HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1950-01-26, Page 6-u-' II. Mignonette 41 Cht'1tc HOW CAN '��•I� CROSSWORD F'1'L'Cn it D�� O i ® �.! A t, V 14. ttlotuuhcro,•:d rn:tu F 17. flay storage 46• f &zed )trace 94. Dogniaa By Anne Ashley I' .m 20 thea bird 46. 1'Cstctto oft, 22 Hurried loltl ncaas a The titin Sort' 48. Title Q. What is a substitute for cast - Y. Cuts Le d7 Australasian 61. Ci.•ar profit 8, utsRooted ra& 4 Pastry fern 63. SA - ;'er or oil? g o U. Condiment 30 l3 i A. Prune juice is a good substi- tute for castor oil. Soak the prunes overnight and stew them in the same water. When tender, pierce them with a fork to let out the juice. Do not sweeten, Q. How can I remove insects from vegetables? A. When washing vegetables, put a little vinegar or a pinch of borax in the water. This will bring the live insects to the surface of the water almost immediately. Q. How can I clean a sponge? A. Place the sponge in mills, al. low it to remain for at least 12 hours, then rinse in cold water. Q. Mow can I bake better pie crusts? A. Pie crust, in which a half. teaspoonful of baking powder is added to every cup of flour, will be unusually light and fluffy, Q. How can I keey wTeam from curdling? A. If, the sweettlees of crealvi. seems uncertain, stir a pitieli Of soda into it, This will prevent it trout curdling evert in Ito, coffee, Q. How can I remove paint stains from clothing? A. By saturating thein with equal Parts of ammonia and Spirits of tur- pentine. Soak the places well, and then wash with soap suds. Upside down to prevent peeking. ffilcv M8a&V131SC(,4iJ- Loaf- / Mix and sift into bowl, 2 :c. once -sifted pastry flour or 13 ¢ a ( / c-once-siftedhard-wheat flour) , 4 •-t,-� tsp. Magic Baking Powder, M tsp. salt. Cut in finely, 4 tba. shortening. Mix 1 beaten egg and sufficient milk to make % a, liquid; mix in 1 C. minced cooked meat, 1 finely -chopped small onion and 1 chopped dill pickle or 31 C. well -drained ` Pickle relish. Make a well in dry ingredients, pour ' in meat mixture and mix lightly with a fork. Turn t 1 into greased loaf pan (435° x 33(r)• Bake in hot r oven, 450% 30-35 min, Serve with tomato or brown sauce. 7t � F Recipe Measure into bowl, H cup luke- warm water, 1 teaspoon granu- lated sugar; stir until sugar is dissolved. Sprinkle with I en- velope Fleischmann's Royal Fast Rising Dry Yeast, Let stand 16 minutes, THEN stir well. Scald g. pec - s e 12:41), Stirred by the vision of that keep your 34 cup milli and stir in y4 cup ayx" es, Mrs. Warden had heard, had dared not disobey it, sugar, 35 teaspoon tin Christ's holiness - so great that game in the "rough". Rub in salt, 3 t tablespoons shortening; ! t•. swept up from the Pinus and raided (Continued Next Week) even the angels covered their faces Minard's to make those muscles cool to lukewarm. Beat in 1 cup .' < and burned a ranch house within 10 cool, relaxed, ready -for the fairway. once -sifted. bread flour. Add yeast miles of Santa Bonita, - For sprains, muscular stiffness, .usixture and 1 beaten egg; beat But Virginia had no fear for her. well. Working"`tet>• ' aches and pains."Greaseless, quick 3z cups once -sifted ��:>`�'• self as she rode. She could only bread flour. Knead lightly; place3ya� �'�is ` °hat Outdoor 'Toilet ! odorng, no unpleasant in greased bowl and brush to think of Phil's danger, of the deadly with melted butter or shortemn p threat of Steve Barron's voice. "' Cover and set m warm place, fr e Now you can have a modern water toilet at low cost in `arse Economical sire After the long eight miles, she your farm, 65e from draught. Let rase until :>::;•:::..:• "> ` :'':>'" saw the high red butte to the west ]rouse or cottage. No electricity or running water required. doubled in bulk. Punch down ME dough and divide into 2 equal , and swung the gray that way, Vir- Hygeosan Septic Toilet gives you new comfort and convenience -M it •-;:.