HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1949-12-29, Page 4OFFICIAL OPENING
Tory Gregg, CKNX Sports Announcer, and Thos.
Pryde, M.L.A., and other Officials will assist in the
Official Opening of the Hay Township Memorial.
Community Centre and A. C. ,'Babe" Siebert Mem-
orial Arena
This event ,.narks the near completion ot ' a
project which will form a lasting tribute to the care-
ful planning and diligent toil of those =embers of
the community who appreciate the value of such a
Community Centre.
The sum of approximately $18,00.0 has been
spent to date on the building and it isbelieved that
about $5,000 more, in addition to expected Gov-
ernment Grants, will be needed to complete it.
Persons wishing to contribute to the building fund.
need not wait for canvassers to call, but may leave.
their donations at the Bank of Montreal in Zurich.
There :is still opportunity for you to do your part
in an effort which will benefit your community tor
years to come.
The program for the opening night will include:
addresses by prominent officials, bingo and other
games, and dancing to a popular orchestra. A bea-
utiful chair will be given as a door prize and there.
will be a draw for ten valuable prizes.
Plan to attend this once-in-a-lifetime event.
Watch for further announcements giving details of
the program.
Proverbs 11.4: 12; 16:25.
John 14: 6.
LIFE, John 3: 10
TUNE IN—Hear CHAS. E. FULLER, Box 123, Los Angeles,
STATION CHUM -1050, Toronto, Sundays 9. to 10. A.M.
WCAR, 1130, Pontiac, Mich., Sunda ys at 12 to 1.00 p.rn.
.s the highway noticed 'many sect' areae., Mrs. Russell Erratt; re-
lish worms crawling about. It sure is cording seey, Mrs. Elgin McKinley;
a very •unusual for 'this time of year, literature secy., Mrs. Anson McK.in-1
Comment— ley; corr. secy., Mrs. J. McKinley;
Well, Christmas has again passed by press Secy, Mrs, Clare McBride; sup -
and it has left in its trail peace and ply, seey, Mrs. J. Armstrong and
happiness. Families rejoicing together Mrs. Clare Me]ride; Miss. Monthly
in festivity, extending greetings and secy., Mr> Murray Rohner; Associ-
good wishes;, all for those :who. hal ate Helpers secy, Mrs. Allan erm..:
peace of mind, for those vali•ase•'Ira, ,t str eng; Christian Steward secy,. Airs.
thought was for the Babe rn the Robt. McKinley; Temp. seey., Mrs.
crib, and as well for these with .a
spiritual inclination, But for others
who have truant minds, , one of dia-
bolical passions and one to domin-
ate, their Christmas day• was not sale
of •joy for them. But rather one of
despair and grief and for those of
us who live in Hope let the past
Christmas day be one to bestow upon
us its precious blessing throughout
our lives.
A .Green Christmas
The Village Library which start-
ed early this year held its annual
meeting with the chairman of the
?board, H. Wainwright, presiding. The
librarian, Mrs. Myers, gave a report
•of satisfactory progress during its
fir..st year. The audited accounts sho-
Need a credit balance to start the aiaar. The following member.: were
elected for 1950. Mrs. E. Desfardine
Master Barry Hamilton, Mrs. L. 'las-
+or., Mrs. J. Manure, Mrs. A. Menore,
Mrs. A. Hamilton, H. Wainwright,
oral one to be appointed from the
--vi:loge trustees.•
iJ A S H AV Q.ct i.?,
Santa Claus parade on Saturday
afternoon was headed by Dashwood
$:'ass Band much to the delight of
the children and equally pleasing to
the older folk who were on hand
from the surrounding district. The
:children were treated to a bag
-candy, nuts and an orange which was
,censored by the Dashwood Mer,'
ID eh.
had. Mrs Harold Kellerman
epent Christmas in Hanover.
Mr and Mrs Jim Taylor of Sarnia
wird Mr and Mrs, Thos. Smythe ot
London, were Christmas visitor; with
Me and Mrs. Chas. Steinhagen.
Donald Gaisee who underwent no
-S,p •ration in London 3iospital, re-
turned h roe on Saturday.
lIi and Mrs carnet Weiberg anti
family of \'aeloo :pent Chr[s;tm.
*With ti'fr and iris. LOUi. Rader.
Mr and Mrs. Albert Goetz o1 Kit
m1.' •:ter epent Christmas with Mr and
Wes. R. Goetz.
Mrs. Mary Tiernan who has been
`J1•'sinee in London has' recur:iv4.'home
Mr and Mrs Berry Hoffman and
fa eeity enent rC'eri. !-Ines h.71idays :r.
B.I:..:. i don.
nlra • and Thts-id self nt
••islesseeis C eomarty.
•,r ii 11/2 elaul;ee Tennrnnp. Cafe
and Billie spent the ween -enol it
Miss :i''iirley Smith of Toronto
tyt�t?, Int Christnws holidays'a�. her hole,
Mr and
),rich., spent Christmas
her parents, Mr and
Mr and Mrs. -Ed. Stelck spent the
holidays in Bradford.
Mr and Mrs Walter Ness of Lon-
don were holiday visitors here Mo -n
day and Tuesday.
Mr and Mrs K. Streets of Clinton,
were Sunday visitors with her par-
ents, Mr and Mrs. D. Tiernan.
Mrs. -L. Taylor and Anne spent
Christmas with friends in London.
• Mr and Mrs. Hubert Restemeyer
and family and Mr and Mrs. ]Donald
Re.ftemeyer and Mr and Meg, NI,
ll}enerP spent Christmas with
Il l'• lit§i ti anti 71tne "
,:emey er.
Mrs. D. Keys of London spent the
holidays with her sister, Mrs. Koeh-
ler. •
Lloyd -Guenther, who has been in
Westminster Hospital, spent Christ_
nas at his hone here.
George Wolfe and friend of Tor-
onto spent the holiday at his home
here. -
Mrs: Isiah Witmer who has been
on the siek list for some considerable
time, was taken to the hospital last
Mr and Mrs. Harry Par' ons of
Windsor and Mr and Mrs. G. Barham
s.f* E+eter. spent Christmas with Mr
l Mrs. jack Wein.
St. Joseph and Beaver Town
Mrs Wm.
Today there is a great division in
opinion res to Christmas, a green or
a white nee. Perhaps in districts
where it i.; sloppy and mountainous,
and when? the snuw would stay on
the opposite : ide of the sun, one
Will Clark; Comm.. Friend.ahip secys,
Mrs. Will Clark and Mrs. Elgin Me- ,
Kinley; baby hand Secy., Mrs. Rich-
ard Robinson; organist, Mrs. Bruce
Keyes and as.i,tant, Mrs, Russell
Erratt; birthday fund seey, Mrs. Ar-
nold Kr•,ye', greeting cards secy.,Mrs
Bob Peck; Mission Band secy., Mrs..
Bruce Keyes it was decided to have
a kitchen shower at the next meeting
to equip the new church kitchen.
Lunch was served.
Mrs. Elsie Case was a visitor'
with friends in London.
Mrs. Frank Ferrigno, of New
Rork N.Y., is visiting with her
MM. At • At the services of Carmel Presby -
Case spent a terian 'Church the Minister, Rev. P.
owing to the s A. Ferguson presided, his morning and Mrs. I theme, "The Immortal Song." The
may t t;rrl_ it to be a white Christ-
mas, but not so in these western
parts, for :such mere bear ground
could be seen than ,-now. '.Here -and'
there you meet people, who are sue'
er_rtitious about green Christmas
meaning a fat grave yard.. 17;.n't
let that annoy you too much, has it
mother, firs. Robt.
Mr and:Mrs A.L.
fea' days in London,
illness of her parents,
S. Reid. i evening service had a choral setting
Shower for Bride Elect with junior choir in the gallery as -
A very enjoyable time was spent'
' silting the senior choir in delightful
at the home of Mrs. Wm Smaie when old carols. Juniors Shirley Bell and
Margaret Moir, Phyllis Lostell and
Marilyn Mousseau. The concert was
staged under the joint direction of
Principal J. F. Blackwell, Miss G,
Avey, Miss Winnifred Grey and Mrs
R, 'Cook, members of the teaching
Special Christmas Services
Special Christmas' services were
observed in the three local churches
Sunday Dec. 25th with special mess,.
ages delivered by the ministers in
keeping with the advent. Lovely
Christmas emblems decorated the
churches. At the United Church Rev.
