HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1949-11-17, Page 8Dream House For Stranded Arctic Airmen—The pneumatic Quonset hut above, made of cotton fabric coated with a low-temperature neoprene compound to withstand extreme cold, is expected to help save the lives of airmen forced down in the Arctic. The hut is draftproof, snowproof, waterproof, compact and easy to carry. It houses four men comfortably and can withstand 100 - mile -an -hour gales. It is bright orange in color, making it easy to spot from the air. A 10 -foot - long air duct on the sidewall and a four -foot canvas, igloo -like entrance keep out icy blasts; but allow for ventilation. °'A good name," according to Solomon, at least we hope it was Solomon, "is rather to be chosen than great riches." And in the sports dodge it is of the utmost im- portance, as there a good name— of at least a tag which takes the public fancy—often leads to wide- spread fame and even great riches. * * * Men like Jack Dempsey, Ty Cobb, Babe Ruth, Joe Louis and Louis Angel Firpo had, of course, a certain amount of athletic talent and ability; even though, in the ease of the last mentioned, it was mostly ability to take it. But in spite of that, the sports cobblers who tagged them "The Manassa Mauler," "The Georgia Peach," "The Bambino," "The Brown Bomber," and "The Wild Bull of the Pampas," assuredly helped no little in planting them firmly in the public esteem. * * * One of the most famous of these nicknames—one that is still well remembered, even after a quarter of a century has passed—was bestowed by one of the best of all sports writers, not on a single athlete, but on a quartet of them. Just about the time a certain United. States college football team, and especially its four -man backfield, was making the sports headlines, a novel en- titled "The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse" was sweeping the eonntry. (Reviewers of that day said it was "one of the greatest morels of all time," "A book that would live forever," and the like. We wonder if anybody ever reads it now). * * * Anyway, the eminent Mr. Grant - 6110 land Rice saw an opportunity and grasped it. He dubbed the afore- mentioned quartet "The Four Horsemen of Notre Dame," and the name caught on big. And when the late Knute Rockne, then coach of the team, had the four of them photographed astride four huge draft horses, practically every paper south of the border, and a good percentage on this side as well, published the picture, and Notre Dame became the best known team in football. * * * Even most of those who vividly remember "The Four Horsemen" as a unit have probably forgotten the names of those who composed it They were Elmer Leyden, full- back and almost unstoppable when hegot into full stride; Harry Stuhldreher, clever quarterback, and passing genius; Sleepy Jim Crowley and Don Miller, halves. * +n * And here's the thing that makes this foursome worth thinking about in these days when football, both here and in the United States, seems to be running so largely to beef and brawn in wholesale quan- tities. Those four, who highlighted a team which lost only two games in three full seasons, pulled down the scales—when at their best—for a grand total of only 638 pounds. That's right. Leyden, the heaviest of the four, weighed 162; Stuhlds-e- her, 156; while Crowley and Miller balanced the beam at 160 each. As Arthur Daley recently pungently remarked, nowadays a high school coach would hardly give any one of them more than a passing glance. There should be some food for 'Witch Weigh --Four hundred years ago this scale at the little town of ()tidewater, holland, was used for weighing suspectei, witches. If the suspect weighed less than normal ("light enough to travel on a broomstick") she was accused of witchcraft and tortured to death. IT her weight was normal, she got a 'certif• cite statin "T alt not a witch." The old scale has been pre served intact for tourists to see.. 1 thought in this on the part of a lot of our high school football coaches —and some of those in the upper brackets, too. Lri recent years, Ca- nadian football has so slavishly fol- lowed American trends that now it's almost impossible to recognize what was once, for our money, the best and most thrilling of all games to watch. * * * Why, just the other Saturday when Bert Haigh, of Ottawa, cut loose the lengthy punt which finally ruined Argonauts' play-off chances, spectators and sports writers alike spoke. as though it were something phenomenal. * * * It was a good punt, all right, long, well placed, and coming at the exact moment when it would do the most good—or harrti de- pending on who you were rooting for. But to those who recall hoot- ers of the calibre of Gordon South- am, Hughie Gall and a whole lot more we might mention, it was the kind of punt you expected to see several tinges J ernot just P game, once or twice a season. * * * But what can you expect? Dur- ing the past couple of nlonthsk, we have noticed at least 200 k14S . of from 12 to 17 practising, on Val us corner 1 dalM,. ori eT lots and vacant fie ; Rhe recondite art of heaving and ei2 ;p- ing forward passes. During sameeriod we have seen 'u n P J v a.,1;,4_ e youth practising punting A„ was doing it all alone, with-' even to shag his punts, let a - n return them. * * * So why not let's go the whole • distance and make booting the;>all —except on third down and in5de your own 10 -yard line—strictly,'i1- legal. And at the same time, it might be an idea to pass a law whereby any youth who scales less than, say 185, on reaching his 17th birthday, would be told to turn in his pads and go play lawn tennis? Why the Door Has No Handle Best known painting by the fa- mous English artist, Holman Hunt, is "The Light of the World," which shows Christ standing in a garden at midnight. He is holding a lantern in His left han and His right hand is knocking on a heavily -panelled door. An art critic who was present when the picture was unveiled ap- proached Hunt and said: "Excuse me, Mr. Hunt, but surely you haven't finished the picture? That door has no handle." "That is the door to the human heart," Hunt replied. "It can be opened only from the inside." SAFES Protect your BOOI4M and (ASH • trots FIRE and THIEVES, We have a mho and teas of Sale, or Cabinet, for am eut'pese. Visit as or write for micas. etc.. to Dept W. J.6&J.TAYLOR LIMITED TORONTO SAFE WORKS 145 Front St. E., Toronto tSNtahlivhrd 1865 RHEUMATISM ARTHRITIS INTERESTING DOCTOR'S BOOKLET FREE TO SUFFERERS JERSi1Y CITY, NJ., U. S. A. — An interesting doctor's booklet has just been published entitled ''Relief front Muscular Aches end Pains in Rheuma- tism and Arthritis." It contains reliable information on correct diet, proper bath- ing and exercise, heat and light therap)y, as well as the danger signs of the 'dis- ease. This booklet is offered FRU to sufferers while supply lasts, If you arc interested in quick relief from pain, nci rxthism ritis send stiffness our name and ad- dress to lBducational Division 1)i pt. 135, 880 Bergen Ai emu., .It1 •ey City, N.'.. U.S.A.. for cl, FREE. copy, ISSL/41 47 — 1040 CLASSIFIED ADVEItTlS1NG• 4W1II1'1'S WANTED AGENTS WANTED In every town and bits' to de11 low (met lire extinguishers, Write EXCEL FIRE CO„ 8800 Ste, Catherine St. It., Montreal, P.Q. BABY CRICKS NOT TOO goon to place your 1000 ohiok and turkey order. The early hatched chick is by far the most profitable...Also broiler chicks for Immediate delivery. Laying and ready to las' pullets. Free catalgue. Top Notch Chick Sales, Guelph, Ontario. DECEMBER, January and February hatched. chicks will make you more money in 1060 than later hatched chicks, June to November is your highest egg prices nowadays. Send for 1960 price list on chicks, turkeys and broiler chicks, Free catalogue. Twaddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. CHOICE pullets 16 weeks to laying. Pure breeds and gross breeds. Free Catalogue, Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus: Ontario. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES AN OFFER to every Inventor—List of Inven- tions and tun Information sent free. The Ramsay Co.. Registered Patent Attorneys, 278 Bank Street, Ottawa. DYERS() &l' CLI,ANI.N1 HAVE YOU anything needs dyeing or clean. Ing? Write to us tor information, We are glad to answer roar questions. Department 11, Parker's Dye Works Limited 793 Yonge Street. Toronto. Untarto EMPLOYMENT WANTED FARMERS, secure farm labour for spring. Experienced studied or practical farm labour, families and single will be available for you when needed. Contact Latvian Relief Association, 320 Bay Street, Room 1804, To- ronto, Ont. FOR SALE - RAW FURS—HORSE-HAIR HIGHEST Markel prices paid at all times. Prompt cash remittances. We sell ammuni- tion, rifles and trappers' supplies. Write for prices lint and trappers' supply catalogue. Sydney I. Robinson Fur Company, 277 Rupert Ave., Winnipeg, Man. STOCK clearing sale of musical instruments. Write for free price list. Fred Doddington, 111 Church Street, Toronto. FARMALL H TRACTOR with lights, starter, pulley P.T.O cultivator and plow. (Used four seasons) Excellent condition, saorlfice $1,250.00. J. Beeze, Rodney, Ont. Phone 610 R 14. BEAUTIFUL reproduction of oil painting, of the landing of British. American and Cana- dian troops at Normandy Beach, D-DAY, June 6, 1944. Complete with text, ready for fram- ing. One, 20c postpaid. Edward Shaw, 8661 Lorne, Montreal 18, Quebec. 100 ACRES, good dairy farm, in Reach town- ehip, 14 miles from No. 7 and No. 12 high- ways. Hydro and telephone and good buildings. Millthouse and implement shed nearly new, Dement floors and steel stanchione at barn, Pressure system and milker pump, pipe and motor go with place. School and (simnel on property. Priced to sell. About $4,000 down Payment. Apply Roy Crapper: R.R. 3, Ux- bridge. Phone 92 R 5, REGISTERED Belgian stallion, 4 years old. Apply A. Burns, Robertson St. Emit, Perth. Ont. FOR SALE -218 acres for, sale 5 miles mouth - oast of Arthur Village on the 16th Con- cession of Peel; 8b acres of wheat, fall plow- ing done, 25 acres of hay; some good timber, balance In bush and pasture. Buildings in Al condition. Never -failing water supply, hydro available, school bus routed Arthur Vale, R.R. 1, Arthur, Ont. TS6E FAMOUS 11. C. Cox riding arena and stable with other equipment. This arena is 910 x 88 built with steel trusses and eolumne, Sri excellent condition. Would matte an Ideal tkating Y and hooka arena for some munici- pality, also entire building could be used for agricultural purposes; fair ground building; roller drome: indoor swimming pool; basket- ball, etc ADDIy owners — Groothand and Cooper, Box 186 Oakville, Ontario. Phone 1542. TRACTOR CHAINS, all sizes, available. Ex.: 10x28, 828; 10x88, $38. Quick delivery. Gerard Daragon, Thurso, Que. Phone 603)12. Cooler -Offer The savage 'African tribe of Ubangis have a habit of stretching the lips of their women around circular wooden discs until finally they become aibout eight inches in size, sticking right out from their faces like two plates. One very hot day two Ubangi girls met in the jungle. One of them stuck her face close to that of the other, and rapidly repeated: "Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers! Now, you fan ine for a while." Salesmanship "Have you any cream for re- storing the complexion?" asked the faded spinster. "Restoring, miss? You mean pre- serving!" said the assistant, heartily, He sold her five dollars worth. HARNESS & COLLARS Farmers Attention — Consult your nearest Harness Shop about Staco . Harness Supplies We sell our goods onh through your local Staco Leather Goods dealer. The goods are right, and so are our prices We manufacture in our fee. tories — Harness Horse Col lars, Sweat Pads, Horse Blan kets, and Leather Travelling Goods, Insist on. Staco Brand Trade Marked Goods, and you get satisfaction Made only by SAMUEL TREES CO., LTD. 42 Wellington St, E., Toronto WRITE FOR CATALOGUE