HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1949-10-20, Page 1RICH HERAL i#ablished.1900 ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 20 19 491 ARTHUR FRASER Income Tau Reports Aldon Theatre Bookkeeping Service, Etc. GRAND BEND E x E T E R .Presents for Your. Enjoyment. the .¢$DFM,, .CE:—Core; Ann, V�i1lia+sx Stas. Following Attractions Phone: Exeter 855W, ELMER D. BELL, B.A. BARRISTER - SOLICITOR EXETER, ONT. Wednesday, 2 to 5 p.m.,, at Zurich At (New Twnp. Office) "Zurich Beauty Shop THE HOME OF THE BETTER OIL PERMANENTS Better 011 Permanents Applied the very Latest of methods and Equipment, GIVE US A ALL! einaone 153 for your Appointments, DOREEN SCHILBE--Za rich The 'with Are You Sufferin.g From Headaches? so, Have your lyes izzanitned with e Latest Methofie sad Equipment • M ,L., OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GODERICH -- ONT. Good Glasse at Reassiessfale Prises Friday, Saturday Oct. 21-22 Gene Autry and Champion "RIDERS OF THE WHISTLING PINES" Patricia White Jimxizy Lloyd Douglas Dumbrille Cass Country Boys Gene Roars out of the Skies to smash the Outlaw Lumber Ring Andy Clyde Comedy, Cartoon, and Additional Short Monday, Tuesday Oct. 24-25 "KNOCK ON MY DOOR" (Adult Entertainment) Humphrey Bogart John Derek ,Georges Macready A Great Ndvel brings it's Shock and Violence bo the Screen; Paramount Newsreel and a cartoon NOTICE— I am opening a Barber Shop at my House. A call will be appreciated. Arthur Edighoffer Phone 46. BARBERING Having .opened a barber .shop business in the late Herb Krueger's Shop, .Zurich, I will continue serv- ing the public and will appreciate your patronage. C. "Bert" Carr. • CARD OF THANKS The bereft family. of the Iate 'Daniel Oswald wish. bo greatly thank. the neighbours and Friends for their k ins elsses, anany,,fl;oyiss p'athy. the "ones w'hd loaned their cars,' and all those who helped' in any way, also Rev. H. E. Rappel; intheir resent sad bereavement. dq d ar offinal ultra! ante Private Car Ambulance Service for the Conveyance of Sick and Injured . Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director. MEMBER OF THE. ONTARIO FUNERAL ASSOCIATION DAY O NIGHT TELEPHONE No. 70 D awo d — Ontario EUCHRE . AND opiNeE. The Zurich Woniens' Institute Sponsoring a EUCHRE AND DANCE In the Town Hall, Zurich On are Having. Ladies' Nite The rembees of, the local Lions Club are entertaining their wives the. 'Li,anesses" .to the annual Ladies' Nite this Wednesday evening, which i; being held ate the .Cobblestone Inn, at Springbank Park, London. It looks like a most lovely night, and a good, turnout is anticipated. Special entertainers have been engaged and THURSDAY EVE. OCTOBER 20th. special, Lion speakers will be pres- ent . as part of the banquet program. Progressing Nicely Good progress is being made on the .new arena and !community hall, es for: the arena the foundation pill- ars aro ail in and the stringers also put on and thefirst fluorin b is prac, #ca*; all laid. Just what will be e 'next mgve, we do not know, but 'bhings'`'.have been going along nicely a,4:.e r with much of the labour being gratis, as evenings one can hear the haananers and saws going, as the amen are; all anxious to have as much done Anniversary as possible tbefoee the cold weather c omaes along. The next move like- ly *Ill be to erect the large arches for' the ,arena part of the program, These community cetntres are ice once they are in .place, but it takes a lot sof hard work and many dollars to get 'them there. But sureli this GUEST MINISTER generation can leave something be- hind to show that we lived for more than just self. HAD ANNUAL MEETING •= The annual meeting, of the Zurich Bible Society was held in the Evan- gelical; church on Sunday evening with.'the Rev. Dr. W. 4. MacNiven, Both; the,.new Field Secretary; was present as gueit speaker, and gave a good accpun+t of Himself. He gave a WM.S.. BANQUET bai4f'history of the 'publishing of the The ladies :of St, Peter's Lutheran-eaa(ty 'bibles in England, 'long before Women's Mi eignary . p4ety,. and lam° gerelat �,w .