HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1949-12-08, Page 4FIR Christmas Shopping Distinctive and Moderately Priced Wabasso Hemstitched Pillow Cases, pr. 51.59 Wabasso Gift Sets (Gift Boxed) 7.50 Wabasso Sheets,.. pr. 6.50 Cannon Percole Sheets, pr. .7.95 1 Caldwell Towel Sets 149, 1.95, 2.25 Caldwell Coloured Towels and Face Cloths 100'% Wool Blankets at 8.95 to 10.51) Nylon Tricot Pyjamas by Holeproof • • 6.50 Nylon Tricot Slips, by Holeproof - a•3v We have Holeproof Nylons. Nylons with the Black and the Brown Heel at 1.75 pr. Others priced from 1.4 0 to 2.50 for 60 gauge. Ask for Free Gift Boxes with your purchases. Aerisalla, Tudors°" 70 'tome, Private funeral set'vite was held 'Wednesday at 2',30 from his parents home, with Rev. Hinton, of I Mrs. Harold Kellerman and John, St. Andrew's United Church, Kippen ,are spending a few days mHan-' offiiating, Burial was in Hensall Urt" over. ion. Cemetery. I 141r and Mar's Walter Ness of Lon„ 111 Mrs. Joe Rapson spent a !aw days ! don spent the week -end with his mo- l ZURICH HERALD • l _h' • granddaughter, M •s Ness DASHWOOD at the home v ex g then, i . € Mrs. C. McBride. Mrs. Lydia Rinker is visiting with Ila Mr. and Mrs. Goldie Graham and friends in Windsor. !u1 Mrs. John McCowan. of near Kippcir Several relatives from e here attend -11H o'c fa are away to visit friends in 7.' r alto ed the funeral of th late Da and Stouf`fville., ' Pfaff in Sarnia on Saturday, Left Community a. A social evening was held in the withCol andand ylMrs Wesrs. E, Tiernanlfeand ; Goshen Church basement friday night last in honor o l f Mr and Mrs family of London, were Sunday vis Mrs.:Sillery of Seaforth is visiting tie Keyes who Axhaveleft the con ,tors with relatives here. munity and moved to Varna. i Mr. • Donald �,� Gasser is eto in London Hospital where he is p ndergoing' , Goshen WMS Meet treatment. The November meeting of Goshen We extend congratulations to Mr WMS was at the home of Mea, Allan .Robert,Hoperoft, son of Mr. and Mrs Armstrong with the president, Mrs. Thos. Hoperoft who was successful in Wm. Hayter in the chair. The devot- I running as member of the council in ional period was in charge of Mrs. • Port Colbourne. Robinson and her group. Hymn 3991 Mr and Mrs. Thos. Smythe •of Lon - was sung. The minutes read and roll don spent the week -end with her pax called. A card of thanks was read from Mrs. Robt. Teck. A reading by encs, Mr and Mrs C. Steinhagen. The members of the Ladies' Aid Mrs. Anson McKinley and some ! and W.M.S. of the Evangelical church poetry by Mrs. John McKinley. Mrs. entertained their husbands to a chic - Russell Errata read from the study ken dinner. on Friday evening. Book. Bhe offering was taken and tables were beautifully decorated Hymn 5021 sung. Mrs Robinson pre- soc nuanced the Benediction, andwith Christmas decorations and after a _ a delicious chicken dinner a program of half hour spent. ! was given consisting of sheen* Christmas lCarols. Orchestral numbers readings, solo's and moving pictures. HENSALC. Chamber of Commerce The regdlar meeting of the Cham - BORN — At the Stephan Nursing bei of Commerce was field in the Dome, �ie1 sill on December. 3rd to Council Chambers Monday evening, Mr and Mrs. Harold. Wil1ea;t, or Hay the' .5th: `Walter Spencer was chair - Township, (nee Joyce Aikenhead') a pian in the absence of -the president, R. H. Middleton. J. Irvin, treasurer, reported on finances from the recent frolic. The net proceeds were $1524 It.was decided to. transfer .$1500 to the Building Fund. James A. Pater., son- reported that.. all preparations were made for the annual Xmas. tree GRAND BENO Setting for Wedding •Donna Frances, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. Robert MacPherson, be- came the bride, of Dougal Gordon Gray son of Mr and Mrs. Gordon ALAIKE Ms and •Mrs Leon Geoffrey vis- ited•their son, Mr and Mrs Leonard Geoffrey and family in •Goderich one ra , Gray, Parkhill, in an attractive cer- day. many friends of Mr Maxine emony performed at Grand Bend Un- ited Church by Rev. K. Wood, Mrs. Denomme were sorry to hear he has Ray Pollock, aunt of the bride, pla- I been very sick from the results of a fall. His speedy. recovery is looked yed the weddingng"The Lor and Morley for soon. e was taken to the 'Clin- ton sang Lord's Prayer." (ton Hospital, by the Westlake Ani - The bride was lovely as she enter- ibulance for x-rays! which showed no ed the church with her father, •atten-bones were broken. ding her as matron of honor was Mrs.'Mrs. Lloyd Guenther of Dashwood .son. Mr and Mrs John Passmore, Mrs V. C. Passmore, Ronald and Norma visited recently with Mr and Mrs _Al- bert Passmore and Mi and Mts. -Re C. Passmore at Aylmer. •Miss Dorothy .McNaughton. was • a party on Dec. 17th in the Town (Hall. guest with Miss Roberta Kirkby' iia, Candy, nuts' and oranges will be dis- Sr. Thomas. ! tributed to the •children of Hensall Mr and Mrs E. Fletcher of Moore-' and surrounding district. Everyone field are spending the winter months ' is invited. A picture show will be with Mr and Mrs. Ed. Fink. !shown in the town hall at 2.30. Dis- At the bingo and dance held in the Town Hall Wednesday last, spon- sored ley the Legion, Mrs. A. Town- send won the door prize, a turkey. Harvey Keys, local merchant, .who. won a goose and two chickens, don- •Fted one back to the Legion, which was won by Mrs. Geo. Smale. The Ladies of Carmel church held a most successful home -baking and rrammege sale and supper ire the Hall Saturday last. Mr. Wm. Kerslake of St. Marys ie Grant Pollock. Bridesmaid was Miss Marian Gray. Parkhill. ester of the groom. Miss Dorolyn Meir, of Buffalo N.Y., cousin of the bride, was flower girl. All wore headresses and gloves to match. Don C-tmpheil of ISo"tiac Mich., and Don Franklin MacPher- son, twin brothers of the 'bride, at- tended the groom. Ushers were Earle MacDonald ,of • Hamil+on. sed How- ard Datars,,,,,Dashwood. Following a 11 lig °dna Ell 1!11 visited at the home of her parents, Mr and Mrs. David .Desch. Miss Emma Dinsmore visited her cousins, Mrs. Drysdale and Miss Jem Johnston in Zurich one day recent- ly. Mrs. Clarence Parke is holding the December Womens' Missionary , in her home on Thursday .afternoon, De- cember 18th at tz.30 p.m. Mrs. • Roy McBride's group, being in. charge : of reception at the Brenner Hotel, at the meeting. . Grand Bend, the couple left for •x'I Mrs. F. Young is spending a few wedding trip to central Ontario and days at Goderich owing to her sister's New York State. Mr. and Mrs. Gray. illness and recent operation in the will live .in' Parkhill. - !Clinton Hospital. cussion.followed on a hockey team and it was decided to have a senior team and a couple •of Junior teams playing this winter. Hold Annual Meeting The annual meeting of the Hensel]. Branch of the Canadian Legion 'Was held in the Legion Hall, Monday. ev- ening, 5th, President Jack Tudor in the chair. Reports were received from all committees showing stdadv progress. R. S. Thurtell was initiated into membership. The following offi.- .pending several weeks with his son cers were appointed to form the 1949 and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. A -50 slate: Pre,,ident, Dave Sangster; IV. Kerslake. lst vice-pres., Byron Kyle; 'Led Vice The annual Christmas- concert of W. Cameron; Chaplain, Rev. P. A. the Hensall Public School will be Ferguson; Adjustment officer, F. Ap 1:eld in the Town Hall, Hensall on pedby; Sergeant at Arms, Jack Sim - Tuesday evening, Dec. 20th. mons; Zone Representatives, Sam Were at Seaforth Dougall, Alfred Clark, Jack Tudor;. A large representation of memo- Executive, F. Bonthron, D. Daycnane ere of Amber Rebekah Loage, Hensall H. Horten, R. Smale; Refreshments attended lodge at the Edelweiss Re- were served and there was a spleniil:;; bekah Lodge in Seaforth Monday ev. id attendance. :k C Thursday',Thursday',I;ieeeniber $tt1,�1fk4'9 ••, Keep Your Home at Healthful Constant, Heat With a Marchand Oil Heater —COMFORT! —BEAUTY! —ECONOMY --.Greater Convenience! —Less Attention Required! ----T00% Modern in every R spect. _Available in 3 Sizes. - To Meet Your Personal Requirements Authorized Dealers: Rader & Mittelholtz HARDWARE MERCHANTS - Zurich, Phone 63 St. Joseph and Beaver Town i Mr and Mrs Lawrence Denomme and family of Chatham were Sunday* visitors with Mr and Mrs Leon Be- dard, and on their return Mrs. Hec- tor Laporte accompanied them, where she will be for some time in Chat-- ! ham. Mr. James Masse of St. Joseph has j been confined to his bed with artry leg trouble and it will be .some time I before it will clear away. On Saturday last Mr and Mrs Fred Ducharme of the B. W. Highway,' motored to Beaver Town to spend the day at the home of Mrs. Bernie, Geoffrey. The, cement foundation nes beert laid for the new cottage .on the Win. Dueharme Jr., summer resort, and top work will be continued until cone pleted, by 'the Jeffreys Bros:, build_ ers. Mr and 112rs tLeonard Geromette of the Goshen Line; north, .were, Sunday last callers with Mr and :Mrs. Fred Ducharme of the B. W..aligleveaYe Mr and Mrs George ..Kaschut , • of Kitchener were week -end visitors with Mr and Mrs Leon Bedard of this vicinity. last when the Brus:els Degree team STANLEY TOWNSHIP initiated five candidates from Hen - Quite a number of Stanley res.'- .. dents attended the Federation of Ag'- riculture• banquet in Varna United Church, Thursday evening last. Racy McGregor, son of Mr and Mrs Robert McGregor, of Kippen, died Nov. 29th in Windsor, following a long illness, in his 1i2ith year. Surviving are his parents and two Lome. brothers, James and Grant, both at . sill and three from •Seaforth. Announcement • Mr and Mrs George R. Hess of liensall, announce the engagement of their daughter, Ruth. Allan, to Jark . Laurence, son of Mr. D. A. McCloy and the late Mrs. McCloy, Stratford, the wedding to take place, Saturday, 'ec. 17, at high noon at the bride's How to be Born Again NO ONE CAN BE SAVED UNLESS HE IS BORN AGAIN BY THE POWER OF GOD'S SPIRIT. CHRIST SAYS: "Ye must be born again." Jn. 3:7 Nothing will take the place of the new bietht —Baptism or Confirmation or church attendance will not take the place of the new birth. .-.CULTURE, refinement and outward correctness of life will not suffice. "Verily, verily, I say tint:: thee. Except a man be born again,he cannot see the kingdom .of God." Jn. 3:3 We are born again by God's Holy Spirit, through his word the momeets we receive Christ as Saviour. "But as many as receive Him, to them gave he power to he - co. ie lee Sons of God, even to them that believe on his name." TUNE IN—Ileac CHAS E. FULLER, Box 123, Los Angeles, S'r11TVA. CHUM -1 n5r1, 'Permit.) rind:rys 9. to 10. A.M. WAR, 1130, Pontiac, Mitch.. Sunda ye at 12 to 1.00 p.m. Winter Seems Here At time of writing the weather i?: a little cold, but nice for December and with little frost in the grdhnd. and no snow, so day by day the win-. ter is gradually passing: awaty+, and: e so far leaving no ill effects rnajts: pathway. Bean buyers are on the go aga/,.„, with the old price. But fanners Vie, Iaying low at present. They are ex- pecting an advance in price in the New Year. Mrs. Leon Jeffrey, formerly of. Beavertown, wlio has not been feel- ing well of late, has now taken re- sidence with her daughter, Mr. and. Mrs_ Wilber Dewey of Grand Bend.. WHERE IS IT LEGAL TO SPAN . A WIFE fIt can't be done in Pittsburgh, .but a judge in British Columbia actually "sentenced" .• a- wife to be spanked!: Get the facts on wife -spanking front Abilene to., Xenia, ag enid in one ,rat man ;. ntriguing articles- erigan Weekly, 01415rate83. iragazi'ne- of real-ltfe 'stnmats, . ! vylk . Allis Sun- day's (Dec. 11) issue of The Detroit: Sunday Times: • 71 -- - HANDS IN TR;1I\I1'G ...FOR O1VI'AItIO Learning Business Practice IN Ontario the wheels of industry tuns for the benellt of 'every single one of us. Our lathes, dynamos, drill presses, res ss ,rnd services combines, far, farm tractors, business machines, etc. are producing dollars. These. dollars provide food, clothing, medical care and other necessities which contribute to our security and high standard of living. Every single one of us, therefore, has a very personal interest in the flow of a steady supply.of titainecl workers to industrial plants. These workers will operate machines which. are important to our way of life. We should appreciate, then,. the co-operative efforts of government, industry and labour in the field of employee training. In schools and in factories our workers, young and old, are given the opportunity to develop new and specific skills in every field of business and industrial activity. For instance, every effort on the -part of office workers to become pro. ficient ,in typing: filing, .shorthandand secretarial work, will mean greater business efficiency—will help to make Ontario a finer place in which 10 live 11til w oi'1 . THE BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) w Our Way 01 Life fiewurds Trained )ilCanilrs Ontario workers know they can earn more, bave executive responsibility le and enjoy a higher standard of, living in direct ratio to the skills they ac quire and the way they make use • of them. That's always true in a free economy • —that's why our corn• petitive system will continue to snake Canada great and a great place in which to live. s'. 444444b46114114 4,;•• •w