imamsinsallmwessamentarasoalsersoms SORE FEET THIS WAY Rub in Minard's Liniment generously, and feel the relief steal over the aching muscles. For muscular pains, aches and stiffness, sprained ankles--Minard's has been well known for over 60 years. Good for dandruff and skin 'disorders, too. Get a bottle today; keep it handy. FOR SALE Bernet Chain Saws, new, two -men -8375,00; one-man—$225.00 Hornet Wee, 09 8iesex Street, Toronto, FOIL SALE—vur Slipper 'Business, two mods ern homes. Immediate possession to highest bidder Norman Sanderson, Seaforth, Ont, FOR, '1!AMI1GY FISH prices anis booking re- cipes, write ktc(aveur's Fish, St. john, N,B• 160 AC1i OS, Bruce County. Huron Township. Good buildings, 2 bouses. L barn, drive Shed, hen house, .pig pens, Hydro pressure system complete, steel" stables, litter carrier, silo, rods, two. plowing done. Church, school, cheese factors', highway, possession, informa- tion. Russell Osborne, . Rockwood 5, Ont. 22 Ring 21, PIGATONA worms Your pigs with one drays feeding. Just mix it in the teed, At your dealers or mailed postpaid for 76 cents.. Northwest Poultry Tonins Ltd., Aritona, Ont. Doone—Combination—thicitneee 1 2/8". Panel thickness 1 3/8" Standard sizes. Builders or retailers only. Genuine Breton t•Tousewaree Ironng Boards—Bake Boards, etc, Retailers only, Hockey Sticks—Junior and Senior. Re- tailers only, Prices direct from mills. D McKenna, 2770 Yonge St., Toronto, Ont, SPECIAL low prices on Plumbing Fixtures, Boilers, Radiators. soli pipe and fittings, Pumps, Septio tanks, Write for free price list. The Felly Plumbing and Heating Co,. 08 Matilda St. S., Dundee, • Ont. .903 BRITISH calibre, specially selected con- verted Mark 3 lightweight 10 -shot Sporting rifles; price each only $41.00. 48 rounds am- munition $8.00, Immediate delivery. Limited supply. Write for photo and description. Money refunded if not satisfactory SCOPE SALES CO., 820 Queen St., Ottawa, Ont. HELP WAN'I'EG GIRL or woman to assist with housework in modern libme—children. Two miles from Tilisonburg. 885.00 per month. J. A. McCabe, Tilleonburg, MEDICAL DON'T DELAY: EVERY SUFFERER OF RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS MOULD TRY DIXON'S REMEDY. MUNILO'S DRUG STORE 886 ELGIN OTTAWA 01.25 EXPRESS PREPAID POST'S ECZEMA SALVE Banish the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles. Post's Eczema Salve will not disappoint you, Itching, scaling, burning eczema, ache, ring - worth, pimples and athlete's foot. will respond readily to this stainless, odorless ointment, regardless of how stubborn or hopeless they seem. • PRICE $1.00 PER JAR Sent Post Free on Recepit of Price POST'S REMEDIES 889 Queen Bt E„ Corner of Logan Toronto OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN' AND WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER 40IN CANADA'S LEADING SCE0O1. Great Opportunity Learn Flafrdreesins Pleasant dignified profeeslon, goal wages thousands successful Marvel graduates, America's greatest system Illustrated oats Logue free, Write or Cal) MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 258 Blom St. W , roronto Branches, 44 Ring It•, Hamilton & 78 Rideau Street. Ottawa .Songwriters, send poems, songs, for ex- amination and advice by professional com- poser -arranger. Free publishers list. No ob- ligation. Loth Studios. 243 Wset 72nd. AB, New Yprk City. SELL TOYS and novelties from manufacturer. Attractive proposition. Information, write Star Novelty Co„ 2778 Ontario E„ Montreal. BUY books wholesale, save up to 50%. Write nor price list, Wholesale Book Company, 107 Jarvis Street, Toronto 1. MAKE Magic your hobby. Do tricks for fun or profit! "84 card tricks" book at less than a penny each. Surprisingly easy to do. Order this book, now and we will Include our cata- logue of joke novelties and magic tricks. Mail 50o today in stamps or coin Your money hack guaranteed if not satisfied. Collins Joke & Magic Shop, 875 Somerset St. W., Ottawa. LOXES 0 M D? Nationwide introductions Proven results since 1024. Free sealed par- ticulars, C. 0, Club, Box 128, Calgary, Alta. SPECIAL GIFT RATES FOR Macleane, Chatelain and other maga- zines, Write for free subscription list. ALSO. BOOK EXCIIANGE—Send ten pocket size books plus $1.00 and we will return post- paid ten different books. State type wanted. IAlliott Enterprises, Box 1048, Postal Station 0, Toronto 3. PATENTS FET.BERSTONHAUGB & Company Patent Solicitors Established 1880. 