HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1950-01-05, Page 5sting - t the. the with goo(k sum - the del Lrdeu ZURICH ONRIO TA ZURICH HERALD A%fthorized as second class mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa. BUSINES CARDS John W. Orchard OPTOMETRIST Main Street — Exeter' q Open Every Week Day Except Wednesday Phone 350 IUCENSED t AUCTIONEERS Put Your Want, Fox Sale 0 'A L NE' . W Lost. Found, Etc. Ads, in this Column F EE D Try the Oesch Shoe Store for FOR QUICK SALE sharpening skates, and Mr and Mrs. Gordon Howald A number of Reg. Tamworth Sows family spent a very enjoyable New bred in November an([ December, Year's Day in London with their fxl- -Menno Martin, R,R, 2, Zurich, * ends, Mr and Mrs. Melvin Harlion. HENSALL and ZURICH Mr and Mrs Gordon Kaitting Of STRAYED GodeTich; Miss Dorothyt. MicDc-tigal Of., Unto Lot 10, Con. 7, Hay Town- London, -enjoyed the holiday dinner ship a twowylear old Owner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chris 'steer, can have same by proving property HaLt of town, . and paying expenses, before Sale date January 13th. Phone No. 90 r Mr. and Mrs. Ray S-chillbe and daughter Gail of London were hold,,. 19, Inquire to Cornelius Dabus. * day visitors at the home of the for- merlis parents Mr and Mrs. iviilfzed . on the tablei Oscar &IOPPHuron County Council 'Schilbe, Mr and Mrs John COPelan- and the meat is ready! W VREE READY TO HELP YOU-,, LICENSED AUCTIONEER The next meeting of the" Huron baby daughter visited at the home - jFj,U gen Anything, Anytime, Any- County! Council will be 'held in the of theirp Mararents at Watford and at No meal is complete without plenty where. Council Chambers, Court House, St. ys, over'the holiday season. of delicious wholesomebread. Ana F, we0ones, Shop 149. Res' 0" Goderich, commencing Tuesday, Tan -Mr and Mrs. T lios. Meyers motor- TASTY -NU tasts good and isgood Zurich Centraly yy slice a nary 17th, at 2.00 p.m. ed to Bradford to spend New Years' heartfood for ou. Ever week h-ime of their dau. slice of energy- WALPER All aceaunts, notices of deputat -end at the Mervyn Stelck my ions and other business requiring the ghter, Mr. and Mrs. Me Buy an extra Loaf today—start ------- attention of Council shouild be in and patsy. now to serve more bread at ever) •Licensed Auctioneer the handsel -of the County Clerk not Mr and Mrs. Chris Haiat and Mr meal. Get your TASTY -NU Brest YOUR CAR represents a major investment, later than Saturday, January 114th., and Mrs. Harry G. Hess were ,Sullo at the Tasty -Nu Bakery or at your It deserves the best of care—and that's what we're -Specializing In , 1950. day, New Year's visitors at tile local Grocers. ready to give it. Whether it's a complete lubrication Farm and Purebred Livestock sales N. W. MILLER, home of the former's daughter, Mr, job or Jxist a battery check, we really try to give good, "Service That Satisfies" County Clerk, and Mrs. Gordon Kaitting, at -God-thorough Imperial service—the kind that will keep you 67t2- R. 1, DASHWOOD Goderich, Ontairl-o- erich. Tasty -Nu Bakery coming, back, phone Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Gemming And PHONE 100 — ZURICH FOR SALE dlilldiren is -f Rochester, N. ,. enjoyed. We'd appreciate'a chance to show yore New Year's week -end at the home of The state of what we can do. E. ECORBETT A 10% inch Vessot grinder almost their parents, Mr -and M+ra- Welling- medy the .situation, anti Mrs religion in France is appalling. Nev- Hector Forcier OP f, I E R I �AL ,Steckler tan Jahston and brother, Mr a At new. Priced to sell.