HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1949-11-03, Page 8ZURICH ONTARIO 4, ZURICH HERALD kP 00 400 TG TELEPHONE 59 �,_ .=agsr We a te r are now ready to Supply Your Needs in lines of Fall and Winter Goods such as: All Wool Blankets Esmond part wool Blankets Indian Blankets Ibex Flannelette Blankets Dress Materials in All Wool Plaids. Gabardines Large Supply of Woolettes in dark and Light Colors suitable for Children's Wear. Pyjamas, Etc. all Sweater Coats o1 every description Ladies' and Children's Underwear Snow Suits Parkas Guelph and Monarch Knitting Wools Kroy Wools Bates Bed Spreads Chenille Bedspreads New Arriv Is A lot of Wilton and Smyrna Rugs, reversible in different sizes. New Tapestry Furniture Coverings Prices. r at Lowest ZURICH rt 0 0• 0^ �UY riZEIMEEMEASU=MESEERAMIZZEINIEMEIET3220=MM=111: 0 s ale Suore . cc .0 • a The Store With dle Best Variety of all Kiwis of Groceries Also Rubber oots and Shoes, for Men and Boys. A fine Assortment of Hardware and Electrical Appliances. ATLAS AND SEIBERLING TIRES CO-OP. FEEDS Cured and Fresh Meats. Call on Us. Your Patronage will be Appreciated at all times! JOHN DENOMY - DRYSDALE Phone 98 r 1 ®4041® 0 0 0 a 00 00 0 a • 0 HARDWARE -- SEEDS and FURNITURE Yoar 11 el Hob Will receive attention with us if left in plenty of time. We always try to supply our Customers with the most Suitable Fuel for their heating equipment. But to insure deliveries in time always leave your orders early with us so we can arrange for your supply YOUR HEATING EQUIPMENT Have You Looked Over Your Heating Equipment? Does Your Furnace or Stove Need Attention; or Prob- ably You Need a New One. Let Us Look These Over for you and offer Our Suggestion to Your Best Advantages. We carry 'a full line of the Well Known and Tried and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS Plumbing, furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmii'' ing our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stock. 0 0 • ZURICH QUALITY – PRICE SERVICE 1CID NT. ITEW, 24,0i. AL Ill k t:RESI ST. PETER'S alis. Mervyn Tiernan, of Dasnwou•d Evan; elical Lutheran Church made a bu. iners eall in. town on alon- day. Mr. and Mrs, I3. C. Ratz of Tav- istock were Sunday guests at the homes of Mr and Mrs. Ted Stein- la^tclr also visiting with 'Mr and Mr' e URICIi — ONTARIO REV. E, W. HEIMRICH, PASTOR 10 a,ia.—Divine Services. 1L15 a.m. —Sunday School. Wm. Decker. b 7.30 p.m.—Divine Worship. \Ir and Mrs Floyd Cook and dau-all Services. ghter Patricia of Kitchener, spent Everybody elcotzto to some time last week at the home of their parents, IVfr and Mrs. John Bre- nner. A number of people of this vicin- ity are attending the Mennonite church services near New Hamburg, where Rev. Andrew Jantzie is the guest speaker. Mr and Mrs. E. M. Dagg and dau- ghter Marilyn of Teeswater were a- mong the guest, to enjoy the Anni- versary in the Evangelical church on Sun dam. Mi Pauline Hess and Shirley Fairburn returned home after spell_ ding a vacation of several days at the cottage of the former's parents in the Pinery. Mr and Mrs Gordon .Kaitting of Goderich; Mr and Mrs. Moses Hoist of Pigeon, Mich., were week -end vis- itors at the home of Mr and-- Mrs. Chris. Hoist. Mrs. .1. Brenneman of Saginaw, .Mich., enjoyed a few days visiting et the hone of her relatives, Mr and Mrs; Amos Gascho, Bronson line and Mr and Mrs. Harold Rader, Goshen line Mouth. Mr and Mrs. Daniel Herford of Elkton, 1VIich., spent a few days over the week -end visiting at the home of the latter's sister, Mr. and Mrs. Isiah Witmer, Goshen line south, also with other friend Mr. and `'rrs Wilfred Jervis and family of Clinton, Mr. Garfield Wit- mer of Timmins, Mr .and Mrs. Neil Witmer and daughter of Mitchell, visited at the h.me of their parents, also attending anniversary services in the Evangelical Church. Is .Postponed The Euchre and Dance.sponsored by the Women's Institute has been po tponed until further notice. Fine weather prevailed last week, and this week the weatherman has its fingers crossed, as there are some cold spells with plenty of -'now in the Western Provinces and Northern Ontario, but here there has been little frost, a few ,snow flurries, but nothing like some parts of -Canada. -Canada. Surprise Birthday Party A very enjoyable evening was spent at the borne •af Mr and Mrs. Kuno Hartman when some 35 teen- ager) surprised Miss Jeanne Hart- man on her 18th birthday. Bingo, dancing and singing. Jeanne thanked 4 EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL U. B. CHURCH Zurich --- Ontario Observing the 75th Anniversary, October 30, 1949. (1874-1949) REV. H. E. ;ROPPEI. Minister Mrs. Milton O'esch - Organist Sunday Services: - 10:00 a.m.