>�;,,�: helps rid your home of disease -breeding insects -protects roar =a portions; form into smooth balls. „''•: ;? ginia felt relief %filler her breath- g A y water Roll each piece into an oblong and lessness. Phil's adobe house stood supply from contamination. . fit into greased pans about 7" ac near that butte. Installation cost is very= low. No upkeep -Klncorrait" LL1 M T 11".Grease to s cover A p expense. We install any- Q P , , rise , until doubled an bulk. Peel, core She saw the dobe, white against where i Ontario. Write for complete details on this modern toilet. 26-® and cut 8 apples into thin wedges, "; w;. the green of the cottonwoods be- Immediate delivery. Sprinkle risen dough with 34 cup a,•• hind it. The other ranch buildings HYGEOSAN DIVISION granulated sugar and lightly loomed gray and bleak near it. The RURAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL E e g g g Ypres&:. EQUIPMENT LTH apple wedges into cake tops, sharp 4;.• <:•<•::;<:>s>::<. clatter of hoofs brought a• figure edges down and close together. #€`a•,`:"<?;;<:: g g 2067 Dundas 5t. W. TORONTO [° Mix 1 cup granulated sugar and to the dobe's doorway, and from ::::•, afar Virginia knew it was Phil, He c 135 teaspoons cinnamon sprinkle ase running over apples. Cover and let rise :. "°'`'Ix^•`' g as she jerked INDIGESTION " the gray to a stop amid a cloud about 34 hour. Bake in moderate oven, 3600, about 1 hour. Serve of sifting dust. He caught her as i D. Swiss river 6. Scotch cakes 32, Affection 66, A, to,to-Saxon 12. Notworkn ?. Gorralative ^5. r Dr Yeast New Acting YA1 "Phill" Virginia gasped. at 13. wrinkle either 16. Plural ending 8. 1;xcavated wealcena 68. 37, BY 61. 13abylonlart TICA 16, Sailor's saint 9. Aside 18, Scores Is. Poor Gyrit'& Y0. Confederates mother 28. Stn(,s above dotty Pitch 63. Radium 39, Second selling (symb.) smiled thinly through it -the first For Const& 11t Smokaf g i.oleasulre 2 3 4 $1. Weights 5 1,':+a:; 6 7 :. IS y q 10 I look as though you had been hard,, Virginia. "It's THEN stir well. The ( water used with the yeast Counts as the 23. I%ind of cheese "Phil," she said breathlessly, "Steve Barron -he has found out 1 �� ®® t �� i 24, Small hilce 12 ;:>; : 13 jq p�� �c s �z is mai sa ng utility � Delicious F!K•X•�!, 26. CriedIy 28. his pals t0 fS his Pais ti? 16 17 v been robbing the "Ohl 29. Ateaning 1 see," His voice was in- His voice '°y different, Then he was searching 31. Close y 20� 21. 22' said, 33. Cc'It r"sit t (ab.) ,.,..2 Phil. I -I know you can justify 34. Concludes I.,,, ALSO ,AVAILABLI He reached out and gripped her ^s. r"all 24� 25 -„I ,;;>.'•; 26 27 . • 28 "He's coming here?" 33. Senior (ab,) ;\ 40, Minced oath �9 (� U 32 92 Cease (nuut.) I 32 ;,,,"33 l 46. Garment e tge -- y. 47. Poem �] THE WEST 49. Pl nicely ttali:tn fantiiv 3 37 r ± .; „* !6 dl. B l! 9;ti 4 Ili ••1u prayer 43 44 r Hill,60. 52. `love 47�'�� 64. Light browni49 G:i, l:a'ah's tv+feI`'+� A Serial Story 57. ot,en court 60. C.onr eeniag ISI I1'.• (PITT �`::; - 1 '� 54 I• by l �I 00. ('nn.•pirator 55 6,. Pltune -••�- _ JOSEPH LEWIS 64, 111th:•• weIS'ht 5. -'I CHADWICK6.0 t 6so, ahead I 0o:, a I Iol ! I rod I --�_ 1. Confcct:•,ne m . .fib - 160 _ 7, holder (.r a --- _ .