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th t Last Minute
Martha Washington Print Dresses 12-52 ....$2.95
and 3.95
Slips, lace trimmed and plain 32-52 2.95, 3.95
Aprons, plastic and print 65, .75, 95
Blindcraft Aprons, with or without bib
Handbags - corded - leather - plastic 2.95, 3.95
Blouses—All new fall and winter styles 12-46
2.00, 3.50, 4,ti,
Skirts—Bright all wool plaids and alpines 12-44
3.95, 9.50
Parasols — Plaid or plain black 4,95
Nylons -....- 42-1.40; 45-1.65; 51 1,85. 60 - 2:50
See the new Nylons with Black and Frown heels
at 1.75
Ske Slacks, size 8-14 x usual 5.95
Axminister and Reversible Rugs at ....8.50, 11.95
Ask for Free Gift Boxes with your purchases
Phi 70=Hensallk Tds
The day, December 22nd, 194:
Community Centre
Tory Gregg, CKNX Sports Announcer, and Thos..
Pryde, M.L.A., and other Officials will assist in the
Official Opening of the Hay Township Memorial
Community Centre and A. C. ,`Babe" Siebert Mem-
orial Arena
This event marks the near completion of a
project which will form a lasting tribute to the care-
ful planning and diligent toil of those members Qf
the community who appreciate the value of such a
Community Centre.
The sum of approximately $18,000 has been
§p.nt to date OP the building and it is believed that
about w';°°0 more, in addition to expected Gov-
ernment Grants, will lee needed to complete xt--
Persons wishin,o to contribute,. to the
heed not wait for canvassers w east gig fund
their donations at the oran1, ` -, out may Ieave
There is still of pr . -
or Montreal in Zurich.
f_..unity for you to do your part
in an er ,, ,tt. which will benefit your community i°or
Yeti , yto come.
The program for the opening night will include
addresses by prominent officials, bingo and other
games, and dancing to a popular orchestra. A bea-
utiful chair will be given as a door prize and there
will be a draw for ten aluahle prizes,
Plan to attend this once-in-a-lifetime event.
Watch for further announcements giving details of
the program.
R. r Ili
D5• �11
N M t tl
Studded Sure -Grips
0 Where the going is
toughest, Goodyear
Studded Sure -Grips
will pull you through
where other tires slip
and clog.
Let us equip your truck
of car for positive trac-
tion in mud and snow.
Deep, strong studs, set
like tractor cleats, bite
deep, take hold, keep
you going in the bad -
road season WITH-
Five lovely pattens:
From left to right:
Coronation, Lady Hamilton,
Evening Star, Morning Star,
Cervices start at .. $44.75
St. Joseph arid Beaver Town
Had Birthday Party
On Sunday last Mr and Mrs Fred
Ducharme of the Blue Water; Mr.
Bob Mernorvidge and Miss Doris
Jeffrey of Detroit; Mr and Mrs. Al-
phonse Jeffrey and the Miss Georg-
ine Corriveau and Miss Lucile:4:
rey of Beavertown took part in
birthday party given by Mr. and
Mrs. Dominique Jeffrey of St. Jos-
eph. It being the 38th birthday of
Domminique. After ,greeti n g s
were offered for birthday (and Hap-
py Birthday to you) all sat down to
partake of a very delicious dinner
which was daintly prepared by Mrs.
Jeffrey. The day was spent hi chat-
ting and renewing past ineiderii�;:.•
Mr. Andrew Rau of Drysdale was
an evening caller on Wednesday
with Mr And Mrs, p, Jefi'rev'.
Mr and 1VIrs Leonard, '-
London spent Sut�A- litlasse of
vi.sitil' runt-. .ay in the vicinity
.�n their relatives
...Lr and Mrs Roger Bedard have
now moved into their new home on
the B. W. Highway. We welcome
the young couple in our midse, and
we wish them all kinds of good luck
in starting their life, as we are fully
convinced that they will be good cit-
izens and as well good neighbours.
The Mernorvidge family of De-
troit who are building a cottage on
Ducharme's Resort were here over
the week -end, as the weather was
mild, and the Lake breezes refresh-
Mr and Mr.; E. R. Guenther nave
now got comfortably settled in'tlieir
new home which he recently •ptirci'i-.
ased from Mr. P. Kraft
Mr and Mrs Willis Mcisaac of De-
troit spent the weekend with his
grandmother, Mrs. Lucinda Mclsaac.
Mrs. Mcisaac returned to Detroit
with them on Monday and intend> to
spend the winter there.
Mrs. 'Mathews and Mrs. Reynolds
and Ray Snell all of London,.. were
Sunday visitor, with Mr and Mrs:,
Chas Snell.
Mr. Louis I{leinstiver who ria, neen
in the hospital in London, has re-
turned home.
A Santa Claus parade will be held
here on Saturday afternoon, :Jac. 24
at 2 p.m. when the children will re-
ceive packages The public school
Christmas program will be held on
Wed. night in the school.
The Evangelical S. S. Christmas
program will be on Friday night and
the Lutheran program will be on Sat-
urday night.
