HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1949-12-15, Page 1RICH E AL ,attbfished :1200 ARTHUR FRASER Income Tax Reports ookkeeping Service, Etc. EXETER. gtlat'b"ICE:—Corner Ann, William Ste. Phone: Exeter 855W. ELMER D. BELL, r,.A. DIARR1STER - SOLICITOR EXETER, ONT. ' Wednesday, 2 to 5 p.tn., at Zurich At (New Twnp. Office) THE HOME OF THE BETTER OIL PERMANENTS The Better Oil. Permanents Applied with the very latest of methods and Equipment. GIVE US A CALL! none 163 for your Appointments. DOREEN SC LBE--Zurseh Are You Suffering Fr eaclaches7 ig so, Have your lees Exareenesd. with .Latest Methods seed 7AI: a ment at 1 1111 A. L. COLE, '4.Om 'OPTOMETRIST lk OPTICIAN — men Good Glasses at +zvane e F can t ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 15 (94g Bj XING Y At a meeting held by the Hay Township Municipal Council and the Zurich Police Trustees, It was resolved that Tuesday, December 27th, 1949 places of be declared a Civic Holiday and all business are requested to be closed. Hay Township Council. Zuric Police Trustees. • Fm f9nEr-',' n �V!.a,?J. n !, rr ..:. . 1J1',f.. C9 .\.ti. H... u. ,. u..VNL'Ww.f G LIMA, V•"a A dna Theatre GRAND BEN Presents for Your. Enjoyment. the Following Attractions Friday, Saturday, Dec. 16-17 Clifton Webb Shirley Temple Toni Drake Mr. Belveders Goes to College The Season's Funniest Laugh Feat --- You'll Vote him a Diploma as the Doctor of Fun :March of Time and Cartoon "Wood- en Indian:" Monday, Tuesday Dec. 19-20 Rachel .and the Stranger Loretta Young William Holden Robert Mitchum Here's Stirring Romantic Drama torn from the pages of American History Paramount Newsreel anel Cartoon "Inferior Decorator" Community Christmas Tree on Thur - day, Dec. 22nd, at 1 p.m. for all the Children Granct d Bend Sponsored 0 red 'b Y the Branch:' .of :the ' Oartiddi:an• Lei ion ' 5r i + €••fi-e+e-•Ieef ere .s es-• tses eee-e e, i.,+++++++++.1,44++.4.4.++++++++0 to- arrp, Auffran mural. hniie Private Car Ambulance Service for the Conveyance of Sick and Injured . Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director. MEMBadd. OF THE ONTARIO FUNERAL ASSOCIATION DAY 1rR NIGHT TELEPHONE No. 70 Dashwci„or:.,N Ontario I E 'S Su error Store T I E! WE ARE. NOW IN A POSITION TO COVER YOUR FLOORS WITH INLAID TILE IN ALMOST ANY COLOUR. PRICES AND SUGGESTIONS GLADLY GIVEN. FRESH FRUITS, VEGETABLES, GROCERIES EACH WEEK! ...�,w.�..v: PhoneJ40 C. 1. THIEL - Zurich —COMING EVENTS ---- e7 0 0 0 es a SCHOOL CONCERT — The an- nual school concert of the Zurich school will be held in the town hall Zurich, on Wednesday, December 21st, The reserved tickets will be on sale at Willert's Variety Store. ZURICH LIONS FIFTH ANNUAL Feather arty AND BINGO AT Town Hall, Zurich On Friday, December 16th DUCKS - CHICKENS - GEE.Sir. AND TURKEYS GALORE DOOR PRIZE — A Monster Turkey Admission 50cts., including 10 Free Games —Advanced Ticket Sales from any Proceeds, for. for. Community. Welfare Work CARD OF THANKS T!Y4a;:fvnaly ,: qf. tlxe,. late ,W�llaa.�r Leibold wish to, greatly- thank the' neighbours and friends, pall: bearers, Rev. Roppel, those who loaned cars, and all who. ssisted and helped in any way and extended sympathy in their bereavement, 11 of our Redecorated Church Building and the Newly - Installed ACOUSTICON THE E vangelical United Breth- ren Church, Dashwood. SUNDAY, DEC. 18th. 10 a.m. J. HENRY GETZ _ MINIS'1'EIt DASHW00D A Santa Claus Parade will be held here on Saturday 'afternoon Dec. 24, at 2 o'clock. The parade will be headed by the Dashwood Band and the children