- qi %MISIS The ..;tory thus I'ur: 1'irginla Allies have to see yrou back to Answer elsewhere on this page. +■ ero:+scs the %•fill, rrontier !rest by roll and stare ill rher this r±, a letter ishirom Phil Lnwr+•nre, hor• fbu,er. who IrPt 6{'ashingtun to bin fo"rtuae to11 nll," he said. "It's dangerous for you to ride alone. I've seen Apache signs t." _ _ �� ot as i% ell as their feet - he sale his n,akr ill lrizona, At Lau• m,s,,. Lo ,Me gam!„li ;whielh:slit the riling of n,r nisi& on which au "I came through safely, Phil. I'1! iv- oiin uncleanness. On the aeknowl- ed emeut of his dire need God pro- riding nna in %•nieit her e,tmeo vi„ ,toll a ll d a money lfo. For Stere Barron, Santa nonitn et back all right." g g He stet her eyes, And said gently, LESSON vicied a personal cleansing. Now he hear viae, werr Stolen• Ne leurua at Inst that rho Lawrence, robbed ana chat "I'll1t,, for e g t what you did Vir- could God's voice sa ingnmblinc "W110111- saying, I ed by Barron. engineerd the robbery, flat Ill' dopy not tell Virginia. Neither doer he glitl8." By Rev, R. Barclay Warren. shall send, and who will go for us?" The two requirements tell ti';arroa. bot the gambler learn, the truth Her im latienee was uncontrolla- L for T o delivering God's iilessage are when ue overhears Virginia discuss- iR, Phil with hnnyn Currey, dauee-hall bre. "Please, Phil -ride!" The Call of Isaiah, Isaiah 6:1-10, here seen. The lean must be sent girl in tore with Virgina's Ranee. ilarron, nilatielf is tar,• %•ith hnnyn, IPnres His glance - drifted desertward of God, and he must be willing %•ifh the i»tentlm, of killing Phil. Virgina fol- again. "He's cooling, Virginia. It's Golden Text: -Also I heard he t to go. Isaiah Navin g experienced lows, hoaeiul or g,•t1ing to rhif fn time to warn him. too late to turn tail and run -even voice of the Lord, saying, Whom the cleansing of his own nature and re re if i wanted to." shall I send, and who will go for keenly alvare of the need his CHAPTER X. m a a us? Then raid I, Here am I; send People, responded, "Here aI; send m No She turned quickly and looked our. me. Isa. 6:8, me". The man today who enters more than the allotted five minutes elapsed before Virginia was across the bright desert. She saw the ministry= without a Divine call, mounted on the spirited gray snare tardily what Phil had minutes -ago During the last quarter Nye study "The may -le able to deliver thoughtful which Jim Randall had loaned her, noted. A rifler was bearing toward prophets speak" with selected cultural essays in fine style, but few The gray, eager to be off, took the ranch, Her lips felt suddenly passages from Isaiah and Jeremiah, people ,viii be brought face to face mine- ins steps as Virginia held it in and dry and cold. Isaiah was a man of great talent, lvith God, looked down at Lanya Correy. 4 "He's whose variety= of eloquence was Not all of Isaiah's hearers needed The girl's dark eyes were fright- "It's come alone," Phil said. "It's all right.., It had to be some- such that it exceeded the average even after being translated into his message, Many simply closed their eyes to the truth. It erred. a dangerous ride, site time." a language that did not exist in Itis was of hilts as of Paul, 'Tor we are the said. "I can't think of that," Virginia Virginia turned tortured eyes on "Phil, day. It is said tha' Daniel Webster aroma of Christ to God among told her. "Phil must be him, you're eager for this," "And would read extensively in the Book those who are being saved and warned." Lanya looked over her shoulder she said. I know what's in of Isaiah to saturate himself with among those who are perishing, to and shivered. "I -I'll try to hold your mind. Steve Barron stands be- its spirit