HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1950-01-12, Page 5ZURICH - ONTARIO
Authorized as second class mail,
Post Office Department, Ottawa.
John W. 0 rchard
Main Street Exeter
Pen Every Week Day
Except Wednesday
Phone 355J
Oscar dklopp
NJU, sell Anything,' Anytime, Any,
Telephones: Shop 149, Res. 67
Zurich Central
Specializing In -
Farin and Purebred Livestock Sale,
"Service That Satisfies"
phone 57r2. R. 1, DASHWOO11
Verms Reasonable, SvatisfactiOn
Phone �__�Ich 92r7,
Dr. W. B. COXON, B.V. Sc.
,),See with Residence, Main Street,
Opposite Drug Store
V-Zo ular
Let Us supply you with the
,very Choice of Fresh and Cur -
ba Meats, Bolognas, Sausages,
'Etc., always on hand- Kept
f,e..h in Electric Refrigeration
Highest Cash Prices for
mWool,- Hides and Skins
X1. YI-11.1011-It & S01)
D rB-
Emb Market for Cream, Eggs
and Poultry
!-lave Your Eggs Graded on
LeRoy O'Brien, Manager
Phone 10 1 Zurich
'Zurich Crevnery
Your Horne Market for Cream
Eggs and Poultry
Highest Cash Prices paid plus
A premium for deliveredcream
We are equipped to give effi
cient accurate service. Egg
tend Poultry department in
charge of Mr. T. Meyers.
Chas. Minshall, Pro?PrietOl
1 N 9 A N C F.
Weather IneWurance CO.
knount of Insurance at Risk ol
Detember 31-&, 1.046
Total Cash in Bank and Bonds.
Rate:. on Application
Also Dealer in Lightning Rod
#md all kinds of Fire Insuranc
Put Your Want' For Sale
L,ost, Found, Etc. Ads, in this U0 0- Ali
Thursday, January 12, 195LO
Fnr Ul' h Uab%hah;114
Mrs. Clayton 0. Smith and son
Gordon of the bl. W. Highway mot-.
NEUHAUSE9 CHICKS on the, tab
ored to. Londm on business one day
Hatching now. Twenty breeds, last week. FE E D
Elmira is
Mrs. Musselman of Elm
Cross -Breeds and fly -Lines, Thous-
- 1e home Of ..... ..... -OP 18"/,- HATCH MASH
ands available weekly. Government Onding a few week., at t CO
Approved. Vitamin fed breede— her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Jn r
Royal mating chicks fl)om s Gingerich. 4
famous Mr and Mrs -Ralph Krueger of 4' j.:
trap -nest strains. Mace your chick
Hyde -Park were week -end visitors at A
order now for high quality chicks '.1 1
the homq of their mother, Mrs. E. G. Hensall Dist. Co - Operative
from our best breeders.
Neullauser Hatcheries, 81 King St.,:'Krueger, 14th Con.
-t of Thed-
London, Ont. Mr and Mrs, Riay ElliotHENSALL and ZURICH 0
ford enjoyed a lovely visit at the
FOR QUICK SALE home of their cousins, Mr and Mrs,
Ed. Wuerth over the -holiday season,
Messrs. Orville Witmer, Allan the meal is ready!
Gascho motored to Minden in the W E'R E RE A D Y TO HELP YOU
A number of Reg. Tamworth Sows Haliburton District near Aigonquin. No meal is complete without plenty
bred in November and December. Plark on business the begini�ig of the of delicious wholesome bread. And
week. TASTY -NU tasts' good and is —Merano Martin, R.R. 2, Zurich. rT .0.
Haywood and hearty food for you. Every slice a
Mr and Mrs Ii, t y J � &" 1
e CP
STRAYED daughter Patricia have returned to dice of en rgy-
their home in Wing am after holiday Buy an extra Loaf today—start
Unto Lot, 10, Con. 7, May Town- ing at the home of their parents, Mr now to serve more bread at eve*
ship a two�4year old steer. Owner and Mrs. Wm. Thicd and -other re- meal. Get your TASTY -NU Bread YOUR CAR represents a major Investment.
call have same by proving property latives. at the Tasty -Nu Bakery or at Your It deserves the best of care—and that's what we're
and paying expense;, before Sale Fell Down Stairway local Grocers. ready to give it. Whether it's a complete lubrication
date January 1.3th. Phone No. 90 r Miss Elizabeth Truemner Who re- Job or just a battery check, we really try to give good,
19. Inquire to Cornelius Dabus• sides at the home of her sister, Mr. thorough Imperial service—the kind that will kee you
and :Mrs, Louis Prang, met with an Tasty -Nu bakery co p
accident when she fell down a flight PHONE loo — ZURICH ming back.
of stairs, badly bruising her body, We'd appreciate a chance to show you
Huron County Council and was taken to Clinton Hospital. what ive can do.
