HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1949-10-27, Page 4ZURICH -
eep Your _Home at Healthful 'Constant Heat
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Authorized Dealers:
Rader 8E Mittelholtz
ved to all. Short- addresses were
given, also musical and songs which
made the evening ane 'of enjoyment.
I The bride and groom were recipients
• of menu gaffs,
• thein all for their presence and
• gift .and .assured them that they
0 would be long remembered. •The
• bride and groom then left on a motor
0 trip to Niagara Falls and otherseas-
49 tern points, accompanied by Mr and
O Mrs. Blaine Ducharme another brid-
al couple. On their return they will
8 re aide in the immediate vieinty;
iwhile Mr. and Mrs. Ducharme will
return to Windsor.. We join in
• wishing the newly weds many years
• of peace and happiness in their new
: life.
A brand new ii -ton DeLux Cab
Chevtolet Truck, for immediate de -
Gideon Koehler, Zurich, Ont.
An electric .Grahenette Range, 2-
burner with oven, heavy duty. C
be seen at our home, Earl Gingerich,
Phone 90 r 7, Zurich.
1 pure bred Polled - Hereford bull
for .sale. T. B. Tested. Apply, to Chas.
S. Bedard, 'Phone 98 r 15, Zurich.
Spy, King, 'Greening, Snow, Rus-
set, Baldwin, Etc. Also cider apples.
Phone Clinton 613-24a Fred McCly-
raont, Varna.
A child's medium blue heavy wool
Snow Suit to fit ages up to 2-3 years
Can be seen at Oesrh'a Shoe Store.*
A. Registered Scotch Shorthorn
.Buil 1 year old. Apply to Fred Brown
Crediton, Phone 19-4.
Special Township Licenses for
shooting Pheasants and Rabbits are
available at Milt'Dietz' Zurich; Bruce
McClinoheiy, Varna; Mack's Hard-
ware store, Bayfield — "Nue Water
:un, Club.
Work by the day or btyi the hour.
if-iousework preferred. Apply to Mrs
lohn Seaplat, Zurich,
Three calves strayed from prerrt'is-
es; one white, one roan, one blank.
'Phone Hemeall 97 r 2. Collect.
Douglas Robinson.
A York Hog about 200 lbs. for sale
4capply to Jos Schw..trtzentruber. c
Fresh home grown erag,etables,
calehage, carrot:: aeete, vcy:a'king,r.
io9u..-(eolgo Bullock, Plioaa 82x10
Miss Elfrieda Becker has returned
to London after spending some time
with her mother, Mrs. Henry Becker
who has been i11.
Mr and Mrs. Keith Wildfong of
London :spent the week -end with hie
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Wild -
Mr and Mrs Gordon, Callfas of
Sarnia were Sunday visitors with Mr:.
and Mrs. V. Schatz.
Mr and Mrs. Thos. Hoperoft spent
the week -end with their son Robert
in Pot Colborne.
Mr and Mrs. Wm. Posno of Lon-
don were Sunday visitors with Mr
and 'Mrs. T. Harry Hoffman. Mr.
Posno was guest scloi t at the Anni-
versary services on Sunday evening.
Mr. Edgar Restemeyer is all smiles
this week on the arrival of a son in
St. Joseph's Hospital, London. ,
Mr. Russel Hoperoft and lady frig
end spent the week -end in Toronto.
Mr and Mrs Sidney Baker, Mrs.
Taylor and daughter Annie, spent
the week -end with their sister in
Port Colborne.
Rev. and Mrs. H. Trinier of L•ont
don, were Sunday guests with Rev.
and Mrs. Getz.
Had Sulcessful Anniversary
-The 54th Anniversary of the Evan-
gelical U. B. Church was held on
Sunday with Rev.' H. Trinier of Lon-
don as the guest speaker and Harry
Hoffman as soloi_+t in the .morning,
and Mr. W. Posno of London in the
evening. Special music was prow-
tied by the choir. Splendid congre-
gations were pre.•ent for the cocas:-
• The Toronto, Star will sponsor • a
two-hour concert by the quartette,
popularily known in Ontario as "The
Commodores" in connection with
the choir of the Evangelical 'U.
