HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1949-11-03, Page 1Elitatbliehed 1900 ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSD ,.If MORNING, NOVEMBER 3119 49 ARTHUR FRASER Income Tax Reports }Bookkeeping Service, Etc. EXETE,R,. 'OFFICE:—Corner Ann, William. Sts. Phone: Exeter 355W. ELMER D. BELL, B.A. BARRISTER - SOLICITOR EXETER„ ONT. Wednesday, 2 to 5 p.m., at Zurich At (New Twee). Office) luNch sanity Shop ;iT'HE HOME OF THE BETTER OIL PERMANENTS The Better Oil Permanents Applied with the very latest of methods and Equipment. GIVE US A CALL1 3"Ixone 153 for your Appointments. DOREEN SOBLI.LBE--Zurich e You Suff Hou ' :if so, Have your t+ -es Examened with Latest Methode and Equipment at A. L COLE, R. . OPTOMETRIST & OPTICiIAN . Good Glasses at ,eassetelele Prices F A. don T eatte GRAND BEND Presents for Your. Enjoyment. Following Attractions Friday, Saturday November 4- 5. Randolph Scott in CANADIAN PACIFIC - In Cinecolor Jane Wyatt J. Oarrol.Naish Victor Jory •Randolph Scott at his Best in a Great Outdoor Action Adventure Cartoon "Mysterious Stranger" plus "Talented Bounties" Monday, Tuesday November 7-8 Passport To Pimlico French. Goings On in the Heart of. London, England. Stanley Holloway Hermvone 13eddley, Paul Dupuis.. Paramount Newsreel. Cartoon "Stork Market" plus: Movies are Adventure CHESTER L. SMITH, PUBLISHER,, $1.75 a Year In Advance, $2.00 in U. S. A., in Advance. —BARBERING T have taken over the business of the late Heiib Krueger and will be the associated with Bert Carr in the Barber Shop business. I ani also operating the Tobacco and Soft Drinks, and also the Pool Roam. Come in and see ine for all your needs along this line. You Patron- age will be appreciated. BORN, Gingerich At Hay Township,on October 22nd, to Mr and Mrs. Neil Gingerich, a daughter. Baechler — At Clinton Public Hos- pital, on October 127th, to Mr. and Mrs. Win. Baechler, a daugeter. Merner — In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on October 25th, to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Merner, Zurich, a son. Mr and Mrs. Don Charlton are happy to announce the birth of a daughter (Heather Ann) on Novem., ber 2nd at the Farwell Nursing Horne, Zurich. IT'S A HIT! THE- NEW COMIC BOOK Yes, the NEW 16_page Comic Book exclusively with The Detroit Sunday Times Two -Star Edition, is a hit! Fun for every one! It's packed with entertainment! comics galore, games puzles, magic, radio. listings* Get the New Comic Book with Detroit Sun- day. Times Two -star Edition, on sale each week from. Wednesday got! &$�7°'4..3•.$•.g..t'.�"!'i$,°�"gp'�M1i�-fi•.F°.q,•�'^S..g..g.�. *.3.•�:•h%r-1.�..�..f a, 5..:..�,.t.�,a.-F.-4•.a.•�, a. a•3.•i•;..p' 4. a- 3L Private Car Ambulance Service for the Conveyance of Sick and Injured • Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director. MEMBER OF THE ONTARIO FUNERAL ASSOCIATION DAT CII NIGikIIT TELEPHONE No. 70 Dashwood -- Ontario 4, 4. 4. 6h -++4-S- r++++4.dl S-4,4 -44-04-rdr++40 '44-4-4-1.4.-4.4.+4.4.+++.4,4.4.4.+++++++.04, ® 9 a .1.Sneior Store J" +� • SHI .i ! ` { i; ENT T OF LADIES a," dl CHILDREN'S CARDIGANS, PULLOVERS IN ALL SIZES AND SHADES We have a Good Variety of Shade's in Bouquet Yarn a present. Pick your Shades NOW! .. WE OFFER FOR TWO WEEKS ONLY 20% Reduction on all Chenille Spreads EXTRA SPECIAL 6 Only Ladies' All Wool Dressing Gowns Reg. 17.50 for 12.50 FRESH FRUITS, VEGETABLES, GROCERIES EACH WEEKI Phone 140 A C. FL THIEL - Zurich , Phone 140 C. ll -I 'I`lfdlEl. ,,: •• Zurrch., ,. DENNIS DENOIVIME. Father a.nI Son BANQUET A Father and Son Banquet will he held In the Zurich Evangelical, U. B. Church, on Wednesday Evening, November 9th. Any (nen wishing tickets may secure them from Leroy O'Brien or Edw. Gascha by ,Saturday, November 5th. 75th An fivers , ry EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL U. B. CHURCH, ZURICH, ONT. The celebration of the Diamond Jubilee .of the Evangelical United Brethren Church, Zurich, on Sunday 30th, 