�,:, a la?a, andencoulaged file theme ffrxe s gsathered'� �iht ;d4jrX sl on'�: , ' ; dining room for an infeemal supper former pastor of the Metropolitian meeting ion Monday evening, Octo- United Church in London, a very el- ber •the seventeenth, to meet and equent speaker, and had the undiv- hear Miss 'Francis Dysinger of ided attention of the well filled church Philadelphia, Pa., a devoted 'church who listened to his sixty minute ad - Games start at 8.30 p.m. Proceeds go to •ihe Community Centre. Admission 50 • Cents, Booth for Refreshments ' Desjardine Orchestra in Attendance. Come and have a good time with. your Friends and help the good cause along. Prizes far Euchre. DASHWOOD EVANGELICAL UNITED BRETHREN SUNDAY, OCTOBER 23rd. At 10: sun: and 7:30 p.m. The Rev. Harold U. Triner, Maitland St. Baptist Church, London President kf the Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec Soloist -Wm. Posno,—London. Special Music by the Choir at: Services Board winker. The guests were re- ceived could by Mrs. H. •Mouseeau, and longer. The canvassers have •been '¢'t' Mrs.' I'. Kal+bfleisch. The pastor, appointed and will call on you for Rev. E. Heimrich opened the 'meet- your ann al donation, whit+h will be deceased.. The body mated at 'the King" Salught the meeting to a Toronto 'survive, hi8 only daughter, proud of these two girls who are Westlake Funeral Home, Zurich ease aa,1 a social half hour was ing wirbh prayer, and extended a put to good use in passing on the welcome to all, after which the pre- scriptures'to those lands where they silent, Mrs. George Reichert presid- have not these privileges. The ed. At this time the ladies were reorganization resulted as follows, privileged to hear Mrs. W. Gillespie President, C. L. .Smith, Vice •Presi- of Kitchener, the Synodical W.M.S. dents, the local Clergymen; Sbcy.- •President, bring her report of the Treasurer, Bruce J. Klapp. this W.M.S. of the United Lutheran annual Meeting was .first .planned to church in America, convention, held be held in St. Peter's Lutheran at Grand Rapids, Mich., recently, church, but owing to them having a Mrs. Walter Klinek of Kitchener al- new heating plant installed, which is so spoke briefly. It was with rapt not ready as yet, and the chilly ev- atten.tion that the audience Iistened enings which are now creeping in, it to Miss Francis Dysinger, as she was decided to. hold it in the Evan - told in a winning and convincing• gelid.' church. Two very appreciat- manner of the `consecrated lives of a iv,:e numbers of song were rendered number of Lutheran. missionaries in by the ehildrens' chorus of the Blake Christian service on the foreign Schaal, of which Miss Audrey Heim -- field. Mrs. E. Turkheim graciously rioh is their valued teacher. These thanked all the guest speaxers for children possess most wonderful liar-• their messages and inspiration. The many in their .singing, and much Misses Marilyn �Iaberer and Kather- credit must he ..given to' their teacher ine Kalbfleisch ,fayoured with •piano �T/nmetaQ' last tune• duets and favourite hymn's were sung The ladies of the Zurich Branch at intervals, with Mrs. J. Haberex' of the Womens' Institute 'began their at the piano. The meeting was activities for the fall season by hol'd- cloued with the Lord's Prayer and ing a very succe.�sf+ul meeting in the "Blest ,Be the Tie That Binds" was town hall, Tuesday evening, October sung. • 11th. .A splendid atten&iace proved .OBI i VARY encouraging and keen interest pre - Daniel Oswald Passes veiled throughout the entire program The hand of death came as a relief The president, Mrs. Roche, conduct - to the much sufferings +of Daniel ed the business, then Mrs_ Leonard Oswald of 'the Bronson line, Hay Erb; who was -convenor of the c000- To`+vnship on Thursday, October 13, m+ittee in charge, took the their. She in his 68th year. Mr. Oswald never read a fitting poem "Believe in To - fully regained his health after being morrow." This was followed by an hit with his car by the train at Bads