HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1950-01-26, Page 8IF 11 ZURICH - ONTARIO SPECIALS Men's Winteii Oa . , oFie ats We are Overstocked in Men's, and .Boys' Heavy Overcoats. Many of these were bought at much lower prices than present day values, and are offer- ing same at still further reductions to clear. We §0 Quote only a few Regular $45.00 for ...................... $35.00 Regular 35.00 for ........................ 27-50 A fine lighter weight top coat, reg. 28.50 for 18:95 Boys' Overcoats, Reg 28:50 for ........... 19:95 - All Men's Parkas at 20% off regular Prices %aaseho Blimoos. TELEPHONE 59 Thursday, ITEM'S j PETER'S i Air and Mrs Albert Ness motored Evan,-:, elical Lutheran MME9= V, to London one day la Church iQ� in at week bus- ZURICH 0 NTAR-10 .Miss Mae Smith of Deep Raver, REV, I-. W. HEIMRICH, PASTOR ILI 'Your Hardware RorVY e is Visiting with her Parents, Mr and Mrs. C. L. sanith. 10 a.m.—Divine Services. BORN—At the Farwell, Nursing 11-15� a.m. —Sunday School, 10, lHome, Zurich, on Jaiivary 2.Lst, to,1 7.30 p.m. Divine Worship, WE ARE DEALERS IN:— 10 Mr. and lYlxs Francis Zippbr, a so.n. Miss Jean son.; Welcome to all Services. n Truss.and Xtivs jjenc� W4smann of London, spent the we- Moffat and Sunshine Electric, Stov-es. Dominion il, ek-end at the home of Mr and :Mrs. Maxwell 0 and George J. Thiel. Washing Machines, Duro and The annual business. meeting of EVANGELICAL U. B. CHURCH 6 Beatty Pumps. the Zurich Agricultural Society was h. — Ontario 4� fairly well attended. Minister n. 4b held on 'Wednesday afternoon, and REV. H. E, ROPPEL The well known Gilidden and C. V Paints, Vari Mr and Mrs. W1111- 13aie011er and Mrs. Milton Oesch - Organist up 0 ishes, Stains and Shellacs Sharon Dianne; made a- business trip Sunday Services,—, #1 . * 0. to Tavistock last Thursday. 10:00 a.m.—Divine, Worship. Full.- Line of Shelf and Heavy Hardware BORN — At Zurich, on Monday, 11A0 a.m.—BibI6 School. January 23rd, to Mr. and Mrs, Len) 7:30 .p.m, Worship. We Specialize in Plumbing, heatizig, tinsmithing Prang, a son. Messrs. George Deiche Welcome. at all Services—"Conle and oil burners ob Haiberer rt and Jac-. thou with us and We Will do thee were in Toxonto this !good.?1- Nuju. jo:29. week, attendingPhone 63 a Locker Convention Zurich Mrs. Peter Deichert, who has been • Patient in Victoria Hospitat, for t ware • short time, has returned I Radar ch better. Phone 63 Zurich is feeling jum & Erio 0 Mr, and Mrs. Edmund Oesch and family of the Goshen north, - were 7 dinner guests at the home of Air, and ture,.. Mrs. S. Baechler, Brinson line, on Sunday. 1% MB .g to the very mild weather CANADA TRUST COMPANY e% EMEMME Owing country gravel roads are getting PLVUR TILE very soft and heavy. But it looks as CERTIFICATES if it F 0 R were freeze u again SOLD AND e.' g-�ing to very. shortiv. RENEWE D The Best In Mastic Tile Floor Mrs. F- d Haberer and 21/2 % per Annum, payable half Miss Ann - Datars have returned home after yearly upon $100 and over for 3, 4 ag G E T E. spending several days at the home or 5 Years. of the former's daughter Mr. and J. W. HABERER -REP. TILE - TE' Mrs. Chas. Telford, Windsor, ALSO CLEANERSAND Tuesday morning one of the worst Phone 161 Zurich, Ont. WAXESManufactured by The Flintkote Company, Icc ,tOrn's swept these parts in some rears. Lines Were down and many IN MEMORIAM T01702hto, Ont, telephone calls were cancelled that otherwise would have gone throngh. In l'ovilfI'meniory of a near Sister See Your Local Agent w , 0 JOHN M, TURKHEIM Elizabeth Becker, who passed away, Phone Zurich 174 Mild Weather January 24th, 17949. 0 LAID AND MAINTAINED."