HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1950-01-26, Page 4ONTARIO
ZX RICH . HEFT LDry.. h,
'„•.. Thursday, J'arxua 216t 1950,:
The local Blue Water Gun club
wwent north last Saturday and were
Attetition! 1p successful in bagging a oouple of
All Wheat and Email 'Grain 'Growers
Iry "Na-Churs” Liquid Feaetlizer Concentrate this
Last year several wheat farmers treated seed wheat with
'�it•at May 9 the 26,000 ton T77tnprr'.,;
tl':.il:l)tlantie fleet will enable the
apparently had good results.
company to provide a weekly servic(•
'atrl+i tea, the lar;;est and f.) L,-rs pa;-
Using "NA-CHURS" Liquid Fertiliser Concentrate for this
,sattger vessel on the Pacific OCear(,
ce rotite to the United Iain do i,
The above photo gives some idea
purpose is still in 'the experimental stage but we believe you
thr, ma;tnitllrl,' of Work being done tit
�n po
Ww o, p( is ..tints sf•ry lc o vovag(,. '; i
should try it. Pr6rhnviary tests indicate a quicker start which
'addition to C"Ill• Pacific' :it('1i111:+11ip�'
(:o :all, Scotland,.
may aid in earlier maturity and better yield,
� -Mr , Addi. otl Tic �
l Inan SA ViAitlrir.
The cost is very Tittle, and if it will increase your yield, It is
1'11' ll;l„w (if Sarnia 1•r v1*s;t-),
till t.":,nl(.
too good to pass up. Many enthusiastic growers..have written
.ir unci :4Trs. C,l. Wiitlfong spun:..
''I1'. Thos. ()',:l( n aitd ” ,.•
r• ._Il' :111(1 ..t �..,
about the fine results obtained with "NA CHURS".
-. 1 P
(.(,n u. Flo -on"'.
with Mr ntid Mrs. Writ. diricl
the week -ell,,, with
Ask us 'today about the bne tailors TestN
='ittntl., in Stratford.
, 1
One Gallon of "NA-CHURS" Awx11 treat $y10,- l hofs of seed.
',a, ,i now h,lvr goo',1 ico witleh i, be-
1'Ir. and Mrs. Mervyn 'Cieman en-
grain at a colt; of approxinlatey. $X:40 paz`,'acz3e •~ ' . • .,
tertained a number' of their Inrend.s
�'el,_d the children.
Mr and Mrs. (,lien Walper of Lon-
Mr', and Mrs. Wm. Soldan and
on Bobbie and mfrs. Garnet Case,
of Hensall, were Sunday guests at
lti c r r e
We are: again contracting acreage for The Canada
Malting Company.
Seed Supplied lied —
Pi✓ Contact Us
Phone 1'03, Hensall, Ont, Nights 133
iz.i Gin'
Im A Clinic for Immunization against tetanus, dip-
theria, and whooping caugh will be held at flee
a Public S cool, Zurich, Friday January 27th at 2.15
p.m... Parents rimy bring pre-school children over
six aa�onths Ezi age„
'�it•at May 9 the 26,000 ton T77tnprr'.,;
tl':.il:l)tlantie fleet will enable the
�. otl l l,1. :lir h ')( for,' t'.le 1:i)r
� + •rated it-, the Eillpro:r, Japao
company to provide a weekly servic(•
'atrl+i tea, the lar;;est and f.) L,-rs pa;-
1,y E•l"press linere on the St. LaW-
1•c' •
,sattger vessel on the Pacific OCear(,
ce rotite to the United Iain do i,
The above photo gives some idea
Will �7t .. u
1 . ti' from I'u )
f t i •r •
T 1 , . 1 '�
1 1 (, r
at"! slit hes (lt, illi fir::t `.-
thr, ma;tnitllrl,' of Work being done tit
�n po
Ww o, p( is ..tints sf•ry lc o vovag(,. '; i
the Fairfiel(1 Shipbuilding Yard,
'addition to C"Ill• Pacific' :it('1i111:+11ip�'
(:o :all, Scotland,.
D A S 1•-1 VY' Cj : � 1 J
� -Mr , Addi. otl Tic �
l Inan SA ViAitlrir.
1 ttith her 1 ter firs. 13artclille in
1'11' ll;l„w (if Sarnia 1•r v1*s;t-),
till t.":,nl(.
W.: a h(r linAll(A', 11r. JL.hn Beni)"".
.ir unci :4Trs. C,l. Wiitlfong spun:..
''I1'. Thos. ()',:l( n aitd ” ,.•
r• ._Il' :111(1 ..t �..,
the wc•c 4-elld in London.
1 lois.
-. 1 P
(.(,n u. Flo -on"'.
with Mr ntid Mrs. Writ. diricl
the week -ell,,, with
1As_ ae:'k, l
='ittntl., in Stratford.
