, 4,buckle all Iasi leer give another address. Community Centre, owned by th.e Men's SMO&Sp Reg, 3.95 ;For .• .......................x.19 Mr, Clarence Parke r, ;5 electod Club, will be donated to the Agricul- "xYukon Mous'. High Laced FlexiO= .foots, r for two years as Director to succeed tural Society, for use on the grounds Men's Smocks, lined, Reg. 4.75 for .............. 3.75 John Armstrong and Goldie (7rahanr, which includes the athletic field for Boys', Pullovers, each ........... ..,.... fronn `7Sc to 2.0€� Henry C Rc::aver and William 11. the summer months. A ve..to wa taak- Overshoes slid Raibets. Love were re-elected Direct -rs for .1 n ole two applications for member. GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND �+ r hi namely ler. T. V. Feast ante 2,r boys' �xee,~k1�s, a5 low R'S . .............. term of three year,. J W• %Iahc1 1•• "ItiESI-li t~�l-tib „ .veil. (xcol I?c�ieilrrt �� •rr, rf.-•� „� ' I �rl,. "tl+nitheirn, which was very 200 Yards i4Y+E' r �.'ove!"fl1iiApg, to Clcnr a]Zurich a Yard, ,t'ar'si 't r.rrr'sed. 4: c v Tien :�nditrrr,, o-+ v too 4. r X>iAlaid3 1!'oilorvirl * the annul l ,neetint.;, `tl1 :r.. it that the (€(1�1?( lysin I 1 x �p ILA k � � ;' ra Board reconvened find William it > ncci (,,:,,Ig will plit on their Sat- r lq; INI 1114 a Love, was elected President and Wil.. irday Nigllt Frolic in the 0 rnmun-Ham 13a1n h Vice-Presizlent for theIty Centre, Zuriell, on Saturday cv•I Phone 11-97 �, .. . 1� . `1C1�III I g ' grief, peb. 18,Lb, which is being spoil, E. Sc x �vaalrtzelati•>liber 1�A� ensuing year. ! _.. Eilber, 9e0", Iored by Pio Molls. am