HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1950-01-05, Page 4ZURICH HERALD '11"Mursday, January. 5th, 1,9501 2L RR10, ] 'ONTARIO „-, ....�..� . « . . ,.. ww , •, : 1;a .s is : , , ,.. a. ,: ia„ ;t� 1 s and ! and her little datightex, -Nanor , of I LET US KNOW �.a Gl:,!r., w Ji.i�w' L:,IL,,.1 .I1,gi V1Vi°Nd.9M:ilU'�li� ""- r. ;> gifts, #lo:weis, cards telegialn , • Sagas yms�rcanaa:ma✓V€;:,�3IP.'wq:;lG�;S;E: u.,..«W�.+aa�til�«le.iaat#yrt:tr:.. �s .3 . I ` 1 ,ongratulatoury, messages. Including, Guelph; Mr and Mrs Tire�I antaIla- Mere is a suggestion from thole old 1 in the gifts were a Frigidaire, gift i combo and family o:f Guell)h, Mr. 'Fara and vicinity who male a prae-, T Eliq `F 0 1� fxoni tlt'e fiainily; a bouquyet of ;;old:anc1 Mxs. Smallacoinbe were tlncl a'caci« � trcel oQr d�nng their bu;yirtg from the•, f rnuins from relatives nn (ruell�h, a;pients of the followrng sir ulI fxmnlair d r Houses. 7 he inert time friends and ner �h- ! G, A, Welsh, Prov. Secy., wit the you are sending an order to u .ix 4*; :gold blanket from 6 ,Il ux:a Land numerous other lovely' following inscription, "May i extend I order house insert a hall dozen tick.-. �oo ��r gifts. Luncheian was served by their to iyou on behalf of the Covorinxlicnt: els for your church context, gaxdenk WHEAT AND ALL GRAIN GRO Xr E � two granddaughters Miss Leona .f the Province of Ontario sincerest party of fowl supper, or it is is the~ ALL Norxnington and Miss Marie Boyd, i congratulations oil your fiitietiZ an-' "off season" for the foregoing,en- 1 W s a 1 assisted by other members of thn ,nirversary and wish that you may close a politely -worded note• request- Try a a r,. 1i decorations were' both enjoy further anniversarles in Ing a donation to your church, sebool Try N A S Liquid i�� Concentrate t year 1111 family. The house i!!1 in keeping with the event. 'Their ;good health and A. or society or some charity in vulLiclrk, Last year several wheat farmers treated seed wheat with�� marriage of 50 years ago was sol••''Welsh, Provincial Sec.vc.tary. Theirr NA-CHURS" LIQUID 5} emnized by the late Rev. J. S. Iden„ also enjoyed a bounteous fairn}ly dill-AIJ�TION SALE FERTILIZER CONCENTRATE and apparently had good results. derson, and they recalled their wed- ner during the day. • Of Real Estate and Household Fisc#chs. 411 ding dalyn as a very 'bright winter day an the premises in iihe Village of Using "NA«CHURS" Liquid Fertilizer Concentrate for this purpose is still in the 1; with plenty of snow on the ground. = 1 p p +''lie atendants were the pride's sis- Zurich. experimental stage but we believe you should try it. Preliminary tests indicate 111 The undersigned Auctioneer hasbeen. :11 ter Miss Mattie ,Ellis of Hensall, and instructed to sell by public auetioxp. 1 a quicker start which may aid in early maturity and better yield. Ili; tine groom's brother, Garnet Smalla- 'Women's Institute On combe rof Guelph, (who inciaentatly i The cost is very little, and if it will increase your wheat'yield,it is too good to pass up €1�1 was the third child born in the pill- SATURDAY, JANUARY 14th. s11 age of Tdeiiaall),) Mrs. Smalieticornbe Hensall — Grandnnotmers were il Many enthusiastic growers have written about the fine results obtained with EG was formerly Isabella Lllls, aaughtex special guests of Institute meixubera; Commencing at a.00 P.M. stiaril "NA-CHURS." lilt of the .fate Mr and Mrs Joseph Ellis, at their monthlly meeting held in the ;Real Estate Property Consisting- ling Legion Hall. President Mrs. ' Fred' of Vol S, Lot 130, 131, 13,2 'in the.. ill born in Goderich and carne to Hensali. Beer was in the chair, and Hostesses ^ 11I with her parents when 12 years of : iVillage of Zurich, Zlhere is oil thtA {� ASK US TODAY' ABOUT THE ONE GALLON TEST — age. She