HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1949-10-13, Page 5ZURICH •ONTARIO 1 KURICH HERALDa orized as second class.rindl, rest Office Department, I.,ttiswa. MIMES CARDS John W. Orchard OPTOMETRIST 11. Main Street — Exeter Open Every Week Day Except Wednesday Phone 35SJ LICENSED AUCTIONEERS Oscar 7KInpp . LICENSED' 'AUCtIONEER. • : *111 sell Anything,AbYtIme; A217- 1 where,. Telephones: Shop 149. Res. 67' Zurich Central • ALVIN WALPER Licensed Auctioneer Specializing In - *Wm and Purebred Livestock Sales "Service That Satisfies" Pk.n57r2. R. I, DASHWOOD E. F. CORBETT l• LICENSED, AUCTIONEER reams Reasonable, Sat1sfaction .• Guaranteed • EXETER, R. R. 1 • Phone 92r7. V.E,TERINAR1A.N gr. W. B. COXON; BN. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON DO* with Residence, Main Street, Opposite Drug Store rissts--96 ZURICH BUTCHERS Zurich& - Popular MEAT. ,MATICET th•• FOR QUICK SALE Let Us-suPPlY Y914).1N114; e 1;000 cords ort12-tineh-liaidwood. 41M•y, _Qoice.ofFre8•MK4lbfleisoh Millesi Zurich. 4-tc ad Mentso,,,BoluguarA4UsaWlli. ; `;`tr----- N FC alwaYsl'is - • ".AMPLE BV1174t) .,t*s,,Ai;Tues- ,1k hawk– KePt fresh in ElearicRefsigemtion daY, .Thursday, Wmdays; 1iy ap- flocohin. tmentc--galbfleisch Mills Z , ur- Higkest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides' um' bfn`c 13[. YungtAllit,.8.80!1 PRODUCE ZURICH NERAL Put Your Want, For .Sie fAL NY LOett Gand. hitt. Ads. in 'Em0 s - -1()E-v Column. Mrs Wm., Dietrich is visiting' her; PIGS FOR SALE sister who is ill at Toronto. Mr and Mrs. Fred Papineau via - 1 have quite a number of Young over the week -end. IVIr and Mi' -"g Brown of Teeswater, visited at the home of their dallghter Mr and Mrs Louis Thiel. Miss Jeanne Hartxnan and Louis Farwell •of the Goshen south,. are spending a week in Windsor and Detroit. The various officials of the' Hay 1VItrtual Fire Insurance Co., held the ited their Blue Water Highway home pig, ready to wean, sired by regist- ered Tam hog and pure bred York sows, All males have 'been , altered. Leonard Geromette, Zurich. FOR SALE 25 New Hampshire young pullets ready to lay, fbr sale. Apply to Wxn. Decker, Phone 81 r 1. Zurich. 0 monthly meeting at Crediton on Sat - FOR : SALE Mr and "qrs. Fred Ducharme of. I ' ' the B. W-. iliglAray are .spendiag a P're41 ' home ' grown: vegetables, week with their children in Windsor cabbage, 'carro-ts, 'bee* cooking on -'and Detroit?: ,- ' ,' .- ions.-L-GeOrgel Bullock, Phone 82r19 ' Mr and Mi -s ' Leonard: . Stetribiith Zurich. * and son Ronnie of London were we - FOR SALE ek-end visitors with his parents, Mr and Mrs. Hy. Steinbach. ' Mr and Mrs Gordon Howald and Choice grown' marsh grown veg- etables; carrot, beets, parsnips, Chinese Cabbage. Order now. —Tel. 92 r 2, urich. On highway. 84. — Wilfred Mousseau. NOTICE Avon 'Christmas gifts sell on sight. Representae needed for Zurich. Write Mrs. M. E. Stock, 551A Queen St. S. Kitchener. • WANTED Bell i& •Sons (Canada- Ltd., Ver- dun, Que., require a ,representative for Huron ,CountY to sell their veter- inary preparations; including Min-0- Vite Iodised minerals, direct to far- mers. Car 'esseatial, conunissiont basis. Apply to, above address'. • ' LOST A White young pig about 604bs. Finder notify Roy McBride, Zurich p . FOR S A-14 E A 1929 Durant tight Delivery truck. Has new paint, new rings and valves, fair tires,• for quick sale! Theo Leibold, one 81-7 Zurich * LIABILITY, PLATEA'GAAS,, t.,,, .... FIRE; 4.AUTOMOBII..E•; ..,FOR CoMbinatiOn Cahlnet.