`efeln(A in full swing. Tho
itavn f1w)(J A the. church shod';
Isernice Tyler c,`, Lo"Id(ll,
1),nt the week -end with her parents
',a, ,i now h,lvr goo',1 ico witleh i, be-
1'Ir. and Mrs. Mervyn 'Cieman en-
3nr•�; appreeiated by the young people
tertained a number' of their Inrend.s
�'el,_d the children.
on 'Tuesday evening.
Mr and Mrs. (,lien Walper of Lon-
Mr', and Mrs. Wm. Soldan and
on Bobbie and mfrs. Garnet Case,
o spent the week -end with . their
of Hensall, were Sunday guests at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Inti 101c..
0 foxes and a number of Jacks.
Mr and Mrs. Gerard Denomme sof
Goderich called on the former'.: par- }
eats, Mr and Mrs John Deno name.
Wedding Btlls are ringing on the
Blue Water Highway north.
Mr and Mrs. -Chas, Rau anti Mr. ,
and Mrs. F. Corrive`zau, ' and Mr. and
Mrs. John Denamme spent a� :social
evening at the home sof Mr , a4d Mrs
Armand Denomme,
0 Mr and .Mrs. 'Louis lVlo rs. I)e of
• Drysdale and iVir and MTs. i)clmar
0 of the 1�l concession visited friends ,,1 BAN-Hr/
at Brucefield one 'day last week. e
a Mr. Leroy Denomme Who spent a g�� S AV I IN fa 1011
few: days in Sarnia :has returned to TO a ronuoN caNaoraNs
e his hone
�Iow s '• ba.�r Savings I'Ia for � •�
-Six little pigs went to market,
One little pig stayed at home, 1950? ... Save what you Ca'1 affoird
4 It was a very icy day', but
It dldu't keep Maurice Massu at home t0 save regularly.
a. He ran up and down the road; m
This little pig to seek.
It was an a'�on ot'ry, and BANK O F MONTREAL N TREAL
He lost out on a lot' of sleep. lel �®/�
When this little -pig be found, ,
He shouted ,out in gleed
He went Home to tell his wife,
That he had found his little„ piggie
8TANLEY TOWNSHIP* — – - - Df40S `
The monthly meeting of the W. 'I.
S. was held •in dhe Varna church on _ �
s£, Jan. 5. Rev.•Miss Hern opened the to ,be used for Linda's hospital bill. piano, members favoured paying one appear, no send them in. Sometimgv
*F meeting with prayer, after which all Members of the Club are: President; third of the share of cost of same. people come inland give the irnpreea-
joined in. song. Mrs. Lee McConnell Shirley Dietz; Vice 'pres. Dorothy Me' Miss G. Lammie and Mrs. T. -C. Joy nt pion that they are asking a Tavor.-
had charge of the devotional exeicis- Millan;• Treas,, Ellen :Bell; Secy., El- were named to represent the Instit- When they want us to insert th(e•
es from the Missionary' Monthly The Heanor Venner, asst. Wilma I£yle. ute. The president announced that I names of their friends who have beeini
scripture reaffixg was read by Miss $21L5.00 has been cleared as a result spending a few days with them. N.*-,
Rachael Johnaton The new President INSTITUTE MEET of the Institute ladies operating the person need feel that way about giv..
Mrs. Geo L.It6d, took charge 'ror the The monthly meeting of the Hen Chamber of Commerce booth at the
business. Minutes of the last meeting sail Women's Institute was held on FrolidC, This makes a total sum of
were read and adopted. Sixteen Ina- Jan. 11th in the Legion Hall. Presid. $878.5.5, 'given to the 'Community
mbers and oxxe visitor were present, Mrs. Fred Beer in the chair. Mrs. G. B'uilding_Fund. Mrs. T.' C. Jo nt a i}ON,Z
The roll .call :for'' February is to be Armstron' and Mi M. recent 'bride waspresented~�<_: ^• \`�
y g, ss Ellis were with a �%Y,``��,��•,:, ,*�;
'I answered by payer lent of fees. hostess. The theme: Education roll gift. Jean :Henderson san • vocal so-W'„\�
Council Meets call los,er, y1
�. 1411yt First Teacher”. Miss Win -Audrey Walsh and Marlene Pet -
The .iina ural meeting' of the Yiifred Grar£ presented ars interestIn z'ke vocal duetts, luncheon was sere-
ug p' g a
Stanley Township Council was held demonstration portraying everyday ed. M.<
�> >'
in the. Township„ .Hall, Varna, oil work done by heli;;pupils and Mr. B111.-
January 9th with all members pres- ckwell's boys. Art, mounting, of The Local News
ent. After the +oath of oflii:e had, leaves, novelties, scenes - Religious The main aim of the weekly news`
