HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1950-01-12, Page 8Pay As You Drive —The coin meter system of meeting pay » menu, used sucessfully on, refrigerator and television sales, has Spread to auto sales. Lila McCallley, above, shotes how the meter plan ivorks. Drop a quarter in the. meter; the gadget relense,; enough gas to the carburetor to keep you going for a si ell, AVIien your next quarter is due, a loud buzzer sounds a warning. Every so often a collector conies around for the quarters. For emergency use, four slugs a month,are supplied by the dealer. his �d^. where—and a large part of it might +��g well be from here. * *e * But, according to Dr. Derby, there are a few things that will need to have our attention if we are to cut in on this great poten- Fairly enc(niraging was the news tial cheese market to any vastly increased extent. wrought ro the Central Ontario :k ;k Cheesemakers:-\.ssociarion ill all address by Dr, H. A. Derby; Chief For one thing lie found, from of.l4larketing and ilerchandising ot" actual inspection, that the break- age of boxes is a matter of serious Dairy Products for -the Dominion concern to the Canadian cheese Departilient of lgriculture. 1) r. trade. The headings in our cheese Derby had rec rit:y returned from boxes also need attention, as many a trip to the international Dairy Congrc,-s, held at Stockliolnl, and, were seen that were very rough in finish, showing while on t:le crt,ler sine of the pond, and bark, He said that steps have already been Hall vi,'Icll variow, distributing taken by the Department of Agri - centres in the United kingdom culture to enforce more strictly the where c;ieeses from Canada, the regulations under the Dairy In- lJnited `tater. Australia and New dustry Act under which the veneer Zealand are stored. in cheese boxes must be not less (anadian cheese has built up a than one-fifth of an inch in thick- "`- faveurgL),'e reputation over there, ness, And next season all cheese intended for export will require he said, iit'a` market which may well be expected to take more'oT double, rather than singlewiring, our chee>e in future—but onIy if While on the other ;isle he heard the quality and price are O.l_, and frequent complaints abopt Cana - if we can assure the buyers of a than cheeses being too heavy. Some continuity of supply. of those exported weighed 112 " ,k * pounds. The United kingdom trade 'rill, tarin cheese industry in tihe does not want cheese weighing United kingdom has declined until --vnore than 00 pounds, and would now it is only about a quarter of even prefer them five pounds its. 1, a -.Near • peak. This is partly lighter than that for easier hand - of the drift away from ling. farms of the young folks who ordin- —united States brand, that is—of arily would make the product, and Another hcef was about our Also because of the big demand cheeses being too large for the for fluid milk over there. boxes they're packed in. This * * causes thein to go short oil proper Wlien the figures are all in Bri- ventilation with resulting excessive fish production of cheese for the mould growth; dampness and faulty year just ended is expected to be rind formation, around a6 million pounds, or about k k k .one-half of pre-war production; and Many Canadian cheeses exani- of that amount not more than ten ined, boxed as described, were or fifteen per cent would be of found spongy when pressed with farm production. the thumb, in decided contrast to * * * Only those .from New Zealand, in the two types Of cheese— open crate. These latter showed Cheddar and Ches'hre—were mane- some slight mould, but were very lectured in any real quantities; and firm and dry. these two only when surplus milk was available. So that, all in all, 1'n addition, with cheesc packed domestic production was only a as tightly as ours, it is aliilost itn- amall part of the total British re- possible to remove the box with- quirement of something like 408 out breakage. This is particularly million