of eloquence on the night. one a fragrance from death to him here," she said, tween you and Lanya. That's what before .he was to give some epoch- death, to the other a fragrance from and moved away toward Steve Barron s place. you're thinking!" making speech, life to Iife." Cor. 2:16 (R.S.V.) The great expanse or desert lay in The rider was very close. He Isaiah gives an account of his every direction, stark lonely, all was slow -walking his big black call. The king had died. Uzziah sand and cactus, red rocks and now. Phil's eles never left him. "Virginia, had raised his country to a high j ` bunch grass, A shimmering wave go inside." peak of prosperity, But when he i of heat haze blurred the distant rim Despair swept over her. "Phil-" attempted to usurp the office of a 4 to the south, Miles beyond the She tried the only argument he Priest, he was smitten with lep. / haze lay Phil Lalvrenci's ranch would listen to, "If you love that rousy. Now isaiall sat in the temple, house, And perhaps danger. girl. ..." The king was dead. But he saw a %MOP! Jim Randall's command had "Go into the house," he ordered vision of the great Icing. He saw 611 marched south that nlornin A h again; his voice was har h 13 1, Christ in His glory=. (See John A. Prune juice is a good substi- tute for castor oil. Soak the prunes overnight and stew them in the same water. When tender, pierce them with a fork to let out the juice. Do not sweeten, Q. How can I remove insects from vegetables? A. When washing vegetables, put a little vinegar or a pinch of borax in the water. This will bring the live insects to the surface of the water almost immediately. Q. How can I clean a sponge? A. Place the sponge in mills, al. low it to remain for at least 12 hours, then rinse in cold water. Q. Mow can I bake better pie crusts? A. Pie crust, in which a half. teaspoonful of baking powder is added to every cup of flour, will be unusually light and fluffy, Q. How can I keey wTeam from curdling? A. If, the sweettlees of crealvi. seems uncertain, stir a pitieli Of soda into it, This will prevent it trout curdling evert in Ito, coffee, Q. How can I remove paint stains from clothing? A. By saturating thein with equal Parts of ammonia and Spirits of tur- pentine. Soak the places well, and then wash with soap suds. Upside down to prevent peeking. ffilcv M8a&V131SC(,4iJ- Loaf- / Mix and sift into bowl, 2 :c. once -sifted pastry flour or 13 ¢ a ( / c-once-siftedhard-wheat flour) , 4 •-t,-� tsp. Magic Baking Powder, M tsp. salt. Cut in finely, 4 tba. shortening. Mix 1 beaten egg and sufficient milk to make % a, liquid; mix in 1 C. minced cooked meat, 1 finely -chopped small onion and 1 chopped dill pickle or 31 C. well -drained ` Pickle relish. Make a well in dry ingredients, pour ' in meat mixture and mix lightly with a fork. Turn t 1 into greased loaf pan (435° x 33(r)• Bake in hot r oven, 450% 30-35 min, Serve with tomato or brown sauce. 7t � F Recipe Measure into bowl, H cup luke- warm water, 1 teaspoon granu- lated sugar; stir until sugar is dissolved. Sprinkle with I en- velope Fleischmann's Royal Fast Rising Dry Yeast, Let stand 16 minutes, THEN stir well. Scald g. pec - s e 12:41), Stirred by the vision of that keep your 34 cup milli and stir in y4 cup ayx" es, Mrs. Warden had heard, had dared not disobey it, sugar, 35 teaspoon tin Christ's holiness - so great that game in the "rough". Rub in salt, 3 t tablespoons shortening; ! t•. swept up from the Pinus and raided (Continued Next Week) even the angels covered their faces Minard's to make those muscles cool to lukewarm. Beat in 1 cup .' < and burned a ranch