—Merino AUCTIONEER Os STATION LICENSED Phone Hensall 98 r 13. Ross Johnston and other relatives, ertheiless, there is no other nation on. ST. JOSEPH SERVICE S' Mr. and M LCI lk* 4*�2 5 do, Mrs Arthur J. Aulerich earth that has produced as in -any ai, Vems Reasonable SatdsfactiOn The government is perverse COR. No. 84 & ZI HIGHWAY eed FOR SALE and sons Richard and Ronald of France. T1 DEALER Guaianit with Whittemore, Mich., spent Christmas and atheistic, It has confiscated all R. R. I priests and EXETER, Frame dwelling in Zurich, Mrs. Aulerich's par- churches and reduced its prie :: Ach 92r7. barn and three lots ait reasonable at the home of say Phone ents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Prang. bishops to utter pavex., I might ;__ price. For further particulars apply VETERINARIA.N to Allan Schwartzentruber, 00, 917; . Miss Treasa Dietrich nurse -in -train- that France has only two kinds of New Hamburg, Ont. Ing at St. Joseph's Fospital, London, people; the very goo.! and the very enjoyed a few days c -f the holiday bad. Or, W. B. COXON, B -V- Sc- season at the home of her Parents, Across the street from my hotel NEUHAUSER. CHICKS Mr. and Mrs. William DietrIch. is the site upon whiLh. The Blessed SURGEON Neuhguser Hatcheries, 81 King St., -Milton Dagg of Teeswater cal- Virgin Mary gave w the miraculous Lon -don, Ont. S VETERINARY Mr. DjjLft with Residence, Main Street, led at the home of Dr. and Mrs. P. medal. It is related that one day t 0, J. O'Dwyer -on Friday ,and attended Catherine Ldboure', a young sister IT HAS BEEN OUR ENDEAVOUR Opposite Drug Store Ore CH FOR SALE the opening of the Community Centre of charity, was conducted to the ftme-96 ZURI 1946 Pontiac Sedan in -good •condit- and Aa!ena. . I chapel of her convent by her guard - T IN 1949 TO SERVE EVERYONE IN loin, has heater, etc. A nice clean Rev. Siebert oaf Chvisited fan Angel. n9el. There Catherine had he BUTCHERS car. —Gid Koehler, Phone 191. with Mrs. Win. 'Siebert, Sr., and apparition from heaven. The Blessedfamily last Friday also •attending the Virgin, on a sitting ch -air near the 0 little nun for THIS COMMUNITY TO THE BEST lar FOR -SALE opening of the "Babe" Siebert Me- altar spoke to the Zprichs POP" Brooder House 10x14 feetmoorial Arena, held on the property nearlo two hours. To the horror of , -very on Friday evening. the -aged priest, who Was my guide) OF OUR ABILITY AND IT SHALL good condition.—Arthur Sreerian, Mr and Mrs Roy Lamont, Mrs. L. d, the utter chagrin of a nun that MEATMARRET Phone 83 r 21, Zurich. an tar, I sat -down in W. Hoffman and Miss Jane Lamont was dusting the &1 BE THE SAME FOR 1950, AND MAY Us supply you with th -VfeTe visitors at the home of their the chair that My Heavenly Mother Let WANTED vi�rysister, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Braun at had once occupied. I also, said Mass jmoice of Fresh and Cur- Boys Skates, size 13. — Phone. Forest. on the tomb of the saintly Catherine, IT BRING PEACE, HAPPINESS AND vel, Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Meyers 129. Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Hope and,dau- which is near the spot of the appar-. Etc., always on hand. Kept ghters of Streetaville and TvIr. and tion *S Mrs. E. D. -Brown and daughter of I a very fortunate to be abl(.,to PROSPERITY TO ALL! fresh in Electric Refrigeration F - OR" ALE -Mrs. Em- wa $775.00 buys 11 -acres of land, Part Collbourne; Mr and assist at a great ceremony in the for �f Kippen, were Christ- mer cathedral .-,f Notre Darie. Tiere Highest Cash Prices for Easat off Zurich town limits. Suitable erson..Smith a of Mr, and were`' all the cardinah, -achlolsops, and ni- mas visitors at the home for home sifte and make your expp ww. Hides and Skins enjoyed a point ses off the balance of land.