R. A. Brook occupied his own pulpit
at the morning service Miss Marion
Smith, of Wesley United Church,
London, soloist, sang, 0 +Holly Night
the choir rendered the Shepherd Car- !
ol, at the evening the junior choir '
numbering 50 presented a sacred con
tata "Night of Holy Memories" solo-
ists were Mrs. H. McEwen, Mrs. R.
Broderick, T. J. Sherritt, S. Rennie.
Miss Greta Laramie at the organ,
Mrs. 3. C. Goddard at the piano. The
:choirs were under of direction of S.
Ronnie,choir leader.
Thursday, December 29th;
console of the church organ. Large.
congregations attended all services.
Mr and Mrs A. L. Case were re --
cent visitors with her parents in
Mrs. Alda Simmons and IVIrs. (Dr').
J. Bell left •Crumlin by air for Los
Angles, Calif., where they wilt spend
the, winter months.
Mrs. J. W.
Bonthron r n leftLondon.
Tuesday last by rail for Florida,,
where she intends spending the win-
Rubbles -- Matr
An autumn wedding was solemni—
zed at the manse of the Preshyteriarir
church uniting in marriage Lila
Olive Moir and John Charles Rubles
Rev. R. A. Ferguson officiated.
The 'bride is the daughter of Mr,
and Mrs. George Moir of Hensall.
and the groom's parents are Mr and
Mrs. Herb Rubles of Atwood'.
Miss Dorothy McMillan was thane
bride's only attendant, while Ronald
Moir, brother of the bride, was gro-.
omsman. After the wedding a rec-
eption was held at the home of -the
bride's parents. The. couple left on a
trip through Northern Ontario. For
travelling the bride donned a mid'.
night blue dress, wine coat and ac-
cessories to match. On theia return
trip the couple will reside :,car Lis-.
not been written of old, that senor.. a large number of neighbours and Dwayne Tinney were soloists. At 7 HISTORIC VALUES
ations would pass, and has • it.n a.. `friends gathered in honor ort Miss , p.m. John L. Nichol, A.C.C.O. rend -
been so from the beginning, so. at i' i Ruth Hess, bride -elect. During the : ered .an organ recital. The service
to -day regardless of the • color ; a, ' I e^ening the bride was presented with 1 concluded with the rendition of the
Christmas. Well, we admit it is hard- i.many beautiful and useful gifts for ! "Hallelujah Chorus." by the organ-
er to keep on the right side of tee N hick she expressed her sincese • 1st,
temperature in changeable weather.
)3ut let us not worry too much before
hand, those that will be spared-. to
see another will forget :about .the
color of this past Christmas. • ",
Dr. O Dwyer and Family Leaving
In this issue we report the cepart- •
ing• of Dr. P. J. O'Dwyer ana•family.;
The Doctor, who has; served-". hie -
practice :in this surrounding district
for the eras. t 30 years, leas. ,made
many friends, and has spared no' eff-
orts to 'reach his patients and .those
in need :cif medical care, :and it' is.
with deep regret that we face', his
departure. We can only at the pres-
ent time, Willi hint. in his new 'field.
of 'labour, all kinds of good health,
so that he may continue the discharge
of the duties entrusted to hint. 'Arid
may ibis., new clients and patients 'Ot-
joy the same courtesy and service as
we did in the past. So in the 'enean-
time we can only -wish him atter his
family, Happiness and • C.ontentment
in their new home. , s,,_
Mr and Mrs Blaise Ducharml of
Windsor spent the Christmas holidae
with his parents.
The Misses Edna and Marie, T3r
dard of London, are h<,lidavla r roe
week with their parent., ar l
":‘1 se. Leo Bedard.
Mr. Rosarh Bedard r,t' 'he 1 fe .
