HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1949-12-22, Page 6, •
•••••'. • •
aleeeteeele eattees.e.
Veee., Veteeete ,
• _
"Baugs ' His Ctitorners--Taking a tip from the old-fashioned
barber shop with its shelf of personal shaving mugs, restaurant
operator Norman Massing keeps a supply of "personalized
coffee cups” for his regular customers. Each cup bears the
name or nickname of one of the regulars. Massing is seen
serving a personal cup to office worker Rose Marie Nutini.
When Will "Mule
Train' Finally lk
Just about the time that radio sta-
tion disk jockeys became fed up
with a new popular song the public
catches up with it. So it is with
'Mule Train," that rousing western
song that Tin Pan Alley has loosed
upon the world.
Having reached the limit of en-
durance, a San Francisco radio -
caster recently played every record-
ing of "Mule Train" he had or
could borrow. The presentation last-
ed half an hour, with a repetition or
two from the versions made by Bing
Crosby, Frankie Lane, Tennessee
Ernie, and others. Result—listeners
ertrho had not heard it often enough
were delighted.
Doubtless the disk jockey by the
Golden Gate is still receiving re-
quests for the recordings. If he ht
turn goes in for busmen's holidays,
he can hear the song done to a thrill-
ing turn on the rise -and -shine pro-
gram of a Fresno station by,a Mexi-
can singing in Spanish. Not till the
public becomes sated with "Mule
Train" go off the air.
Remember "Pm Forever Blowing
Bubbles" and "Yes, We Have No
Bananas"? They seemed indestruc-
tible. Perhaps there is some com-
pensation for today's more intense
bombardment. The punishment is
shorter, for the point where a ma-
jority are fed up comes quicker.
In many small garages, the ser-
vicemen identify cars by the names
of their owners, When repairs are
needed or special services required,
this practice leads to some interest-
ing notes in the daybook of orders.
For instances:
Mrs. Ellis won't start.
Give Miss Jackson some .alcohol.
Two Touts ought to hold her.
Something wrong with olcl man
Pitt's wiring.
Mrs. Wyndham's fenders bumped.
Not responsible.
Wash Miss Jenkins.
A piper had played a selection on
his bagpipes at a gathering, not all
Scotsmen. He was rewarded with
good applause. The chairman sug-
gested an encore, A voice in the
audience called, "How about 'Annie
The piper looked surprised and
pleased, and said, "Again?"
Something new. is liable t9. be
added to the already lengthy list of
sports alibis. These, of course, in-
clude such gems as the horse that
would have been a cinch if the track
hadn't turned sloppy; the baseball
outfielder would have caught th g fly
ball in his athletic supporter if the
sun 'hadn't dazzled him; the golfer
who would have holed out in one
putt, instead of five, if it hadn't
• been for a worm cast; the football
team that would have won handily
except for the horrible condition of
field; and dozens more you can
probably readily call to mind. •
* * *
But this new one—and we can
hardly wait to see which club use's
it first—relates to hockey. As you
no doubt know, the "greatest city,
on earth" is threatened with a water
shortage, in fact is hardly better off
in that regard than some places the
New Yorkers would scornfully refer
to as "hick towns".
* *
So now, according to dispatches,
the New York Rangers of the Na-
tional Hockey League are hoping to
save some 150,000 gallons of the
city's drinking water by thawing
the..rink after each game, and stor-
ing the fluid for re -use throughout
the season.
* * *
So, as we started to say earlier,
we can hardly wait to see which of
the other teams, after dropping a
tough game in the metropolis, outs
with the alibi "we would of wdn easy .
if that stale ice the Rangers use
hadn't of slowed us down to a walk."
* *
From a sports writer's standpoint
it seems rather a pity that the
it41Wf.'S'Wer., •
ONLY TWO—BUT HOMELESS—Milk from Canada reaches this tiny Greek
child through the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund
(UNICEF). The United Nations has appealed to Canada and a score of other
countries to help the sick and hungry children now living in former theatres
of war. The postal address "UNICEF, OTTAWA" is accepting funds from
Canadians to help buy Canadian food for six million hungry children.