—Apply Mrs. Thos.,.Meyers. bishops of France. I 9blut & S01a to Herald Office, R. Y1111Zurich. Left for College of vantage in this cathedral, directly Mr -and Mrs Cyril Gingerich, of opposite the illustrious assembly. MY ...... FOR SALE. Goshen :-.outh; Mr rand Mrs. Ephri,),in mind wandered. I was in Notre Dame GingeTich, of Bronson line north, chu'reh, built eighteen hundred years stwe PRODUCE attend their studies at ago, The voices of the Mst illu";tri- e, C Shu Sprayed Apples — Spies, Green- have left to had resounded Inge, Kings, Bellflowers etc., Phone the A.M. College at Harriston, Vi I IL., ous'orators of France 9A. i here rThe'great Napoleon had been Oldriton 61 r Fred McClymont, alter a lovely holidaly with relatives herx. Varna, Ont. p7t-* and friends here. crowned here by Pope Plus y1l.. Yes.. S'jlverWO�d I was in Norte Dame Cathedral., Had Large Van which haA been desecrated during FOR SALE An enorm,-,u3 large moving van the Revolution,when a naked harlot (a DAT'D from London, ccame up Friday to get stood upon themain altar to receive : IIAILS NNEMW the effects of the Dr. P. J. O'Dwyer adoration as the goddes, of Re"3011- 0 9 v qardware Needs E"h Market for Cream, Eggs Family, and we are told that they Sunday, October 16th Y% s 00 01. NOTICE did not take it all along, how things Feast of the Sacred Heart in P' Lris- a and Poultry' 'WHITEWASHING & CLEANING do' accumulate after residing ,it a Since my LaSalle Parish was delle- From Our Have Your Eggs Graded On Arrangements can be made place for a period of years. It was ated to the Sacred Heart, I felt coin., NEW HARDWARE STOCK our Bill Watson a large home they had in Zurich, pelled to pray at the Basilica OF the Dashwood Phone 35rI9 built by the late Mr and Mrs. John Sacred Heart atop 'Noriamartre. This 0 A Good Supply of Shelf and Heavy Hardware 'AUTOMATIC Pree-ter,.and served nicely for a dwel- beautiful shrine'al dedicating France 0 hand, also EGG GRADER ling and Doctor's office. Truly, we to the Heart of Jesus, has been built : ways on did not like to see what that van in what may be considered toughest :Scarf's Endurable Paints, Enamels and Varnishes LeRoy O'Brien, Manager was doing, taking away a family Of part of Paris, as if to eMpjaz1zd't1ie 0 and the New Almatex Plastic Paints Zurich the very, best citizens that one Gould words of Our Lord. " ID The Son of Man Phone 10 1 hope- for in any town. We nad the nate -nei,-;]-L- IS Cme to save that which was lost." —the Good plqasure of being I vi.ited the moat t important For your heating system we recommend bours with the O'Dwyers for the past churches in Paris and environs. 0 Cheer Furnace, or the well known Coleman 0i) Zurich Creamery thirty years, our families grew up 0 Heater. raw the B4silica •of St. Denis wbere 0 too -ether, they were always such fine of France had been 0 all the kings 0 Your Home Market for CreaM neighbours, -and it hits a sentimental buried. Their tombs had been violat For your Household needs we carry Beaty Wash spot just deeper than the surface to• during the revolution. It is a 2 I so suddenly.. We ed 0 Machines; National Electric Stoves; Marconi Rad- 0 Eggs and Poultry -part with them al very wonderful building- 0 Toasters, Enamel - wish them much success -and good Here at St. Denis I entered, one 0 i0s; Heaters, Electric Irons, and Tow -Highest Cash Prices paid plus health in their new home. of those typica,11,y French restaurants. ware Pyrex and various Kitchen Range, The special for the day was horse- -a premium for delivered cream My Trip to Europe steak. And so-, I ordered horse -steak, 0 Reliable Plumbing, Furnace work, evetroughin. - OLD STEAM THRESHING (By Rev. Father L. Marchand) because there peemed to be nothing • and Tinsmithing. 