I Kion., left on Sunday lave ;',,, uv
()thee nese e'es f
. has r, t .rr:cri 'se: 1 nee y•
,.,nploy,ed ia, deeee tie eeek
iii„ inlet few moritlr:„
'EE's havee 1. :
b en told ,, r
time of ,
r r tint st worthy c t.. a. ,
Clanks. Refreshments were serves by
the hostess assisted by Misses. Mary
Goodwin, Margaret and Norma Seng-
lira:. D.. J. Stephen:s,•cn, of:Egmond
Ale, is visiting at the ,homes ocher
elaugbters, Mrs. Lee M;eCorineli and
Mrs. Russell Erratt.
Mr. Hulsey Boyce has StPen t-u—p,
a garage in Varna in the ..okepa rorrr;-.
er}ly •occupied. by G. H. Beatty. His
many friends wish him much success.
Mr. and Mrs.. Walter McBride of
Exeter were Sunday last vr'sit4ss at
the home of Mr and Mrs. E. Chnter
at Varna.
The school concert which was held
in the Township hail Wednesday eve.
last, was largely attended, and _much,
enjoyed by all. Great credit, is due.
to both teachers and ,'pnpilfs for the
fine programme. -
A large 'congregation attended the
Pageant in the United •Church, at
Varna, Sunday night last, sponsored
by the W.A. of the United •Church.
The proceeds to be used for•church_
work. '
Mr. Jaynes Reid of N. Scotia is.re-
newing acquaintances In the village
and community.
The December meeting of the Var-
na W.M.S. was held at the home .of
Mrs. Lee McConnell. Mrs. Will Ste-
phenson had charge of the devotional
exercises. A candlelight service foll-
owed in which Mrs. Anson Coleman,
Mrs. Lorne Coleman, Mrs. Geo, Reid
and Mrs. Fred Reid took part. Mrs.
Lee McConnell the president, then
took elrarro Vit' the business.
At St. Paul's Anglican church Rev
C. L. Langford, rector presiding,
delivered a Christmas message, the
Near Tragedy • ' choir Tendered special music under
A near tragedy occurred on Exeter direction of Robert Cameron art the
'Main Street when Mrs. Carl Stone-
house of Exeter was knocked- down
by a car driven by Hellrnuth Menen-
ger, of Dashwood. Mrs. Stonehouse
was crossing the street when streck
by a fender of the car. She received
slight bruises and cuts and was tak-
en :to her brother's home, • Mr. and
Mrs. Stanley Mitchell, east of Hen -
Had Presentation •
A -presentation for Mr and Mrs.
Gee. Bennett was held at the home of
Mrs. rjase Sangster, when they were
presented with an electric clock and
a blanket. Mr. Bennett, who has con-
ducted the dairy business for the past
five years', disposed of it to Mr.
Ronald 'Smock, of Stayner.. They
are leavirFg .shortly for Niagara..on-
Mrs. i. •Brenkolt Passes '
Funeral services for Mrs. 3. Brenk-
alt, formerly Rebecca Ortwein, and
daughter 'of the late Mr. and Mrs.
J. W. Ortwein, were conductelr on
Friday afternoon in Kitchener. Her
husband died last „ May. Surviving
are a son, Harold, Kitchener; two
brothers, Alonzo, Detroit; Milton,
London; 'and three sisters; Mrs. R.
Lobr, Boswell, Pennsylvania; Mrs.
James A. Paterson and Mrs. M. G.
Drysdale, Hensall.
Mrs. A. G. Smillie -
Mrs: A. G. Smillie died on Dec. 28
at her home in Hensall following a
week's illness. She was the former:
Agnes Murray. Born in Rogerville,
she and her husband resided in Tor-
onto for many years before moving
here three years ago. Surviving is
her husband and three sons, Stewart,
of''St. Catharines, Murray of Toron-
tc sand Dr. Ivan G. Smillie of Kam-
lo:ops, B.C., and formerly of Hensall.
Oise sister, Miss Jean Murray, Hen -
sal], also survives,; A private funeral
wag.held on Dec: 24th from her late
home at 8.30 p.m. with the Rev. R.