We -are pleased to report that she is Throughout Europe many have of -
The next meeting of the Huron body Hector Forcier 4,-0, IMPERIAL
progressing as well as can -be expect- fared themqelve.j to be my
County Council will be held in the a guards. They were priests, prizeflgh-
ed. Her many friends wish her 101 N
Council Chambers, 'Court House, speedy recovery. ters, young men and even women. ST. JOSEPH SERVICE STAT _11,10
Goderich, -commencing Tuesday, Jan- Former Resident Passes have turned them all down, with the COR. No. 84 & 21 HIGHWAYS % 35
nary 17th, at 2.00 pm Mr. John Addison Koehler, of Lin- Arch -bishop of New Zealand I believ, DEALER
All accounts, notices of deputat- dsay, :Ont., died on December 29th, ed it is best: "'Alwavp to travel alone
ions and other business requiring tb c 1949, in his 62nd year. He leaves to for it is easier, safer .,nd better." ,
attention of Council should be in mourn his loss, his wife and two chil- And now, I hope t! at yo,.i do not
the hands -of -the County Clerk not dren, daughter, -Colintance, wl:�, Nor -
later than Saturday, January Iffth., consider me (,,'erly
mail Hopkin of Detroit and soa, Ric- wonder how e ill LaSalle,
1950. N. W. MILLER, hard at hol-ne. One, brothet, Edwin I have received no n'-ws from Can -
County Clerk, Koehler and two sisters, Miss Ada ada since my depaittll%l !-,I July. I
Goderich, Ontario. and Miss Helma KoeVer aii r Tor- hope that you are all well, and still
onto: remember me.—Father Marchand Watch this space f or a
Cars Collide South of -Zurich
An auto, accident in which two earn Biarritz, France, Nov. 1.0,'49
were damaged took place in Hay Dear Father Paul and Parishioners:
FOR SALE Township on the Goshen Line about Oil November the second I left
two and a half miles south of Zurich Paris for the City of Rouen. This atock Redudng Sale
A 10-1/i inch Vessot grinder almost about 5 o'clock, Thursday evening quaint city with its narrow and win -
new, Priced to sell.—Menno,Steckle: last. A car driven by Stephen. Pea- ding streets is very old. Much of it
Phone Hensall 98 r 13. c1hey, R.R. 1, Hay P.O., was travell- including its beautiful cathedral bad
ing north, when in collission on a rise been destroyed during the recent
FOR SALE in the road -with a car driven by Dav- war. Here I visited the tower in which
Frame dwelling in Zurich with id Meyers of Zurich. Damage to the Joan of Are had been imprisoned.
barn and three lots at reasonable Peachey car is estimated at $600 all Here also in the old market place I
price. For further particulars appi-3, to the.Meyers car $200. (Provincial which St.
stood on the exact spot oil '" Look for a Sale BM in your
to Allan Schwartzentruber, Box 97, Officer Elmer Zimmexman of Exeter, Joan waz, burned at the stave. Axid
New Hamburg, Ont. investigated. I dined in the very old cafe which
Dogs are a Nusiance faces the place of execution. I rem -
FOR SALE How does Zurich people feel about ember having seen this hovel in the
1946 Pontiac Sedan in good condit- sixteen dogs running loose oil the movie, "Joan of Are." Mail Eox
ion, has heater, etc. A nice clean streets every day? Day and night. •.,We ' M,,, next stop was at Lvileux, i-lere
car. —Gid Koehler, Phone 191; are very much of the opini.-in that n. I -on t,,,i,,e altar, which is the ie.1)oiltOry
of t relics
should not s of St. Therese, I
person not owning a d6g,
-Is, for
be menaced by one. It is no joke to �11 the people of I,'
41-d I had the
find that a
P- dog has made ribbons of some of the ege, seldom granted even to ',ishons,
r -House 10x14 feet, very articles within its reach. We -don't of speakin., .2 -sisters 0 Is C11-11 one 0 Ir 0
Broode to the surviviw
good coudition.—Arthur sreenall,
think many housewives relish the idea of the Little Flo"ver of Je;--us. One
Phone 83 r .2, Zurich.
of cleaning up a mess of garbage of them i,� 80 years of at
dither. People also complain cftheir the other is 88. 1 found tljr.l
FOR SALE '.gs. W,. L
shrubs axe being ruined by d" jolly, indeed. The younger of the
$775.00 burrs 11 -acres of land, would like to see the -go dogs on tlf,, believed that taint Tliere!;o heNelf . . . . . . . .
