HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1949-10-20, Page 4MAIM uYT 3 13iITARIO
W. Em R
1 E
: A Girl who its planning
be married?
We Have a 'Free Gift for Her!
• We believe that every bride-to-be,
0 • should set. and hear about our mod-
• ern cooping method that retains the
• natural flavor in the food.
• Our lovely gift ($4.50) value is•
given Free for the privilege of show-
• ing her the newly styled . "Wear-
Ever" Waterless cooking utensils,
• that are not to be seen in any store.
- w There is no obligation to buy. Only
Z , gels that have not yet seen our
equipment are eligible for the gift.
Send •or Phone name's
•' to your nearest distributor.
IMiddr`esex County:
b" • Stevvart, Alba Craig
Huron County:
• D. Campbell, Goderich
L. Cherry Brussels
Waterless Aluminum
Sales and Service '
32 Foxbar Rd. Phone
London, Ont. . Met 349W
cessories and her corsage was of
;:hrysantheums and roses. On their
way they stopped at Brevia Hall,
o London, ca'll'ing on the groom's sis-
ter, "Sister Prisille Therese," from
where they motored to Zurich to the
groom's parents, on the Blue Water
Highway for two weeks. On their
return they will reside in Windsor.
• The new Super -
Cushion is the first
new KIND of tire in
15 years. It increases
comfort«anal safety ...
absorbs shock and
vibration. Coyne in
and find out how you
cam get Super -Cushion
on your car . NOW!
F TONE: 92
Careta"r Wanted
The Exeter District High School Board invites
Tenders for .Caretaker's duties'' at the new school
building, Gidley St., Exeter...
Applicant must hold fourth class papers for
Stationary Engineer.
Applicants -should. state the- anfnai -salaiy-to
include the pay of anyassistants he needs. '
Duties to . commence on. or about DecerUber t
Applications should be addressed_ - to - D.
Howey, Secretary, Box B, Exeter, not later than
October 29th, 1949.
Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted.
Mrs. Sam Hely visited relatives in
ilfichigan recently.
Mr and Mrs. Gordon .Manson of
Dundas and Mr and Mrs. Donald
Manson of Toronto, spent a few
days with Mr and Mrs Newell Geig-
er and Mrs. Manson recently.
Mr and Mrs Reg. Ducharme of
London and Mr and Mrs. Jos. Mar-
tindale visited at the home of their
parents, Mr and Mrs Oscar Duch-
ioiw arane and their brother;Mr and Mrs
Robert Ducharme.
956M Miss A. Heimrieh and some of the
! . pupils from her school gave two vo-
cal numbers at the Bible Society
meeting held in . Zurich Evangelical
Church on Sunday evening. Many
attended the meeting from tihs vic-
inity as well.
Mr and Mrs. Fred Bancroft were
in London recently. Mrs. 'Bancroft
remaining for a few clays returning
with Mr. Bancroft.
sor, became the bride of 1VIr T3fifise • Clover threshing and corn cutting
K. Ducharme, son of Mr and 1V11.§.. is the order of the farmers at pres-
Alfred 'Ducharme of Zurich. The eat
Rev. Fr. Dywer ofFi'ciating.
Given in marriage by her,•,fa+ther
the bride wore a brocaded . organdy
grown, fashioned in a netted bodice,
with long ,sleeves, and a skirt ex-
tending into a train. ` Her 'fingertip
length veil, appliqued with lace .to
match her gown held to the: head in
a wreath of Orange Blossomis, and
carried a cascade of red roses and
Mr. Leo Ducharme, brother of the
groom, "and-. Mr.• Victor Rartmaii;, a
nephew, acted as best men The bri-
desmai'd i were Miss . Maureen and
Patricia Bolton, cousins .of the bride
Miss Theresa Laporte sang, "Ave
Maria" along ..with other beautiful
hymns, which made the ceremony
very impressive...
Dinner Held
After the ceremony a dinner was
held at the "Bellvieu Hotel" where
35 partook of a delicious dinner.
An afternoon , reception was then
given at the home of the 'groom's
Mrd M Joseph Masse of
1ic School Inspector. In brief talkl
Mr. Gardiner congratulated the me-
mbers of the school board, teachers,
on the splendid success of both the
school fair held recently and the con-
cert last Friday night. Following are
the prize winners: hay loader; riding plow; walking-
Recitations: Second grade and un- low ad_, late disc harrow; al in -
der. Connie Corbett 10 Flay; David I t ' ' 14-tatcultivae 4e section Barrows„
Noakes, Billy Shaddick, Hensel]; set farm sleighs; pig crate; wagon
Vocal music, 10' and under, (boys) box with stock rack; iron fence posts:.
Graham Farquhar Wayne Forrest, . stone boat, Clinton fanning mill ,.
