HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1949-11-17, Page 1( iq EatAIIRhed 1900 ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING NOVEMBER 17 9 49 ARTHUR FRASER Income Tax Reports ,Bookkeeping Service, Etc. EXETER 'OFFICE :-Corner Ann, William Sts. Phone: Exeter 355W. ELMER D. BELL, B.A. Y6ARRISTER - SOLICITOR EXETER, ONT. Wednesday, 2 to 5 p.m., at Zurich At (New Twnp. Office) ofro3 - zurica THE HOME OF THE BETTER OIL PERMANENTS The Better Oil Permmanents Applied i ith the very latest of methods and Equipment. GIVE US A CLU bone 153 for your Appointments. • DOREEN SC:I L1 E--Zuri.+ a 11 -lure You Suffering From Hca, cher? 'if so, Have your Eyes lied with calla Latest Methods and Equipment at A. L. COLE, O. 'OPTOMETRIST& ►+li'•1}iilC11APi GODERICH MD. ?dose Good Glasses at Betuosnia)` r • 40, tte „d.4.Lr•. e..4 CHESTER L. SMITH, PUB,L,ISHEta. $1.75 .a Year in Advance. $2.00 in U. S. A, in Advance. ora ' „mffl..+ri= �e1=021:,4-x,,93Vtr,:mrn sTsesrrxt AND HIS RANCH HANDS WILL BE AT FLOOR SHOW ANI ENTERTAINMENT At 7.30 p.m. D AN CE 9.00 p.m. Adan ission 75 cents --- BARBERING ---- I have taken over the business of the late Herb Krueger Ind will be associated with Bert Carr in the Barber Shop business. I am also operating the Tobacco and Soft Drinks, and also the Pool Room. Come, in and see me for ail your needs along this line. You Patron- age will be appreciated. DENNIS DENOMME. HAD 95TH ANNIVERSARY Mr and Mrs John M. Govenlock, well-known. residents of; Seaf orth, celebrated their 65th wedding anni- versary Saturday last with a ramily dinner and reception at their Borne. They are both in fairly good health, and are enjoying life very much. ,t►4.++4•i• • Y +++ 44+++++4.++++++4,444.4.++++++ • •!••4••F+ 4.++..n..g.•4 4,4 4••!••9••I••,i•.t + arrp oilman mutat nye Private Car Ambulance Service for the Conveyance of Sick and Injured . Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director. MEMBER OF THE ONTARIO FUNERAL ASSOCIATION DAY OR. NIGHT TELEPHONE No. 70 ITAraira4 .cd .- Ontario ll: t. g N •I ^> l { Y l + q • ir.P, �.; °� a3 •E,^ �+[a 6 t g •. ;..;,.�� �, t ,���>a.; ;,r, t or a 3 3.4 h l i+ T 1C 1 tore WE ARE NOW IN A POSITION TO COVER YOUR FLOORS WITH INLAID TILE IN ALMOST ANY COLOUR. PRICES AND SUGGESTIONS GLADLY GIVEN. FRESH FRUITS, VEGETABLES, GROCERIES EACH WEEK! Phone 1.40 Ca 0. THIEL - Zurich azaar AND Afternoon ea THE EVANGELICAL U. B. LAD. 1ES' MEMBERS ARE HOLDING A BAZAAR AND AFTERNOON TEA IN THE Hall, Zurich Town MEMORIAL CENTRE Trusses Are In Position The wonderful weather and good workmanship have so helped the "Babe Siebert" Memorial Centre project that already -,itis a landmark which can now be seen a great dis„ tance awa . With all the trusses coinplete.d. The willing worlters were much appreciated and helped to do a fine job so far. The struct- ure is now ready far the metal cov- ering. overing. I'atl Musical Concert Last.' xursday, evening the l7alvary U.B. Ci!brch, Dashwood, was crowded to the oohs. to listen to toe program which ;as presented by the Toronto Star in co-operation with the Dash- wood church choir. The Commodores Male Quartet of Toronto. The local choir.. udder the leadership of Mrs. Mervyn- Tiernan gave two very able nunibers.at'the beginning of the prc- gr am :;iss Nancy Tiernan favoured the all .fence