Easat of Zurich town limits. Suitable end of a rope in their own yard, and; had sent me to t`,,mn it, 'Llivil hour
for home site and make your expen- we are( sure a great manly share our of trial. Le.; B,aiAonete.tl1p lm.oe of! 0
was eery i
ses off the balance of land.—Apply opinion.—A Citizen! the Little FloNv(,i 09
ing. There I saw her room, lv� to 4. n
to Herald Office, Zurich. . 0 Vvir fl-adware Needs
OBITUARY and the statue of the Blessed %;iviv,
FOR SALE Late Mrs. James Green' which on one occasion becairw anim- From Our 0
Mrs. James Green, a resident of ated in order to cure St. The, -)se of 0
Sprayed Apples Spies, Green- - Exeter, for many years died Friday some -childhood illness. The new bas- (0 NEW HARDWARE STOCK 6
ings, Kin -9, BellfloNVer, etc. Phone last at the home of her daughter, ilica, on the hill above, is a marvel of
A Good Sup -31y of Shelf and Heavy Hardware 0
Clinton 6:1 r 24. Fred McClymont, Mrs. John W. Stewart, tot Usborne in architecture. Lisieux was almost cont- 6!
Varna, Ont. p7t-* her 80th year. The funeral Monday 'pletely destroyed during the war by ; always on hand, also
last was -held from the Hopper -Hock- the bombs of the Allies, but inin,,(.111- 00,
ey funeiral home, Exeter, conducted ously The Carmel :and the basilica
a Scarf's Endurable Paints, Enamels and Varnishes
FOR SALE 'by Rev. Win. Mair and assisted by escaped serious damage. a and the New Almatex Plastic Paints
Rev. J. Anthony.' Her maiden name 0
Thence I went to Mt. St. Michel. 0
was Sarah Emeline Carlile and on 0 For your heating system we recommend—the Good
NOTICE April 9, 1,889 she was united in inar., This is a mall Atlantic Island. Here
is to be found the famnus monastery Cheer Furnace, or the well known Coleman (-)III
WHITEWASHING & CLEANING riage with Mr. James Green, who
predeceased her September 80, 1948, of St. Michael, founded in the year 0 Heater.
Arrangements can be made 70,9, shortly after an apportion of 0
For inally years they resided on the 0
Bill Watson the Archangel Michael, Tlil-, pyace 09 needs we carry Beaty Wasl.
fine farm on the Parr Line, Hay Tp. i 0 For your Household
Dashwood Phone 35r19 .9 simply wonderful. I wish Iliat VOL1 ® Marconi Rad- 0
and in 11,923 they retired from the Machines; National Electric Stoves;
all could have been here wli._�. TI.C. a
farm and mved to Exeter. She was 0 ios; Heaters, Electric Irons, and Toasters, Enamel- 06
the last of a family of four sister.4 Next, I went to Brittanv, - to the a 0
0 ware Pyrex and various Kitchen Ranges.
and five brothers. Surviving are shrine of Ste Anne of Aura,v 1 0
Mr,;. Stewart, of Usborne, Robert J. believe this shrine is ii US t.11 a Reliable Plumbing, Furnace work, evetroug
Green, of Port Stanley, and Mm I. Faraii-ce a,,; Ste Anne do Bewulwe gliing
and Tinsknithing. Our Aim „To Serve and Satisfy'
Moir of London. Interment was in in Canada, The singing in the ba
the Exeter cemetery. Mr and Mrs. ica of the seminary oboh, Nvis si, I Y as
Will. Stewart and children of Tnroi�- marvelous.- Here too I qaid S
to attended the ftin,?lal..