Church, Dashwood on Thursday ev-
ening, Novernb'er 10th, tat 8 p.m.
Admission Free. Everybody as invit-
ed to attend.
On Monday evening last the Leith
eran Ladies Aid held a social evening
ba the church basement in honor of
Mr and ;Mrs Philip Fassold who were
celebrating their Golden Weddiig
Anniversary last week. The 'bass=
ment was decorated for the occasion
with candlebra, ribbons and gold
flowers centred with a ,beautiful de-
corated wedding cake. The couple
was ushered in to the strains of Loh-
engrins' Bridal Chorus, after which
the evening was spent in playing
bingo. A 'dainty lunch was then
served. The (bride of fifty years then
made a cut in the four tiered wed-,
ding cake while everybody joined in
singing "When You and I Were
Young, Clara" and "Put on Your Old
Grey Bonnet." They were then
presented, on behalf of the Ladies
Aid, with a beautiful crystal cake
plate trimmed With 21 Keret gold
by Mrs. Lorne Genttner. The fol-
lowing address was read by Mrs. bt..
Dear Mr and Mrs'. Fassold:
It gives us much ,pleasure to have
the privilege of spending this social
evening with you in honour io`f your
golden anniversary. For fifty years
you have shared the joys and sorr-
ows of life. Although we, .are sure
there were days ;of -trial and sadness,
we know That the Lord has blessed
You with happiness and contentment.
After half a century which has
brought to this world of ours many
changes, you look back with pleasure
on well spent yelars of usefulness to
your family, your community, and
your church. For many years you,
Mrs. Fassold, have been a valued
member of. our Ladies' Aid where you
have given of your time and talent'
to the .best of your ability.
And now on this happy, occasion
all of us wish to add our congratu-
lations and best wishes to the many
messages which will bless you in the
future as He has in the past and that'
the years which remain to you may
be filled with the golden radiance of
a glorious sunset.
To mark this important milestone
in your life, we ask you to accept
this gift. May we add our prayer
that the Lord will allow both or you
to remain in our midst for many
years to come.
—Zion Lutheran Ladies' Aid.
The 'evening' came to a close
sin;^;ing "Ono Be With You Till We
Meet Again"
KEEP IN STEP with Fall Fashion!
accident 'when a form weighing 500 ,
lbs. he was helping to put up for
+th:e foundation for the .houses fell
down towards him and landed on hie
leg. Hel was attended ;by Dr. P. J.
O'Dwyer of Zurich. X-rays revealed
the 'bad1o. .bruised leg, He will be
confined' to his room for some time.
new dress or skirt! A. lovely 54 -inch
wool crepe at $1.95 yard. Look
through the Simplicity or IVI 'Ca11
pattern books at Tudor's in Hensnll.
ing flat rook; .eet of arm aleiighs; bag
truck; one half horse power motor
and ,pump jack; Massey Harris bean
saufl'ler; two. wheeled trailer; :eutter;
set of brcechin harness, single har-
nes;,; number oa horse collars; forks,
shovels, whifitl-etrees, chains, hayfork,
sling ropes, sling chain$, and many
other arbioles.
Automobile — 1946 'Mercury Sed-
an in ;good 'condition.
Colony Howe — 10x12 and other
poultry equipment.
Thuxisday, Oetaber 27th, .I.5149t
serves, bid.
The Estate of ,the lanae Frank Hagan.„
TERMS—On chattels, Cash; Piesper-.
ty, 20% down, (balance in 60 days
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer.
E. P. Chesney, Clerk.
Hiouseheld Effects — A full line
Of Farm Property, live stock and of household effects including an 8 -ft
Household Effects. 'Mr. Harold Jack- Westinghouse refrigerator, (new; $-
son lute been instructed to eell by .plate Moffatt electric range, (new)1
public auction at Lot 12, Conee ;sion Westinghousewashing machine like
8, Hay Township. A half mile south
of Hillsgreen, ion Parr Line, on
Clearing Auction Sala
Of FarmStock and implements, Oak.*Feed Grain, 'on Lot 11, Concession
10, Stanley Township; 5 miles nq hh.
of Zurich on Goshen Line, on
At 1 .o'clock, p.m.