—Apply Herald Office. c General •Insurance - - - IriathMarket or Cii401, Eggs -and Poaltiy • Have Your Eggil:Graorled on our • Ataoh4ATic EGG x'GftADER tr. •.. LeRoy .,,O'Brien; Manager. Phone 101 Zurich Zurich Creamery Your' Home Market for Cream •(17, . Eggs .aMtPoultiY Highest Cash Prices pai"CtpIus preiiifinn for deliiiiiiiicre.aro• Weare quipped to .give effi-' dent !accurate'seryice. ,Egg Paultrr,,.7„depititlierit'4,1; tharge abwi. Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK 'THE LARGEST 'RESERVE HAL?, •ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT., iV.TAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO .. Amount of Insurance at Risk on December 31s.) .1- 1946 • $73,699,236.00 .Total Cash in Bank and Bonds, $444,115.39 Rate- on Application 'SICKNESS HOSPITALliATION, ALL LINES EXCEPT LIFE. Representing well known Canadian Cilevavisa Rates. 'gladly\ qdoted withont: obligat- Sieee4or, HARERER • Phone 161 Zurich, Ont. 'BORN' children and -Mr. Henry Howald were • rrhanksgWing • guests at the home of the latter's daughter,Mr and Mrs, Ken. Crisp, of Loen. Mr and 'Min Clarence Sasebo and Mr and Mrs Curtis Gingerich of the Bronson line we visitors at' Emily Oity, Elkton, Pigeon, Bad Axe, Mich. for a few days last week. , . Mr. Elward •Sippel of Lansing, Mich, gave us a friend'iy call. on Moo - day. Mr. Sippel who as a Zurich old bey, was visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton File of Dashwood. Mr.' Ed. •Sippel.of Lanstng, Mich., Messrs. Wal. Hey, PhilipFassold, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. •Stelek., of Dash wood, called 'at the home 'or Mr and Mrs. Hy. Steinbach of town on Tues- day. • Mr. and Mrs Alvin laastemeyer of Cavalier, North Daketa' and Mr mod Mrs. R. F. Stade of town -were Mon- day visitors at the home of Mr. and Mns. Henry Steinbach. Tike former also visiting with Mr and Mrs. Stade • , Quiet ohday• Monday, Thanksgiving Day was - very .quiet in town, as there was lit•4 tle stir, but not •so in the nesv arena site, there" :was plenty of activity there,' as workmen Ave.re....;ali, it, lard and 'heavy -with .,,,Shovels, and, •others in putting In •ther.00ncrete. ' Much has been7,done.. the past week. :-ad more -still welifk:have .akez.) acCOMP!' lished: ;had: the,: weather '',,.-beert,:rinckre favourable. The boys really, are put ting their •ehoulders to the wheel as the 'saying, goes to get the building well ,under way hefore the cold we.a- ther' erases: '• • ..• .4 . , Free Painpkinsii ".' -Mr. Leonard - GYSOrn'ette hin spirit of Good Will. to the folks of Zurich and sorninunity 14 present- ing any one in, the village with a pumpkin if they, have a longing f(r that good juicy pumpkin pie. Ple wig ;deliver it free pt, chargeai weIl as;giving the tiitt t try 405s. .,they .may call fee ,thesh at, hi q 4,PA310-ppkjs .s . rh4n3r Mr Geroniette good hearted nature ..by helping Mankind not so fortunate-, Arrive Prom British Zone,- /4r. and Mrs: Julian Mantey 'and son Donald of- near- Zurich metered to London last Ttlesday where ,they m4t the train at tlie-C.W.R. Station on whith was the former's brotlier, r. and Mrs. Ewald Mantey and arnaly: who arrived flour ,the British one in:Germany. • The two brothers ave not seen each other for alnict ent years. They are at residence t the home 'a Mr and Mrs. Julian antey at the present time. , We eleime the new t (linens in our midst and hopePeVirkone:wiltlielp to make