Xi��;�:;, . I r, Eli
for the,. people of LnSallo. 01. a t r S;
siderlible intore-4 is tho f!i �t I lint 1
Can Yon Solvl� 71-k'00 differont town.; veld villwv or 13,
Main St. 'Hardware Store Phone 21
Frchwvx(': Thr � Tloiistnn Pro",' r` tiny seem to'havo a ®
lofte," 1)'oln l Slil �S(-' "I 00r. 1181r, dr,.q.q for tl,oir xv,N(111.
li -.1 i a V �ri i, i n. � out "h or fi Phindly I nnived nt To
But :rm. OlWe tl) In e hr-111fifill n;.'d nv),4t
this the lllm�',:
NO- � lir.'...,1:'t: :" 11 L p e -1 Vltl
is hor ipqQ -�thi; lmi in F!ci�,t%
1)]'.),-,1,•P7: 11 1:, V V
atlior'.� broOlor mir- I at N nieditadoii :it 01, A Y
TheN hhrl
lull-mi'l hod sovn.n WE GOING
M,"11 i7� the. saintly WilICH WAY All,",
I mirri-d birti. Wo
a Mai; for my '11T UN,ro i
'111CH SEEIU,.'rIT RPt
brotlivrls old- tiularly for the A%, 'I"llENE' IS A !V'A%' VV
icd nX, sw�ond T] I E ItEOF ARE TlIE WAYS OF DEATIT.
"A nla) the original chal)el, which A� 110ilt
Ila,] fivi) ellil(IrPll- direetly ovor the grofto.
:14. 12; 16:125
"NiAw rolir of tllow el-011dren "Te. mar -
am, behind my seliedulo,
riod ln(l baro cliildrnn. Throv of ATY 1,111" 1"ORD SAfl):
I must hurry, I am writill- f1l"!4 I"t- I
Children '91,40 base. ellil(lvml� "What I 'N TUE TIZUTIT AND TBE, LIFE, NTO :V --N
MARJORIE McENANEY r(,IItioll aro. tlw,�o children?" "We ter at Biarritz the illo.,;t famoussum-;' I All rlir, WA.', I - -
cannel figuro mit ]low, Nvo nro related' mer resort of Franco. It is silpint J (11, CO.NTIP,1111 UNTO TRE FATHEI ((,OD) IJIT,r BY wi,,.
Of tho (1,11CIc talks and public aff- "Noithew," illo Press replied, " can the Atlantic Ocean, near th- 1torflol- John 74: 6.
airs department,Y who is the 1)rodu- of Spain. All the celobriiiC�4 ("f JiJ('
car of two prozrtmis, both darLed world come pore for i vaenvoll, P
,just 10,1ve r
.or Spain. This 01 1) 77 ill i 1 John 3. 1,
novv. They are In Search of Citi,-Pns My Trip to Europe T 'rill'; FAT1411'At HATH 10",STOWED UPON US'.
_drama aliout rehabilitation prob. indeed be all adventure to Ilic. It (;0l) So I,0VED TRE WORLD THAT Ill", GAV , E, 111S
lems facing new Canadians ••-•"Broa-; (By Rev. Father L. Marchand) do not understand the langlulve, FO
lease T11(,.q(lays at 8 p.m. on Domin- spoken there, not the monorail':•
ion; an 41 ivries of •efigh'. t:llk:i Oil the Ali(] n 111
ow my trip to Paris 1110, stern used fliore. I have iv) k:101vlodn' I IN 1.11.11 Sll()ULI) NOT I'li'MiSlI, 13UT HAVE EVERLASTIN(i
practical application John 3: 1 (i
I'Ves 4
,nce (L,Onlc t,o ;111 t,11(l Winter 1.4 testi ap- of what pl. . , I should vi -44
thOO11-108, by Sydney Xat/ of loronto proaelfliu% I ,,Ill lonving, for Til-Aeux, I get there. But I am going there ill I
'11, x 123, Los Angeles,
at 7,30 pan, on 'trans- . I ; 1, . IN—Bear CHAS. E. FULLER, Ro
Lourd(m, and qoiftliel"i France_ I FL spirit of advontilro N -A I , , 'I TUNE IN cHY_TM_1050, Toronto, Sunday,.4 9. to 1.0. A.M.
(Canada. Mrs, MvEnallev is activi, in mvqt hurry to arrive, it, Ro.rft(� bo- I rim ST ATI 0 N
voil s-111111 not liwir from i'�v,
planning and directiiig Ci3C political fore (11rist"Xim . T Still halve" "I WCAR, I 110, Pontiac, *�vTicll, Sunda ys at, 12 to 1.00 wm.
porfug�il ;,,,(I northern Italy ti) vtsit long time. S^ C odl)N,P
coinnientario's, forum d(,bat(m and 1 In
e, pi-ogranis al)oiAt 'human relatiolls. before Christmas, t Fatlier