HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1950-01-26, Page 5. .. ....... .. S;1 ZURICH - ONTARIO, 7__ HERALD Ai ---------- -- Put Your Want,- For Sale . ,KVP,ICH Au orized second class Mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa. Loglt, Feared, Etc. Ads. in this LOCAL E BUSWES CARDS Column, Miss Margaret Gingerich is spend- ing some time at Kitchener. the tabte John W. Orchard FARM FOR SALE Rev. H. H. Rappel has been indis- on, posed with the flu since Monday of OPTOMETRIST Consisting of 100 acre farm on the this week but he expects to be out r. Main Street Exeter Parr Line, Hay Twp. all tillable, I and around again very soon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Every Week Day acres fall wheat seeded with timothy, 1410 acres plowed, balance in grass; L A Dance will be held, at the Com munity Centre on February 1st with - Except Wednesday shaped bank barn, driving shed, 11� the Syncopators doing the playing. Phone 355J storey solid brick house insulated; BORN—At Clinton Hospitar with kitchen and woodshed, buildings January 25th, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry LICENSED AUCTIONEERS all wired, garage, buildings newly rodde. Neverfailing well. Also 5o McAdams, of Hay Township, a dau- ghter, (still born), T_ , acre grass farm in Stan -ley Tw.p, a-. Mr - Henry Flaxbard who has been Oscar. Klopp bout a milewest of Hillsgmon., ror. at Seaforth Hospital for some time farther particulars applly -to Misses M., or D. Hagan, R.,R,. 1, Zurich. has returned home, much improved in health. the meal is ready!. LICENSED AUCTIONEER ,IyM, sell Anything, Anytime,- Any Mr, Lester Yantze and sister, Verna and Miss, Helen Gerber - I where. i'l Telephones: Shop 149. Res, 67 - , NEUHAUSER CHICKS of Tavistock were Sunday visitors With No meal is complete without plenty of delicious wholesome bread. And Zurich Central EARLY CHICKS—Jailuary Chicks Mr and Mrs. Wm. Baechler. Miss Dorothy Yantze, who.had been visit- TASTY -NU tasts good and isgood hearty food for you. Every slice i ............ ALVIN WALPER. mean July eggs. High summer egg ing with Mrs. 8aechler since Thurs- slice of energy- prices and cheaper feed make tiig day, returned home with them. Buy an extra Loaf today—star, Licensed Auctioneer pro -fits. This is the year to buy chicks. Neuhauser early chicks will Many III With Flu - A bad epidemic of flu is making now to serve more bread at evert meal. Get Your TASTY -NU Breac In - pay off big. Get thein now. Some its rounds and those who fall in Yts at the Tasty -Nu Bakery or at your -Specializing ,Farm Purebred Livestock Sales started chicks in lohr brooders. Hat- pathway are'very unfortunate, as it local Grocers, and i4service That Satisfies" 1, DASHWoOD thing twice weekly. Phone -your or- der in to -day. Neuhauser Hatcheries, 81 King creates a lot of discomfort to the digestion organs, with illness and in some cases a bad tcold goes with it. Tasty® Bakery Vkone 57r2. R. And .,Street, London. when it attacks one, there is only one thing to do, is go Go bed PHONE 100 ZURICH E. f. CORBETT FOUND" and if ill -enough, call your physician. LICENSED AUCTIONEER In Zurich, a bunch of three car keys. ..Owner can have. same .by pay- EXETER DISTRICE HIGH SCHOOL BOARD be paid, Per A. W. Morgan and A. J. Kalb- on Satisfaction %wins Reasonable, 34 ing expensels at Earl- Thiel, Z urich. inaugural The i i gural meetin of the Exe- 9 fleisch that the insurance on the i,ew building now be raised to $48,000. Guaranteed ter District High School Board fox and that the equipment be insured EXETER, R. R. FOR SALE 1,950 tookplace in the new school oil Tuesday evening, Jan. I-0, after a for $50,000. phone ::_,qcb, 92r7. - to,ur of the building. Per Jas McAllister and A. W. Yer A R I A -`1 i Buffe�t for sale, walnut 'finish in '' . 