HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1949-12-08, Page 5cine ber•• and. Fin-. anal: .•:2,1;9: nine - Ara: ne ex the' off: feet- re-. and end.. .Nrs. but rally ke4 from e aft Aiasn- izine Sun - • ZURICH - ONTARIO ZURICH : HERALD ;Au• orized as second class mail, Peet Office Depart hent, Ottawa. BUSINES CARDS ZURICH HERALD John W. Orchard OPTOMETRIST Main Street -- Exeter Open Every Week Day Except Wednesday Phone 355J LICENSED AUCTIONEERS Oscar Kropp LICENSED AUCTIONEER ',III. sell Anything, Anytime, Any- where. Telephones: Shop 149. Res. 67 Zurich Central ,ALVIN WALPER Licensed Auctioneer -Specializing In - fam and Purebred Livestock Sales "'Service That Satisfies" Pkone 57r2. R. 1, DASHWOOD E. F. CORBETT, Put Your Want, For Sale Lost. Found, Etc, Ade in this Column. tw LICENSED AUCTIONEER Varna Reasonable, Satlsfacti0n Guaranteed EXETER, R. R. 1 Phone ;Mich 92r7. VETERINARIA.N Dr, W. B. COXON, B.V. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON • Dike with Residence, Sine Street, Opposite Drug ZURICH Nome --96 BUTCHERS CAR COAL COMING Car of Alberta deep seam lump size, Also `several cars of stove and furnace hard coal arriving. Leave your order at onee:-Stade & Weido NEUHAUSER CHICKS Hatching now. Twenty breeds, also Hy -Lines, the new kind of chickens bred like hybrid corn. Get them early. It will pay you well. Phone Metcalf 7482 -- Neuhauser Hatcheries, 81 King St., Condon. NOTICE ALL TIRES have advanced in price. Call for your's at ora prices while our stock lasts. --+L. A. Prang &, Son, Zurich. c =-WANTED- Boys Skates, size 13. Phone. Meyers 12'9. Zurichs' Popular MEAT MARKET Let Us supply you with the *cry Choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Bolognas,. Sausages, Etc., .always on hand Kept• bash in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins . Ynngblut .& San PRODUCE FOR SALE A Clare Jewell Range, new grates and in good condition. Appty to Wm. Lawrence, Zurich, LOUAJ .Owa Mr. Albert Hess and daughter Kathleen motored to London on Fri- day on business, Mr. and Mrs. Elzar Mousseau and daughter of Kippers, attended the Black Mousseau wedding last ,Thur.. sday evening. FOR SALE A pure bred Jersey heifer due in February, T. B. tested and vaccinat- ed. Apply to Mrs. Art Gabel, R. R. 3 Zurich. K Silverwood DAIRIES • Miss Helen Miller has returned home from Kitchener and has accep- ted a position at the Telep::one Cens tral .office at Dashwood. Is At Hospital 3•Irs. Sol Zimmerman was taken by the Westlake Ambulance to 'Clinton Hospital, la t Saturday. Her many, friends wish her a speedy recovery.' Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Black, (bridal couple) have returned home from their trip and will take up residence at the apartment of the bride's par- ents, Mr and Mrs Herb Mousseau. Mrs. Jack ;Baker of the Town Line near Hillsgreen, has returned home after visiting at the home of her daughter at Clinton for a few days last week. 1VIrs. Hallman of Kitchener, w°co enjoyed a week at the home of her sister, Mr and Mrs. Gerald Ginger- ich, returned home with her husband on Sunday who came to spend the Week -end. Mr and• Mrs'. Art Hoger and son Junior, of Detroit, enjoyed a very pleasant week -end ,at the home of their friends Mr. and Mrs. Herb Mousseau and Mr and Mrs. James Parkins. Entertained Club Miss -Mary Lou Fritz entertained the members of the Polly Pig=tail Club at the •home of her parents,Mr and Mrs. Ward Fritz last Friday evening. A lovely time was enjoyed The hostess served a delicious lun- cheon. Mrs. Thos Meyers has returned home after spending some time with her daughters, Mr and Mrs Floyd Hope of Streetsville; Mr. and IVIrs. Mervyn Stelck, of Bradtord; and with relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Mc- Kinley of Toronto. She also attend- ed as delegate of this district The Federation Convention of the Wom- ens' Institute of Ontario which was held at the Royal York Hotel, Tor- onto. WANTED . 