HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1950-01-12, Page 10f
• 79itii•sd ;v, Ja�lurtry 1�, 1450
.Church�� - _ _---- -- —�.
.� firs. Wm. Hay spent a day last Eva � � Hadwime
"ti�eek in London r�ith hexdaughters. �UItICIi ON]'ARIO�01stwe
Ur and ,11rs Alvin Gxngerlich and u
,� son David had a very enjoyable time I REV, Yr- W. 4
ji j� ` 1 Q 0 with relatives at St. Jacobs over the—Divine
weekend. 10 aaa.--}Jivino Services.
11.15 a.m. —Sunday School. WE ARl. DEALERS IN:— �.
• \ : 00� 1liss Dorothy Rader of Dashwood, ?,30 p,m.---Div.ine Worship.
�0Qi is spending some time at the riome
O OVA of her sister, N'ir and Mrs. Leonard i Everybody Welcome to all Services. � 1Vloffat anal. Sunshine Electric Stoves. DoxninIorB
��7,95 !,• Prang. �. _.. —_.- a
3 only Wool Filled CcrFxxforters 6�ax72, each •• �� Mr and :vers. Milton Oesch and and Maxwell Washing Machines, Duro and �
daughter Donna and Mrs. Rtintc spent ED41MANUEL 0 �
6.75 �� Sunday at the home of the f-ormer's
Beatty Pumps.
Blankets, cae$r EVANGELICAL U. S. CHURCH
Grey Wool Array . 11 1 en an Paint Vary
0 sister, Mr and Mrs. K.ipfer at; Hen-
. Zurich --- Ontario
. 75c 0 D � The we mown. 011idd d C. V. s,
a Extra quality Eiderdown at per yard . • • ..... , � 0 REV H I? PEL is e , Stains an Shellacs
:12r. and .Mrs: Cal Cutler of Cleve- Minister O �
Q65C 4 0 land were over fo2r the week -end vis- ,Mrs. -Milton Oeseh - Organist h s St d Sh 1
d Plain Maroon Mackinaws T lartnel, 36 -sass yd" • • itin.g with her mother, Mrs. J. P. �
x,75 yd 2.50 4D Rau, who has just returned from the Sunday Services:— ® Full Line of Shelf and Heavy Hardware `,
All Wool heavy Coating, 56 -in. Reg. 10:00 a.m.--Divine Worship. �
� U Hospital. + heating,
tj p Messrs. Jacob H•aberer and George 11.00 a.m.—Bible School. ® �✓e Specialize in plumbing, g tinsmithrlg
7:30 m.—Divine Warship. ® and oil burners
�11 Wool goods Extra ��-in. wide, Reg"5, Reichert motored to Crediton on Welcome at all Services—"Colne
per yard! Wednesday where thev made the an -1 -
••.98c thou with us and we will do thea ® Phone 63 Zurich
nual audit of the books of the Hay.
Mutual Fire Insurance Company. good." Num_ 10:25.
�� 40 ,virs. Mary Manson and :Grandson, �— Radar ittlahal z ard ware
_ QG• Robert Manson, have returned hr,e QY
-after a pleasant visit at the home of i IlVA E-rie ® Phone 63 Zurich
• Q the former's son, Mr and Mrs. bon
ald Vianson at Toronto, where they
VQ spent the Christmas and New Year's }
Dom ats Mr and Mrs Len Haist and children
me[] S Mi'll'18 OQ� of Detroit were week -enc waltors M=I�l�fu�
with relatives in our village, The F L® TILE
former's mother, Mrs. Ezra �Iaist re_ CANADA TRUST COMPANY
®• VW turned to the city with therm where R
f p
R • We are Overstocked in
Men's and Boys Heavy � 0 she intends to spend a few weeks. CERTIFICATES .�,�e fest In Mastic Tile �aog
Mr. and Mrs. Lister Beeman of SOLD AND RENEWED
Overcoats. Many of these were bought a rnucll O Detroit an(l Miss Martha Heideman, 21/a% per Annum, payable half- � G E T
y�0 who had been visiting at their lrrome yearly upon $100 and over for 3, 4 El
lower prices than present day values, and are offer- (/ and with other relatives and friends, or 5 Years.