0 Our Aim Jo Serve and SatiSf3, We are equipped to give effi- more substantial oil . the menu. - Yes, 0 into -my stomach 0 0 ENGINE CATALOGUES Paris, France, Nov 1,1949 the meat went down I ) 0 Egg ely backfired and 0 dent accurate service., Parishioners: but it immediat 0 Thresherman's Magazines and Pic- Dear Father Paul and I washed it down Diatars B r i 1C it 0 I arrived. in Paris -on Oct. 13th wanted out. But I that 0 0 vad Poultry department in tures Wanted for historical collect- and took up residence at a hotel, with the usual pint of wine, 0 Main St. Hardware Store Phone 213 a ion. which is called "La Fraternite -Sacer- must always drink in France with C • a -tharge of Mr. T. Meyers. dotale." This place is managed by dhe's Meal. Write: r its wonderful Proprietor priests and is exclusively for priests. Paris is known fo Chas. Minshall H. S. TURNER Situated near the centro, of the City, musea, former palaces, the Louvre this magnificent inanslion had at one with eta wonderful paintings and?' Goderich Ont, ft. . The Palais de Vers_ occupied by treasures of art INSURANCE t, b chateau, andure. The 'A OR "THE WAY" ' n' "'Ine 'been princes, dukes, and other person,; of ailles is a mervel of 91' high station, Now it is harbor of costliness of this place led to the WHICH WAY ARE WE GOING ti.a,011ing priests and bishops. On French Revolution and the final down stay EMETH RIGHT UNTO , ot this fail of the proud kings of France 'Western Farmers WWI BORN the first morning of my st in the Pill- 1 THERE TS A WAY WHICH SE Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Regier of Hay place, a Japanese priest served my The guillotine was s;et up e 'DEATI-T. from ace de la Consorde, and here M-ari 13UT THE EIND TIIEREOF ARE THE WAYS OF Co.Township are happy to announce Mass. At least thirty priests, roverbs ;14: 12; 16:25. Weather Insurance world, sat down Antoinette and the fair flowers of —P birth lof a son on December 30th at every quarter of the the Farwell Nursing Hon -le, Zurich. around the ins- France had their heads 01OPP('d .00 THE LORD SAID: of OF WOODSTOCK with me at. each meal ar shelters the body I mens dining -ream table. At one thn-a Les Invalides antheu,n, rorm- I Alt THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE; NO MANZ refectory. Napoleon; and the P` ME LARGE -ST "RESERVE BAI-1. I saw ten hi t-boPS in the heli Church, is the burial COMETH UNTO THE FATHER (GOD) 13UT BY ME. CANADIAN XUT- Temperance T -hey had come frorn Brazil, Roum- placed Oath ANCE OF ANY The Voice of lace of the great men of France, John 14: 6. `UAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS ania, New Zealand and other parts p it is the burial site It is not to the credit of any coin- Id. TVIV stay at this hostel but I would say -All up BEHOLD WHAT MANNER OF LOVE! the 0r OF THIS K of particularly interesting by of the raRcal,, •of France. I IND IN ONTARIO - - was niade I)arti ed up an' I John 3: 1 munity that calls itself Christian that the priests in tile Eiffel Towel, walked .1 1 *m6unt of Insurance at Risk On during the Christmas season more the a at night ; Tlysees, where 0110 THE FATRER RATH BESTOWED UPON US. -lie large foyer. to down the Champs GOD So LOVED THE WORLD TBA December 31e�, 1946 liquor is purchased and more dri"ll, would a int I c in t T HE GAVE HIS points of view with meets the fair ladies of (1x- I FOR $73,699,236,00 ing goes on than ,it any other season to exchange PO hibiting their vilonderful own'-. T ONLY BEGOTTEN SON, THAT WHOSOEVER BELIEVETH Total Cash in Bank and, Bonds. of the year. It is nothing short of another, I IN HIM SHOULD NOT PERISH, BUT HAVE EVERLASTING� blasphemy to mark the birtliday o:�, Paii, esting city, aq hear Mozart's "Funeral Masq" in the $444,115.39 q is a very inter 'Pla� - John 3 13 1) alq. Every - church of the Madeleins. It W8, v• LI.F.E. Rahe;, on Application Christ with an excess of drink!""'