is active in clniucu work and were Mrs. C. Cools and Mrs. W. 0 ,premises a frame house covered with 9 One Gallon of "NA-CHURS" will treat 5-10 bushels of seed grain at a cost of a1,: • !! vari-ous organizations in the village. Goodwin. The inotrto was taken by brick veneer 'asphalt shingles in good}, Mrs. A. E. Munn. Secy., Missy Gladys condition thus . ood dui cellar, sum-•. pG proximately $1.00 per acre. " Mr. Smallacombe was born in Exeter ; g Y N9 §'t son of the late Mr and Mrs. William Luker, reported X200 given to the'mer kitchen and rvvood shed attached. 1j li Simallacombe and cam':' to the Village local Community Building Fund. This !very suitable building'lots or garden a A� !��= of Hensall at the age of one year in makes a total contribution of$663.55: land. P,these �°�1i I� � � ��3 1373 and was 31/5 years of age wizen ' to date. The Institute will operate a Terms 'of Real Estate.— — 10 P/o on 11, booth on opening proceeds to go to day olf Sale balance in 30 days, SoldF, —COMPLETELY SAFE - - NO BURNING. the railway went through in rie nine y i r11 is the Olde t person ?acre in tae 5.He the building fund. A donation of subject to :a reserved 'bid. 6x1 X2'5.00 was voted to the Legion for. I Househ'oId Effects — Coleman gas 1s1 lex of residence. In municipal life purchasing of cups and saucers for —EASY TO APPLY - NO BULKY WEIGHTS. 1`° he held the position of Reeve and p g 1 oxine stove, dining xoozii oak eaten pIlliCouncillor• at various times, is active use in the Legion room. A motion sion table, 6 dining, room chairs, var. ECONOMICAL - - NO WASTE .,; in the Conservative :'association, is was made that the Huron County ious rocking chains, magazine stantlla �l chairman of the Community Park l Hospitalization Plan now in effect be sectional back case, couch, ;glass cull ` # Board, member of the Chamber of approved and sponsored by the Hen- ,board, gramaphone wM records in, 9, FOR MORE INFORMATION ON "NA LIQUID FERTILIZER CON- �� Comm'eree. In fraternal sacietfes, he sail 'Institute. Mrs. J. Richardson good -condition. living room table,. hat been a member of the I.0.0,F, won the prize ':for the grandmother small writing desk, lawn roller, 2, CENTRATE, COME IN OR CALL US TODAY ! ! a��6 for over 40 years and is xt member present having the most grandchild- folding clothes driere, setee, celki- li :ill of the Masonic Order and 'F,ux'xestexs, ren. Mrs. Richardson has 1211 grand- table, Portland 'cutter, good single E7 -- - - - - jil „ children. Mrs. R. H. Middleton gave 'harness quantity of lumber ani$ ' oOS ® : with the exception of es years :,pent , 2 e in Guelph they have resifted in Hen- a reading. Mrs. G. Armstrong repor- many articles too numerous' to be, gy_s A *7D Li=!3ii! sell. They have a Samil;T of one son, ted on the London Area Convention mentioned €i Fred Guelph; two clang3Lters, Mrs. E at which she was a delegate. A.. There will also be offered for sale 3 Z U ! C U hone 9 7 r 15 ONTARIO Faber was sdisplayed'In Grandmother's Day at the same time and place a ilumb- E1., C. r b €1x3 Norminaton and �Zr�: Ger of BI Hensall, and seven grandchildren; 1 by Mrs. M. G. Drys- er ,of articles belonging to Dr. P. & un son Ellis died when 6 years old some dale. In keeping with the thems,His O'Dwyer who has recenitly moved to 11 toric -al Research Mrs. R. Simpson, London. t, ears a o. Attendin, the celebration p r i WHERE NA-CHURS' GOES GRAIN GROWS - v g' guest speaker, presented the topic, Allan .Schwaxtzentru`bex Pro riet=L �I were Mr and Mrs Garnet :mna>tacom- g P , 1 p , , F ;.a c G a - r, •r :°°^ie:r a , ' Let`s Laugh at Men's Fashions" R. F. Stade Clerk. «,«�,.,«.,••.y.. ,^ . ..,.,. , . ...w .i m ui w«N .8 -� �.�-l.r� ��«�� di' ��, iu.Giu,��.u11Ja «m.ia.�d�.��l1.t�'i:1102 �.n«�«O.ii.«„ufl�«�i«J,. :1,>v:e;ryessrs.,.:.:«..