will be presented with packages. All are weloome. The EvangelicalChurch which has been redecorated and the nearing aid installed will be opened for ser- vice on Sunday morning at 110 o'clock with Sunday School following the church service. Dashwood Girls' .loft ball team were honored at a Banquet last Fri- day evening at "Knotty Pine Inn” when .a very pleasant evening was spent. tent • Mr. Sam. Witsel of Toronto sl the week -end with Ms mother, Mia. Witzel- Mrs. Wm. Schroeder of Detroit, has returned to her home after epee. ding the past two weeks with he. mother, Mrs. Hamacher. Donald Geiser 'underwent a serious operation in St. Joseph hospital. London last week. A number from here were down on Tuesday and ol'i- ered to. donate their blood for Doe i ald's transfusions. We hope for a speedy recovery. w Mr and Mrs Edwin Miller mov.. into their new home they built thio summer on Tuesday. Mr, Lloyd Guenther, who nderwer,t an operation in ,Westminister Hoapits owed and Mrs. Durand *vest a de- al, is improving slowly. licious luncheon.., qapsiseiRM TAG DAY On, Saturday December 17th the local 'hockey: Club will have a bunch of girls out with tage in support of the Club's requirements. They will be needing new suits, and other equip- ment.. So give the boys a good lift and a good start off for the season! .Enjoyed Fowl Dinner A very'happy get to gether and fowl dinner was enjoyed at the home of Mr. Conrad Schilbe on Sunday, when 'about twenty Of his children and their families gathered at his home se honor their father and grand' fails x' with the Yuletide spirit in minds.,Mr. Schilbe, who is enjoying his tip tial health, was very cheerful. on tliis occasion, and they all wished him good health to enjoy more such' events Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sitter of Thedfgrd were here from a distance.. . Community Centre Th; -new Zurich Arena and Cont- munifsy Centre building program is progressing quite favourably, regard - 4 less the cold weather, thoee hus- ky m keep hammering way from eaxly�. ,in the morning till late at nighty' ound to have it as near com- pleted +'es' possible by opening night, which; ;is get for December 30th. The commtmfty building is now all closed in, bet.there is a lot of work still to be Verse:' C''MMUNITY XMAS. TREE 4 loinmunity Christmas Tree will be held in the town hall, Zurich on Saturday afternoon, December 17th, CHESTER iL. SMITH, PUBLISHEils, 0.75 a Year in Advance. $2,00 in U. S. A,,; in Advance;, NORMA'S BEAUTY SHOPPE FOR APPOINTMENTS, Tel. '223. Zurich NORMA STEINBACH--From hry► Chris r as THIS YEAR MAKE IT A JEWEL- LERY CHRISTMAS. B:ULOVA, EL.CO, ROLEX pir CERTINA WATCHES BLUE BIRD AND BRIDAL• WREATH DIAMONDS FINE SILVERWARE AND CHINA A. LARGE. ASSORTMENT OF COS- TUME. JEWELLERY AT $1.00 UP SMART EARRINGS, SEVERAL TRAYS AT $1.00. A, G HESS Jeweler. and Registered Optician. .to 000o 0 0 at 2.30 o':clock, when the usual pack- 3 ✓D 0 3 3 3 0 3 3 3 ages bf candies and nuts will be iiandel out of Santa Claus. All chil- dren ,of the Public and Separate School'ages and ,younger are urged to be":present and enjoy this annual eve rue This is being sponsored by the Zuricti Lions Club. i' Last Day for Taxes ThAreday, Dec. '15th, is the Iast ofizet eeting of - the Hay Council ,iiiiii se eel .also.the bast day foe 194.3 ta��s wathoits;` :ert-,' a 'c•o.t p p yn 'alty. So, all' good citizens are asked to have these. taxes paid. They are ,much higher and harder to pay a the years go on, and by the rook. of our assessment notices for 1950 we will be obliged to pay