HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1949-12-01, Page 5MrIMIMMINIMMOMMMIEMMOSMeralfilMSEMMELIZENEEZ14' ."SMEZNIMMIN • 1 • • sie Areeiamisolle,SSZMMISMONSIVEMMINVMMIllili ZURICH ONTARIO ZURICH HERALD Thursciay,,, December lst, 1949 ZURICH HERALD AstIthoriZed as second class mall, Poet Office Department, Ottawa. •MS., i• I BUSINES CARDS John W. Orchard OPTOMETRIST Main Street Exeter Open Every Week Day Except Wednesday Phone 36SJ LICENSED AUCTIONEERS lop—p- LICENSED AUCTIONEER 9IFIR Bell Anything, Anytime, Any- • where. Telephones: Shop 149. Res. 67 • Zurich Central ALVIN WALPER Licensed Auctioneer -Specializing In - Farm and Purebred Livestock Sales "Service That Satisfies" •Phone 57r2. •R. 1, DASHWOOD E. F. CORBETT LICENSED • AUCTIONEER fence Reasonable, Se:defection Guaranteed A • EXETER, R. R. 1 • Phone 92r7. 34▪ T•t•TERINARIA.N De. W. 11. coxori 14N. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON • Dthee with Residence, Main Street,. Opposite Drug Store ,rhottie-L•96 .ZURICH BUTCHERS . Zurichs' Popular MEAT MARKET Let Us supply you with the very: Choice of Fresh and Cur - ad Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Etc., always on hand. Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins R. Yungblut & Son PROPUCE. PRODUCE Silverwood DAIRIES leash Market for Cream, Eggs and Poultry Have Your Eggs Graded on our AUTOMATIC EGG GRADER LeRoy O'Brien, Manager -Phone 101 Zurich Zurich Creamery Your Home Market for Cream Eggs and Poultry Highest Cash Prices paid plus premium for deliveredcrearn We are equipped to give effi- ient accurate service. Egg Blind Poultry • department ,in charge of Mr. T. Meyers. Chas. Minshall, Proprietor INSURANCE LOCAL NEW. 'Vb.'s. Frank Bottler of London, Ipet the week -end at the home of her parents, Mr and Mrs. John Al- brecht. Miss Anita Deters, who is attends ing Stratford Normal School, is ob- serving and teaching in Miss Olive ROOM, Z.P.S. this week. Mr. Norman Sararas of Waterloo, was a weekend visitor at the home of his mother, Mrs. A. Sararas, of town, and 'brother, Mr and Mrs. Leonard Sararas . of the BW. High - 'Mr. and Mr. Gordon Kaiting of Goderich attended the birthday din. ner at the home of the latter's sister Mr and Mrs. Harry G. Hess on Sun- day. Dr. and Mrs. P, J, O'Dwyer bave returned from Termite, where the Doctor took a post graduate course in that city during the week. A MARTHA WASHINGTON dress from Tudor's in Hensel would be ap- preciated by any lady. Priced from $2.95 to $3.95. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Jeffrey of way. Blake visited with their children in Mr. and Mrs. Roman Meldinger Windsor and also went to Detroit to bave moved their effects from Kitch. meet Mrs. Jeffrey's sister. firs., S. 'eller unto the farm which they pur- Mous au, of California, They also chased from Mrs. Daniel Oswald. We visited with Mra. Jeffrey's brother, welcome them to our community. troit. Mr, and Mrs, William Plante in De - Mrs. Jim Parkins and daughter, COMMUNITY Sandra, Miss Joyce ,Mousseau aridl Mr.. Reg Black motored to Detroit, I WASTE PAPER COLLECTION where they visited with the former's uncle and aunt, Mr and Mrs. Gar On Tuesday December Gth m the School will collect waste paper and NEUHAUSER CHICKS •rags. Please ' tie newspapers and Wolper for a few • afternoon. the pupils of Zurich day,s. Order them now and have a head °start. Early hatcher.; chicks feather better. Fryers , and roasters brig more .money because they are sold on a higher market. Early hatchers pul- lets ray twice as many eggs when the price iS high. We will have chicks available after November 30th. , Neuhauaer Hatcheries, 81- King St., London,' Ont. Western Farmers' Fanners' Mutual, Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK TEE LARGEST RESERVE BAL. OTCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- UAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS Ito OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO .. keimount of Insurance at Risk on December 31et• 1946 $73,699,236.00• ) Total Cash in Bank and Bonds, $444,115.39 Rotel.; on Application • E. F. KLOPP—ZURICH AGENT .Also Dealer in Lightning Rods tod all kiwis of Fire Insurance • —WANTED— Boys Skates, size 13. — Phone. Meyers 109. FOR SALE A Clare Jewell Range, new &ales and in good condition. Apply to Wm Lawrence, Zurich. FOR SALE• A pure February, ed. Apply Zurich. bred Jersey heifer due in T. R. tested and vaccinat- to Mrs. Art Gabel, R. R. 3 WANTED 110 or 25 head of cattle for win- ter feeding. Must be T.B. tested.. Apply to Lucian Corriveau, Phone 95 r 1, Zurich. WANTED Wii take a limited number of cat— tle fel: feeding this winter. Apply to Vernon Oesch, Zurich, Phone 79 r18 FOR SALE FOR SALE — A quantity of three foot Dry Cordwood, principally elm. Price $6.00 a cord. This wood b or Lot No. 13, in the 19th Concession of East Williams, County •of Middle- sex, known as the John W. Walker Farm. There will be a man in charge of sales at the farm beginning Thursday, Nov. 17th from 8.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. each day iwhile the wood lasts. Farmers and others would be well advised to take advantage of this reasonable offer immediately. The Forest Basket Co., Limited. • FOR 'SALE About 100 pigs, weaners, starters, and ,chunks.—Aaron A. Oestreither, Phone Dashwood, 57 r 10. "* NOTICE WHITEWASHING & CLEANING Arrangements can be made Bill Watson Dashwood — Phone 35r19 smooth finished paper magazines Securely in separate bundles. • Cor- rugated •and •other • paper cartons should be flattened and tied in bun_ dies. Please place bundles on the sidewalk in front of your home or place of business before noon, Tues- day, December Gth. Seen Ape • While Mr and,lVIrs. Earl .Gingerich and daughter •and Mr. Lorne Ging- erich toured to Miami, Florida, and other places in the U.S.A. last win- ter, they had the privilege to see Gargantua, the Big Ape of the Ring- ling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey Circus. His picture appeared in the Saturday's nmelon Free Press, • and announcing his death last week, now at its hext-to-last stop before going into winter quarters at Sarasota Fla. The gorilla's great bulk, hxs night- mare face and his air conditioned cage made him a famed attraction throughout the United Stare., • and Canada. Gargantia became ill a week ago before the show reached Florida. He was fed crushed fruit, milk in an effort to bring him back to health. For.the last two days he ate nothing, but by the looks of his mouth, in his prime he surely must have been some "eater". HENSALL NOMINATION At the a-nnual Municipal Nominat- ion of the Council Board for the Vil- lage of Heneall on Monday, the fol- lowing; were nominated: Reeve, A. W. Kerslake, (accl) ; Council, Lorne Luker, Harry Hoy, Wm. Pare, Nor- man Jones (aecls) ; School Board, Caen Johnston, Peter L. McNaugh- ton, A. L. Case; P.U.C., one year ' term Thos. Welsh. On the 5th day lof December the Electors of the Vil- lage will be called upon to vote on a bylaw to establish a 'Public Utility: les Commission for the Village of Hensall. • LATE JOHN HAGAN The late John Hagan died in Lang- don, N. Dakota, aged 85 years. Bern in Stanley Twp., south of Varna, he went to North Dakota in 1896 and farmed there. His wife predeceased. 