Other Papers
Pull Boners Too
All in Fun
Honesty may be the best policy in
the long run, but many people—
Read the Sentinel Classified.—Ilion
Racey Corsage
Mrs. B. R. presented the officer
-'ek Turk Broda For Some, Ella
French Suits?
She Will
Wear 'Ern
Ella Raines
owns half a
dozen. French
bathing suits,
and says she'll
wear them in
AS soon las
she gains
five pounds.
Miss Raines
wore the
nits in Europe,
\ frica and even
in England.
.:,he predicts
1 Tollywood
,11 get used
to I hem
with a huge. bouquet of ponies for
the occasion.—Caldwell Tribune.
Who Doesn't?
"Please excuse my absence from
class on Thursday and Friday. I had
science trouble in my head."—
Mebane Times.
Real Savings on Women's Wear;
Special Pastel Slip, Lice Trimmed,
only .59.—Baraboo News-Repub-
The club secretary hurried over
when he saw a visiting golfer ad-
dressing the ball a few feet in front
of the tree.
"I'm sorry, sir," he interrupted,
"but in this club we play either froth,
the tee or behind it. Never," he em-
phasized with a shudder, "in front
of it."
The golfer's only move was to re-
address his ball,
"I must insist," urged the secre-
The golfer straightened up and
looked • hard at his interrupter. "1
happen," he said with dignity, "to he
playing my second ShOt."
Gotham water emergency didn
occur a year or so earlier. Then• w
could all have pointed out that th
Rangers could save even more
the aqua-more-or-less-pura by n
using any at all, because the
could probably play just as goo
hockey without ice. But seeing tha
as of this writing, the New Yorker
aren't doing so badly—or perhap
it's that four of the other five arm
going so hiet—a golden opportunit
for typriwriter floggers is lost.
* *
"The Kiss of •Death" in Sports
as you are probably aware and a
we have no doubt explained before
comes when one of the huge-cireula
tion magazines publishes a featur
article regardiao some athlete o
team, immediately prior to sue
team or athlete indulging in som
"erooshul" struggle.
It is rather remarkable, at tha
how often such an article will seen
to act as a hex, or in more Oxoniai
English, put a whammy on the sub
ject. (You have only to recall Th
• Saturday Evening Post's piec
• about what Jersey Joe Walcott wa
going to do to • J96 Louis just befor
their second fight; or, for that mat
ter, a dozen others we might men
In Colliers a week or so ago Da
Parker, the most consistently emus
,ing of all the Continent's sport
cobblers for' our money, did a swel
article entitled "They Whistle While
They Work", in which he dealt with
the amazing antics of the top (pro-
fessional) basketball referees.
And quite a show those babies
put on, and no mistake. In fact to
our mind their grand -standing an-
tics, coupled with their incessant
whistle -tooting, had no little to do
with sickening the Toronto public
with pro basketball in the late and
unlamented attempt to popularize
it there.
* * *
Anyway, hardly had the issue
containing Parker's screed hit the
newsstands when the old "Kiss of
Death" went into action, Maurice
Podoloff, supreme commissioner of
the National Basketball Association,
issued an edict. And this edict, al-
though' it saves the aforesaid ref-
erees from the ever-present danger
of apoplexy and busted arteries, is
going to cramp thein to about the
same extent as—well, as Gene Autry
or Roy Rogers would be handi-
capped if they were forced to act
without the :r horses.
'No longet , ,....server puts
it, "will a Pat le eanedy be free to
wax eloquent, to turn a magnificent
purple as he shrills 'Hacking! One
shot.' No longer will diminutive Phil
Fox mince accusingly up to a be-
sneakered criminal and thrusting a
roguish finger beneath his nose, call
a halt to allow the one sinned
against to take his rightful place at
the free throw line. No longer will
Eddie Boyle bring down the fury of
the populace as, by prolonged panto-
mime, he achieves what a less gifted
individual might do with a simple
blow of the whistle."
