HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1949-10-27, Page 2.,rw..,..uw..enveeux "Poor Timber" Business Booms -4 Old-timers used to say "there's not an inch of good lumber AP a square mile of it," but forward-looking timber farmers are ready to turn North Caro- lina's old -field softwood trees into profits. The secret is a creosoting process which makes soft- wood timbers last up to 30 years instead of five. Small plants like the one above can turn out 'lip `to 600 fence posts a day, at 65 cents a post. Lumber, erossties and electric light poles are also produced from timber form ecly considered worthless. maw by N SWXBITC I71 a recent issue of Collier's Weekly we noticed a feature article devoted to Luke Appling of the Chicago White Sox. Somehow or ether we couldn't help thinking .of a novel by Somerset Maugham, a principal figure in ° which was an author who became the greatest figure in the British literary world, not because of the excellence of his work, but simply because he bad outlived any of his contem- poraries. { * * Luke Appling is a better -than - fair ball player. His fielding, hit- ting and team play are away above the average. But he isn't the sort of character popular magazines would publish feature articles about except for the one thing. He's the only 20 -year man now regularly performing on any of the 16 teams Which constitute the two major leagues. * * * The fragility of modern baseball- ists, and the ever -lengthening list of players laid temporarily on the shelf by seemingly paltry injuries, leads Arthur Daley of the N. Y. Times to make some interesting comparisons. As against today's stars, seemingly as precious and as easy to injure as Dresden China, he recalls, for example, the old 'Baltimore Orioles, in the era of Jahn McGraw, Hughey Jennings, Joe Kelley and the rest of them. * •* * Those bozos were so tough, ac- cording to Mr. Daley, that they never got hurt; or, if they did, their medication was to spray the injury With tobacco juice -a cure-all which • functioned perfectly for everything from a slight bruise to a broken leg -and continue playing. * * * Those old timers went 9 innings a day, 154 games a year, and twenty seasons or more without drawing a deep breath. One of, the most reck- less stars of all time was Tyrus Raymond Cobb, who continually courted injury on the base paths 1, ,, :.; Favorite Oscar Jtidd Canadian. member of the laplr Leafs, whose pitching an{ Y'ncli-hitting have made him 1prlar figure with the fares a with his daring. Yet the Georgia Peach spent 24 years in the big time; and his batting average in his final season -he was 40 then - was a mere .323. * * * Still, Ty Cobb's 24 years up there wasn't a record. Eddie. Collins was a big leaguer for exactly a quarter of a century and so was Bobby Wallace -and they both played the game for all it was worth, too. k * The first time we ever saw Babe Ruth -he was a pitcher then -we couldn't help wondering how soon those puny -looking underpinnings would snap under the strain of tot- ing around that giant body. His idea of training rules would have never got him an after-dinner pat - on -the -back from Conn Smyth, Tommy Daly or any of the other inspirational speechifiers. Yet the Babe lasted for 22 years; and Rab- bit Maranville, . who was no bigger than a fair -size bat -boy, and who .. also thought that training had some- thing to do with locomotives, kept going for 23. * * 'k (Still, lest you might think that a proper appreciation of malted, spirituous and fermented beverages was an essential of toughness, Rogers Hornsby did more than his share in the majors for 23 years too; arid lie never took a drink in his life.) • * a 5. Your modern mound -artist keeps his salary arm, almost literally, in cotton batting. He practically lives on rub -downs, heat -treatments, electric therapy and the like. Yet a guy named Denton Tecumseh Young boasted, truly, that he never had a rub -down in bis life. Yet all that Cy Young did in his 22 sea- sons of majoring was win a paltry 511 games -a mark -that will pro- bably never be even approached. :k * :k Nor was Cy Young -by any means an isolated case. Herb Pen- nock and Sad Sam Jones were in,, there for 22 years. Walter Johnson Eppa Rixey, Ted Lyons, Red Buf- fing and Waite Hoyt kept pouring it on for 