HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1949-11-17, Page 1011111 1111111111111111111111111111 III IIIII M11111I 1111011111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIhilplll 1 1M11 117; 111111111111111111 1111111111111 111l. I ZURICH - ONTARIO • ,.�..�.....,�..n� nuctI , 443 Ca ooa 00� ZURICH HERALD all , rk We are now ready to Supply Your Needs in all lines of Fall and Winter Goods such, as: All Wool Blankets Sweater Coats of every Esmond part wool Blankets description Ladies' and Children's Underwear Snow Suits Parkas Guelph and Monarch Knitting Wools Kroy Wools Indian Blankets Ibex Flannelette Blankets Dress Materials in All Wool Plaids. Gabardines Large Supply of Woolettes in dark and Light Colors suitable for Children's Wear. Pyjamas, Etc. Bates Bed Spreads Chenille Bedspreads New Arrivals A lot of Wilton and Smyrna Rugs, reversible in different sizes. New Tapestry Furniture Coverings at Lowest Prices. TELEPHONE 59 cho rose ZURICH 40G' The meinbers. of the Hay Mutual 01 Fire Insurance met at Hensall. on 0Saturday. 0 Mr, Ted. Laporte of Windsor, was a business visitor to the Blue 'Vater Highway, the past week. Mrs. Wellington Johnston and son Ross Mrs. M. McKinnon and Mr and ST. PETER'S Evan; plical Lutheran Church �UIZICH -n- ONTARIO REV. E. W. IIEIMRICH, PASTOR 10 ann.—Divine Services. 1.1.15 a.m. —Sunday School. 7.30 p.m.—Divine Worship. 11irs• Albert 'l elua.leiscn motored. ;o Everybody Welcome to all Services. London one day last week. _ EMMANUEL Airs. Mary Studer and son Harold Miss Bessie Warwick, Mr and Mrs. Manuel Koehler of Detroit, visited relatives here over the week -end. Mr. Keith Westlake • has recently purchased- an improved Three -Way funeral coach, which will be a big addition to his equipment. A touch of winter visited these EVANGELICAL U. B. CHURCH Zurich — Ontario Observing the 75th Anniversary, October 30, 1949. (1'8'74-1949) Minister Mrs. Milton Oesch - Organist parts on Tuesday and Wednesday 1 Sunday Services:— - morning a nice blanket -of snow was 10:00 a.m,--Divine Worship. visible, 'but the warm sun is consum- 11.•00 a.m.—Bible School. ing it very rapidly. 7:30 p.m.—Divine W-orship. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Beacn of Welcome at all Services—"Come Detroit, accompanied by ii -Lr. and thou with us and we will do thee Mrs. Keith Westlake of town enjoyed ood " Num. 10:29. a pleasant motor trip in the Georg - Bay ic �' district. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Dinnon and Ge Soli `Billie, Mr. Wm. Rader, .sir and Mrs. MilneRader had• a pleasant m for 'trip to Detroit, alsr visiting 'I,`11 1' AUTOMOBILE, Filth friend, a': er the `.i eek -end, I ' .:;ars. niar`' :HlcLeish, Mr. Earl LIABILITY, PLATE GLASS, Schiloe of Michigan were week -end . visitors at the home of their uncle, SICKNESS and ACCIDENT. Mr. Louis Kalbfleisch who is in resi 1I0S1'ITAI IZA`CION, dente at the hone .of his daughter, • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 WOOGOV®®e00 Drysdale Store The Store With the Best Variety of all Kinds of Groceries Also Rubber Boots and Shoes, for Men and Boys. A fine Assortment of Hardware and Electrical Appliances. ATLAS AND SEIBERLING TIRES CO-OP. FEEDS Cured and Fresh Meats. Call on Us. Your Patronage will be Appreciated at all times! JOHN DENOMY - DRYSDALE Phone 98 r 1 7 e e neral •• • • • • • • Mr and Mrs. Whitney Brokenshirn. ALL LINES EXCEPT LIFE. '� Sciadron OfficerJohn - . Cantin who has been a patient in the Representing well known Canadian Hospital . at London, forseveral Companies weeks, we are pleased to report has Rates gladly quoted without obligat- recovered sufficiently to return to ion. his home in St. Tc‘ -^ph. His sister, Successor to Hess Insurance Agency 1ir��. Anticn��tte Ilorque of Detroit, J. W. HABERER7urich, Cent. i in attendance. We hope Mr. Can- Phone 161 tin will so•a:i be himself gain. 1 Ha Trip North • 's- • OR>N Thur day, November 1.7th, 1949. 