HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1950-01-26, Page 1:U, 'RICH H E RA. L D kf ZURICH, ODM O, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 26 (9 5O CHESTER L. SMITH, PUBLISHI&C, $1.75 a Year in Adv&nft. $2.00 in U. S. A., in Advanem ARTHUR TO V" A a ER - — .�_ �! — . EVENTS.- Income Tax Reports 81don Theatre Bookkeeping Service, Etc. GRAND BEND FEBRUARY 2nd. lPresents for Your. Enjoyment. the. EXETER Following Attractions GROUND HOG'S DAY 'DMCE:—CoTner Ana, William StL Phone: Exeter s55w. Friday, Saturday Jan. 27-2113 It's the Biff - ..Main. . Bunistead's Best0, 175JAcr. Farm Sold ELMER D. BELL, B.A. "BLONDIE'S REWARD" Win. H. Edi ho of the 14i1 Arthur Lake Jenny Singleton 'Concession, -has disposed of his 17, Larry Simms and on the Same pro- D -A N Ca F:Mr. acre farm known as the Edighoa�.�t BARRISTER SOLICITOR gram homestead, to Mr. Ivan Kalliffeisch. The Hoosier Hot Shots, Gloria Henry St. Peter's Parish Hall 7,urich. There is on the property EXETER, ONT. VI'very valuable fine wo,odland. Im- ,Stuart Hart FRENCH SETTLEMENT mediate possession is given. Wednesday, 2 to 5 P.M., at Zurich "THE ARKANSAN SWING" At (New Twnp. Office) Bingo, starts at 8 p.in. Farm Forurn Hezzie, Ken, Gil, and Gabe. Sweep- The Unique, Farm Forum met at ing the' Field with Action and Muss- Dance io — i a.m. the home ,of Mr and Mrs. 14y. Schilbe 'he topic, led by teal Thrills ORCHESTRA — CKNX with 22 present T krs. Carl Oe BARN DANCE GANG 4r streicher was "Should affs be Abolished." It was decid TO OUR ADVERTISERS Monday, Tuesdaly Jan. 30-31 Admission -50 cents, Children 25c. that there should be tariff be - Dorothy Lamour Sterling Hyden t*dell U. S. and Canada. It was de - Dan Duryea sided we should have free trace with 1�� .he U.K. and the world ;over. It va's "MANHANDLED" BIG CROWDS ATTEND all decided that farm support and In order to have our paper go to Don't miss -this Thrill Packed -Smash OPENING OF ARENA free trade cannot go together. The Inall at the usual time, Thursday 'next meeting will be held at Cliff inorning, we must ask our advertisers —They were Guilty of a Crime Love Friday evening was another big Pqpper's with Earl Schilbe taking the to, bring in their change of ads. no Could Not Hide. One Kiss Away 11night in Zurich when some seven hun- 4iscussion on "Are Canadians Well later than Tuesday forenoon. Please from Death. I died people filed in the new A. C. .I%d?" The hostess served a delicio- c"perate with us 't Newsreel and Cartoon b e Faramou�Siebert Memorial Arena for -us lunch. "Nut in a Rut". the official dedication. It was a Very T. HAD ANNUAL MEETING HERALD OFFICE, ZURICH. cold and snappy Januaily night, and The annual meeting of the Direct - the people came from far and near ors and members -of the South Hur- CARDS OF THANKS for the event. Colorful personarities; on Agricultural Society was held on from bioth Canada and the United,.Saturday afternoon, Jan. 21 in the States attended the ceremonies. The �Oommercial Hotel, Hensall. There Mrs. Peter Deichert wishes to offlicial opening was done by Jack,,wafl s a splendid attendance and iTan- -niA gTeatly thank her any friends far Adams, manager of the Detroit in good beal*j, Condit -ion. Offic- Wings National Leagm hocrey 'team. '. ers are: President George Armst;rov9p; cards, -visits and treats which she re- ceived while a &tient at Victoria Watching the opening Ceremonies' 1st Vice, Wkni. Decker; 2nd John Me - Hospital, London, with Mrs. A. C. Siebert (Bernice), -.Gregor, •Secy-treas., W. R. Do-agall' was the late "Babe's" 84 -year li•ll)arect,rs: Earl Campbell, Roy Be!r, Are You Suffering From The family of the 'late Mrs. john mother, Mrs. Anna. Siebert. Among..'T. J.'Sherritt, Dick Etherington, H. Douglas wish to take this opportun- other distinguished guests ane vvh ` Wright, Dick 'Kinsman, Allan Wal- Hex&rhez? ity of thanking their many friends took part in the%_-ceVemony were, .perA. W Kerslake, Elmer Webster. and neighbours for their kind symp- George Hainswort)2; former W.H.L. 