21. Among the 20 -year heavers were such as Grover Cleve- land Alexander and Urban Faber. e * * Others on the lists of old-timers who carried the burden for 20 or more years are Tris Speaker, Fred Clarke, Napoleon Lajoie, Mel Ott, Honus Wagner, Jimmy Foxx, Frankie Frisch, Gabby Hartnett, Al Simmons; Paul Waner and others too numerous to mention; and which one of those would find it too diffi- cult to chisel his way into any existing major line-up? * * * »°It is generally an indication of advancing age," writes Mr. Daley, "when a fellow sniffs scornfully at the modern generation and talks glowingly about the Good Old Days. Yet how can you get away from it? The moderns get too many wound stripes -and too few service stripes." * * * To all of which we, personally, add a very hearty "Amen:" And if we were asked what we think is the reason for it all, we would lay Otte blame directly at the het of your modern baseball managers, ver -publicized u "masterminds" whose every action is 8a deeply and cannily thotight out as the 64th move of a e'hee4-master, your Dur - other's, Southworth's, Boudreau's et al, spend so much time Juggling /incites, and *witchinplayers that air hired help don't get e real thence to develop into stars pos- saasing, not only speed, bldg- the priceless assets of durability end ability to "take It." Motorists Should treat everybody as though they are blind, deaf or defective. Pedestrians should fleas all motorists itis though they are homicidal snaniaes. Then, between the two, we olhotlld get fewer *ec:i- (leaie„ GOES 0° 1lti Tux if _ rNmn6r1Bloit GREAT BRITAIN Anxieties regarding Anthony Eden were dispelled by his appear- ance of perfect health when he turned up in Parliament after the recent recess. 1His collapse while making a speech in the open air, is said to have been nothing but a ' touch of the sun -of which Britain like some other places I could men- tion, has been getting more than its share. The Socialist cause was dealt a rather severe blow a week or' so ago when, in the House of Lords, Lord Milverton, well-known Social- ist Peer announced that he was cutting his connection with the Party. cLASSIFUED ADVERTISING AGENTS WANTED OI.S, GREASES, TIRES turroeucldea, Electric ,Fends Controllers, Dome. end Barn Paint. Roof Coatings, etc, Iieaidre are wanted, Write Werco Grease d4 0 Limited, Toronto In a dramatic speech Lord Mil- verton said that for year i, as • Gov= ernor of Nigeria, he had endeav oured to teach the blessings df ft - dom to a backward people who' had never had any. Now, in 'Britain, he refused to preach the advantages of slavery to a people who hats• ads • ways' known'freerlom. thought. I was taking part in a crusade," be said, "but now I find it has become a rake's progress." There was an interesting time in Parliament when the Conservative$ tried out their strength by moving an amendment to the Finance Actt, calling for a reduction of the stand s and rate of income tax by sixpence,, The Government,'after a tough bat- tle which lasted till the early morn-, ing hours, staved off the attack, and. the standard rate remains at nine shillings in the pound. This means,' that, three and a helf years after; the war, the British people's income tax rate is only a shilling less than., when they were at death grips with the enemy. 0 B2t ilLS FALLHATCHI9D ChClicks,Ctskier pullets f0 weeks to laying. Many breeds to choose from, Free catalogue. Top Notch Chlak Sales, quellih, Ontario. STARTED chicks, 2 week old non -sexed: Bare red Reeks, Light Sussex X New I•Iamnehirea, White Rocks 21,95, New riantnehiree 2100, Light •Sussex 22.96, Assorted Heavies 20.46. Pullets: Barred Rocke, Light Sussex X New Hampshires, New Hampshires $30,95, White 3 ocks, Lht Susex 32,, .95. Cockerep a Barred Rocks. ted LightoavieSus- sex X New Hampshires, New Hampshires, Light Sussex 20.95. White Rooks 22.95, sorted Heavies 20.76. Three week old addA5o per *hick. Also other breeds. Day old 12 Pure breeds and 13 erose breeds. Prompt de- livery. 