Neill Forrest, Hensall; Girls, Jean
Henderson, Marg.'Moir, Joyce Fab-
Hensall. 3rd and 4th grade Gwen
Thuursday, 'Ocbolber ,2Qth,. 1949
eying side rake (like new) ; 41. -11. -
binder, 7 ft. cub (good) ; •Cackshutr�:.•
13 -hoe fertilizetr drill (good); •.r.
dram steel roller; 2 -wheel traiter. anrlr
stock track, top buggy, cutter; farm.
wagon; 16 -ft. hay rack (flat); Deer-
ing mower, 6 -ft. cut; M -H. drop head;
farm scales; 2 iron kettles; gravel
box; 2 post hole augers; 2 steel wat-
er troughs 6 and 8 ft; cedar posts;',,
Spencer, Beth Goddard, Hensall, etc, sling rope, chain, etc; forks, shovels,„.
A number attended the funeral's
of Mrs. W. H. Hoffman and Mrs. J.
Gascho, and Mr. Daniel Oswald held
in Zurich last week.
A meeting of the Chamber of Com-
m!erce was held Monday night with
a good attendance. The cottage do-
nated to the Chamber of Commerce
Agent Retiring
At a railway meeting attended by
83 held .at Y.M.C.A. Stratford, on
Monday rafternoon, A. L. Case, stat -
chains, whiipple1trees, neckyokes, and
host of other articles: Grain bags:
and seeks; sulky .'rake; 40-rds., or
new Frost wire; 1 set . of edoixble
ipn agent -at Hensan whci is after
Horses —:Team. of matched br'own
Ttiesd�ay' eve. Oct. 18th, after 31. horses 9 and. 10 years old;' Z yeasa
years otf'`'seivice 'was resented with l old gelding, Pe'scheron.
' p Harness — 1 set of ,team +harness;
a wallet .and money. -... 1 set of single harness; number of
horse collars.
Sale Grain and Hay — 15 Irons of mixed
Hay; 509 bushels of Cartier oats; 3:
Of Farm Stock and Implements, also I bushels of Timothy seed, 2 bush. red!
Feed Grain, on Lot 11, Concession
10�, Stanley! Township; 5 males north
of Zurich on Goshen Line, on
At 1 o'clock, p.m. 1 E. P. Chesney, Clerk.
IMPLEMENTS — McCormick De- Lloyd Dawson, Proprietor.
Clearing Auction
is expected next week. The -found-
is to be put in by Earl' Dick
this week. The .Community Xmas.
tree committee was appointed cons-;
i�sting of Jas. 'Paterson, Geo. Hess,
Alfred Clark, P. M.eNaughton and
Cecil Johnston. This program •:' for
the children of Hensall .and commun-
ity will Ibe held in the Town Hall,;
on December 17th alt .2.30 p.m.
The treasurer, Mr. J. Irvin re-
ported ion the finances- and it was
decided. to transfer $200.00 more
to idle Community Building Fund.
Had Competition Concert
A competition concert in iconfun-
sister, an its. osep ction with Hensall Community Agric-
Elirose Ave., Windsor, where some t ultryial School Fair was held last
75'. uests attended. Those) that • - ;at- :Friday mght to a crawded hail, under
tended' :the reception were' fronis Zur the 6,f --"Reeve
cliairrnansliap A. W.
lens Dashwood, Detroit, A(linie'ra'jbuis; er ke: Ptulgils of HensallPublic
• anld other points. Sch'oo7; S.S:- 1, and ' �L'' Tuckersm>th,
S S. -10, Hay; S.S. ' 7 Hibbert, took
After the reception . Mr. and,: Mrs : "Dart
Ducharme ,left later for a metsots
roc talbians public speakinrogramg clamax-
at. 'points: eaLnt, the bride tr v :1� ed 'with a spelling match directed by
in ,;o powder blue' Suit, with:nal % c
�� N2 r, G; G. • tGardiner, +Gaderich. Pub -
Pigs — 18 York chunks.
Quantity of Lumber and Plank..
Harold Jackson,. Auctioneer.
A brand new %-ton DeLux Cab
Chevrolet Truck, for immediate de-
livery.—Gideon Koehler, Zurich; Ont.
Phone 191.
A quantity o.£ real nice cabbages
Alcor sale.—Roger J. Bedard,. Phone
93 r 18, Zurich.
An electric Grahenette Range, 2 -
burner with oven, heavy duty. Can
be seen at our home, Earl Gingerich,
Phone 90 r 7, Zurich.
1 pure bred Polled - Hereford. bull
for sale. T. B. Tested. Apply to phas.
S. Bedard, 'Phone 98 r 15, Zurich. x`
rOR SAI.r.
Spy, King, Greening, Snow, "Rus -
.set, Baldwin, Etc. Also cider apple,.
Phone Clintcn 613-24. Fred McCly-
snont, Varna.
on Saturday evening..