Ae';Brook officiating. The body was
latea','taken to Toronto for interment. ,
�`.. Christmas Concert
The annual Christmas concert of
pupils -.of Hensall public school was,
held .last Tuesday night and witnes-
sed ,% a capacity audience. Reeve .A.
W. 4;;rslake was chairman. 1.50 pu-
pils gook- part in the program, rater
as • . •
1VT, ..,a n,r..; " , vat ;nest pre,e'nLatioii in gots,
,a,:.. ..�xa. Doe y1.ci;la'rrje aitd;ptogs'arri included action sanl;,e,
family of Blake, ,and Mrs, Pearl
Love, and family of
Sunday visitors with
'Harold Jones ol; IClyp
?firs, W. Horney'of
visitor with Mr and
Varna, were
1' and Mrs.
Exeter was a
Mrs. A. Gack-
stetter, near Kippen.
Mr and Mrs J. Carter and family
of ;Iooresville were visitors with Mr
and Mrs, Archie Parsons,
Goshen W.M.S, Meets
The W.M.S, of Gthen 'United
(:,hut eh held their Chri:stma meeting
at the home of Mrs. Elgin McKin1ee
en Thur. -day, December 15th wqli
t.hr pre:;ident, Hayter in the
teethe '[ii, sle. see "Cr•. Faith In Jes-
T' r•: t ; ;r opened with
i, °:a. y u •„ Mi Res ell 1?rtatt
• <Ki^,rk re e '„,,v. earite, Cnrels
:The reie•ises were read end adopted
eed , e (7) 71 r•:lic:d The treasurer rn-
i'21() en to data, Four menth-
e. "tees i' the Christmas pro
J. Armstrong, Mrs. E.
. C. Mel',ride and Ms:a.
Cy.r• i .
lrymn, "0 Sing a
'- ,'s;r,1," was :;ung and
ia-aei•sed. Prayer by Mrs.
r • roliowed by a solo
•'.' Hatter, and the me-
_-r! to Miss Hers
r; ' icer,
Mrs. Robert
Henry' Erratt and
,'.. trig(;nley; president, Mrs..
r t vice, M.rs, Ebner•
;�•' r<..:�, ,'1 e`,r'e Mrs. Richard Rob-
a,r, ; t,, fi vice Mrs. J. Armstrong;
class,.dril1s; n cantata and. a pageant
the Christnitis story as well as spec-
ial number:4 131,'V the following pupils:
Jane Horton, Beth Goddard, Marilyn
Anderson, Tillie Kirk, Margaret Reid
The Huron County Historical Come-
zn ttee are desirious that any per --
son in the Coun.tyr possessing artic—
Ies or docamente of historical value.
be requested to retain the same for-
the use of this Committee, and also,
to inform the public that the County
Exhibits when gathered vogether will<
be displayed in the different Muni
ipalities throughout the County.
CA 7'
• Fifty thousand Ontario • Farmers operate a
hundred and forty local co-operatives. "Beyond their
own gateposts" they are doing jobs in purchasing
and marketing which cannot be done on the home.
Through these local co-operatives they operate
a regional co-operative wholesale for the province.
Thus they do jobs in purchasing and marketing whtch
cannot be done locally.
This regional organization (formerly under the
name of United Farmers Co-operative) has com-
pleted its 36th year of operation. Total bus;
the year ended Sept. 30, 1949 was ®Ver million
dollars. Net earnings err m d to 322.. tholtsand
dollars. �,e;:+•'f" _nom
Uted Co-operatives of Ontario
Hensall District Co -Operative
WEEKLY E , irr . `M1 T AT JASPER '
TIN newly elected president of the Canadian
Weekly Newspapers Association, Roy M. Bean,
of Waterloo, Ont., is shown at right in this picture
taken on the grounds of Jasper }'ark Lodge in the
Canadian Rockies during the national convention.
Left to right are C. J. Alibon, of Springhill, Ks.,
past -president of the association; R. C. Vaughan,
C.M.G., chairman and president, Caua.dian National
System; Lang Sands, of Mission City, B.C., 1st
vice-president, C.W.N.A. ; Walter li. Thompson,
director of public relations, C.N.1t.; and Mr,