HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1950-01-05, Page 6Afternoon cv eke entertainment
��,3� tLN! f;l ,r hla ,tit' , ,� .•n ,.�b:;;: , � tt i' ' _'t,
•-•— •-- �.rkr�ro•,wsvr
_ f;e HIRST
- awl. Poon, , o
By The Rev. R. Barclay Warren
Acts 2:1-4, 14.1.7, 37.41
Golden Text: "l2.ctzent, and be
baptized every one of you int tine
name of Jesus Christ for the re-
mission of sins, and ye shall receive
tile gift of the Sloly Gitoct"—Acts
Today's lesson gives us the key
to the 'success of tine early Church.
Here was a group of the world's
nobodys, Socially, finan<-,iallyr and
educationally, they were frightfully
insignificant, Among themselves
there was self-seeking (Matt.
20:21), sectarianism (Mark 9:38),
and gruel vindictiveness (Luke
"I'd like to e -,l lain some iltittg, "1ltie wives are not horse.:, chattl-
,, Beet sonlethijTgr happened to
bernhaids. nor staves, We are "" £t this 120 oar the day of Pentecost
to these husiaucis, \uua: durst, who •) { M
that completely .changed the pit -
complain about their urveA." writes human, and have hearts and backs
tore, Their hearts were
u purified
s �5
that break and ache. e'' Y ` (Acts 15:9). James, rtirose mother
a distracted "We married to snake a houne arta C��
rr , had sought for ]tiro a high place,
yG)n12pt WotitaIt. ' y t
raise children, not just to pamper
was tiit.ted to soon secure a treat'
a than is $ r.
a ratan. 7:'oa tlzatzy husbands take us''� y ', clotvtT. abet, who would have
romantic a n d for ranted J ..• t! s f
e g ,yet canlplain when we burned u:� tine inhospitable Saniar•-
gallant to his t t , 1 p '
f+ sw-eetineart, but A t discouraged. It isn't fair to ex- Bans, sate that his Christ a>as for
pest it w•ontatt to do all the house „p a
once she is his ll stele. rile expressed this convic-
e bold work, all the outside cleaning, Chaxrl `Purrsiatr" r tion in the best-known verse of the
wife, the expects--Screell stag Y votit>e De Carlo holds tlye BItie
all the cried -raising and never get i'er'siatr, uCl7ampion Masterpiece," tvho is 'ettizr set to defend Bible (folin 3:16).
to go oil living a helping hand ducts her
g I'uese sten were dynamic. Not
e p.T the nay lie-livPd g o CIA- hi title tri flee JT011y��rOAC1 Cat S110s� ��'iiil �vC)tttle opt his Side, only were.their otic=n natures pur-
nancy, trot a few* kind words to ru-
;; before; courage her after tate baby conies. the chatrip looks pletrty confident, ifted,- they had a new passion to tell
"His wife mist tale the place of with all the added hard work A the who'ie,world about their•-Sav-
ili mother, --babying hiss, serving baby means. four. The .Roly Spirit, symbolized
hite steals about which he makes "Note I'll ask you to advise tilt by the tongue of fire, possessed
Ila comtlleut unless to complain. personally, for added to all these n them. Afiraculously-, they addresser)
"She rrutst always have his faults, ury husband has others more iTA` the visitors from many lands in
elothes clean and ready—which Ire serious• DISTRACTED," their own language, Peter, who had
).:an never find unless by chance lit* C•ouutiug the innumerable vir- �° denied his Lord at the accusing
looks vvhere they belong, tues which make a marriage fine, `' " � finger of a maiden during the trial,
"the must keep herself, and ti, e perhaps the most essential virtue Alter the holiday festivities and coustarrtly; I'ottr into buttered Uak- speaks to the -multitude boldly and
house and children clean and at- " is kindness, all the rich foods that fearlessly. Christianity is on ilze
ga wirer in dish, Beat egg white stiff, and march. All are called to repentance
tractive, for he expects es-erything It is not kind for a husband to them, it's a grated feeling to get g•eadually beat in four tablespoons and baptism in the name of Hien
so be just as his mother had it. * expect his wife to pamper hien—it back to plain, hearty fa -re. '.)'here's sneer. Add lennoo extract and beat Whom they bad crucified, They,
"But he does nothing to help * would be snore natural for hien to nothing at all fancy abort the until mixture is soft and glossy. too, map receive the gift of the
make a honre a home! * pamper her; recipes Pin passing along to y oa file an top of ttddin and ut into �
lt'G'.R1 tir02 Sl. 4\ ES" * I P g P T.oly Ghost.