IMPLEMENTS — McCormick Dee
ening .side rake (like new) ; M. -H..
a binder, 7 ft. eut (good); Cockshutt
new; kitchen cabinet, other kitchen. 134soe fertilizer drill (good); 2;
furniture, mantel radio, Singer sew- drum steel roller; 2 -wheel trailer and
ing machine; chc texfie>id; New Wil- stock rack, .top buggy, cutter; farm
wagon; 16 -ft. hay rack (flat) ; Deer -
at .upright head.
1l?' o'.elock sharp. The following: extension table, a nunrlber of rockers hay loader; riding plow; walking
Horses—Matched team brown Til- and small tables; 4 complete bedroom plow; 14 -plate disc 'harrow; sprilpg•
lues. suites, springs and mattresses quilt tooth cultivator; 4 section harrows-%
Cattle — 7 choice Durham and boxes; trunks; a quantity otf ,bedding; set farm sleighs; pig crate; wagon
Hereford cows, due to freshen from clocks; two rugs 8y12; scatter mats
January to April; One young Here- and other covering:; pieitures, three
ford bull; three baby beeves; three 1aa,ge ,mirrors; sealers and ¢itches;
summer calves. T. B. Tested. kitchen utensils and etc. '
Pugs -3 York hogs almost ready •
for .market; 8 pigs ten weeks old. FARMS — The farm consists of
Poultry -135 Hybrid 'pullets, lay- 100 acres, Lot 12, Concession 7 Hay
ing. Township; one half mile • south of
Hay and Grain --A quantity of oats Hiilsgreen. On the premises is situ -
40 ton minted hay.' atecl a story and a half brick house; blocks. t
Farm Machinery—Massey-Harris ...large bank barn with straw shed; Horses — Team of matched browre
binder; .10-20 McCormick' Deering drive shed; Hydro throughout build. -
tractor, in good condition, 3 furrow ings; clay loam,; 8 acres fall wheat
International plow; springtootn cult sown; farm in excellent state of cul-
ivator; McCormick Deering oil bath tivati:on; 'good water supply). Also
mower; (new) McCormick Deering - a fifty acre farm North Half of Lot
drop head hay loader; sulky rake; 1 13, adjoining the 100 arce farm;
McCormick Deering fertilizer drill, l frame barn, hill land tillable.
13 hoe; Tudhope Anderson manure i Also North Half of Lot 15, fifty
spreaders (good) ; 2 walking plows; , acres igrasis farm; on the Babylon
four section harrows; 3 drum steep Line, Stanley Township; excellent
roller; 2 set of arm scales; fanning grass with windmill and good water
Owing to the Anniversary Services
in. the Goshen Church, the service :n
the Blake church was -withdrawn.
The W.M.S. was held for the Oct-
ober meeting at the home of Mrs.
John McBride in Zurich, with Mrs.
T. Dinsmore's group in charge. An
invitation to .attend the Birthday
meeting in the Kippers church on;
November 2nd was received' by the
Mr. Alan Steckle ;of the Bronson
line had the misfortune to be caught
an the corn picker last week and is
suffering from shock and bruises.
Mr. Louis Denomrne wears a broad
smite, as a babes boy has arrived to
brighted their home (Joseph Louis)
Mr and Mrs. Maxim Ducharme,
and 71•Ir and Mns Regis Bedard and
son of Goderich called on Mr and
Mrs. Robert Ducharme.
Mr and Mrs' Lorne Hamlyn and
family visited his sister and brother
in law, Mr and Mrs Fred Bancroft
over the week -end.
Mrs. J. Douglas was taken to Vic-
toria Hospital at London last week,
in the interest to have . treatment for
her voice. We wish her a speedy re-
covery. Her daughter, Mrs. T. Dins-
more spent a few days with her last
Sty. Joseph and Beaver Town.
Mr. and. Mrs. Fabian Corriveau of
Detroit, attended the Geoffrey -
Corriveau wedding this week -end.