- Free Estimates Gladly Given Unseasonable mild weather isa- gain with us,. as rains were :,,,ling Beyond the gate our loved one 1191 in abundance and the inildeS' �t weatj,Finds happiness and -rest, er in history again prevailed. While And there is comfort in the thought in some western Parts there is a rpe- That a loving ;God knows best, +_11_+ ++++++++ ++++.I- Ile ........ ................ 1.444+4-+ ord for allow, cold and stones. Truly —Lovingly remehibered by Aunt +r it is like April, minus the spring Annie, Sisters Maxie and L,)uxse. 4. birds. I - We Can - Supply. Ynn With vvv ZURICH J To Hold Annual Meeting CHARITY RACKETS EXPOSED Monday afternoon, Jan. 30tH , there will held in the town hall, When You contribute money to a LUMBER 1VlILL 0 1 Zurich, the annual meeting of the charipy Make,sure it dosen"t get into VV %-,Fzkft Hay Mutual Fire InAurance Co., when the bands of racketeers. Learn how SASH TEN -TEST Directors and Auditors and"thegen- you can spot these phonies. Read eral progress of the Company I 0 b-, ro discussed. An p.any wfll be about charity racketeers in "Don't DOORS 0 Iff Thu^ Dry-Tsdalle "to MASONITE 40 appeal, is -beih,k made 'Be A Sucker" in The American 0 Weekly, great -magazine with this PAINTS BUILDERS' HARDWARE 0 •f6-r,a,.,g* attendance. . Sunday's '(January 29) issue of The sY The Store with the Best Variety of all Ki Late, This Wt.jek.. Detroit Sunday Times. ASPHALT ROOFING The- Herald 'Will reach its subser- WAX of Groceries ibers ', bit'lat, this week, owing to - Taking Down Old Tank AND ALL TYPES OF BUILDING SUPPLIES 0 circurnstances. unavoidable, Hydro, disruptions, etc. Some asked us if Also Rubber Boots and Shoes for Men and Boys The contract of taking down the we have the flu, old concrete water tank in tolyn has publisher be visited with this pesky been let to Mr. Burchell of London, A fine assortment of Hardware and Electrical but should youy be F. C. KALBFLEISCH & SON who is here with some powerful this for -fair war to Appliances thing, well, there won't be any ITer,ld Hydroulic equipment and seems Phone 69 ZURICH 40 that week. So takeI ATLAS AND ning! have a good start at the work with NEM44446 ........... SEIBERLING TIRES only a few. hours . at - it. W e Wish +Vk A PLEASANT SU`R,PRI$Z jilim-a lot Qf luck in his undertaking, CO --OP. FEEDS Cured and Fresh Meats Caine to jhe Congregation the n egatioi 6? as it sure looks to us a very difficult their services were about to comm- J Your Patronage Appreciated at all Times! Blake A. Mennonite Churen when job - 40 GIVE US A CALL I ence on Sunday forenoon when Rev.TT 0 and Mrs. Daniel Wagler and Mr and M a ljy JOHN DENOMY - DRYSDALE Phone 98 o Mrs. Joseph Schlagel of East" Zorra BLAKEr came to PRY themvisit. visit. Rev. Wag - ler brought a very impressive message Mrs. Sam Hey has been visiting lea - her daughter and son in Goderich. HAVE RECEIVED A L ARGE SHIPMENT basing his remarks on Jude 3: Earn I Ily contend for the faith which was Mr and Mrs. E. Faber and fanifl­ OF MASSEY. once delivered unto the saints. of K * ippen, fisited Mrs. Faber's par- HARRIS REPAIRS. ORDER YOURS EARLY! HARDWARE SEEDS and FURNITURE Children Baptised ent's Mr and Mrs. Rudy Oesch. 3ressive A vexly beautiful and inij . Mr. Ervin )Gin�gerich wears a broad AM TAKING ORDERS NOW FOR ANY MASSEY HARRIS ba smile, Ervin son has arrived to IMPLEMENTS YOU MAY REQUIRE, INCLUDING TRACT- Plisn'&I service took Place in the brighten their home. Congr4tulat- Evangelical U.B. Parsonage, Zurich, ions. YO ur &J last Friday evening,January 120th.. ORS, THRESHING MACHINES, COMBINES, ETC, NU/Uh SYlvina Jean, infant Many attended the fune'al of the �t daughter of Mr late Mn Nelson Masse at Drysdale, and Mrs. Leonard Merner and Eldon Saturday .morning last, The Service Ay for Canadian Farm" Will receive attention with US if left in plentyGeorge, infant soil Mr. and Mrs. the 3 1 anuary of time. George Bullock, were solemnly dedi- Mrs Bancroft held 10 cated and baptised in the name meeting at her home Thursday last Tel, Ship 149 of Miss FAM11a Dinsmore7s gr We always try to supply our Customers with the most t the Triune -God. The Pastor, 11 � oup were Usuar, 'Kiop-r% Rea. 67 20- 'ROPPel officiated. in charge f the program. Suitable Fuel for their beating equipment, But to P Several have had the flu in this EVER AT YOUR SERVICE FOR FARM NEEDS! 