We are pleased to report that Don-
ald Gainer is getting along as well as
can 'be expected.
bashwood Evangelical Church
Re -Dedicated
Calvary Evangelical U.B. Church
1).ashwood was the steno of Ttededica-
1 tion sservico:< ,on Sunday, Dec, 18th.
on the occasion of the reopening tri
the church.
ing in the morning from the text;
:`Sanctify now 'yourselves and san-
ctify the House of the Lord." 2 Chr.
2'8: 5, and in the evening on the sub-
ject "We have seen His Star," The
:noir under the direction of Mrs, 3.
I. Tiernan, rendered the anthem "1
will Extol Thee." with Mrs. C. 13,
Carr soloist. The orchestra consisting
of Mrs. M. Klumpp, Stuart Wolfe,
Hcward Klumpp, Harry Hoffman,
Lloyd Eagleson and Maurice Klumpp
:,dded much to the worship service,
with their rendition of "The Little
(gray Church." Mrs. Ken McCrae
officiated at the organ. The Board
of Tru_,tees consisting of A. V. Tie-
rnan, E. Eckstein, and H. Ford were
present in the chancel to present the
building dedication.
Large congregations were in, atten
dance both in the morning and at
night and splendid offerings for the
improvement fund were laid on the
Altar. The project just completed is
intended to celebrate the 55th year
of the present church building. Dr.
R. H. Mueller, Exec.. Sec. of the
Board of !Christian Education or the
General Church will be the guest
minister at the Anniversary Service'
later in the year. A.1.1 woodwork has
been varnished and all walls repaint-
ed in the auditorium; chancet and
ivestibule. This work was .fie by
I Roht. Chapman of Mitchell. The san-
ding and oiling of the floors was
done' by, W. S. Riehl, of ,Brodliagen.
A hearing aid System installed by
Howard Klumpp and J. W. Pattison
of Wingliam is much appreciated by
.those using the individual .aids in the
pews and by whose who benefit from•
the two loud speakers. Beautiful new
rugs have been laid on the isqes and
a Sew electric clock .was presentee
by the Youth Fe11o7.' p, Many far=
mer members assisted in the financ-
ing and special gifts were bequests
from the late Horatio Reyno',dz' and
the late Samson Coloaky. The hear-
ing aids system is designated a mem-
orial to the late Horatio Reynolds
and the Isle rugs as a memorial to
the late Samson Colosky. The serv-
ice was brought to a close by a solo
entitled "Bless This House" by T.
Harry Hoffman.
Mrs. Annie Blatchford had the
min:fortune to slip and fall over the
week -end fracturing several ribs.
A presentation for Mr ancr Mrs.
George Bennett was held at the
home of Mrs James Sangster, Satur-
day night, when they were presented
with an electric clock and 'blanket.
Mr. Bennett who has conducted the
Dairy business for the past, disposed
of it to Mr. Ronald Smock of Stayn.
er, Mr and Mrs Bennett cxpect to
leave shortly for Niagara -On -The -
Word reached Hensall Monday of
the death of 'Mrs. Robt. Jarrott, of
London, who passed away at her
home on Fullarton St., Sunaay even-
ing, Dec. 18th following a heart sei-
zurt. Mrs. Jarrott was the former
Bertha Troyer, was bort•... at Hills
green, and was well known in Hen-
sall. Surviving are her iwsban•d, one
son and 3 daughters, one sister, Mrs
George ,Hudson, Hensall; two broth-
ers, Jim, Toronto; and Case, station
,Yeent at Aylmer.,
Gh-ta Arrives
Santa Claus ash vt�d m, Hensall on
Saturday afternoon at. ;SO in e=t,
fire truck driven ,by 7a•ck 15r%igtea'tr;
and delighted the hundreas of little
folks from the village and commun-
ity, at. the annual Christmas party
sponsored by the Chamber Elf' doin-
merce and Hensall branch of . the
Canadian Legion. Santa was welcont_
ed by Reeve 4. Ker duke, while Rev.
P. A. Ferguson spoke briefly. Each
child received a large bag of treats,
including handy, oranges, and nuts.
A picture show was held later in the
town hall, which was enjoyed by all.
Mr and Mrs. Fred Stnallacombe,
popular and life long resident of this
village will be at home to their fri-
ends on Tue.clay, December 27th
from 2 to 5 in the afternoon, and
from 8 to 10 in the evening on the
occasion of their golden wedding an-
Robert Munn Passes
• Mr. Robert Munn, prominent dist-
rict of Hay Township died Thursday
Dec. Lith following a heart seizure
he suffered the previous day. Born
in Hay Township he was the son of
the bate Mr and ,Mrs Alex. Munn, He
formerly held the position as School
Trustee and Secy-Treas. of S.S. No.