850 Bay Street. Toronto Booklet of Information on refining. STAiSIPs PIOTORIAL Liberia Triangles, complete set of six attractive stamps No. 271-76 only Ito With approvals. Murray's Stamps, 134 Win. Ston, Hamilton, Ontario. WANTED TURRET EGGS wanted for 1060 hatching season by Government Approved Hatchery. Hood prices paid. Write for cull details. Box No. 12, 123 18th St,, New Toronto, Ont. KIDNEY ACTIVITY VITAL TO HEALTH Don't wait until you become depressed: but avoid backache and rheumatism by taking KLAAS TILLY DUTCH DROPS as soon as you suspect sluggish kidney action. If you suffer pain and distress due to kidney impurities ask your druggist for KLAAS TILLY HAARLEM Imported from Holland OIL AT LAST t! A Pressure Hog Water Bowl Built for Automatic Hog Watering STAR I10G WATER BOWLS eliminate the nuisance of flooded purrs• -pigs re- lease the wa- ter by nose Pressure against the vertical valve plate making it impossible' for thein to overflow tb,• bowl by stand ing In it. Star Bo Bowls ±Uc sturdily con structed re- sist breaking when stepped into—shaped to Int plg'f head --waters pigs of all ages from weaning time—sloping bowl leaves small amount of water in rear which quickly teaches pigs to release by pressure on vortical nose plate. Star Hog Water Bowls are real savers on either glop or dry feeding. Continu- ous water supply gives faster gains, healthier pigs, eliminate that lob of nnrreing water or cleaning out demobnM1Yiel Price each—$8.75 Manufactured by Waterloo County Supplies Co -Operative 60 Frederick Street, hlf, fl nor, Ontario rhino 8- 6.1i�.. WANTED G18N1J1tAL STORES, service stations. garages, country hotels or any sound and profitable+ rural business, We have many clients wattin to purchase the above, Contact us by mail. telephone or wire.- WM. H. JOHNSTON )Business Broker "Specializing in Businesses." 830 Yonge St., Toronto 5. Phone Pnlnoess 1489 Evenings 570, 8880 "Say Goodbye to Backache" —SAYS GRANDMA Backache is a misery that strikes many women in middle life. But if you could) see Mrs. W. H. of Welland, Ont., a grandmother well past 60, working in her neat little home, day after day, you would really appreciate how much Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills can do to relieve backache! That's because this time -proven Dr. Chase remedy for backache treats two conditions at once --contains special remedial ingredients for both the kid- ney and liver disorders which often cause backache. So don't suffer with painful joints and backache—try this reliable remedy proven by over half -a- century's use—Dr. Chase's Kidney - Liver Pills. At all drug counters, is * LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY • 1vu.:: 3?::`:?oii;2't•? ti,#,::,h,.,v{"<'; :t':'•,;#$: t * SEED AND GRAIN { *ROYAL FLOWER SHOW \NA * ROYAL HORSE SHOW Afternoon' and evening, 1111,111,111,1111111, #.FAMOUS R.C.M.P. MUSICAL RIDE REDUCED RAILWAY FARES And the RELIEF IS LASTING For fast, prolonged relief from headache get INSTANTINE. This. prescription -like tablet contains not just One, but three provest medical ingredients • that ease the pain fast. And the relief is, in most cases, lasting; Try INSTANTINE just once for pain relief and you'll say as thousands do that there's one thing for headache a e t it's INSTANTINEI And try INSTANTINE for other aches, too .:: for neuritic or neuralgic pain or for the pains and aches that accompany a cold. A single tablet usually brings prompt relief. Get lnstantlne today end always keep li handy sultan 124ablef Tin 25¢ Icononnlcal 484ablet Bottle 69¢