with two (piano solos, well re male q hour el music rodhich was super. Their mes- sages of song were highly appreciat- ed, their'' harmony ,outstanding. This being a real treat to all listeners. The members of the Ladies' Aid ser- ved delicious luncheon in the base- ment after the program and a lovely socialjaur was enjoyed. On . Saturday Afternoon November 26th. From 3 to 6 O'Cloek, p.m. B O O T H Home Baking, Candy, Fish Pond, Fancy Woik, Farm ";Cable and Aprons will be en display. A fine arrange ment is on hand. You will want to do your Christmas Shopping at these Booths. • ComF. and bring your friends. Do no; miss this splendid opportunity! ,aired and well received. The stet then presented a two cert of classical and sacred Announcement Mr and Mrs. Herb •Mousseau of Zurich, announce the engagement of their (youngest daughter; Juanita Joyce, to Reginald G. Black, son of air and Mrs Fred A. Black, Paynton, Sask. The marriage to take place in St. 'P'eter's Ev. Lutheran church, Zurich, December lst. HYMENEAL Married at Staffs The United Church Parsonage at Staffa, was the setting for the wed- ding of Emma Jean, daughter of •and and Mrs. Garnet Taylor, Strife, Floyd Rae Armstrong, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Armstrong, Zurich. Rev. A. H. Daynard performed the cere- mony. The bride wore a navy gab- ardine suit with navly and pink ac- cessories and a corsage of red roses and white 'mums. Miss Myrtle Tay- lor, sister of the bride, was brides• maid, wearing a gray gabardine suit, black and pink accessories with a corsage of pink roses nd wh te o+fnums the Ronald Armstrong, brothel. groom, was best man. After a recep- tion the couple left on a weddin;r trip to Detroit and Chicago. Tho bride wore a midnight blue topcoat over her shit. Mr and Mr. Armstrong , will reside in Zurich. • T1 the ti eie1' fall ent , :j.d0n Thet.e ° GRAM? BEND NORMA'S BEAUTY SHOPPE FOR APPOINTMENTS Tel. 223. Zurich NORMA STEINBACH - Prop. NEW RAG RUGS and CARPETS On a New Modern Loom, Made to Order - Seth O. Amann, Zurich„ Ont. Phone 12$. OF FANCY ENGLISH BONE CHINA, CUPS AND SAUCERS $1.00 TO $6.00 SEE OUR NEW CRYSTAL GLASS 1 STEMWARE 'IN SHERBETS, GOB- LETS. PLATES, TOMATO JUICE ETC. AT $5.95 FOR $8. HAVE YOU SEEN THE NEW COMMUNITY PLATE PATTERN EVENING STAR Farm Forum unique Farm For=met al ie of Mr and Mrs Carl Oes- for their first meeting of the dere Were 20 members pres- discussion went as fol]ov:s• 6aaiChanges in -_recreational; actrvatieres: in our community are as folio for the last 25 years: form ation .of new service clubs, as well as recreation 'buildings and a theatre. 2. =Town and farm people should get together for recreational. purposo es. Town and farm people should co-operate. 3. In planning a well-balanced recreational :program one should have sports for children, swimming pools, educational pictures and voluntary programs. The nett meeting will be 'field at Mr and Mrs. Delbert Geiger's with Mr. Roland Geiger discussion leader. OBITUARY There passed away in Zurich on Monday November 14th, one of its elder residents in the person of Mrs. Martin Wurm, nee Eliza Prang, be loved companion of the late Martin Wurm in her 87th year. Mrs. Wurm was up and around as astral till the last week or so when she took a bad heart attack and finally life passed