The lads can still call fouls to
their hearts' content. But --accord-
ing to the fiat of Commissioner
Polodoff, "motions of the body,
which have been used increasingly
and which in some cases belong
more properly to the stage, are to
be abandoned immediately. The only
speaking to be done by an official
when a foul is committed is calling
out the number of the player in-
Seine Will try and clailn. that such
a move was long overdue, and coin-
ing anyway. But most will lay the
blame on Dan Parker, and his "Kiss
of Death". And, Oh, Daniell how
could you? How dare you so fetter
the genius of some of the hammiest
actors we have seen since the ten -
twenty -thirty melodrama went to
its long rest? It was cruel, of you,
almost fiendish. Personally—well,
we feel as though we could almost
bear to sit through another pro-
fessional basketball game again -e -
something we thought could never
happen since we disgustedly walked
out ori the last one after the first
ten MintiteS.
ISSUE 52 — 1949
akailingla ••••
..Classified Advertising..
PROGRissmeL,T Bpyrozg,....Give you QualitY usainorinv YARN—macle Of Wig Virgin wool
you need for tioneistent Profits. High Quality
Produete sell •first. The. importance of High
Quante grows as eompetition increases. autl.
dredii of egg producers, poultry growers, 093
country over, have found Top Notch Quality
what buyers look fop, Our 1960 chicks are
the hese yet. Send eop priceliet and eatalogue.
Mita Turkeye and laying pullets, broiler chicks.
Top Notch Chick Sales, Guelph. Ontario.
PROFITABLE steady buelness with meet corn -
plate line of household necessities from the
most fragrant cosmetics to the most helpful
floor cleaners or. polisliee. There le an ex-
clusive territory for you in, your city or In
your rural area. You are sure to succeed
with our faet-selling lines. Write today for
free details. FAMILEX, 1650 Delorimter,
DEALERS wanted to take orders for (thicker
for one of Cariada'n oldest established Gov-
ernment Approved Hatcheries—Rawleigh, Wat-
kins and Nursery salesmen, feed men, imple-
ment dealers and farmere make excellent deal-
ers. Apply Box 12, 123' Eighteenth Street,
New Toronto.
TO SELL Baby Chicks in this district on a
good commission basis. These chicks are
guaranteed from good high -producing blood -
tested stock. Poole Hatchery, Ircierster Bros.,
Poole, Ontario. Phone 87 R 23 Milverton.
itAlth 11111.11.:.
SOUND BREEDING. The basic factor in
Poultry profite. Sound breeding* plus good
management makes up the comniete formula
tor Poultry Profit.. Without good breeding the
best of management will fall to produce Plat -
able results. Tlany of our chicks this year
will he R.O.P. Sired. Send for early booking
Pricellst. Alpo Turkeys, Broiler Chicks. Laying
and Ready -to -lay pullets. Breeding cockerels.
Free Catabigue, Tweddle Chick Hatcheries
Limited, Fergus, Ontario.
LAYINC, and ready to lay pullets for im-
mediate delivery. Pere breeds and cross
breeds, also breeding cockerels. Tweddle Chick
Hatcheries Limited. Fergus, Ontario.
BABY CHICli means. By ordering your
• 1960 baby chicks now. you guarantee your.
self delivery date and also obtain an early
order discount All breeders are government
banded and pullorum-tested Write for our
1950 °analogue and price Ilst hermkton Pnultry
Farms, Monkton, Ontario
AN OFFER to every inventor—List of Mven
dons and full information sent free The
Ramsay Co Registered Patent Attorneys. 278
Bank Street, Ottawa
HAVE YOU anything needs dyeing or clean-
ing? Write to us for informatinn. We are
glad to answer your questions Department
le, Parker's Dye Works Limited, 791 Ynnge
Street, Toronto, Ontario
EXCHANGE for business -100 acre fully
equipped tobacco farm. Modern buildings
4 miles west of Delhi. No. 8 Highway, $30,000,
ICowalchuk. 11,11. 3, Delhi, Onterlo.