• are most Eu -40an C�P't called Christians one qeorns to comp. to Parill. But ed on the occasion of the 100th an- E. F. KLOPP--ZURICH Shame -on all so 's Paris eeeing to be niversary of the death 0' CIU)PI11. TONE IN—Hear CHAS. E. FULLER, Box 123, Los Angeleao ,who turn the beautiful. Christmas the wickedws. Of 'Paris 1� . A. M. I Tt is I 1),Rssod soversl tivii(IS t". STATION CHUM -1050, Toronto, Sundays 9. to 10 A G E N T festival into an occasion for a sPec'• most 1106neable, Poor France, 11 Sundays at .12 to 1.00 Temper- roapinfr f 'hinen't of the slr� 'W'11 1� Triornpile. '111(l wall'o. I z, WCA`R, 1180, Pontiac, Kid',, sal debauch. The Huron Tern' lie puniq sir"', , nd dnwn tl,:, pio,,'t imnovtani. qi 'ert- I Also Dealer in Lightning Ro&; seemed like a dreani ,,fi'ee Federation protests agatnst of past whilst the mo('- " i 0�11 gc,.n(,,ratioii doe., nothing to Tc- of Paris, Its "d All kinds of Fire Insurance i--,11,:'1 I I live season iolls Aron-nd again and ' relations Is fit danger. I ......... .... .. ............ ------ For H�Mgh Hatchah'Iff..' F EE D CO-OP is%- HATCH MASH AVAILABLE AT Hensail Dist, Co- Ope-ratine HENSALL and ZURICH Oscar &IOPPHuron County Council 'Schilbe, Mr and Mrs John COPelan- and the meat is ready! W VREE READY TO HELP YOU-,, LICENSED AUCTIONEER The next meeting of the" Huron baby daughter visited at the home - jFj,U gen Anything, Anytime, Any- County! Council will be 'held in the of theirp Mararents at Watford and at No meal is complete without plenty where. Council Chambers, Court House, St. ys, over'the holiday season. of delicious wholesomebread. Ana F, we0ones, Shop 149. Res' 0" Goderich, commencing Tuesday, Tan -Mr and Mrs. T lios. Meyers motor- TASTY -NU tasts good and isgood Zurich Centraly yy slice a nary 17th, at 2.00 p.m. ed to Bradford to spend New Years' heartfood for ou. Ever week h-ime of their dau. slice of energy- WALPER All aceaunts, notices of deputat -end at the Mervyn Stelck my ions and other business requiring the ghter, Mr. and Mrs. Me Buy an extra Loaf today—start ------- attention of Council shouild be in and patsy. now to serve more bread at ever) •Licensed Auctioneer the handsel -of the County Clerk not Mr and Mrs. Chris Haiat and Mr meal. Get your TASTY -NU Brest YOUR CAR represents a major investment, later than Saturday, January 114th., and Mrs. Harry G. Hess were ,Sullo at the Tasty -Nu Bakery or at your It deserves the best of care—and that's what we're -Specializing In , 1950. day, New Year's visitors at tile local Grocers. ready to give it. Whether it's a complete lubrication Farm and Purebred Livestock sales N. W. MILLER, home of the former's daughter, Mr, job or Jxist a battery check, we really try to give good, "Service That Satisfies" County Clerk, and Mrs. Gordon Kaitting, at -God-thorough Imperial service—the kind that will keep you 67t2- R. 1, DASHWOOD Goderich, Ontairl-o- erich. Tasty -Nu Bakery coming, back, phone Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Gemming And PHONE 100 — ZURICH FOR SALE dlilldiren is -f Rochester, N. ,. enjoyed. We'd appreciate'a chance to show yore New Year's week -end at the home of The state of what we can do. E. ECORBETT A 10% inch Vessot grinder almost their parents, Mr -and M+ra- Welling- medy the .situation, anti Mrs religion in France is appalling. Nev- Hector Forcier OP f, I E R I �AL ,Steckler tan Jahston and brother, Mr a At new. Priced to sell.—Merino AUCTIONEER Os STATION LICENSED Phone Hensall 98 r 13. Ross Johnston and other relatives, ertheiless, there is no other nation on. ST. JOSEPH SERVICE S' Mr. and M LCI lk* 4*�2 5 do, Mrs Arthur J. Aulerich earth that has produced as in -any ai, Vems Reasonable SatdsfactiOn The government is perverse COR. No. 84 & ZI HIGHWAY eed FOR SALE and sons Richard and Ronald of France. T1 DEALER Guaianit with Whittemore, Mich., spent Christmas and atheistic, It has confiscated all R. R. I priests and EXETER, Frame dwelling in Zurich, Mrs. Aulerich's par- churches and reduced its prie :: Ach 92r7. barn and three lots ait reasonable at the home of say Phone ents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Prang. bishops to utter pavex., I might ;__ price. For further particulars apply VETERINARIA.N to Allan Schwartzentruber, 00, 917; . Miss Treasa Dietrich nurse -in -train- that