pounds. so when the cheese is higher than * * In 1948 the United Kingdon im- the box, and the contents get squashed from piling. The trade +pocted slightly more than 352 mil- feel, and rightly so, that the top Von pounds of cheese, as compared of the cheese should come below with 328 million pounds during the the top of the side of the box, so pre-war year of 1938. Before the that when the cheese are turned, war consumption was nine pounds the ends will be ventilated. per person, and this rose to 14 'k k pounds during the war. At present Examination of Canadian cheese col,sumption is down to about 6yz for quality found that, on the whole, pounds, on the basis of a ration the original grade was pretty well amounting to 2 ounces weekly per maintained on flavour, There was, croon, So it is easy to see that however, some complaints of de - the British ever get back to feats, presumably caused by heat. anything like their former cheese- ing, and these complaints are being +Mating habits, they're going to need studied by the Department, with a A whole lot of tonnage from some- view to eliminating the cause. Ic a After a lot of argument, in wich those who attempt to control said ttonsitlerably more heat ffhan lihght sports are going to run tip against. was generated, the burghers of * k Toronto, by a small majority, have t F•or instance, if it's OIC to decided in favor of Sunday Sports, Aloes, before the. Provincial Leg- charge money to see a baseball islature gives the gc-ahead signal, game, why will it be sinful to show a telecast or movie of the it might be mildly interesting to speculate same or a similar game, at a price?) oil just what lovers of * k * , athletics, and in what branches of thereof, will attempt to cut in on Oue of Mlle never-ending chores the promised jackpot, in this sports writing business is that -of picking out, for the readers' * `'The Whatzis 'Theatre should do edification, the outstanding events of the year. It is a chore much all right," said a friend of our the like milking the cotes or cleaning morning after the balloting, naming out the horse stable on the farm— a certain Toronto Temple of Art where line you no sooner get it over with a of show girls, very lightly bandaged, forms the regular than it's there to do again. * * •x piece de resistance, or main dish And it is a chore which we as the say in that dear France. personally try to dodge, partly * through sloth and partly because Nti'e looked at pini ill mild amaze- there isn't Inch sense in doing anent and inquired just where the what co many others are bound to ll4'hatzis Theatre could possibly do better. But for once we are figure in a purely sport's picture, going to get well ahead with the "Simple enough," quoth our friend. Job. So here and now, fifty or so "All they got to do is stage a bout weeks ahead of the deadline, We between a couple of these drone -a- Opine that the finest football game dozen wrestlers. That would make —united States brand, that is—of it an athletic event. Then there'd Anno Domini 1950 was the one be nothing to prevent them tossing played on January Second of tillat in their regular show for free, year out in Pasadena, California. %Mould there:" k * Naturally, old Father Time may And maybe he has an idea there, rove , as the old rag al tts o hasvrongbefore. But, al. at that. Searching throtigh the Arel- though we have never been a great ter of nieniory we seem to recall admirer of American football, if that the first modern or "all -in" a better game than that between wrestling we ever witnessed was at the California Golden Bears and it burlesque house entitled the Star the Ohio State Buckeyes happens Theatre in that sauce city of Tor- to conte up, we should greatly like onto, more years ago than we'd to be among those personally pres. British Challenger — Top -class racing driver Raymond Mays speeds in his British racing motor car during speed trials at Folkingham, :England, airfield. The car, made from parts as- sembled by over a