1210 or 25 head of cattle for win- ter. feeding. Must be T.B. tested.. Apply to Lucian Corriveau, Phone 95 r 1, Zurich. rash Market for Cream, Eggs and Poultry • Have Your .Eggs Graded our AUTOMATIC EGG GRADER >- ager O'Brien, Man . �LeRary Zurich Bone 101. on WANTED. Will take a limited number of cat- tle' for feeding this winter. Apply to Vernon Oesch, Zurich, Phone 79 r18 Zurich Creamery FOR SALE FOR SALE - A quantity of three foot Dry Cordwood, principally elm. Price $6.00 a cord. This wood is on Lot No. 13, in the 19th Concession of East. Williams, • C.oui tly of Middle- sex, known as. the John W. Walker Farm. • There will be a man in charge of, sales at the farm beginning Thursday, Nov. 17th from 8.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. each day while the wood lasts. Farmers and others would be well advised to take advantage of this reasonable offer immediately. The Forest Basket Co., Limited. BREAD • on the table .,the meal is ready! No meal is complete without plenty of delicious wholesome bread. And 'TASTY -NU tests good and is good hearty food for you. Every slice a slice of energy - Buy an extra Loaf today -start now to serve more bread at even meal. Get your TASTY -NU Breac at the Tasty -Nu Bakery or at your local Grocers. F.OR-S•ALE About 100 pigs, weaners, starters, and chunks. -Aaron A. Oestreicher,� Phone Dashwood, 57 r 10. losissoomoilmwmammr NOTI.C`E WHITEWASHING & CLEANING Arrangements can be made Bill Watson Dashwood - Phone 35r19 Your Home Market for Cream Eggs and Poultry Highest Cash Prices paid plus la premium: for delivered cream We are equipped to • give effi- tient accurate service. Egg and Poultry department in charge of Mr. T. Meyers. Chas: • Minshall, Proprietor INSURANCE Tasty -Nu Bakery PHONE 100 -e ZURICH Had Hand Mangled . Master Mark Bender, aged 0 years and second son of Mr. and Mrs. EL don Bender, Goshen line, Stanle;. Township had a very painful exper- ience when he put his hand in the tractor while it was idling,.4o feel whether the engine was warm, and had his ,.+fingers and hand badly In- jured biyi the revolving fan. Med- icalattention was given but the lit- tle fellow although brave, is nursling a very sore hand. We are pleased to report it is progressing as favor- ably as could be expected. Mrs. Ernest Denomme of the B. W. Highway has left for Kitcfenes, where she intends' to remain for the winter months. OBITUARY Late William 'Leibold There passed away early Tuesday morning at his home :Banyilon line, Mr. William Leibold in his 77th year He had been enjoying usual health, and passed away very suddenly. Was a resident of the community most of his lifetime, and was of a very quiet disposition, although interesting • to converse with. Surviving are his wife, the former Anna Volland; four sons, Theodore, Elmer and Wm. Jr., of the Babylon line, Hay; Albert of Clinton; three daughters, (Pearl) Mrs Rudy; Petzke of Hensall; (Elizabeth) Mrs. R. F. Wamby, Stratford, (Rose) Mrs. 3. Broderick of Exeter, and one brother, Rev. H. H. Leib3id of Seb- ringville. The body.rested at the Westlake Funeral Home until 'Wed- nesday, at 4 p.m..when,removal wilt be made to his late home, .where ' a public funeral service will be held on Thursday, Dec. 8th at 2.30 p.m. In- terment will follow in the Babyon Line cemetery, Hay Township, Rev. H. E. .Rappel officiating. Mrs. Leon Jeffrey. Sr. ;Passes Western Farmers' Mutual r. feather Insurance Co. OF • WOODSTOCK THE LARGEST RESERVE • HAL - AWE OF ANY CANADIAN .MUT- DAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS ,. OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO . •&mount of Insurance at Risk on December 31e; 1946 573,699 , JUNIORS MEET