� „rte•,„W;• be and their daughter. Mrs. Pitcher, g , Luncheon was served. Alvin Walper, Auctioneer. D A S H W OO D St, Joseph and Beaver ,-own Edwards will regret to learn is a Mr and Mrs Jules 'Corriveau of De- patient at Clinton ,Hospital suffering- troit spent the New Year with their injuries to, her leg which is in a cast, when she had the misfortune to slit; mother, and other relatives. Mr and Mrs Reith Wildfong of on the back steps of her home. London spent New Year holidays Comment Mrs. C. L. Jinks '_talked to her sis- , ith his parents, Mr and l'Irs. Gar- We'll, the New Year has again conic ter NIrs. Au hst ]?etergon of Grand net Wildfong. and passed as all other holidays, and g many were the visitors; children Rapids, S-Dak., by telephone on Mr and Mrs. Elgin Merner and coming from near and far to show Christmas Day, a said the ec 1500 Can ® � �� �� Joyce of Kitchener spent the week- their great esteem for their parents. miles. Mrs. Jinks said the reception end holidays with relatives here. What a consolation i't is to' father th was clear, and her sister who phoned and mother. Who are always ready se her said both lien husband and her- ®� t AM NO Mr .and Mrs E. Koehler and Mrs to give their last word -of 'encourage self were in very, goad health.ffrow T. Kraft spent New Years in Lon- ment and welcome; read to make any Leading Air Mechanic Ronald Mu don.- sacrifice to. please the hearts of those Stephan iof Dartmouth, N.S. spent Mrs. Taylor of Go:derich is visiting loved ones. While travelling in this the Christmas holidays with Iris mot - with her son, Mr and Mrs Taylor. French Settlement you see the septi- her, Mrs. Pearl Stephan and with Rev, W. Siebert of Chesley •called his wife in Exeter. Ronald was a part 1940 1941 1942 1943 7944 1945 1946 19x7 1948 1949 went of the •end French of Quebec: on anis aunt Mrs. Witzel on Friday� still going strong! Yes sure; we of 26 airmen who 'chartered a plane evening. enjoy ourselves. we exchange ;good from Dartmouth to 1VIalton, to arrive Mr and Mrs. M. Doherty of Exetex ,wishes for the New Year; and ,for home for a4 day Christmas leave. It were New Year's visitors with', Mr• the whole yeas: through, and if those a six years since RRonrald spent a and Mrs. Ken McCrae. good wishes are well meant and wi.+h Christmas at his home. Mr and Mrs Bill Wein attendee, I a heartfubl of fozgivness, it is sure to Mrs. Reta Charles of .London spent the funeral of Mrs. Wein's brother -1 bear good fruits. t Christmas with her relatives Mrs. —$2,019,142,697 in-law, the late NLr. Jahn D. Fisher, Jackson Wainer and A. E. Carlile. who was killed in an auto accident, l This New Year has been much diff- Mr and Mrs Jack McBeth j celebrat- on Friday night at Shakespeare. er rt than ofthers, it was more Like ed their 40th wedding anniversary a spring day, wet and muddY, much quietly at their homehere Thursday, "� ..�.,„.;:;4.;„,.:.,;k;,::.:•";.''<.::;:'::>.*,:;:??•:`�.?.'l's` .>A�««�..,�..>„;;;„<i',?;;:: :<1 =?' `><i' <••< ”? 1 'r ,,,,,,�•„;:,:„:: ;�;,;;<;w .„.>,.„.::::: unlike thoze of tho past when snow December r 29th with Tamil 'dr n er ^.4 as piled high and the highways Mr and -,Mrs. J E. McEwanspen t 'S > E`•\2 <>s: , M!.:::;�nt::%:i:::F+;+;:i ria,'st::�:::':Sy>:<'+,'.�:G;:%:4:G:u ni::h,'::uv�<:iS:<:?:„:::::.;n,..,:�y„„v:S�:f ::t•: ' :.,.h..:::,:: n:2•::n�:.:...,.::.:::,:::. TWOFIVE—GENERATIONS were filled tight It was a New the holidays with the Misses Lillian ...„..„::.:„:• . Year as one nvc sometimes see -on psi c , and E i h M cE wen o f•L Not very fen aneprivilegedwelueeswith tobies hooked t single race Brock of Londondo n spent t o mention of two ve eneratiors in s and nothing more could bethe holidYs at her home here. �Y ,T R..:„„:••:;ice>f ;::i,i«:F::.:;:;<i:;:.}i'::;''.