Q • for a few weeks in that city, :motored J W HABERER -REP. �
ing same at still further reductions to clear. We 0 G to the latter's parents' :home, lysis and 9 ALSO CLEANERS AND WAXES
0 • Mrs. Egbert Heideman on Saturday. Phone 1G1 — Zurich, Ont. 0
Quote only a few. _ Manufactured by The Flintkote Cotrlpany,
• • Held First Meeting _____— R�g Toronto, Ont.
�5,®9 0 ° ,r t s, eras the inaugural nmeet-
Regular $45.00 for ...................... ing of Hay Councili when the various See Your Local Agent
• X7,5® d , officials made their declaration of Weak, Nervous,
P Regular 85,00 for ....................... r JOHN M. TURKHEII@�I - Phone Zurich 174
office and are now fully organised ® -
A fine lighter :"�cEght top coat, reg. 28.50 for 15:9. p� for the year 1950. peplets Men, ®men M LAID AND MAINTA1NEl�. Free Estimates Gladly Given
19.95 � - Fractures Bone
Get Plea Vim, Vigor, VitalityUMMMMEMEMOMMO
DBoys' Overcoats, Reg 28:50 for .... • .. • • • p y1r. Earl Fla+ybar d met with a pairs- say goodbye to toes," weak, always tired feelings,
D 'I pteaalun and nervousuess due to weak, thin
Q O fol accident at his home when he fro- blood, r3et up 11 11, freak, be penPy ail day, havo
D etured a bone in his right f,aot, and n!euty of vltaAty left over by evening. Take Ostrex.
"o a'"'
1TUil vitamin Br, ,"dictum, Phosphorus•i••§••i'•'�•'F"i"I'•i"g''�''`'•' �'... ...�•,r�� �..
All Men's Parkas at 20"� off regular Prices �Q is getting around by the aid of a forbioodbutidlug,bodyatreugtheulug.sttmulatton. t
lnvlgorates system; lm Provos aAPotite, dlgestivo ,I, 1®�
p p
crutch. His mans> friends WlSh kiln a on Ye66c.,gy ostrex Toile Tablets terunow. nor Can gb
(� speedy healing of his injury. mal DeP� vim, vigor, this very day. At all druggists. 'pis
® uaseho BrOL s41Q0 Has Returned Home
d�Q ZURICH Mrs. John P. Rau returned to her. —� LD BER MILLWORK
TELEPHONE 59 hone in Zurich last Friday froom St. NOTICE TO CREDITORS
Joseph's Hospital, London where she In the Estate of Nelson J. Masse. ASH TEN -TEST
had an operation perfumed- We are against the Estate of Nelson J. Masse
pleased to learn that Mrs. Rau is late of the Township of StanlcY, MASONITE
q progressing favourably and wish her Drysdale, deceased, 'who died on or®®RS
a g about the 4th day of January, 1.950
r e d 811 e tcontinued health. PAIS fi BUILDERS' HARDWARE
are hereby notified to send in to the
Winter is Now Here undersigned .on or 'before the 25th
This is a remark we can now hear day, of January, 1950, full partici- ASPHALT ROOFING
�'�� t=
a almost where we go as the mild wea- I'
sans of their claims.
a ther, with its rains, and floods in Immediately after the said last y AND ALL TYPES {3F BUILDING SHPPI'IES ty
The Store with the Best Variety ®f all Kanas many places has been shoved out and mentioned date, the •assets of the 1 y
® 1 ,
of Groceries ® the colder winter has moved in from said estate will be distributed among- � KALBFLEISC11 � fid, SO
a the north.. Little snow is on the 1' o C.
T �� st the parties entitled thereto, having ®` _
® y g 'regard only to claims of which the Phone 69 - ZHICI�
go also Rubber Boots and Shoes for Men and Boys a round. Monday saw' a bat or rain
.but it is now frosen up nicely and lrndersfgrmed shall then have notice, s'
A fine assortment of Hardware and Electrical ® it looks as if the winter was here to to the conclusion of all .-ther•s, and
stat i for a mvhile at least. :.fd�•b �••I•�r�r�• i c••i••I t•� ... t�•+�... t. � t � I � l a I I••d•�rw�� t••§ �d�
y the undersigned will not ibe liable to
® Attended Funeral any person of whose claim the under- �•_:
si sled shall not therm have notice for
ATLAS AND SEIBERLING TIRES ® The :surviving children of the late the assets so distributed or any put
John Brenner all attended the fun -
COy ris
--OP. FEED'S Cured and Fresh Meats ;� eral of their father: Mrs. Harrs thereof.
a Dated at Zurich this 9th day of ..