em. feeNtappyl: wi3READ, on the tab6 tiemeat is riectotyu No moai,ls:eortiplete Withitit plenty qf delitious wholesonie bread. TASTY -NU tats good: and -Is good hearty food for you. Every 'slice a slice of energy - Buy an extra Loaf today—start now to serve more bread at ever; meal. Get your TASTY -NU Break at the Tasty -Nu Bakery or at your local Grocers. • Tasty -Nu • Bakery... PHONE 100 -- ZURICH Nolloosir Nalimisar NOTICE WHITEWASHING & CLEANING. Arrangements can be made Bill Watson • ' Dashwood — Phone 35r19 41111Nrallinglitanglogmimsgm. My Trip tct Europe ,4;('By Rev. Father L. Marchand) , (Continued from last week) (Third Letter) Belfast, Aug, 29, 1949 'On Wednesday, Aug. the 17th, I left London, Eng. ,Crossing the Irish Sea, I arrived at Dubin,- Ireland. All street Markers as also all currencies here are in Irish. The people are making great efforts to learn the old Irish •language. Dublin, .although • a large city, is not impressive. tike - wise are all the villages, towns and other cities of Ireland. They seem drab; '.Jacking • architectural -.beautyf The' old ItiSh country' horriesehewavi er, are very picturesque. They are •very built of stone, and are heated -by' fireplaces. I visited-anany •of them and the •godd woMenewete pleased'to show inearound. .• •thurs.,, Aug. 18.: 'D:day Z.; visited the-selebrated Seminary • of May - month, from which gradriatA :most 0.01e Irish priests, It is a niervele:tia institutien. I.was .ehown ato.u.0 by itePresident, Monsignor Eirrunne. I spent three days:At Dubin. During that time I .saw more priests. walk- ing.Up and down; the streets, than in apy other pertiyd of my life. They gave me the impression that they -had nothing else to do: But perhaps they iWs no tO:n. isPspehun 117: t:1,1 setei syr:19y,lbraido, itos:111( e sign, of the cress wheneVer a .churek, And , everyone, salutes prieet. tg,.itreets' Friday, Aug. 19: This' morning I went on a tour to the Hill of ' Tara, mat sacred to the Irish people:. Here *. Patrick met the pagan Irish .king, and Obtained' permission to. preach Chiisilanity • to the people. From hence also St. PitriCk 'drove- Abe snakes out of Ireland. But the Irish 011 me that there. are Many two legged snakes left among them. Of obitree, we and that to be the case everywhere. Id f Born — To Mr. and Mrs. Herb h Beieng;Orthe Goshen line north, a son, on Wednesday, October 5th.. Bosseub_erry,--, At Strathroy Gen- m brat Hospital on •Tuesday, September .w 27, -to..Mr. and- Mrs: Alvirf-Bessen- berry:of'Grand Bend, a daughter, th PattleiSik Linn. • . • . , .Keep Your Home at, Healthful-. Constant Heat With* 111 a . 11. u 11 B E. F. KLOPP—ZURICH AGENT 111 'Also Dealer in Lightning RocIA and all kinds of Fire Insurance archand Oil Heater —COMFORT- -BEAUTY!"' ECONOMY!, ----Greater Convenience! —Less Attention Required! ----100% Modern in every Re- spect. —Available in 3 Sizes. To Meet Your Personal R.eqiiiretnents Authorized Dealers: Rade' 8z Mittelholtz HARDWARE MERCHANTS - -Zurich, Phone 63 In the afternoon ',took the.rnetion to go to Drogheda, the site -of ,,the battle- of ow Boyne, so deerto the hearth of ali, Orangemen, :Tele King Bilily defeated James .1, a Catholic. Here in St.Peter's R.C. inurCh. • venerated the head of Blessed Oliver Plunieet, the archbishop of the who. was beheaded for his faith. !Sithiday, Aug. 20: An interesting . . sight here are the many carte 'drawn bi.doniteys or small horses. For the fun of it,; I had a ride in -one efthese: The (yowl; men, here . are Contented te'work on farms for 'a dollar', dgy alld board. Sunday, Aug. 21 :.