France has only two kinds of New Hamburg, Ont. Ing at St. Joseph's Fospital, London, people; the very goo.! and the very enjoyed a few days c -f the holiday bad. Or, W. B. COXON, B -V- Sc- season at the home of her Parents, Across the street from my hotel NEUHAUSER. CHICKS Mr. and Mrs. William DietrIch. is the site upon whiLh. The Blessed SURGEON Neuhguser Hatcheries, 81 King St., -Milton Dagg of Teeswater cal- Virgin Mary gave w the miraculous Lon -don, Ont. S VETERINARY Mr. DjjLft with Residence, Main Street, led at the home of Dr. and Mrs. P. medal. It is related that one day t 0, J. O'Dwyer -on Friday ,and attended Catherine Ldboure', a young sister IT HAS BEEN OUR ENDEAVOUR Opposite Drug Store Ore CH FOR SALE the opening of the Community Centre of charity, was conducted to the ftme-96 ZURI 1946 Pontiac Sedan in -good •condit- and Aa!ena. . I chapel of her convent by her guard - T IN 1949 TO SERVE EVERYONE IN loin, has heater, etc. A nice clean Rev. Siebert oaf Chvisited fan Angel. n9el. There Catherine had he BUTCHERS car. —Gid Koehler, Phone 191. with Mrs. Win. 'Siebert, Sr., and apparition from heaven. The Blessedfamily last Friday also •attending the Virgin, on a sitting ch -air near the 0 little nun for THIS COMMUNITY TO THE BEST lar FOR -SALE opening of the "Babe" Siebert Me- altar spoke to the Zprichs POP" Brooder House 10x14 feetmoorial Arena, held on the property nearlo two hours. To the horror of , -very on Friday evening. the -aged priest, who Was my guide) OF OUR ABILITY AND IT SHALL good condition.—Arthur Sreerian, Mr and Mrs Roy Lamont, Mrs. L. d, the utter chagrin of a nun that MEATMARRET Phone 83 r 21, Zurich. an tar, I sat -down in W. Hoffman and Miss Jane Lamont was dusting the &1 BE THE SAME FOR 1950, AND MAY Us supply you with th -VfeTe visitors at the home of their the chair that My Heavenly Mother Let WANTED vi�rysister, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Braun at had once occupied. I also, said Mass jmoice of Fresh and Cur- Boys Skates, size 13. — Phone. Forest. on the tomb of the saintly Catherine, IT BRING PEACE, HAPPINESS AND vel, Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Meyers 129. Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Hope and,dau- which is near the spot of the appar-. Etc., always on hand. Kept ghters of Streetaville and TvIr. and tion *S Mrs. E. D. -Brown and daughter of I a very fortunate to be abl(.,to PROSPERITY TO ALL! fresh in Electric Refrigeration F - OR" ALE -Mrs. Em- wa $775.00 buys 11 -acres of land, Part Collbourne; Mr and assist at a great ceremony in the for �f Kippen, were Christ- mer cathedral .-,f Notre Darie. Tiere Highest Cash Prices for Easat off Zurich town limits. Suitable erson..Smith a of Mr, and were`' all the cardinah, -achlolsops, and ni- mas visitors at the home for home sifte and make your expp ww. Hides and Skins enjoyed a point ses off the balance of land.—Apply Mrs. Thos.,.Meyers. bishops of France. I 9blut & S01a to Herald Office, R. Y1111Zurich. Left for College of vantage in this cathedral, directly Mr -and Mrs Cyril Gingerich, of opposite the illustrious assembly. MY ...... FOR SALE. Goshen :-.outh; Mr rand Mrs. Ephri,),in mind wandered. I was in Notre Dame GingeTich, of Bronson line north, chu'reh, built eighteen hundred years stwe PRODUCE attend their studies at ago, The voices of the Mst illu";tri- e, C Shu Sprayed Apples — Spies, Green- have left to had resounded Inge, Kings, Bellflowers etc., Phone the A.M. College at Harriston, Vi I IL., ous'orators of France 9A. i here rThe'great Napoleon had been Oldriton 61 r Fred McClymont, alter a lovely holidaly with relatives herx. Varna, Ont. p7t-* and friends here. crowned here by Pope Plus y1l.. Yes.. S'jlverWO�d I was in Norte Dame Cathedral., Had Large Van which haA been desecrated during FOR SALE An enorm,-,u3 large moving van the Revolution,when