Wahl, Mrs. Heimpel,
Mrs. Lorne y'
Your PatronagM s
e Appreciated at all Times! i o Cook, Mss. Floyd Cook, Mr. Ed. January, 1950.
a Brenner, all of Kitchener; Mrs. Lloyd Peter Masse, Zurich, Ont.,
GIVE US A CALL! ® Hendrick of B. W. Highway and Mr. Joseph Masse, 1521 Erose St., Will-
® dsor, Executors.
® Clarence Brenner at home. ,also re-
® JOHN DENOMY D YSDALE Phone 98 r @ latives we erpresent from uetxoit, 1
3 Stratford, Milverton, London and YOU WILL ENJOY knitting with l HAVE RECEIVED A L ARGE SHIPMENT OF MASSEY-
Zurich. The funeral was held last Bee Hive or Kroy pre-shrunTc yarns. HARRIS REPAIRS. ORDER YOURS EARLY!
_ Thursday afternoon from the West- Ideal for sweiaters, sot and -children,';
lake funeral Home with Rev. E. W. wear. Available at Tudor's in Herr-
Heimrich officiating. Mrs. Brenner
-- With the issuing now of the 1950 ORS, THRESHING MACHINES, COMI3'INES,
of their many friends. ETC.
EAT MORE EGGS! ear license an increase in time license
NTan Ile ri( feta for 4 -cylinder cars announced , «
0 lill" Uel N U, %J 10 Released from CKNX) an increase. The new fee will be The Service Arm for Canadian Farm"
There 1s no need to further im- raised from $2 to $5 and applies to
press the distressing condition of the cars manufactured since 1933, Motor�I el. Sinop .j Ll9� drip" Res. 67
Will receive attention with us if left in plenty of time. Canadian Farm Markets upon ,your cycle licenses have been doubled to
mind at the present time. Every Can- $22.00.
We always try to supply our Customers with the most adian is aware, that as the farrier New Railway Tracks Laid � EVER AT YOUR SERVICE FOR FARM NEEDS! -
goes, so goes the Nation. I he toss of
Suitable Fuel for their heating estulpment. 13ut t® the Yritish Egg Market, his left the A work train with about 50 sea
economy of the average (anadiall tionmen from a number of points in g
insure deliveries 1n time always leave your orders early 14'ariner in a .ad state, He r,, l)rodne- the Stratford, District, have ,been en-
ing eghs at a decided lois, and little' gaged in laving about three miles of
with us so we can arrange for your supply relief is seen. With this thought in track with heavier steel. The steel
mind, we ask that ,you give the foll- has been laid north and south of Ex,.
YOUR HEATING EQUIPMENT owing plan your thought and consid- I eter. Traffic was not interrupted r
enation, in the hope that you can during the operation. `", (``1 "'" I
Have You Looked Over Your Heating Equipment? help along this campaign to assist the THE AMAZING STORY OF THE
l � i
average farmer. I HIDDEN 'TAXES l
Roes Your Furnace or Stove Need Attention; or Prob- � upon loo!cing over Egv2 procluctlnn !bread
Just imagine A 1•ortf of has
ably You Need a New One. Let Us Look These Over �, frg;nrea anti comparing their ~}ith t e l 151 taxes in ill Yr�u'd get at least
present population figure, for tkle 21,2 packs cigarettc;s for Vie price of �®I�iE CE101'I' a �1Vard (rrniminum 2�c.} i5 a1.1 that
for you and offer Our Suggestion to Your
Best Dominion of Canada, we find that if one if it weren't for tare;. stead, in
Advantages. a every Canadian, man, woman and The American We okly., with till; Sign- it costs you fora classified adv. 1n the Zurich Herald
child, were to eat just 37 more eggs. day's (Jan. 15) 1•:vuct ofThr, Dotroit
` We carry a .full line of the Well Known and Trieo p^r lyear, we would not have to tvorrs Sunday 'Times, an ailtrlo;t ilnbr^lir , A.n Adv. that each week will reach and be read by
about an Export Market, and the able story of this t,lx
and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, i distressing situation that the Can. several thousand readers, many of who will be in -
Also Quick Crying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax '' ` adian Farmer now finds hirnseli in. Thank You!