REGISTERED jersey Bull, "Edgelea Lucky
Jester" 114971, First Champion Western
Ontario, $300.00. Bred Jersey Heifers, owner
discontinuing. Ti. Souris. Osgoode, Ont.
DID YOU KNOW that Hillhead Farms, York.
Ontario. have several reasonably priced dual
Purpose Shorthorns, males and females, from
recorded dams? Inquiries given prompt at-
200 ACRES, Good black loam, 190 acres tilled.
Two good houses, bath tin one. Two good
barns. water bowls in one, Other buildings.
Hydro; telephone. On Puce Road, Maidstone
Township. Apply to owner. Dan MacRae,
R.R. No. 3, Eesex. Phone Pleasant Park 7 Ft 4.
FIRE HOSE WAGONS—Used, made of 2 -inch
square iron, 2 wheelie 40" dia.. with 21,¢"
iron rim, can be adapted to many uses on the
farm, $25 each. Also large stocks- of new
lines fire hose. extinguishers, nozzles and fire-
fighting- equipment. Dept, W., Salvage pis-
pooal Corp. Ltd., 311 Youville Square. Mont-
real, Que. Est. 1937,
for home and office use. 51,26 ea,ch. Dept.
W.. Salvage Disposal Corp. Ltd., 311 Youville
Square, Montreal, Que. Est. 1927,
MILL ENDS—Rayon Crepe—long lengths—
newest shades. Black, navy, wine, brown,
green and smoke crystal. $1.30 per Yard.
Cheque or money order must accompany order.
Sample Swatches on request. Salvage Dispose.]
Corp. Ltd.. Dept. W.. 311 Youville Square,
Montreal, Que lest. 1927.
FIRE PUMPS (Hand) used—Capacity 5 gals,
liquid. Sprees approximaely 60 feet. Can be
used also as an Insectielde spray for shrubs.
trees, etc. $6 each. Dept. W., Salvage Disposal
Corp. Ltd., 311 Vonville Sounre. Montreal,
Que. Est, 1927.
LADIES FELT Artielee 0 ,'a alt the rage. 31
colors in felt, forty different patterns. Free
Price lost Handicrafts Serviee. 159 simerson
street. Winmilten. °mart°
soLID heavy tinneti mum pail, filled 40 lbs.
golden Iight amber honey (no buekwheat).
25.75 each, 2 pails 511. Ontario Eloney Pro-
ducers Co-operative, 0 Defiles Street, Toronto.
PURE bred Emden, Buff, Massive Toulouse,
geese and ganders; Rouen, Cayuga ducks:
black rose eomb, dark Cornish bantams. K. PI,
Pickell, SLR. 4, St, Mary's, Ontario,
PHEASANTS: Nice range -re teed Ringneeks—
telire 58,00: Amherst Hen., $9.00t Golden
Coees, MOO; Pure Ifiallatel ducks, trios $7.00
Fred Brown, Kingsmill, Ont.
flnatifuj M'angza puppies. Reg-
istered. Cho In P4011 Si red. Sm•ri flee $36,00
each, Ovet.ettteeed. Mra, Dent:Than, riteteher-
ville. Ottele' •
—Wan, warm--lOng fOr
socks—siws.sh sweaters and other woollen gar-
mente. 2 -3 -4 -ply, white, grey, royal blue, paddy
green ,scarlet, maroon, yellow, brown, heather,
black, fawn, white and grey Whit, $1.98 lb.,
10 lbs. or oyer, $1.80 5,. deilvered, Northland
sweater patterns 25e each, Adults; deer, bear,
Indian deeign, curling. Childs; deer, bear, dog
and squirrel, dancer. Indian design, knitting
needles 26o pair, Mary Maxim, l3ox 120 Wien,
TEN Chapters Behind the Divine Curtain.
Greatest revelation of modern times. Limited
supply. Send only $2,00, Postpaid. Mahatma
Bender, 609 N. Ashland, Claret:re 22, 111.