a naked harlot (a DAT'D from London, ccame up Friday to get stood upon themain altar to receive : IIAILS NNEMW the effects of the Dr. P. J. O'Dwyer adoration as the goddes, of Re"3011- 0 9 v qardware Needs E"h Market for Cream, Eggs Family, and we are told that they Sunday, October 16th Y% s 00 01. NOTICE did not take it all along, how things Feast of the Sacred Heart in P' Lris- a and Poultry' 'WHITEWASHING & CLEANING do' accumulate after residing ,it a Since my LaSalle Parish was delle- From Our Have Your Eggs Graded On Arrangements can be made place for a period of years. It was ated to the Sacred Heart, I felt coin., NEW HARDWARE STOCK our Bill Watson a large home they had in Zurich, pelled to pray at the Basilica OF the Dashwood Phone 35rI9 built by the late Mr and Mrs. John Sacred Heart atop 'Noriamartre. This 0 A Good Supply of Shelf and Heavy Hardware 'AUTOMATIC Pree-ter,.and served nicely for a dwel- beautiful shrine'al dedicating France 0 hand, also EGG GRADER ling and Doctor's office. Truly, we to the Heart of Jesus, has been built : ways on did not like to see what that van in what may be considered toughest :Scarf's Endurable Paints, Enamels and Varnishes LeRoy O'Brien, Manager was doing, taking away a family Of part of Paris, as if to eMpjaz1zd't1ie 0 and the New Almatex Plastic Paints Zurich the very, best citizens that one Gould words of Our Lord. " ID The Son of Man Phone 10 1 hope- for in any town. We nad the nate -nei,-;]-L- IS Cme to save that which was lost." —the Good plqasure of being I vi.ited the moat t important For your heating system we recommend bours with the O'Dwyers for the past churches in Paris and environs. 0 Cheer Furnace, or the well known Coleman 0i) Zurich Creamery thirty years, our families grew up 0 Heater. raw the B4silica •of St. Denis wbere 0 too -ether, they were always such fine of France had been 0 all the kings 0 Your Home Market for CreaM neighbours, -and it hits a sentimental buried. Their tombs had been violat For your Household needs we carry Beaty Wash spot just deeper than the surface to• during the revolution. It is a 2 I so suddenly.. We ed 0 Machines; National Electric Stoves; Marconi Rad- 0 Eggs and Poultry -part with them al very wonderful building- 0 Toasters, Enamel - wish them much success -and good Here at St. Denis I entered, one 0 i0s; Heaters, Electric Irons, and Tow -Highest Cash Prices paid plus health in their new home. of those typica,11,y French restaurants. ware Pyrex and various Kitchen Range, The special for the day was horse- -a premium for delivered cream My Trip to Europe steak. And so-, I ordered horse -steak, 0 Reliable Plumbing, Furnace work, evetroughin. - OLD STEAM THRESHING (By Rev. Father L. Marchand) because there peemed to be nothing • and Tinsmithing. 0 Our Aim Jo Serve and SatiSf3, We are equipped to give effi- more substantial oil . the menu. - Yes, 0 into -my stomach 0 0 ENGINE CATALOGUES Paris, France, Nov 1,1949 the meat went down I ) 0 Egg ely backfired and 0 dent accurate service., Parishioners: but it immediat 0 Thresherman's Magazines and Pic- Dear Father Paul and I washed it down Diatars B r i 1C it 0 I arrived. in Paris -on Oct. 13th wanted out. But I that 0 0 vad Poultry department in tures Wanted for historical collect- and took up residence at a hotel, with the usual pint of wine, 0 Main St. Hardware Store Phone 213 a ion. which is called "La Fraternite -Sacer- must always drink in France with C • a -tharge of Mr. T. Meyers. dotale." This place is managed by dhe's Meal. Write: r its wonderful Proprietor priests and is exclusively for priests. Paris is known fo Chas. Minshall H. S. TURNER Situated near the centro, of the City, musea, former palaces, the Louvre this magnificent inanslion had at one with eta wonderful paintings and?' Goderich Ont, ft. . The Palais de Vers_ occupied by treasures of art