Thus, we are launching an "EAT terested in what you are advertising or are offering
OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS 1 MORE I OGS" campaign here at CX We a.pprc.r.iatrt thl• fudlrrsvin�Y row
I N.. at the start of the New Year lines from a I'()"' rnr l v✓c l! Isrrc,wrr for Sale.
Plumbing, F rnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsm>it'r i W•a hope that y :,u will see fit to ass- Zurich Old lir,V
sat ris in your particular area. By Alrc:rdc<c n, Sts -k_, ,1;1n. ii, I fiii(f cr there is
ing our Specialty. Full line of heavyand shelf Hard- nt0ilrrisin£ the fait that r>c are lurich Herald If you want tcx buy or sell anyth nn,
ware always in stock. .>,nnrl for you, ,.and that they arra one Dear Friend. Isnrin :r<r! 1111 t r. lrld
no cheaper car more effective way thtrlr u<i11g an
rat' our most reasonable prir.ed stables my renewal for Clic+ Herald f .r• l,r,;fl. y
yc: la a and were so before the price reduct- We bad a wonderful fall her(-, hist classified adv. in the Herald. Phone 80, or 105.
!r WCMIDO ion, it is our opinion that the press much snow, wouther bas baa, eolcl
can assist the Canadian Farmer to for a few ,week:;, but bright and
�E r °°�' "keep his head above the water." Sunny, Hope this finds you peolle THE ZURICH HERALD
' _Sincerely Yours, Radio Station CIS all in the best of health and wishing
QUALITY PRICE °^° SERVICE NX 'i'td., (W, T. Crul-ekshank Gen- 'Y-ou all a. 'Very Happy Xew Year. ,
'Yours Truly, David Schnell,
• 79itii•sd ;v, Ja�lurtry 1�, 1450
.Church�� - _ _---- -- —�.
.� firs. Wm. Hay spent a day last Eva � � Hadwime
"ti�eek in London r�ith hexdaughters. �UItICIi ON]'ARIO�01stwe
Ur and ,11rs Alvin Gxngerlich and u
,� son David had a very enjoyable time I REV, Yr- W. 4
ji j� ` 1 Q 0 with relatives at St. Jacobs over the—Divine
weekend. 10 aaa.--}Jivino Services.
11.15 a.m. —Sunday School. WE ARl. DEALERS IN:— �.
• \ : 00� 1liss Dorothy Rader of Dashwood, ?,30 p,m.---Div.ine Worship.
�0Qi is spending some time at the riome
O OVA of her sister, N'ir and Mrs. Leonard i Everybody Welcome to all Services. � 1Vloffat anal. Sunshine Electric Stoves. DoxninIorB
��7,95 !,• Prang. �. _.. —_.- a
3 only Wool Filled CcrFxxforters 6�ax72, each •• �� Mr and :vers. Milton Oesch and and Maxwell Washing Machines, Duro and �
daughter Donna and Mrs. Rtintc spent ED41MANUEL 0 �
6.75 �� Sunday at the home of the f-ormer's
Beatty Pumps.