<:„�::;:::> '�.s.:;:>•::;':::�: i : ::: sn one family. We are advised thath rd then the � m ng bells. It was Mir Mrs. Ruse1l Kyle were . John Galiman of Mich. not as one of of old when cIii -holiday vis�itoxs with Mr and Mrs. heir daddYinThos.i 1e �>.L.:.:::�F..,}..\:::<>:§s::i::..;::.Y:.P::ti::„:s>:;:::;>:.:i:::k„: ti�:::::•::::::,:::{::::.:::,�..::.,?:�.:i;..<%:::.i:,:i:,.::.::.:::,js..::�::.i..::�s.:ti:::�: <• Yi1;0 :A:$iNi?/:11„/,.Oy:'L>N ,•,:C A N`AD N;<ilien were hauled by t ,MY BRNf rmex1Y of Zurich, who is now rtn har 85th Year and is residing at the fish sleighs in the early twilight of $848,865,350 .?„. :< :.r home of her daughter, Clara, Air and ■ First 'Hoke Game birs. Daniel Hereford at Elkton the morning, to reach the homes of y t ' 'their parents. Nor was it like the The first hockey Sias the honor of being mother, grand y game of the sea- znether and real neat daps of the early pioneers; when the son in the new Hensall Arena will be!''%> great, g grand'inother only fortunate ones were those who N. '''»• E<t' A; cher daughter, Mrs. Isiah Witmer, weather permitting, Friday Jan. 6th of the Goshen Line south and her had oxen hooked on Barloe to trans- when Lucan will meet HensalI in a DEPOSITS AT THE s O f M port them: fast brand of hockey. son Morley* Witmer and his daughter Y• These two Mrs. Ralph Mecuand their baby Nevertheless regardless of the teams are in group !'B Intermedi- m H AVE Z)"4&ed10 daughter, Catherine Vera, all of De- mood -of changes, we cannot expect ates. Members from the WO'AA will .» troit, and again Mrs. Witmer's son to snake the weather tof our liking, so be in attendance 'including Tory Gordon and his son James and his the best we can do is where New Gregg sports announcer from CKNX -NOW TOTAL MORE THAN TWO BILLION DOLLARS daughter Ruth Ann all of Clare, Year's Day- comes, is to accept ._what Wingham. Game called at 8.30 Fri - Mich. And soy tAe goes on, gener- comes and be greatful for it :all, be days Jan. 6th. For an evening of thrills and ills see this 'game. This huge sum is a tribute to Canadians' And by thinking of tomorrow, these ations come and. go, what awonder- it rain, snow or what else greets it, p d foresight and thrift. people are helping to build the Canada of Xul delight it must be to the famil- as though you were living in sub- Hold Annual Meeting - Ten years ago, B of M customers kept. a today and tomorrow. For their savings de - Les that are able to have such a mitance to the great power in the total of $848,000;000 in their savings termine the support the Bank can bring— splendid gathering together. Con- far beyond. The annual Sunday School meet- and current accounts. During the war through investments and loans—to the gratula+tions! ting of the United Church was held enterprise of men and businesses across _Mr :anal Mrs. Fred Turnbull, new- years, these people took the opportunity ly 'weds, have returned to their home on the eve. 'of Dec. 30th when Rev.. to boost their 'Fund For Tomorrow' to the nation. Indeed, this year, loans made HAD GRAND BANQUET in this vicinitlyi. Mrs. Turnbull was Brook presided. Lill 11f'ichle treasur. by the B of M are the highest they've Q , $1,613,000,OOU. ever been. g Y er presented a very encouraging fie- Their habit o£ saving for.the ears ahead Members of the staff of F. C. formerly Miss Jullett Masse of St. g Y Ralffleisch & Son, iLtd., of Zurich Joseph. The happy con let.have their uncial report. All departments show- has not only persisted since the war but Working with the people n Canada for and Godexi'ch their wives and friends p y will ed splendid ett and under direction has gained in strength. Today, their, de- the past 132 years, the Bank has kept home in Londlon and where the continual) of Jack Corbett and Dave Kyle, sup- posits stand at tnore