house within 10 cool, relaxed, ready -for the fairway. once -sifted. bread flour. Add yeast miles of Santa Bonita, - For sprains, muscular stiffness, .usixture and 1 beaten egg; beat But Virginia had no fear for her. well. Working"`tet>• ' aches and pains."Greaseless, quick 3z cups once -sifted ��:>`�'• self as she rode. She could only bread flour. Knead lightly; place3ya� �'�is ` °hat Outdoor 'Toilet ! odorng, no unpleasant in greased bowl and brush to think of Phil's danger, of the deadly with melted butter or shortemn p threat of Steve Barron's voice. "' Cover and set m warm place, fr e Now you can have a modern water toilet at low cost in `arse Economical sire After the long eight miles, she your farm, 65e from draught. Let rase until :>::;•:::..:• "> ` :'':>'" saw the high red butte to the west ]rouse or cottage. No electricity or running water required. doubled in bulk. Punch down ME dough and divide into 2 equal , and swung the gray that way, Vir- Hygeosan Septic Toilet gives you new comfort and convenience -M it •-;:.>�;,,�: helps rid your home of disease -breeding insects -protects roar =a portions; form into smooth balls. „''•: ;? ginia felt relief %filler her breath- g A y water Roll each piece into an oblong and lessness. Phil's adobe house stood supply from contamination. . fit into greased pans about 7" ac near that butte. Installation cost is very= low. No upkeep -Klncorrait" LL1 M T 11".Grease to s cover A p expense. We install any- Q P , , rise , until doubled an bulk. Peel, core She saw the dobe, white against where i Ontario. Write for complete details on this modern toilet. 26-® and cut 8 apples into thin wedges, "; w;. the green of the cottonwoods be- Immediate delivery. Sprinkle risen dough with 34 cup a,•• hind it. The other ranch buildings HYGEOSAN DIVISION granulated sugar and lightly loomed gray and bleak near it. The RURAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL E e g g g Ypres&:. EQUIPMENT LTH apple wedges into cake tops, sharp 4;.• <:•<•::;<:>s>::<. clatter of hoofs brought a• figure edges down and close together. #€`a•,`:"<?;;<:: g g 2067 Dundas 5t. W. TORONTO [° Mix 1 cup granulated sugar and to the dobe's doorway, and from ::::•, afar Virginia knew it was Phil, He c 135 teaspoons cinnamon sprinkle ase running over apples. Cover and let rise :. "°'`'Ix^•`' g as she jerked INDIGESTION " the gray to a stop amid a cloud about 34 hour. Bake in moderate oven, 3600, about 1 hour. Serve of sifting dust. He caught her as i she slipped from the saddle. Dr Yeast New Acting YA1 "Phill" Virginia gasped. n! eeds NO h ndf full-strength Stays fresh and full-strength oaf There was a bristle of reddish Your Pantry shelf for weeks! ®� Here's all you do: /p Acis �`�t$' beard on his cheeks and chin, He „ In a small amount y p (usually s eci- sip FA smiled thinly through it -the first For Const& 11t Smokaf g i.oleasulre time that she had seen him smile. "You each envelope of yeast. Sprinkle with dry yeast. Let stand 10 minutes. look as though you had been hard,, Virginia. "It's THEN stir well. The ( water used with the yeast Counts as the riding too hot part of total liquid called for in your recipe.) "Phil," she said breathlessly, "Steve Barron -he has found out 1 �� ®® t �� i about you!" r His smile fled. "About ire?" , r ",That you are the one who has, been robbing the "Ohl y Cigarette Tobacco 1 see," His voice was in- His voice '°y different, Then he was searching her face. "And you know too," he said, "It makes no difference to me, Phil. I -I know you can justify ° whatever you have done." ALSO ,AVAILABLI He reached out and gripped