taxes be- yond .our means, as most of our as- sessment was jacked up to double its former amount and in some cases it was trippled. We surely do hope the mill rate will be lowered or we can- not get around the tax rate. Enjoyed Social Evening The Ladies' Aid of St. Peter'. Lutheran Church, Zurich, were en_ tertained by the Ladies' Aid .of Zion Lutheran Church, Dashwood to a chicken dinner last Wednesday even- ing. The tables were beautifully decorated with Christmas decorations After partaking of a delicious chick- en dinner, the visitors were enter- tained by a wonderful programs con- sisting of humorous singing ani rea- dings. A play was also well given ley the Ladies,' Aid. Two very fitting addresses were given by Rev. Heim - rich and Rev. Higenell. After which. the !President, Mrs. Ed. Haberer in very fitting words thanked the Pres- ident, Mrs. -Milford Merner for her kind words of welcome she extended. to the Zurich Aid, and all the ladiras who helped to provide for such a pleasant evening. The meeting was, closed by singing Christmas •Carols. RAG RUGS and CARPET On a New Modern Loom, Made toe Order — Seth O. Amann, Zu.riche Ont. Phone 128. Your Blue Cott Dealer Wants you .to know A Heat Regulator will pay your track the cost in fuel sawed in one leseason, beside: the comfeat of Auto- matic controll. Ask. your Blue Seal, Dealer!: W. R. DAVIDSON Pone 10 - Hensel' ROE'S VITIMii'ZED FE 3!5 9203009000C4,000000 000 tele+Cgo0S3019d'0000eoeeo00A 2 caitlitVtni 2 V ti 4 Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Private Car Ambulance Service. Hospital Bed and Wheelchair•. for Rent' FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Day and Night Service. Telepholne<; Res. 89 or 122, Z'clr, S3WG500 300&Lci 040 300000ooe 00000000 aseeseeeseesesseesesses 3 arD 9 3 3 9 0 t 3 • 0 3, o, 0 ZURI Store Your Christ as S pp1ies This is your opportunity to put in your Stipples of Groceries for Christmas. We will- havein stock choice Nuts, Candies, Rasihs, Peels for the Christ- mas Cake, Oranges, Fruits-andrnany things: to make the Yuletide Season all the more Cheerfut. e ! a !' ' a s c PRODUCE WANTED. Farm Forum The Unique Farm Forum The Unique Farm Forum met at the home of Mr and Mrs Maurice Durands with 45., members present. Mr. Bert Klopp was chairman for the evening and led in an interesting discussion on "Is There a Farm Housing Problem?" . A dernite pro- portion of the farm income should be devoted to improve the ,home, be- cause if this is done it shows self respect. If a farm home is modern it tendo to keep the youth at home. It pr^motes sociability. If we are remodelling our home the features we would include a recreation room and bath roam facilities. It wouldn't he an impossibility for our Farm Forum to sponsor a farm improve - stent campaign but not feasible. 'The next meeting will ;be held on January 8, 1950 at the home .of Mr erd Mrs Roland Geiger. The subject or discussion will be "'The Law of Supply and Demand" with Delbert (leig;et leader. llelberi. Geiger gave a short report en his visit to the Maple Leaf For- um. Mrs. Hy Schilbe conducted «a ccente •'t. An exchange oi` gifts foll- ' • ric Phone 165 Wig, nmmH alttSIOM0Frd0f0020g101EiLWPVECME- e 6 !1 an Mens' and Roy's Under,weu a, Checked Shirts, Men's Pans, Overalls, Smocks and Jackets, Etc. Aber F otwear Mens', Boys Rubber Boots, 4 -buckle all rubber Yukon Mens', High Laced Flexions; Boots, Overshoes and Rubers. FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND 1iIE BL ►'' kE S'ait E. Schwartzentruber, Proiv , Phone 11 .,97 fi+