-I zapent-Ae,PdaY with the, Trappist Fathers. 4VBsscroxi 1 It is very beautiful here.. As,I stood at the monastry door; looking toward the Ichurch, Father Fogarty of Mount I , Carmel Ontario walked up to me. That was 'a big surprise for both of us! We hadoleen neighbours prior 0 to my appointment to LaSalle. Thursday, October MI, 1940 Willert Wood •Products (Trade Name Reg.) , OFFERS THE FOLLOWING SERVICES: 't Auto Body Work Cars Spray Painted. .Re -upholstered Crome Mouldings - Door Handles, Window Cranks,' . Autu Glassy. Weather Stripping - Leatherette !and all Auto Body 'Accessories VVamac Refrigerators - Domestic and Commerc- ial, sizes 9 to 26 cu. feet, net capacity. Wamac Vertical Type Freezer, approximate cap. 7 cu. ft; Gilson unit, fully guaran- teed from defects in workmanship and material. MIIISCELLANEOUS FARM" MACHINERY Ezee Flow Fertil- izer Drills, Post Hole Diggers; Carden Tractors; Clean Easy Milkers; Hydraulic Unita, Etc. C. I. L. Auto Paints; Duco and Delux; Polishes and Waxes, etc, WHITS ROSE GAS AD ColLs2-4' We Duplicate wooden Farm Machinery Parts, bring sample. CARS WASHED —POLISHED and WAXED; DUNLOP FOAM RUBBER CUSH IONS. Ivan Willert Zurich Phone 210 -- F For Highest Quality py Co -Op. Feeds ONLY'RE-CLEANED GRAIN USED IN OUR , FEEDS. Hensall Dist. Co -Operative HENSAiL and ZURICH AleillninilMearmsessaassmmlaY WE -'RE READY 'TO HELP YOU , YOUR CAR represents a major investment. It deserves the best of care -and that's what we've ready to give it. Whether it's a complete lubrication Job or just a battery check, we really try to give good, ,thoguRgh Irnpetiai service—the kind that will keep you 03.01110gback• • 4., .t.f. a eead chctzeof7h4,; w .,.;;A4 acfr- Forcier ST. JOSEPH SERVICE STATION COR. No. 84 & 21 HIGHWAYS Has now :Arrived! As the 34 -My is'again Jut : . zuggest you get yOnela.ailyl Work Shoes for Men and Boys. School for every age. 'And a good variety of Ladies' Dress,Shoes, ranging .from $3.95 to $10.95. - In the month of October you will have the privilege of having a Dr. Scholl Specialist at our Shoe Store Do not miss this opportunity of getting your foot troubles remedied,; Watch Adv. for the exact date GIVE US A CALL. • Tues., Aug. 28; Having spent yes- terday on the banks of the, Shannon River ,in Limerick, where all the women seem to wear black arlawTs, now visiteld the Lakes of Killarney, The weather was ideal to bring not the most extraordinary effects of the surrounding beautiful scenery. Ab, so much beauty concentrated in one aints & Varnishes Use 411 $CARFE'S ENDURABLE PAINTS Easy to Apply - "-Hard Permanent Finish Also THE NEW ALMATEX PLASTIC PAINTS I 1.- For Floors, Cellar Steps and other hard-wearing Surfaces : Flite - Shellacs - Varnishes, - Etc, 6 SHELF and HEAVY HARDWARE e - 0 Beaty Washing Machines - Stoves - Furnaces Enamelware - Housecleaning Needs - Radios 1 • re : . spot 1 Plumbing - Heating - Tinsrni,thing OUR AIM: ---TO SERVE AND SATISFY • atars iac 0 clen 3" MAIN ST. HARDWARE STORE PHONE 213 • Wed., Aug. 24: I am now in the City of Cork, where I visited the tomb of the little saint; called "Lit- tle Nellie." Although rhe died at the age of five, she was very extraordin- y 1 sat in her little char, 0m3 w the room in which she died. .sa ."..M€COSWILVIVOtiftW...VICISMOZOIVOMASIMIMI'MVARMASSIXIONIMIMISS"akaMISMANSMIM4 ' (To he centin'..'ed)