HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1950-01-05, Page 2............... _ . ' Advertising ... i A. 011ort $ taxy bef Cl6^e P9!a with ArApore strange? ssfll, why AGIENTS WANT1]ID -^— 1GQ!t SALE -- _ Fl4iiii PUMPS (Hand) used—Capaelty 6 Bald, 60 Can tAFETg1H7LID steady business w�th most corp• portrait, of young Jeremy Catesby, d is father, a eonVeriti041 Dlete lino of household neeessittes item the. King Inspects Bibles --King George 'til examines a few of the thousands of Bibles sent all over the world by the British and Foreign Bible Society. He was visiting the Society's head- quarters in London with the queen. C 1 � '•I i.,� 1t• l TH:tER CHEERS FOR OUR Renee, speaking of her experiences AIDEI ie the title of an article in in Britain, "it did not fill me up. the latest issue of the English Their ice cream is terrible. I did weekly, "Tit Bits," to come to not like their candy. The people band;'and we only wish we had the are threadbare and shabby!" apace to reprint the piece in its en- tirety. It certainly says some Not having been born until 1940 -things that badly needed saying, in —remarks the author—the little these times when almost everybody evangelist can'hardiy be blamed for seems to delight in putting tihe not appreciating the main cause of boots to poor old John Buil• our austerity. But surely the two * * * sportsmen should have had some "We should be grateful to ami- inkling of what has been going on body who gives us a laugh these In these isles in the last 10 years. days," writes 'Wilfrid Webster, "so As an American, Hogan may be three hearty cheers for Professor largely forgiven for his ignorance, A. A. Mavrodin, of Leningrad Uni- and so may Perry, for he has long versity. "It wasn't we who defeat- been a United States citizen. ed the Spanish Armada, be has ., K discovered, but the Russians." The fact is that the average ' * American has very little apprecia- "The English ships were made of tion of the fundamental causes of Russian wood," he has just told the Britain's present plight, nor does world. "They sailed under Russian he realize the tremendous strain to tails and were painted with Russian which all our resources (including tar. Russia made it possible for the golf courses and tennis courts) ]English fleet to defeat the Armada." were subjected during the war, two `11 years of which we endured before Are you sure, Professor? corn- the United Staters was forced into xnents the wxitea•, that tate winning the conflict. admiral's name wasn't Francisky _ * >r. •m Drakeovitch? Mr. Webeter explains that this k " " lack of appreciation is not due to From there, Mr. Webster goes indifference, and that the average ,on to deal with some more recent American is well disposed toward ;pieces of stone -throwing. Not by the people of Britain. tiny means so amusing has been * * x the attitude recently displayed to- "It' is largely because the facts sward us by Ben Hogan, non -play- about Britain are either kept frons, :ln,g captain od the American pro- or distorted into falsehood. When lessional golf' team which came she instalments of Winston Church - over here in September. In rtpitae i9Vs second war book, "Their Fine of being sustained by 600 steaks tot Hour," appeared in the Daily and other meat whick our kindly Telegraph, we were given the com- 4ustome let them Import without parative figures of British and licence, the visiting golfers were American casualties. The magazine, 'beaded Ira the Ryder Cup fa'u'raomes, Life, Which holds the United States "Thea they aatailtadR the cup b Aghts for Mr. Churchill's memoirs, y cut out those figures. Life's editor winning all 9111,& mangles, and all our apared his readers the knowledge sports writers and all our defeated that, In proportion to the two na- players paid tribute to the brilliant tions' population, Britain lost twice play of the kAmericans." sla many fighting men as diad the But was Hogan happy? Not leas. United States.. He also left out all p mention of