Blankets, cae$r EVANGELICAL U. S. CHURCH
Grey Wool Array . 11 1 en an Paint Vary
0 sister, Mr and Mrs. K.ipfer at; Hen-
. Zurich --- Ontario
. 75c 0 D � The we mown. 011idd d C. V. s,
a Extra quality Eiderdown at per yard . • • ..... , � 0 REV H I? PEL is e , Stains an Shellacs
:12r. and .Mrs: Cal Cutler of Cleve- Minister O �
Q65C 4 0 land were over fo2r the week -end vis- ,Mrs. -Milton Oeseh - Organist h s St d Sh 1
d Plain Maroon Mackinaws T lartnel, 36 -sass yd" • • itin.g with her mother, Mrs. J. P. �
x,75 yd 2.50 4D Rau, who has just returned from the Sunday Services:— ® Full Line of Shelf and Heavy Hardware `,
All Wool heavy Coating, 56 -in. Reg. 10:00 a.m.--Divine Worship. �
� U Hospital. + heating,
tj p Messrs. Jacob H•aberer and George 11.00 a.m.—Bible School. ® �✓e Specialize in plumbing, g tinsmithrlg
7:30 m.—Divine Warship. ® and oil burners
�11 Wool goods Extra ��-in. wide, Reg"5, Reichert motored to Crediton on Welcome at all Services—"Colne
per yard! Wednesday where thev made the an -1 -
••.98c thou with us and we will do thea ® Phone 63 Zurich
nual audit of the books of the Hay.
Mutual Fire Insurance Company. good." Num_ 10:25.
�� 40 ,virs. Mary Manson and :Grandson, �— Radar ittlahal z ard ware
_ QG• Robert Manson, have returned hr,e QY
-after a pleasant visit at the home of i IlVA E-rie ® Phone 63 Zurich
• Q the former's son, Mr and Mrs. bon
ald Vianson at Toronto, where they
VQ spent the Christmas and New Year's }
Dom ats Mr and Mrs Len Haist and children
me[] S Mi'll'18 OQ� of Detroit were week -enc waltors M=I�l�fu�
with relatives in our village, The F L® TILE
former's mother, Mrs. Ezra �Iaist re_ CANADA TRUST COMPANY
®• VW turned to the city with therm where R
f p
R • We are Overstocked in
Men's and Boys Heavy � 0 she intends to spend a few weeks. CERTIFICATES .�,�e fest In Mastic Tile �aog
Mr. and Mrs. Lister Beeman of SOLD AND RENEWED
Overcoats. Many of these were bought a rnucll O Detroit an(l Miss Martha Heideman, 21/a% per Annum, payable half- � G E T
y�0 who had been visiting at their lrrome yearly upon $100 and over for 3, 4 El
lower prices than present day values, and are offer- (/ and with other relatives and friends, or 5 Years.
Q • for a few weeks in that city, :motored J W HABERER -REP. �
ing same at still further reductions to clear. We 0 G to the latter's parents' :home, lysis and 9 ALSO CLEANERS AND WAXES
0 • Mrs. Egbert Heideman on Saturday. Phone 1G1 — Zurich, Ont. 0
Quote only a few. _ Manufactured by The Flintkote Cotrlpany,
• • Held First Meeting _____— R�g Toronto, Ont.
�5,®9 0 ° ,r t s, eras the inaugural nmeet-
Regular $45.00 for ...................... ing of Hay Councili when the various See Your Local Agent
• X7,5® d , officials made their declaration of Weak, Nervous,
P Regular 85,00 for ....................... r JOHN M. TURKHEII@�I - Phone Zurich 174
office and are now fully organised ® -
A fine lighter :"�cEght top coat, reg. 28.50 for 15:9. p� for the year 1950. peplets Men, ®men M LAID AND MAINTA1NEl�. Free Estimates Gladly Given
19.95 � - Fractures Bone
Get Plea Vim, Vigor, VitalityUMMMMEMEMOMMO
DBoys' Overcoats, Reg 28:50 for .... • .. • • • p y1r. Earl Fla+ybar d met with a pairs- say goodbye to toes," weak, always tired feelings,
D 'I pteaalun and nervousuess due to weak, thin
Q O fol accident at his home when he fro- blood, r3et up 11 11, freak, be penPy ail day, havo
D etured a bone in his right f,aot, and n!euty of vltaAty left over by evening. Take Ostrex.
"o a'"'
1TUil vitamin Br, ,"dictum, Phosphorus•i••§••i'•'�•'F"i"I'•i"g''�''`'•' �'... ...�•,r�� �..