Over 300 people attended the se- cond annual Huron County Junior Clubs Achievement Night in the Sea- forth High School Auditorium ou Friday. Geo.. Greer, agricultural re- presentative of 'Bruce County, was present and told the audience that we are fortunate in having a strong department of agriculture in our schools. .In the past our currcurm of education was not for the farmers text books for schools were not writ• ten biya agriculturalist, and :,o our schools educated boys and girls away from the 'farm. Today times have changed and agriculture has a great future because we are in a growing country. Today there is an improve_ mens; in soil, modern implements and Modern methods' which will result in a market for higher prices than i the past. Fred Wilson, Clinton, asst. agricultural rep. for Huron County acted as chairman. Eighteen club including the girls garden club, present. My Trip to Europe (By Rev. Father L. Marchand) Thursday, December 8th; 049A i Paris, France, Oct. 16, 1949 On September 28th I left Geneva, Switzerland, and arrived at Annecy, France. This had been the hone of St. Francis de Sales. I visited his church, stood in the pulpit in which he preached for 29 years, and saw his body (still well preserved after 300 years). This part .of France had completely fallen from the Catholic Church. St. Francis de Sales through his goodness and kindness had brought back thousands to the One True Fold. This city with its narrow streets and ancient dwellings has re- tained much of its medieval appear., ance. "Chappus" is rather a common name in this locality. Even the wharf is called "Quaff Lustache Chappus." Hence I travelled to the nearby Alps,. and saw the famous Mt. Blanc with, its eternally snow-covered, mile- high peak towering into the sky A cable -car takes one high up this mountain. Suspended in mid-air, I Was .filled with dread. The eeperience made me nervously sick for the re- mainder of the day. Thence I went to Grenoble. On my way there, as I passed through the towns and villages, it struck. me that the people here were 500 years i ehsrnd the times. Their homes.. tho- ugh interesting to• behold, are large, stone buildings, serving partly for residence and stable. l4aiiure is generally heaped in the front yards. I visited some of those homes; and doubt that the inhabitant; ever Heard of hygiene. I found them, however, interesting conversationalists. Gren- oble like most French towns and cit- ies, is very old and still retains muc'r of the appearance of several centur- ies ago. (To be continued) 236 00 '1 t of .The death occurred at tee home of her daughter, Mrs. W. Dewey at: Grand Bend, of Mrs. Enieline Jeffrey wife. of the late Leon Jeffrey Sr., in her 86th .year. : She had been ailing for some time. .W:as a native; of the French Settlement, and for most o.f her life was in the vicinity, being for a time in North Dakota. bier ..husband predeceased some years, ago.;The remains are being brought to her home, a half mile south of St. So,_ eph, from where the funeral will be held +on Friday morning •with requiem mass at St. Peter's Church at 10 a.m. Her family Jeon consists eon Jeffrey MINISTERIAL AT ZURICH Zti` Rev. and Mrs. H. E. Roppel, jell, entertained the South Huron Mirllisterial Association at the par- sonage of the Evangelical 13. B. Church, on Monday •afternoon, Dec- ember 5th. Those present were: Revs G.' C Weir, Centralia; J. V. Daltms,. and H: Currie, Crediton; D. R. Sin- clair, Exeter; H. J. Getz, Dashwood; K. Wood, Grand 'Bend; P. A. Feng, mon, Hensel' and E. Heirnrich, ur- ich. Several others of the group were absent for unavoidable reasons. The host, Rev. Mr: Roppel cuncluct- ed the devotional period blued .on. the Christmas story. Rev. Mr. Dahrixs outlined the second chapter of their' present study book on "Evangelism",. entitled, "The Conversion of Eng- land." A very thorough analysis and enthusiastic discussion of the wholehi subject then also followed. proved to ben very enlightening and Total Cash in l3ank and Bonds. lr., of Hay Township; William of profitabic study. $444,115.39 Wallaceburg; Alfred, Lawrence, Jos- At the close of the discussion ;Sirs. Rate'., on Application fph, and Nelson of Windsor; one Roppel served a very delicious moth; datigliter•, Mrs. Wilber° (Gladys) after which a hearty vote of thank, E. 1". KLOPP-..ZURICH 1)'ew ciy: of Grand Bend.. 