It is not kind for hint to sir. today, bu't T think you'll find them a 350' overt for 20 minutes. or until It is comforting to know that the
-- down to a wonderful dinner thoroughly satislactorv. 1 -lope so, Iic' i ly browned'• Promise is to us and to our children.
which site. has spent art )tour int anptaac, - + !:
* Preparing, and never, sal one �' * * We may not )rear the sound as of
word of Cottage Pudding wind, nor see the tongue as of fire,
praise. He may not' find Port Tenderloin With Stuffingm!
leRNAV, '� it alxays to has liking, but at 1 Pork tenderloin a cup shortening troy teres speak in a language vve
t ,wm;Q,rR,q N6 Y 'qs�i q.•p'ap g+
�a�-_, st' ;'•++a_ t4i 2s cup stgar have not learned, but the 1:Toly
least he should rea-ard the fart I egg. well beaten
*That she tried: 3 tablespoons dei 1 egg Spirit in His purifying and ener-
a m p drippings 1 cop milk gizing presence is a gift which the
-it is not. kind to expect his wife 1/z cups bread crumbs
f "��.�• t!s .. * s 2 cups flour Fattier delights to bestow upon '[•1i5
to tale care of his clothes—svity /z teaspoon salt or,
e i leve] teaspoons baking believing children. If we, the
rv' t � shouldn't he do that himself? I teaspoon sage
°Y t It is not ]cjud to expect his wjfe Pepper if desired r powder Church, would regain our power,
_� / teaspoon salt let us lay claim to the promise. The
e to be the perfect housekeeper his trz teaspoons minced onion, 1 teas
m * poon vanilla need of the world about us niakes
mother was, OO few girls these Water or meat stock (milk mayr it itnpe•atiire that We should be at
days are trained to be that, be= be used) Method: Cseanr the %bortentng.
Add the •11 oto• be -t.
r v, • Vy,,
Cause so many of them have had
"` to get out and ]yelp strppors their
Method: Have the butchers lit
she pork tenderloin neat) through
sugar, vagi a and beaten
egg, and beat well. Star in art of
lengthwise, Add melted drippings
milk. -alternating with the flour, salt
F�I71�1a8 ��tIJ3e8
It is not kind to burden a
to bread crumbs. Combine the re-
and baking
g powder, Which have
�.:�,�:y:.�%` e
wife with all the household chores
maining ingredients. Add enough
sifted together, until all is
Hake in loaf in
One of the cleverest Hien on a
and other a•oi•k necessary to l:ee
moisture to hold- cru•rnUs together.
pan a nzod-
platform Who knew the devastating
q ce;� '.•*, ' , h ,
* the house clean and shining. It is
Spread the stuffing between layers
teary °yen' Serve with Warttl fruit
effect of a correctly tined pause
• x.Mti'i':. H
not hind to neglect his duties as a
of the tenderloin, :Either sew or
sauce or a plain sauce. Frozen fruits
was. Lord Palmerston. Once at
father, and turn over all tine train-
skewer edges together, Season W;ili
are good on it, too, when used as
Taunton, lie was interrupted by a
Q eit�-•-;:--� s9
,* was°� itlt►i r
t ing and care of the Children to
salt and pepper. l lace' in all open
a short Mke.
listener who asked hint if lie would
pati and roast in a 275' to 300' OvenRive
a plain answer to a plain ques-
1 do nut believe that Wren are
for a•bottt one hour.