Mr and Mrs. Leonard Masse and
Mrs. Napodloon Ducharme of London
were Sundays callers on their relati-
ves in this neighbourhood.
Mr. Gerard Geoffrey of Windsor,
was a week -end visitor with his par-
ents and attended the wedding of
his ,brdtheir.
Mr and Mia Napoleon Denomme
of Detroit were week -end visitors in
this community with their relatives.
Exchanged Wedding Vows
On Saturday last a lovely wedding
took ;place in St. Peter's Church,
when Miss Yonne !Corriveou, daugh-
ter of Mr and Mrs. Ed. Oorriveau,
and 1VIr. Alphonse Geoffrey, also of
this Parrish were married, the Rev.
Father Bourdeau of elating. The
bride was assisted by her sister,
Georgtina and Miss Doris Geoffrey,
sister of the groom; while Mr. Ise -
deed Ducharme ' and Mr. Robert
'Bob" Mernorvidge of Detroit, were
beet men for th.e groom. All Deng
suitably gowned for the occasion.
After the ceremony a delicious din-
ner was ,served ;at the reornintoii
House, Zarich fir thirty guests. Af-
ter the toast adds ea:0e of good
wishes were given to tilt bride and
;;`morn, both newt weds ably "answer-' Wear a new plaid skirt from Tudor's
box with stock rack; iron fence posts:
stone boat, Clinton fanning mill;,
farm scales; 2 iron kettles; gravel,
box; 2 post hole augers; 2 steel wat-
er troughs 6 and 8 ft; cedar posts;
sling rope,. chain, etc; forks, shovels,.
chains, whippieltreoe, neckyokes, and
host of other articles. Grain bags..
and sacks; sulky rake; 40-rds. of'
new Frost wire; 1 set of double
mill. �DeLavail cream separator; a swpply. These farms will all be sold
horses 9 and 10 years old; 2 year
old gelding Percheron.
Harness — 1 set of team harness
1 set of single harness; number of'%
horse collars. -
Grain and Hay — 15 tons of mixed
Hay; 500 bushels of Cartier oats; 8,
bushels of Timothy seed, 2 bush. red
clover. .°
Pigs — 18 York chunks.
Quantity of Lumber and Plank,
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer.
gotod rubber tired wagon with slid- ( in separate par.+cels, subject to a re- E. P. Chesney, Clerk.
Lloyd Dbwson,
ed. Sorra little spirit of advise was
p ancon on to bit ;:se, we believe, had
ehos'en to wait a few more yeare be•
fore saying "I will!' There was no
comment from the parties eoneern^:1.
---- The wedding then. returned to the
FOR SALE,1 home of the bride where the et: enin,'
meal *,.'ati :served la feria or nor:,
„o art+l ttiru thMN t`. fir•1
Choice grown omni') grown vt'ir- ' a, as,, tr, t Y T r•t,t eeee :tt.
14 ,1: . •:, r•t,r'ra'Fss, c•ti n:ir,nips,tr ;1. J`, t t•a> > v 1,1,1, .
(�ibbeg,e. Order now. ---Tel. th',..*,,'nri.tlr Hall .r?!rr To well on to
in He.nsatll. They have a full stock
of skirts from sizes 18-44.
Mist Clarissa Mitchell who is a
patient at Victoria Hospital, London
the itesult of a fall she suffered in
her home recently, has had her knee
sap removed and the leg is now in
.cttist. She will he confined to thr'
'lotpit.aI for sotn.e time.
Mt, nry Adkins, who is tore
cloyed Flt the elintor7 Radio School
' eini.ng to troct war time hoose, le
(h lei;rhway 84. ---- ,!Tem', ,,tt'tv?clred or morn, silt*•ntlrri j :.ftttfined t•• his room sufl`erine. with
Nal ., 1 ,,2„zeeeree, c e ,,d verb ,'r-.t"n;.: �ri•t`,• r•r•Ira bad) brtti.+,d the !t'stalt, of n
i,,iarr•. y { leg t
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Save as you 90 with
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You will be surprised how
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And if should you need the,
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Savings Bonds can always be,
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