16 years ago. She was formerly Mary • Byrne, of Stephen Twp. They had a. family of 10 children, one rust his life during the late war, and four others predeceased him. He was bur- ied on Nov. 1'8th in Langdon cemet- ery. He had visited in these parts a number of time, the last being 22 years ago. He is survived by one bros operatively owned machinery. ther, Charles of Seaforth, and form- • The discussion was followed by erly of Zurich, one sister, Mrs. Mar- a contest. The hostess served a tin Breen, of Detroit, Mich., de - of a licious lunch. The next meeting will be held at Mr and Mrs. Leonard ifamily of nine. Merner's with Mr. Thomas Meyers leading the discussion on "As Others • aREAD •on the table 4 the meal is ready! NO, meal is complete without plenty of delicious wholesome bread. Anri TASTY -NU tests good and is goon hearty food for you. Every slice slice of energy - Buy an extra Loaf today --star pow to serve more bread at ever; meal. Get your TASTY -NU Brea. at the Tasty -Nu Bakery or at your local Grocers. Tasty -Nu Bakery PHONE 100 — ZURICH BREAKS ARM FIGHTING FIRE While fighting a fire in his barn at Shipka in Stephen Twp., Tuesday afternoon last, Albert Gaiser, aged 57 tripped and fell • sustaining, a compound fracture of the left arm. Thefire vas brought under control and the large barn that houses a- bout 60 head of cattle was saved from destruction. Mr. Geiser and son Melvin were engaged in bringing in •the cattle from a nearby pasture farm and on returning Melvin enter- ed, the barn first and bet.': flames creeping along the rafters. He called his father and together they fought the flames with buckets of water. The fire started in the granary and Mr. Gaised was carrying two pails of Water when he tripped and fell over a bale of hay, landing on els left elbow. He continued to carry several more buckets of water before going to: Shipka for help. With his fract- ured arm he lowered st window in the car. .The Dashwoud ere brigade responded to the call for help. Mr. Gaiser was taken to Victoria Hosp- ital, London where X-ray revealed a fractured bone above the elbow and a slight chip off one of the lower bones. Farm Forum Unique Farm Forum ,.'The Unique Farm Forum met at t4.6 home of Mr and Mu Claire 4iger with 22 members and 3 :sets present. Mr. Leonard :seller oke on the subject: "Are We Good Farmers." A lively di,scussion fel- lOived. Financial success is not me pain standard t; go by in judging good farmer. The factors import. ,ant in judging a goad farnesr are as follows: ?.ep1a—irs.Keeping his fain ani 1) o in 2—.Keeping good studs, 3—Keeping his wife well dressed. " 4—Keeping his machinery aid fences in repair. 5—Most important, keeping the fertility of his soil up. • The farmers in our community could 'improve their efficiency by co - Draft Sale Scotch Shorthorns • Clinton Fair Barns • (Community Park) Clinton Tuesday, Dec. 6th. At 1 p.m. Consisting of. 16 FEMALES, in calf or with calf at foot; 8.0PEN HEWERS; 5. BULLS, of Serviceable Ages. 1Four-year-olcl Herd Sire, "SHOREWOOD PRESIDENT," show winner at CNE 1947. Many cattle have gone out from these herds to win at major shows in Canada as well as at local shows. These Cattle are all from accredited herds and the females are vaccinated and inoculated. Ostrom - Keys - Peck McKinley - Pepper While these catkle are not in high condition, they will be the more profitable to their new owners FOR CATALOGUES, WRITE: John Ostrom, Varna Clifford H. Keys, Varna AUCTIONEERS—William O'Neil, Denfield; Lincoln White, St. Marys, Edward W. Elliott, Clinton See It.," LATE WILLIAM E'VELAND • The funeral of the late Eveland, who passed away at ,his residence in Dashwood on Nov. 20, was held Tuesday, Nov. 22. He was a retired sailor and had been a resi- dent of, Dashwood for the past 36 yea7rs, previous to that, he had lived in Sarnia., Was marred to Ricka Fisher who . survives with three clan_ ghters and three sons: Mrs. Arnetta Baker of London; Mrs. Ella Schmidt of Baden; Mrs, Florence Gibson, of