the 60,000 British civil - On landing bads in Nov® York, he, iafas trilled in air raids." @aid he dial not like British golf. * x ,k "British courses," he added, are But s awe can t this ill terrible!" And he didn't mean meet quote from lanes! a very ably written article. This is *opposed to be a column about Back from Britain in the salve sports, and it was the remarks of Chip was Fred Perry, pre-war Wim- those two noted "sportsmen," Ben bledon lawn tennis champion. Hogan and Fred Perry, which first „ caught our eye. Nobody can play tennis over there ,k >h guy more," he was kind enough to Still, thinking It over again, prr- ocin dition." and the courts are in terriblau haps, they just furnish further evi- dence of the growing tendency of Equally severe were the com- a whole lot of athletes and sports .Talents of Evangelist Renee Martel. figures to take themselves much, (In case you don't happen to know, much too seriously. We don't or remember, Miss Martz is nine need to confine ourselves to golf years old and is widely billed as and tennis to see glaring examples The Wonder -Child Preacher). "No of this tendency—or to travel South matter what I ate," clommented of the border to find it, either! A :Double Scrubbing flew York's water -saving campaign put both little; Radigan kiddies ill the Name bathtub. Maureen, age 2Y12, took it Nicely, but Jimmy, age 4 months, seems to 15a `aVVll%ttrf7ill ,Olt oil re 1"' l� ot11Cr, Mrs. Dorothy Radigan, sorts ; away--- llsing as little %A?ater as possible, Chink'In. The Armour a Advertising ... i A. 011ort $ taxy bef Cl6^e P9!a with ArApore strange? ssfll, why AGIENTS WANT1]ID -^— 1GQ!t SALE -- _ Fl4iiii PUMPS (Hand) used—Capaelty 6 Bald, 60 Can tAFETg1H7LID steady business w�th most corp• Chink'In. The Armour ,,Class,. f � d al Advertising ... i A. 011ort $ taxy bef Cl6^e P9!a with ArApore strange? ssfll, why AGIENTS WANT1]ID -^— 1GQ!t SALE -- _ Fl4iiii PUMPS (Hand) used—Capaelty 6 Bald, 60 Can tAFETg1H7LID steady business w�th most corp• portrait, of young Jeremy Catesby, d is father, a eonVeriti041 Dlete lino of household neeessittes item the. llquid: Spray. approximaely feet, b There wale a legend in the romoto E'n�glish gentleman, have sacrificed local fragrant cosmetics to the most helpful Dor al criers ar polishes, There Is an 'e"'! used also 4N an lnae'10ept"1 t+ spray for shrubs, Disposal #sees, etc. Ili rely . ,p%VJI W., hare, Sussex village of Ceatesby. It wag himself ill a cause which could not cluoive torritory for you. Ln your city or 4n Montreal,, Corp; Ltd„ all 1 ouville equate, Montreal„ known throughout the length and have touched him in the very least? Your rugal area. You are dire to succeed Quo, Est. 1927, breadth of the cousitay '.,and, #11,11, W11alt was lite chink In the ,ga- with our teat -61111111, "T' s, coilWrite today for free details, I^AMIILEII , loop Delorltafor. 1947 Commercial Seep - thirteen• . ltousand farther afield—•the legirnd p -i sd nlprl� Why vas it tiltat samehoW the Montreal.° miles. Halt top, heater, would trade on Foal tractor, 200 Ballon Spramotor spray0r, trailer Catesby of Catesby Manor, 1 y Y , 4 1 story seemed., t0 ring false, m good commissionhbatalsin tl�ihesal chicks, are type Dower take -off, 469 lb pressure, four -row' bountiful par excellence. As Martin want over the house, guaranteed from good high -producing blood- boom, high Drop clearance LeRoy Coleman. Ont, And now, though she was dead, the legend Would never :di:E, he was again caught .and held by his vra4i tested stock. Poole Hatchery, Foorater Bros.. Poole, Ontario. Phone 87 R 28 Milverton. ,Blenheim, _ ORDIDR now Por Your Wh1te holland Pauitx, �° 8AB7r CHICKS It seemed t0 Martin Gregory, the spell, and imagltiAtlDn still dazzled when, at the end of the broad breasted, type. All breeders blood tooted ane government approved. Shorello" POULTRY -KEEPERS wandering son of the village, that he went up to Bill and made Turkey Ranch, Harrow, Ont. (� t nothing had changed since he had