Frosted Molc•ases Cookies
tion, Blandly, Lard Palmerston said
fid' p F
deliberately unkind. Most of then,
* "'
2 cups molasses
ire would,
i .�,,,. ±•.- �
t are otrly tltouglttless. if they
Cinnamon Coffeecake
I cup sugar
" Will 3.011, or will you not sup -
�` >*st•n e•,;w'v:�t? -�.11akes
ash• realize that a loving'
an 8 -inch -square
q tare cake
1 cup lard _
port this measure (a Liberal one a"
wife will work herself into a sick
Cream xiq. oup shortening, a� cup
I cup hot water
"f will," replied Palinerston—and
*bed, and cheerfully -if she sees
1 tea-poon soda
all the cheered, "not," con-
14 •E I.s
. that gleans of appreciation hears
Add 1 e
egg, uuUeatet,
I teas
teaspoon cinnamon
tinned Palmerston to the astonish -
those words of praise that repay
Sift 2 cups sifted flour, 3 teaspoons
Flour enough to roll nicely
ztlent and cheers of the Tories, "tell
t e d' �+'e,�,'�rp���
*her for all her efforts) A husband
baking powder, %teaspoon salt
you," Palmerston concluded. Both
° �i'>;a`�M
*can U hard to get along with,
Add flour Shernate}y to fat tvd•th
3-0 cup sugar
parties laughed.
hr can spend his money reckless-
, p milk
,s teaspoon salt
r\lt•. Cburchill has effectively
Iy, he van even be, unfaithful --but
S ea
Spread batter tri greased pan
J4' teaspoon baking powder
used this trice: marry times. On one
if he i3 kind and thoughtful to his
Combine cup sugar, 3 teaspoons
3 to
3 tablespoons cold water
occasion, he began, "1 hesitate to
wife, SOlrtetjnres she can overlook
cinnamon, 2 tablespoons flour,
I egg white
cast pearls- before—" and paused,
i + ft all."
2 tablespoons melted butter
Method: Cream- sugar and laid
Anticipating the enol of the qup-
"Just the art of being kind is all
` Sprinkle half topping' over baster
together, then add tile egg yolks,
tation, Labour members started a
terrific uproar. Aon. C+liurchill
to make large ph' sn all, st:arf
Gersch -mat,. buffet
t the sad 'world needs." .How much
I lovelier marriage would be if 'bus-
t Add renl'injug batter; then remaju-
til Cil the I1301a5Nf� Cpinbilled With
hot water. :Dissolve the in
patiently. until it had subsided
-set! )u t won
derful lar complete nnatcfrrd set!
i bands and wives lived this truth!
ing topping
Bake at 37K° ,rnoderaie)
soda a
little of the lion water first, then
enough for his voice to be heard,
and thg.
fifty crocheted scarfs done• hi
? Anne Hirst will help you see
for ,i0
add.. Sift int flour. just Clio
ieni i�ontinuedtate to"Aswas say -
double or single ;trend strjnsr. Pat.
1 if You write her at Box 1, 123
I * ;. �
tile ntinture will hold shape and
.(pease,) before those who can't aP-
tern 81(1: ducrtioii,
St., New Toronto, Ont.
Prune Bread
troll. at ;i50`. Frost When cool
preciate tliea]il"
it,rnLaura \\ herle, , in,Fnut tri ilei -
ntr:ll.t eta ot9. c ahl,pl»
flakes •4x11 -inch loaf
with the frosting which has been
combined in upper top of doable
Afembers laughed long and
with its chart.. phnrn• and cunei.,•
l'. p
Sift 2 cups whole wheat flour, I cup it
white flour. 1
boiler• and beaten for seven tuintries,
It Was a Cabinet minister Who
I u
u ntc• c•ntpliect dreflys„ a
teaspoon soda, I I
teaspoon baking powder, r eU p
`Mead oil COh}f1F".
