HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1950-01-12, Page 1ARTHUR FRASER. Income Tax Reports Bookkeeping Service, Etc. EXETER °OFMC1 :—Corner Ann, William Sts. Phone: Exeter 8,55W. ELMER D. BELS.., B.A. BARRISTER - SOLICITOR EXETER, ONT. Wednesday, 2 to 5 p.m., at Zurich At (New Twnp. Office) J. S. BOARDMAN 'Of London, will ;be in Zurich and ,district beginning the week of Jan- aary 16th. Please leave orders with ZURICH, Oi.O" THURSDAY donBatu GRAND BEND Presents for Your. Enjoyment, th+ Following Attractions Friday, Saturday Jan. 13-1. "COLORADO TERRITORY" Joel McCrae Virginia day Henry Hull Dorothy Mal on A Tremendous Western -Drama - En dless Excitement Beauty of Locale Sweep of Action. "Porky Chops" Cartoon and "Roya Duck Shoot" Monday, Tuesday. Jan. 16-1 Cornel Wilde Linda Darnel. Anne Baxter Kirk Douglas A Stirring . Drama which Portray Passions, Prejudices, Peculiarities o a small Kansas. Community Paramount Newsreel During the rest of the Winter Mon- ;hs on ;hs, one show only at 8:15 p.m. Mon lay, Tuesday, Friday and Saturday .venings. =ra. J. Tuerkheim, Phone 174. 42 � Engagement 'Mr and Mrs Arnold Keller of. Dash wood announce the engagement o their eldest daughter, Audrey L. V. to William Roy„ son of William Gib son of 'Centralia, the wedding to tak .place the latter .part of January ii the :Zion Lutheran Church, Dashwooc Are You S - From BETROTHAL ANNOUNCED H����? Mr and Mrs. Win. J. Hay of Zur If iso, Have your E'g'g ed with ich wish to, announce the engagemen of their daughter Ada Victoria, tc Qhe •Latest Methods and Mq aipment at Gordon;Mason McDonald, son of 7yIr ;and Mrs. D. A. MacDonald of Strat, A. a • ford. The wedding to take place a• _ the Reorganized Church e u: -...�'•;..�MsGEs.0 � ��.i�II�T �, eorgana ed C rc �of t s -. _. O st n.. a GODFRItH -- � ...,..._.. idy a�u v�irY�.i"3ait�t•S,,;u.:,+S:-raii good Glasses a t Prlcw e'•clock, p.an_ .....i^.{•.... ��� �c Pr's° �•4���+II* 3^ ++++++++++++++++"+++++++10 4. Private Car Am bulance Service for the Conveyance of Sick �d fa red . Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director. + MEMBER TAF` THE ONTARIO FUNERAT, ASSOCIATION -7• IMAX ®R 1t11CMT TELEPHONE No. 70 wood Ontario .ar t•:k•�a••k••t••6• �••� •h�•I°•'I;��'t�•�1i'^b�'1•�•P �•w;..a.�.�•.•,�+•� •� �..rr.s•..k �,•t, �c•.g. •s• •a• �• �3••i••4°•2<' �' T EJL'S n , v seerN 0 T I C E `AVE ARE NOW IN A POSITION TO COVER YOUR FLOORS WITH INLAID TILE IN ALMOST ANYCOLOUR. PRICES �A.11iD SUGGESTIONS GLADLY GIVEN. FRESH FRUITS, VEGETABLES, GROCERIES EACH WEEK 1 .. Phone toil C. H. THIEL Zurich 1 .-COMING EVENTS -4" BAN ' r � M WMARY 12 ( 950 4 AND — 7 Portrays f _ - ANNUAL MEETING FIRST GAME The first game of organized 1lock- o Of the Hay Township Federation of ey to, be .played in the new A. C. e Agriculture, to be held, in the "Babe,," Siebert Arena in Zurich is NEW COMMUNITY' CENTRE scheduled for Friday evening, Janu- ZURICH,, on. ary 13th„ and with. suitable wearther the ice should .be in shape, when the TUESDAY JANUARY 24th. boys from Lucan will be up to cross 1 At 7.00 p.m. sticks -With the locals. Unfortunately owi',g do no cold weather, there has Guest Speaker— been ho ice so far so.. that the boys DAN STAUFFER will Return could.do :any practice work, but we I Tickets $1.25. Get your^ tickets early know they will try hard ana• give of their All in the Community are Cordially ;eery best. :Make. this a date, and be�'l;here• at the opening the invited to attend. of ! first gaiiie ori the Zurich Arena. The DANCE to Follow Program next g'azne will be January 25th when Proceeds for Community Hall and Crediton will be. at Zurich. Arena Fund. HYDRO OFF President, Delbert Geiger. Early Tuesday afternoon, during Scy., Carl Oestreicher. the