® been administered bey: the cL rk, •the Education" scrap book, knitting, glass paper as the name implies, is to give
Reeve, Elmer Webster, took- the paintings were featured. A highlight news of its own district. It may have
chair and. proceeded with the busili- was a 'spelling match conducted by other aims, such as to give the riser-:
ess of the meeting.. The minutes of J. F. Blackwell, principal' of Hensall chants a chance to tell of their goods
the last meeting were read and adop` Publie "School, winners in group A.. in its columns or to try to influence
ted. A by-law making the fonowil g grades 5 and 6 (list, was Jimmy flay- I ublic opinion through , its editor,
appointments for 1950 was approved nhgm, ;2ind .BfIllp erslake. Group Ii ials; but first of all it must
give the
ed by council: grades 7 and 8 1st, Gladys Moir, 2nd 'Mews. Some of this news is not easily
Clerk-Treas. Fred S Watson; As Ruth `Soldan During the busine obtained and no editor can cover i4
sessor and Tax Coll H M Manleyi session members :favoured . the plan all without assistance. Especially ie BYNG WHITTEKER
Tax Coll' Bayfield, Wes Elliott; Scho' of making a quilt for War Memorial this true when you have visitors
of Att, officer, Ed 'Chuter; Caretakl;x Childrens' Hospital. Mrs. G. Arm- Many of the Iadies think that per. CBC announcer, special events re—
of Cenotaph, Geo. Beatty Jr; Webd strong, Mrs. A. D. McEwan and Mrs sonals are the most interesting read- porter, news reader and interviewees
Inspector, 1H. Pen'hale -and T 3 S. ,Bell were named a committee. Dis ing in the whole paper. Your visitors rates as a veteran of generail ar1(t.�
Baird; sheep-, valuers, Russell. Grain :suCr iron tomk place re purchase of a are usually glad to have their names pouncing duties. Has been in the fieldl,
ger and Adam Stewart;•Caretakeraf of radio since 1935.
Twp, Hall, Ed. Chuter:
A deputatilon representing the Zur-
ich CCommunity Centre, interviewed
the Council requesting a ;;rant to-' i lew Dodge Deluxe Suburban
wards their new buildiny. After 'colli
siderable discussion- it was decided `"
that nq action be taken on this re=.
The treasurer was authorized to
apply to the Dept. of Highways for
the lbalanee of .subsidy on 1949 read'
By-law No. 2 authorizing an expe- r t
nditure A $80,000. on roads and ��
bridges, and b •-law No 3 dui llorizin u� t� s, �p ir''+ rc
i?+ y '1� 'gut +rI''X'
the Reeve and Tress to borrow nate- 022 R a� ' a ? r�
ssary monies from the bank wore
r� �'� �� � 4��� ���', � sr�: � ���, y �t��w � �i, fi
given the nate.; cry reading•, and pas-� LF '' M a { �� k F .�
sed a5 finally read. F x°,}i g, f a r ✓ , y ��Mr {' u4
The Clerk Was authorized to draft i€;r ' ; r a Y(I {' ��a
'. '`z 'V',c J " kr'oS*�I""! ax r y"
a by-law prohibiting the dumping of ` g� • � � a,
junk on Twp. roads and present the " " t < ` tau t x � •�T k t n k'
same to Council at its next 1nlectillg, ,nk
The road voucher fir $886,:.15;gen_ .: .
w i.c3,•,,,,il .&'(C! .r, �t'aW.c7axV ��
oral voucher for $26..40 were pass- Comfortable seating for 6 passengers; and a large With the tail board down the loading area behind'
ed and ordered payed. luggage carrying space are features of the 1950 the front seat becomes 7 ft, 5 in, long, whicl-4
Dodge DeLuxe Suburban shown above. The rear
HENSALL seat may be folded to the flpor, giving a carrying makes the Suburban easily adaptable in manyr a
Miss Helen Pasmcre of Ext ter,
space of 11 cubic feet, ' ways as a light commercial vehicle.
visited the past week with her uncle )
and aunt, Mr and firs L. Baynham,
Jos. Flyn, local barba:', has; been
confined to his room since New Year• f
owing to illness. His many friends
wish him a grecovery.) n „
pe;'dy �•PS�`,dMR, ,"� a7 1 ,, rEa"1
Fred Slavin, who suf,'E'I'(it; ,'.L Te- r
1✓,: `"cr ,, tp ,z�e'x.3]apse following a recent operation � t;'>l111d was retUr'nedSt. Jori( ))h'Sa § '` L.�gtl..,_a i k w,,.;s }r,a,. }.'-y.'iS!;, 0Ho ital, London, is impl'UV17:j. z l '; p qr S fi•` < Psi 'tiia"�`+s9fn�N y;: ^} c, �" i • .v. - ✓.° is cn'q ''W y 'ZTho> Welsl] 4Ir and 91 yx�Y�a 0Is '1.'. C. • \.%",3s'c2A '•..,..
Joynt, Jas Roti cllffe. and Alex. Cxard- 4� :<.
fuel' '•��
stafrt left �: , q t.
t tat �,
Wec1n =.t•
, Wednesday 1•l;i� 1 �.
M": t
Y. h
motor for Florida, �viiexe they will x?
yQa� y� i�N
d<FF;�S 4•�'�pG, �.,o.�` �
pe'ncl the remainder of thci taint r.Oki
n I
The 1 ill l.li'nt S �e ;+• r
V 1. o £ 11
c. Jack
7 'apleaseda ,
1• e.: v.- •
uai -.,r
I are
t h .
Ei C tri_,_ .,lit,
' Ijg��j2
t i
.'•w r,t . w'
c.- :;.�'•.'i' yrs o. � a� . `:u"j.. z1, M v°' y ,.,4, )�:
I5 improving tI'01
! g n Ilei' lune:'..
i tc;�' '! `'.`I`�'%•4'r'`. f +.P4tki` 3gwf t.•a 'oro'':. 't aid'.; i`.
. 1, .17i'nditlL;' a fi`\V •�' •r. _� .,a�nx:.�,�„t +' fisc �`t k.�.,'_5;.�.z 7 � � �`.
d'ay's Ill London Ui\'I v , c `� �'£ :,;`n., f�.43.- „��k'`dr'KF4 cl[ggI t°,t 'h^•'*'" t :Z f §�, .a,�.' ° 4
of her lllUtht.)', 1i1•s. el. Itel(1, e Y S'."t'k)u ,4y,''?yam•, k Ytra3tr '�` ,.,�.CF •tF 1 �t ,� d �{
Girls Cl
ub 5A!leet ) � '��a '�" �%CrAt."`'i`r'iE°ay�'9- `.%,x•�``� "3;`a � ; � .� to"%
The Honsalite G!"I's Club raet at. .W a� .�'+K:?' `•,' I.Ax�, ,teN.�� �Pt�n„rl� - _;.N�ri �r s,a�"'£e.r���';. "wE,
t11C 11Ulne of ilk's. s wl: naM� y :4 a Qc r.• Yk
VJes. Joale:, Jan. E :,h r
17th f)meeting:Y F f. °K Qtf y.„ 2h w i
for their fifth �,.
+.. Thl, •,l•: rl o^tcl. �. A<•t. F"3%ij '.,��.�, r,r ay.'�_
I U b was ,• f 7., r a-
t UI' aIl1Z(? '^�•
f'' d IYI OCt: '1 "1 r.S. w• a'A; E ��'''( ,.
)bar faite, »k 3 < a:a aisr ;'s� k `� " L'•;.:
u.rld iti coliv n'i�;ed of several working 3r• 'sae i. � ys`.;,i ` rZ"':1 §.t x,.r K� i�u k::*Ya ? vzr,« sr `;.'S ..,f '" �y' °'`
• y v ..d;' r , \,r. t„{as a k'r C' "��� .�+' kt,:.•. ".
txls and ?young .married women.Z hey'
Lave sponsored
SCVel'al defuses Witl, r:`"a: ' , # � ' ;a, •1 ,
v ,NY.
, u" L
t s
t c•f the
Proceeds fes.
er.d: :�•
U E. Y
p Quite l
k •u `s
7Z the New Comm 'D'.h � �.:.fi ,: - . -; +'r.>: • (,� .,,, „� A __k..'. ..:u:,;a
unity Arena. 'C•h(+ �J���'t.�,ar�t..r,., �' :an3�.1,�° ,� �.� •-M� �.
.. r ..( ,�yak. '��'i''"t.:�"
;lub learned c•f a baby 'girl who ha:; � "1""` � �
`keen ill Victoria Hospital for almost d }
.wo months. ,She is the daughter of
i 'man left crippled 'b 1 �' -
pl y polio TL was
lecided to have a benefit dance fol Canadian 'l:'acific Railway Photo, k
,inda Munroe' of I•Cippen, 19 months
ld neiee of one of the 'club xlElembera. Part of the group of 49 boys andgirls, members of the Junior Farmer A.ssociatioil of Ontario, which tour-'
�he, dance is to .be held in Hensall ed the Canadian Pacific 1111er Empre ss of France while inspecting the 111 ontreaT waterfront. Linder the
.own 14411, February 8th, Music by of the Dominion Department of Agriculture, is shown with the ship's Master, Capt. B, 13, Brant. The trip�,
)wj rdlne's orchestra. The proceed): to Montreal tivsl5 kali award for Outstanding work done by the Assoolation lrleml'ber.q throughout Ontario,