'There are was tendered to the ho.dd. and hostess: alsa 25 grand children and 7 greet for' the courtesy of their horse and ;grand children. Rev. Father Willia�n h Rods ,. ,A,.lso Dealer In Lig trllllg I3ourcdc_au will officiate and rn er•me It ad all lair.?, W l=l; a tn��3x arc^ . ,.. � a y the delightful christialt fellow Rhus afforded and enjoyed by ever" S7X igu;177,aA FOOTPLAT E BY ONEIDA COMMUNITY SILVERSMITHS 1 a 1 t 1 1 Wiiiert Wood Prada ots (Trade Name Reg.) OFFERS THE FOLLOWING SERVICES: Auto Body Work "-- Cars Spray Painted, . Re -upholstered - Cronie Mouldings - Door Handles, Window Cranks, . Auto Glass - Weather Stripping - Leatherette and all Auto Body Accessories Wamac Refrigerators Domestic and Commerc- ial, sizes 9 to 26 cu. feet, net capacity. Wamac Vertical Type Freezer, approximate cap. '7 cu. ft; Gilson unit, fully guaran- teed from defects in workmanship and material. MiI,SCELLANEOUS FARM MACHINERY Ezee Flow Fertil- izer Drills, Post Hole Diggers; Garden Tractors; Clean Easy Milkers; Hydraulic Units, Etc. C. I L. Auto Paints;Duco and Delux; Polishes and Waxes, -etc. WHITE ROSE GAS AND OILS- We Duplicate wooden Farm Machinery Parts, bring sample. CARS WASHED - POLISHED and WAXED! DUNLOP FOAM RUBBER CUSH IONS. Ivan Willert - Zurich Phone 210 1 For Highest Quality Buy Ge -Op. Feeds ONLY RE -CLEANED GRAIN USED IN OUR FEEDS. Hensall Dist. Co -Operative HENSALL and ZURICH YOUR CHOICE OFIIIREE BEAUTIFUL PATTERNS 42 -PIECE SERVICE FOR EIGHT ONLY ...$41.75 to IN SETS OR OPEN STOCK AT HESS, THE JEWELLER ZURICH WE'RE READY TO HELP YOU... YOUR CAR represents a major investment. It deserves the best of care -and that's what we're ready to give it. Whether it's a complete lubrication job or just a battery check, we really try to give good, thorough Imperial service -the kind that will keep you coarsing back. We'd appreciate a chance to show you what we can do. Hector . Forcier ST. JOSEPH SERVICE STATION COR. No. 84 & 2.1 HIGHWAYS 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 4 1 1 I • • 1 Practical Gilt suggestions FOR CHRISTMAS FOR LADIES: Shoes, Go1a bes, Flight Boots, Bedroom. Slippers, Silk Stockings, Leopare.' ..Mitts and Skites. FOR MEN: Shoes, Flight Boots, Romeos, Bedroom Slippers, Kid Gloves, and Bill Folds. FOR CHILDREN: Shoes, Bedroom Slippers, White and Red Fur Trimmed Overshoes, Etc. GIVE US A CALL! ace i .'fYr� ti.: �:+�. i:; _ .•'ami :�, ::,.�= �9s1i^�'�+s:��,�;-.���5�. �h ���� � ACIP=.: �%E!►i < -�'- • • Choose Your HardwareNeeds o • _ From Our o NEW HARDWARE ,STOCK am A Good Supply of Shelf and Heavy Hardware e always on hand, also • = Scarf's Endurable Paints, Enamels and Varnishes and the New Alrnatex -Plastic Paints For your heating system we recorriroend.—the Good Cheer Furnace, or the .well known Coleman Oil Heater. 0 i. • 6. fI. •,. as: • 0 • 0 0 • • Hardware ISld�vare Store lo eMain St. � ..fes^• � :" •. ,-.:�^,�'.. . iT,,rr�.+w.w\ .! C^RI,"-'.'CNew�. //••i:s7b31� I For your Household needs we carry Beaty Wash Machines; National Electric Stoves; Marconi Rad- ios; Heaters, Electric Irons, and Toasters, Enamel- ware Pyrex and various Kitchen Ranges. Reliable Plumbing, Furnace work, evetroughin• and Tinsmithing. Our Aim „To Serve and Satisfy' Dai. r' Phone 213 1 0 000 t 3 m • • • 0 er 4 , ,