HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1949-12-08, Page 8:11 -• •,. b 1. • • e . 11 • ZURICH 'OWAiti0; 4'0 The Christmas Store Where the Spirit of Christmas 4' 490 0 •••ri 400 o; f • • • • • JOHN DENOMY - DRYSDALE PREVAILS Once again the Joyous Christmas Season is almost here and we are busy preparing a fine assortment of all the Various Goods suitable for Gifts. Come Early For Best Choice! FOR LADIES: New Sweaters, Pyjamas, fine Nylon and Rayon Slips, Underwear of every description, Nylon and Lisle Hose, Scarfs, Gloves, Mitts, Parkas, etc. FOR MEN: We are carrying an extra large stock of every- thing in Men's and Boys' Wear, such as Overcoats, Trousers, Sweaters, Parkas, Heavy Mackinaw Coats, New Sox, New style panel Ties, Fine Shirt, etc. A Complete Line of Kiddies and Infant's Wear NEW SUPPLY: Of China and Glassware, New Dolls, and Toys, Games, Picture Books, Christmas Cards, etc. • • ZURICH DeCeri3441. 81:1040. • itormasarramomprappormilpopiompil!' fm;.,;.o...;..:!r•*fr•,t;fr=..,:.1.2..-'..:.. 1,011.11*. vvtTFMs OE LOCAL INTEREST , Local Stores in Zurich will be open VG 'Wednesday afternoons from now un- til"p Chribtmas. b t. 4 Mr. Ronald Raine of Delaware, ‘‘..11: enjoyed the week -end with his friend Mr. Donald Oakes. 1. Prof. Dr. E. M. and Mrs. Watson % of tondon were Sunday dinner (< ', guests at the home of their frien4 1,11, Mr. and Mrs. Chester L. Smith. WP Miss Jean Krueger, Reg. N. of cLondon, returned to her duties after spending the week -end at the home 0 of imhiesr mother,jae Jack Forresti‘firs. olle f thei.Krueger. . Parrline L p was conveyed lz)y the Westlake Arab_ GROCERIES: We can supply' all your needs for the Christmas Cake, all new Fruits such as Raisins, Currants, Dates, Peel, also Cranberries, New Navel Oranges, Candies, Calif, Walnuts, Mixed Nuts,.. a large supply of fresh Groceries always on hand. Gascho -Bros. TELEPIWNE. 59 ZURICH The Drysdale Store The Store With the Best Variety of all Kiwis of Groceries Also Rubber Boots and Shoes, for Men and Boys. A fine Assortment of Hardware and Electrical Appliances. ATLAS AND SE1BERLING TIRES CO-OP. FEEDS Cured and Fresh Meats. Call on Us. Your Patronage will be Appreciated at all times! FIAR Phone 98 r ST. PETER'S Evan elical Lutheran Church 113RICH --- ONTARIO REV 11.15 Ever 111111111111111111111111111111111111111M1111111111111111411111111111 U111111111111111111111111111111111111111111M111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 • GIFTS FOR THE HOME • : Mixmasters, Bathroom Scales, Heating Pads, Elec.- ' ,1, • tric Alarm and Kitchen Clocks, Ice Cream Free* I; • . ers, Etc. E., W. UEIMRICH, PASTOR & * att.—Divine Services. * . : Power woodworking 1$/lachines, Wrench Sets, Z' p.m.—Divine Worship. Planes, Hand Drills, Yankee Drills and Screwdriv- : ybody Welconie to all Services. i a.m. —Sunday School. • GIFTS FOR DAD— • 10 a 7.30 EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL U. B. CHURCH Zurich — Ontario REV. H. E. ROFPEL ulance to the Clinton Hospital, . for . . Minister. treatment. . •• Mrs. Milton Ossch - Organist Denomme are pleased to see her re -110:00 aan.—,Divine Worship. Sunday Services:2LT' The many friends of Mrs. Adrian turn from the hospital lookmg well 11100 a.m.--Bible School. and able to be out again: 7:30 p.m.—Divine Worship. Mr and Mrs. Chas. Thiel and Mr. Welcome at all Services--"Corne and Mrs. Lorne Rader and children, thou with us and we will do thee and Miss Mark Mae Fischer motored g0°" Num. 10:29. to London to see 'Santa's Paillede in ' that City. .fr. Mrs. Wm. A. Siebert, is ,progress- ing very favourably after her recent1 operation at St. Joseph's Hospital in London. She has returned home and is able to be out, looking well which her many friends are pleased to see. The Christmas meeting of the Zur- ich ,W. L will be held in the town hall on 'Tuesdaiyi evening, Deceniber 18th at. 8.15 p.m., each member is asked abring a friend. The Ton call will be some historical. place I have visited. ' The weatherman was a n kinder over the week -end as nearly all the' snow disappea.red, but colder weather from the north •i3 moving in, and we can look for more winter as the weeks progress and we . are only two and a half weeks from Christmas. • Farm Forum. The Unique Farni Forum met in 1 the home of 11/1.r and Mrs. Leonard Lot No,. 