--Divine Worship. 11.00,; a.m.—Bible School. 7 :30 p.m.—Divine Worship. Welcome at all Services—"Come thou with us and we will do thee good." Num. 10:29. WE HANDLE THE GENUINE (Trade Mark) PENNSYLVANIA READING and PITSON ANTH- RACITE HARD COAL. FOR THE BETTER QUALITY OF COAL LEAVE YOUR ORDER WITH US FOR YOUR SUPPLY. Ervin Schilbo PHONE 75 - ZURICH (Office in Residence) GeH sal iris sea FIRE, AUTOMOBILE, LIABILITY, PLATE GLASS, SICKNESS and. ACCIDENT, HOSPITALIZATION, ALL LINES EXCEPT LIFE. Representing well known Canadian Companies Rates gladly quoted without ion. Successor to Hess Insurance J. W. HABERER Phone 161 Zurich. obligat- Agen iy Ont. them all for the many 'beautiful gifts angelical she received. Later on a delicious Township lunch was served and all returning was Rev. home wishing Jeanne many more ed in the happy birthdays. Attended Banquet .Mr. Morris Weber of town left for minister came into. Hay to preach the gospel. This Jacob Bastian who ,preach - home of Mr. Christian Os- wald, after which Sunday School work and other worship services were carried on in asmall way with only Toronto on Saturday morning to I c'ne preaching service per year dur- attend the Banquet of the 58th Bat- ing the first two years. Then month - was of the first Great War, which l;yl until the pioneer bush settlers in- wa held in the King Edward •Crys- creased so that in 1870 there were tat Pall Rom, Toronto, where over twelve charter ,members. In that year 300 Veterans and their wives being themtwelve disciples built their present. After dinner Speeches by first log church :on the farm of Mich - with the officers were appreciated ael Karcher. This' became outgrown with song s and musical numbers. and was replaced near by with a new M d M asBears of o ' ii'"m"�I�➢I1m� ',Thursday, November 8rd, 1949 `III111111f iIiiiI ow 1 �il!ID 11111 f(f 1"iim> r !?f1IDfT� o . I 11[f@i(Ii1111111611 II 11111111111 111111 11111111111111111111111111111 fL� ililllllill1111111li1111111l11lllllliiillllilliill111i11111111NII1111111III IIIIIIIIIIllil111111111111 r s? Let Us Keep your House Warm with a "New Idea Air Conditioning Furnace." For an Oil Heater, we have just the one you have been looking for. A large range of Cook Stoves and Heaters to choose from. Give us a call! SPECIAL for one week only. Ammunition at a Reduced Price. We have.. anything you need.. in Kitchenware or Farm Needs. If you are doing any painting don't forget to see our colors of C.X, Gliddens Kem-Tone or the new Spred Satin. FOR RENT — 1 Cement Mixer. PLUMBING - HEATING - TINSMITHING Hadar t rc i � � Sure Phone 63 • Zurich 0 r P 0- 0 0 0 0 4 0 • • 4 0- 0 0- 0- F 0. tk 0 1 11111 III 111111 II 111111 III IIIIIIIIIUII11II1111111111111IIl111II1111IN11111111111111111 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII111111IIIIIIIIIi111I11111111111IIIIIIII11 IIIA 11 IIIIIIIIIIUIDIIIIIIIIIHI111111111 „_ m -1- Vl k: lu 4 J. 4 .¢ 4. `Take advantave of these specially Reduced Prices on Bedroom Suites. Fall Suggestions! NOW, THAT FALL CLEANING TIME IS HERE, BEAUTIFY YOUR HOME WITH NEW FURNITURE! . Modern and Waterfall Designs from $70.00 and up. $€• Good Variety of all Types of Furniture including Springs and Mattresses. Furniture - Phone 122, Zurich 1{II(11111111111111111111111111111111111iliilll111iIllillIIIIIII111111111111111I1I111IIIIl1 MIAMI 131111�ii�I1mI�V�Ii�EI01110f�111�1(QIIInIfIDl� III1(1I1111111 II1fIIlIDI 1101®I� 3111I�1M181®1111111f�1®11 IBllInfill!llllliII1131 lIMIIIIIIIIDIIlliNSlhilME an* o] friends greeted each •other brick church in 1888. Then after 8 i it was in 1916 that this Battalion 1 , c ntinuous services in this was in France We congratulate ev-1 church, it was discontinued by a " merger with the Zurich congregation. ,€• i•+.1.+q.4 4.4.4 4.4, d++•+•.'