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Zurich Herald, 1949-12-29, Page 8
ZURICH • ONTARIO ID ZURICH HERALD( Qui (TENS OF LOCAL INTEREST sr. PETER'S 4 G Miss Meda Surerus of thesionto Evans slical Lutheran Church VP • Teac.lhing Stasi is holidaying et her UIUCH ONTARIO 4G1 Miss d [iEV E. W I-I�EIMRICH I'A 1 h 9� �I "yuuis a llr Where the Spirit C ristm PREVAILS Throughout the past Year we ,have enjoyed Your Friendship in Business So it is with real Pleasure We Wish You and Yours rA ,r erry .,.. hrist And a Happy and Prosperous John E. Gascho Flossie Brown 4Q0erase . N: o 4Qp TELEPHONE 59 4 ua 8 els oaeoceeoete Herb Turk home here, STOFt Anita Datars who is attend- ing the Normal School at Stratford, 1t} soot: Divine Services. L spending the holiday season w t 11.15 a.m. —Sunday School. her parents, Mr and Mrs . Datars. ! 7.30 pm—Divine Worship. Miss :s.2argaret Fuss. (nurse` al Marathon, is spending the holiday Everybody Welcome to ally Services, season at the biome of her parents, Mr and Mrs. Henzy1 Fuss. • Mr. Kenneth Dietrich who is at- tending College at Toronto, is holi- daying at his home, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dietrich, Goshen rine north. Miss Mae Smith of Deep River; Mi�i'sYgr and Fit. Lieut. Harold Williamson I Mss. dlFiltam O i'st —Organist • of Centralia, were week -end visitors.: S ay Siltou esu at the home of the former's parents, 110:00 a.m.-Divineworship. Mr and Mrs. C. L. Smith. I Miss Pauline Haberer, who is at.. i 11.00 ems—Bible. Bible. School. tending Waterloo Collee, am Miss 7:3'0 p.m.--Diidne Worship: Welconne at alit Servi ese--' Corp Florence Haberer of London, ere Ido: thee holidaying with their -parents- , thou with us and: we, wilt -parents- ,M�° good" 1�Guml.1t©;29:. and Mrs. Theo. Haberer Mr and Mrs. Chas. Pelford` of Lon- i don and Miss Arvis Hauerer and friend of Toronto, spent Christmas holidays at the home "of theirr. parents Mr. and Mrs. Ferd Haberer, 400 400 Qr 4G hein� ZURICH Edwin Gascho ysdale e ,tore We are very grateful to our Many Customers for the kind patronage you have accorded us, and may these fine relations continue to grow, as we extend to one and all: JOHN DENOMY - DRYSDALE Phone 98 r 1 EMMA UEL EVANGELI•CA,.L. L'1,. B., CHURCH Zurich --• Ontario, REV H.. E. ROPPEL II THANKING ALL OUR. CUSTOMERS e e 0 1. cr e R 5 D .i 0 5, 5. 0 b. a• v ursday, December 29th, 134) 1'.0.11111111, 1111111111111111111II II'cu1Il11H1M11111111 IIIINIIII II 11111 IIIII1111111111111111111111IIUII III 11011111111 11111 11111111111111111111111111111114 6 0,0 WE TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY IN ;Ir. Arthur Truemnerr, ants son .john of Tor,,nto, visited 'at.the home of his sisters, Mr. and Mrs,' Win.. S. Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. Milne Rader and Mr and Mrs Theo. Rader over the Christmas holiday=: ." Had Successful 'Sehroil'Concert chi g is • uron . Erie D&ben.ture•-LSA CANADA TRLi'ST COMP'AN'Y' CERTIFICATES The Teachers of our local school SOLD AND RENE'WED deserve much credit elomg."with the 2 1/2 % per, Annum, payable half - program f.',.,1 parent:•,, for the; -splendid yearly upam $1nn and over for a- pt°Deism they rendered at the year town or 5 Years. hall- on Friday evening, Every num- ber was well rendered and we are J. W. HABERER - REP.. pored of our talent in this common- Zurich,.Ont. ity 'and the lovely spirit that aecomp- Phone 16.1. Pnied it. The unseasonably warm weather, THE NOMINATION which we, have had over the week•r. . -- end war cooled off on Tuesday night I The Nomination on Monday after - when the mercury dropped well he-' The in the town hall was very larg law the freezing point. A new high a ely attended, and considerable en- temr,eratUre record has again been thuJasm was shown, but 'the old sit f r the time of year. A. bit more "fire" of years gone by seems to be frost and sea sw onable. eather wo':ld,missing. We are living in a direr• be most welcome, especially now that exit area. People do things different the Arena is so nearly esses ^h^*s'1 v c'• ! in a more gently and diplomatic way l like to see the steel blades go instead of getting all excited Lind l.imming over the ice. i heated up about trifles. The follow - C O M M U N I T Y ing, is a slate of the nominations. WASTE PAPER COLLECTION • oe m • oe 0 • se • 0 • do•a ;;u.O 19Ss aUis5):4 : . - HARDWARE — SEEDS and FURNITURE 0 8 On Tuesday, January 3rd in the afternoon. the pup's of Zurich Willett, Gus Roche, L. II. Pa , School will collect waste paper and Oscar Klopp, Win. Haugh, Earl Campbell. FOR THEIR PAST PATRONAGE AND WISH ONE AND ALL The Seass ' Gre tings 0 Rider• • For Reeve: - l e,.,rge , Armstrong, Oscar Klopp, Earl Camp e h.ese itz k htiare Zurich Phone 63 _ :1111111., 1111111111111111111111111lhlhhII11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIfil111IIIIIIIIIIIllll11111n 111111111111111111111llllllllllglll! R • 4- 4 • 4' • a•• m• • 4. + 0 • ••• ••, i 4 R 1 bell. For Councillors: V. L. Becker, F. der 3.4 • • • • rags. Please tie newspapers an, smooth finished paper magazines . b �I Severely in separate unles Co'-^ School Trustees: Theo. Steinbach, rtmatecl and other paper. cartoons Ray Fisher, Carl Haberer. should be flattened and tired in. bunre read - dles. Please place bundles on the ftether the, Mr.i natio-ISBrekenshI sidewalk in front of your homofe or ,the Clerk was appointed as chairman for a public meeting at which the various candidates had an opportun- ity to discuss matters. Reeve Armstrong explained the re- place sof business before noon, Tues- day nest. AIR STATION SOLD The sight of the former R.A.F. sta- 141111111i 1i111 1!' l illllliitn•. 1/61 •,:ktae���l�l�„ TO OUR MANY CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS WE WISH TO . EXTEND Greetings,. AND MAY THE NEW YEAR BRING,US ALL PROSPERITY AND HAPPINESS, AND -A CON- TINUANCE OF OUR FRIENDLY BUSINESS RELATIONS ZURiGH O T QUALITY - PRICE 4. IliiUllllliililillilllillll�{Iiiii1111@ililiiiiili6111@11111@@�iiliiiilllililllillill{Illlilli{{II{{ hire Ede d You the Furniture: vreet Phone. 122, Zurich tion at Bort Albert, and also of the ason for the high taxes, the high cost -E.- October, 1946, International . plowing ibthings the County has to. keep up match. has been sold to Reg. McGee many things like Court House, Judge M of Goderich. Mr. McGee of Goderich. I and other officials, County Homo Mr. McGee .obtained official possess -@which may have to introduce new re. ; gulations such as providing accom.n- 1 ion on December 16th. There were a- bout 16 tenders for it when it was advertised for sale some time' acres - in are approximately in all. The sale price was undisclosed. With its purchase by Reg. McGee the (former air statiion goes' back to its former owners, since part of the land i; a portion of the old McGee homestead. One hanger z!einains on the field. This is owned. lay a Ham- ilton man and Will remain -ion the field pending further 'developriients. HYMENEAL. - McCloy - Hess' ation to gld couples going there 50 they can occupy the same room, ani LAID AND MAINTAINED. Free Estimates Gladly Given other things which will involve much expenditure. Huron County tax rte is amongst the lowest • in Ontario, . ,77,311110 At the County Hoarse they have a fine herd of pure ,bred cattle woo t I .,...,..1.4-4•+++++++++++++++++++++ , •'r e.i-•�-44444K•-s ++++•i 4.4.4.•;..g.•l•.