1. .9 picinitm, insure deliveries in time always leave our orders early Thank You! Butchering is again making its an- y Detroit, Mich. January 22,19,50 nual rounds, with us So We can arrange for your supply L. Smith, Miss Elizabeth Steckle is attend - Editor, Zurich Herald, ling Bible School at .Kitchener. i tener. YOUR HEATING EQUIPMENT Zurich, Ontario. Miss Mary Steckle is assisting in I Dear Sir: the operation room, Clinton General Have You Looked Over Your Heating Equipment? Hospital. 0 P Does Your FurWould lbw convey nsthe Citizens are congratulating Mr. Furnace Or Stove Need Attention; or Prob- d p to my Gpeopleyou of Hays Towhius Roche as a member of I �00 Hay Co - sincere regrets for not being able to uncil, ver jexpress� to the`m, during the Memor- -for you and offer Our Service or the A d. "Babe" sae- Your BestD ably You Need a New One. Let Us Look These () Suggestion bort Memorial Arena, A 0 I\ Advantages. the heartfelt appreciation of the entire Seib6rt ONE CENT a Word (Mininum 25c.) is all that family. On -behalf Of my late broth.- Published for Everyone We carry a full line of the Well Known and Trie6 IT'S wid,ow "Bernice" and two, daugh- it costs you for a classified adv. in the Zurich Herald and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints lor,�, his Mother, Brothers and Sis- No man is too it to take his local Oils, . Varnishes, ters, I harnbly thank the people newspaper and it is false economy to An Adv. that each week will reach and be read by Of' try to get along without it. Hardly a Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax lZarich and surrounding 'district fox week passes, that something does not several thousand readers, many of who will be in. their kindness in naming their very appear in its column Sieb- OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS lee Arena The A. C. "Bave- , a which Will be of ere Arena. -Babels" borne town terested in What U are advertising or are offering mitt) the PeOPle, of " yo /ark, EvetroUghing aud Tins It not only shows that of the year You have made or sav- Plumbing, Furnace W financial benefit to you and by the end ed from one to twenty times the sub- for Sale. ing our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hard- have not forgotten him, but have ScriPiori price. The city papers do not seen fit to dedicate this home for take the place Of your IOC41 paper, ware always in stack. n hockey, which he loved to play SO although some people seem to think amill. low much, to his Memory. if you. want to buy or sell anything, there is 9 erts, are ,all deeply graWO the Sieh- they do. The city Papers are alright no cheaper or more effective way than using an r% ^ tefu'l and'ap- in their way, but they do not A6ve STAD Lj 1W predate more than W E press our sincere words. can e.v- YOU what You are mast interested in, appreciation for in Your community. Classified adv. in the Herald. ZURICH ONT. what YOU People have done You cannot learn Phone 80, or 105. QUALITY - of our dearly tie acted loved he'nor frOfft them 'Y*hen Public meetings 'are PRICE SERVICE Sincere lW y d alie, held, who have died, Who are Tnarry- ours, Ing and who are ZUIRIC14 HERALD inovinT g out and who HE Ed. It, Siebertwant to sell land, or other m-Einlo.o- 16i I I 3 only Wool Filled Comforters 66x72, each 47.95 Grey Wool Army Blankets, each .................. 