All Men's Parkas at 20"� off regular Prices �Q is getting around by the aid of a forbioodbutidlug,bodyatreugtheulug.sttmulatton. t
lnvlgorates system; lm Provos aAPotite, dlgestivo ,I, 1®�
p p
crutch. His mans> friends WlSh kiln a on Ye66c.,gy ostrex Toile Tablets terunow. nor Can gb
(� speedy healing of his injury. mal DeP� vim, vigor, this very day. At all druggists. 'pis
® uaseho BrOL s41Q0 Has Returned Home
d�Q ZURICH Mrs. John P. Rau returned to her. —� LD BER MILLWORK
TELEPHONE 59 hone in Zurich last Friday froom St. NOTICE TO CREDITORS
Joseph's Hospital, London where she In the Estate of Nelson J. Masse. ASH TEN -TEST
had an operation perfumed- We are against the Estate of Nelson J. Masse
pleased to learn that Mrs. Rau is late of the Township of StanlcY, MASONITE
q progressing favourably and wish her Drysdale, deceased, 'who died on or®®RS
a g about the 4th day of January, 1.950
r e d 811 e tcontinued health. PAIS fi BUILDERS' HARDWARE
are hereby notified to send in to the
Winter is Now Here undersigned .on or 'before the 25th
This is a remark we can now hear day, of January, 1950, full partici- ASPHALT ROOFING
�'�� t=
a almost where we go as the mild wea- I'
sans of their claims.
a ther, with its rains, and floods in Immediately after the said last y AND ALL TYPES {3F BUILDING SHPPI'IES ty
The Store with the Best Variety ®f all Kanas many places has been shoved out and mentioned date, the •assets of the 1 y
® 1 ,
of Groceries ® the colder winter has moved in from said estate will be distributed among- � KALBFLEISC11 � fid, SO
a the north.. Little snow is on the 1' o C.
T �� st the parties entitled thereto, having ®` _
® y g 'regard only to claims of which the Phone 69 - ZHICI�
go also Rubber Boots and Shoes for Men and Boys a round. Monday saw' a bat or rain
.but it is now frosen up nicely and lrndersfgrmed shall then have notice, s'
A fine assortment of Hardware and Electrical ® it looks as if the winter was here to to the conclusion of all .-ther•s, and
stat i for a mvhile at least. :.fd�•b �••I•�r�r�• i c••i••I t•� ... t�•+�... t. � t � I � l a I I••d•�rw�� t••§ �d�
y the undersigned will not ibe liable to
® Attended Funeral any person of whose claim the under- �•_:
si sled shall not therm have notice for
ATLAS AND SEIBERLING TIRES ® The :surviving children of the late the assets so distributed or any put
John Brenner all attended the fun -
COy ris
--OP. FEED'S Cured and Fresh Meats ;� eral of their father: Mrs. Harrs thereof.
a Dated at Zurich this 9th day of ..
Wahl, Mrs. Heimpel,
Mrs. Lorne y'
Your PatronagM s
e Appreciated at all Times! i o Cook, Mss. Floyd Cook, Mr. Ed. January, 1950.
a Brenner, all of Kitchener; Mrs. Lloyd Peter Masse, Zurich, Ont.,
GIVE US A CALL! ® Hendrick of B. W. Highway and Mr. Joseph Masse, 1521 Erose St., Will-
® dsor, Executors.
® Clarence Brenner at home. ,also re-
® JOHN DENOMY D YSDALE Phone 98 r @ latives we erpresent from uetxoit, 1
3 Stratford, Milverton, London and YOU WILL ENJOY knitting with l HAVE RECEIVED A L ARGE SHIPMENT OF MASSEY-
Zurich. The funeral was held last Bee Hive or Kroy pre-shrunTc yarns. HARRIS REPAIRS. ORDER YOURS EARLY!
_ Thursday afternoon from the West- Ideal for sweiaters, sot and -children,';
lake funeral Home with Rev. E. W. wear. Available at Tudor's in Herr-
Heimrich officiating. Mrs. Brenner
-- With the issuing now of the 1950 ORS, THRESHING MACHINES, COMI3'INES,
of their many friends. ETC.
EAT MORE EGGS! ear license an increase in time license
NTan Ile ri( feta for 4 -cylinder cars announced , «
0 lill" Uel N U, %J 10 Released from CKNX) an increase. The new fee will be The Service Arm for Canadian Farm"
There 1s no need to further im- raised from $2 to $5 and applies to
press the distressing condition of the cars manufactured since 1933, Motor�I el. Sinop .j Ll9� drip" Res. 67
Will receive attention with us if left in plenty of time. Canadian Farm Markets upon ,your cycle licenses have been doubled to
mind at the present time. Every Can- $22.00.