£ .1,,;, '•�^++,II•4.dr't' i+ e. +4,• •d' $44,4,' tA4 11111111 11111111111 IIIIIEWSMI11113111811117112Ma1111111M111MIlliMlilm L OR TiLE 111111 • • • • 4 f FOR The Best In Mastic Tile .Floor GET``' 1 TILE - EX ALSO. CLEANERS AND WAXES Manufactured by The Flintkote Company, Toronto, Ont. See Your Local Agent HN M. TURKHEIM Phone Zurich 174 9111111111111 111 11111111111111111.1111 IIIIiI911191Ib'III 111-14111 Iptl7ftyfir,iuul:nn,jnp>>gl'io3iiitlf A quiet but lovely wedding was solemnized at the home sof .. Mr and Dirs. George Hess, Hensall -on Satur- day, December 17th, at 1;2 noon,when daughter Ruth Allan Ilesw> bas at least about $20,000. Which is great asset to the County. it Councillors Earl Campbell, Oscar I t (?Topp Irvin Willert and V. L. Bec- her, went over the Work in their dike tricts, explaining what was done. •For the school board, Bruce Tuc- key, the -thairman was the first spea- ker stated that many changes had to be made in the School Area, schools needed many repairs, and changes. Some have no water, and it would require much expenditure to have this rectified. He was followed by - came ame the bride sof Jack Laurence Mc- F. B. Horner, Mr. Tinney, 'le Cloy, Toronto, son of D. A. McCloy, Steinbach and Ray Fsher, who stated of. Stratford and the late, Mrs. Mc- that a ohild should have plenty of Cloy. The ceremony was performed ;stood wholesome water. James ile be, Rev. R. A. Brook, under an arch Allister, a member of the Exeter Di.s- of silver, evergreen with blue candel_ trice IIigh School Area spoke on the alma. Soft organ music ' was played preceding the wedding, and, during the signing of the register. Given in marriage by her ,father, the at- tractive bride wore a green street - length gown with geld' accessories. - + o was gold roses and mum,. Miss , Ilea 'Jelled], as bridesmaid was gowned affairs, being councillor and. reeve of ill rcuttching green with green acce.- Dries and large ,bronz mums corsage sirs Robert Moore, Toronto, attended the erotm. For .the reception held at is 1 the l,ride's home, Mrs. Hess chose a . wind. co.stl'me with a yellow corsage ' o'' b kids , „ms. Pink and white Was 1 t',F• colo • cherne of the dining room, • stile the bridal table centred a three . ti r •e dding cake and pink tapers in silver holders completing the table decorations. Baskets of white mums lent an added charm to the room. Ap Serving were Miss Joey Cook, Lon- don; Miss Doris. Allen, ltxeter, rall- owing a wedding trip to. Toronto and other points, Mr and Mrs. IVfcCloy' will reside in Toronto where the groom is attending U.n:ivei"siiy of Tor- onto, class of 191;0, Civil Engineer- ing faculty. d new school.at Exeter; he was follow- t Phone 69 ed by Albert Ralbfleisch who urged 11 f better education for our Younth, I + kks,I=fir �sseess tees ewes essay sense a ass.e ee.e.'` .a.4.4.4, .e...e.s es vrr as the times demandgreater ._�-___ better education. ox t and 1 e Can Supply Yo With LUMBER MILLWORK SASH TEN -TEST DOORS MASONITE PAINTS BUILDERS' HARDWARE ASPHALT ROOFING WAX AND ALL TYPES OF BUILDING SUPPLIES F. C. KALB LEIISCH SON ZURICH The newly nominated Councillors, Hee L. H. Rader of Pashwood, woo has M LenoreN rminton of had a long experience in Municipa Hay Township for years, and also a Warden of Hunan County while as a reeve, thought it was high time for a halt inthe upward trend of taxation. W. H. Haugh also expres- sed the same opinion. Mr. Gus Roche, as councillor had many good thoughts which he brought out , this was interspersed with a fine touch of -..bis "tri h l'rurri.or." In fact it was interesting to listen the many &versified thought of the various speakers. And what an amount of study and practice it must take to memorise all those stories that were told, some of which would hardly be, in order to repeat at a Sunday School gathering. Just at the moment we cannot tell whether there will be air eleetion or not, but will find. oui jus@• before publishing. .. 1 MassevIa riV TO ALL OUR FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS WE EXTEND a 'fel.. Shop 149 Oscar Kiopp Rau.. 6/ AUCTION@ ERING AC YOUR SRRVICR