6.75 Extra quality Eiderdown at per yard ............. 75c Plain Maroon Mackinaw Flannel 36in. All Wool heavy C6atihg,'56-1n.`Reg. .75 yd 2.15049 ' All Wool goods Extra 36 -iii. wide, Rpg. 2.35, per yard .... 98c Men's Winteii Oa . , oFie ats We are Overstocked in Men's, and .Boys' Heavy Overcoats. Many of these were bought at much lower prices than present day values, and are offer- ing same at still further reductions to clear. We §0 Quote only a few Regular $45.00 for ...................... $35.00 Regular 35.00 for ........................ 27-50 A fine lighter weight top coat, reg. 28.50 for 18:95 Boys' Overcoats, Reg 28:50 for ........... 19:95 - All Men's Parkas at 20% off regular Prices %aaseho Blimoos. TELEPHONE 59 Thursday, ITEM'S j PETER'S i Air and Mrs Albert Ness motored Evan,-:, elical Lutheran MME9= V, to London one day la Church iQ� in at week bus- ZURICH 0 NTAR-10 .Miss Mae Smith of Deep Raver, REV, I-. W. HEIMRICH, PASTOR ILI 'Your Hardware RorVY e is Visiting with her Parents, Mr and Mrs. C. L. sanith. 10 a.m.—Divine Services. BORN—At the Farwell, Nursing 11-15� a.m. —Sunday School, 10, lHome, Zurich, on Jaiivary 2.Lst, to,1 7.30 p.m. Divine Worship, WE ARE DEALERS IN:— 10 Mr. and lYlxs Francis Zippbr, a so.n. Miss Jean son.; Welcome to all Services. n Truss.and Xtivs jjenc� W4smann of London, spent the we- Moffat and Sunshine Electric, Stov-es. Dominion il, ek-end at the home of Mr and :Mrs. Maxwell 0 and George J. Thiel. Washing Machines, Duro and The annual business. meeting of EVANGELICAL U. B. CHURCH 6 Beatty Pumps. the Zurich Agricultural Society was h. — Ontario 4� fairly well attended. Minister n. 4b held on 'Wednesday afternoon, and REV. H. E, ROPPEL The well known Gilidden and C. V Paints, Vari Mr and Mrs. W1111- 13aie011er and Mrs. Milton Oesch - Organist up 0 ishes, Stains and Shellacs Sharon Dianne; made a- business trip Sunday Services,—, #1 . * 0. to Tavistock last Thursday. 10:00 a.m.—Divine, Worship. Full.- Line of Shelf and Heavy Hardware BORN — At Zurich, on Monday, 11A0 a.m.—BibI6 School. January 23rd, to Mr. and Mrs, Len) 7:30 .p.m, Worship. We Specialize in Plumbing, heatizig, tinsmithing Prang, a son. Messrs. George Deiche Welcome. at all Services—"Conle and oil burners ob Haiberer rt and Jac-. thou with us and We Will do thee were in Toxonto this !good.?1- Nuju. jo:29. week, attendingPhone 63 a Locker Convention Zurich Mrs. Peter Deichert, who has been • Patient in Victoria Hospitat, for t ware • short time, has returned I Radar ch better. Phone 63 Zurich is feeling jum & Erio 0 Mr, and Mrs. Edmund Oesch and family of the Goshen north, - were 7 dinner guests at the home of Air, and ture,.. Mrs. S. Baechler, Brinson line, on Sunday. 1% MB .g to the very mild weather CANADA TRUST COMPANY e% EMEMME Owing country gravel roads are getting PLVUR TILE very soft and heavy. But it looks as CERTIFICATES if it F 0 R were freeze u again SOLD AND e.' g-�ing to very. shortiv. RENEWE D The Best In Mastic Tile Floor Mrs. F- d Haberer and 21/2 % per Annum, payable half Miss Ann - Datars have returned home after yearly upon $100 and over for 3, 4 ag G E T E. spending several days at the home or 5 Years. of the former's daughter Mr. and J. W. HABERER -REP. TILE - TE' Mrs. Chas. Telford, Windsor, ALSO CLEANERSAND Tuesday morning one of the worst Phone 161 Zurich, Ont. WAXESManufactured by The Flintkote Company, Icc ,tOrn's swept these parts in some rears. Lines Were down and many IN MEMORIAM T01702hto, Ont, telephone calls were cancelled that otherwise would have gone throngh. In l'ovilfI'meniory of a near Sister See Your Local Agent w , 0 JOHN M, TURKHEIM Elizabeth Becker, who passed away, Phone Zurich 174 Mild Weather January 24th, 17949. 0 LAID AND MAINTAINED."