1949 was truly a great and. successful event. The entire pro- gram was carried out under the effi- cient ieadership of the Pastor, Rev. H.' E. Roppel. The attendance taxed the auaitor- ium of the church to full capacity. After the gallery was filled chairs had to be placed in the isles Ion the main floor to acooinodate the crowds. It is estimated that over one hund- red cars were parked in the Church area during the service Terxods. There were friends present from as ;far west as Dauphin, Man., and south from as far as Port Huron, Detroit, Elkton and Pigeon, Mich. Others came from Toronto, Bolton, Guelph, Ri'tchener, Bridgeport, Galt, Mitchell, Sebringvillee • Milverton, Tees$vater, Goderich, Rodney, London, Cromarty Forest, Grand Bend, Crediton, •Cen- tralia, Exeter, Dashwood, Hensall, Varna, Bayfield and other places. Rev. Roiyl M. Geiger of Twort Erie, Ont., a son of this congregation was the anniversary :speaker for the Sun- day morning and evening service.,. He gave inspiring messages. The Church Choir also rendered two very excellent 'anthems at the morn- ing :service. The afternoon service was featur- ed by an old-time choir composed 01 some thirty voices, all onetime mem- bers of the old -church Ch:ir in day: gone by. Reaniniscent speeches were interspersed with the choir selee ions Rev. E. Heinrich, pastor of St. Pet- er's Lutheran church, Zurich, bioa- ght greetings from his congregator, Rev. H. H. Leilbold, Sebringville, a superannuated minister, spoke as a son of the Zurich Evangelical churcl and in his :speech he recalled man, interesting and humorous incidents of his youth and church asrociution• here. Rev. F. 11. Meyer, retire( minister at Rodney, Ont., also re called many interesting events of hitt (Concluded on Page S ) YOUR CHANCE T IN PERSON Linton J. NORMA'S EAUTY SHOPPE FOR APPOINTMENTS Tel. 223. Euchre and Dance Heid On the evening of Nov lab the Euchre and Dance will be held in the town hall, Zurich, sponsored by the W. Institute, instead :of Nov. 3rd. So don't forget the above (tate. Look for further particulars. Tell your friends and bring them. Coal Business -Sold What is known as the Schilbe coal. business of Zurich, lately run by Mx. Ervin Schilbe, has been sold to Stade & Weido of town. The deal also includes the brick block and weigh scales, just south of the! Zurich. Dairy, on Victoria Street. Was Guest Spearcer I3ei and Mrs. Roy M. Geiger have returned to their, home in Fort Erie aftereepending several days over the week..jnd visiting at the homes of his sister and brothers. Mr. Geiger was also guest speaker at the Evangelic- al U. B. Anniversary on Sunday, and on Mondaly and Tuesday evenings.His messages were very expresive and inspiring, .which should be put in ac- tion in our daily lives. Maybe some people leave the sermons at church, jeweler and Registered when they return to their homes, but we hope none •did here. Optician. Zurich NORMA STEINBACH - Prop. <ai'vice BY ARRANGEMENT HAVE YOUR EYES EXAMINED AT KINGSLEY ABELL, 286 DUN- DAS ST. LONDON BRING US THE PRESCRIPTION, WE CAN FIT YOU WITH THE FINEST IN SPECTACLES BECOM- ING FOR YOUNG OR OLD —PLUS A SAVING— BROKEN FRAMES AND LENSES ACCURATELY DUPLICATED G ESS HEAR 4 verest "Your Worship Hour Pastor (Heard over 122 radio stations) South Bend, Indiana Presented by 1CIZ9. COMMUNITY CENTRE - CANVASS T:je second portion of the drive fur funds for the Hay Township Memorial Community Centre and A. C. "Babe" Siebert Memorial Arena will the started in a few days. This particular drive will take in those people who were missed on the first round of the canvassers and also those who said that they would do their . bit later ;on. Since the constr- uctieh of the Centre and Arena is xvell m it's way, more funds will be ltee ,teles bring; the project to a good financial standing. To date the a- mount contributed totals approxima- tely 18 for 19 thousand dollars and another seven or eight ie needed to really put the program across. The Oomrlmittee