44441.101111, ilNlllllllllll lltlll lllllllllll lllll h ri 111111111111111111 1111111 11.11M1IIII 11 III 1 n11111111 11111 1 111 III 111111' 111111 1111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 • • • • • i 4, 4, • e 4, a • • a 4 0 •0 • 4 4, Rider • • r Meesrs. Orville Witmer, Ivan Kalb- Mr. and •Mrs. Harold Finlay are fleisch, Ted Klopp, Louis Thiel niot•• happy to announce th birth of a ored to Georgian Bay District over baby daughter, Margaret Rose, at the weekend where they intended to the Meyers Nursing Home, Nov. 13. enjoy a goose dinner at the cottage - — -- — of Ward Fritz. They then teeeect ':o i TUDOR'S in Hensall have a coni_ North Bay and other places of inter- .plete stock of'Turnlbull's Underwear, est in the Northern •Country, return- Vests and Bloomers priced frons $1. ing home enthusiased over . their to $2.9,5. venturesome trip. ! FOR SALE — A quantity of three THE PILGRIMS KNEW ::;e,' TO foot Dry Cordwood, principally elm.. EAT!r Price $6.00 a cord. This wood is on Believe it or not, it took tl Pil- Lot No. 13, in the 19th Concession grimy a whole week to eat thent; fir:;t of East Wi1lia.ins, Counter .if Middle - Thanksgiving dinner, even wit °° the sex, known as the John W. Walker help of the Indians! For Mte4ting Farm. There will be a man in charge facts, read "Here's Howe," 0rta- of sales at the farm beginning iniigg quiz show, in Pictorial all-star magazine with this u, (Nov. 20) issue of The Detrol y s un- Thursday, Nov. 17th from 8.30 a.m.. �I�III��III�( 151E111111MINEETEN FLOOR TILE FOR The Best In Mastic Tile Floor GET TILE - TEX ALSO CLEANERS AND . WAXES Manufactured by The Flintkote Company, Toronto, Ont, See Your Local Agent to 4.30 p,m. each day while the wo.o is lasts. Farmers and others would be' Married at London t" W' I well advised to take advantage of )ur- this reasonable offer immediately. In a doUnite irng Church, ai 4t:; The Forest Basket Co., Limited. day St. United Church, Iao}�iion, Myrtle Hay, daughter of Mr ail Mir, Wm. J. Hay of Zurich, was united in marriage to Joseph Albert Banko, son of Mr and Mrs Joseph Banko', Ottawa. Rev. G. Birtch officiated. The bride, given in marriage by her fath- • er, was lovely in a blue -grey gabar- e dine suit, with navy accessories. A. corsage of red rases completed her • co tome. The bride was attended by her sister, Miss Kathleen Hay, Exet- er, who chose a suit in wine gabar- dine. Gordon Prance, Exeter, was best man and Gordon 'MacDonald, not ask for witness fees for^ tlie appearances ea Stratford, ushered. Following a wed- pp `ianecoast. cline. reception at Lynn Lodge, the . Your t ardwar Stare Let Us Keep your House Warm with a "New Idea Air Conditioning Furnace." For an Oil Heater, we have just the one you have been looking for. A large range of Cook Stoves and Heaters choose from. Give us a call! We have.. anything you need.. in Kitchenware or Farm Needs. If you are doing any painting don't forget to see our colors of C.X, Gliddens Kern -Tone or the new Spred Satin. FOR RENT — 1 Cement Mixer. • • 4 4 4 • 4 • • • • 4 • •+ to • •• • • a ••• • • • • • 1 PLUMBING - HEATING - TINSMITHING Atittieholtz • Hardware Zurich Phone 63 i I11111111111111111I11111111IIIIII1111111I1111ill[Ilil1111i1111I11111IIli!illslllaili11111lllillllllii , t FallSuggestions! NOW, THAT FALL CLEANING TIME IS HERE, BEAUTIFY YOUR HOME WITH NEW FURNITURE! Take advantave of these specially Reduced Prices on Bedroom Suites. Modern and Waterfall Designs from $70.00 and up. Good Variety of all Types of Furniture including Springs and Mattresses. Furniture - Phone 122, Zurich itt11tutitil111111111111hilll111111111111111111111111111111i1111111II1111111111111111111IIIIillllill O • • • 0441:06444w64Assees..kagesksveasp • HARDWARE - SEEDS and FURNITURE Your Fuel Needs Will receive attention with us if left in plenty of time. We always try to supply our Customers with the most Suitable Fuel for their heating equipment. But to 0 insure deliveries in time always leave your orders early with us so we can arrange for your supply YOUR HEATING EQUIPMENT • • sl<� Have You Looked Over Your Heating Equipment? Does Your Furnace or Stove Need Attention; or Prob- ably You Need a New One. Let Us Look These Over for you and offer Our Suggestion to Your Best Advantages. We carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and. Tinemittl Mg our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stock. STADE &WE--IDO ZURICH - ONT. QUALITY - PRICE - SERVICE GOES TO JAIL Elmer Keller, Dashwood, was sen- tenced to seven days in jail, ordered to pay court costs or serve an addit- ional five days in jail, had his car impounded for three Months and his driving permit suspended for six months When he was convicted for drunk driving by Magis. A. F. Cook of