HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1949-12-08, Page 1tAltetabliahed :19,00 ••. ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 8 19 49 RA ckmarnt. L. 011711, ruaLisweir. ;1.75 a, Yea in Advance. . $2.00 in U. S. A,, in Advance. ARTHUR FRASER Income Tax Reptfits 'Bookkeeping Service, Etc. EXETER OFFICE-0Tner Ann, William Sta. Phone Exeter USW. ELIVIER D. BELL, B.A. ARRISTER SOLICITOR EXETER, ONT. Wednesday, 2 to S p.m., at Zurich At (New Twnia. Office) 11VM......10.1MMO=....0.11=11.1MINUMENIato \Zurich Beauty Shop Alcion Theatre GRAND BEND Presents for Your. Enjoyment. the. Following Attractions Friday, Saturday Dec. 9-10 "UNTAMED ERRED" In Cinecolor Sonny Tufts Barbara Britton George "Gabby" Hayes Daring Action Thriller thaf shows Men -with Passions and Animate Fighting against them. Cartoon: "Silly Billy" and "Star To Remember". THE HOME OF THE BETTER OIL PERMANENTS The Better Oil Permanents Applied -with the very latest of methods and Equipment. GIVE US A CALM =Vbone 153 for your Appointments. DOREEN SCHBOE--Zurich Monday, Tuesday Victor Mature Fred Clark "CRY OF THE CITY" The Compelling Tale of a Man who lived a short, hopeless Lite. Paramount Newsreel and Cartoon. ZURICH LIONS FIFTH ANNUAL —COMING EVENTS.— • SCHOOL CONCERT — The an- nual school concert of the Zurich school will be held in the town hall Zurich, on Wednesday., December 21st. The reserved tickets will be Dec. 12-13 Richard Conte Shelly Winters on sale at Willert's Variety Store. Are You Suffering From Headaches? -lJ2so, Have your :ie s Examthed with 'the Latest Methods sad 3Equipment at A. L. COLE, R.O. OPTOKETRIST & OPTICIAN C;ODIMICa — ONE, ‘-God Glasses at Be' Prleee; Feather Party. NOTICE THE BLUE WATER GUN CLUB • Will Hold its • ANNUAL MEETING THE DOMINION HOTEL, ZURICH On MONDAY, DECEMBER nth. • At 8 ,o'clock, p.m. All interested parties are urged t Attend NOTICE N0 RM A. ' S 4,..E.07,4yz, BEAUTY SHOPPE FOR APPOINTMENTS Tel. 223. Zurich NORMA STEINBACH - Pron. Celebrated Birthday A delicious turkey dinner was en- joyed last Friday evening at the new opened Monetta. Menard's dining room, Exeter, when the ehildren cd Mr. Charles Fritz celebrated their father's 81st birthday, lovely time was spent. Cbarlie, as we know is a very robust man for his litp with splendid health, and gets a great "kick" out of hunting and fishing. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Thiel also were dinner guests with the Fritz family. Arena Progressing 0.; Workmen are still going strong at !,ahe local Arena and Community Celle 'tre. The arena is practically all 'closed in now, and it takes men with KID BAKER and his Troupe ON 1RAG RUGS and CARPETS On a New ModeLoom, Made to. Order — Seth 0. Amann, Zurich* Ont. Phone 128. 4 lot of courage and deterrnmation to $e up on that big metal roof nailing down, 'these cold -wintery days. but these boys have what it takes, as the saying goes. Good progress is WEDNESDAY, DEC. 14th falso being made on the communite AT ST. RETER'S HALL, FRENCH SETTLEMENT FLOOR SHOW 8.30 pan. DANCING: 10.-2 A.M. Adrnission-a-Adults 7,5 cents. Children under 12 — 25 cents AND BINGO AT • Town Hall, Zurich On Friday, December 16th DUCKS - CHICKENS - GEESE AND TURKEYS GALORE DOOR PRIZE — A Monster Turkey Admission 50cts., including 10- Free Games —Advanced Ticket Sales from any Lion— Proceeds for. Cornmunity„ Welfare Work 4/444944.4444 G.* f+++++ t4. an ? oilman fang 'fame Private Car Ambulance Service for the Conveyance of Sick and Injured . Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director. MEMBER OF THE ONTARIO FUNERAL ASSOCIATION . DAV' OR NIGHT TELEPHONE No. 70 .2.. , f Dashweed — Ontario i, 4. 