in change of this wish to bring to the attention of the people of the district the need for these ad ditional funds, and are hopeful that when the canvasser calls at your homes you will be liberal with your contributions. All people are basic• ally Qomrnuniti,7 minded, and even though there may be times when there is a slight difference of opinion in regards to this and that,, each and every one wants to see the above program brought to a successful con- clusion.' Let us all get behind this and do the very best we can to fur- ther the Community spirit here. „ Youth for Christ FATHER MALONEY PASSES Rev. John T. Maloney, 45, rector of St. Mary's R. C. Church, London died suddenly Sunday! night of a heart attack. He had preached a ser- mon about an hour and a half be- fore he was found dead in the rect- ory by :r:,; first assistant, Iter. J. F. McCormick. Born and spent his early life on the Maloney homestead about a mile south of St. Joseph, Hay Township, being the only child of Mrs. Bridget Maloney, now of Windsor, and the late Michael Mal- oney„ He received his early public school education at S.S. No. 11, Hay and advanced education at Assump- tion College, Windsor; School of Philo:!ophy, London and graduated from the University of Western Ont.. ario in honor philosophy in 1925 -Or- dained the same year, he served par- ishes of St. Therese's, Windsor and St. Joseph's, Chatham. He was! sent to the University of Washington and received his Master of Arts degree in philosophy. Returning to London dio- cese he was appointed director of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine. Ile founded the eurnrner vacation .''ehools of religion and continuer.• wtth this work until his death. He was made pastor of St. Mary's Church in Tuly 1939. Pontifical requiem mays will be solemnized Thursday at 10:30 a.m. when Most Rev. J. T. litdd, 1). D., Bishop of London, will !officiate .and sermon will be given by Most Rev. ''ohs C. Cody,, coadjutorbishop ,1' ilic. ,li...case and close friend of the i(,p ar t,,,t. The body rested at the .uari.h v story on Lyle street Cantil Wedne•e'•:y when it wilt lie in state in :;t Mer'v's Church until the Amer - el. Surviving is his mother, who is well remembered by many of the old- er residents of the St. Joseph dist- triet. Soloist - Joyce Sanderson, Soprano, Kitchener. Violinist - Sergeant Robert Persan, R.C.A.F., Clinton SATURDAY, NOVEM. Stl� 8.00 p.m., in the CLINTON COLLEGIATE AUDITORIUM as alt • rd RAG RUGS and CARPETS On a New Modern Loom, Made to Order — Seth 0. Amann, Zurich; Ont. Phone 128. PHONE YOUR 0 VER. Your Blue Coal Dealer Wants you t • know A Heat Regulator will pay yea back the cost in fuel saved in one season, besides the comfort of Auto uratic controll. Ask your Blue Coal Dealer! W. R. DAVIDSN Pone 10 - Hensalr ROE'S VITIMIZED FEEDS ir1311.9.9.191•29.99....MAK907. _611.7191,59. MHO „ 6060640,0614$O'00 1+006•40d6c®0 • 19•40600 000414•4 00414•4 Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Private Car Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent FLOWERS Day Telephone: Res. eeseeseessee 9e ea ag 0 • 0 0 0 a0 0 0 • 0 e 0d s O • 00 00 0 FOR ALL OCCASIONS and Night Service 89 - or 122, Zurich s aea4®®+s':i (see emeae * asap® se* 8aa64021008 roc -e Robin Hood Oatmeal, 5-1b. Pkg. 39c Green Gage Plums, 2 cans 25c 30c Toilet Tissue, 3 rolls 25c Vel with 1 cake Palmolive Soap for 35c Popping Corn, two lbs. for 75,- 7 Spanish Onions, 3 lbs. for 25r Salmon, Fancy Keto, 1-1b. can 39c Robin Hood Cake Mix per pkg Henn() Oesch • PRODUCE WANTED. a e Zurich Phone 165 a •ars 3 assaagfia' oast mCBn aLY'f,Wal urt5 °l • 'x mrawa6AdwaraaPsora s'r 11 an ds Mens' and Boy's Underwear, Checked Shirts, Men's Pants, Overalls, Smocks and Jackets, Etc. ubber .▪ wear Mens', Boys Rubber Loots, 4 -buckle all rubber Yukon Mens'. High Laced Flexions; Boots, Overshoes and Rubers. FRESH 1 GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND 5.4 E. SchwartZentrubers Prop, Phone 11-97