hundred British firms, has been designed to secure 'world supremacy with an expected speed of 200 m.p.h. readily admit. Of course, in those days, the wrestling was just an added ,attraction, with the hoofers and strippers constituting the main event. But it might work equally well, or barfly, the other way around. "INIy wife is just aching to know when them big Sunday Bingoes are going -to start," said another gent with who,n we discussed the situation and prospects. "That's the thing she's fondest of, next to bawling me out frons, coming home late fo dinner, and she can't hardly wait to get into action." Here again we expressed a meas- ure of surprise, "Blit Bingo," we objected, "can hardly be classed as an athletic event.' "It is elle way my wife plays it!" replied our friend. "Oh, brother, any time she wakes Bingo and starts waving her arms in tlheair, the folks on both sides of her take more real pnnisll- ment than Joe Louis has handed out in his last eight bouts." But enough, for the present, re- garding a subject that has been thrashed out sufficiently, in the press and over the air, duringre- cent weeks, and that is liable to receive plenty more flailing before it's all finally settled. But we do take the liberty of thinking that evert those most strongly in favor of Sunday Sports, are going to be a trifle astonished as to how many different and unexpected' angles ent, rather than take it via radio, as we did the one we are writing I about, r 9 For that New Z ears tangle ap- in peared to have just about every- g thing; plenty of action—mixture of 1 plays—shifting of lead—suspense s right down to the dying moments A -with enough miscues and fumbles to to make you feel that it was human beings playing, not a bunch of 1 Tarzans and Superitlen. t: b b. And, from the Iistener's stand- B point, it had the immense advan- O tage of being described by a broad- is caster who didn't try to make you T believe that war had been declared., or that Joe Stalin had been assas- sinated, every time one team gained, a couple of feet—a very wel- come change front some of the microphone maestri we have suf- fered under, Here and there. Besides, that game gave us one Of our rare moments of personal triumph, Someone who was list- ening along with us, and who heard Ohio described as the "Buckeye State" happened to ask its just what is a buckeye. And we hap- pened to know, and remember, the correct answer. We wonder how many of you could do as well. For a buckeye is nothialg more or less than what we rude Cana- dians call a horse -chestnut. Sure -you knew it all the time) ISSUE 2 -- •1950 Honey and Han J ( .. ,.. as+'..,,, i'r,; . •,.L f +sM,' ,1:3, .r'i,nn� 't { ..1 j °'.:7 �M . •. .. �.. .ya _. ... - J t ! b Ti� b' Finishing Touches•-•yWenzel Beck, refugee from eastern ? tlrope living 11) Frankfurt, Germany, and his son put the fillisllillg taticlic r ,l their lair st ship Ilio(lel - " rkotia"--1)efare testing it mit ill .i X • 111111ing pool. lather and son worked 300 hours to 11 tti;ll T' tit( t4 1'lll) SCawUrlhY, 11 sing jt.YSt their hall (Is and a few fools, Classified Advertising AGENTS WANITFID_ kII9LI' 1VANTEp 7lI0USLIVIVES FVIOLCOAII —;I'H E ll'AAI1LI01K FARMERS, obtain farm Iabourers for ;Vring RYAN for the wide and varied range of guar- Experienced studied or practical farm labour, anteed necessities; reasonable priceei prom!- families and single will be available for "a umsl quality and ST+lATICE. Become a pros- when needed. Contact Latvian Relief Assoeia• Porous business man by using and selling tion, $20 Bay St„ Room 1304, Toronto, Ort. N'arallex products. Write today and we will tell you' How.