1N ac told once Use a hla
ecer that he
art coins rstantira ratln„t h, arr;•l,t-
1 bet haI""I into the hat hard
1 flutrcr-bun tghere blas. Aia� A1COre
sugar, I teaspoon salt
Add 1 cup diced. Cooke
and+ rc,r this patient hu ilii i, 1 *,:
kighrremil street, Xet+
i It'll plaillod sonic secdlilis. At her
p' I'
Combine I e
egg, acli Urates, 1 cup 1
;, �•
Q111. Print plainly
holnc C
at I ,-tt,and , ttcrr, 11 alsaarih,
Prune juice, aq CUP milk I-
s r�� ~ w
t ,
a u
E D-
site has bccn borrowing a iad,dei• t,•
� k
Add alternatelt In dry in-redivnL '
}� r^ � .:.•
� � ti;M
I trir•1: Ilse nlaLrlificrnt hh�onts of 'a
it 3 tablespoons melted fat
:s t
1;+ -ft, (1.11111;, tb11 :ft t 1',•Iron? 0 box.
Pour into gtea:erl 411 0-iti(it lnaf pan
Bake at
d )
9, r mre s sR, bum si,• �,
3G.:,,urt t af;. Tie wlx
T�, 1'r
y z.
t, t pact
2t1. Yfi i 1. 1.) fly 4). Itttii5a
Grind I Cup fresh cranberries
�t. tet g-nija 45. Harbor.
`S.Till10v a$.'Ibeswo,t,,,p
Add ?d cup sugar
- -
Otis. 4 . I, it,, prl,ner
r.lTnckev bait
4. rtbtitera,d as. Etuluinaat
i•:� •bntrt �d anima,
Sift 1 cu sugar, 3 cups sifted 'flour,
I� g p ,
5 ii+;rf bil,i
4 Aointnrl pro- R T „en,
fhrsmnt +r 4. l e ic,
4 teaspoons baking I
l g ppWdet',
3 }
tentinn ? '"v tt t, ••i tr�-tr,h)
pentn,z s
elirreripy 4X (iown t)qv
teaspoon salt:
Add 3 tablespoons
r+ '{
7" "Illy4 ,,,.<,
t i�( Il�.?.r iii is"•n,+t P.
i•ir,'trer rn( C,n h,tnr LIT'll
''"n lChn tree ❑I- :); \ v f •. :nd
P grated orange
rind,CU ?% cho e
Z P d
.i( r C-:?UArprj
aUb.;.fl t, p Atatp 0,I, ,
PP Walnuts
PI d
1 (p, 1
.3, %av
IS, Plplby t:•,tl)
`-"r Sm, nIitI,i,
gr r'Ia�entl,-
1 : f t'a rib
tS 11,nr rl^w
,4•n al r.,
4. Pel-tunp
In l; ,;r t7a
3r rinaln,ryp«
3TIAIA duet+•
RP Wlrtle
,ltw P af.nnp
4" Pt)rtttn t•nnd
+,1 nttgitti
ad ``nF per ; nLtpr+F
4t mer
4,4 Ir itlialt SIF an
1tir 0f ltK
" Anary
4 t',rrirrif+4 pt»M
Ij:i f tt9nv
ok Ertr
S . ♦ ;, live
1.)(+.Y N
�w,rern,,, ail
ill t cup milk. 2 tablespoons
melted butter, I Egg, ,lightly
)fold in sweetened cranberries
fi 3
:pour into grctr;rd
loaf pan
e at ,t',i() ,,rtt),1PI-cit• 'or „11t-
IntLemon ,Rice Pudditt
i z cup uncooked rice ?;
3 cups milk
C f
. a up sugar
Grated rind of one le;z•on rt ,•��,, `�, <•
11,4 tablespoons lepton
r a tea;;p0011 salt 1t u
2 eggs. separated
4 tablespoons sugarb
?4 teaspoon lemon elttrart l?vli5' Coes 'Ib C}rely, l;•-- \int I tt lirtic +tl'1 rtirne
to the vicar of
Method: t uftl: tl r• tjre ,I1.,1 lw It `+t. Hotolph's ildttirch, I�turfli'iicet, X'.t17,t'rlltCt, and asked lllfit to
is ac r}onirl, ho for rintit lits fiefs is have leer doll "'c'lhr'i5telted," he tlltrtt;+ltt it ��Ould 17g a d hi idt`a
,nit. Ade} s. „,,r, 1 +,'net rind, !eulott '
juin. sal) a,td nr�ittelf a err hold a service cr•1pr eiall1• fol- c1lildrvii and their dolls. Here is ;
egg yolk�..t
A, roc mr
" + (.onri:ruc vuoi.jng Duet ircll `n�sfar lire tii',t. "iJotI ;ittllriay," tviilt 11tP Elolla sitting gedplt'ly in 1)tc
tisw+pr wnls"yllert telt this page.