10, Hay, •and was a former repres-
entative of that school area. A mem-
ber of Hensall United church. Surv-
iving are his widow, the former Ida
,Torres, 6 son;, Harold, ,Perth; Jack,
London; Ted, Alex., Gordon and
Donald; 8 daughters, Mrs. Fraitk
Ferrigno, (Helen) New York, N.Y.;
Mrs. Gordon Munn, (Dorothy) Ston-
ey Creek; Mrs. Jack Simons, (Betty)
of .Hensall; two brothers, Dr, J. A.
Munn, Seaforth ; and ,Clarence, Ayl_
neer, Public funeral Services lav';ely
attended was held from his lat., res-
idence Saturday 17th, at 2.80 p.m.
conducted by Rev, R. A: Brook. in-
terment was in Hensall Uni7n Cem-
Special Christmas services will be
observed in our three local churches,
this coming Sunday. At the United
Church, Rev. R. A. Brook will oc-
cupy his pulpit and will deliver s
special me sage in keeping with the
occasion at the morning service the
hoir will render special music, at the
veiling service the senior acrd junior
The minister, Rev. J. H. Getz Ted c
in the rituals of dedication preach- 0
choirs will present a sacred cantata
"Night of Holy; Memories" Miss Greta
Lanrmie will be at the organ console
and Mrs. J. C. Goddard at the. piano.
Services in Carmel Presbyterian
Rev. P. A. Ferguson will preside, the
morning sermon theme will be "Thee
Immortal Song," The evening serv-
ice will have a choral setting with
Junior Choir in the gallery assistin i
the senior choir in delightful old
carols. Juniors, Shirley Bell and
Dwayne Timmey are soloists, At 7
o'clock the organist John L. Nicol A.
C.C.O. will render an organ recital.
Special Christmas services will i'c
abstrvcd in St. Paul's Anglican
church, with special messages by
the rector, Rev. C. L. Langford, and
music by the choir under direction of
Robert Cameron.
Wm. Strang, aged 50, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Strang, is confined
to his home with several broken ribs
and a horse he war driving had to be
killed after :being struck .b'y a truck
at an intersection in Exeter North.
Mr. Strang was returning home from
a farm in "Osborne and had •'riven
from a sideroad one block south of
Highway 83 when he was run into
by a truck belonging to the Coh:man
Packing Co.
Sells Grocery Business
Mr. Wm. Cook, who for the past
seventeen years has conducted a gro-
cery business in Exeter, has sold out
to Mr. Wesley Ryckman of Exeter,
who has already had experience in
the grocery business, and gets poss-
ettsion early in December.
Ottawa—Canadians, hitherto har-
assed by the high coat of living, may
see definite downtrend in prices next.
year. Stated by. Rt. Hon. C. II. Howe
minister of trade and commerce, tiro
his forecast to the, C:ommoms. He
said the general level of economic.
activity in the country had continued!'
to improve in 1949. The coming year
he prophesied, would be on a parr
with the past 12 months. But he rexe-.
caw a declinne in foreign trade tot-
als; a reduction in the exports of a:
variety of manufactured products:
Individual exporters even .now were
• encountering difficulties.
The Annual Meeting of the Ratepayers of Atha Hdy
will be held in tin
The Clerk will be in the TaiWnsl'rip Hall, Zurich, from lta 2. p.m,
to receive Nominations for one Reeve and four Councillors for the
Year 1950, also for two ,Hay Township School Area Trustees• for
the years 1950 and 1951.
When a proposed Candidate is not present, his nomhi tdasn c'
paper shall not be valid unless there is attached thereto evidence
satisfactory to the Returning Officer that he consents to be so
A meeting of the Electors will be held in the Township Hall,
Zurich, at 2 ,p.m., on F
To hear proposed Candidates, and in case more than the required
,number of candidates to fill the office are nominated, and a vote.
demanded, A Poll will be held on
From 9.00 'a.m. until 5.00 p.m.,at the following places:
Poll Polling Place
1. School House No. 2
)5 School House No. 14
3. Zurich Town Hall
t4. Zurich Town Hall
5. School House No. 12
6. Earl Guenther Block
7. School House No. 3
8. Jas. Masse Residence
Dated at Zurich, Ont.
December 1st, 1949
Leroy O'Brien
Wm. R. Bell
Percy Campbell
Albert Hess
Hilton Truemner
Clayton Pfile
Jas. McAllister
Fred Ducharme
Poll Clerk
Gordon Surerus
Hugh McEwen
Lorne L-fiapman
Bruce J. Klopp
Ed. J. Stire
Rhein. Miller
Garnet Jacohe
Ed. Corriveau
Returning Officer,
• a1 • ` ` `Q
` `<941•'1 iVARE•t't4eMW' e4 -vv p .
• .
A new and charming addition to the ranks of the Canadian air line -
stewardesAes are these three Chinesegirls slated for duty on the Canadian
/Pacific Air Lines flights from Van-couver to Tokyo and Hong Kong.
Shown being welcomed at Vancouver airport by their ‘Canadia.n coileng-
rues, the girls will soon shed their picturesque Oriental costumes fpr
CPA the
uniforms and will share duties with ,Conadian girls on.
the 6,500 -mile run, one Chinese and one Canadian gore to each Vane,: