HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1949-12-22, Page 8illLmFfn11nhi11111i ma III11111 juilLllY ZURLCH - ONTARIO, a0D 40 40 d TELEPHONE 59 twck Where the Spirit of Christ PREVAILS as Throughout the past Year we have enjoyed Your Friendship in Business So it is with real Pleasure We Wish You and Yours err C ZURICH HERALD ITEMS OF .LOCAL fk i c)Ft 000 4G qG 0G nsimaS 1 Bros. Vp And a Happy and Prosperous John E. Gascho Flossie Brown ,.,.. 0.2.,x®- Year cho Edwin Gascho Herb Turkheim ZURICH 00 • • • • • • A8 • rysda e Store We are very grateful to our Many Customers for the kind patronage you have accorded us, and may these fine relations continue to grow, as we extend to one and all: 's Greetings JOHN DENOMY - DRYSDALE Phone 98°r 1 • • 0 a • • • • a • • • s • i • • • • 1 e • • • • 1 Mr. John Brenner who had been ill, is impreving nicely, His =v.; I friend:, wish him a speedy recovery Mrs. Leroy Thiel -and baby Lynda visited with the former's parents in London on Wednesday. Mr and Mrs Allan Sehwartzentrub- er and family moved to New FIaiu- ,burg with. their household elects. We are pleased to report that Mr. Herbert K. Eilber of Crediton, is progressing favourably after his re- cent illness. Mrs. P. J. O'Dwyer and son Maurice motored to London on rues, daly, on business. Mrs. Ward Fritz spent a few days at the hone of her father, Mr. Herb- ert K. Eilber at Crediton. Mrs. Frank Buttler of London is spending some time at the home of her parent, Mr and Mrs. John Al- brecht. • Mrs. Andrew F. Hess and son Quimby and Mi:s Ethel Hess motored to London on Friday to spend the day. Mr and Mrs Quimby Hese and son of Sault Ste Marie are spending the holiday season at the hong or the forger's mother Mrs. A. F. Hess. Dr. and Mrs. Harvey' Cowen and eases, easa4W®ees*aaao 4. • • HAR WARE -. SEEDS and FURNITURE 1;;'.44.4,11 >i r 411,1 llllllllil114111nlilli u 1% il ii111 1(1 TO OUR MANY CUSTOMERS AND FRILNDS WE WISH TO EXTEND Season's Greetings AND MAY THE NEW YEAR BRING US ALL PROSPERITY AND HAPPINESS, AND A CON- TINUANCE OF OUR FRIENDLY BUSINESS RELATIONS WEID ZURICH - out QUALITY - PRICE - SERVICE Nimetsaposimagoatammamtmeeneme 0 • 1 • 1 ST. PETER'S Eva zlical Lutheran Church 2.13RICH — ONTARIO REV, E. W. HEIMRICH, PASTOR 10 a.ru.—Divine Services. 1.1.15 a.m. —Sunday School. 7.30 p.m.—Divine Worship. Everybody Welcome to all Services. EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL U. B. CHURCH Zurich — Ontario REV. H. E. ROPPEL Minister Mrs. Milton Oesch - Organist Sunday Services: - 10:00 a.m.--Divine Worship. 11..00 a.m.—Bible School:. 7:30 p,m.—Divine Worship. Welcome at all Services—"Come Thou with us and we will do thee good." Num. 10:29- family of Exeter and Mr. Jack Roy'-', nolds of London, were Sunday visit,' ors at the home of their father, Mr. Cha.. Fritz. Fractured Arm Misi Ella Link of Exeter, is carry- ing her arm in a sling, having Tract_ ured it .when she slipped on some ice just outside of the Jones & May Store'of that place. Fradtured Ribs Mr. Laird Hendrick of the 13. W.' Highway south fractured several ribs when he fell in the barn. But rs pro— as well a, can be expected. Mr;. Roman. Meidinger and (laugh- ter of Kitchener have arrived and are spending some time at the home: - of Mr and Mrs. Alfred Meidinger at present until they will be settled at the farm which they purchased from the Oswald family on the Bronson Line. Returns from Hospital Mr. Albert Hendrick who had been at Victoria Hospital, London, has re- turned to the home of his daughter, Mr. and Mn. Harry Cole at Exeter. His many friends wish him a speedy recovery. ilurun & Erie .Debert nre CANADA TRUST COMPANY CERTIFICATES SOLD AND RENEWED 2% % per Annum, payable half - yearly upon $100 and over for 3, 4 or 5 Years. J. W. HABERER - REP. Phone 161 — Zurich, Ont. FOR SALE — A quantity of three foot Dry Cordwood, principally elm. Price $6.00 a cord. This wood is on Lot No. 13, in the 19th Concession of East Williams, Country of Middle- sex, known as the John W. Walker Farm. There will be a man in charge of sales at the farm beginning Thursday, Nov. 17th from 8.30 a.ni. to 4.30 p.m. each day while the wood lasts. Farmers and others would be well advised to take advantage of this reasonable offer immediately. The Forest Basket Co., Limited. ed, it was agreed. upon to 'nave the To Have White Christmas quilts which members made sent to Real spring like weather has beenthe Sick Ohildren's Hospital, in time in our midst, with the mercury up .a. for Christmas. .Mrs. Ivan NVi'1.ert Co - round the fifty mark, it seems more gave a reading, For Home and C'o like Easter than Christmas season. entry, (W.I.) The meeting was ad - But we strongly predict that we will ac'=1rned and members and guests after all this unseasonable warm and were conducted to their places, at a balmy weather, that we will have a 'beautifully decorated table Chritat gave white Christmas. Sc, see how we will heed to a lovely decorated Christmas hit this. . And we take this opportun- Tree in keeping with the Yuletide fitly to Extend to one and all a Yefy, season." A lovely lunch was enjoyed by all at conclusion 'the singing in Merry One. I unision "Auld Lang Syne" closed Womens' Institute with God Save the King .and wish.es (of a Merry Christmas and A Happy The monthly meeting of the Worn,. 