--FAMILEX,, 1800 Delorimler, MARRIED 400UPLIO without young children— Montreal, wanted for country house near Hamilton, HA1IY C�IIUISCtl Separate House provided. Woman required to work part time, Man must have experience POULTRY -KEEPERS with riding horses, State ages. Box No. 61 Be sure of a good healthy bunch of baby chicks 123 -18th St., Now Toronto, Out, this coming season. Goad chlolts mean good MEDICAL — hake and more eggs. Pare Ycar order now and ' NATURE'S HELP—Dixons Remedy telco advantage of the early order discount, y All breeders are government banded and Dun- for - Rheumatic Pains, Neuritis, Thou orllm-tested. satisfaction guaranteed, write sands praising it."' for our 1990 catalogue and prices. Alnnkton ItIltJNRO'S DRUG STORE Pouitry Farina, Monkton, Ontario, , FISHER ORCHARD CHICKS 335 Elgin, Ottawa Day old elaicke, pullets, and cockerels available $1.25 Express Prepaid_ weekly year round it 8 leading breeds and SUFFERERS from Rheumatic or Arthritis crosses. The chicks are first class, the price pains: If You cannot get relief, write! moderate, the stock accredited. Write for 12- 820• Transcona, Manitoba. Page robotid calendar and pries list, Flakier POST'S ECZEMA SALVE Orchards, R.U.P. Btecdh' ars, rasman, Ontario. HOW WOULD you like to gat your pullet Banish the" -torment of dry eozems rasher chip:ks frec.?D How? Buy chicks sited by and weeping shin troubles. Post's Fezoma R.O P. Approved Males from high Salve will not disappoint you families. One dozen extra eggs par nutlet Irl j telling, scaling. burning eczema, ache, clog - mere than pay the tvliele cast of the chick. worm, pimples and athlete's foot, will respond Protect Yourself by buying R,O.P. shred chicks. regally to this stainless, odorless less eng Collect Your dividends in extra eggs and better regardless nP how stubborn nr hopeless thsi seem. meat type this tali. The maority of Twed,lle Pure Bred Clileks are sited by R.Q.P. Pedi- gent Post Freeeoon PRt tRecete JAR Fn pit of price chick J1T. 1•reooul caLayi g Also Broiler POST'S REMEDIES ng Cs, ere! Turkey Ponitt. Laying pullets, Breed- ing Cockerels. 'rweddie Chloc Iiateitaries Lim. 888 Queen St E., Cerner of Lefian ited, Fergus. Ontario. _ _ _ Toronto PROD7'CTTON inheritance. That's all you buy OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND Wo l".Eb In Baby ('hi,•ks—Inheritance. If you get BP A HAIRDRESSER gond eggs anti most production inheritance You JOIN CANADA',S" LEADING 8t"Bool. get value. It You don't you get nothhts--noth- Learn Great Opportunity Ing that is but trouble, expense, lost efforts, Hah•drt warred feed If you want extra egg's. better Pleasant dignified profession, , csftion meat birds and at less cost of production, sena good wages for full details about Ton Notch R.O.P. Sirefl thousands successful Marvel graduates Chicks. Also Turkeys. Broiler chicks and lay- America's sreateat system. Illustrated ca'ca- ing pullets. Free Catalogue, Top Notch Chick logue free. write or Call Sales. Guelph, Ontario. hfARV'EL AAIRDRFSSTNG SCHOOLS BABY c:'11IMS from blood tested highebg 350 Bloor St. w , toronte Producing storit. Livability guaranteed. Branches, 44 Ming St. Hamilton Mixed $16.00 per 100. Pullets $28 to $30. Ten 72 Rideau Street. Ottawa, percent off for orders 600 and over. Goddard Chick Hatchery, Britannia Heights, Ontario, PATENTS �- _ " FETHERSTUNHAUGB &. l'm .oDany Tatdnc HTISINESS OPPORTUNI7'IEe8Solicitors Established 1890 250 Bay Street, AN OFFER to every inventor -Litt of haven. rornnio Ronklei of Information on reeue_st tient and fun Information sent free. The PERSONAL - — - Ramsay Co Registered Patent Attnrneys. 273 Bank Street. Ottawa WHY gtow gray hair? write for my Fre. DYEING AND CLEeANING Folder: Box 329, Transcona Manitoba. I3AVB YOU anything needs dyeing or clean. SALD:SAIAN R'A- Tl0k1 Ing? write to as for information. we are CAN YOU TOP 'CTITS? glad to answer your questions. Department THE reason we have successful salesmen H, Parker's Dye works Limited, 791 rouge averaging Street, Toronto, Ontario. '$100 AND MORE _ FOR SALE V A week In commissions and oonuses t. _ because" SOLID heavy tinned mux pati, filled 40 lbs, 1—we teach you how. Experience Is un• golden light amber honey (no buckwheat), necessary. $5.75 each, 2 Pails $11. Ontario Honey Pro- 2—Our national and Interrtatfonal advertising ducers Co-operative, 