13, in the 19th Concession Merrier, with 32 present. Tne topic 1 of East Williams, County of Middle' was "As Otheii See Us". To improvelsek, known as the John W. Walker our community • we should practice I Farm. There will be a man in charge co-operatively to start other forurns.lto 4.30 p.m. each day while the wood lasts. Farmers and others Would be Thursday, Nev. 17th from 8.3T) •a.m. the golden rule to a greater extent. of sales at the . farm beginning There .thould be more Junior. Farm- . ers gronps. The farmer can work r •-• Then a discussion on communitylwell advised to take advantage Of this reasonable offer immediately. The Forest Basket Co., Limited.. ---7------ - --- urcm & Erie Debeuture,:„ ers, 'Thermos Jugs, Shaving Sets and Flashlights. - ,« Z GIFTS FOR MOTHER ' • : Coffee Makers, Electric' Irons, Toasters, Pressure Z : Cookers, Pyrex Seto Plastics, Silverware, Reviere : , . Ware, Etc. GIFTS FOR -THE CHILDREN ' • Bicycles, Tricycles, Trailers, Shooters, Pedal Bikes, '04, : Wheirlisurrows, Toboggans, in all sizes; Sleds, 2 : Shovels, Brooms, Dustpans, Ice Skates, Roller . • Skates, Bob Skates, Etc. • sp. • COME IN AND CHOOSENOW! i Rider & Mittleholtz - Hardware Phone 63 - Zurich 2 4' alimummimm 11111 ummuumminommummummummonwousimminimmummoinimito CANADA TRUST COMFANY CERTIFICATES SOLD AND RENEW7D 21/2 % per Annumpayable half' yearly upon $100 and over for 3 4 orr 5 Years. J. W. HABERER - REP. Phone 161 — Zurich, Ont., FOIE SALE — A quantity of three • foot Dry Cordwood, principallyPriee 6 00 a cord. This wood is on sim centres took a turn at it. The nex IV, meeting will. be heldat the home of I Maurice Durand. Topic: "Is 'There u Fenn 'Housing Problem?" with Bert Klopp as Leader. As recreation a quartette made up. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. _Stelck, Melvin Stade and Mrs. Stade, rendered a few very delight- ful numbers. • 9 • 8 a a • 9 9 9 9 8 99 9 9• a a oe HYMENEAL Wed by CandleliglA On -Thursday, December .fist at six_thirty p.m. St. Peter's Ev, Luth- eran Church, Zurich, was tne scena of a pretty candlelight, double ring ceremony, when Rev. E. W. Heinrich united into Holy bonds of matrimony the youngest daughter of ".ifir. and Mrs. Herbert Mousseau, Zurich, Juanita Joyce, to Reginald George Black, son ,of Mr. and •Mrs. Fred A. Black of Paynton, Sask. The Bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a white slipper sat- in period gown, fashioned with the shoulder nylon yoke and pearl trim. The hoop skirt was caught in front with satin bows, showing the peeka- boo petticoat off chantilly lace. Her tulle illusion embroidered veil was held in place by a slipper satin poke bonnet with seed and wheat pearl I trim and satin boys. Carrying a white Bible with white roses and streamers'(' DWARE – SEEDS FURNITknotted with tiny baby mums. 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111r W.S.W.S. MEETS The W. S. W. S. and Ladies' Ad meeting of the Evangelical Church was held in their.basement last Thum day evening. The committee in charge had a lovellyt Christmas meet, mum ing prepared, with Mrs. John Me- 0 Kinley of Goshen Line north, being co the guest speaker, her subject "Good M - Will to Mankind." Many profitable thoughts were expressed and if put into action will help to make a bet- ter neighbourhood, community and better world to live in. Refresh- ments were served and a splendid social hour was enjoyed. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4 • 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. estlake Furniture * • • Fail Suggestions! NOW, THAT FALL CLEANING TIME IS HERE, BEAUTIFY YOUR HOME WITH NEW FURNITURE! Take advantave of these specially Reduced Prices on Bedroom Suites. 