HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1949-12-29, Page 5ZURICH • ONTARIO ZURICH HERALD ZURICH HERALD ,Au orized as second class mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa.. BUSINES CARDS John W. Orchard OPTOMETRIST Main Street -- Exeter Open Every Week Day Except Wednesday Phone 355J LICENSED AUCTIONEERS Oscar K1oPP LICENSEDCUA TIONEER 41f1/11cell Any't'hing;:, Anytilne, Any- where' • • Telephones: Shop .149. ' Res. 67 Zurich Central ALVIN WALPER Licensed Auctioneer -Specializing In - 'aarib and .Purebred Livestock Sales "Service That Satisfies" Phone 57r2. R. 1, DASHWOOD E. F. CORBETT ' • LICENSED AUCTIONEER Terms Reasonable, Satisfaction Guaranteed EXETER,' R. R. I Phone , _lith 92r7. VETER1NARIA•N Dr. W. B. COXON, B.V. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON Ofdee with Residence, Main Street, Opposite Drug Store no/le-96 ZURICH .�— BUTCHERSuric..:-_.,..m�,. bSi Popular MEAT MARKET T -.et Us supply®u with the y ;Tery Choice of Fresh and Cur - MI Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Etc., always on' hand. Kept fresh in Electric -Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins Yuugblut & Son PRODUCE Silverwood DAIRIES Put Your Want, For Sale Lost, Found, Ete. Ads. in this Column. FOR SALE A 10lf, inch Veesot grinder almost new. Priced to sell.—Nlenno •Steckle, Phone Honaali 98 r 13, FOR SALE Frame dwelling in Zurich, with barn and three lots at reasonable price, For further particulars apply to Allan. Schwartzentruber, 13ox 97, New Hamburg, Ont. NEUHAUSER CHICKS Neuhauser Hatcheries, 81 King St., London, Ont. FOR SALE 1946 Pontiac Sedan in good condit- ion, has heater, etc. A nice clean car. -=Gid Koehler, Phone 191. * FOR SALE Brooder House 10x14 feet, 'very good condition: --Arthur Sreenan, Phone 83 r 21, Zurich. WANTED Boys Skates, size 13. — Meyers 129. • Phone. FOR SALE $775.00 buys 11 acres of land, Easat of Zurich town limits. Suitable for home site and make your expen- ses off the balance of land.—Apply to Herald Office, Zurich. FOR SALE Sprayed Apples — Spies, Green- ings, Kings, Bellflower, etc. Phone Clinton 61 r 24. Fred McClymonf, Varna, Ont. p7t-* FOR SALE NOTICE WHITEWASHING & CLEANING Arrangements can be made Bill. Watson Dashwood — Phone 35x19 OLD STEAM THRESHING ENGINE CATALOGUES Thresherman's Magazines and Pic- tures Wanted for historical collect- ion. Cash • Market for Cream, Eggs and,, Poultry Have Your. Eggs Graded on our AUTOMATIC EGG GRADER LeRoy O'Brien, Manager 'hone 101 Zurich Zuricii Your Home Market fold a,Ceataa Eggs and Poultry Highest Casb Pikes paid plus I a prernium for deli% crec[cream <We Jaz Pquipped to give eff i- 'caent ;accurate service. Egg mind Poultry .' : department in charge of Mr. T. Meyers. Chas, Mtnshall, Proprietor INSURANCE Bern Farmers' Mutual Feather Insurance Co. OF WOODST,1 CK THE LARGEST.. 12PS1 RVE BAL- ANCE .OR ANY CANADIAN MUT- UAL ,COMPA NY.DOTNi BUSINESS OF THIS KIN!') IN ONTARIO .. Amount of Insurance at Risk on December37x'': 1946 $73,699,236.00 Total Cash in lie)* and Bonds. $444,115.39 Rate..on Application i7itlA "/,.^M KLOPP_Zb•JRICH AGENT Write : H. S. TURNER Goderich - Ont. LOCAL NEWS Mx. Ward Fritz is spending a few days in Toronto this week. Rev, and Mrs, Lloyd Kal'bfleisch of Elmira were visitors with their rela- tives in Zurich this week. Mrs. Jacob Meidinger has returned home after a live weeks' visit at.thc, home of her sister, Mrs. A. Foster at London. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ducharme of the 13. W: Highway spent a couple of dues with Mr and Mrs Kuno Hartman. Mr. and Mrs. •Stuart Stover and son; of Chatham spent a few days over the Chri itmas holiday •at t1•e home of of their parents, Dr. and Mrs. P. J. O'Dwyer. Mr. Victor Hartman and Miss Irene Girard of Windsor; Mr. and Mrs. Louis Farwell and family spent Christmas with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kuno Hartman, Goshen south. Mr and Mrs Earl Thiel and fam- ily have returned home after a loveiiv Christmas week -end visit at the home of their sister, Mr. and Mrs. Morley Witmer in Detroit. Mr and Mrs Batestone and laugh- ter Jean tot Toronto; Mr and Mrs. Chas. Carr of South Bend, Indiana, enjoyed the Christmas holiday at the home of the Turkheim - families un town. AREA on -the table'. k* the meal is ready! The Management of the Tasty -Nu Bakery and the Entire Staff wish each and every one A MERRY CHRISTMAS And a PROSPEROUS- NEW YEAR Our Many Thanks for the poet year's Patronage Baking Sale Postponed The 'Community Baking Sale which was to be held on Saturday, Decem- ber 31st has been postponed until a future date. Was Taken to Hospital Mr. Henry H. Neeb we. taken as a patient to St. Joseph's Iiospital, London. His many friends wish him a speedy recovery. Mr. Jack O'Brien, who is In the Canadian Navy, has returned to Dartmouth, N.S. after enjoying the Christmas vacation with his wife and child here at the home of his parents, Mr and Mrs. Lennis O'Brien. The Christmas week -end passed of very quietly and with any unus-` ua:l excitement. Some 17 people met death one way or another again in Canada which is only too bad, as if the right precautions were taken, most of these mishaps would be av- oided. 'So let's all try and do better for New Year's. • The annual Christmas Program held in St. Peter's Lutheran church on Saturday evening enjoyed a spl- endid attendance and the numbers given by the little folk along with the pageant were well rendered. Rev E. W. Heimrich, pastor, presented the ..gifts to those of perfect attend= dance in the Sunday School. My Trip to Europe (By Rev. Father L. Marchand) Tasty -Na Bakery. PHONE 100 — ZI1RICP Since I had to go on as the Wan- dering Jew the next point 'of inter- est at which I arrived was Citeaux: This is where St. Bernard had lived and attained to sanctity. The mon- astery at this point was founded in 1109. Being tired, I was forced to rest here for three da . The priests that follow the rule o t St. Bernard, never at meat, eggs, or cheese, : r do they drink milk. Like the great saint of old, I lived on fruits and vegetables. The only advantage to me from this regime was that I lost some weight.; The more I travel, the more I am becosning a oosnplete isolationist. The people of Canada and the United St- ates are simply being hoodwinked by the scoundrels of Europe, We are sacrificing our ;young people and our money to keep up all their wars. The Europeans look upon our statesmen as upon .persons of the, mentality of children. Roosevelt was misled by Stalin and ,Company' at the different conferences held here. We art no match to these hypocrites. Europe is drenched with .blood, and divided by religious animosities. Finally I arrived at Domremy, the birth -place. of St. Joan :of Arc. I visited her home and said Mass in. the old church in which she was bap- tized and received her First Holy Communion. I went to the spct where she received her heavenly visitors, - St. Michael, St. Margaret, and St. Catherine., A beautiful church has been erected here. I had to walk 3 miles from the railway statin to Pomremy. erred wine sells for 25 cents. If one I .am now on my way to Paris. I should ask for tea, the host