away. Surviving are one son Nelsen Wurm of Zurich and a daughter, Mrs. Edna Osweld of Zurich; one brother, Louis Prang of Zurich; six grandchildren and 8 great grandchil- dren. The body is resting at the Westlake Funeral Horne from where the funeral will be held on Thursday at 2.30 p.m. with interment in the St. Peter's Lutheran cemetery Rev. E. W. Heinrich, officiating. A TABLE SETTTIN2 OF 8 FOR $56.75. A G. HESS PHONE YOUR Your Blue _Coal Dealer Wants you to -know: A Heat Regulator will pay back the cost in fuel saved in season, besides the comfort of Auto uratic control'. you one Ask yr3 it B %oaI Dealer! Jeweler and Registered Pone 10 Optician. ROE'S VITIMI'Z 1e,' DS 1Smammea 42Tu..RtP ^ _ ¢�dbe; OE 6' W Gn ® G+GS G OG OGOOGGOO Yr�ttrOOG OG&�OMOG ��f�Q®�4iEi �43Fw gni 4 Presents for Your. Enjoyment. tbr< Following Attractions Edward W. Stoskopf Edward W. Stoskopf, 68, of 18 Louisa Street Kitchener, died of a heart attack at his home on Wednes- day, Nov. 9th. Born in Seebach's Hill, he went to Kitchener in 1921. A veterinarian, he graduated from the Ontario Vetinarian College in 1907, when he came to Zurich and Practised until he went to Kitchener He attended St. Marie's Lutheran Church and was active in church work. Member of thebuilding com- mittee when the new church was built, and served on the council for many years. He was a son of the late Adam Stoskopf and Caroline Seebach. Surviving are his widow, the former Adeline Johnson, former- ly of Zurich; one brother, George of Sebringville; three ;sisters, Mr $. F. Tacob, Mrs. Carrie Robfritsch, both of Sebringville and Mrs. Wm. Schaub af Howard Citly, Mich. The body res- ted at the Schreiter Sandrock Fuser_ al home .ntil Saturday when it was taken to St. Mark's Church for ser- vice at 2 p.m. Burial followed at Fair mount Cemetery, Baden with Rev. A sight to their Knees. and Cartoon..G Jacobi officiating. Zurich friends Param t N wsreel Sport Short greatly sympat hise withthe bereave :( 0g cia Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Private Car Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS tr4- g :.. erV1.ce ' or 122, Zurich - Telephone: a MOO GOO 4. 4. 4. a. 4. 4. 4. 4. ae 4. day Times. Friday, Saturday Nov. 18-19 SOUTH OF ST. LOUIS Colour by Technicolour Joel McCrea -Alexis Smith, Zachery Scott Dorothy New Malone i Warner Bros. Thundering umph "Daffy Duck Hunt" Cartaor and "Drums of India." Monday, Tuesday Nov. 21-22 Glen. Ford, Nina Foch, James Whit,. more, Barry Kelley "UNDERCOVER MAN":i.- The True Story of how Americ most Notorious Criminals were br.:- oun a ' widow,, Mrs. tos op . 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. PRODUCE WANTED. Res. 89 4. a 4 viz s. Robin Hood Oatmeal, 5-1b. Pk Green Gage Plums, 2 cans Robin Hood Cake Mix per pkg Toilet Tissue, 3 rolls Vel with 1 cake Palmolive Soap Popping Corn, two lbs. for Spanish Onions, 3 lbs. for Salmon, Fancy Keto, 1-1b. emu) (Desch Pkg. 39c L5c 30c 25c for 35c 75c 25c can 39c 1r.�.. u n c h Phone 165 Mens' and Boy's Underwear, Checked Shirts, Men's Pants, Overalls, Smocks and Jackets, Etc. uh er Footwear Mens', Boys Rubber Boots, 4 -buckle all rubber Yukon Mens'. High Laced Flexions; Boots, Overshoes and Rubers. FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND M LA Ili E STia'' E 11-97 E. Schwartzeniruber, Prop. Phone