4. fre++++++++++++++++++++44++4*e; +++ +++++++++,e+++44+4•44-4-6 1 1 ...................................................................................7....... ) THIEL Zurich . miniwwwwwwwwilmommir, ......issiatioirnamit!aimmommunir THIE L'S Superior Store NOTICE! WE ARE NOW IN A IPOSITION TO COVER YOUR FLOORS WITH INLAID TILE IN ALMOST ANY COLOUR. PRICES AND SUGGESTIONS GLADLY GIVEN. FRESH FRurrs„ VEGETAI3LES, GROCERIES EACH' WEEK1 BENEFIT DANe OLD AND NEW Town ,centre, which will also soon be dos - led in with a few favourable clays. The Christman Spirit • With only about two weeks to go. till Christmas makes one think of the lovely Yuletide season almost up - ;an us. Giving and receiping of gifts a big factor at this time, and we would ask the public to read the far- ious ads. in the Herald, and see what . these business men are offering for th-is memorable gift season. Our merchants have put •forth special ef- :fort to supply the public with good merchandise at reasonable prices. So 'let these people help you solve your problems in Chrictmas Gift Buying. A Jeweilry Christmas THIS YEAR MAKE IT A JEWEL- LERY CHRISTMAS. BULOVA, ELCO, ROLEX AND CERTINA WATCHES BLUE BIRD AND BRIDAL WREATH DIAMONDS FINE SILVERWARE AND CHINA A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF COS- TUME JEWELLERY AT $L00 UP SMART EARRINGS, SEVERAL TRAYS AT $1.00. AT W. M., S. MEET Hall, The Women's Missionary society On 'of St. Peter's Lutheran church held their annual .public l'Thankoffering Friday, December 9th, ,service On Smiday' evening,. Decera- Zurich Dancing from 9:30 till -;'ber -the fifth, The members entered • - • • • , aaeiaaRe;.V.V.-"a eiTearnriela eeoridatted Music by the - "Syncopators . Admission — 50 Cents Refreshment Booth in Hall Proceeds for Community, Hall and Arena Fund CLOCKS Make Ideal Christmas Gifts. We .again have 'Cuckoo Clocks and beautiful 'Westminster Chimes.—Hess the Jeweller. SOCIETY CARES FOR 95 CHILDREN The South Huron district meeting of the Huron County Children'sAid Society was held in Zurich town hall Friday evening last. In the absence of Hugh Berry chairman of the so- ciety, Alfred Wilkes, the president presided. Prayer was offered by ReV R. G. McMillan, minister of •Goder- ich Preabyterian Church. -Geo. Aran., strong, reeve of Hay Township, ex-. tended a welcome to the board of directors of the society and also to the guest speakers. Mrs. Roche, pres- ident of -Zurich Women's Institu te, which sponsored the ineetine wet - corned -the guests. Mrs. Mary P. Chaffee, superintend- ent of the society, responded to the greetings, and mentioned that the society now has 95 children in its cardaThe addition to the staff of Miss White, Reg. N., was much appreciat- ed, said Mrs. Chaffee. She then lair°, deiced Miss Frieda Held, the guest speaker, who has had much experi- ence in child welfare work. Since 1946, -s-he has been field smpervisor for social -service studies at Toronto University. Miss Held gave an interesting ad- 'alhess ion "How To Help Other Peo- ple," in the course of which she said: "You can help the Children'Aid. Society by opening your homes as foster -parents and bringing into child's life a sense of security and a feeling of being wanted. The Child- ren's, Aid also needs gift, but ('spec..ially gifts of money. Often the neg- lected group is the pre-school child- ren," she declared. Harvey Erskine, treasurer of the society!, told of the steps taken to set up the 'Huron County Heattn Unit, and introduced Dr, Aldis, county M. 0.14., who outlined briefly the ob. jects, of the unit. Two foster -mothers told of the love, joy and happiness they had re- ceived by each taking a tittle eaild into their homes as their own. Johnston of Cxoderich extended a vote of thanks to all who had contributed to the evening's program. The 7urieh W. 1. served lunch. The local tile who did not attend this. meeting blanket, remarkV s by ic