tour, himself known. Be sure of a good healthy bunch of baby chicks this season, 'Good chicks mean good HELP WANTED left many years before. Even the tramp whom he and -Bill .Daley, the "It's rand to see you here sti 1, g "I coming hens and more eggs. Place your order now and take advantage of the' early order discount, FARMERS, obtain farm labourers for spring, farm lahour, #actors son, lead christened Sunny .Old elan," he said, warmly, re- IOVCd the Old All breeders &1'e government banded and pull- Write 190xnerlenoed stud(., or practical famfltea and single Will be available for you Jim, was sitting there by the lodge member how yOlt „ orum4ested. Satisfaction guaranteed. for our 1960. catalogue sill prices, Monkton when needed, Contact Latvian Relief Asoocia^ tion, ago Bay St„ Room 1804, Toronto, Ont. gates tri his dirt and his happiness, place. Poultry Forme, Monkton, Ontario, ' cooking a stew identical with the horrible concoctions he had brewed, Bill gripped his outstretched hand. Gosh, Martin Gregory, by no YOU 'buy Your chicks to save money or make money? Think this over. A cent or MARRIED COUPLa without young children— wanted for country house near Hamilton, all those years ago when 1vlartin all that wonsierfui! YES, it was a the'diff cenee.b tweethYin o tr nd loss l ter On haverequired work ate h Partotime. Mause nmustWoman exper nce' ' r and Bill had been lads together. bit of luck being kept on here. It a This Year above all Years it will Day you to with riding horses. Sfate ages. Box Nd. 61, But now the estate had passed meant so much to me. insist on Quality chicles. It is the extra two or three laxer♦ eggs received at the right time 129 -11th St„ New Toronto, Ont. c to the National Trust and the ion ` $ " 'the estate being 'I read about that will make that extra profit. BUY Quality R1I9DICAII - line of the Catesbys was finished. taken over; and I felt I'd liketo Nfartiit toting a out ourhorn R.O.P,r7sired chicks, broiler READ THIS—Every sufferer of Rheu- .� ! t was with a kind of melancholy see the beech woods again, Onlekd, turkey poulta. laying and ready -to -lay matie Pains or Neuritis should try.. pride that Bill Daley led the first told him. "I've dreamed of 'em in pullets, . breeding cockerels. Free catalogue. Dixon's Remedy. party of visitors from the gate- the most outlandish places." Top Notch Chick Sales, Guelph, Ontario. MU DRUG STORE, ' BrFICIENCYI that,.is what You require when To house, up the drive, and in through Bill smiled understandingly, ass Elgin Ottawa the main doorway. _ Then his voice filled with emotion, the margin of profit gets narrower, Bet 100% efficiency you must have good chicks, 1.25 Express: Prepaid $ p ,great Icor a nionient, Uartin Gregory "It's a year almost to the day since good equipment, good feed and good manage- and most important of all these is the SUFF)sRFIRs from Rheumatic or.: Arthritte stood and watched. Then he , her Ladyship died. But it doesn't meut quality of chicks you buy. It Ie impossible to pains: If. you. cannot get relief, write' oz 320, Trauscona, Manitoba. glanced at Sunny Jim, who staredseem possible she isn't with its stili, get the maximum of results if you haven't back. ft It wasn't often Jim spoke; there are so many signs of hes chicks of good breed in6 to start with. The ma. Jority of Tweddle Barred Rock, White Rook, POST'S ECZEMA SALVE but lite happiness =which glowed goodness ' White Leghorn, White Wyandotte, Black Aus- eczema Banish the torment of dry eczema rashes from him. needed no Words. walked slow 'rilen w Th two lY The tralorp, and Rhode Island Red chicks are sired. high record oil els from tr ' reed a ker by R.O.F. Pedigreed and weeping akin troubles. f0rzema. Salve not disappoint Y oil. NO'FV 171 SnDkE slowly, as.; if : 1119 instrument' rusty n s _, flown t0 the „atehott� •tVhere„an- hens. There i no Question about 1t. R.O.P. mired bullets will produce more and the w111. tchmg, scaling, burning eczema, ache: voice were all other party of sights,.rs