i tttt4il ttrixrurtt ;hi•tilgnvns, I4$td'i&r iatKrs tette tit;iir young misti'e.4tios pray.
18t;llx I 195o
Try DOLCI:N Tablets for prompt felled
. , get aibottle of 100 or 900 tablet#
kom your druggist TODAY and ,Joist
the thousands of relieved sufferers who.
by taking DOLCIN have cows .4
hone under the shadow of Jtalu..
Most druggists carry DorclN...100'
tablets $2.39; econontysixe Itortle p(f:
300 tablets $10,00, Tf your
druggist does trot have I�
DOLCINI, vrrlte direct to
to 10, Canada. * r
TABLiiTS qty
Me!%`Yofi.i!!fi Dian, bO040 , rryigtpeW O.N.
Of lIYPIIifPt.N tl➢ o" ,
was nothing but an idiot Quickly,
the minister replied, "'.Chen t'rrc
just the email to represent youl"
That retort probably brought
hire more votes than any amount
of arg•u rn en t.
Orators have always to be stn
the alert, A laugh itr the wro,rp •
place may easily 1011 a point. For
instance, wizen :Lord Strabolg'i teas
passionately denouncing capital
purrishitielit, he asked:
"Would any of you listening to
aIle 'row act as at liangulan?"
"Depends who was tine victim,,,
caste the reply from the )tack, and
the listeners yelled,
Sonzetillles even tate nrOSI experi-
enced orator .pauses in the wrong
place, Sir William Jowitt .once
began a speech with tine words,
"We are fully alive—" and ;caused.
He got no further. The (louse
hooted with laughter.
"Chen there was the historic occa-
sion when tine late Lord baldwin
started a speech by say:iig, ."T am
partly conscious— and a delighted
roar frorn tine Opposition drowned
the rest of the sentence -
1 he use of the wrons; word in
tine wron,s place is atlotiher source
of laughter, ' So A.Tr•. liucharlar•t
found when he anologizcd •for "hav-
ing hurled eltitaplt•s across the
uELiEVElt IN h
— And the
Foc remarkably fast relief from heard'-
ache get INs A.NTINT. For real relief
get INSTANTINE. Forprolongred relief
Yes, more. people revery day are
finding that INsTANxINE is one •thinIf
to ease pain fast. For headache, for
rheumatic pain, aches and pains of
colds, for neuritic or neuralgic pain
You can depend on INSTANTINE to
bring you quick comfort.