speaker replied very fittingly, • missed a real educational treat. DOOR PRIZE - NOVELTY DANCF, Pee ..church, in a body. The pastor•, service and spoke on the work of tj-te Missionary Society in the church at large. The film "The Way of Sal- vation," which depicts the work of Paul and his followers at Phiilippi, was shown. The thank offering was gratefully received and placed on the altar. HOCKEY NEWS A large and enthusiastic crowd gathered at the Town Hall on Mon- day! night to organize what is to lie known as the Zurich Hockey Club. The following officers were elected. President, Ferd Haberer; 1st Vice - President, Milfred Schile; 2nd Vice President, Ivan Kalbfleiseh; Secret- ary -Treasurer, Herb TurkheimBoard of Directors: Ed Gascho, Leroy O'- Brien and Ivan Yungblut.; Manager of Team, Gordon Block; Coach of Team, Lennis O'Brien. It was de- cided to hold a Tag Day on Decem- ber 17th to raise funds for the team. t was also decided that each busin- ese place would be asked to buy' a sweater, on the back of which they may have- their advertisement. The team is to be called "The Zurich Babes," in memory of Babe Siebert. Any donations towards this Club will be greatly appreciated. A G. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. Your Blue Coal Dealer Wants you to know A Heat Regulator will pay yon& back the cost in fuel saved in one season, besides the cornfoat of Auto- matic entrfal. Ask your Blue Coal Dealer! W, R. DAVIDSON Pone 10 HensaU ROE'S VITIMIZED FEEDS ' 9041000•• 60•4400000•014100M00 •••••••••••• 00044•0044000 • e Lions Club News A. near perfect attendance was in order on Monday evening when the regular Lions meeting was held in the .Deminion House, and an inter- esting meeting was enjoyed. The guest speaker on this occasion wa!s District Governor Lion H. McNair of Milverton. He told the Lions. of `his interesting trip to Lions Internation- al at Chicago, and also how the Zur- ich Club ,is rated so highly in its standing amongst other Clubs. He thought it must be a big inspiration to be a member of a Club like Zurich has. Wished the town and commun_ ity well with its new arena and com- munity centre. The snject of his address was "What Are You Stand- ing For?" We should stand for high standards of Lionism, help your president and officiers all that we can. Lionism teaches, unselfishness, =vice, good character, regular att- endance, it is harder to stay on top than it is to get there. He talked on the merits and achievements of Win- eton Churchill, the great larne8b. tatevimart. The speaker was intro- duced by Lion Vice President Jacob laheree and at the elo,e of his ed - 1 ;.)n 'Vien-Presidont Victor Dinnin thanked the speaker for his fine address. This was followed by a presentation of a choice woollen ' and the a tia Ivo gz,ttnroV41 a*** i••••••••••••••••••••• Licensed 1 Embalmer and Funeral Director IPrivate Car Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Day and Night Service I 44 Telephone: Rs 89' --, : - or 122, Zerich t.i. • a•s•••easoiraeosseaseato•eseassaseasaseacia 1 • • 0 • • • • • • • • • • rocer Your Christmas Sup lies This is your opportunity to put in your Supplies of Groceries for Christmas. We will have in stock choice Nuts, Candies, Rasins, Peels for the Christ- mas Cake, Oranges, Fruits andmany things to make the Yuletide Season all the more Cheerful. Menno Oesch PRODUCE WANTED. Zurich Phone 165 Ainamomemasmarammanamasucassagrammesaraxmaracrammar F ail Mens' and Boy's Underwear, Checked Shirts, Men's Pants, Overalls, Smocks and Jackets, Etc. Rubber '•'ootwear Mens', Boys Rubber Boots, 4 -buckle all rubber Yukon Mens.'. High Laced Flexions; Boots, Overshoes and Rubers. FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND KtE STOR E. Schwartzentruber, Prop, 1 Phone 11.97 tt ;. A tt 1