heavy gale the Hydro y power � blinkq ,a few times and then Just CARDS ®F 'THANKS went of for the rest of the day and evening as far as we were concerned. Mrs. J. P. Raju wishes to thank all A bad `break in the line was in the her many friends fox the lovely cards Lucan ,;district which was- fixed by treats, prayers offered, and the much show tlt,� after six o'clock, but the rub kindness during her recent illness at name pit; locally,' as a Hydro pole the Hospital -and at home. snapped, off in the northern part of town, ;end it' to ok several Hours more The bereft family of the late Nei- to make, this repair; and .by than time son J. Masse wish to thank all those it wvas ?;,bout time to retire for the who so kindly gave their assistance day and this Wednesday morning we and sympathy during his recent pas- face, ourseles about six hours late in sing, also those who contributed the day's work, and don't know whe- flowers, offered prayers and devot- ,ther w6 will be able to catch up by ions. workix`at least half the night. And Dr, and .Mrs. P. J. O'Dwyer and then the punctual one will remark, "Late Again", not thinking of how famil wish to tender. their heart- Celt thanks to those kind people who many 1 -hours we sitting around contributed • so generously to the be- cwere waiting - for the Juice to come on. Such is the life of a publisher., utiful and useful gifts, p iiesented to them, prior to their departure. The Lions Club News manner iof the presentation and the The test supper kind wishes that went with it, will nieetiny of the New Year long be remefnbered, with a grant- svgs held in the Dominion House la t � n s leo_. �d17kcz< a d the, ude and ;depth of Feeling xinrrossible Lio 5,; ..,:,.on 1��� :{;� • past host of memories that will never be attas his guest his successor,.>-_. Keast, who introduced him to the wholly erased. Club, and made a .few fitting remarks To our many kind and pat- The guest speaker -was from the .friends Tents, may we say .4ain from the hearts Thank You!, for 1''ar1Y; Editorial staff of the London Free press, who spoke along agricul- depths of o,ur the.thonour and lode shown ta• us. We tural lines. At the close of the meet - earnestly hope allot from time to tilxte• ing the Lions presented Lion Pat the first iof the Club, with 'a on your visits 'to the city you will find tune to call• and see us. To the president very attractive writing set, noun - Editor, Mr. Smith, and his good Wife kind with a nice =ex Lion. Dr. O'Dwyer was very much. impresses with Ids our special, t4nks, for their wishes for our welfare expressed in gift, .and expressed his high rega-r4 Dopes to visit the news columns. -Also to the mem- of true Zionism, and berg of the? Committee responsible the Club at London whenever he can. for tho presentation. Our grateful to the little lady, Fart Forum thanks. Lastly, Maryl Avila Bedardy daughter of Mr. The Unique Fainn Forum met in and Mrs. Dennis Bedard, who so' and sweetly presentee the the home sof Mr and, Mrs Roland GoIiger -w.#h 43 present. The topic for charmingly beautiful bouquet -•of roses—Our love the evening was .Supply and Demand Discussion Leader was Len. 3Vlerner. and thanks. As -far as production is concerned .ve The Voice of Temperance thought that. the average farrier hould lower production to a certain Between 1.9311 and 1941 the bus- extent but not all together as it tak- iness of the retail 'stores of Kincard- es' time to start a system of farm!"!,.ver ine increased by 36 ncard- The question was asked "What world the ine is a. dry town• Over the sante the retail happen. if all the world were one co - period the business of stores of, Walkerton increased by unt-v?" TarrifPs, curtails, etc— are hindering the law of supply and de, 2,05%. Walkerton is a wet town• The liquor store drains off the bus- mand,, which in reality cannot ')e stoplaed. ISubsidys are a false econ- n iness that in a dry town would 'c omv but can be used as a emergency' to, hardwarc stores and grocery Huron Temperance Fed- A number of visitors were present stores. The eration congratulates the merchants and spoke a few well chosen wrwl., and jokes. The next inReting will he of Iiuiioii because they da not have to Huron held at the home of H. Ti niner, compete with liquor stores. County is under the Canada Temper- with A. E. Oestreicht,r as s1'teak r-; topic, Parity Prices. Recreation fol- anee Act. lowed. Evangelical Church NeNewsAR1NtJ A L MEETING Rev, and Mrs. H. E. Roppel, 'Zurich fleeeting of t1le The 75th Annual ' entertained the Youth Fell,owship of their church at the pars onatxe fast Policy o£ Friday evening. In spite of the stor- Hay Township Farmers' any weather a fine vroup of youtll wvas The in attendai'tce. After an enjotyable Mutual Fire Insurance sing, song of hymns, choruses, roun- ds, and negro spirituals a number Of Company game contests were conducted by the host. This was followed by a -port Will be held in the business period when eight interined- Town Hall, Zurich i4tes were welcomed and officialh Youth On rdeelved as membert of the Fellowship. After the lowsrivi- r MONDAY, JANUARY 30th (It.inty tray lunch was served h" t'li� Hostess and a hearty v.)te of thank. At Two o'clock, p -m• was tendered to, the pastor snd 'vi'fl _Iii?SINESS--• Reports of the Presi Rep for tlic oyablo cvenin>; spent here 1---Rece1ving dent, Secretary -'Treasurer arcs 'en, tr ,,.nihr ^ The t1drd Quarterly Co lifer'lle( Auditors.I .2%._-I ectionofI)ir.'rtor..:tndAnvl tm,",itltral hn tir if -;.;ion oi' the lok•al 14,vang c..'. ch, for thi.t t�onicrcnr cli <c'tt. lou of ilrr't neat, `: .. t ,^ �1 ie ltt•id :t the church o in the ilitere,t of tilt' Compari;t'• l+ridgy evening, January 13th, at A GOOD ATTENDANCE IS o'c'L-,ck. Holy Communioai: will b REQUESTED obGerved neat Sunday morning 0 o'clock, instead of tQ O'clock Fred J. TCaberer, 1'resiclent.iJ415 .11erbert T{, Ei`lber, Secretary �1,t,a1.aim CHESTER L. SMITH, PUBL15H1111r'„,, $1.75a a Year in Advance. is $2.00 in U. S. A., in Advance. t I R.G. RUGS and C.A.RPET BEAUTY SHOPPE ____--- FOR APPOINTMENTS On a New Modern Loom, Made tot, Tel. 1223. Zurleh Order — Seth 0. Amann, Zuricik, NORMA STEINBACH - Prop. Ont. Phone 128• ti M p: FA k ARE BACK AGAIN WE HAVE A FEW TO OFFER Your Blue Coal Dealer Wants you to know IDEAL FOR KITCHEN OR A Heat Regulator will pay you back the cost in fuel saved in one DEN, Iseason, besides the comfort of Auto COME IN AND SEE THEM! I rustic coiitroll. Ask your Blue Coal Dealer! i W. R. DAVIDSON Jeweler and Registered Pone 10 d Hensii Optician. _ ROE'S VITIMIZED FEEDS 0®9A�3�r�+sb�����eat3��9U���i���':�+trt 7)AIt NVI, Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director a Private Car Ambulance Service- Hospital Bed and Wheelchaik for Dent FLOWERS FOR ALL. OCCASIONS Darr �ry . �r X22, .Zurich , - e���®®®�®�®��ss®®®��a�®a� ®��e��sa�c��a®sreas�ss®a We are ever at your- service with the best lines obtainable of FRESH GROCERIES All Fresh Veetables, Fruits in Season as well as Canned Fruits and Vegetables on hand Candies •- Nuts and Confectionery in supply - GIVE. US A CALL nno OesuZurich PRODUCE WANTED� Phone 165 T'r' y U Ur%IdWnathe,�r Neftis 4, Mens' and Bog's Underwear, Checked Shirts, Den's Pants, Overalls, Smocks and Jaekets, Etc. nubber Footwear Mens', Boys .Rubber Boots, 4 -buckle all rubber Yukon Mens'. High Laced Flexions; Boots, Overshoe: and R.ubers. FRE -1.5,1 �0,,ROCERIES ALWA`i'S ON HAND E. Schwartzentruber, Prep. P13one 11-97