HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1950-02-02, Page 5to 1 . , ^, , Zuit[cli ONTARIO, KYRICH I-IERALI Au orized as second class mail, peat Office Department, OttaWa. BUSINES CARDS John 'V'V•. O rchard , OPTOMETRIST Main Street -- Exeter Open Every Week Day Except Wednesday Phone 3553 c LICENSED AUCTIONEERS Oscal• klopp LICENSED AUCTIONEER WM ae11 Anything, Anytime, Any- where. Telephones: Shop 149. Res. 67 Zurich Central ,AL'V'IN WALPER Licensed Auctioneer .Specializing In - V& ma and Purebred Livestock Sales "Service That Satisfies" lhone 57x2. R. 1, DASHWOOD E. F. CORBETT LICENSED AUCTIONEER LOCAL NEWS Mr.:and' Mrs. Albert Hess were in Detroit last week. ,Mr.. Emanuel .Sararas of the B. W. Highway is spending a few weeks in Detroit. Mr. Simon Hoffman is in St. Jos- eph'e, ..Hospital, London, where he underNrent an operation. Flt. Lieut. Andy Williamson of the Trenton F)yiing School, spent a few days at the home of Mr and Mrs C. L. Smith, the past week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Cowute and family of Detroit were visitors with their parents, iMr and Mrs. Norman Charrete, B. W. Highway, south. Mr. and Mrs. George Deichert were in Toronto last week and while there they attended the .big Locker Convention. Mrs. Anne Turkheim has returned home from Toronto, after spending some time at the home of her daugh- ter in that citty- Mrs. E. Hoy of town, accompan- ied by Mrs. Lloyd Hey of Crediton, were last week at Strathroy where they' visiited the former's daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Hooper, Mrs. Emily Fuss who has been in Detroit, visiting with her daughter, Mr and Mrs. Jos. Swartz, in Detroit, since Christmas, returned to her home in. town last week. Having had a most enjoyable time in that city. ZURICH 'HERALDr Thersday, royoruary 2nd, 1550 Mr. and Mrs.. Garnet aha Mrs. Wal ex's brother, r. and Mr, and Mrs. " Arthur Hager and family of Detroit, BREAD MALTING BARLEY visited •with friends and relatives to I Zurich the past week. i ° + The Annual Meeting .of the Hay i �h Ia a ;' We are Contracting Acreage for The Canada Township Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Malting Co. + was held on Monday and was largely + Us Are: attended, and an interesting meeting ti< Advantages ®f Confixacio With I1�IY was held. The Directors and Audit- + + ors, whose term of office had expired, I t ��� ��,,� + 1. You deal with a reliable firm, the Canada were all re-elected for another term, `% f r .Malting Co. Today, Wednesday, is the first of I �» February, and a nice winter's day Y .2. You obtain more money per bushel. + it is indeed. Tomorrow will be the .� ::?_`;:`:• • y see'ti, � 3. High quality d is supplied. traditional groundhog day, and we y � •i, g q pp are keeping our fingers crosse.- what`':. ».• - 4. We are electrically equipped to handle loose the weatherman will -give us when o� this old timer comes out to see orgrain. .,, not to see his shadow. the meat is ready( 10 5. If preferred, free storage is available until Hockey Enthusiasm No meal is complete without plenty .;» December 1 5th. •4• Last Friday night during the hoc- of delicious wholesome bread. Ane + key game in town, what seemed ,to' us TASTY -NU tasts good and is g000 + COOK BROS. MILLING CO. as hundreds of cars were parked in •i• t• the streets of Zurich to see the inter- hearty food for you. Every slice s �, •� seting games. People are becoming slice of energy_ ; Phone 54 Hensall, Ont. Nights 63 �� very sports minded. and now that Buy an extra Lsaf today—start ,i, the suitable accomodation is available now to serve more bread at even with the fine n•�w Arena largemeal. Get your TASTY -NU Bread cronvds can -be looked for. Another, at the Tasty -Nu Bakery or at your bumper crowd is expected this