- Free Estimates Gladly Given Unseasonable mild weather isa- gain with us,. as rains were :,,,ling Beyond the gate our loved one 1191 in abundance and the inildeS' �t weatj,Finds happiness and -rest, er in history again prevailed. While And there is comfort in the thought in some western Parts there is a rpe- That a loving ;God knows best, +_11_+ ++++++++ ++++.I- Ile ........ ................ 1.444+4-+ ord for allow, cold and stones. Truly —Lovingly remehibered by Aunt +r it is like April, minus the spring Annie, Sisters Maxie and L,)uxse. 4. birds. I - We Can - Supply. Ynn With vvv ZURICH J To Hold Annual Meeting CHARITY RACKETS EXPOSED Monday afternoon, Jan. 30tH , there will held in the town hall, When You contribute money to a LUMBER 1VlILL 0 1 Zurich, the annual meeting of the charipy Make,sure it dosen"t get into VV %-,Fzkft Hay Mutual Fire InAurance Co., when the bands of racketeers. Learn how SASH TEN -TEST Directors and Auditors and"thegen- you can spot these phonies. Read eral progress of the Company I 0 b-, ro discussed. An p.any wfll be about charity racketeers in "Don't DOORS 0 Iff Thu^ Dry-Tsdalle "to MASONITE 40 appeal, is -beih,k made 'Be A Sucker" in The American 0 Weekly, great -magazine with this PAINTS BUILDERS' HARDWARE 0 •f6-r,a,.,g* attendance. . Sunday's '(January 29) issue of The sY The Store with the Best Variety of all Ki Late, This Wt.jek.. Detroit Sunday Times. ASPHALT ROOFING The- Herald 'Will reach its subser- WAX of Groceries ibers ', bit'lat, this week, owing to - Taking Down Old Tank AND ALL TYPES OF BUILDING SUPPLIES 0 circurnstances. unavoidable, Hydro, disruptions, etc. Some asked us if Also Rubber Boots and Shoes for Men and Boys The contract of taking down the we have the flu, old concrete water tank in tolyn has publisher be visited with this pesky been let to Mr. Burchell of London, A fine assortment of Hardware and Electrical but should youy be F. C. KALBFLEISCH & SON who is here with some powerful this for -fair war to Appliances thing, well, there won't be any ITer,ld Hydroulic equipment and seems Phone 69 ZURICH 40 that week. So takeI ATLAS AND ning! have a good start at the work with NEM44446 ........... SEIBERLING TIRES only a few. hours . at - it. W e Wish +Vk A PLEASANT SU`R,PRI$Z jilim-a lot Qf luck in his undertaking, CO --OP. FEEDS Cured and Fresh Meats Caine to jhe Congregation the n egatioi 6? as it sure looks to us a very difficult their services were about to comm- J Your Patronage Appreciated at all Times! Blake A. Mennonite Churen when job - 40 GIVE US A CALL I ence on Sunday forenoon when Rev.TT 0 and Mrs. Daniel Wagler and Mr and M a ljy JOHN DENOMY - DRYSDALE Phone 98 o Mrs. Joseph Schlagel of East" Zorra BLAKEr came to PRY themvisit. visit. Rev. Wag - ler brought a very impressive message Mrs. Sam Hey has been visiting lea - her daughter and son in Goderich. HAVE RECEIVED A L ARGE SHIPMENT basing his remarks on Jude 3: Earn I Ily contend for the faith which was Mr and Mrs. E. Faber and fanifl­ OF MASSEY. once delivered unto the saints. of K * ippen, fisited Mrs. Faber's par- HARRIS REPAIRS. ORDER YOURS EARLY! HARDWARE SEEDS and FURNITURE Children Baptised ent's Mr and Mrs. Rudy Oesch. 3ressive A vexly beautiful and inij . Mr. Ervin )Gin�gerich wears a broad AM TAKING ORDERS NOW FOR ANY MASSEY HARRIS ba smile, Ervin son has arrived to IMPLEMENTS YOU MAY REQUIRE, INCLUDING TRACT- Plisn'&I service took Place in the brighten their home. Congr4tulat- Evangelical U.B. Parsonage, Zurich, ions. YO ur &J last Friday evening,January 120th.. ORS, THRESHING MACHINES, COMBINES, ETC, NU/Uh SYlvina Jean, infant Many attended the fune'al of the �t daughter of Mr late Mn Nelson Masse at Drysdale, and Mrs. Leonard Merner and Eldon Saturday .morning last, The Service Ay for Canadian Farm" Will receive attention with US if left in plentyGeorge, infant soil Mr. and Mrs. the 3 1 anuary of time. George Bullock, were solemnly dedi- Mrs Bancroft held 10 cated and baptised in the name meeting at her home Thursday last Tel, Ship 149 of Miss FAM11a Dinsmore7s gr We always try to supply our Customers with the most t the Triune -God. The Pastor, 11 � oup were Usuar, 'Kiop-r% Rea. 67 20- 'ROPPel officiated. in charge f the program. Suitable Fuel for their beating equipment, But to P Several have had the flu in this EVER AT YOUR SERVICE FOR FARM NEEDS! 