than two billion Y before it these two guiding sof about one hundred ;were resent 11lave in a few days. They have the , p erintendent s. Following slate or ofli-oses — to assist actively the nation's at a holiday turkely dinner dollars — an all-time B of M record and purp I sport: or- best wishes of their parents, their cers d for 1950: 'Sup- the largest Canadian deposits of any bank, 'economic development and to justify al. ed by the firm's manager, Ivan Kalb„ relatives and -their friends, that will erintewere appointe ndent, Jack. Corbett; asst, Dave Of this money, well over a billion dollars ways the confidence of its depositors. dfle'isch and .}field in Ba field at the go with them in their new home. The Y Iivle ; secy-treas, Bill Mickle • asst. is in savings. - ew Ritz Hotel, on the evening of groom, who is the son 'of Mr. and Charles Fee;Paini:rts Aliiss Greta Lam The fact that the B of M's resources also December 28th. The gdesc, were Mrs. Max. Turnbull, is a brick laying mie, Miss 'Gladys Luker; Teachers of have topped the two -billion mark during xeceived by Mr. and Mrs. Xalbfleisc}i. Contractor in that city. They have the classes: ;Beginners, Mrs, t✓or lett; the past year proves one thing clearly � .",. �1est ^`v}she, of their many friends in , ,,;,,,:: '•, ,.; ,A large anniversary cake decorated asst Mrs. D. Kyle; Primary Miss that the size of. a financial institution such %with one hundred lighted 'candles their new home. as the Bank of Montreal simply g Picirni ceJinks; Prim, B, Mrs. L. Hyde ply reflects the .•` ^•. atentred the head table, marking, one- asst Mrs. G. Hes,; Prim Miss A, measure of confidence a million and a half hundred H E 5 id► L �' Betty Zalckl Canadian men and women share in it. years since the Iralbfle}sch Consitt; Jr, Girl,', Mica � e Sia.mi.ly came to, Canada, Miss Kath- The Community Park Board ap,. Jr. Boys Jarvis Horton; Inter. A, ',qr:ne Kalbfleisch cut the cake. Table pointed Ernie Chipchase, manager.- Miss Gladys Luker; Inter B., Miss dEa+nuxs were tiny sail k: its, contain caretaker of the Community Rink Greta Laramie; Sr. Boys, F. J. Black A� ��� .in assorted sweets, symbolic of the at a salary of $80.00 per 'week, 3 well; Sr. Girls, Mrs. Blackwell; Wo anode of ocean travel of the, early :rplication were received for the helo Clasp, Miss M. EIlis; Bible Class 1.m rigrants. Group singing was Incl position. E. Geiger; Cradle Roil Supt., ty1rs, Cx -by Mr. Jack Tuerkheim, with Mrs At thin Ring..) held Wednesday Hess. Tu �rkheim at the piano. Entertain- ,night last ,sponsored by the Canad- Golden Wedding Di nen why ,bowed a number of :lade d donated by membe quilt` Zurich Branch: C. C. McBACHBRN, Matiager xnr it was provided by aIle. Victor tall Legion the draw for t hers of Mr Lied Mrs Fred Smaliaconrbe, Rlrns. The Fonl Brothers o., htrkton, the Ladies Auxiliary of the Legion highly,. esteem ad residents :or lzxensall who cointributed Mwical numbers, •••a, h-r-ld and the lucky ticket by observed their goldren wedding an- Hensall Branch: J. K. IRVIN, Manager �, ld by Miss Kathe.Allo Italbfleiach i Jack Tudor, president' of the Logion, niversary ,at their- home Tuesday, De- wl ^ 1 este wad -wt :n by Mra. Fred Sinadlacombe. comber 27th and were at home to favoured with a drum m 1 ar , a (t;ra: Jame;; Sangster solei the wine- their friend.; and neighla'ours aairing yr esen "vo of thank;` was titlo,red :YIr +�=r ticket, WORKING WITH CANADIANS IN EVeRY WALK OP L1PE SINCE 1817 Ali �! On behalf of tho5t• the afternoon Lard evening. They, / rP Tiie ri7lin; friend,of 1'Irs, Ila ;iI >~ ere the xetipienLy of many lovely _._ ... away_ as little water as possible. ii 9 N .tlnnt91MMM'trfi rerq > �1"':aW�.,;..,�nwewrrLw•.wwrw.�,x.:�� _ �.a.`F, 1....�MN„u,Mht39ilA4ti�iRMdPA�4NKMaMelti,k:.dWti�+ae'41 .air