INSTANTINE is made like a doctoelt
Prescription of three proven' medicall
ingredients. A single
tablet usually brings ,
fast relief:
tact Instantine today
always ++�ur,�-�rtiY,r, ww, ••
keep ii Randy
fit n
12-Tabtat Tin 25�
rtgrniCal ^�•1'tainle4 $'stela �q�
U sidrt„ •.,
P ha nY •:.,�
P, rrr'r
) a
ill t cup milk. 2 tablespoons
melted butter, I Egg, ,lightly
)fold in sweetened cranberries
fi 3
:pour into grctr;rd
loaf pan
e at ,t',i() ,,rtt),1PI-cit• 'or „11t-
IntLemon ,Rice Pudditt
i z cup uncooked rice ?;
3 cups milk
C f
. a up sugar
Grated rind of one le;z•on rt ,•��,, `�, <•
11,4 tablespoons lepton
r a tea;;p0011 salt 1t u
2 eggs. separated
4 tablespoons sugarb
?4 teaspoon lemon elttrart l?vli5' Coes 'Ib C}rely, l;•-- \int I tt lirtic +tl'1 rtirne
to the vicar of
Method: t uftl: tl r• tjre ,I1.,1 lw It `+t. Hotolph's ildttirch, I�turfli'iicet, X'.t17,t'rlltCt, and asked lllfit to
is ac r}onirl, ho for rintit lits fiefs is have leer doll "'c'lhr'i5telted," he tlltrtt;+ltt it ��Ould 17g a d hi idt`a
,nit. Ade} s. „,,r, 1 +,'net rind, !eulott '
juin. sal) a,td nr�ittelf a err hold a service cr•1pr eiall1• fol- c1lildrvii and their dolls. Here is ;
egg yolk�..t
A, roc mr
" + (.onri:ruc vuoi.jng Duet ircll `n�sfar lire tii',t. "iJotI ;ittllriay," tviilt 11tP Elolla sitting gedplt'ly in 1)tc
tisw+pr wnls"yllert telt this page.
i tttt4il ttrixrurtt ;hi•tilgnvns, I4$td'i&r iatKrs tette tit;iir young misti'e.4tios pray.
18t;llx I 195o
Try DOLCI:N Tablets for prompt felled
. , get aibottle of 100 or 900 tablet#
kom your druggist TODAY and ,Joist
the thousands of relieved sufferers who.
by taking DOLCIN have cows .4
hone under the shadow of Jtalu..
Most druggists carry DorclN...100'
tablets $2.39; econontysixe Itortle p(f:
300 tablets $10,00, Tf your
druggist does trot have I�
DOLCINI, vrrlte direct to
to 10, Canada. * r
TABLiiTS qty
Me!%`Yofi.i!!fi Dian, bO040 , rryigtpeW O.N.
Of lIYPIIifPt.N tl➢ o" ,
was nothing but an idiot Quickly,
the minister replied, "'.Chen t'rrc
just the email to represent youl"
That retort probably brought
hire more votes than any amount
of arg•u rn en t.
Orators have always to be stn
the alert, A laugh itr the wro,rp •
place may easily 1011 a point. For
instance, wizen :Lord Strabolg'i teas
passionately denouncing capital
purrishitielit, he asked:
"Would any of you listening to
aIle 'row act as at liangulan?"
"Depends who was tine victim,,,
caste the reply from the )tack, and
the listeners yelled,
Sonzetillles even tate nrOSI experi-
enced orator .pauses in the wrong
place, Sir William Jowitt .once
began a speech with tine words,
"We are fully alive—" and ;caused.
He got no further. The (louse
hooted with laughter.
"Chen there was the historic occa-
sion when tine late Lord baldwin
started a speech by say:iig, ."T am
partly conscious— and a delighted
roar frorn tine Opposition drowned
the rest of the sentence -
1 he use of the wrons; word in
tine wron,s place is atlotiher source
of laughter, ' So A.Tr•. liucharlar•t
found when he anologizcd •for "hav-
ing hurled eltitaplt•s across the
uELiEVElt IN h
— And the
Foc remarkably fast relief from heard'-
ache get INs A.NTINT. For real relief
get INSTANTINE. Forprolongred relief
Yes, more. people revery day are
finding that INsTANxINE is one •thinIf
to ease pain fast. For headache, for
rheumatic pain, aches and pains of
colds, for neuritic or neuralgic pain
You can depend on INSTANTINE to
bring you quick comfort.
INSTANTINE is made like a doctoelt
Prescription of three proven' medicall
ingredients. A single
tablet usually brings ,
fast relief:
tact Instantine today
always ++�ur,�-�rtiY,r, ww, ••
keep ii Randy
fit n
12-Tabtat Tin 25�
rtgrniCal ^�•1'tainle4 $'stela �q�
U sidrt„ •.,
P ha nY •:.,