would have heard of Paris in earliest child_ interrogate whether one were ill. I hood. I have dreamed of being there try to keep within the limits of one pint of wine per meal, but I am tir- ed of it. I would much rather drink water or tea. But one must fellow the customs of the people of the co- untry in which one lives. I find the French people very vol- uble. One Frenchman can talk more than ten women in LaSalle. The nuns here travel alone, not In pairs as they do in Canada.. You can see: then pushing wheel -barrows in the streets, and working like amen. No, usually travel by blhycle. All the cows here are belled, What Finally I am on my way there. The priests • of Europe cermet anderstan" how I can stand the strain of such a trip. Had I known in advenct, 1 should not have undertaken this trip. .But once begun, T must lnish, come -what may. I shall not give up. Sept. 19: I am leaving Belgium to visit .Switzerland. Every country that I have seen so far seemed truly beautiful. But Switzerland surpasses '];hem all at least in one respect: its lefty mountains. Being a montain- one pays any attentign WI them. They ous country it is fit only for grazing. where '. ' din, when they wind their ways saintly ne:t stop was at Asa' the saintly Jean Vianney in the last In ,Switzerland you see boys swim - centime had been cure'. I visited hi: • ming in silvery waters. You are sti.r- home, and saw the,, walls, wrtllyn which he did penances -still staiindd with his blood. 1 saw the bed, had been get afire by an evil sp e In compliance with the wish of a present, ;1,astor of this church, I r;1ia 4YIaei at the tomb, whete .011eased in p•laa, the, body of St sedan Vianney IS pa'•fectly presefeta from corrupt- ion 'iteto the present day. It was the day of the cleaning of the school. The cure waisted to preach a sermon to the children while I said the Mass. I sat hi the confessional in which the saint had spent most of his days ap d nights. I also knelt where his penit- ents e ents had knelt. I also ascended the pulpit, whence the saint preached, and said Mass with his chalice. My eat stop was at•Paray le M cit SCENE -STEALER • For the twa_and-a-half years before tithe started school this fall, five-year- old Sandra Miller was iheara with her announcer -father in the Kiddie's Corner 'period of CI+M Montreal's early morning. It's Time to Wake-up Sandra is now heard across the co- untry with her Dad, Charles Miller; Tsars -Canada's Saturday Story -- t F < 5 1 Thursday, December 29th, 1949 Wiilert Wood Prodocts (Trade Name Reg.) OFFERS THE FOLLOWING SERVICES: Auto Body Work — Cars Spray Painted. . Re -upholstered - Crome Mouldings - Door Handles, Window Cranks, .Auto Glass - Weather Stripping - Leatherette and all Auto Body Accessories - W unac Refrigerators - Domestic and Commerc- ial, sizes 9 to 26 cu. feet, net capacity. Waanac Vortical Type Freezer, approximate cap. 7 cu. ft; Gilson unit, fully guaran- teed from defects in workmanship and material. MIIiSCELLANEOUE FARM MACHINERY Ezee Flow Fortil- izer Drills, Post Hole Diggers; Garden Tractors; Clean Easy Milkers; Hydraulic Units,' Etc. C. I. L. Auto Paints; Duco grid Delux; Polishes and Waxes, etc. WHITE ROSE GAS AND OILS— We Duplicate wooden Farm Machinery Parts, bring sample. CARS WASHED- POLISHED and WAXED! DUNLOP FOAM RUBBER CUSH IONS. Ivan W illert ' - Zurich Phone 210 bio14 FEED CO-OP 18`% HATCH MASH AVAILABLE AT He ;sai. Dist. Co -Operative HENSALL and ZURICH CUZZISTRESRIIMIE2SESiaRMEEMEME1033722,14 rounded by beautiful flowers. -Look- ing up you see the• ';now -capped mountain Peaks,'s I started