HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1949-12-29, Page 11:1 11,7hu r self.* 114.0•.R. 4111•011113.10.141TOW...ftwornowswzmiansw•xt*•6.4.,............ Vattabnabied WC ZURIC1 ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 29 949 111.1111r0......1azalatnel ARTHUR FRASER Income Tax Reportu ookkecping Service, Etc. EXETER natiriCE:—Corner Ann, WiBiin Ste. Phone: Exeter 855W. 1111, ELMER D. BELL ..1••••••••••....• A. BARRISTER - SOLICITOR EXETER. ONT. Weanellalli, a to 5 p.m., at Zurich At (Now 'rasp. Office) 1111114N44,444444.44.4MIN141114111ININO14114111.14.140-reallr31141 Zurich Beauty Shop THE HOME OF THE 4ETTER OIL PERMANENTS The Better OS Permanents Applied 7rith the very latest of methods and Equipment. GIVE US A Intone 153 for your Appointments. DOREEN SCIEIMEA E Zurich Are You Sufferiks Fro HeadaehesT rif so, Have your *yea artanthed with &he Latest Meths and requipment at A. L Cow, Eta OPTOMETRIST ilk OPTai'afaN, G-ODERLOIE 01.01 Trood Glasses at Rotatemsebta Palen Aldori Theatre GRAND BEND Presents for Your, Enjoyment. the Following Attractions Satarday Dec. 30-31 That Technicolor Musical Spectle "THE WIZARD OF OZ" Judy Garland, Frank Morgan Ray Bolger Jack Haley Cartoon "Old Rockin' Chair Tom" and a Pete Smith Specialty, "Why Is it" Monday, Tuesday • 'Margaret O'Brien Herbert Marshall Dean Stockwell "SECRET. GARDEN" Jan. 2-3 Secret Meetings — Adventure on the Castle Grounds — Three Youngsters Find Happiness. Paramount Newsreel and " I Love My Wife But." HOW TO LIVE TO BE 100 P.hilosopher John Dewey at 90, playwriter George Bernard Shaw at 93, baseball's Connie Mack at 87, plus others, are looking fore/ad to their one hundredth !birthday's and then .some! What •is the secret of their longevity? Read 'How to Live 'to be 100," with this Sunday's (Jana nary 1) issue .Of The Detroit Sunday THE VOICE OF TEMPERANCE One of the iniquities of the Ont- ario liquor act is that it opened up women's beverage rooms. Moreover there are women in increasing num- bers who so forget their womanly dignity as to patronize these drink, ing places. This is the new and more revolting degradation that the. Ont - vs.?, nquee eet has created. , the Canada Temperanee Act-eavei on County from this degredatian. arm 44+++++.14444+44+++++++++444 rtnerat Mame .1 'affriftn. ;1# Private Car Ambulance Service for the Conveyance of Sick and Injured Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director. MEMBER OF 'ITEE ONTARIO FUNERAL ASSOCIATION DAY OR NIGHT TELEPHONE No.. 70 Dafshwood Ontar.io 4. 4. .3. V•4+++++++4.44.4..04.11.+.+1.+.44',H.44D614',.÷+++.1..t,+•;-.‘ OEVATATISMIZilaga3MMEMISS=TrgaiST.M" .R.SEZVASM33152M4=14521 tai Yra a s And a Sincere "Thank You" for your valued Patronage during the past year. May you enjoy the Festive Season to- the utmost and have -Health and Prosperity in the iteniiiimionlainibAviiewftiimoiritoresimimialetnanm Phone 140 C. irt, ThIEL - Zurich 4artrel1nenetX11111114,W.: Cards TO THE RATEPAYERS OF HAY TOWNSHIP. Having accepted nomination far Councillor of Hay Township and thee Hay Municipal Telephone System, and being unable* to see every onel. hereby solicit your support fluence. OSCAR KLOPP. Teeae-eee , • CHESTER L. mom PORIelalgE* ;1.75 a Year in Advance. $2.00 in IL S. A., in AaVanee. WILL BE ,h5 b 4iNION ' eaiac Monday next the erneele of Hay arid 331- Township will be't upon to 'el - ant its Conrneir eaoi,a rre than the requilecl„apiouni; of candid- ates have qualified, a here will be a voice of the ballott : neraonell TO THE ELECTORS or HAY TOWNSHIP Having served on the Council for two years I have again qualified as p, candidate for Councillor of 'HAY which also includes the management of the Hay Municipal Telephone, System, I solicit your considerate, support at the election on January 2nd next. As I will not be able to call:. on you all personally. Wishing you all a Prosperous New Year. V. L. BECKER. CARD OF THAINKS • The family of the late Louis Kaltee fleisoh, wish to express their, in cert thanks to their many friends for l -he• kind expressions of sympathy and assistance extended.to them in their bereavement. Special, thankS';:-,',..to those that offered the lean of thii cars and. also for the'lloVely froral tributes. EXETER DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL BOARD ee, The regular Monthly mNting i�f the Exeter District High. ;Seel' Board for' December leas held in:the.. are: the three old councilmen, Willert, V Becker; and Oscar 1Clopp, thefourth of the 1949 Coaecihnan, tall Campbell, having eleened up to the reeveship by acclamatwa. The 'new men running for councillors are L. H. Rader of Dashwood and Gus #aehe of near Blake. The former Volice Trustees for Zurich have all received their acclamation, Milfre d .e. Lloyd O'Brien and John glirkhehn. ac• A Happy New Year ;f: To our many friends .and readers Ave'extend most hearty New Year /estings. 1949 was a very good year to most of us and we are ap- preciative of the many blessing we have received, in many cases favours 'which we seem to feel unworthy off. Nia was or famine entered our lives and we were allowed to exercise our freedoms in worship, a privilege' not (. granted in many lands to day. Truly re should give many thanks to an )nighty God for such favours. In .eturn for this we have a duty to • form for the betterment of man- "nd. Let 11950 be just 'a little bet - • in our ways towards others, for- etting a lot. of self, and give more ye0y of our help 1x those around who are more in need, and not so ortunately hleesed, and what a fine 'rear of rejoicing it will be not alone rue on earth, butn , God in his Heave al :I rejoice with us.. . NQRMA'S BEAtrritt 4iciPPE rOg 44BOINTMENTS Tel. 223. Zurleh NORMA STEINBACH - Prop. Amormams•wo,..., RAG RUGS and CARPETS. On a New Modern Loom, Made to. Order — Seth 0, Amann, Zurielve Ont. . Phone 128. ini011441111411101MIR41 • Com pliments • OF THE Season WE WISH ALL OUR CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS THE HAPPIEST Eeononiine eacnn r,r'eeeea;!eve' • '• • nea.e. • -a, •EXETER • r4EAR near -Exeter on Tuesday evening and - e charged with possession of stolen goods after police recovered jewelry valued at thousands' of dollars. The .arrest was made by Prov. Constable Zimmerman of Exeter, and Helmer Snell of Seaflarth following investige ation which began Sunday night iThe arrested men gave thew names Per Jas. McAllister and A. J.' :es Ten Bezdek, 23, of Merle steeet. 1Tontmal mid Antone Simko, 21 of Renabie Mines, Ontario. The former reported to have been in Canada for la months while the latter fel. six. l3oth came from Czechoslovakia. Loot seized ber,police included shout 50 in.en'e watches, several bracelets, pocket watches, diamond and stone rings and rolls of money. Following, a reported fight Sunday night in Stanley Township „where the two arreeted men were visiting, friends on a farm, an unnamed farmer pic- ked un two watches, a lighter and' several pries tags. He turned these over to police who launched tnvesti- ga tion, leading to the arrest. Two new Canadians. were arres.ted Walper. - • The minutes .of the November meeting were read and adopted. The correspondence was read and tabled for discussion. No action was taken on the request of the Badminton Club for the use of the new gymnasium. Kalbfleisch, that the Secretary be authorized to request a further tra- nsfer of $25,000. from the Debee- ture Proceeds and to ptopeed with the payment of the Capital accounts as read. Per E. L. Mickle and E. Members that the Secy- proceed with the pay- ment of the Current Accounts as fundsbecome available. Carried. Per C. S. MacNaughton and E.L. Mickle that the Board pay its mem_ bers $5.00 per meeting •attended,and mileage at 7c as authorized by the High Schools Act as amended to 194i) Section 25, Sub -section 2. Car - Tied. The requisition of Mr. F. G. Meek 'for Mathematical suppliee wa, proved on motion of A. W. Morgan-. and A. J. Kalbfleisch. Per C. S. 