4. Modern and Waterfall Designs from $70.00 and up. 4. Good Variety of all Types of Furniture inclucling Springs and Mattresses. Phone 122, Zurich Furniture tionmiumminmti and Your Fuel Needs Will receive attention with us if left in plenty of time. We always try to supply our Customers with the most Suitable Fuel for their heating equipment. But to insure deliveries in time always leave your orders early with us so we can arrange for your supply YOUR HEATING EQUIPMENT Have You Looked Over Your Heating Equipment? Does Your Furnace or Stove Need Attention; or Prob. • I ly You Need a New One. Let Us Look These Over for you and offer. Our Suggestion to Your Best Advantages. We carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried 1 The matron of Honor, :qrs. Jim Parkins, and Bridesmaid, Miss Betty Mousseau, sisters of the Bride, and Flower Girl, niece of the bride Miss Sandra Parkins, were gowned in Heavenliyi blue mrded taffeta faSh- ioned in colonial style, hoop skirts caught with pink roses showing pink peekaboo lace petticoats. Their fingertip tulle illusion veits were held in place by matching blue taffeta bon-. nets with satin ribbon bciws, .wear- ing matching wristlets and carrying nosegays ,of pink rozies. The flower girl carrying a basket of rose petals strewing them along the isle as the bride entered the church on the arm of her father to the strains of Men- dolson's Wedding March played by Miss Kathleen Hess, wearing a green taffeta dres with' corsagk. o.e yellow and white mums. The groom, dressec in navy suit and bow tie and white carnatio fl buttonaires was attended by his bro- Ibex-in-law, Mr. Thu Parkins and Mr. Grant Case as Groontsynan, also wear... tog navy suits and. carnation button- . and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varmshes, During the sigiting of the register Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax. • Mos Harr' 0. soloist, in deep apple red dress ani. yellow and whit OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS eor age, 3en4el a beautiful land impressive, solo “Beaame." Plurnbing, furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmitt, I The bride's m dresaed rn deep Lavender winter while 1Lt, brovoi ing our Specialty. Full line of heavy and e ar IiM ZURICH - ONT. QUALITY PRICE' SERVICE 1,110040116.64410.61.680.40som1slikitil111U0080.611111111001011611101111 1 ware always in stock. ace.eories Ina corsage of pm ) noses. A buffet lunch was served at the bride's home, after which the bridal couple left on a honeymoon to Nia- gara, Buffalo and Toronto. The 13ride wearing a grey broehded satin dress, black top coat with wide fur accessories. On their return theY will reside in Zurich. ".-----1---- "•.----..._1.,:- -,.-... MAK E I T A .ArlfirsAllair...A.M.1 i ',TRADE MARK FIVE BEAUTIFUL PATTERNS t'f0 Patterns as illustrated left to right:' Coronation, Milady, Lady Hamilton, Evening Star, Morning Star. 52 -piece Service •for Eight for only $76.75 Other Services from $44.75 III 11i1111 111111111mt11i11111110 III 111111 1 11 111 11 1 1 1 The 11111rnEMEMI1 MEI ono MIIIMBIZEMEIM 1111111 FLOOR TILE FOR Best In - Mastic Tile Floor GET TILE - TEX ALSO CLEANERS AND WAXES Manufactured by The Flintkote Company, Toronto, Ont. See Your Local Agent JOHN M. TURKHEIM Phone Zurich 174 LAID AND MAINTAINED. Free Estimates Gladly Given i11114419111911111111111 0121111 1 .1.-1-4.++++++++++++++++++++++.• 111 1111 111 111 1109 PA II 111 'M191 401:41 411 '4011011.11' • ,ft IN SETS OR OPEN STOCK AT HESS, THE JEWELLER ZURICH 4. 9. We Can Supply You With LUMBER SASH DOORS MILLWORK TEN -TEST MASONITE PAINTS BUILDERS' HARDWARE , ASPHALT ROOFING WAX AND ALL , TYPES OF BUILDING SUPPLIES P. C. KALRPLEISCII & SON Phone 69 - - • ZURICH Massey Harris HAVE RECEIVED A' L ARdE SHIPMENT OF MASSt- . • T, HARRIS REPAIRS. ORDER YOURS EARLY! . AM TAKING ORDERS NOW `FOR ANY MASSEY HARRIS IMPLEMENTS YOU MAY REQUIRE, INCLUDING TRACT- ORS, THRESHING MACHINES,,, COMBINES„ ETC. "The Service Arm for Canadian Farm" Shop Oscar Klopp Res. 67 Tel, 149 AUCTIONEERING AT YOUR SERVICE 4, 11P ••• • •