'E]gin Mciffiley, Sam Dougall, W. G. U so, Have Your Eyes Erambaed with achy shown during their recent sad goalie Geo. Hay � great' N.H.L. fer-fFgrke, Alvin McBride, Harvey Cole- i bereavement, the floral tributes and ward of anotherlday, J.' J. rylcFay- 'n�, Fred Smallacombe, "Izan Tudor &e -Latest Metho&, and Equipment at cards, the loan of cars and other as- den, O.H.A. presiAent; "Sky?' Easton 119 , te of annual- Fair provisionally set i A. L C01YE, MO. sistance tht was - given. A special former O.H.A. pre Y' ,p'dert, Clayton and f�t May 25th; Field Crop ecailietit- thanks to Rev. Reba Rem. Also Clarence Hoffnian Wf -Galt, wh.Oplay�- ion will" also be sponsored with Cor­ -opTomETr.1ST a OpTiCIA-N thanking those who remembered the ed �Vfth •Babe in! his ,• younger days I ; n4f grain. ,departeld while apatient in Clinton Bob McCully, former 1XITI.L, L. stagy, . ." I - OBITUARY G-ODL14FJCW ­_, ObM Hospitat with visits, cartes' and, now a referee; Dave Pinkey, well `Good -Glas" at ResopimMe penseeetr- own"-su'Atfa . d -rdbx-6y - firwr; -f 01-y Mrs. Jr Pouglai� 'Passes Gregg, president of the W.G.A.A. of exe passed away after`'a,'I4ngth.17, CKNX W"Ingham, who was. -master of :illness in the Clinton Public Hospital, ceremonies, and Jack Park, sports- ami Weftesday, January 18th, 1950., . . . . . . . . editor of The London r-ree cress. Jane Nichol, -beloved wife of the late All paid tri-buteto the late Babe and,Jqhn, Douglas, in her 84th year. She + a d'alwifter of the late Robert + congratulated the people of Zurich VW- - fills + and. district for their fine efforts * in Xkftol,. born, at Pond Mills, near Lon - _,6 + + erected so, fine an arena.Miss don, Ont. In 1891 she was married •* +er Judy Siebert, daughter of the forni tb., the late John Douglas and resided + :Private Cat Blake, Ont. She was an active vae ar'Ambulance Service for the Conveyance + star, accompanied her mother to the + 'opening menilbei of the United Church at The entire Siebert family, to 'Sick -zmd Injured . Licensed Embalmer and + were also present. Little .Sharon Bloch blikel., Survivft are Mrs. Thomas daughter of Gordon Bloch, manager Dinsmore, (Mamie) of Hay Town- Fumeiral erector. + of the Zurich teani,• presented a ship; a sister, Mrs. Allan McDougall + bouquet of roses to Mrs..Anna Sieb- of Strathroy, an -d' a grandson. Fun - I MEMBER OF '17HE ONTAR-10 FUNERAL ASSOCIATION + ert, Babe's mother. It was an event eral service was rargelly attended on 4 + , Friday at 1.30 p.m., from her daugh- DAY OR NIGHT TELEPHONE No. 70 + which will long be rem6inbere'd in ter's home with Rev. Reba Herr 3 Zurich. The dedication exercises were 1 officiating. Interment was in the 1+ Dashwood Ontario + followed by a game of hockey in BaSifield Union Cemetery. + which the home team defeated' the 4P visiting Granton Team by a big score ...... margin. ANNUAL MEETING AND BANQUET The Voice of Temperance The Annuli Meeting iof the Hay Chief Justice J. D. McRu�r has Township Federation of Agriculture was held in the New Community given it as his judgment that "Llq- Centre, Zurich on Tuesday evening, THLEE L 8-4 uor is at the root of most of the cas- January 24th. The meeting Ivan pre - es of homicide coming before the -ceeded with a banquet with 3t.5 en - courts, and in some -large measure jov.jng the banquet catered to by the responsible for the too frequent at- Ladies of the Conununity, including tacks on women and girls and other the Wolnells' Institute''Mr. Pan,"01 T serious crimes. Liquor and broken Stauffer of Bright, pre,�ident of the re Superi R' homes are the two great forces for Ayr G, -Operative was the guest spe- 1% crime in our community. The judg- I aker choosing for his theme. "Looking N 0 RM A 