Fri- lova] Grocers. day night when the strong Dashwood k Comop. �o��� �steam will be over. With the veryTasty-Nu Bakery modest admission charge, everyone that can, should turn taut to see these PHONE 100 -- ZURICH A games, which are always interesting, FOR STRONGER CHICKS in this known as Canada's Winter Spoilt. • •,OBITUARY 'T Reasonable, Saatisonfacta Guaranteed AUCTION SALE Late Mervyn George Schwalm EXETER, R. R. 1 ��ch 92r7. Willi be held ton the premises, in The death occurred in ,Stratford General Hospital of Mervyn George Fri- Phone Zurich, of Household Exects of the Schwalm, who passed away ion E R t N A R IAN late A. Mousseau, on Saturday, Feb- dty, January 27th in his 39th year illness V' E T B.�. SG ruary 111th, at 1.30 p.m, Alvin Walper, Auctioneer. following a week's although he had been in ill health for the past or. W. B. COXON, Herbert Mousseau, four years. Son of Mrs. Violet Schwalm and the late Peter Schwalm VETERINARY SURGEON Elzar Mousseau, Executors. _ of Heinsall, he was born on the old FOR QUICK SALE ®ffiae with Residence, Main Street, Schwalm homestead, Blind Line, Hay Twp., nlear ,Zurich, on June 27th, Store Apposite Drug ZURICH A 1942 'Coach in good condition. 1911, and had resided in Stratford fyene-96 This car includes a heater, side mir- since assuming a position as clerk -of BUTCHERS oir, grill guards, fo,� light, spot light, Apply to Arthur Heist, Grand the Mansion Howse in 19!37 where he was employed until his death. In . etc. Bend, Telephone 56 r t1. c X1939 he ,married Pearl Schuindt of Y7 popular �r�fi�l�' �O� 1 -- Moserville. He was a member of Zion Lutheran Church, Stratford. F®R SALE Surviving are his widow, one son �jto �-RiK jT 1 150 bushels ,of No. 1 Oats for seed 68c. bush. Bobby, and one daughter Betty. His mother, five brothers, Gordon and JILd (TS yoD with the or feed, for quick sale at Theo Haberer, Phone 99. * Raly', Hensall; Carl, Exeter; Austin, t.et supply Fresh and Cur- Stratford; Lee, Hamilton; six sisters, M Thomas; Mrs.. very' Choice of Mrs. J. McFarlane, .St. -1bd Meats, 'Bolo as, Sausages, FOUND Harold Hanson, Stratford; Mrs. W. ,tc,, always on hand. Kept In Zurich, a bunch of three car Wayne, Hamilton; Mrs. Donald Per- due, and Miss Mae Schwalm, London rah in Electric Refrigeration keys. Owner can 'have same .by pay- Mrs. R. McKenzie, Hensall. This is ing expenses at Earl Thiel, Zurich, the first break-in a family of twelve. .Highest Cash Prices for The body rested at the Heinbuck Wool, Hides and Skins NOTICE Funeral Home, 1556 Albert St:, Strat- ford, until. Monday 30th; when it was �la� ��� ��� WHITEWASHING & CLEANING taken to Zion Church where it lay Arrangements can be made in state from 11 a.m. until 3-30 P. when funeral services were Gond- I, R O >� 'l j (; E Bill Watson an., acted by Rev. Karl Knauff, with in- Dashwoil — Phone 35x19 terment in Avondale Cemetery. Silverwood DAIRIE0 S Vusb M&rket for Cream, Eggs and Poultry Have. Your Eggs Graded on our AUTOMATIC : EGG GRADER LeRoy O'Brien, ManagerZurich Phone 101 Zurich Creamery '(Cour Home Market for Cream' 1 Eggs and Poultry Highest Cash Prices paid plus a premium for deliveredeream We are equipped to give effi- cient accurate service. Egg and Poultry department in charge of Mr. T. Meyers. Chas, Minshall, Proprietor INSURANCE Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK TRE LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- UAL COMPANY LOING BUSINESS .• OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO . , ••A.mount of Insurance at Risk on December 31sr, 1946 $73,699,236.00 Total Cash in Bank and Bonds. $444,115.39 Rarte:, on Application F. KLOPP__ZURICH AOEN'T Also Dealer in Lightning Rods and all kinds of Fire Insurance NEUHAUSER CHICKS HY - LINE CHUCKS Written up in Readers Digtest as the "New Ruler of the Roost". A new kind of chicks bred lixe Hybrid corn. High Speed Layers. Lay 2 to 6 more eggs per bird per year. Phe newest •thing in chickens. Produced 'by crossing inbred lines. Chicks av- ailablei now. Send your order to -day. Neuhauser Hatcheries, 81 King St. Landau, Ont. NEUHAUSER MEAT CHICKEN -Cornish Crosses - "The Chiciten of to -morrow" meat birds, Cornish Game X New Hampshires; Cornish Games X White Rocks. The finest bird known, yellow skin and great broad breasts. No black pin feathers. Puileks are surprisingly good layers. Chicks hatching now. Neuhauser Hatcheries, 81 Xing St. London, Ont. 6 a We Also Have a Large Stock of Peat Moss AVAILABLE AT Hensall Dist. O-uperative HENSALL and ZURICH WE7RE READY TO HELP YOU -"Mklv S) YOUR CAR represents a major investment. It deserves tete best of care—ars,, that's what we're ready to give it. Whether it's a complete lubrication job or just a battery check, we really try to give good, FOR SALE Itriperral service --the kind that will keep you FARM coming back. coming Consisting of 100 acre farm on the We'd appreciate a chance to show you what the can do. Parr Line, Hay Torp• all tillable, 11 acres fall wheat seeded with timothy, Hector F®reier 1410 acres plowed, (balance in grass; L ,bank barn, driving shed, 1.'.'s ST, JOSEPH SERVICE STATION shaped storey solid brick 'hawse insulated; with kitchen and woodshed, buildinet,; COR, Nog BA ..& ,21 HIGHWAY DER all wired, garage, buildings newly rodde. Neverfailing well. Also 50 acre grass farm in Stanley TAvp, a- bout a mile west of Hillsgreen. ]For further particulars applly to Misses M. or D. Hagan, R.R. 1, Zurich.* o Md W *1 nit e r W . TICE T061 ONTARIO _ Re Unsatisfied Judgment Fund Fee Under an amendment to the Highway Traffic Act enacted in 1947, pro- vision was made for the creation of an Unsatisfied Judgment Fund out of which will be paid, in the manner prescribed, judgments for Pej•eoaal injuries and property damage sustained by reason 9f the operadg '+'q1f motor vehicles, which cannot be collected in the ordinary aaao84e fc" the judgment debtors. The method prescribed for creating the Fund is the collection of a special fee, when required, from each person to whom is issued either •n oparatarr's or a chauffeur's licence. Wliile this legislation has been in effect since the 1st c!(J1*1y, 1947, the Unsatisfied Judgment Fund Fee has been collected only since J�ntpary 1st, 1949. Total fees collected for the Fund and repayments to the Fund from January 1st to December 31st, 1949, amounted to ...................$638,430.37 Judgments paid out of the Fund from July 1st, 1947, to December 31st, 1949 amounted to ....................... ................$630,644.03 runout As there is not now sufficient in the Fund to Fay judgments for a period of a year, an Unsatisfied Judgment Fund Fee of 50c will be collected from each person to whom is issued a 1950 operator's or chauffeur's licence. ONTAR1A DEPARTMENT OF HIGHW"S GEO, H. DOUCETT, Minister PRICES SLASHED FROM 50 TO 100% BEC,INi NI ,14G JANUARY 21st ON TO JANU- ARY 28th INCLUSIVE. LOOK FOR A SALE BILL IN YOUR MAIL THIS IS YOUR BIG OPPORTUNITY Choose Your Hardware Heeds From Our NEW HARDWARE STOCK A Good Supply of Shelf and Heavy Hardware always on hand, also Scarf's Endurable Paints, Enamels and Varnishes and the New Almatex Plastic Paints For your heating system we recommend—the Good Cheer Furnace, or the well known Coleman Oil Heater. For your Household needs we carry Beaty Wash Machines; National Electric Stoves; Marconi Rad- ios ; Heaters, Electric Irons, and Toasters, Enamel- • ware Pyrex and various Kitchen Ranges. Reliable Plumbing Furnace work, evetroughiia; and Tinsmithing. =Our Aim „To Serve and Satisf3'' iDatars 46"99-110116 0UsLimen Mainz St. Hardware Store Phone 213 S •