'The Secretaiqyy acting as temper- rare that the Liability Insurance pre- miums submitted by V1. If. Hodgson V E T E R I N -N gd- condition. Can be seen at my ary chairman, cited the regulations be paid. V. S Dr. W. B. COXON, 9. ir- place. ;Friday and Saturday from 2 to 4 p.m. afternoon. Priced reason- for the. organization of the Board from the High School Act. The per ,C.S.MteNaughLon and 1H Nval- able!Mrs. Russell Manson, R.R. 1, appointment of all members expired pre.that the crlection of pictures be left to Mr. Sturgis and the stat: VETERINARY SURGEON Zurich. at the end of 1949. The five munic- , Tenders for service in the Cafet- %)fltce with Residence, Main Street, ipal councils of the d'itrict have re-. newed thea *of their last eria and applications fir employm- 0 osite Drug Store Pp ZURICH FOR QUICK SALE year members for the two-year term ent .were read. Plans dor the Opening Ceremonies none._9 6 4s follows. were presented by the Chairman. ci-i ERS. Exeter Village CouncilC. S. 'Mac - , Naughton; Hay Twp. ;Council, Jas As the hour was late, both matters BUT A number of Reg. Tamworth Sows were laid over for a Special meeting bred in November and December. McAllister; Hensall Village, E. L. on Monday, Jan. 16. Zurichs, P opulax, —Menno Martin, R.R. 2, Zurich. * Mickle; Stephen Twp., E. Chambers; Usborne Twp. A. W. Morgan. Adjournment at 2 a.m. per E. L. Mickle. Huron County Colincil has re-ap- E. D. Howey, Secy. MI"J'AT'g- FOR SALE pointed for 1950 its three delegates of last year: Dr. H. H. Cowen, K. H. My Trip to Europe Lei' Us supply you with the Fresh and Cur- A 10,'r inch Vessot grinder almost new. Priced to sell.—Menne Steckle., Johns, H. Walper. Hay Twp. Area Public School Board rdnewel the ap- (BY Rev. Father L. Marchand) ,very Choice of td Meats, Boloagnas, Sausages, Phone Hensall 98 r 13. pointment of A. J-. Kallifleisch, and R.,C.,S.S. No. 1, is represented by L. Rome, Italy, Dec. 14, 1940 Etc., always on hand. Kept C. Brisson, who was the Se-parate Dear Father Paul and Parish.-,ners: 'fresh in Electric Refrigeration FOR SALE School representative: in 1938. All ten members were present and Italy, like both Spain and Portug- al, is a poor country, possessing very Highest Cash Prices for1946 Pontiac -Sedan in good condit- signed the register. Two delegates were present. ?Jr. lfew natural resources. It is almost I entirely mountainous. The small par- 'arp Wool, Hides and Skins idn,"has heater, etc. A nice clean Koehler, Phone 191. Jack Stewart and Miss Christine eels of land can b; cultivated, H. Yu-nobbit & S07a car. —Gid Dobson were a delegation from ih Junior Farmers to present their re. almost totally ly unproductive, on ac - h count o t d.. scarci4yi of rain and the FOR SALE quest for the use of the building on intensity of ',the heat in the suanyier, 'feei,'' the first Wednesday night of the Italy is, hbw.iaver, a tourists' pavadisze P R 0 T) U C E Brooder House 10x14 very month. The Board promised consider. and cater4w to travellers is its wain good condition.—Arthur sreen&ll, ati-on of their request. industry. Phone 83 r 2,, Zurich. Mr, W. H. Hodgson, and hrs guest Mr. We(bb, discussed insurance. Mr• The wealthiest part of Italy is about the ln�anufacturing centre of 11verood w FOR SALE Webb recominended boiler insuran a, Milan. Here a few years ag,) the.8 for the new building for protection Communist Party held great sway. Sprayed Apples — Spies, Green, against property damage and liability The ordinai�y labourer earned a -max- D A ITE, HE ings, Kings, Bellflower, etc. Phone The Board was -organized for 1950 imam salary of $25 a month. A was Clinton .61 r 24. Fred McClymont, as follows: impossible for him to supp.rt hi.; r,ash Market for Cream, Eggs Varna, Ont. p7t-* Chairman—Dr. H. H. Cowen per familly with this megre earn.nfetwe Poultry E. L. Mickle and A. W. Morgan; he was easily misled by the �_-wrt- Reds. I and Vice Chairman — E. L. Mickle pyr ive propaganda of hart., mm - Have Your Eggs Graded on NOTICE C. S. MacNeoughton and L. C. Bris- gled with these poor people. They our WHITEWASHING & CLEANING son; Secy-Treasurcr, E. 1). Howey, K. H Johns and A J. Kalbfiefsch; live