inutrumental duet by Katharine Kalb - en some time ago, and he got a boli fleisch and Maryln H'therer. A shorn and painful infection in his leg which sing song was conducted after which graduallry grew worse as time wenO Mrs. O'iDwyer and Mrs. Turkheim de - on, and ,Complications set in and hci lighted the audience with a duet at passed to the great beyond Thursdalj the piano. Rev. Mr. Getz, of Dash - last. He had been a hardworking marl wood, was introduced as guest .speak- all his life, was born on the old 0s3 era at this time. He chose to tell the wild homestead, where he lived incl ladies of his varied experiences as a died. For about thirty year ne school teacher and how Woniens' In was: an efficient patrolman of tl.e stitutes had assisted' in anany ways Huron County Highway Department toward the advancement of educat- and w•as always faithful in the disc ion in the rural schools. His tall charge of his duties, this he did a- was most interesting and some very long with running his farm. Besides amusing incidents were cited. Kath - his sorrowing wife, the former +,dna spine and Maryln favoured a second Worm, two i.:tors, Mrs. Nelson time with an instrumental and we Worm of Zurich and Mrs. Niven of Ecol Mrs, Turkheim must be justly from where a funeral, service was enjoyed. The :ladies of the 1n,stitute held on Sunday,'Ott, 16, at 2o30 wish to exip:•ess to iNirs. Bender their p.i1m, with interment in the Evangel viexy sincere tiln:nks and appreesation ical. Bronson gine Cemetery. Rev, 11 fcir the splendid and meticulous eons ' E, Itoppel, Officiating. dition of the hall, + 4. + + 4. + + + + + E. ++irk•+++++++44...+44444++14++++++++.0++.0.++++++++++++4 THIEL'S Superior Store NEW SHIPMENT OF LADIES and CHILDREN'S CARDIGANS, PULLOVERS IN ALL SIZES AND SHADES We have a Good Variety of Shades in Bouquet Yarn at present. Pick 'yyour Shades NOW! WE OFFER. FOR TWO WEEKS . ONLY 20% Reduction on all Chenille Spreads EXTRA SPECIAL 6 Only Ladies' All Wool Dressing' Reg. 17.50 for 12.50 FRESH FRUITS. VEGETABLES, GROCERIES EACH WEEK! Phone 140 - C. H. THIEL - Gowns Zurich none 140 C. HAVEL Zurich ch 1 CHESTER L, ,SMITH, PUBLISHER., $1.75 a Year in Advance. $2.00 in U. S. A, in Advance. N O R IVI A' S BEAUTY SHOPPE FOR APPOINTMENTS Tel. 223. Zurich NORMA STEINBACH - Prop. a.rr Prompt Optical Service RAG RUGS and CARPETS On a New Modern Loom, Made to Order -- Seth 0. Amann, Zuricls„ Ont. Phone 128 BY ARRANGEMENT HAVE YOUR EYES EXAMINED AT KINGSLEY ABELL, 286 DUN- DAS ST. LONDON . BRING US THE PRESCRIPTION, WE CAN FIT YOU WITH THE FINEST IN SPECTACLES BECOM- ING FOR YOUNG OR OLD --,PLUS A SAVING— BROKEN FRAMES AND LENSES ACCURATELY DUPLICATED A G. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. Your Blue Coal Dealer Wants you to know A Heat Regulator will pay you. back the cost in fuel saved in one. season, besides the comfort of Auto- matic control'. Ask your Blue Coal Dealer; W. R. DAVI.DSON Pone 10 - Hensen ROE'S VITIMIZED FEEDS 00004)80$40044404114100042/001166 GO WIGS 1 • g • ITelephone: 89 122, Zurich eO••••••••••••••••UM* •66 !••66••••®••QdB•f9q®6 6,111'6p flake Ettntr !out Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Private Car Ambulance Service os• " H til Bed rI a = p and Wheelchair for Rent FLOWERY -FOR : ALE rOCGASMS Day and Night Service Res. or z roce ore Robin Hood Oatmeal, 5 -Ib, Pkg. ......39c Green Gage Plaxms, 2 cans 25c. Robin Hood Cake Mix per pkg. .. _.,...30c Toilet Tissue, 3 rolls 25c Vel with 1 cake Palmolive Soap for 35c '. Popping Corn, two lbs. for ......,...25c Spanish Onions, 3 lbs. for . 25c Salmon, Fancy Keto, 1 -Ib. can a,...39c Menno Oesch - • Zurich PRODUCE WANTED. Phone 165 410110111 Fall r,r' inter Goods Mens,' and Bay's Underwear, Checked Shirts, Men's Pants, Overalls, Smocks and Jackets, Etc. Mens', Boys Rubber Boots, 4 -buckle all rubber Yukon Mens'. High Laced Flexions; Boots, Overshoes and Rubers. FRESH CROCE,t,IES ALWAYS ON HAND THE E BLA. K :1 ST�tE E. Schwartzentruber, Prop. Phone 11-97 4 1 4 • 4 4 4 d 4 4 4 4 1 r 4 4 4 A i 4 4 i 1 4 4 4 a 4 1 4