was be- m. .BBs mean additional DroRtp. All chicks pond worm, pimples and athlete's soot, will resent, through lack Of use. `I d go, too, if I was you, Sir,' he ginning to collect. extra from Government Approved, pullorum tested breeders, broiler chick., turkeys, laying pullet., readily to this stainless, odorless ointment, regardless of how stubborn ar hoviblese the$ wheezed. "NICE t0 'Car tell -'bout "1't seems as if we were still kids I breeding cockerels. Send for early delivery Free Twaddle' Chick. seem. FRICE 51.00 PER JAR er Ladyship. together, you and and Young + Bill `Such a .rise list: catalogue. Hatcheries Limited; Fergus,. Ontario. tient Poet Free on ftecep.# of Price Martin grinned at him. "All right, Jeremy," continued. tragedy he went too. Bilk then it g Y POST'S REMEDIES DEALERS wanted to take orders for chicks I Will. It's years since ,I've been ill I thought I'd like to ;, was a fitting end for a Catesby: for one of Canada's oldest established Government Approved Hatcheries—Rawleish, 8ge Queen St E., Corner of Leuan Toronto these parts. see the leaves before they fell, He lit, his pips and pointed. Watkins and Nursery Salesmen, feed men, im- element dealers and farmers wake excellent OPPORTUNITIES FOR :UEN AND W0.11F.N Sentimental, I suppose." "11.Ven old Sunny Jim's dere t0 wet.dealers.. Apply Box 12, 123 Eighteenth Street, New Toronto. _ BE A HAIRDRESSER He paid his money at the gate- come youl Queer how he turns up' 9'OIN CANADA'S Sc`Iio07- c BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIBG house, took his ticket, slid Crept every autumn. Remember haw tunny Le Great OnportunitY Learn into the great hall as Bill Daley he'd always arrive in time to see Then he'd dila- AN OFFnR to every Inventor—List of tnven. trona and full information sent free. 'The Hairdressing Fleasaat dignified profession, 9nod wake* i was warming to his theme. .Some whim prompted him to keep in the the leaves turn? appear again.' He laughed awk- Ramsay Co., Registered 'Patent 'Attorneys, 278 Bank Street, Ottawa, - — thousands successful Marvel graduated America's greatest system, illustrated cats- k background of the party where he wardly. "I expect it was only co-. Logue free. Write or Call MARVE7L HAIRDRESSTNC - DYEING AND" CLEANING wouldn't be noticed. incidence, really. You d hardly ex- HAVE YOU anything needs dyeing or clean- SCHOOLS qq "And that, Indies and gentlemen," pect a tramp to care. " tile? Write to us for anon, 360 Bloor St. W., Toronto t Branches, 44 King St. Hamilton Rill was saying, "is the portrait .of "No, hardly;" Martin agreed. questions. rt ere glad to analver Your auestione. Department H, Parker's Dye Works Limited. 791 Yong. & 72 Rideau Street, prtalva. r Lady Catesby herself, painted- a When the last QE'the visitors had street, Toronto, Ontario. '—� —' i WHY not employ spare time 1nefornei FOR SALE short time before she died." gone and 1rlartin had. supped with bore ably making socks, rues, etc,, for nelghbo The art lifted tis eyes Qom party Bill in his quarters at the manor, DID YOU KNOW that Hillkiead Forme, York, let and trace: ask for free colours. Pamphlet i with special offer on Verdun Home in4 the fireplace with its a.rinorial he sauntered down to'tbe gatehouse Ontario, have several reasonably priced dual ItaiLt .Machine. Used looms for ruse.: knitters. bearimgs to the picture above, and befgre• turning in for a last look at g ' Purpose Sborthorns, males and females, from recorded dams? Inquiries given Prompt at- worsted wool mill ends for knitters, etc.. low - est prices. Triton Canadian Co.. Box t674, 1'I stared in reverent silence at the' the house in the evening -light. tention. _ Place ,'Armes, Montreal. 