on drybread and the trarliti ;-,al bottle of wine, which is very Cheap AUTOMATIC Arrangements can be made Bill Watson per Atetnd. Officer — Goo. Tinney per E l"llere is -still much unrest 4.niong EGG GRADER Dashwood Phone 35r19 L. Mickle and Jas. McAllister. The the people of Italy, because there is - LeRoy O'Brien, Manager following committees were set up, the first named to be chairman: .10 much insecurity. They havo witne.8 :(d so many wars with the Inevitable Phone 10 1 Zurich Transportation — E. Chambers, L loss of homes, money, and It i.; of C, Brisson, . H, Jchns, J.is. McAlls dear ones. Thely 1. ng to be in Amn- Church Enthusiasm ter, 11. Walper ica. I have diseovc*red th-at the ltal- 1 . the I ,P,)pevty — C. S . Macliaughton 1,111 pool)le are lovable and anythiligg k -at ivaelike (which they be'• Where do you suppose all en- B,, L. Mickle, X. H. Johns) A. J. pro_,,(l thusiasm for church work hides it- Kallifluisch. j and n doubt during the, last war). Your Home Market for Cream self between the time of the Fowl 1),latiagement — E. L I ll found them intensely reli"Jous Supper and of the Garden Party and Morgan, Jag. 4%,IcAllister, H.Walj)er. :Their churches are always rall of Eggs and Poultry then between the time of the Garden Per K, H. Johns and E. Chamber., praying- prnien and w-,nicn. Party and of the Fowl Supper? We that the regular monthly mocting.! I arrived at Genoa, in Italy on NO - Cash Prices suppose it just lies dorinalit. If we be held on the first Tuesday of the, the 29th. Here, Christopher.; ,Highest paid plus just have all that willingness to gel -could month and that the Seei-Troa_ I tilli its was born, and hence li� a premium for delivered cream help, in the Sunday school and church vise the -members by mail, set forth to discover America in 1492 work all the year round ;Per E. L. Mickle and 1-1. Walper, 'l.wns ill the home, in -which the great We are equipped to give effi- that cheques for payments authork- navigator was born. I viziltecl the Herald Printing Office •-tient ed ibly the Board be signed by the church in which he was baptised. And accurate service. EggEstablished 1900 Chairman and the Secy. Per C. S. MacNaughtoix and H. I walked up and down the harbol. fivin which he sailed. and Poultry department in ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY Walper that the Bloard adopt a bind- Leaving Genoa, I came to 'Uilall AFTERNOON FROM THE er for insurance ton the bollors, t1lo at a tit -no when there was a labor -charge of Mr. T. Meyers. limits to be settled later by the Mail - strike there. The cathedral of Milan 'Chas. Minshall, Proprietor (Member of Canadian Weekly News, agement Committee. The minute,; of the last meetillg,, is a marvelous piece of atchitecture. Therein rest the bones of St. Charles paper Association.) Dec. 6th, were read and adopt(d. Borromeo, clothed in pontifical vest - INSURANCE SUBSCRIPTION RATES—$1.75 a The correspondence wws read and merits, The cemeteries of Milan, as i a6o of Genoa are filled with tomb - year, strictly in advance. $2.00 may tabled for discussion. Per C. S. MacNaughton anti Jas. stones that are veritable masterpieces be charged. No paper discontinued McAllister that the $10 meinioersilip of sculpt-drc- Weste rn Farmers' until all arrears are pain up unieu be paid to the Associated High Seho- INly itinerary then took me to the bodv at option of publisher. The dateI of ol Boards of Ontario. City of Brescia, where I saw the Wealtk:r Insurance C O. which every Subscription is pard Is Mr. M. 0. Sanders' requesitom; ' fora Projector Sobeen, Film Strips, of St. Angela Marici, the foundress of the Ursulin Community of Nuns. donated on the Label. and Maps (To-tal $386.00) were ala- Then Istopped at Trente. This city OF WOODSTOCK ADVERTISING RATES proved for suibini8sion to the 1)e_ lie,,; in a valley on the Austrian blord- 'rHE LARGEST 'RESERVE BAB- In Memoriam, one verse 50c. g5e partinent for its approval oil inotif"ll of C. S. 