11 S ment ;of the chief justice should be enough to deter any community from RAG RUGS and CARPET,% BEAUTY SHOPPE FOR A-PPOINTMENTS On a New Modern Loom, Made to Tel. 223. Zurich Order — Seth O. Amann, Zuri44 NORMA STEINBACH Prop. Ont. Phone 128. Ne6ds uuckoor. hundred thousand farmers in the Clocks A NNUAL MEETING Federaiion, and that the Internati-,)- PHONE YOUR 0 ARE BACK AGAINtl WE HAVE A FEW TO OFFER Your Blue Coal Dealer Wants You to know IDEAL FOR KITCHEN OR A Heat Regulator will pay yom DEN. back the •Cost in fuel saved in one ' season, besides the comfort of Auto - M CONTE IN AND SEE THE'.M! matic controll. , lAsk your Blue Coal Dealer.1' A H EE S, be"i W. R. DAVIDSO - N Jeweler and Registered Pone 10 - Hensaff Optician. -ROE'S VITIMIZED.FEEDS @sees** A -I I M8 e% Licensed Embah-ner and Funeral Director low Private Car. Ambulance Service 0 Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Day and Night Service 7ekephonez Res. 89 or 122, Zurich uwlt7tUU 17 Grocery Store We, are ever at your service- wftfithe best lines obtainable of FRESH GROCERIES' AU Fresh Vegetables, Fruits lir Seasorr as well as Canned Fruits and Vegetabl"es 'on hand Candies - Nuts - and Confectionery in supply GIVE US A. CALL Menno Oesch Zurich PRODUCE WANTED, Phone 165 0, ment ;of the chief justice should be enough to deter any community from Ahead." The speaker stated that "We must demand our government offici- C&N! opening up or increasing ts liquor outlets. The more liquor—the more crime. —Advt. als to express where they Stand" he said the farmers were partly up the ladder to respect, and there were four uoldWeather Ne6ds hundred thousand farmers in the A NNUAL MEETING Federaiion, and that the Internati-,)- onal Federation has 24 countries Con - The 75th Annual Meetin, of 11e netted with the F.A.O.Other s peak- 1 Tolicybolders of ers who, briefly spoke were: Robert Mens' and Boy's, Underwear, Checked Shirts, Peck, president of Stanley, an,! Rob. FEBRUARY 1st, TO 28th. The Hay Township Farmers' McGregor, president of Tuckersinith organizations The financial report Men's Pants, Overalls, Smocks and Jackets, Etc. lVe are Holding our Clearing Sale. MutualFire Insurance presented to the ineeui,g disclosed a balance from last year as $163.57. Company Officers elected were: President, Del - Some of our lines will be cleared to the pare walls. Will be held in theRubber bert Geiger; Vice Pres. Sail, tel Hen - 0 Fotwear drick; Secy -Treasurer, Car, oestrei- " Depart ­ e , nt. In order to er4arge our Grocery" In Town Hall, Zurich cher; Directors — Carl Hoberer, Ar - On nold Merrier, Leonard Afei r, Clio - mi Mens', � Boys Rubber Hoots, 4 -buckle all rubber If you are looking for a Bargain c6rhe­�tfid"'�ee bur _Mq�DAY, JANUARY 30th ord Pepper, Percy Cainpl,elil, Harold Willert, Gus Roche, For the inusiral 4 At Two• o'clock, p.m. portion ,of the evening a quartttte Yukon Mens'. High Laced Flexions; Boots, outstanding Vallkle$. —BUSINESS— composed of Miss Pauline Hess and her brother, Miss Ga.scho an(l F. Overshoes and Rube'rs. Watch this space for further information on this I—Receiving Reports of the Pr(lid dent, Secretary -Treasurer and Ha-berer, with Mrs. Hirry Hess at 'he piano contributed several numb- f� Auditors. ors, Alvin Walper direett,d the sing FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND GIGANTIC SALE `� -Election of Directors and Aiidltori; 8 --The discussion of -other mottell ") Vie proeonds of the banquet in the interest of the Company' nd ds,i) -o will go towards the Coin- muffl4y, Centre equipment Desjard- 'THIE E" ST 4) 11 A GOOD ATTENDANCE IS ine's orchestra supplied the music Phone 140 - CH. THIEL a Zurich REQUESTED dance. The draw for the don, E. Schwartzentruber, Prop, Phone' 11-97 Ped J. Haberer, President. ated table,cloth was won by Mr. Will --- Herbert K. Eilber, Secretary 1forthe Clarke of- BlAlze.