'New Year, to all. ens' institute was held in. the Zurich '.'own Hall' on Tuesday, December 1.3th at 8.30 p.m. Members ane gu-{ ests were appropriately entertained by the committee in. charge. Mrs.) Herb Neel), Mrs. `1'hcs. Meyers, m.rs. Milton McAdams and Mrs. Ivan Wil -1 lert. The meeting opened with the sing - I ing of the Institute Ode,- Mr.;. maton I McAdams, chairlady, duly gave r words os welcome to the menl;,ers and their guests and gave each and everyone a hearty invitation to at- tend again. Several Christmas Carols were sung, accompanied at the piano I by Mrs. Herb Neeb. A piano solo by Mia Arlene Hab erer, after which Duward McAdams' gave a recitation in keeping with the Llristmas spirit. "Don't forget My, .,.iadc ". Ariss Kathleen Kalbfleisch then gave a piano solo "Argonaise,' followed by a song "All I 'want for Xmas. is my Two Front Teeth" by Miss Sheila Willert. A piano tri,;,- ette "i loating Water Lilies" render- ed by the Misses Katherine Kalb- fleisch, Arlene Haberer and Marlene Wagner. A reading "Christmas Time' given by. Miss Jean Neeb, followed: by a piano solo by Miss Marlene Wagner "Charge of The Hussars." The young people were highly ap- plauded and Mrs. McAdams thanked them most kindly for their selections. All agreed it is a pleasure to hAve talent so freely given, and on our part such a pleasure to hear, and we, ] ally realize from this, there is latch talent to be found in our young peo- plu and they in return reap murk benefit, performing at local fund, ions and in the future we will have mote such entertainment. Mrs. Thea. Meyers was called upon . to give a short summary on her at- tendance to the Federated W.I.Con- vention, h;.ld in Toronto at the Roy- al York R.,tel, highlight of this visit Vi. ,: the banquet, given by. Col. 7 en- nedy, at which Mrs. Meyers ettended nr Mrs. Herb Neeb then gave a short review on the "Tweedsmuir 'look of History" and called upon Mrs. Dave O Meyers to give the history of the Mennonite church, Mrs. Ivan Willert gave "The History and Summary of Zurich. One can truthfully bay there was at one time more to 'Zurich. than meets the eye at the present. A short business discussiun follow - AK 1E!T A CiVaiiIt ata4 TRADE MARK FIVE BEAUTIFUL PATTERNS P Patterns as illustrated left to right: Coronation, Milady, Lady Hamilton, Evening Star, Morning Star. 52 piece Service for Eight for only ...... $76,75 Other Services from $44,75 IN SETS OF OPEN STOCK AT HESS, THE, JEWELLER, ZORLCH w- ONT, Thur:.day, December 22nd, 104% I1I1I 111191111E111i 3131111:111P11nM11111 11111011111 a O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 w 4 0 r 0 0 0 0 4• P 0 • 0 0 0 0 0 • b 0 e • • • • 4 • •. • • • • • • WE TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY IN THANKING ALL OUR CUSTOMERS FOR THEIR PAST PATRONAGE AND WISH ONE AND ALL The Season's Greetings Rider & Vilittleholtz - Hardware Phone 63 _ Zurich 4 • • 0' w R 0 4. 4 • . •• 4 4 w ar • • •4 • • 4 s • • .1111111g1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110111110101111011111111101111111111iIiIIIIIIIIIIiIiIIIIIIiIIIIIIil1111111111111111111111111111111111111II1i1111111111111111111111111111111! lHIIlJIIIJIILIIIIIIlIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIII IIIIIIIIIIIIUIHIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1 _ Westlake Furniture • • • Elite ;d to You the • +++ Season's Creetings 4 • .+ Furniture IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIilllllllllllillililllllllllllllllIIIillllllllllllillllllllll1I111111IIIIIIIIIIIII Phone 122, Zurich f z • E1114p+4++44+4++++44+444.94++ +++++++++.44.411 111111111111111111111111110 III IIIII 1111 III 11 1 1 III Ili 111 1 1111111111111111 111 111 I 1 1 101 III III III 1111111111ItC1 FLOOR TILE FOR The Best In Mastic Tile Floor GET TILE ®TEX ALSO ,CLEANERS AND WAXES Manufactured by The Flintkote Company, Toronto, Ont. See Your Local Agent JOHN M. TURKHEIM Phone Zurich 174 LAID AND MAINTAINED. Free Estimates Gladly Given I I 1 1111111111111111 1111 fol 1ijit 11 ill/Ii 711 Yr i 1 114it Il ql ,i;q I'II '1. ,1'+1;1.1,q 1( C',nr+It 911aA , 4 4. 4. 41* t 1 r, +++++4•+++++++++++++++++ 4++++++++++++44-44.4404+4111 We 'Can Supply You With LUMBER SASH DOORS MILLWORK TEN -TEST MASONITE PAINTg BUILDERS' HARDWARE ASPHALT ROOFING WAX AND ALL TYPES OF BUILDING SUPPLIES F. 0. KALBFL L ISCH & SON Phone 69 - - - - ZURICH 4 assey - IFTa1TTIS TO ALL OUR FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS WE EXTEND season's : I retin ° s 1M E, DI Shop 149 Oscar Klopp Rea. 67 AUCTIONEERING AT YOUR SERVICE