1. .9 picinitm, insure deliveries in time always leave our orders early Thank You! Butchering is again making its an- y Detroit, Mich. January 22,19,50 nual rounds, with us So We can arrange for your supply L. Smith, Miss Elizabeth Steckle is attend - Editor, Zurich Herald, ling Bible School at .Kitchener. i tener. YOUR HEATING EQUIPMENT Zurich, Ontario. Miss Mary Steckle is assisting in I Dear Sir: the operation room, Clinton General Have You Looked Over Your Heating Equipment? Hospital. 0 P Does Your FurWould lbw convey nsthe Citizens are congratulating Mr. Furnace Or Stove Need Attention; or Prob- d p to my Gpeopleyou of Hays Towhius Roche as a member of I �00 Hay Co - sincere regrets for not being able to uncil, ver jexpress� to the`m, during the Memor- -for you and offer Our Service or the A d. "Babe" sae- Your BestD ably You Need a New One. Let Us Look These () Suggestion bort Memorial Arena, A 0 I\ Advantages. the heartfelt appreciation of the entire Seib6rt ONE CENT a Word (Mininum 25c.) is all that family. On -behalf Of my late broth.- Published for Everyone We carry a full line of the Well Known and Trie6 IT'S wid,ow "Bernice" and two, daugh- it costs you for a classified adv. in the Zurich Herald and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints lor,�, his Mother, Brothers and Sis- No man is too it to take his local Oils, . Varnishes, ters, I harnbly thank the people newspaper and it is false economy to An Adv. that each week will reach and be read by Of' try to get along without it. Hardly a Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax lZarich and surrounding 'district fox week passes, that something does not several thousand readers, many of who will be in. their kindness in naming their very appear in its column Sieb- OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS lee Arena The A. C. "Bave- , a which Will be of ere Arena. -Babels" borne town terested in What U are advertising or are offering mitt) the PeOPle, of " yo /ark, EvetroUghing aud Tins It not only shows that of the year You have made or sav- Plumbing, Furnace W financial benefit to you and by the end ed from one to twenty times the sub- for Sale. ing our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hard- have not forgotten him, but have ScriPiori price. The city papers do not seen fit to dedicate this home for take the place Of your IOC41 paper, ware always in stack. n hockey, which he loved to play SO although some people seem to think amill. low much, to his Memory. if you. want to buy or sell anything, there is 9 erts, are ,all deeply graWO the Sieh- they do. The city Papers are alright no cheaper or more effective way than using an r% ^ tefu'l and'ap- in their way, but they do not A6ve STAD Lj 1W predate more than W E press our sincere words. can e.v- YOU what You are mast interested in, appreciation for in Your community. Classified adv. in the Herald. ZURICH ONT. what YOU People have done You cannot learn Phone 80, or 105. QUALITY - of our dearly tie acted loved he'nor frOfft them 'Y*hen Public meetings 'are PRICE SERVICE Sincere lW y d alie, held, who have died, Who are Tnarry- ours, Ing and who are ZUIRIC14 HERALD inovinT g out and who HE Ed. It, Siebertwant to sell land, or other m-Einlo.o- 16i I I