Mr and Mrs. Robt.t+D'IeCrae and Mr
and Mrs Emery' Cavers:'of`Meaferd
spent the week -end with rplatiives
here and in Exeter. •
Mr and Mrs. 3. Johnston, a;ndt,Niel
McIsaac of Windsor;` visi'tedetvitli Mrs
Lucinda Mcisaac on Sunday...
Mr and Mrs T. gam riofftgan,
Mary Jane and Sbl'i'biie:were'-vtSitars
with friends in Exeter•.on aunday.
Mr and' Mrs Addison Tiernan and
Mr Ind Mrs Drirfo>rd Mer motor-
ed ' Kitchen g , qn, . • Iso vis-
iting"friends an Ne-w�,x ulg.
IZe' . Hd a Hein it t barna was a
week -end guest at the home of Mr
and Mrs. Ed:''"Stelc1.
iMrs. J Bartley of Romeo, 15'Ficlt.,
Mrs. Ray Howland of Oxford, Mich.,
and Mrsx•. Fred Reetei_' '�ocfeSontia:e '
were Sunday visitors with Mr and
Mr;. T. Ilumpp.
Mrs. T;lurnpp'and Mrs. 1 e11'erman
spent Monday;- in- Kitc'iener.
St. Joseph and Beaver Town
Mr and Mrs. Alex Masse and fam-
ily of the 14th motored to Windsor
on Saturday last where they attend-
ed the wedding of their'son Nelson,
who was married on Saturday last,
Oct. 15th at the Assumption Church
A child's medium blue heavy wool I and pit; now visiting with his parents.
Snow Suit to fit ages up to 2-3 years (IHoneymooming.)
Can be seen at Oesch's Shoe Shore. Miss Yonne Corriveau who has for
the past few years been employed in
London is. now: tin der :tile • parental
roof and••,has resigned her rorrner
Special Anniversary will I position; reasons given later.
he held on Sundays October 23rd in Mr and Mrs Fred Ducharme at -
the 'Evana+elical Church with the 54th I tended ;the wedding of .their son
anniversary of the building of this
church. Rev. Harold U. Trinier,
London, President of the Bantist
Convention t,:f Ontario and Quebec,
will be our guest minister, morning
and (Arenine Special mu ic will he
.offered by the choir.
Rev. H. (ktz i- grit rsi'ns.• a ininis-
t,...isl esti reveries e lei+'•': eesr a few
11i * ,,z„ ,ek
, 1 1*,:. IVO r , i.r.il gild
�.� `...
V-01(.1 ,ri It,.' llt•ii,, i,n l
7<�' rtnar l#r:::: of Zuri'eh visited
ytviF'. ,'Tr and :firs, T. harry Hoffman
Blai 4e, who was married in Windsor
on Saturday last and who are now
on their honeymom with the form.
er's parents for a few weeks.
Mrs. Virginia Den'ornme of the Il.
W. Highway left i;n Friday last to
spend the winter months with her sort
Mr and Mrs. Adolph Bedard.
Wedded at St. Theresa 1=t. C. Church
Windsor, Ont;
:1t a lovely ioublo-ring cerenthrrr:
in St, Theresa's Church, Windsor.
Mat Joyce Theresa Clark, daxghte•
of Mr and Mrs Ernes( (lark, W,nt.
Keep Your Home at Healthful Constant Heat
With a
Marchand Oil Heater
----Greater Convenience!
—Less Attention Required!
—100% Modern in. every Re-
Available'in 3 Sizes ;
To Meet You Personal ;'•Requirements:
Authorized Dealers
Rader & Mittelholtz
HARDWARE MERCHANTS Zurich, Phone. 63:.;
Learning Business Practice
TN Ontario the wheels of industry turfs for the benefit of every single
-a• one of us. Our lathes, dynamos, drill presses, farm combines, tractors,
'business machines, etc. are producing goods and services which earn
dollars. These dollars provide food, clothing, medical care and other
necessities which contribute to our security and high standard of living.
Every single one of us, therefore, has a••very;personal interest in the flow
of a steady supply of trained workers l o industrial plants. These workers
will operate machines which are important to our way of life.
We should appreciate, then, the co-operative efforts of government,
industry and labour in the field of employee training. In schools and in
factories our workers, young and old, are given the opportunity to develop
new and specific skills in every field oa business and industrial. activity.
For instance, every effort on the part of office workers to become pro-
ficient in typing, filing, shorthand and secretarial work, will mean
greater business efficiency --will help to make Ontario a finer place in
which to live and work.
(Mar Way poi Life ItewarNds
Trained rands
Ontario workers know they can earn
more, have executive responsibility '
and enjoy a higher standard of living
in direct ratio to the skills they ac-
quire and the way they make use :.
of them. That's always
true in a free economy •
—that's why our com-
petitive system will
continue to make
Canada great and a
great placein which
to live.