.308 British Lee Enfield converted sporting
models; high-power precision repeaters; wal-
nut stock; lightweight; 10 -shot. Excellent con-
dition—fully guaranteed or money refunded,
537.50 each. Will ship C.O.D. Write today
Sportsmen's Wholesale Supply, 2098 St. Cath-
erine St. W„ Montreal 25, Que.
ready for Christmas, 2 month's old. KEITH
LAYER, Cookeville. Ontario.
COMPLETE lines of sporting goods. Inquiries
invited. •Quebec Distributors & Dealers, Box
2284, Place d'Armes, Montreal.
1947 Commercial :Teen — thirteen thousand
miles. Half top, heater, would trade on Ford
tractor. 200 gallon Spramotor sprayer, trailer
type power take -off, 450 Ib preesure, four -row
boom, high crop .clearance. LeRoy Coleman,
Blenheim, Ont.
- —
TRY IT! Every Sufferer of Rheu-
Matic Pains or Neuritis should try
Dixon's RemetlY.
335 Elgin Ottawa
$1.25 Express Prepaid
SUFFERERS from Rheumatic or Arthritic
Pains: If you cannot gel relief, write- ex
329, Transcona, Manitoba,
Banish the torment of dry eczema rasheb
and weeping skin troubles Posi'F+ elezems
Salve will not disappoint you
tchins. scaling burning eczema ache ring
worm, pimples end athlete's foot, will reapond
readily to this stainless odorless ointment
regardless of hnw tauten -me nt hopeless they
PRICE 31.00 PER J Ali
Sent Post Free on Receptt of Pelee
889 queen St E.. Corner of Logan
Great Opportunity Learn .
Pleasant dignified profession, good wages
thousands successful Marvel graduates
America's greatest system. I Iluctra ted cuta.
logue free. Write or Call
350 Bloor St W , Nitwit°
Branches, 44 King St. Hamilton
& 72 RideauStreet. Ottawa
WHY not employ spare time pleasantly profit.
ably making socks, rugs, etc., for neighbours
and trade. Ask for 'free coloured pamphlet
with special- offer on Verdun Home Knitting
Machine. Used kerns for rugs, knitters,
worsted wool mill endti, for knitters, etc., low.
est prices. Triton Canadian Co„ Box 1674.
Place d'Armes, Montreal.
trumERSTON Ha ITCH & Company Pa teni
Solleitora Eetablishee 1890 350 Say Street
temente 801We I 01 in rorma [ion on enquest
WHY grow gray hair? Write for my Free
Folder: Box 829, Transcona, Manitoba.
A BOOK of 760 Classified Household Hints, of
great value to every one in the family,
$1.00 Postpaid. Williams Publications, Box
187 -WL, Toronto 1. Ont.
saxxsata,.-sr WANTED
CAN rOt"l'OP 'P1105?
THE eeaeon we have successful salesmen
avevagh: •
A week in carom issions and bonuses is --
1—IVe teach you how. Experience is un-
2—Our national and international advertising -
in newspapers, magazines, radio breed-
etiets helps you,
3- .itapitl advancement to the right persom.
/2 you are over 23 years of age write Ilex
No, 60, 128 -18th Street. New Toronto, Ineltule
your narne, address and plume nunther.
tati.a4vrLy ‘vANTur,, present address of
Professor Morgan, Palmist Crystal anzee.
Write Rex 45, lentelelfert. ("Interim
mune Holland Turkey Body feathers wented,
Partieule es on illustrated tower, tr. e. nen-
eneee. 71,7 Itenti Building-, Montreal. Quote,.
The truest thing ever said about
gardens is that a "Hee; of beanie is
a job forever,
Atoms Battle Disease—Dr. flax Iiindig of Municn. Lis 1,
andhis assistant, Hilde,gtind liamIke, demonstrate treatment of
the lungs by the "atomic ball," making use of atomic radiation
in the battle against diseases. -Dr. liindigs n7ibrato-Atomator"
is reported a big stepforward ill a [on C med'cinc.
coma ALONG, DEAK.'
. .