'DiracNaughton and K. H. John that the Principal's report be adopted and his recemmendatioes for the use of facilities in the new building be filed for reference. Car- ried. Dr., Cowen reported the action 01 the Committee named to engage caretakers for the new building. Mr William Fraser is employed To look after the boiler and to assist in cle- aning duties. Mr. Russell Collingwood will be.' employed in the new build- ing after January 1st. The Budget for Equipment, re- vised to d.ate, was studied by the ARENA TO OPEN FridayDeem ,ber night of this week, Dee, ber 30th will be the big nignt when the dream of many a good citizen of Zurich will come true, • namely the opening of the new opening(' Centre and A. C. "Babe" Siebert• Memorial Arena. For years Zurich and virinity has greatly felt the need of such an equipment, and now it has come to a reality. The Arena part of We vast building program is pretty well in shape for Jack Frost to.come along and give us some ice., while there 1: saill a lot of work to be done on the .community centre building, the floor will be laid and it is to be hone!' the walls closed in, Board, a temporary furnace haa been. set Per C. S. MacNanghton and A .W. un tied will likely 'keen the •11Taea aka the and warm for the frolie and opening exercisee. In addition to Tory Gregg, the epees announcer and Tom Prude foe' the opening. exercises Prof. Dr. E. G. Pleva of Western Univer- '•ity, who is an expert on commun- ity centre work, will be present and oddress the large gathering. Dr Neva, first addressed the local Lions flub then a Public meeting in the Morgan that the Board accept tender of J. V. MacDoneellal, Electric_ ,Contractor, for n Sound Seelern in thenew building. The Stromherg Carlson outfits will provide a two - channel circuit for the entire build- ing, with ten -inch speakers rn the clamrooms, and two 12-ineh epen'eers in the auditorium, at a cost of47(.1`2. installed. Carried. Per A. W. IVIoegne and E. Cham- j town hall, and injected the idea into bort that the Property Commasee be I the people •ill this community for Inst empowered to order the ieaeeeiry !a, •',• eentre as we now have. We locks for the atuden ts' c wing ao10e1 - "1•17iy;lreotl. efyaer,:incditiwzrao owfhowill to. vceoritiv-,1 The Seevetary to advertise fee 0, • 111:Teak to 14. 0 /Vt. kers. Aerie help.I a:I lafea. ern], nil there ot 111114grendi The fir Meeting of the )3'l%' yr:ar 'llleve will be entertainment will be January 10th. Or enn and all, and a Q00d thY10, will Adjournment at 12,411 rem per it, be assured to us. In fact It will be tickte ttthicshicleAtnogf life -thus to celebrate 1), Howen SecretarY. • .0F HOLIDAYS AND A NEW. ... YEAR OF PROSPERITY A G. HESS Jeweler and RegisteredOptician. Optician. TO OUR MANY PATRONS AND FRIENDS WE TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY -TO EXTEND SEA'SON'S GREETINGS THANKING YOU! W. R. DAVIDSON Pone 10 •-Hensall ROE'S VITIMIZED FEEDS e3. 040 gt. GC a 411 411 00040 600080 Egetio2 06b*S4639044411043100.900 ttttt 4.00*junttni ginopt Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Private Car Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS rIts- and Night Service Telephone: Res. 89 or 122, Zurich • eaeaaaaaaatkaaa eosaaasaaaceecassaima 441 11 111.. 1 0 45 0 Menno Oesch t 7 Z • At no age this time of Year we- can. give greater or more to our Many by Extending impressive Customers a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR PRODUCE :WANTED, 111-efitzuvoilea*mmaMoroosaamo.,,,svmmum,,,er-,....nvrt,,,,PnlIsmag.rrmaNsiux mess - than. Zurich Phone 165 16.S0040911.1.13/921 ASIMMIK*Gathisialtaa raitasigiMaiKaaieL,UNiireireXKL:161.:.*/,niatrMaCiailatialliiiirks, WE TAKE THIS OPP 4111 RTUNITY TO EXTEND TO OUR CUSTO- MERS AND FRIENDS, OUR HEARTY EtS ]ree Greatly Thanking You for the past Patronage Year's FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND TD E. Schwartzentruber, Prop. F s1rE41 I 044Nalge1414014404114WWW4AMISM#444/fitr, ;)4; ; Phone 11-97 4 4 4 1 1 1 4 4 4 1 1 4 4 4 4 44 4 4 4 4 1 A 4 4 4 1 1 4 4 44 4 • 4 4 4 4