2 ACRES, Good black loam, 190 acres tined. Two good houses, bath fin one. Two good painting—of a woman somehowSunny lacking in humanity. The famous ili sitting there, Jim was still ere, CATENT6 eq a?ti5t had succeeded in. showing no � and Martin held out a plug of to- baoco to him. barns, Water bowls in one. Other Hydro, telephone. On Puce Road, MaidstoneFETHERSTONHAUGN & flomyany Patextt more than he had been able. to dis- Township. Apply to owner, Dan MacRae, Solicitors Established .13sg 860 Bay Street, a F -of cover�•—a beautiful, empty shell. , "Guess you'd rather have a chew Ell No.,3,.Essex. Phone Pleasant Park .7R4. rorrmto.;, Booklet inturmation no mque*t, — "Sire was a very wonderful wom- than smoke," he said, with a grin.- rmio TosFWAGONS-Used, made of 2-lnoh eiron,. 2 wheels, 40" dial, with 2jfx" PERSONAL �t $11," Went on. - "The v' ?age The tramp took the tobacco.. and. - -equarIron rim. can be adapted. to -many uses on the Witt. grow, :gray hair? Write for my Prea .Bial will forget her," Theis a -d' stowed it away in some dingy inner farm. 825 each. Also large stocks of new Folder: Box 829, Transcona, Manitoba. ,never an exipres6m of devotion on his recess. lines flit hose, extinBulshers; nozzles and tire- fighting equipment. Dept, -W., Salvage Did- x SA1'ESIIIAN WANTEis face. He pointed a to the trees. p p Poaal Corp. Ltd., 311 Youville Square. Mont- CAN YOU TOP Tlil'S2 The almost trance -like look was !' " he remarked, Finder 'pretty, sal, Que. Set. 1927. THE reason we have successful salesmen now reflected in the eyes of his Martin nodded. Then, impulsively p OAK DESX LBTTEIR TRAYS—Used. 10"xlo' for home and office use. $1.26 each. Dept. averaging f' listeners. They, too, had read of he said, "They're lovely, too, in W., Salvage Disposal Corp, Ltd„ 911 Youville $100 AND \xURn A week in commissions and bonuses is the legend in their newspapers. > > winter, waren they're bare. Yau d Square, Montreal,. Que. Est. 1927. because: MILL ENDS—Rayon Crepe—long lengths— newest shades, Black, navy, wine, brown, As Martin listened, the old spell ' like em. I Expect things'Il loosen 1—we teach you how. Experience Is- un - began to fall on him. It was true , U a bit now her Ladyship's one. pg green and smoke crystal, $1.90 per yard. 2—Our national and internaUmial advertisin,c Ournece natio every word of it --the houses she Maybe you Could find yourself a . Cheque or•moneY order must accompany order. Sample Swatches on request. S4lvage Disposal in newspapers, magazines, radio broad- casts helps you. head built in the village, the well- corner somewhere around, where Corp. Ltd., Dept. W., 311 Youville square, 3—Rapid advancement to the right person. equipped schoolalouse, the prize you'd be snug dnd dry. There's a Montreal, Que. Est, 1927. If you are over 23 years of age write $or SOLID -heavy tinned mux pall, filled 40 lbs. golden light amber honey (no buckwheat), horde, the famous beech woods, the gamekeeper's shack in the woods No. 50, 123 -18th Street, New Toronto. Include your name, address and phone number. model farms, that hasn't been used for years, so $6.76 each, 2 palls $11. Ontario Honey Pro - And yet, it seemed there was Air. Daley tells me," ducers Co-operative, 6 Defries Street, Toronto. WANTED _ FORD Tractors. New and used, FOrd. more happiness in the grimy fact, Sunny Jim's face broke into a WHITI] Holland Turkey Body feathers wanted. Particulars illustrated folder. K. P, Holl -- of the Old tramp—the proverbial delighted grin, showing broken ian or Tractors. 194" Bus Chassls—cars— trucks. tiI. Chapman, Millbrook, Ont, on ander, 707 Read Building, Montreal, Quebec. poor nwn at the gate—than in thank i Irene, Lady Catesby. teeth. "It's an idea, sir," he Said. "I'm sure , er Ladyship wouldn't PANTED TO PURCHASE YI RIFLES: •306 ),as Enfield military 10 shot bolt fine But if there were doubts in Mar- 'have approved, but now, I guess action repeaters. Cood condition and for remodelling• $27.60 each, Limited supply. -Equipment CURLING rocks wanted at once. Write Capital Equipment Company, 2098 St. Catherine W., tin's mind, there were Wane in I'll give It a tr." 8 Y Will ship C.O.D. Capitol Company, 2098 St. Catherine St. W.. Montreal, Que. Montreal 26, Quebec. Ball's. He,'Ilke Martin, had been through the war, but