01der pullets 10' weeks to,laying,, 'awed die Chick Hatcheries Limited. Fergus, Ontario. CHICKS available the year round. Also pul- lets 10 weeks to laying, Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. STARTED chicks -2 week non -sexed: Marred Rock, Light Sussex X New Hampshire 21.75, New Hampahirea 21.25, Light Sussex 22.75, .Assorted Heavies 20.26. Pullets: Bar- red Rocks, Light Sussex X New Hampshires 30.76, Light Sussex 32.75, Assorted Heavies' 29,73. Cockerels: Barred Rocks, Light Sus- sex X New Hampshires, New Hampshires, Light Sussex 20.95, Assorted Heavies 20.75. Three key po tits l5c per and older pullets. .so day Top Notch Chick Sales, Guelph, Ontario. EOR SALE PURE WOOL VALUE Darnel offering ..of pure wool utility ruse. Encllepensable 'tor picnics, couch covers, auto - moaners and that extra blanket, Colors red and black, blue and black, green and black; fringed both ends. Size, approximately 50" x 72". Price 35.95 each delivered. Pay postman that amount only, Provincial taxes 1f any, extra. Money back guarantee, Many ether real values to 2ollow, THE MURPHY GRAHAM CO. Room 115, 952 St. Nicholas, Montreal 1 PO2 SALE -Eagle Tractor with cab, 22-45 in good running condition. Peter Gingertch, R.R. 2, Zurich, Ont. DYEING AND CLEANING HAVE T011 anything needs dyeing or clean- . Ing? Write to us for Information We are glad to answer Your questions. Department H, Parker's Dye Works Limited 791 Yenge Street. Tornnto Ontario Elide%OYA,ENT WANTED SWISS -girl 37 years old wants position in household. Box 49, 123 Eighteenth Street, New Toronto, Ontario, • FARMS FOR SALE 80 -red. BiOldingfarm 42sale. milesfrom Englehart, Clear title. Cheap for cash. Amply Antton Mantari, Englehart, Ont. FOR SALE ALUMINUM ROOFING & SIDING Cross -Crimped Corrugated and ribbed styles, 0 to 10 1t. lengths Immediate delivery from stock. Write for samples and estimates. Steel Distributors Limited, 500 Cherry St.. Toronto. NEW AND USED BULL DOZERS, SHOVELS, HIGH -LIFTS, POWER GRADERS, DITCHING MACHINES, ram TRACTORS, WHEEL AND CRAWL- ER THRESHING MACHINES, 00MBINES, BALERS. WRITE, WiRE OR CALL: MEITER'S M I MACHINERY SALES NC. BEAVER FALLS, LA. OR OHAPEAI0,, Q1)E. THE FAR EAST , There are increasing indications that the "cold war" continues to spread in the Far East. The widely - held idea that the Chinese Com- munists might find it advantageous to keep friendly with the Western democracies, for business and other reasons, received something of a setback in a statement made by Mao Tze-Tung, Ithe Red Chinese leader, in which he hailed Soviet Russia as China's "real ally" to. which he looked for help. In Washington Secretary Ache- son told a House Committee that if Southern Korea did not get speedy help from the United States it might fall under Communist dom- ination before very long. Communists continue to be busy Southesaat Asia and there is evi- dence of their activity in India as well. And some thousands of Jap- anese war prisoners recently re- leased by the Russians arrived home singing Communist songs and apparently under the effect of intensive Soviet training, This, and much more like it, all adds up to evidence of the need for broader activities by countries trying to block the spread of totali- tarian communism. Just what is the SHAVINGS -SOFTWOOD at 20 cents per bale loaded on oars Haliburton. W. 0. BAILEY & SONS, Haliburton, Ontario. HAGSTROM., High -Quality Scandinavian ane accordions or sale. Catalogue sent on request, Write Theodore Hazen, 219 Shoe- maker Ave.. Kitchener, Ontario. (Represent- ing importers of Hagstr0m accordions in eastern Canada.). wjiustaable EEL Chairs special�buil itdsit Bamford -Reg -1s folding, Ltd. Ottawa, Canada. DODGE 46 Truck F,W.D. for ploughing and logging - 41 Ohevrolet Special. Sutherland, Centre le- land, o-land, Toronto, Wa. 1211. - relationship between Soviet activity in Europe and in the Orient is not entirely clear. But. news c'bming from the Far East certainly sup- ports the.,view that Moscow is still working hardon its project of stir- ring up world revolution. THE UNITED STATES One hundred and forty-nine years ago a young man named Eleuthere I'renee du Pont, of the town of Nemours in France, arrived in the United States and began casting around for a chance to set up in business. Deciding that . American gunjepwder was both expensive and inferior, in 1804 he founded a small black -powder plant near Wilming- ton, Delaware. Today the du Pont enterprise has become an industrial empire with total assets of more than one and a half billion dollars. The princi- pal unit produces some 1200 lines of chemical products including rayon, plastics, nylon, cellophane, anti --freeze and Heaven only knows what else. In addition to this, the du Pont family -which operates two holding companies -leas a $560 million in- vestment, which amounts to a con- trolling interest, in General Motors. Iteowns 17 per cent of the United States .Rubber Company, and has interests in other companies manu- facturing tetraethyl lead, ethyl fluid, ethyl chloride and refrigerants. Recently United States Attorney General Tom Clark filed an anti- trust suit in Chicago demanding the breaking -up of the• du Pont empire. He charged that dtt Pont, General Motors and U.S. Rubber • used secret agreements, priee preferen- tials and rebates to stifle competi- tion. The du Pont company denied. that ' its relationships with other organi- zations have been either illegal or detrimental to the people of the United States. The president, Craw- ford H. Greenewalt, whose wife le a du Pont, said that Attorney Gen- eral Clark is attacking "bigness is business as such." Altogether it shapes up as one of the biggest and hardest -fought suits • ever known; and if you live to see it finally settled -well, you might have quite a span of life ahead of you, at that. GLASS CUTTERS set with genuine cutting diamond. A most useful tool around Farm, Home or Summer Cottage. Price 34.10, poet - age paid. C.O.D. charges extra. Dealer prices on quantities, Canada's Oldest Diamond Tool Company. Furniss Clarke and Co. L» sited. 831 Bartlett Avenue, Toront, Ontario, ATTENTION FARMERS! Field drain tile - We are now in a position t0 accept more orders for delivery this season, sizes 3" to 10". Bartlett Tile Yard, cor, Romeo and Nor- folk St., Stratford. Tel. 2384. FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE 1-10' COCKSHUTT grain binder, 1-8' Mas- sey Harris grain binder, 1 McCormick Deer- ing Green Crop hay loader, 8 fork hay tedder McCormick Deering, 1 Fleury 2 -furrow plough, 1 28" McCormack Deering threshing machine. All implements in good Working condition. John Stephens, Roselawn Farm. Richmond Hill. ALLIS-CHALMERS No. 60, 5 ft. combine with straw spreader, windrower, pick-up at- tachment. apply D. M. Butt, St. George, Ont, GALVANIZED steel chain link fencing of British manufacture, 9 gauge x 2" mesh in roll 6'0" high. Stocks available in Canada at very competitive prices. Users or distribu- tors write Lawrence and Newell Ltd., 73 Ade- laide St. West, Toronto, Ontario. MEDICAL PEP UPI - Take O.O. & 11. Tonle Tablets for tow vitality. nervous and eeneral deb111ty. .60c and 51.00 at druggists. GOOD RESULTS -Every sufferer from itheu- mtic Pains or Neuritis should try D1xon'e Remedy. Munro's Drug Store, 385 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. TRY IT1 Every sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Drug Store, 332 Elgin. Ottawa. Post- paid 81,00, INGROWN TOENAILS removed quickly and painlessly, "Nail -Fix" 53.00; "Corn Fla" removes corns In ten min- utes, also callouses -50e; "Wart -Fix" re- moves ugly warts, 35c. Money back guarantee on all three. Sent Post paid by A. Thomson, 363 St. Clarene Ave.. Toronto LADIES ONLT-Get quick and effective relief from painful, irregular periods. 32.00 per box regular strength, $5.00 Double Strength. We pay postage. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Nafer Distributors Reg'd., P.O. Box 234, Outremont, P.O. HELP WANTED WANTED, Registered. Nurses for general duty, 8 -hour day. Apply Superintendent of Nurses, Ross Memorial Hospital, Lindsay. WANTED: General Duty Nurses for 150 bed General manual, 8 br. day, 0 day week. Gross salary 3155 per month, 330.00 deducted for maintenance, Apply stating qualifications, experience and age to Administrator. General Hospital, Chatham, Ontario. FULL or part time, 36% oomnilssion on initial repeat business. A fast selling business service. Income Tax Aids. 1732 Avenue Road, Toronto. • PATENTS FE-LIAItSTONHAUCII & Company t'ateni Solicitors Establtehed 1.1190, 850 Bay Street, Toronto. Ooo1llel of information on request. l'BOTOGRAPIiT FREE 5 It 7 ENLARGEMENT With every roll of dlin developed, One dal service, 26e. Ottawa Film Service, P.O. I30) 126, Ottawa. SALESMEN to sell roof coating, nalnte to farmers, property owners. Selling plan al- low:: you to beat competition. Canadian made. Shipped from Toronto. United Builders 4"o.. 8007 Euclid. Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A. LITE -WIRE salesmen to handle new line of Hand -Painted ties. Sensational fast -selling item. No special connections needed. Sells on eight to consumer. Good living assured. No competition. Rush reply for free catalogue to Oriental Art Studios, 2035 St. Timothee, Montreal, Que. i'LA)HLRS WANTED DARLING Township school Area- require* 4 teacheras duties to commence raexperience. Apply,. stating qualifications, name of last inspector. and eatery expected. to Mach H. Barr, Sea.-Treas., Clayton. Ontario WANTED LOGS WANTED Fresh Cut Hardwood. White pine an* spruce veneer and sawlogs. For prices ant enem Lumber Co.0friol•CanadaoralRwvrite Box 368, and SaultaSts Marie, Ont. WANTED BY AUGUST FIRST I NIGHT SUPERVISOR $180.00 less 336.00, board and single room. Experienced maternity and some operative room. ALSO 2 GENERAL DUTY NURSES 200less 0 sd and single ram. 8days holiday plus 7statutory holldaYe with pay yearly. No broken ehife, 100 'bed hospital. Ideal climate, good conditional. Wire or write. RING'S DAUGHTERS' HOSPITAL, Duncan, British Columbia.. OPPORTUNITIES for MEN and WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER .I0IIe CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages. thousands successful Marvel graduates. America's greatest eyetem Illustrated data loguo free. Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 858 Sloor St. W , Toronto Branches. 49 King St., Hamilton & 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa. COMFORT for believers in affliction sent free for k self addressed envelope. Box 41. 123 -18th St., New Tnronto. Ontario LEARN SHOW CARD WRITING Men and women now have the opportunity to get started in this profitable and moneY- making career. interesting and fascinating 'work. No advanced edu"•ation or experience required. WE SUPPLY 't"t'LL TRAINING IQIT ON ENROLMENT Specially prepared and approved lessons, som- bined •with practical training, enable you to start right in your home, under. the super- vision of instructora with years of experlenoe. Write for full particulars, without obliga- tion.. to CREATIVE. SCHOOL OF ART, 935 Weston Road, Toronto 9 LARGE CCONOMICAI. sirs 65c 17.4 Just inhale the eooth ung, healing fumes, fol quick relief. it's fes' acting! Get a bottle today Try This To CIe r Up Unsightly PIMPLES For quick grateful relief, there's nothing better anywhere at any price than rdOONE'S b1M10RALn OIL to booth. and heal externally -Moused unsightly skin blemishes and lrritatione. If y'Ou are *uttering from any alinple surfnee Apkin trouble and want quick ease and comfort and realega ta, get a omen bottle 01 SNY5itALX) OIL today. Dee as the temple earn' directions advise --satis- faction guaranteed or looney back• Neighbor: "Where is your brother, Willie?" Willie; "He's in the house play- ing a duet. I finished my part first." Special Purchase $4.99 pair Sporty Moccasin vamp Crepe Sole Oxford, rieb Bur- n:ndY shade leather, made en tall fitting comfortable last, sturdily built fore appearance. and tons wear. lrne mediate delivery. Postpaid of Sizes 6 to 11. ia- money order eluding ball sizes or cash cent with order . Mail Orders Filled Hunter -Billings Shoes 1518 Gerrard St. East Toronto. Ontario Phone GE. 5650 OR Pile Sufferers You've ,uieeed out if you haven't tried the . new eclentlile Pyltone Treatment. Liquid Plant Extracts, epeolal Balsams, and Gumso direct to that inner trouble, removing the eauee. It gots worth-. while reenite that Met. Your first bottle of Pyltone proves Me or its price re- funded. Pyltene Treatment, 51.76. Your draggle#. TARPAULIN "Cover It with a Tarp" Satisfaction assured Heavy 15 oz. Waterproofed Roped and Grometed Size Prloe . Size Price 6 it 2 Ai 5,75 10 x 20 ... 824.00 6x 96.50 12x14.... 20.15 7 x 15 32.60 12 x 16 22.00 8.x 10 9.60 12 x 18 25.90 8 x 12 31.50 12 x 20..... 28,80 9x1212.95 14x16..... 26.90 9 x 15 16.20 14 x 18 30.25 10 x 12 14.40 14 x 20 33.00 10 x 1416.80 15 x 20 .. 36.00 10 x 16 19.20 15 x 26 455.00 Other Slane Made op Prices on Request Send $2.00 Deposit For Immediate Delivery 36.0,6. 0.0.D. Toronto Superior Tarpaulin Co. 525 HURON ST. 'TORONTO 2. Ont. PL. 0763 GRI" CAjNA?DA'S FINE51 CIGARETTE ISSUE 29 - 1949 By Arthur Pointer -21111