+�44+• +++++• 40 Several other Evangelical groups ha• developed about the same time s: above indicated, namely: The Gose r hen Line, Bronson Line, Sauble Line, Black Bush, Crediton, Links, McGil- livray, Colborne, and Hullett. The combined work taf all these points was pst called "The Huron Mission" Later it was called "The Lake Cir- cuit." In 1.890 the entire Hay dis- TILE II 111 10199 Ali FOR The Best In Mastic Tile Floor GET TILE "� TEX ALSO CLEANERS AND WAXES Manufactured by The Flintkote Com.pany, Toronto, Ont. See Your Local Agent JOHN M. TURKHEIM - Phone Zurich 174 LAID AND MAINTAINED. Free Estimates Gladly Given ery one of therm for their noble dut- ies perforrned. • WANTED Every day from now on, until the trusses are built for the Community Centre Arena, men will be needed to help in assembling them. The soon- er these trusses are built, the sooner they will be erected and the steel sheeting work can then be started. 11 III II 1,1 1111 IUI Ill ;t• ti1191IU11 Ie Ittltlla! 1t 4I Nll0I on1.114111,11..1 >A:411„ "Palm The response for free labour for the trio was divided into two sections digging of holes for the abutments, pouring of cement, etc., etc., was with the northern section centralized geed and we hope that this fine,, in our present Emmanuel Church in yens show of Community Spirit will keep the Village of Zurich. The Zurich up. When we help by donating our c•hurch was +built in 1874, i.e., seven time to free labour we .are cutting the co t• of construction no little bit, so if each and every lone fif us, who .possibly can spare a few hours now and then, come out and give a hand at the assembling of these trusses ty-five years ago and has a present adult membership of 241, plus chil- dren and adherents. The Sunday School enrollment is 1214'9. The fruitfulne's of the Evangel- ical work in this district is evidenced rnrrch time and money will he saved. in part by the number of ministers Plea .e 'bring your hammer (a heavy who have gone forth from here to on if you have one) with wriieir to preach the gospel in widely scattered drive the have of spikes needed areas. No less than six men have gone forth into full time service as ministers ,ef the Gospel, namely: Carl Lingo, deceased; Henry ;Hoitz- for each truss. You will also itnrl that in doing this sort of work you will derive a great. Ileal of fun from etir- it, because everyone helping gets ed; 1man, Geiger, deeea ed;deceased; H. H. eRoyti4l.1 Gei- the spirit of the enterprise and that der, minister in United Church of hatppy Community feeling tef doing Canada and Milfred Faust, deceased. s, omethinl;• for others as well as for ✓ During recent months (1949) rx- vourelf, keeps everyone in a jovial cv 1 mood. W*11 you do your bit in this to improvements have been made free labour work? Your help i; on the 7.urich Church as a c'•pecial neede r, �o why not give it a try and ar 1 have fun while doing so. A hammer 1.1 all yen need to bring. 75TH. ANNIVERSARY (Continued from Page 1) pa:itoraite here about 30 years ago. Mr. Wine H. Edvghoffer, a tlmcai mem. 1,rtr of the church, spoke mainly on behalf of the 14th Concession church which after many years of .faithful christi,an service as a rural •conf;xeg° ation was merged in 1926 with" the Zurich church. It was in 1850 when the first );V- 0 rniversary project. A complete new up'_t:o-date, air conditioning beating sy tem has boon installed. Also two new washrooms and new lighting in the church basement, a new electric stove in the church kitchen, interior decoration and various other repair jobs which altogether have cost ap . proximately $5,000. Further plans for chancel alteration and improve- ment are also, under consideration for the near future. Much .credit is due to the fine co-operation and financial response on the part of the entire congregation. +N 4 We Can Supply You LUMBER SASH DOORS 1 MILLWORK TEN -TEST MASONITE PAINTS BUILDERS' HARDWARE ASPHALT ROOFING WAX AND ALL TYPES OF BUILDING SUPPLIES F. C. Ta ALBFLEISCEI 66 SON Phone 69 - - - - ZURICH i•511t^h4.1-++*4.÷3++4.4.4•E.fi'44.004".00+41 '4...44.+4.+4.4..5+4. .44"t.$a. 4, Massey aryls HAVE RECEIVED A L ARGE SHIPMENT OF MASSEY- HARRIS REPAIRS. ORDER YOURS EARLY! AM TAKING ORDERS NOW FOR ANY MASSEY HARRIS IMPLEMENTS YOU MAY REQUIRE, INCLUDING TRACT•, ORS, THRESHING MACHINES, COMBINES, ETC. "The Service Arin for Canadian Farm" To Shop 149. Oscar Klopp R1. 67 AUCTIONEERING AT YOUR SERVICE