6 Defries Street, Toronto. in newspapers, magazines, radin broad, FORD Tractors. Nett' and used. Fordson carets helps you. Maior Tractors, 194" Bus Cite' 3—Rapid advancement to the age person If you gra over 23 years of age write Box trucks. U. Chapman, Millbrook, Ont, -No. 50, 123 -18th Street, Now Toronto. Cnclu4 NEW JUIfiNSON Outboard Alotors, Canndiaii Your name, address and phone number Canoe Co., Teterboro Boat;:, Canoes, Trail- ers, bought• sold, exchanged, Large stock used WAN' E1) motors. Repairs by factory-tralned mechanics. '—�--�-- - - -- open until nine except Wednesday. Strand WHITE Holland Turkey Body renthers wanted. Cycle, Hamilton. Particulars on Illustrated rnlder. li, p Iloll. C.L+NS—Lars'e Tssurimaut' new and ttsad. ander, 707 1 - - Building. Montreal. Quebec, Bought. sold, exchanged. Guaranteed repairs. WANTED: L1I1t horses, d'nlominos'or some.. Scopes, sights installed. Fishing Tackle. Dunt- thing with i%Jiiw markings or fiw by color. Ing .Equipment. Sporting Goods. Special Team A. I9. Mosta, 6. ; i"mgt St., Londr,n, „ntar'o. Prices. Open until nine except "cednesday. -• Strand c.p.le, Hamilton. —' hIOTORCYCT,ES. L•Iarley D•it !aeon \stir and � used, bought, sold, exchanged. Large stock ,fused, Used motorctiles, Repairs by llon't suffer any ractory-trained mechanics. Bicycles, and cont- P I L E! longer. For quick plate line of wheel goods. Open evenings until relief ---treat painful piles with zine except Wednesday. Strand Cycle & Sports, medicated Dr. Chases ointruent. King at Sanford, Hamilton. _ Soothes as it heals: A safe home 3IOvoRT—Goad ,sl hu , wonderful location. treatment for over 50 years. 33 Write Mrs. L. Ch trristlnk Box 573, Butterfly 'ake $ioua.L9��at Onta.rtn_ r�mtina��_ Ox kBGISTERBD Jersey Dulls. from six to - twenty-four months, for sale, Apply Arthur Antiseptic OINTMENT I. Rutley, Berwick, Ont, B@'."' 4efp'tl&� 'F �v98' 8Un pro ACRE buys clear title to 160 aures —• unimproved land• 11 miles northwevt of —� undre, Alta., ATake cattle ranch. Near big ;. ante, trapping. L. C. Merriman, 10711 Sevenf"� r -fourth Avenue. Edmonton, Alberta, p q" IARROPV Creamery, Harrow. Unt.: 40 ice fld defy Itch st creacustontets; sells 3,000 pounds butter ��CC er ween in county. Apply W. G. Fielding, Dr, Dennis 106 Hall Ave., Windsor, out. Prescription—did est relief — A, D. D. this pure coolin liquid ms �,a „gopular, - TRl1CItS FOR BALL r yeace and comfort from cruel Itching cafl4Ea 942 DODOO 2 Ton Truck, in good e"udttioll. Uy eczema, pimples• rashes, athlete's foot - and other itch troubles. Trial bottle, 850. Hush Stake Racks. reasonably. First application checks even the most intense 944 INTERNATIONAL Truck. Chassis with itch or money back. Ask druggist for D. D. D, cab. Long wheel base. In good condition. Prescription (ordinary orextrastrength)now, SITALE OIL COMPANY, ORANGEVILLE r oft sA,,l'. Coughs are dangerous if neglected R . ,� OAIEtiI.I; V vAR\—mane of long Virgin wool Set Relief Usual! 1 --extra warns—long wearint,—suitable for 1± • • QUICKLY; FLE'ASAhTLY xks—siwash sweaters and other woollen gar- !Nott ients. 2 -3 -4 -ply, white, grey, royal blue, paddy reel ,scarlet, maroon, Yellow, brown, heather, XF q N lack, fawn, white and grey twist, $1.98 lb., 0 P k w « lbs. or over. $1.80 Ili. Aelivered. Northland Neater patterns 26c each. Adults; deer. bear, a idian design, curling. Childs; deer, bear, dog ad squirrel, dancer, Indian design, knitting t iedles 25e pair. Bary Ayaxim, Box 120 Stfton, .•,f,. .e- e 1 - .., anitoba. 147 Commercial Jeep — thirteen hoUsand " Miles. Half asp, heater, would trade on Ford p q i tam actor, 200 Ballon Spramotor sprayer, trailer 41'26a it.1h�E° 461'/ 'pe Power take -off, 450 lb pressure, four -row COUGH tom, high crop clearance. LeRoy Coleman, AT ALL DRuGG+--STs 25c Lu4 Ienheim, Ont. aDER now for your white Holland Poult., broad breasted type. All breeders blood sted andgovernment approved. Shorelineaitz ` c ' irkey Ranch, Harrow, Ont. lew WA u± Yn r Sweet as, its naive