her 114 % POUND 'TIM$ arm, "Thanks," he said. Then: "He's coming here?" "Yes! Lanya thinks he means to k'it it 4 you! Sharply, "Lanya?" She looked him squarely fit the eyes. "I know about her, too, Phil." "Yes," he murmured. "Yes, of course." "Phil, you must leave here -at once!" He nodded slowly, There was a calm hastelessness about him that reminded her of Jim Randall. Oh, he had changed) And the changed way of him frightened her. She tried to read his thoughts, but saw only that his eyes were bright and eager. "You're going?" she demanded. "Yes," came his slow answer. " "Yes, I'm going," Virginia watched him as his nar- rowed glance drifted out across the desert, He edged his lips with a thin strange smile. Then his glance came to her. ISSUE 80 - 1949 Simply great to ` relle" ERI ICS with uncomfortable ftsrlt#efi� Areyou troubled by distress of female functional monthly disturbances Dada ZA% this make you suffor from pain, feel so nervous, restless, cranky, weak -at such times? Thou do try famous Lydia 11, Pinkham'o 'Vegetable Compound: to :•:; rolievtr each eymptoansl s,' �,t.. •;;<:,+•?'�i"':�'• =F; ���.,•�?,.:....:�'�.s. Pinkham`s Compound hog proved re- markably helpful to woman troubled'I'ulcoa�lie yulariy Pinkham'tY Com - this way, You owe it to yourself to try It, pound holpo build up rosfstanoo against Pinkham's Compound Is a very eff`cc� such distre t. Alen n groat afomaahia Live uterine sedative. It has a grand finial soothing efi'oct on one of wontata's most, tN07PRt Or you spray' itr6f or Cydin X. important organs. Plnkhaaa's TAll1,L>ry',q with added iron. Lydlia En Plinkha;WS VEGETABLE COMPOUND ALL hot, with butter. _ EL®, THE BELT? Dr Yeast New Acting YA1 &elle Your Forgotten ake For The Kind o Relief That Helps Make You Rarin' To the n! eeds NO h ndf full-strength Stays fresh and full-strength oaf More than half of your d�'gostion in done below the belt -in your 28 toot of bowels, So when indigestion strikes, try cometh' Your Pantry shelf for weeks! ®� Here's all you do: /p Acis �`�t$' that helps digestion in the stomach AM „ In a small amount y p (usually s eci- sip FA below the bolt. What you may need is Carter's Little Liver Pills to give needed help to that "forgotten fied) of lukewarm water, dissolve °""'°''' °«'K°, "y' eft s F1tE thoroughly 1 teaspoon sugar for 28 feet" of bowels.• Take one Carter's Little Livor Pill ' to t and one after meals. Take thorn acoordt'ng o direotiona. They help each envelope of yeast. Sprinkle with dry yeast. Let stand 10 minutes. wake up a larger 4ow of the 3 main digestive Juice& in your stomach AND bowels -help you digest whan t;"you haw oaten in Nature's THEN stir well. The ( water used with the yeast Counts as the owway. Then most folks got the kind of relief that part of total liquid called for in your recipe.) makes you feel better from your head to youe tow. Just ersure You got the genuineCarter'® Li6tde Liner Pills from your druggist-8rte, 0/ver c? ,pyAo�q/t�� �®C ILMA ». "CHILDREN should be seen but not heard" was Easy to got - easy to serve - easy to digest - til popular saying in grandfather`s time. But today POST'S GRAPE -NUTS FLAKES are wholesome the yptuigsters hail will, noisy delight that and good for all the fancily. They'supply flourish- ` scrumptious, TWO -GRAIN cereal, POST'S inert both young and old need daily . , . useful NUTS PLAICES. They love its crisp, quantities of carbohydrates, protein, a111alcrals sweet as - a nut flavor ... its tasty goodness of sun. and other food esens ti!4. Ail: your grocer for ripened wheat and n,nited barley. POST'S GIIAI1E.N JTS I'I,3KI:a today, er-ss? 0