to go up :1V11 Hiatus. It rxiade me 'diver. Bui: mainly because I w she ddligbflep 1. refused to''ga up iale, where Our Lord appeared toe . been Margaret NI.ary AdcMass atathe [ two and in each one I altar° the greatest courtesy, perhapsbe- upon days here. I saidpriest. I have never upon which Christ appeared tot the cause hoeor ed much in Cnn inns I also visited a celebrated shrine of the Blessed Virgin Mary at Eins- eiden. I will tell you about it when I 'come back to LaSalle. I three days at beautiful Lake Lucerne The women of Switzerland do not smoke, nor do they use cosmetics. They are real mothers and daughters. The people are very polite. The men raise their hats even to one another. I also visited Lauzane and Genera, and today I am leaving for France. I have now visited six countries, a program of imiganary travel anti.] saint. T wanted to see the spo•' i adventare roe' pre-ch.00l-alters, heard 'saint. the saintly nun saw Our Lord. The people of 'Europe seem very nno hint]: Noor, that the Russians have tlte�ta et- Satttrct: iv i at t2.$0 pan, the cloister behind a heavy I would dike to veil. I pleaded with the in,butcharge 'o lomic bomb, over here, because it will he n lot to draw back the curtain, na if , safe• here than in America. But T IS 100 YEARS OLD John Hannah, of Winnipeg, form- erly of the Seaforth di: trict, recently celebrated has 100th (birthday; l3 •ern in Huron co.inty, i n •was engtgc'd °n the . creamery and farming business ! many sinal 1 Tl movod west to can see the remains of bt. Borneo-' avail. Next morning, however, in answer to prayer, I was permitted to see the cloisters and the nuns at_ will return when my trip is over, I feel that the hardest Part o¢' • 0 0 ft 0 st 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 e 2 my trip will now be beginnttr i e -i 0 p As one travells to. Nevers, one cause in these '" Catholic countr'c• (there will be so many places of pil" s, notice, that France is strewn with 1 ebatoaex. At Nevel's, ons ' r.image to visit. They will require \ 5 near Seafort t. e s thought, meditation and time. ff Man., in 1900. ,.tte tioubirry.aus of Lourdes .rn Do not worry over ire. T hay, i Portage la I'tairi(r' asevrr fe , 'better in my life than 11 "till spry and able to get around, . Ilcre her bodice is miractrlou,ly prose- . '- , do today; though, I do admit, tie: i Mr. Thema journeyed to Swan River, ' rved intact. 1 examined it very t;ili-: travelling is a vc„v str or ,tc.,,a i en., for ci birthday patty given by ly. She was short Her fingernails are ! n -in -lav, He has four sons rine[ a.till pink. She appears to be sic�epm” • anti trying way to live. a do the : u ': tending. • l for f 0 i WE'RE READY TO HELP YOU yt, w zirei YOUR CAR represen is a major investment. It deserves the best of care—and that's what we're ready to give.it. Whether it's a ::omplete lubrication job or just a battery check, we really try to give good, thorough Imperial service --the kind that will keep you corning back. .We'd appreciate a chance to show you what we can do. Hector- "'Fortier 1130 Dealer izx Lightning Rola f,;tii d lu•�'htery liv ui�� lh gt•arlc h:l ;1 said �Ia�, at set altar So. goodbye, l+"[[fife:• ,Marrhatnrl. ;� sand all kinds of Fire Insurance (t.. ,� , �'' l,t I tl in 1111... panplc of LaSrtlh'. { f ST. JOSEPH SERVICE STATION COR. No. 84 & 21 HIGHWAYS TO OUR ' FRIENDS IMPERIAL 4 DEALER MANY PATRONS AND WE . WISH YOU ALL erry erry Christ '0,4scli Shli as recti We Greatly Appreciate the Kind Business Relations .Accorded Us the WE THANK YOU I Main St. Hardware Store Past Year and say: Phone 213 (