'MavNaughton and Jas Me- t"'. It is surrounded by the snow- capped Tyrolese Alps, where skiing o ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- for each additional verse. Card of Allister. is a year -around sport. The cathed - d UAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS Thank,; 50c, Pei, E. L. Miolde and A, J. Kalb-- ral of this city was the site of tho OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO Miscellaneous articles of not more f1cisch that Mr. Dixon be given leave of absence on this occasion to attend famous General Council of the Cath. olio Church, which proved to be the A.Anount of Insurance at Risk on than four lines. For Sale, To Rent, the, incleting,, of the Aux Sables Con- qntidiote to the Protestant December 31vr, 1946 Wanted, Lost, Found, Etc., one it- ,el,vation Committee in Parkhill on Toll. $73,699,236.00 sertion 85 Cants, 2 insertions 50c. Jall. 11th, 111hen I came to Venice, ti -t-, city Total Cash !it Bank and Bonds. Auction Sales—$2.00 for one in Per A� J. Xalbfleisch and E, I,, that was built in the sea. No auto - $444,115.39 Rate. oil Appliwltion q(Irttion if not over -four inches it Mickle that the Secy request it ftll,- tll(ll' tMInsfOr Of $51,000, frOlnw Li mobiles are t o, be soon in ihis city. The street,,; are canals, As I wai; a.1- E. F. KLOPP--ZURICH length. .Contract advertising made knows Debonturc, Proceeds to the Capital , al Account of the Board and that the hiring the beauties of St. Nilark's Basilica with its millions of doves, A G t N T on application, Capital Account submitted r)o 1)�Ii(j till American warship drove up the Atiso Dealer in Lightning Rods Address all Communications to:} read. assTr)er R. Chilnbers-and 1-1. Walpci, zql,eei and cast its anchor in t),m*it of the cathedral. Avid all kinds of r1re 11)sUranee 14tRALT-) OFFICE — ZURICH that the Current Ae.,�ounts.submitted l f (Tia be Continupd) ... .... ... . Muroday, January 06th, 1950, For High H tch'ability F E E D CO-OP 18% HATCH MASH AVAILABLE AT L lensall DIst. CO -Operative 2 HENSALL and ZURICH rpm YOUJZ CARrepresentq'a major investment. It deserves the best of c�:,re—and that's what we're ready to give it. Whether it's a complete lubrication Job or just a battery check, we really try to give good, thorough Imperial service—the kind that will keep you coming back. We'd appreciate a chance to show you what we can do. Hector forcier IMPERIAL -ST. JOSEPH SERVICE STATION COR. No. 84 &'21 HIGHWAYS M G 'N idmWinter SA E PRICES SLASHED FROM 50 TO 100% BEGINNING JANUARY 21st ON TO JAI® U)- ARY 28th INCLUSIVE. LOOK FOR, A SALE BILL IN YOUR MAIL THIS IS YOUR BIG OPPORTUNITY 6! - t"12 rdware Needs V From Our 9 b N1.1W HARDWARE STOCK a P A C1,ocz3 of S_!�ehf and Heavy Hardware 0 b always on hand, also o it Scarf's Paints, Enamels and Varnishes 9 and th5 New Ahnatex Plastic Paints 9 For your heating system we recommend—the Good Cheer Furnace, or the well known Coleman Oil Heater. For your Household needs we carry Beaty Was!- a a Machines; National Electric Stoves; Marconi Rar-1. a i0s; Heaters, Electric Irons*, and Toasters, Enamel- a 0 ware Pyrex and various Kitchen Ranges. 0 0 a Reliable Plumbing, Furnace work, evetroughin,,, and Tinsmithing. Otir Aim ,To Serve acid Satisfy' e a 0 r s r i e 71 Main St. Hardware Store Phone 213 A WAY" 03R "THE WAY" WHICH WAY ARE WE GOING IT -HERE IS A WAI", WHICH SEEMETH RIGHT UNTO RLkN. BUT THE END THEREOF ARE THE WAYS Or DEATH. —Proverbs 114: 12; 16,125. I THE LORD SAID: TRU111 AND THE LIFE; NO ITTAN, I A,\-[ TlIF, WAY, THE COMETH UNTO THE FATHER (GOD) BUT BY RT& John .7 4: 6, BEHOLD WHAT MANNER OF LOVE! THE FATHER HATII BESTOWED UPON PON U S. I John 3. 1 10OR GOD SO LOVED THE' WORLD THAT HE, GAVE, 1415 ONLY BEGOTTEN SON, THAT WHOSOEVER BELIEVETH ff IN HINI SHOULD NOT PERISH, BUT HAVE' E VERLASTIN(v LIFE. John 3: 16 TUNE CHAS. E. FULLER, Box 123, Los Angeles, I STATION CH1311-100, Toronto, Sundays 9. to 1.0. A111. I WCAR, 1180, Pontiac, Mich., Sundays at 12 to 1.00 P.m. i