Stratford. Keller, father of 11 children, had his •court cost reduced when three witnesses said they would LATE 'MRS RICKER couple left on a trip to the U.S.A• Funeral •services were held for Mrs. Mr and Mrs. Banko will reside in 1 Dora Elizabeth Ricker, who died at ., ,;• ti' ,. -,;..;» +++++++++++ !8••I•�F 3 ++ + •1 i•+'g' °d! a�'t &'ice t' London. the residence of her daughter, Lan•• LATE OSCAR SNELL l don. Mrs. Ricker was born in Brigs.. h % • 111 10 (III 101111 11 I II 11111111 II 11111111111111111041 10 4. • • 4 f JOHN M. TURKHEIM Phone Zurich 174 LAID AND MAINTAINED. Free Estimates Gladly Given Fr7971grrniglimi II ZEE 111 IP III 11.1 PIIIQI111111111110(ll41RJ11 PPI(ll'1I il'?iI'iki1W.gL19111T 111 tr{i10:60111 k4Yf� 71 +1 Oscar Snell, son of the late • Mr, 1 and had lived in London f.lr the i and Mr.. Joseph Snell,formerly of , mast seven years. Formerly had liv- ped in Hay Township, in the eastern Exeter, died in Philadelphia and the' e 1 part. Services were at the James E. Hoffmanremains` erFuneral Hon ebroughto in Dashwood ood G%rdainer funeral home with the Rev aDr, Murray Stuart of Colborne St. ilyl interrment wasxmade in the faros ; United Church officiating. 'P'allbear- fa plot in the Exeter rat Cemetery. His' ers were Willliam Thompson, Joseph atftthP,r." at one and wasopafterwardsf a bank 1 Petty, Wilfred Weido, Win. Horney, manager Dashwood and i I Chas. Dickson and Wm. Petty. Bur - of the Sovereign Bank in :i` 1 was in Exeter Cemetery. • Exeter. One sister, Mrs. Geo. Powell of 'lhedford, .survives. 'omens' Institute The Zurich W. I. was held in the town hall on November 8th. The In- stitute Ode preceded the Lord's Prayer. In the business session, a Concordia College Choir donation of 810 was voteo to the Un-' OI1G-A HVIZ•DAN, who together itarian Service. It was agreed to ,with Juanita Gray, will share the accept the offer of the children's pianistic accompaniments of certain Aid Society to provide the -program portions of the program of sacred for a public meeting on Nov. 2150. I masterpieces to be presented by the with an admission of 35c. Lunch Concordia College Choir, Fort Wayne will be served by the Institute. Indiana, at ZION LUTHERAN splendid report of the London Con CHURCIT, DASHWOOD, on Sl1N- vention was presented Iby iMrs, Mil- i ton McAdams. The program was DAY, NOVEMBER 20th, at 7.30 p. • 1 h 1 egun with community singing, with ni,•, is a promising (young pianist and • Mrs, Maurice Rlumpp accompanying organist of the music faculty of Con- * ion the piano. l Gordian College. She possesses unusu- Two speakers from Clinton, Miss al techical skill and discriminating ilNora Cn-,ninghame, supervisor of , understanding of the demands of the nurses, and Mr. Gibbons sanitary in- composer. Her father, a Lutlleran' t1 snector for Huron County explained , pastor at Pleasant City, Ohio, i•ecog_ !the Public Health Unit. Their aini nized her musical talent in her early is the prevention of diseases and the' youth and made provision for coin- nrom,otion of Health. A quartette patent training. Miss Hvizdak is a from Dashwood, composed of Mrs. 1 graduate sof the music department of Stade, Melvin Stade, Mrs. and Mr Capital. University and acted as the Ed. Stelck, sang in costume "`Hard official accompanist of the well-known Times Come Again No More" and Chapel Choir of that school. "Long, Long Ago•" A musical selec- I In addition to sharing the accomp- ti-on wasgiven by Mr. Stelck ac-; iinents with Miss Gray, 'Miss Hvizdak companied .by Mrs. Mump. The 1 will appear as soloist, playing the National Anthem was followed bjr a. brilliant Toccata by Buxtohucte, ee- social period. i loved by all who love the pipe organ. We Can Supply You With LUMBER SASH DOORS MILLWORK TEN -TEST MASONITE • PAINTS BUILDERS' HARDWARE ASPHALT ROOFING WAX AND. ALL TYPES OF BUILDING SUPPLIES F. C. T(AALBFLEISCH & SON Phone 69 - - - = ZURICH te- a 1111+++++++++++* A+444,441! •I•a•+++++++ 44+4.4+++++++***44. 4•••444woromeatow.4m4/4,04.44144..41.4.4,444i4.444 .94.111104. Massey - IFlarris HAVE RECEIVED A L ARGE SHIPMENT OF MASSEY- HARRIS REPAIRS. ORDER YOURS EARLY! AM TAKING ORDERS NOW FOR ANY MASSEY HARRIS IMPLEMENTS YOU MAY REQUIRE, INCLUDING TRACT. ORS, THRESHING MACHINES, COMBINES, ETC, "The Service Arm for Canadian Farm" ireL Shop 149 Oscar Kropp Rell. 6' AUCTIONEERING AT YOUR SERVICE Owsioniaimsrateo