We always try to supply our Customers with the most adian is aware, that as the farrier New Railway Tracks Laid � EVER AT YOUR SERVICE FOR FARM NEEDS! -
goes, so goes the Nation. I he toss of
Suitable Fuel for their heating estulpment. 13ut t® the Yritish Egg Market, his left the A work train with about 50 sea
economy of the average (anadiall tionmen from a number of points in g
insure deliveries 1n time always leave your orders early 14'ariner in a .ad state, He r,, l)rodne- the Stratford, District, have ,been en-
ing eghs at a decided lois, and little' gaged in laving about three miles of
with us so we can arrange for your supply relief is seen. With this thought in track with heavier steel. The steel
mind, we ask that ,you give the foll- has been laid north and south of Ex,.
YOUR HEATING EQUIPMENT owing plan your thought and consid- I eter. Traffic was not interrupted r
enation, in the hope that you can during the operation. `", (``1 "'" I
Have You Looked Over Your Heating Equipment? help along this campaign to assist the THE AMAZING STORY OF THE
l � i
average farmer. I HIDDEN 'TAXES l
Roes Your Furnace or Stove Need Attention; or Prob- � upon loo!cing over Egv2 procluctlnn !bread
Just imagine A 1•ortf of has
ably You Need a New One. Let Us Look These Over �, frg;nrea anti comparing their ~}ith t e l 151 taxes in ill Yr�u'd get at least
present population figure, for tkle 21,2 packs cigarettc;s for Vie price of �®I�iE CE101'I' a �1Vard (rrniminum 2�c.} i5 a1.1 that
for you and offer Our Suggestion to Your
Best Dominion of Canada, we find that if one if it weren't for tare;. stead, in
Advantages. a every Canadian, man, woman and The American We okly., with till; Sign- it costs you fora classified adv. 1n the Zurich Herald
child, were to eat just 37 more eggs. day's (Jan. 15) 1•:vuct ofThr, Dotroit
` We carry a .full line of the Well Known and Trieo p^r lyear, we would not have to tvorrs Sunday 'Times, an ailtrlo;t ilnbr^lir , A.n Adv. that each week will reach and be read by
about an Export Market, and the able story of this t,lx
and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, i distressing situation that the Can. several thousand readers, many of who will be in -
Also Quick Crying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax '' ` adian Farmer now finds hirnseli in. Thank You!
Thus, we are launching an "EAT terested in what you are advertising or are offering
OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS 1 MORE I OGS" campaign here at CX We a.pprc.r.iatrt thl• fudlrrsvin�Y row
I N.. at the start of the New Year lines from a I'()"' rnr l v✓c l! Isrrc,wrr for Sale.
Plumbing, F rnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsm>it'r i W•a hope that y :,u will see fit to ass- Zurich Old lir,V
sat ris in your particular area. By Alrc:rdc<c n, Sts -k_, ,1;1n. ii, I fiii(f cr there is
ing our Specialty. Full line of heavyand shelf Hard- nt0ilrrisin£ the fait that r>c are lurich Herald If you want tcx buy or sell anyth nn,
ware always in stock. .>,nnrl for you, ,.and that they arra one Dear Friend. Isnrin :r<r! 1111 t r. lrld
no cheaper car more effective way thtrlr u<i11g an
rat' our most reasonable prir.ed stables my renewal for Clic+ Herald f .r• l,r,;fl. y
yc: la a and were so before the price reduct- We bad a wonderful fall her(-, hist classified adv. in the Herald. Phone 80, or 105.
!r WCMIDO ion, it is our opinion that the press much snow, wouther bas baa, eolcl
can assist the Canadian Farmer to for a few ,week:;, but bright and
�E r °°�' "keep his head above the water." Sunny, Hope this finds you peolle THE ZURICH HERALD
' _Sincerely Yours, Radio Station CIS all in the best of health and wishing
QUALITY PRICE °^° SERVICE NX 'i'td., (W, T. Crul-ekshank Gen- 'Y-ou all a. 'Very Happy Xew Year. ,
'Yours Truly, David Schnell,