INSURANCE t, b chateau, andure. The 'A OR "THE WAY" ' n' "'Ine 'been princes, dukes, and other person,; of ailles is a mervel of 91' high station, Now it is harbor of costliness of this place led to the WHICH WAY ARE WE GOING ti.a,011ing priests and bishops. On French Revolution and the final down stay EMETH RIGHT UNTO , ot this fail of the proud kings of France 'Western Farmers WWI BORN the first morning of my st in the Pill- 1 THERE TS A WAY WHICH SE Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Regier of Hay place, a Japanese priest served my The guillotine was s;et up e 'DEATI-T. from ace de la Consorde, and here M-ari 13UT THE EIND TIIEREOF ARE THE WAYS OF Co.Township are happy to announce Mass. At least thirty priests, roverbs ;14: 12; 16:25. Weather Insurance world, sat down Antoinette and the fair flowers of —P birth lof a son on December 30th at every quarter of the the Farwell Nursing Hon -le, Zurich. around the ins- France had their heads 01OPP('d .00 THE LORD SAID: of OF WOODSTOCK with me at. each meal ar shelters the body I mens dining -ream table. At one thn-a Les Invalides antheu,n, rorm- I Alt THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE; NO MANZ refectory. Napoleon; and the P` ME LARGE -ST "RESERVE BAI-1. I saw ten hi t-boPS in the heli Church, is the burial COMETH UNTO THE FATHER (GOD) 13UT BY ME. CANADIAN XUT- Temperance T -hey had come frorn Brazil, Roum- placed Oath ANCE OF ANY The Voice of lace of the great men of France, John 14: 6. `UAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS ania, New Zealand and other parts p it is the burial site It is not to the credit of any coin- Id. TVIV stay at this hostel but I would say -All up BEHOLD WHAT MANNER OF LOVE! the 0r OF THIS K of particularly interesting by of the raRcal,, •of France. I IND IN ONTARIO - - was niade I)arti ed up an' I John 3: 1 munity that calls itself Christian that the priests in tile Eiffel Towel, walked .1 1 *m6unt of Insurance at Risk On during the Christmas season more the a at night ; Tlysees, where 0110 THE FATRER RATH BESTOWED UPON US. -lie large foyer. to down the Champs GOD So LOVED THE WORLD TBA December 31e�, 1946 liquor is purchased and more dri"ll, would a int I c in t T HE GAVE HIS points of view with meets the fair ladies of (1x- I FOR $73,699,236,00 ing goes on than ,it any other season to exchange PO hibiting their vilonderful own'-. T ONLY BEGOTTEN SON, THAT WHOSOEVER BELIEVETH Total Cash in Bank and, Bonds. of the year. It is nothing short of another, I IN HIM SHOULD NOT PERISH, BUT HAVE EVERLASTING� blasphemy to mark the birtliday o:�, Paii, esting city, aq hear Mozart's "Funeral Masq" in the $444,115.39 q is a very inter 'Pla� - John 3 13 1) alq. Every - church of the Madeleins. It W8, v• LI.F.E. Rahe;, on Application Christ with an excess of drink!""'• are most Eu -40an C�P't called Christians one qeorns to comp. to Parill. But ed on the occasion of the 100th an- E. F. KLOPP--ZURICH Shame -on all so 's Paris eeeing to be niversary of the death 0' CIU)PI11. TONE IN—Hear CHAS. E. FULLER, Box 123, Los Angeleao ,who turn the beautiful. Christmas the wickedws. Of 'Paris 1� . A. M. I Tt is I 1),Rssod soversl tivii(IS t". STATION CHUM -1050, Toronto, Sundays 9. to 10 A G E N T festival into an occasion for a sPec'• most 1106neable, Poor France, 11 Sundays at .12 to 1.00 Temper- roapinfr f 'hinen't of the slr� 'W'11 1� Triornpile. '111(l wall'o. I z, WCA`R, 1180, Pontiac, Kid',, sal debauch. The Huron Tern' lie puniq sir"', , nd dnwn tl,:, pio,,'t imnovtani. qi 'ert- I Also Dealer in Lightning Ro&; seemed like a dreani ,,fi'ee Federation protests agatnst of past whilst the mo('- " i 0�11 gc,.n(,,ratioii doe., nothing to Tc- of Paris, Its "d All kinds of Fire Insurance i--,11,:'1 I I live season iolls Aron-nd again and ' relations Is fit danger. I ......... .... .. ............ ------