it seemed to Then something flashed into Martin's mind—suddenly, like a Wire—In northern France thieves 54 INCH iced Circular .Saw, solid tooth. e7. V. ADAHS, 10 Morrow, Toronto. pICON, that to the place, Fleton, ontarlol . have. left him untouched, as X in voice speaking that wasn't his clipped live miles out of a live tele- the core of hits being there stilt Own. Fonts, we would like to introduce our used hone line. a p f remained this vision, this faith in a He swung open the gates and clothing store ed you .vhtah carries no the very beat line of used clothing. Also new clothing be legend. with a gesture that was in no way at a cut-rate price. We are not a big concern but hanale all orders personalty. We guar- Then he directed his hearers' gaze hung be- ironic, he swept Off his hat, and antes satisfaction or Your money gladly re - � dearly Crazy towards the picture which said: funded. For further information, write today Used Clothing Store, �• side that of Lady Cotee'by, of Rog- "Welcome home, rrf Lordl" Y for Price list tot Rodaer's Platen, Ontario. �g�. With fiery itch— or, her husband. Here, too, was perfection. A beautiful love story, For a moment the tramp regard- himblink. Then with him rF. Until I discovered Dr, D. D. Dennis' amazing- ly fast relief D. D. Prescrlptlon. World HOIXESPUN YARN—made of ions virgin wool warm—long wearing—suitable for cut short b the death of his lord- y whip. He was drowned on his way ed without a dignity, he collected 1149 few ludic- —extra eoeks—etw 4-p sweaters and other woollen gar- menta. 2-3-4-D13', white, grog, royal blue, paddy ure popular, this pure, cooling llquid medication fiy speeds peace and comfort from cruel itching by les, " t0 join am to freC some belongings and moved slow? g g Y ren ,scarlet, maroon, yellow, brown, heather, g e twist, $1.98 lb•, eczema, elm rashes, atihlete'r Mserous 9eot a ! of and other itch troupbles. Tda1 battle. 350 expedition J p obscure European COuritTy from file through the gates. black, fawn, white and grey 10 lbs, or over, $1.50 Ib, delivered. Northland itrst application checks oven the mostintense itor money back. Ask druggist•for D, D. A. yoke of another. When he 'spoke, his voice had oweater Patterns 26o each. Adults; deer, bear, Presortptioa (ordinary or extra strength), a Bill Daley's geography was ae " changed. She was a maniac for Indian design, curling. Childs; deer, bear, dog a ta squirrel, dancer, Indian design, 7mitting ; unreal as his grasp of life, but there perfection was Irene," he muttered. aeadles 26c pair, Mary Maxim, Box 120. Slfton. a ISSUE 1 — 1950 was no mistaking his sincerity ss "And in the end, it' would have Manitoba. he told a story of deathless gal- driven me mad. I suppose the boy l t couldn't stand it either. She was an ry. The audiente sighed nostalgical- never meant for this world. She's much better suited where she s ly. Not even Hollywood had con» ceived anything like this. And now gone," Now there was a ghost of it focussed its gazed on the next a smile on his weatherbeaten face. portrait, of young Jeremy Catesby, 1 tried to keep away, all those Years. But.—it was the beech woods their only son. And here, again, was that lustre of heroism; for he that drew me back. I loved em, had lost his life on a climbing ex. you know—always sthall. pedition in Africa, He raised his battered hat in It was then, as Bill's voice went salula.tion. on eulogizing, that Martin's clear T1he1•e was moisture in Martin's doctor's brain began to question. eyes as he watched hint go tap the Why had young Jeremy—whom her drive towards the gamekeeper's had known as a quiet, gentle lad, a Shack. But why should there be? bookworm at heart—gone off into He had his beloved woods to add a dark continent that could have to the precious treasure of freedom held no attsaetion for hien, and died and independence, in a test of physical endurance for The last of the Catesbys was which he was utterly unsuited? home . . I I Roney and Hank A -Y Seeg :..