Dashwood; Leo of Dashwood; Wm. of ICitchener; Norman of Smiths Falls, also two sisters: Sister bernice Maria, Chicago, and Mrs. Paul Wei- dner of Buffalo, and a brother Hoyt of Sarnia. - The body rested at the T. Harry Hoffman Funeral Home in Dashwood till Tuesday maiming when Requiem mess was sung m the Church of Our Lady at Mount Car- mel at 10 a.m. by Rev. T,neier, of Zurich. Interment was in Mount Car- mel Cemetery. (Trade Name Reg.) OFFERS THE FOLLOWING SERVICES: Auto Body Work — Cars Spray Painted. .Re -upholstered - Crone Mouldings - Door Handles, Window Cranks, .Auto Glass - 'Weather Stripping - Leatherette and all Auto Body Accessories - Wamac Refrigerators - Domestic and Commerc- ial, sizes 9 to 26 cu. feet, net capacity. Wamac Vertical Type Freezer, approximate cap. 7 cu. ft; Gilson unit, fully guaran- teed from defects in workmanship and material. MISCELLANEOUS FARM MACHINERY Ezee Flow Fertil- izer Drills, Post Hole Diggers; Garden Tractors; Clean Easy Milkerai Hydraulic Units,.Ete. C. 1. L. Auto Paints; Due° and Delux; Polishes and Waxes, etc. WHITE ROSE GAS AND OILS— We Duplicate wooden Farm Machinery Parts, bring sarnple. CARS WASHED — POLISHED and WAXED! DUNLOP FOAM RUBBER CUSH IONS. Ivan Willert Zurich Phone 210 For Highest Quality Buy Co -Op. Feeds 2 ONLY RE -CLEANED GRAIN USED IN OUR FEEDS. Hensall Dist. Co -.Operative HENSALL and ZURICH 1 1 1 1 WE'RE READY TO HELP YOU YOUR CAR represents a major investment. It deserves the best of care—and that's what we're ready to give it. Whether it's a complete lubrication job or just a battery chscla we really try to give good, thorough Itnperial service—the kind that will keep you coming back. We'd appreciate a chance to show you what we can do. Hector Forcier ST. JOSEPH SERVICE STATION COR. No. 84 & 21 HIGHWAYS 1 1 Only 4 More Weeks TILL CHRISTMAS Here are a few items which make an appropriate Christmas Gift for Men, Women and Children: MEN — Romeos, English House Slippers, and other styles. Also socks and fine and heavy Gloves, horsehide and kid. WOMEN — An assortment of Wedgies and Moc- osins in red, blue, wine, navy and white. CHILDREN — Various makes including the bunny Slipper. Also Romeos for Boys. Get your Rubber Footwear before the Rush Starts SPECIAL — A few sizes left in a burgandy queilie Tie, reg. 9.75 for $7.75. .. GROWING GIRLS — Blk. wedge by Scroggins, Reg. $7.25 for $5.95. Desch Shoe Store ArlDlInVI.1.1..91,03•11Waya...511rtle•EIRlepprumr. 01.113=IMIZMIIIMILBO,A..11M39111OMP-ssa a*, - • Choose Your Hardware Needs • • • : 20 From Our • • NEW HARDWARE STOCK A Good Supply of Shelf and Heavy Hardware always on hand, also GRAND BEND A car driven by Arthur Przcator of Exeter, was in collision with a truck at an intersection in Hensel( last Friday evening. Ths., collision occurred when a truck driven by T. T3aird of Grand 1.3end, travelling east to load gravel, and the I'resz- cator car came together. Pores of 1 • the impact sent the Pre47,c•itor ear careening across the street, cra6hing into ditch. No Wa-;iflU NI. Manage to the car ',Wit 4 t I A 1•;. police at more than while (1a - map to the truck r!, r."..ont $10, 4114 • Scarf's Endurable Paints, Enamels and Varnishes • and the New Almatex Plastic Paints • • For your heating system we recommend—the Good • Cheer Furnace, or the well known Coleman C)il • • Heater. • For your Household needs we carry Beaty Wash • Machines; National Electric Stoves; Marconi Rad - e ios; Heaters, Electric Irons, and Toasters, Enamel- . ware Pyrex and various Kitchen Rang`es. • • • • Reliable Plumbing, Furnace work, evetroughin.Q; and Tinsmithing. Our Aim „To Serve and Satisfy' 0, t rszt re Phonei213 4 • Mo.00-...1=-16WILVIMPK-40Mir.41*--1-rn-aausmaces„c,s--sep>, Main St. Hardware Store • • 1 1 1 1 • •